The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, December 30, 1892, Image 1

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vol. hi:
Jfa BlizzardsM a Gentle Fall Coyering
our Nortnwest
The Heaviest Known on Puget Sound
Since December I884.
liDHi Paralysed on all Lines Entering-
Hpokane From the Heme ef
the Billiard.
Dispatches from all portions of the
Pacific northwest show that the present
streak of winter" is general, so far as
mow is concerned.
In Portland the fall was over fourteen
inches. Traffic was stopped on car
lines, and walking bad. The snow be
came very deep and the slush was frozen
olid on the tracks about 10 o'clock p.
. Wednesday, and paralyzed the traffic.
The Third, Second, First and Washing
ton street electric lines and several of
their East Mide branches were blocked.
Ko cars could be run, and all that were
at were brought into the power-house.
On the 21st in Salem the snow played
havoc with electric service of all kinds.
The telegraph loop on the depot is a
oomplete wreck. Old poles that carrird
fourteen wires found the weight of wet
now too much for them, rind they fell in
all directions. Electric light, telephone,
W alarm, the Lockwood messenger
vstem and all the local wires suffered
seriously, and, becoming crossed with
Jive electric street railway wires, burned
ut many switchboards and relays.
Tn Otvmnia the fall commenced on
4 the evening of the 20th, and has pre
Tailed with more or less violence since,
It is the beViest since the establish
lent of the signal station there in 1877.
According to weather bureau measure'
vents, five feet of snow fell during the
twenty-four hours ended at 5 o'clock
Wednesday evening, but it is not that
deep on the level. It has become more
olid and has packed dowh to - a thick
Bess of thirty inches.
In Seattle the snow was ten inches
, deep Wednesday evening. The etorm
extended from Skagit valley on the
north throughout southwestern Wash
ington, being most severe in Seattle
Tacoma and Olympia. Tbe snow was
very light on the Skagit, and grew
heavier further south. The tempera
lure in Seattle waB about thirtv-five at
soon and fell to thirty-two at 6 p. m
Vorth of the Skagit a high northwest
wind blew and the temperature fell to
twenty above zero. ,
In Tacoma it commenced Tuesday
afternoon about 5 o'clock and snowed
almost without interruption until noon
Wednesday. The storm is the "heaviest
known since December 14, 1884, when
there was a fall of between two or three
feet. The cable line up hiU has been
kept open, but all the electric lines have
seen stopped since early .Wednesday
vening, though an attempt was made
to clear the tracks during the night.
A bissons, (Jal., dispatch, says snow
commenced falling early Wednesday
morning. It continued all day, with
strong south wind. The prospects were
for a big storm. All reports agree that
the storm was remarkable for sudden
ness. On the morning of the 20th the
barometer all . over Washipgton and
Oregon was higher than usual and lower
in California, and 24 hours later there
was a complete change, and the area of
high barometer moved eastward at an
unusually rapid rate, jumping trom the
average of ironies to 100 miles per hour.
The storm was felt, more in western
Washington and northwest Oregon than
east of the Cascades.
The only quarter from which anything
like a blizzard is reported was by trains
reaching Spokane from the home of
blizzards easterly. Trainmen report the
weather east of Spokane terrific. It is
old and of a blizzard character. The
now is not deep on a level, but wind
has drifted it badly.
V-' What a gruesome feeling of mingled
, awe ana dread will skate around in the
: vicinity f Mr. Cleveland's wishbone
when he la iafonsod that the demo-
aratlf editor of Kansas kar formsd as
KZraaaiTO, flimalva defensive alli
. a4 will aaafc tkoir alaLau tar
The Coal Mines nf Katern Oregon Dls
enssed as to Values.
Fifty thousand copies of the book
Resources of Oregon, have just come
from the press of the state printer. The
volume consists of 230 pages, and treats
of the resources of Oregon as a whole by
counties separately. There are special
articles on timber, soil, mineral, dairy
matters, etc., and much statistical iufor
iiiation. Of coal in Eastern Oregon the
following appears: "Throughout that
portion of the John Day Valley where
tertiary rocks are found, coal indications
are numerous and some very promising
locations have been made thereupon
Tbe comparative inacessibility of the
country, however, has debarred every
effort to work them, and the same cause
will undoubtedly retard their develop
ment for a long time. A railroad is im
peratively necessary to open up these
deposits. The quality of the coal is
good ; equal at least to the well-known
Koslyn coal which is" thought to belong
to the same geological formation. These
coals are emphatically steam or heating
coals, free burning like all tbe Oregon
coals. Other localities where coal is
found are not rare in Eastern Oregon
but none are at present worked, nor are
they likely to be worked very soon, with
the exception of the coal bed not far
from Pendleton, which has of late at
tracted a great deal of attention."
In this volume the subdivision of
Eastern Oregon occupies two pages and
in the subdivision of counties each
county is written up at considerable
length, as follows :
Baker Two pages by C. W. James
president of the Baker city board of
Crook One page-, compiled from var
ious sources.
Gilliam 1 wo pages bv the executive
committee of the Arlington board of
Grant Two pages of general informs
Harney A page and a half of statis
Klamath Two pages bv the southern
Oregon state board of agriculture.
Luke Three and a halt pages bv the
Lakeview board of trade.
Malheur One page ' of statistical
matter. . 1
Morrow Three and a half pages from
the Oregonian of April 15th, 1892.
Sherman Two pages from the pen of
ti. W. Ingalls.
Umatilla Six pages from the East
Oregonian of January 1st, 1892.
Union A three page general write-up
Wallowa Three pages of countv his
tory and statistics.
Wasco Three pages by Maj. Q. W
Correspondence of Dalles Citjr People
With Headquarters.
The following correspondence will be
read with interest : ' . " ;:-
The Dalles, Or., Dec. 7, 1892.
Hon. J. H. Mitchell, TJ. 8. Senate,
W ashington City, D. U. :
Dear Sir: Kindly inform us of tbe
present status of the contract for the
completion of the cascade locks. How
early will operations probably com
mence under said contract?
Sincerely Yours,
Guo. C. Blakeley,
County Judge,
Thos. S. Lang,
8. L. Bkooks,
J. H. Shehae,
Linus Hubbard,
M. T. Nolan.
The answer comes direct from the
office of the chief of engineers,' U. fS.
army, and is as follows :
Hon. John H. Mitchell, U. S. Senate,
Dear Sir: I have received your letter
of Dec. 13th, inclosing the letter of Dec.
7, 1892, from certain of youT constitu
ents, inquiring as to the status of the
contract for the completion of the cas
cade locks. The bids for this work were
opened on November 15th, 1892, and J.
G. and I. N. Day, of San Francisco, Cal.,
were tbe lowest, and their bid has been
accepted: Of this fact Maior Handburv
was informed by telegraph on December
8th, 1892, and no doubt he has duly set
about preparing the written instrument
for signature of himself and the other
parties. The contract when signed will
be sent here for approval, and, "if found
in proper form will be approved, and
Major Handbury will at once lie notified
by telegraph of that approval, when the
contractors may at- once begin their
preparations for work. Verv respec-t-
iuiiy, your ooeaient servant.
Jno. Y. Casby,
Brig. -Gen., Chief of Engineers.
Feed tbe feathered sougsters. They
are now very tame, and everybody, boys,
girls, and older people ; should see to it
that do harm comes to them. Aa Mr.
Pflnger, the secretary of the association
in Portland which has been to consider
able trouble and expense to import song
birds to Oregon, says: "The weatber
is very inclement, and the little feath
ered warblers are hard pushed to find
food. The members and officers of the
association will be placed uoder obliga
tion if people will cast oat about their
doorsteps aad back yards cnmbsend
other kinds of food, m thai shoal d aay
of their imported soacsters visit their
prewuea they will Had a veieease ana
Strang Opposition to The French Syndi
cate Pretensions.
The Broad Hand of Uncle Samuel Will
Interpose Objections.
It Is Thought That Spain Will Not Re
linquish The Plan . Without a
Straggle. .
Special to The Chrohiclb.
Washington, Dec. 23. It is now un
derstood that something besides cholera
is vested in the mission of Senator Du
Boise to Cuba. It is reliably reported
that the United States government will
interfere with the scheme of Cuba to
farm out its customs revenues to a
French syndicate, which has long been
bidding for the privilege. It has been
rumored for some time that the Spanish
government was anxious to lease the
Cuban custom house at a good figure,
but the details of tbe negotiations about
their progress were kept a profound
secret. It now appears that Secretary
Foster, some time since sent a diplo
matic note to the authorities at Havana,
warning them that the United States is
strongly opposed to their plan of farm
ing out the Cuban custom house in the
manner above described. Mr. Williams,
consul-general - at Havana, who wag
recently in New York on leave, returned
to Cuba, before the term of his vacation
had expired. It is presumed that he
carried with him the note of Secretary
Foster to the Spanish government. The
action of our government in this matter
may occasion an interesting and im
portant con tro very, as it is not probable
that Spain will relinquish its plan of
farming out the Cuban customs without
a struggle. The profits to be obtained
by such an arrangement, would it is
claimed be verygreat. It is thought that
Senator Du Boise will succeed in con
vincing the Cuban authorities that it
will be to their interest to relinquish the
plan proposed. .
The Railway Remoastranee.
The Pendleton E. O. treats the Urion
Pacific railway remonstrance to an open
river aa "a suspicious document." There
is nothing at all suspicious about it ; its
meaning is unequivocal ; and unerring.
The E. O. quotes the remonstrance and
says: "Presumably, persons interested
in keeping tbe river closed are doing
this work. The petitions came from
Portland and bear the 'ear mark' of
certain corporation attorneys. The peo
pie should recuse to sign them as it is
plainly an effort to put off opening the
river. The same influence at work cir
culating these petitions have kept tbe
government work at the cascades drag.
ging its slow length along and controls,
to a large degree, the efforts of Oregon's
representatives in congress. The peo
ple need expect no help from congress
and may look for an open river only
through a state appropriation which
should be made by the next legislature.
Oregon can open the river and make
certain nxea charges which woul'l pay
the expenses of operating the portage.
Tbe circulation of these petitions bo
enemies ot an open river is convincing
evidence that the people are on the
right track in seeking state aid for this
purpose. The people of The Dalles are
awake to the importance of an open
river having had a taste of its benefits
frcm a state appropriation made by the
last legislature and well applied in free
ing the lower river at the cascades.
This has proven the feasibility of state
aid, as weW as the practicality of it. The
people of Eastern Oregon demand of the
state legislature 'an open river' and
nothing but corporation influence can
prevent the legislature from granting it.
We shall see what we shall seel"
The report that George Gould thinks
of becoming the proprietor of a great
racing stable is probably merely a stock
rumor a livestock rumor, so to speak.
Aids to education should be as free as
education itself; and a law providing
tree lexi books wr eur ncn ana poor
like, would, we believe be la every
way desirable aa ojist with the ap-
Pitthbdkg,- Pa.,. Dec. 24. The official j
figures given show, that there are 218
families without means of support in
Homestead, which, reckoning five to a
family, gives a total of over 1,000 people
without proper food, clothing or fnel.
The Press of this city commenced the
movement for the relief of the women
and children of Homestead, believing it
better for the people of Pittsburg to turn
their attention to this instance of dire
need than to trouble themselves about
tbe morbid i disputes. When the cry
rolled across the ocean from Russia and
Germany that the people of those coun
tries were starving, we sent relief ships
at once.' Should we evince less sympa
thy for those who are dying for food and
warmth at our very doors? This is not
an appeal for strikers. The strike has
been over for weeks. The simple fact is
that there is no work for hundreds of
men, who, have, rightly ' or wrongly,
been drawn into a controversy that has
resulted in such suffering to their
families. '
It matters nothing what has brought
tbe helpless families to their present
desperate condition. The fact that
stares us in the face -is that babies are
crying to their mothers for food: that
their poor little hands and feet are
chilled in houses where there are no
fires : that 'women are clasping their
wailing babes to hearts from which pri
vation has already starved out nourish
ment; that the bread-winner walks
hopelessly about the streets, and re
turns to hia home in an agony of hope- j
leasneas to witness the Buffering that he '
cannot alleviate. The women and chil
dren of Homestead have been reduced!
to distress through no faultof theirown.
They have been made to suffer through
industrial complications such as may
break out in any community at any
time. There is no maudlin sentiment
in this movement for aid for the Home
steaders. It is an enterprise to feed
and clothe the hungry and ill-clad,
leaving their sins, if they had any, to
the Power that is generally admitted to
have the best right to pronounce judg
ment on the erring.
Hood River Valley Experiences Accord
- - . injf to Seasons.
A private letter from Hood River, 21st,
says the whole face of the valley is bur
ied beneath eighteen inches of "the
beautiful.' The writer says : . "It looks
now as if we were going to have a hard
winter in this latitude. If tbe storm
keeps on, as it gives every prospect of
doing, I will have no means ot egress or
ingress except by snow shoes. Hood
River is a fine place to live in, but tbe
winters are not so charming to me as
the summer mouths. A snow storm
like the present one makes me verv
tired. It was here that Tyler Lockwood
came in 1870. He was delighted with
the climate and scenery. He entered a
claim over on Hood River and built a
comfortable cabin. A charming view of
Mt. Hood was bad from bis cabin door.
The grand old mountain seemed at times
to be within a stones throw. He sent
his family to tbe much in the fall, and
sent with them two men to get up wood,
and hunt,' and keep the family in meat.
Along about the middle of December it
began to snow, and it snowed and
snowed, as only it can snow in Hood
River valley. The family saw nothing
much but snow till spring, and when
the warm Chinook had bared tbe ground
sufficient for traveling Mrs. L. and the
children went to. Portland. Lock used
to say that after bis wife's experience on
Hood River ranch she could never be
persuaded to again look at Mt. Hood.
But when gentle spring comes,
and the flowers bloom, and the Meadow
Lark gives h's sweetest note, and the
ripening fruits appear, we will vote
Hood River valley a great country, and
give the intending immigrant a great
fill as of old.".
Advertised Letters.
Following is the list of letters remain -tng
in the poetoffice at Tbe Dalles un
called for, Saturday, Dec. 17th, 1892.
Persons calling for same will give date
on which they were advertised :
Abbot, J - ' Williams, F
Bananard, J ' Barger, W W
Barkher, Charlev Bradley, J L
Benthall, H C " Bordon, L M Mrs '
Braum, Maud Miss Burnham, L M
Dras, Emma Miss Dimky, F
Fagaa, Joseph
Edwards, Fred
Filbanm E Wm
Goelner. H
Josey, F N
Kerley, PJ
Leacey, Lillie Mrs .
Morgan, Miss Ea
McReynolds, E H
Quirk, Laura Miss
Glaveys, M M
Johnson, Mr Jr
Joslyn, Ed
Kienday, W
Mieres, Max Mrs
MeAtee Wsa
Olson, N
Renfrew, O H
Sterling, John
bherwoodMi V
Stout. Frank .
Taylor. William
wrner, Susan Mrs Walker. A
Williams, Bert
M. X. JIOLAM, r. Ml.
The only 3-story, lire-proof brick
building i the city, now occupied f
GaadaH 4 Buryet, for rent. For furstai
ntrtiaeJars inquire of Team Kelly, at The
Secretary Tracy InterneiM Aoont the
J Speed ofHorses.
Reasons for his Belief Tbat tbe Time of
'oo Wonld be Beaten.
What has Been Achieved This Tear Is
Due More to the Animal Than
to Anything Bis.
Special to mm Caaomeui.
Washington, Dec. 24. Secretary
Tracy in an interview last evening upon
the subject of low records made by trot
ters this year said: "The American
trotter is a marvel of endurance. When
I predicted, in 1890, that within two
years 2:06 or better would be made, and
that in ten years a horse would be found
that would do the mile in two minutes
the proposition was . received with
amazement ; but 2 :06 has been beaten
within the limit, and I shall not be at
all startled to hear at any time within
six months that the two minute trotter
has arrived. Ten years ago Mr. Wallace
maintained that 2.10 was about the
limit of his powers. The reason for the
faith that was in me then is tbat horses
at the trot, even at that time, bad in
some portions of their beats or trial
shown a two-minute gait. I took it for
granted that the breeding of our light
harness horses would gradually improve,
and that it was only a question of time
when a horse would be bred that could
carry for a full mile the rate of speed
shown in au eighth or a quarter, as the
case might be, of a two-minute clip
Dial think it necessary 1 could name
a score or more of horses that have
shown a speed in quarters and halves
tbat if maintained for a mile would
have solved ' the two-minute problem
beyond question.
..The improvement in driving, shoeing,
harness, tracks and sulkies have contri
buted something, but in my opinion not
as much as some persons maintain
Horses, as I have heretofore stated,
years ago, when al the accessories were
crude, showed marvelous speed for short
distances. Now, with this fact in mind,
it must logically follow tbat the borse
himself is the main factor in the lower
ing of records. He is nearing perfection,
Mind, I do not say he has reached it by
qute a number of degrees, but the light
harness borse is gradually approaching
the goal, and whatever ban been achieved
in 1892, the most sensational period in
the history of the trotting horse, is due
more to the improvement of the animal
than to anything else tbat can be named.
In answer to tbe question as to
whether or not Mr. Tracy would return
to the rants of tbe breeder ai'ter the eT
piration of bis term as Secretary on
March 4th, the reply was: "Ko, I am
not rich enough to breed boises again.
Horses sell at too li'gh a figu'-e to meet
the size of my purse. I shall return to
mv profession of the law, and if that
shall fail me well, then I guess I can
write for the lio-ee papers and mate a
living in tbat )ioe.:
Keep It Movlns;.
Heppner Recoid. The ' subject of
good roads is being pretty thoroughly
discussed by our exchanges, and a better
subject for agitation could not be sprung
on the people. W bat this coo nty wants
and must have, is .better public high
ways, and the sooner we get tnein, the
better. Let the good work go on.
' An Att Illastratlen.
Astorian : We get the cheering new?
in oar telegrams today that the Bn'gga
trial wi' I spin ont for a good while yet.
These bitter controversies, that have
occurred so often of late, are to remind
one of the definition of tbe schoolboy,
who ead that the heathen were,' "people
tbat didn't figbt over religion."
Highest of all in Leavening Power.-
w r
How the Blockade Has Been
ag-ed" Sympathy Expressed.
At Hood River Thursday night, when
it was found tbe train could not get to
Portland, passengers inform us that the
U. P. R. officials instructed the con
ductor to disembark his passengers,
and back up to The Dalles. This the
passengers flatly refused to submit to;
and after tenaciously holding their
places in the cars all night, tbe train
was backed up to this city yesterday,
and remained in tbe yard until nearly
9 o'clock last night, when the "gener
ous" corporation officials decided to un
load on The Umatilla, and pay the hotel
Then it was that the train bauled
down and the passengers were soon
snugly stowed away for the night, alter
partaking of a wholesome supper, which
some ot them appeared to be sadly in
need of.
After breakfast this morning a train
of ten cars was made up, including four
passenger coaches, two Pullman sleep
ing coaches, two baggage cars' and two
fast freight cars, headed by three light
locomotives; into which the passengers
again embarked, and at 11 :15 pulled out
with a hope of reaching Portland tonight
For the relief of the passengers only
we hope they may succeed ; but so far
as the company is concerned, they are
notentitley to one spark of sympathy.
The management in this affair, as in
almost every thiug else connected with
the operation of the road here, have not
shown the slightest degree of common
sense. They have not paid the least
particle of attention to tbe necessities of
the conditions which anybody but a sim
ple minded idiot might expect. This
statement is verified by tbe empty condi
tion of their Dalles City coal sheds, and
by the fact that their rotary snow plows
were hundreds of niih-s away, and were
not sent for until tbe blockade was upon
When the Oregonian gets here we ex
pect to be informed tbat these ' pet"
mauagers have nearly killed themselves
trying to open trie road, etc, that Gen. .
This and Gen. Tbat have contracted
death dealing colds, and are lying at the
point ot jdeatb, perhans.'from tbe effect
of their acrobatic feats, ad their heTU- '
lean struggles with the monstrous blir
zard ;' which was nothing more nor less
than a gentle nnow storm sent upon us
by a benificent Providence, for the ben
efit of the very same people, in this In
land Empire, whom this monster cor
poration grind to the straits of poverty
annually by their extortions in freight,
and passenger fares.
No, for the TJ. P. R. Co. there is not
one word of sympathy wasted in JLhe
Dalles. The company is in no way de
serviug of it.
Real Estate Transfers.
State of Oregon to Edward G Jones,
n)4 of ne3 and swl of ne" and ne1 of
nw iu sec 35, 1 1 s r 8 east. Consider
ation $200.
W P Watson and others to J. A.
Soesby, lots 15,16 and 17 in b'ock 1,
town of Waucoma, Hood River. Con
sideration $500.
John R Harvey to W H Wilson, lot K,
block 17, Fort Dalles Military Reserva
tion. Consideration $500.
Geo. Watkins and wife to D. M. and
J. W. French certain property in Bige-
low addition.
J. W. Johnson and wife to Ralph Row
land certain property in sec 4 t.
W A Davis to J I West, n of sw
of sec 13, t 5, 8 r 5 east, 80 acres. Con
sideration $150.
T L McCartney and wife to s Paulas
Limerotb, nw sec 6, 1 2 s, r 14 east.
m. Consideration $350.
H Herbriog and wife to same, s e
sec 32, 1 1 s, r 14 e, and s J$ of e M. and
e of nw i, sec 32, 1 1 s, r 14 e, 320
acres. Consideration $2450. '
At the residence of the bride's
parents, High Prairie, Klickitat rountv,
Dec.rJ2ud, by Rev, J. C. Bake', Mr.
Corwiu S. Shank of Seattle and Miss
Jennie N. Baker, daughter of tbe offi
ciating clergyman.
Hosts of friends in The Da lies extend,
joyful greeting to the happy couple,
whose circle of acquaintances here is ex
tensive and deserved. '
Latest U. S. Gov't Report .
iWn L A U H T1 JD
caw uses
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