THE DALLES WEEKLY' CHRONICLE, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1892.' THERMOMETERS ARE MANUFAC TURED WITH GREAT CARE. The j Are Mado Very Accurately, and. Thongh Quickly, Pass Through Mine teen Palm of Hands The Different Processes f the Instruments. 1 The making of a thermometer may be cither a delicate scientific operation, or one of the simplest tasks of the skilled tnechanic, according to the sort of ther mometer made. With the extremely sensitive and minutely accurate instru . ments designed for scientific uses great care is taken, and they are kept in stock -for months, sometimes for years, to be compared and recompared with instru ments that are known to be trustworthy. Bnt so much time cannot be spent over the comparatively cheap thermometers In common use, and these are made rap idly, though always , carefully. The method of manufacture has been so sys tematized within a few years that the very cheapest thermometer should not vary more than a fraction of a degree from the correct point. Whether the thermometer is to be charged with mercury or alcohol; wheth er it is to be mounted in a frame of wood, pressed tin or brass, the process is substantially the same. Mercury is generally used for scientific instruments, but most makers prefer alcohol, because it is cheaper. The alcohol is colored red with an aniline dye which does not fade. The thermometer maker buys his glass tubes in long strips from the glass fac tories. The glassblower on the premises cuts these tubes to the proper lengths, and with his gas jet and blowpipe make3 the bulb on the lower end. The bulbs ore then filled with colored alcohol, and the tubes stand for twenty-four hours. On the following day another work man holds each bulb in turn over a gas jet until the colored fluid, by its expan sion, entirely fills the tube. It then goes back into the hands of the gfkss blower. He closes the upper end and tarns the tip backward to make the lit tle glass hook which will help keep the tube in place in the frame. MARKING THE TUBES. The tubes now rest until some hun dreds of them, perhaps thousands, are ready. Then the process of gauging be gins. There are no marks whatever on the tube, and the first guide mark to be made is .the freezing point. 83 degs. Fahrenheit. This is found by plunging the bulbs into melting snow. No other thermometer is needed for a guide, for melting snow gives invariably the exact freezing point. This is an unfailing test for any thermometer whose accuracy may be suspected. But melting snow is not always to be had, and a little ma chine resembling a sausage grinder is brought into use. This machine shaves a block of ice into particles,, which an swer the purpose as well as snow. When the bulbs have been long enough in the melting snow a workman takes them one by one from their icy bath, seizing each so that his thumb nail marks the exact spot to which tho fluid has fallen. Here he makes a scarcely perceptible mark upon the glass with a fine file, and goes on to the next. The tubes, with the freezing point marked on each, now go into tho hands of another workman, who plunges them, bulb down, into a vessel filled with . water kept constantly at 64 degs. A standard thermometer attached to the inside of this vessel shows that the temperature of the water is correct Another tiny file scratch is put at 64. . Then a third workman plunges the bulbs into another vessel of water kept constantly at 96. This is marked like the others, and the tube is now sup plied with these guide marks, each 33 degs. - from the next. A small tab is then attached to each tube, on which its number is written for, owing to un avoidable variations in the bore of the tube, each one varies slightly from the others. MARKING THE CASES. With its individuality thus established the tube goes into the hands of a mark er, who fits its bulb and hook into the frame it is to occupy, and makes slight scratches on the frame corresponding to the 33, 64 and 90 degree marks on the tube. The frame has a number corre sponding with the number of the tube, and the tube is laid away in a rack amid thousands. The frame, whether it be wood., tin or brass, goes to the gauging- room, where it is laid upon a steeply sloping table, exactly in the position marked for a thermometer of that size. ' The 32, 64 and 96 degree marks must correspond with the marks upon the table. If they do not, the error in marking is detected and the frame is sent back for correc tion. A long, straight bar of wood or metal extends diagonally across the table from the lower right hand corner to the upper left hand corner. On the right this works upon a pivot and on the left it rests in a ratchet, which lets it ascend or descend only one notch at a time. That notch marks the exact distance of 2 degs. With the three scratches already made for a basis the marker could hardly The marks made upon the frame or case are all made by hand with a geo metric pen and India ink if the frame is of wood, and with steel dies if it is of metal. The tube bearing the correspond ing number is next attached to the frame, and the thermometer is ready for the market without further testing. Some makers use only two guide" marks, but the best makers use three. In the process of manufacture the ordinary thermometer goes through the hands of nineteen workmen,, half of -whom are often girls and women. Some of the larger concerns in and near New . York produce several hundred thousand instruments annually, and on every one of them the purchaser may see; if he looks closely, the tiny file scratch on the arlasa at 32. 04 and 96 degree marks or somewhere near them, as different mak ers use different points, New York San. J I ' ' , A Clever Colllo. . , - ! T. Sidney Cooper, the English animal I painter, says that he often mado valua ble studies in Cumberland at places where Scotch drovers halted with their I cattle for the night. . On such occasions j ho often had a chance to see illustrations j of an animal's intelligence as well as of j its physical perfection. . I One day when there was a pouring "rain a man consented to sit for mo at tho bin where 1 was staying. He brought his collie with him and both of them were dripping wet, so he put off his laid and laid it on tile floor by the dog. 1 made a very successful sketch of the nan, but before I had finished it the dog grew fidgety with the wet plaid, and his master said. "Tak it awa mon; tak it awaT The dog took the end of it between his teeth and dragged it out of the room. After I had finished the drover's por trait I asked him if he thought his dog would lie quiet for a time, as I wieheil to sketch him. "Oh, yes, mon," he answered, "he'll do anything 1 say to him. Watch! Watch!" he called, and then "whustled" for him, as the Scotch say. As the dog did not appear we went to gether to look for him, and found him sitting before the kitchen fire with the end of the nlaid in his mouth, holdinar it I up to dry. I expressed my admiration of his intelligence, and the master re plied: "Ah, he's a canny creature, sir! . He knows a mony thing3, does that dog, sir. But come awa', mon; the gentleman wants to inak' your picture." So we returned to my room, and the handsome collio sat for his portrait. Chicago News. C Mrs. Astor's Lingerie. The cedar chests in the Astor mansion which contain the superb underwear of the queenly Mrs. Astor are perfect house hold ornaments in themselves, with deep engraven gold lockers with the initial "A" wrought in finest carving upon its surface. Inside the chest, neatly folded in webs of choicest linen, are the dainty garments of society's queen. Each week, as they leave the ironing sheet, they are laid within the chests to await the bid ding of the owner. Every article of this superb wardrobe is stitched by hand, and no materials but the purest and finest of linens and cambrics are used. They are all -elaborately trimmed with lovely point and duchesse laces, and, the initial "A" is daintily embroidered on every article. hi the same orderly manner Mrs. As tor arranges her footwear, which is equally .is exquisite; only the cedar chests have apartments molded in which each slipper and boot fits perfectly and keep3 iis shape. By the way. Mrs. Astor has a very pretty foot for an old lady. Her ankles are small and shapely and her toes are extremely narrow. Her daughters, Mrs. Coleman Drayton and Mrs. Orme Wil son, have neither of them such pretty feet, and they are eternally envying i heir mother her beautiful feet and a.!.nv. ments. New York Cor. Pittsburg 13'in- patch. ' " i Charles Dickens and the !i-;. "Every one remembers Dan Dro ma- han, the old sexton of St. Patrick's," I said Mr. H. A. Preston. "JJan had a little dog, a homely cur, with the most plebeian blood in his veins, but a re markably clever animal. He would fol low the sexton everywhere, and the only way to restrain him was behind closed doors. One night about twenty-three years ago Charles Dickens gave a read ing in Carroll hall. Dan was on hand to look after the hall, rigged in a dress coat out of deference to the great occa sion. He had forgotten the dog. but the dog was on hand. "In one of his readings the great nov elist came to this passage, ' "Bow-wow-wow," barked the little dog.' ' He gave it a realistic rendering, and almost with his words came a responsive and lifelike echo, "Bow-wow-wow." There stood Dan's little yellow cur, directly in front of Chief Justice Chase, and before the great men of the nation, mocking their guest. Dan dragged the dog out, terri bly mortified, but Dickens said it was one of the finest compliments he ever re ceived." Washington Post . No lxcue or Late Hours. There wonH seem to ba tio excuse for the late hours w!jic!i society prescribes for its ceremonies. Late evening par ties for children are admitted to bi in jurious. But we are all children . or ought to be. so far its the laws of health are concerned. We do -not, as many think, by age earn a right to violate the laws of health. Nature take3 pay for it in one way or another. One difficulty at the foundation of our social life is that we do not admit amusements as necessary to our lives. We do not set apart time for them, but insist, if forced into them by fashion, upon taking them out of time that ought to be given to rest of mind and body. The day must all be given to business, up to its latest available hour, and then we take from hours that should, be given to sleep time for social duties. New York Ledger. - , Glacier Ice. Glacier ice is not like the solid blue ice on the surface of the water, but con sists of granules joined together by an intricate network" of capillary water filled fissures. In exposed sections and upon the surface of the ice can be ob served "veined" or "banded" structure veins of a denser blue color alternating 'with those of a lighter shade containing air bubbles. The cause of this peculiar structure has been the subject of much theorizing among - investigators, hut hitherto the greatest authorities con sider that the explanation of the phe nomenon is yet wanting. Goldthwaite's Geographical Magazine. Which She Was. Neighbor (on the street) Good morn ing, my little dear. I never can tell you and your sister apart Which of the twins are you? ' Lotus Dear i s the one w at s out walkin. Good News, A WRECKING TEAIN. HOW RAILROADS . AFTER AN OPEN THE LINE ACCIDENT. ,. The Train Is Made Up of a Locomotive, a Derrick Car, a Eos Car with Heavy Appliances, and a Tool . Car These ,Cars Contain Everything Needful. ."Accident to train No, 10, engine 40. Engineer A. Jones, Conductor L. Wat son." .,. - It is a dispach like the above that the superintendent of a railroad dreads most He may have provided a most careful system of signals, may have perfectly trustworthy trainmen, and competent switchmen; yet, despite all this, smash ups will occur, trains will collide, tracks will be blocked and traffic stopped some times for hours over his busiest line. It is to prevent the stoppage of busi ness that every railroad keeps on hand several wrecking trains which are ready at a moment's notice to go to any part of tho system, clear away wrecks, tem porarily repair tracks and to put engines and cars in sufficient good order to reach the repair shops. The moment a wreck occurs the tele graph operator at the nearest station sends a dispatch like the one above, fol lowed by numbered answers to the fol lowing questions, which are copied on a blank at the superintendent's office: v 1. Place of acrsiwit? ' 2. What cauatii It? 3. Were any persons injured? If so, what persons and to what extent? 4. Is main track obstructed? 5. "Is the track or roadbed much damaged? 6. Is a side track near the obstruc-l ion which can be used tn pass trains around? 7. Will section force be sufficient to cleiu- ob struction? If not. how much greater force is wanted? 8. How long will it take to clear the track so trains can pass? 9. Is engine off the track or damaged? What position is engine in? 10. How many cars are broken or off the track? 11. How uinny cars are wanted, and what kind, to transfer freight in? 12. How many car trucks are needed? Remarks of any nature concerning the accident. " This is made out in full and signed by the conductor. HOW AN ACCIDENT IS RETORTED. Supposing it was a freight train that was wrecked. It is bound west, and on account of a broken rail the train was thrown from the track, and sev eral box cars and "flats' were piled up on both tracks. The conductor would fill out the blank, and when received by the superintendent would read some thing like the following: Engine 40 En gineer, Jones; conductor, Watson; 1, near Brownville; 2, broken rail; 3, none; 4," yes; 5, yes: 6, no; 7, wrecking train; 8, five or six hours; 0, yes, slightly; 10, seven; 11, five; 12, four; 13, approach on southbound track. . As soon as this dispatch arrives at the office a spare engine is attached to the ! wrecking train, a gang of men are has- j tily put aboard, the conductor gives the rtiisl and the train speeds away to the i -.-;:e of the disaster. - T.i? train, is made up of three cars, the first !';:it car with a small and powerful deri-it".: ;;ad few spare car trucks. Next bt'liiud comes a box carwell loaded Hocking, which is of value as tem- uorarv foundation for cars whose trucks have been smashed or torn from under them. In the same car is an ample sup ply of large and small hawsers, chains and canvas covers to protect perishable freight from ram and snow. The tool car is last, and this indeed is a most interesting one. borne are divided into two or three rooms by par titions running from side to side at dif ferent points in the interior. In the cen ter compartment of a three room tool car, where the wreckers remain when in transit, is a cooking stove and all uten sils connected with a range, and hard by is a small pantry in which is stored a big supply of canned meats, coffee and utensils to nrenare a hearty meal. Ad joining is tho foreman's room with desk and all material for writing and the keeping of reports, telegraph machines, batteries and electrical supplies. The latter supply comes in handy at the wreck. Wires are carried up from the car top to ono of the railroad wires, connected, and the force is in communi cation with the whole railroad system. A COMPLETE EQUIPMENT. Everything which expurteace has sug gested as likely to be brought into use in removing derailed cars and freight is to be found in these rooms. Alo.ig the sides are a score or more '"jacks," some of them so powerful that a single man can lift to a 'height of several inches anything weighing from 1,000 pounds to twenty tons: there are also wrenches, rope, lanterns,- axes, saws, hammers, light and heavy; crowbars, torches, drills, hatchets and numerous other ap pliances. Some new appliance is being added every time the train goes out, and all new things introduced in the work are added as soon as they are out ' It is very seldom that any tool is called for during the work upon a femashup that is not to be found in the resources of the car, all of which are accounted for by a man who keeps a record of every piece taken out and returned. - Upon the arrival of the train at the wreck the men are put to work in charge of an experienced mechanic and fore man. With startling rapidity the wreck is straightened out. The locomotive at tached to the train is available to fur nish power in case any hauling is to be done, and if the engine of the wrecked train is unharmed and on tho "steel," it. too, can be brought into similar use. In the handling of costly passenger coaches careful work is required; while in the case of overturned locomotives, which weigh from thirty-five to eighty tons, the work of righting and replacing them on the tracks is no small job. Oftentimes a few hundred dollars will cover all damages for what looks to a novice like a wreck involving a loss ef thousands' of dollars. In most cases wrecked coaches and freight cars can be repaired at a comparatively small ex pense. Locomotives can also be f mashed " on the exterior to quite an extent with out costly or irreparable damage. New York World. KOW WINQ LEARNED. Dainty Flora, Just Home from School. Tried to Teach the Willing Coolie. Our charming, dainty little Flora had just retured from her eastern "finishing school" and had fetched a great many ideas of elegance in her wise little head. "Mamma, why do you not have Wing attend the door instead of the house maid?" she said. "1 think it much nicer to have a man when we can just as well. "Because he cannot be taught, said mamma. "Jessie does it very nicely." "Why, 1 am sure 1 can teach him,' said the all important v Very well you may ," said wise mam ma, quietly. Wing was immediately put into training. The whole matter was first explained to him; then Miss Flora took a card at haphazard from the hall table, . went outside and rang the belL Wing opened the door just a little crack and peeked cautiously out N. B. ' This vt the way they all do.. He was instructed to open it farther. Being Miss Flora, and not a stranger, he complied and opened it as far as she indicated, taking his bearings by the pattern of the hall carpet just how far this was. Then she presented the card, told him how to show her into the drawing room. This performance was gone through several times; the door was opened each time just exactly so far, as was indicated the first time. She was shown into (the drawing room exactly in the same place, and after politely saluting the impro vised guest. Wing returned with the card. Little Lady Flora was delighted with her success, and thought some naughty, disrespectful things about old fogyism and the like. Wing was complimented and told that in the evening some gen tlemen would call and he must do ex actly as he had been shown. Wing was in earnest; he meant to do it or die, and put the card carefully up his sleeve. The fateful evening came. The doorbell rang. Fair Flora flew to the head oi the stairs and' listened. Wing came stealing carefully through the hall to the door and opened it a little crack. "What you want?" he said to the party outside. "You got um ticket? You no come in you no got um ticket," he said firmly. , There was a little smothered sound of something outside the door. ' Wing, waiting, held it just two inches open. In a couple of seconds, which seemed an hour to the little listening party crouching at the head of the stairs, two bits of white pasteboard were hand ed in from the outer darkness. Wing held them up a moment, then said: "You wait I see um," and shut the door in their faces. He rushed hastily to the gaslight, drew the "lesson card from some hidden depths of his raiment, compared the two new ones carefully with it, new back and reopened the door. "You no got um light ticket; you no come in here," he said, proud of having done exactly the right thing and of his having detected the bogus imita tion counterfeit passport to the pres ence ' of the all beautiful, when to his astonishment she flew past him like a swift winged bird and opened that door with a sort of wild eyed ' and invited those pretenders with the forged "tickets to enter her sacred presence! The matter was too deep for him; he retired disgusted to his kitchen, not to be again recalled. Jessie now waits at the door. Mil waukee Sentinel. Where Tobacco Is Raised. Lancaster county, it appears, still stands at the head of all the tobacco growing comities in the United States, with her 19,217,800 pounds grown in the season of 1889. Four other counties Christian and Henderson, in Kentucky; Dane, in Wisconsin, and Pittsylvania county, in Virginia, grow over 10,000,000 each. There are seventeen other coun ties that grow from 5,000,000 to 10,000, 000 pounds each. Lancaster county's product in 1880, as all know, was sold at exceedingly low prices about the low est in our history and even then pro duced the growers $1,349,090. The nearest approach to this by any other in dividual county was $880,840 by Hart ford county.. Conn. The product of Lancaster county, in fact, fetched more money than that of the entire state of Connecticut or of Wisconsin or of New Vork and Massachusetts combined. Philadelphia Ledger. A He Had Caught the Idea. The teacher is suspicious of the influ ence that the new boy in school seems likely to exert over the rest of the class, and uot without some reason She had been explaining how aquatic birds are provided with boatlike bodies so as to enable them to swim easily, and was testing the results of her efforts to impress the fact in the tmnds of her pu pils. "Now," she said, "who can tell me why the duck's body is formed as it is?" "I kin," said the new boy, holding up his hand. "Very well; you may give the reason.1. "So's to have 'er all shipshape." De troit Free Press. " . Requisites of a Pet. ." What is required for an everyday pet is that it shall be beautiful and intelli gent; that it shall neither be too large nor too delicate, and if a bird that it eh all sing or talk preferably both. The first two requirements will not go tar to limit the choice. Beauty of form .and harmony of color are the almost insepara ble attributes of that physical perfection which the natural life of animals de mands, and he would be a rash man who classed any ef the more highly organized nnima as "stupid" without trial. Lon don Spectator'. ' Too Bad. Soso (in the front row at the theater) How dazzlingly beautiful Mile. High kicker's teeth look tonight Dr. Dentello They onght to; 1 spent all day cleaning and polishing them. Soso It most have tired her dread fully. Dr. Dentelle Not at alL She sent Ihem by her maid. Kate Field's Wash ington. ' Blakeley & Houghton, druggists, 175 Second Street, - The Dalles, Oregon A full lint of all the Standard Patent MeVlicines, Drugs, Chemicals, Etc. -ARTISTS MATERIALS- ffCountry and Mail Orders will receive prompt attention. Miss anna peter sccl SPECIAL SALE MIS3ES REN'S Trimmed Hats and CHILDREN SATURDAY, NOV. 19. 112 second street. - THE DALLES, OR THE DALLES LUMBERING CO., INCORPORATED 1886. No. G7 Washington Street. . . The Dalles. Wholesale and Retail Dealers and Manufacturers of Building Material and Dimension Timber, Doors, Windows, Moldings, House Furnishings, Ete Special Attention given to the Manufacture of Fruit and Fish V Boxes and Packing Cases. Factory and Zmmber "STar-d at Old It. Dalles. DRY Pine, Fir, Oak and any part & c? JOBBERS AND Hardware, Tinware, Etc., Etc. pnDvri) crrnvn 4 vt CELEBRATED Acorn and Charter Oak - STOVES AUD B.AITGES. Guns, Ammunition and Sporting ."Goods. IRON, COAL, BLACKSMITH SUPPLIES, WAGON MAKERS' MATERIAL, SEWER PIPE, PUMPS AND PIPE, PLUMBING SUPPLIES. Grandall &' Budget, MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN FURNITURE CARPETS Undertakers and Embalmers. NO. 166 SECOND STREET. Farlev ( Successors to L. D. piapfactuiais A General Line of Horse Furnishing Goods. y.yr,T a T"R,T"N"n- PEOMPTLY and 2sTE-TXj"H" ZDOnSTJE. Wholesale ana Retail Dealers in Harness, Bridles, flips, Horse Blaniets, Etc. . Full Assortment of Mexican Saiillery .Plain or Stamped. SECOND STREET, New - Umatilla - House, THE DALLFS, OREGON. SINNOTT& FISH, PROP'S. Ticket and Baggage Office of the U. P. R- R- Company, and office of the Western Union Telegraph Office are in the Hotel. Fire-Proof Safe for the Safety of all Valuables. LARGEST : AND : FINEST : HOTEL : IN : OREGON. The Dalles Mercantile Co., JOBBERS AND General Merchandise, Dry Goods, Clothing, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Groceries, Hardware, j J ' Crockery, Hay, Grain, Feed, Etc. ; 390 to 394 Second St., -OF- Slab WOOD Delivered to of the city, O RETAILERS OF t?ttt7,t i t ottt:pto Wagons and Carriages. OSBOHXEI Reapers and Mowers. AGENTS FOR. Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Co.'s " Agricultural Implements and Machinery n n.-t3 ni) wins. &? Frank, deceased.) . OF -A.T.T. ICX25TX)S -OF Harnesses! THE DALLES. OR DEALERS IN- The Dalles, Or.