THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1892. The Weekly Ghroniele. OFFICIAL PAPER OF WASCO COUNTY. Entered at the Postoffice at The Dalles, Oregon, as second-class matter. SUBSCRIPTION" RATES. BY MAIL (POSTAG FBSFalD) 121 ADVANCE. "Weekly, 1 year. J 59 6 months. 0 72 u g , u 0 60 Dailv, lyenr.:. 6 00 " 6 months. ? 99 per 0 50 AdrtresB all communication to " THE CHRON ICLE," The Dalles, Oregon. A few nights since Peter the poet had a remarkable dream. The vision of OeneralJackson rising from his grave and reading the democratic platform of 1892. His brow looked like a thunder ininnfl hio avna ornfA lichr.nintr. and the scorn of his countenance raised acres of democratic hair around him. Flinging away the mouldy shreds of his winding sheet, jumping upon the modern plat- e . : .1. V. U f..nt anil i. il .1 1 n f Vila lUrlll 1 Lii UUtH ICGb, - J Jong, bony arms, he thundered thus into acres of waving ears : "How dare you . insert in your platform that plank pro claiming a protective, tariff unconstitu tional! By doing so you have terrified your candidate for the presidency' eo that he dare not indorse the plank, and instead of standing heroically upon his party platform, there he fluctuates, hes itates and straddles ! He is like a hen between a nest of eggs and a nest of por celain door-knobe, uncertain which should he sat upon! Ha! I'll make your acres of hair rise, ye horde of office- hunting apostates ! Since the formation of the pood old Federal government no other nartv has declared a protective tariff unconstitutional : OH, latter-aay democrats, let me howl in your acres of -waving ears that I disown you, and then "let me retire to my chamber!" The Press Association banqueters at -Spokane all made terse pointed speeches. The soul of" the party was the petite and vivacious Miss Laura Stanton of the Portland World. Miss Stanton fell promptly in love with Spokane and al most wept when the hour came for fare wells. Col. Eddy said that it was true many of those present from Oregon were editors of obscure papers, but he called attention to the fact that these country papers exercise an influence in the home circle that in time stirB the pulses of the commonwealth. He said that he was glad to be given an opportunity to look at Spokane, a city that had grown up in a - night, such a magnificent dwelling place growing up out of the wilderness. Prof. Thomas Condon, the geologist in the State university, designates the re gion known as Southern Oregon so as to include Lake and Klamath counties on the east, Douglas, Coos and Curry conn ties on the weft, and Jackson and Jose phine on the south. This gives to Southern Oregon, seven out of the six teen counties of the first congressional district. L. G. Carpenter one of the shysters arrested for inciting Darius Norris to leave Astoria against his will, was let off by Judge Hubbard in San Francisco Saturday, because the warrant issued by Gov. Pennoyer was defective, in that it did not set forth the sworn statement in regard to the alleged offense for which Oaroenter was wanted in Oregon. Everything has been a failure this year strikes, cholera, Sullivan and pol itics; yes, everything has been a failure, except our national prosperity, and no adverse hap or occurrence has been able to feaze that. Prosperity is suecess ; it is better than all else. Editor Kaiser of the Ashland Record baa taken great interest in giving Pen noyer's big speech wide circulation, for which the governor is truly grateful anything that will make his old ally the democratic party sick, is pleasing to him. Queen Victoria will no longer replen ish her larder by pursuing the bounding stag aided by thoroughbred hounds which cost the nation $50,000 a year to keep. "The queen has concluded to sell the dogs and fall back on American beef. Mr. James G. Blaine has already out lived many of the people who assassin ated him in 1884, and he bids fair to out live those other crocodile fellows "who have been predicting his death for the .last eight years. The Pennsylvania Eecord says : Gov ernor Pennoyer of Oregon is now a pop ulist and is ready to climb into the same band wagon which is now bowling along with Governor Buchanan toward the alley of obscurity. . It is reported that a newly designed airship can travel in the air. The fact, if proved, will stamp it at once as a unique and extraordinary invention of its class. A gentleman' who has lately revised bis politics has been explaining "why I - 1 1 ft TT t . 1 I . 1 ami a popuuie. . v e mier mat a aisre Bpect for his native language had some thing to do with it. The owner of Mascot knows very well -what's in a name. ALAS FOR ALASKA. According to Gov. Knapp Alaska is . g. In his annual report-be eays the ack of proper transportation facilities is a serious hindrance to the prompt and efficient administration of the laws of the territory. Rosy hued reports of Alaska as an agricultural Eldorado, eays he, should be read with allowance. It seems wrong to tempt poor men to in vest their all in traveling expenses to reach a land where disappointment and hardship await him, and the governor considers it hiB duty to urge conserva tism in organizing colonization schemes for settlement of the territory. As to the seal islands, the governor says, in part: International complica tions regarding the taking of seals in the ocean and Behring sea outside the three-mile limit have added to the em barrassment of the lessee company in its business upon the islands, which has already been seriously impaired by the wanton destruction of seal life by pelagic sealing. Only 7,500 seals were author ized by the government to be killed on the islands in 1891, but some 6,000 were slaughtered before the order was given so in all 13.500 were actually killed. It was deemed necessary to allow this iium ber for the DurDose of securing the car casses for food for the natives, who otherwise could suffer. The governor believes it not an overestimate that the 52-.0S7 seals taken in the ocean in 1S91 indicates the destruction of 30,000 more three-fourths of which were females Of the whole catch the Victoria fleet is stated to have taken 43,502 and the American fleet 8,858. Through frequent references to them in the press, the reading public are well acquainted with the doings of Chris Evans and John Sontag, the noted Cal ifornia outlaws, but no one imagined that a newspaper man would hunt them out and interview them, but this is what Henry Bigelow, of the San Fran cisco Examiner, claims to have done, and the last issue of that paper contains a page of what purports to be an inter view with the noted robbers and sangui nary desperadoes. The fugitives tell a complete story of their doings ever since they sought safety in flight, and, al though they have killed several of their pursuer?, they claim that they spared the posses a (ore of times when they wight have added to the lift of killed had they so desired. The outlaws ridi cule the officers who are making a pre tense of capturing them, and style them a pack of cowards. They are both in the best of health, and have ample pro visions to last them during the winter. The reporter claims that their strong hold is almost inaccessible, and that they will be able to baffle all pursuit for a long time to come, so familiar are they, with the rugged country which surrounds them. Bigelow says the settlers about the vicinity of the des peradoes haunt, are particularly down on the posse who have been saucy and mean to them as they passed through the country. P. J. Connolly, "Peter the poet," at Klamath falls, could not come to the Press Association convention as much as he desired, as the interest of Iris Star was in the ascendency. Sixteen Chinese have submitted to being photographed and registered. The six companies are not entirely superior authority to the United States. Chicago is going to build a hotel "in the shape of a hog," toadertise its pork. The doors should represent a hack, at $22 a day wholesale. Idaho democrats refuse to fuse. Ditto Kansas democracy. This is one of the years when fusion leads to confusion. Cicero is rising against Hawthorne. In spite of appearances this is not a literary note. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. When Bby -was sick, we gave her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria, When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When she had Children, she gave them Castoria Dissolution of Co-partnership. Notice is hereby given that the firm of Abrams & Stewart has been dissolved by mutual consent. W. R. Abrams is authorized to collect all amounts due the firm of Abrams & Stewart, and will pay all demands against said firm. . W. R. Abrams. Wm. Stewart. The Dalles, Or., Aug. 15th, 1892. , 8.25d&w6w Notice is hereby given to all persons indebted to the late firm of Abrams & Stewart, of The Dalles, or W.R. Abrams. either by note or .account, to make pay ment oi tne same immediately at trie bank of French & Co. All notes and ac counts remaining unpaid November 15th, 1892, will be placed in attorneys' hands with instructions to collect. Anv claims against the late firm must be presented at the same place, with proper vouchers, on or before above date. The business of the firm must be closed np without further delay. Res pectfully, W. R. Abrams. - B.iaaotwsm Judge Lynch Vindicated. Southern' Oregonians and Northern Californians have discovered a new way of dealing ' with ' emotional insanity; Smith, the man lynched at Castella for killing his wife and child, was a cool, thoughtful fiend. In order to prepare a plea of insanity on which to get clear after the murder, he told the people be fore the butchery that he was crazy and could get people to' prove that insanity ran in his family. But it ran up a tree in his individual case, eays the Star, and now that people similarly afflicted have got onto the fact that Shasta and Siski you counties have a way of treeing the varmint, there will be less of it in the future in that neighborhood. The corpse was taken down from the limb to which Judge Lynch had hoisted him for the mrirder of his wife and child, and held an inquest on him. One clause makes the verdict the most remarkable ever uttered in a civilized land. It reads thus: "He came to his death by strangula tion, and the same was caused by parties unknown to the jury, and ice exhonerate the parties concerned." . Judge Lynch is now all right. It is true he has often choked the innocent, but legally constituted judges have ten times oftener let off the guilty. The jury probably felt as millions feel, namely that Judge Lynch deserved much more appreciative regard than he has hitherto received. The legal letting down of murderous malefactors before they are dead is growing alarmingly habitual and commonplace. . At the same time we snatch this occasion to contradict Shakeepear.'who said: "There's nothing lett remarkable beneath . the visiting moon." The fact that a coroner's jury has, with one breath, swept from the shoulders of Judge Lynch every load of blame placed upon them, is something remarkable, showing, as it does, that a coroner's jury is greater than a state legislature. Jflonthly (Deteorologieal Report. Weather bureau, department of agriculture. Station, The Dalles, Oregon, or the month of September, 1892. Latitude 45 36' 18". Longitude 121 12' VJ' west. Altitude 116 feet above sea level. 3?.l 65 SO 50 62 72 50 61 78 43 63 83 43 66 80 53 67 77 57 66 83 4!) 67 87 47 70 89 50 71 92 50 71 93 50 67 82 52 63 76 50 68 76 60 66 76 56 65 80 49 67 74 60 ..;." 62 75 48 65 69 61 : T 61 70- 52 T 53 65 41 55 65 46 .13 56 62 51 .01 56 65 46 63 78 48 61 80 48 67 83 51 67 80 54 63 75 52 62 72 51 1919 I 2317 1516 0.14 6.1.9 I 77.2 50.5 Sums. . MeaiiH Mean barometer 29.947; highest barometer 30.28Z (date7tnj: lowest barometer 29.583 (date 22d). Mean temperature 63.9; highest temperature, 93 on 11th, lowest temperature, 41, on 21st. Greatest daily range of temperature, 43 on 11th Lnast daily range of temperature, 8 on 19th. MBAK TEMPERATUKE FOR THIS MONTH IK 1S7J 1877,... 59. 5 1882. . . .01.0 17H 1878.... 63.0 1883. . . .61.0 1874 1879.. .65.5 1884.... 60.0 1875 71.0 1880 (iO.5 1885 61.0 1876. .. 67.5 1881.... 62.0 1886. ...61.0 1887.. ..51. 5 1888... 68.0 1889 60.9 1890 62.2 1891.... C0.9 Total excess in temperature during the month for 18 years, .46. - Total excess in temperature since January 1st, for eighteeu years 14.41. Prevailing direction of wind, west. Total precipitation, .14; number of days on which .01. inch or more of precipitation" fell, two. TOTAL PRECIPITATION FOR THIS MONTH IX 1873 1878. ...1.01 1883. ...0 01 1888. ...0.02 1874 1879 0.79 1884 ... 0.65 1889 0.16 1875.. ..0.72 1880.. ..0.08 1885. .. .0.87 1890. .. .0. 11 1876.. ..0.13 1881. ...0.26 1886.. ..0.14 1891. ...0.13 1877. ...1.24 1882. ...0.43 18S7. . .0.36 1892. .. . Total deficiency in precipitationduring month, for 18 years, 0.26 inches. Total deficiency in precipitation since January 1st, 3.87 for 18 years. Number of cloudless days, 20; partly cloudy days, 4; Cloudy days 6. Dates of frosts, on 21st, in some very exposed places, but not severe enough to injure tender vegetation. A light parhelia was noticed on the morning of the 20th. The first twenty days of the month were intensely smoky. Barometer reduced to sea leveL T indicates trace of precipitation. SAMUEL. L. BROOKS, Voluntary Signal Corps Observer. S. L. YOUNG, JEWELER : : Watches and Jewelry repaired to order on short notice, and satisfaction guaranteed. AT. the Store of I. C. Mickelaen, d St. The Dalles Second St., 0pp. Hood's Stable, THE DALLES. OREGON. Will repair your fine Buggies and Carriages, shoe your fine Driving Horses, and in fact do all your, blackemitbing in the finest style.. Satisfaction guar anteed. ' . GUHNlHGSHOCKtMH, Props. City Blacksmith Shop, County Treasurer's Notice. All county warrants "registered prior to March 13, 1889, will be paid if pre sented at my office, corner Third and Washington streets. Interest ceases on and after this date. The Dalles, July 16, IS92. WILLIAM MlCHELL, 7.18tf Treasurer AVasco County, Or. Annie Wright Seminary, Boarding and Day School for Girls. flinth Year begins Sept. 8th 1892. Kor Admission, Apply to the Principal Mrs. Sarah K. White, Aunie Wright Seminary. TACOMA. - - WASH. St. Mary's Academy. THE DALLES, WASCO CO., OR. A SCHOOL for younir lHdies, under the direction of the rasters of the Holy Names of Jesus und Mary. Board and tuition, per term, in advance. . fin 00 Entrance fee (to be paid but once) 5 00 Drawing and painting, per term 8 00 Music, per term IS 00 Bed and bedding 3 0o Telegraphy, Stenography and Typewriting ex tra. Plain and Ornamental Needlework, Ger man and French ianguagea taught free. For further particulars aodres SISTEE ScrKMOR. Keopcns the tiret Mondav in September. g.25w5tdlt SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Wasco Count-. Martha Collier, i luintill", vs. V. B. Collier, de fendant. 7b H. B. Cottier, the above-numed ttfendant: In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the com Dlaint tiled against vuu in the above-entitled suit, on or before the first day of the next - egular term oi me aoove-enntieu court: ana u you tail to so answor, for want thereof, the plaintiff wil apply to the court for the relief prayed for in her complaint, tn-wit: The dissolution of the bonds of matrimony now existing between vou and plaintiff and the custody of the younger umiu oi piuiu.iii uiiu uuieimuub, nnu xor sucn other relief as mav be meet with equity. This summons is served upon you y publica tion thereof by order of the Hon. V. L. Brnd sbaw, judge of said Circuit Court, datod at chambers on the -J2d dav of August, ls.92. MAYS, Hl'NTIMjTO.N WJLHOX, 8.26W7110.7 Attorneys for Plaintiff. Buss n Friction ciuicfi TRACTION ENGINE. Cyclone Thresher. Send for Catalogue TO J. I. FIMiOON & GO., . DEALERS IN Agricultural Implements Of All Kinds, Buggies, Wagons, Etc. THE DALLES. OREGON. imicny First Class The Fastest' and Flaest ta the World. Passenger accomodations unexcelled. EW VORKTlONOONOERRy AND BLASBOW. Every Saturday. NEW YORK GIBRALTAR and NAPLKS, At rpRTjlar Intervals. SALOON, SECOND-CLASS AND STEERAGE rates on lowest terms to and from the principle 800TCH, SN37JSB, BUSH a ALL COHTXHZNTAL PCIOTS. Excursion tickets arailable to return by- eitner the pie turesaue Clyde A North of TrlanH nr VuIm flthnftaf finite ud Hcaiy (Mm for Asr Aaout at Iswtrt Satai, Apply to any of our local Agents or to HENDERSON BROTHERS, Chicago, 111. T. A. HUDSON, Agent. The Dalle, Or. ajhAAa Scifctlflo American ir Agency ior D i I 1 CAVEATS, DE8ICN PATENTS COPYRIGHTS, etc For Information ana free Handbook write ito MTJNN CO, 361 Broadwat, Nrw York. Oldest bureau for securing iUta , Arnertc Every patent taken out by us is bnht before thepufiSoby a notice given free of charge in the lanrest circulation of any aelentlfle IP world. Splendidly illustrated. No lntUjrent man should be without It. W 1 1 v 3. 0 Oa fear; gUO six months. Address MUNN CO, 'rHi.ntHim, 3SJ Broadway. New York. THE D If SfTiV ( rWS MAIER & BENTON DEALERS IN noTPn A7V.rVr. pine, ash U-K-U V V UUL) and CrabApple GROCERIES, stravneIeV HARDWARE TINNING AND PLUMBING A SPECIALTY. Leave orders cor. Third and Union, or 133 Second st. THE DALLES. OR. SKIBBE.t HOTEL, F. "XA7-. Xj. SKIBBE, C-3 PQ I 4t?tffSK3i HiiHiiSil sit! 3? - ur jf SwJw-fcp?' 3 til Swi m.-i ?1 fit sr5 THE EUROPEAN HOUSE. The Corrujcated Building next Dour to Court Uonie. - Handsomely FnrnisliBi Rooms Meals Prepared by a TRANSIENT PATRONAGE SOLICITED. Good Sample Rooms for Commercial Men. flew Qolumbia j-lotel, THE DALLES, OREGON. Best Dollar a Day House on the Coast! First-Class Meals, 25 Cents. First Class Hotel in Every Kespect. None but the Best of White Help Employed. T. T. Nicholas, Prop. NEPTUNE SHAVING PARLORS AND BATH ROOMS. FRAZER & WYNDHAM, Proprietors. rS. s - o '3 At the old stand of R. Lusher, D. BUNNELL, Pipe Wg1l Tin neDairs and Hoofjng MAINS TAPPED UNDER PRESSURE. Shop on Third Street, next door west of Young & Kuss' Blacksmith Shop. F1RST - 3) o) a) CAN BE fj) 1 C H R O NIG LE O FFICE treasonably Ruinous Rates. 'ropr. n C3 S3 to Rent tiy tte Day, Week" or Montli. First Class English Cook. Bl a. n a, 2 - n c er Bl IB no Front St, The Dalles, Oregon. CLHSS Hp HAD AT THE ill