THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1892. The Yeekly Ghroniele. OFFICIAL PAPER OF WASCO COUNTY. Entered at the PostofHce at The Dalles, Oregon, as second-class matter. - SUBSCRIPTION RATES. BY KAIL (POSTAGE FBBFAID) IK ADVANCE. : Weekly, 1 year. 1 50 " 6 months 0 75 3 0 50 Dally, 1 year.. 6 00 " 6 months S 00 " per " . ; 0 Address all communication to " THE CHRON ICLE," The Dalles, Oregon. THE PEST-SHIP COMPANY. THE DUTY OF AMERICANS. ; . Now that the dreaded scourge of chol era seems to have been pretty well wiped out in these United States, after a costly but intelligent battle with greed, ignor ance and superstition, it is well to turn the minds of the people to the sources of the pest, and the proper moans of future preventiou. Consider the fact that up to the very last moment, yester day at noon, pest ridden shipscontinued to arive in New York, daily' almost, in ' spite of the President, Governor Flower, ' Health officer Jenkins, and the protests of 60,000,000 people. Where rests the blame for this mena cing scourge? Possibly it dates far back, j even to the first emigrant ship that brought to the United States those who could no longer find a home in other lands. Americans proudly boasted of having a free country, where'all nation alities could find a Jjome-; and in our de Eire to relieve the distressed of other nations, we have allowed them to grimly shadow our shores with pestilence and death, saying nothing of other dangers inherited by this American idea of asy lum.. . A Washington corresponuent The first cholera-infected steamer to arrive in New YorE was a vessel of the Hamburg-American line. The disease broke out on the steamer when she was but forty-eight hours onp to sea. But her officers kept her headed etraight for a land free from all taint of the plague. Since then other vessels of the same line have brought contagion to Ameri can shores. In all probability the five cases in New York are traceable to thes6 steamers. Other lines have sent infected boats, but other lines have "been' prompt in taking precautions. The Hamburg American comDanv has manifested a majestic indifference to the safety of our people and to the demands of decency. Still their pest-laden vessels come to us. Another ship, the Bohemia, arrived on Sunday, with four cases, from Europe. As this vessel was found to be infected, why are the authorities not perfectly justified in turning her prow about and sending her back whence she came? From greed, indifference or sheer wil fulness, the Hamburg-American com pany is apparently willing to curse this country with a pest. : There can be no law compelling us to sit quietly by and submit to an outrage as heinous as this. It is said that the Boston Transcript devoted but four lines to an account of the fight between Sullivan and" Corbett, the Advertiser but seven, other papers making only a casual reference to the affair. These papers must feel terribly rebuked if they SHould chance to see the Oregonian, " " which for some days devoted about one-half of its reading columns to details concerning the two fighters. The Boston journals may be consoled, however, for an apparent lack of enterprise by the thought that no false account of the condition of the con testants had appeared in their columns, and the consequent assurance that if their readers had bet on the wrong man they had not been led to do so by mis representations on the part of their journals. - Stock Holders Meeting:. The, regular annual meeting of the stock holders of The Chronicle Pub lishing Companjrwill be held in the hall r over The Chronicle office of 8 p. m., October 14th, 1892. Directors for the ensuing year will be elected, and such other business as mav properly come before said meeting will be transacted thereat. V. G. Bolton-, secretarv. 9.2td -: . - Annie Wright Seminary, ; Boarding and Day School for Girls. SKI B B E f HOTEL-, OF". L. SKZBBB, Propr. It is interesting to look at the condi- tinn flnrl fpnrlpnrv nf t.hfi TOflcft-wnrlcftr. as they appear from the angle of vision of the greatest of capitalists. For this reason the utterance of Baron Roths child upon the subject of labor is inter esting: "I do not believe in the so called labor movement," Baron Roths child saj-s. "Only the idle good-for-nothings desire the eight-hour day." He brands as "rubbish" the talk that there is "danger in so much capital be ing in the hands of a few men." En- It looks as though a mess would be made of the capitol dome yet. It seems doomed to further delay on account of the non-arrival of the immense steel girder which is to surmount the eight columns and support the brick work. It was made in Cleveland, O., but from some unknown cause has failed to reach Salem, and the iron men have been laid off until it comes. This not only prac tically stops the iron work, but will also delay the brick maeCbs. The heat ing arrangements are progressing satis factorily, and the work of remodeling the hall of representatives is going along nicelv. - 1 1 "i T-rri rr nrrn tliia I.irfoi' nriafia nf'fVin says: . . j ""&'" . It is theuty of every good American ; subject, he undertakes to explain why citizen to see that this subject is one of j it is that the concentration of capital is immediate consideration. .Let the vot- not detrimental to t he general welfare. "Some men are richer, others are poor I er, but tomorrow this is all changed," I he says. "Apart from unhappy excep tion?, which seem to be unavoidable, i eaoh shares in the capital according to, j bin intelligence, integrity and the work accomplished." ers give congress to understand that this country has had enough emigration. Every "year thousands of the poorest, and frequently .thi mostabandoned, class of foreigners are landed at our ports in the most deplorable poverty and wretch edness. They swarm into our cities, swelling the masses of the poor, and In creasing the misery which has gradually grown oeyonu the aid oi American char- j r- itv, as noble and as widespread as it may ; In Seattle on Mondav last Rep. Wit be. "We have had enough of iinmiga- Rnn ,lfli,itPfl t. t.lm dianafrnna pffnra I &;!hi!'! that would have followed the Stewart science of government. It has decreased Another stirring up of. the Searles Hopkins will case is promised. Lowell Mason Maxham has sued Edward F. Searles for $26,577, for services in look ing after witnesses ' in the will case, "and particularly one George AVilJiams, otherwise George Wilson, otherwise called Dearborn." It is understood Maxham's work was to keep Williams away- from Massachusetts during the hearing of the probate will. ' Maxham worked with Searles in the upholstery business twenty-five years ago and the acquaintance has been kept up since. - plinth Year begins Sept. .Sth 1892, For Admission, Apply to the Principal . Mrs. Sarah K. White, Annie Wright -Seminary. TACOIIA. - - .. WASH. St Mary V Academy, THE DALLES, WASCO CO., OR. SCHOOL for youiiir Indies, mder the direction of the fcisters of the Holy tunics oi ju&us anu xuury. Board and tuition, per term, In advance. . Entrance fee (to be paid but once) Drawing and painting, per terra Music, per term . . . Bed and bedding ? i0 00 5 00 8 00 .15 00 30o silver bill, which would have resulted in the immediate contraction of the! wages, increased crime, and noodea the country with a nou-seit-supporting currencv bv $100,000,000. the amount of ! 6 " T " ' .f. 7 element that breeds anarchv and revo- .. r.' . ... , . , portions yes await ine aav il.tinn I T III .111 n miOl DtO mar j ' .... I ntAn. ..n n n amah , .... , ! LUC BkUUV tldgS IKTVCi ucrcii i ueucu mtu luc Licaaurv iu secure . .- . t , t 'a . . , , - 1 miner e pick nor the hunter s rifle, exchange in gold. Meantime the treas- ; ury would have started to coin the $100,t 000;000 of silver in its vaults, and ns the mint capacity was only $2,500,000 a month, it would have been two years before the- government Would need to of which would have to shut down lution. Jt is all a .mistake that "emi gration can not be stopped, that it is beneficial," as is claimed by those who favor it. Thesteamship companies have reaped millions from their emigrants. Let congress pass a law making it a penitentiary offense for the President and every official of the companies, and for the clip tain and officers of every ship, a1o1 a tifuaiorra nncDnnnarAii sm OAOofli and t.h nmhlaTr, will vanish. Our own ! purchase silver from the mines, most poor are to be aided, and just so long as i immigration continues they will have loi divide labor, and this division is beyond j The Voice, which is the chief organ of numerical calculation. At a gathering ! the one-idea partisan, pronounces Pres of distinguished scholars an American I ;,,f tT..i. .-j was boasting of our universal prosperitv. 'de"t Harrison a fnend of the rum traf TliP. itp.h. historian frivi rAmorUi i he because he was the recipient of a keg "That is because 3-ou have Hot so many! of Scotch whiskv, sent over bvanAmer-i Columbia river Speaking of the wonderful storehouse of wealth - that' the Cascade mountains ' are, the (jraphjc saysi Within this mighty range is found a magnificent lumber belt, un equaled in any other portion of the United States. The foot bills are underlaid with immense veins of coals and vast deposits of iron. Fur ther back, where the great peaks rear their lofty hights, are rich mines of gold and silver, copper and lead. - Many ent of man, echoed the Telepraphy, Stenography and Typewriting ex tra. nam ana Ornamental Needlework, licr- man and French languages taught free. - For lurtner particulars nsares - Sister Superior. Iteopens the first Monday hT September. . 8.2-in-Stdlt CUMMOXS. In the Circuit Court of the State kj oi Oregon lor uusco county. Martha Collier, 1'lalntiff, vs. v. B. Collier, de fendant. To !!'. B. Collier, (he abovt-naiual defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon, yon are here iequired to appear and answer the com plaint tiled against you in the above-entitled suit, on or before the tirist day of the next egular term of theabove-cn itled court: and if vou fail to so answor, for want thereof, the plaintiff ' wil apply to the court for the relief prayed for in her complaint, to-wit: The djsaolutl n of the bonds of matrimony now existing between you and pluintii?" and the -rustody of the younger child of plain '.if!' and defendant, and for such other relief s may be meet with equity. This sunimous is seryed upon vou ' ypubliea tiou thereof by order of the Hon. W, L. Brad shaw, judge of said Circuit Court, datod at chambers on the '."2d dav of August, lwe. MAYS, IIU.XTIMiTOM WILSON. 8.20v7thW Attorneys for Plaintiff. - a SB a o 5- W NEPTUNE SHAVING PARLORS AND BATH ROOMS. PRAZER & WYNDHAM, Proprietors. Ji I- -t a 22. Bl rs o n. S At the old stand of R. Lusher, no Front St..-The Dalles, Oregon. AMERICAN J SCHOOL 0 z o Stoemax & Fiege, dealers in Boots and Shoes. All goods we sell, -ve warrant. 114 SXIOON'I STREET to X o to The Colfax Commoner says an open river to the sea is not agitated in east era Washington from any love the peo ple of that section have for Portland. ! Their only object is to secure water com j petition to seaboard so that all the rail roads in the state shall be compelled by reason of this competition to charge reasonable rates of freight to and from all the coast cities. You don't have to go to Portland. Portland is not on the nor within ten miles of 5nss.ll Fn'clioii TRACTION ENGINE people there; just wait a while. Following up The Ciikoxicle line of argument, that there is no place like the Oregon Inland Empire, Hon. A. X. Hamilton, of La Grande, now in Port land, says: "The fruit crop on the Snake river and through Baker county is immense. The vield is heavier than it has been .for years, and the quality is j the very beet. No California peaches' can compare with the peaches we liave ' this year. The grapes also are very fine, some bunches weighing from two i and a quarter to four pounds. I have shipped 5.000 boxes of fruit this year I i ican friend abroad. Intolerance might j lf- - ' go a step further by denouncing the dy- i , ' ing mistress of the White house for pro- f A new variety of wheat, the grains of longing her life by taking some of this ! which are almost twice as large as the whisky against the ravages -of tubercu-j ordinary kernels, and which has -pro-losis. . j duced fifty -one bushels to the acre, has : been grown this season near Moscow. j A company has offered the sum of 1 $40,000 to Klocjcmann and his partners for their mining claim in the Priest i Lake country. A shaft has been sunk on the claim ten feet, and shows $15,000 i worth of ore in sight. The owners have ' refused the offer. ! County Assessors Notice. Congressman Wilson is talking to im- ' mense anmencpn in esfftrn Wnfihinc- and am still gathering. Most of the j ton, and Senator Allen has been heard fruit is shipped to Idaho, Montana and j from a crushing speech at Spokane, Colorado. The hay crop is also very ' so that the onmnnio.,, in Woshincrfon na heavy, and cattle are looking fine and j wen as Idaho, can no longer be said to mi,, .in biiuit, raxer anu union coun- ; jje ties will have no reason to complain t.htta v ( 1 '1 r na 1 1 1 n civiita )tnio lmnn ... ... J .. inn nuj(o C. i ' tionally good. Threshing in the Grande ; iconde valley is nearly finished, and larmers are satisfied with their returns. Cleveland. In the west nretended painiuiiy oppressive ! its singular silence. on account of Office of the Wasco County Assessor, The Dalles, Sept. 9th, 1S92. To the taxpayers of Wasco countv' I Xotice is hereby given that the Board of : equalization for Wasco county will at- i tend at the office of the County Clerk of : said county on Monday the 10th day of October, 1892, for the purpose of examin I ing and correcting the assessment roll of said county for the year 1892. J. E. Bahxett, Assessor, Wasco Co To stamp out the free coinage move- j ment Carl Schurz urges the election of ' Saved Bis Child's Lire. to the acre." vote for Cleveland in order that bimet- ; ' aliem mav be restored. A. X. Dilferbough, York, Neb., says: "The other day I came home and found mi' III iTa linv rliwrn wrll-K nhrlra niArhna The wheat has averaged thirty bushels ! friends of silver are asking the people to i my wife scared, not knowing what to do! i went Etraigntway ana gos a zo cent bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Di'arrhiea Remedy, and gave it ac- : ' ' - cording to directions. You never saw Mr. Gladstone has found time to eulo- such a change in a child. His limbsand gize the bicycle, and the wheel-makers j bod' were cold- 1 rubbed his limbs and are mad about it. They fear that all '. wi-th tmy hndf , and after I had , , n ' . .. given him the second dose he went to uC ju.,s m. v, nu uvo ran i miiig j Beep, and, as my wile says, "Irom a the "bike" will get off and walk rather death-bed. he was up play ing in three than appearing to agree with Gladstone j hours." It saved me a "doctor bill of inanvthintr about three dollars, and what is better, t,. - , , u . , , . ' ,. i with a clear conscience." For sale by Referring to the wholesale naturaliza- R,aklv t Honsrhton. drnist9. . In Washington they have an outrage- j ous law for the collection of taxes,' seem- j ingly enacted for the benefit of a special class. The law concerns delinquent taxpayeis. Papers have been served on parties in Walla Walla for taxes in Whitman county, one case the taxes delinquent were only $2.20, while the ! attorney's fees as allowed by the law vcrc iv. a.n every case there is an : tion of aliens for attorney's fee of at least $10, no matter ! n,: ,,w ... THE Cyclone Thresher. Send for Catalogue BEST IN AMERICA. jtfeu .6. Qolumbia j-lotel, " THE DALLES, OREGON. Best Dollar a Day House on the Coast! First-Class Meals, 25 Cents. First Class Hotel in Every Respect. None but the Best of White Help .Employed. T. T. Nicholas, Prop. MAIER & BENTON DEALERS IN Cord Wood Kir, Pine, Ash and crabapple GROCERIES, STOVES & RANGES, HARDWARE -TO- j. jw. f miiooii & go., DEALERS IN Agricultural Implements Of All Kinds, Buggies, Wagons, Etc, THE DALLES. OREGON. ii th, m .i vy x, r hi w b if The Larceat. HEW how small the tax. voting purposes, a i It is not expected that the newly-naturalized citizens will - j take an active part in politics until they In Snnfca Afnnrlnv ;' c.. ! liave thoroughly mastered the surnames f r - j ucuabui ; Allen made a rineiner speech to an im i of at least two presidential candidates. mense and enthusiastic audience. -His arguments were convincing, and he im pressively proved that the state of Washington should prove true to the party that brought it into the union He was followed by Col. Winston. A New York dispatch gives the follow ing figures of the visible supply of grain : Wheat, 41,369,000, increase . 2,653,000; corn, 9,795,000, increase 74,000; oats 6,019,000, increase G04.000 ; rye, 070,000, increase 79,000; barley, 430,000, incretfse 105,000.'- 3 By an. oversight which may yet be rectified, not a single calamity orator has thought of denouncing Christopher Columbus for discovering this new world of woe. "Mr. Cleveland," says a republican paper, "admits that he cannot carry his own state." No doubt some democratic friend will in turn confide this admis sion to Mr. Cleveland. , ' . - Even the coffin-makers, assembled at Chicago, urged the necessity of keeping choJcraogt of America. - . I A Traveling Man's Experience With Ilarr!iaa. I am a traveling man and have- been afflicted with what is called chronic diar rhioa for some ten years. Last fall I was in Western Pennsylvania, and accident ally was introduced to Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remed-. I ventured to make a trial and was wonderfully relieved.. I would like now to introduce it among my friends. H. M. Lewis, 24 Freeman street, Cleveland, Ulno. tor sale by iilakely Houghton, druggists. The Portland Exposition. The Union Pacific system will .extend to its patrons the usual reduced rates on round trip tickets which will include ad mission to the exposition, selling on Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays of each week. "Detailed information can be had by applying to E. E. Lytle, agent. - .ARKiTRICTiy First Clabq Fastest and Finest In the World. NOONDEflRr AND BUSQOW. NEW YORK, GIBRALTElt'and NAPLES, , . i rrnumr intervals. SALOON. SECOND-CLASS ANH STFCRsRr -.ei on ,owest terms to and from the principle S30TCH, EH0LI8H, IBI8H ALL CONTINENTAL FUNIS. t,,r , ?nu available return by either the plo turesque Clyde & JTorth or Irelanrt or Naples & Olbralui Enft tnd llcstr Orlera far A17 Aoout at loweit Situ. ,T,.' ''V'..1- ' "l " " ' local Agents or to HENDERSON BROTHERS, Chicago, IU. T.A. HUDSON, Agent, The Dalles, Or. - TINNING AND PLUMBING A SPECIALTY. Leave orders cor. Third and Union, or 133 Second St. THE DALLES. OR. THE EUROPEAN HOUSE. The Corrngrated Building next Door to Court House. . Handsomely FnrnisM Rooms to Rent liy the Day, Week" or Montli. Meals Prepared by a-First Class English Cook. TRANSIENT PATRONAGE SOLICITED. , . Good Sample Rooms for Commercial Men. Scientific American Agency for . V -i CAVEAT8. rrj-yfT COPYRIGHTS, eto. For Information and free Handbook write to MUNN & CO- SCI Broadway, New York. Oldest bureau for securing patents in America Every patent taken out by ua ia brouRht before the public by a notice given free of charge in the jF mntUk Skmttuw FIRST-CLHSS lil Largest circulation of any scientific paper In the 'una. 'ear; $1.50 six months. Address MUN.N CO RnJpnriidlv Ulns.'ratfKi man should be withoui it. Wecklr. No in tell! pent a buhbebs, 3S1 Broadway. New York. e Pi i CAN BE HAD AT THE CHRONICLE it O FFICE treasonably Ruinous Rates. 1