The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, September 16, 1892, Image 7

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' The Leading Institution of Learning In
p ... ' Eaatern Oregon.-
The academy is located on the block
lying to the west of Pentland etreet and
- north of Third. The building and
grounds comprise a whole block, situat
ed in the most desirable and quietest
" part of the city. The surroundings of
' ' the school are fine, these being large,
', ample play grounds, sufficient to con
veniently accoiniuodate any number of
pupils. The remaining portion of the
, grounds surrounding tlie college have
been ptanted in fruits, all of which are
now bearing. The elegant building was
; completed in 1884 and is a model in de-
eign and finish. The institution.' offers
all the advantages of a higher, education
to women. It is conducted by Ihe sis
vtQra of the holy names, of Jesus and
r Mary, a society of women devotedex--
cfusively to the work of christian edu
; cation. JJvery branch of study is pur
sued in the English language, but French
and fcrerman are spoken by the teachers.
. and (lie pupils enjoy every facility for
periecung tnemseivcj in these lan
guages. Lessons in vocal and instru-
.'. mental music are given, including gui
tar, mandolin and zither, also instruc
tions in stenography, telegraphy and
.type writing, drawing and painting,
plain and nseiul needlework, embroid-
ery. and all kinds of fancy work. To
advance laudable emulation in the va-
rions branches of science, monthly com-
petitions are held, when the young ladies
most distinguished in their respective
' classes receive the honorary decoration
. of a medal. At the same time reports
are forwarded to their parents and
guardians, giving the class standing and
proficiency, etc., of their daughters and
maids. A department giving instruc
. tions to boys under twelve years of age
. has received large patronage. The pres
ent schoolaBtic year commenced Monday,
September 5th with a gratifying attend-'
; ance. Pupils who have completed the
; prescribed course ot study receive a di
' plow a or certificate, w hen such distinc
tion is deserved. ' The professed relig
ion of the Sisters of the institution is
- Catholic, but that will in no manner in
terfere with the religious principles of
' those who may profes a diiferent creed..
in orueF to maintain uniformity, how
ever, it is required that all pupils should
attend Divine worship. The young la
dies are permitted to receive visits from
their parents or guardians and from
friends introduced by them, on Thurs
day and Sunday afternoons. The course
ot instruction embraces five grades ; the
primary, junior, preparatory, senior and
graduating. The various studies mclud
ed are moral philosophy, logic, English
literature, geometry and trigonometry,
algebra, book keeping, written arithme
tie,' chemistry, natural philosophy,
, physiology, geology, zoology, astronomy,
use of the globes, botany, rhetoric, elo
cution, composition, grammar, epistol
ary art, ancient history, modern history,
United States history, mythology, ju
venile science, geograpny, reading, spell
ing, penmanship, rules ot deportment,
linear, Industrial and perspective draw
ing, vocal and instrumental music, and
needle work. The health and sanitary
condition of the academy is excellent,
and will compare favorably with any
similar institution in the state. Minute
attention is paid to the health of the
tpupils, and at all times they receive the
most affectionate and assiduous care.
Thus it will be seen that parents and
guardians, who feel an interest in their
daughtersind maids, should not hesi
tate to send them to the academy,
where they will receive a hrst class edu
cation that will prove of incalcuable
benefit in after years. Full information
regarding board and tuition may be had
by addressing the Sister Superior in
charge of the school.-
Campbell Bros.
The ice cream, soda and confectionery
and oyster parlors operated by Campbell
Bros, have achieved a merited reputa
tion tor the ability ot the proprietors as
cateers. They occupy spacious and
well ordered apartments on Second
street, and although succeeding the
well known firm of W. Cram & Co., the
place has only been in operation 6ix
months, they have fully maintained the
high reputation, and are gradually in
creasing aa our citizens become ac
quainted with the excellent service and
the fine line of home made candies that
are dispensed by the firm. The young
gentlemen comprising this firm are well
Lknon-n in this community, having es-
ri . i 1 1 if . 1 , i-i I
tatuisneu lor uiemaeives wnuein cnarge
of the Wasco county Sun a solid reputa
tion as men of inti-grity, industry and
all those qualities which characterize
citizens of merit in a community. Four
years of upright dealing has earned for
these brothers a reputation which will
pot fail to enlarge their already lucra
tive business. An expert man has been
employed by this firm and will arrive
shortly, who wiil be perfectly cognizant
with all modes of making pure and de
licious French confectionery. - "The
proof of the pudding is in the eating,"
so do not fail to call at Campbell Bros.
for a cool drink of soda and take home
with you a box of their delicious candy.
i ' - Dr. .T. P. Bnedftlifir.'
There is no profession that is more
i i i . i .
ueceaoary anu uaeiui lor tne gooa ap
pearance of human mortals than that of
the dentist, and as much care and at
tention should be given to the teeth as
to any other part of the body. If not
breath's sake alone, they should be at
tended to for the fact that there is no
other thing that so detracts from the
jbeauty of either man or woman as a
bad set of teeth.
Dr. Snedaker comes to'- this citv -as a
graduate of the New York College of
iDentistry and is , prepared to give
patrons superior work in falling and pre-
teerving teeth and the replacement of
jloet ones. He will be pleased to see any.
lone who has anything in his line ta do,
and he can please you we assure you.
JUnapman block, rooms 38 and 37.
Dr. helman.
The homeopathic school of medicine
s. among the oldest in the world and
has made rapid strides in the science of
fcnediclhe, in the last quarter of a lentu-
try, and numbers among its members
pome of the most eminent surgeons, the
knost profound investigators and the
most skillful physicians. Dr. Eshel-
rnan, who is a native of Missouri, is a
graduate of the Hanhuemann hospital
college, Chicago, and came here from
California two years ago. He has a
pieasanuy located otnee at rooms three
Snd four t;hapman block. His success
n geneial pa tict- hrs g. Ired fir him a
eputation which is add.og every day to
is list of patients. .
. .niBkeley & Honghton. ' '
.'" "This live and favorably known house
has been conducting business nnder the
present title tor the past three years
being successors to the firm of Blakeley
& Clark and is acknowledged as a very
popular and thoroughly established en
terprise of the town. The premises oc
cupied include a centrally located store,
fitted up in the neat and attractive style
so characteristic of the modern drug store,
and -the diversified stock carried is com
plete throughout. The firm: is always
supplied with a fall and comprehensive
line of pure drugs," chemicals, perfumes,
toilet articles, and a complete stock of
all the proprietory remedies of acknow
ledged merit and standard reputation,
instruments,- druggists sundries, and
physicians' supplies. This house is en
dorsed by the leading physicians on ac
count of the reliability and purity of its
drugs, and scientific service in the pre
scription department, where the utmost
ernes' of all kinds. Putting up prescrip
tions "if .by far the most important
branch of the drag business, and accord
ingly no expense or painstaking effort
has been soared to . perfect the entire
stock in detail. and quality. Absolute
perfection is assured, as nothing bnt
pure, fresh drags of the finest quality is
dispensed, and patrons may bring their
prescriptions feeling certain that they
will be filled accurately with pure goods.
A fine line of artists' materials' is kept
by the firm, including Winsor and New
ton's water colors, mineral and oil paint,
a complete stock of brushes, crayon
material, and articles for -decoration in
china, paper macho, ground glass, cel
luloid etc., which embraces many novel
ties. A large and very elegant
soda fountain adorns the right side of
the store near the front entrance where
this cooling beverage is served in many
tempting ways'. . A very attractive space
is reserved- at the left where persons
waiting for prescriptions can find the
latest - papers to interest them. ' Mr,
Geo. 'C. Blakelev has recently been
elected "'. county judge, being the
youngest incumbent who - has held the
office, elected by a majority of 253 votes
against the republican nominee which
speaks strongly. He is also ex-presi
den of the states pharmaceutical associa
tion, ana amemoeroi tne American
Pharmaceutical Association. His part
ner Mr. Fred Houghton has lived ' here
for eleven years having come from Michi
gan. He has a splendid reputation, ener
getic, kind hearted and an all around
good fellow. Mr. Hs'. father was the
discoverer and manufacturer of cosino-
line a petroleum product from which
all the other preparations are made.
C. P. Stephens.
'general merchandise
The dealer in
must be a man of marked ability to at
tain anything like succoes, as it is prob
ably the most difficult branch of mer
cantile enterprise to carry on. Mr.
Stevens has had 10 years experience in
the business before establishing his pres
ent store some six months ago, and is
thoroughly capable of presiding over
such an establishment. The stock em
braces everything in the line of staple
and fancy dry goods, among them the
latest and prettiest dress materials and
patterns, including a fine line of boots
and shoes, containing all sizes, styles,
widths, from a tine ladies' shoe to the
stout farm boot of the laborer together
with a fine line of ready made clothing,
also agents for the Albany woolen mills.
Mr. Stevens invites an inspection ot his
stock, is there to sell goods and wait up
on customers, and desires his share of
the trade and favorable consideration of
the public. We congratulate Mr. Stev
ens upon the success that has-already at
tended him, and predict that success
that always follows meritorious and well
directed efforts. His store has the ad
vantage of a central location being one
door east of The Dalles National Bank.
Mr. Stevens was for many years head
salesman in the store of N. Harris. -
Kastern ,' Oregon's -' Leading ' Furniture
' Dealers and Undertakers. '.
It is with some misgivings that we
attempt s review of the large wholesale
and retail furniture and carpet house of
Messrs. Jfrinz & .Nitscnke tor publication
to the country in our large edition. The
long standing of the firm and the high
cnaracter ot - tne firm's personnel in
business and - financial circles, makes
this enterprise second to none in East
ern Oregon as "a , contributor to our
reputation abroad as a trade center,
Both gentlemen are natives of Germany.
Mr. Prinz landed - in" America in '69,
while Mr.- Nitschke came one year later.
and they established the business in
1880 that has since grown to such mam
moth proportions. . '
The new magnificent 'brick structure
-recently elected by the firm is the pride
of the business street and - was built ex
pressly for the furniture and undertak
ing business, is without exaggeration
the best arranged establishment ot the
Inland Empire, and measures 58x100
feet in dimensions. The entire estab
lishment is admirably- systematized,
each line having departments, divided
bv spacious isles. The first floor is de
voted to an elaborate display of the var-
ious styles and designs oi tne jurniture.
Here are to be seen numerous styles of
lounges, rockers, easy chairs that are
models of comfort and luxury; -also
fancy stands, beautiful parlor centre
tables, in antique oak, - American
mahogany, walnut and sixteenth finish,
in the very latest designs, many of them
being artistic gems ; a full liueof elegant
chamber and parlor sets, and the best
quality of bric-a-brac, that not only, add
so much to the beauty of home, but are
much utility and convenience.
.The carpet department is a particular
feature and usually has its complement
of admirers. The firm has thousands
of dollars invested in this Hue. ' Among
the stock can be found scores of designs
and combinations that are unique and
beautiful, while the tints, are among the
most chaste and delicate that has ever
yet been" successfully woven into the
flowery" paths of a drawing room or
parloc, offering to the housewife, whose
rooms need refurnishing, temptations
that are diflicultto be resisted. "".:'
- The undertaking is given a separate
room, where strangers who die at hotels
can be conveved and be prepared for
burial or embalmed for shipping. They
carry an immense line of caskets and
burial gloves, and are expert embalmers
All orders in this line are promptly
executed and everything required for
tho rites of burial furnished, -funeral
ceremonies conducted with 'the most
considerated care. :
The mammoth basement is utilized
for receiving, packing and shipping
room ; also upholstering is a prominent
feature, of the establishment, and only
skilled men of experience are entrusted
with this branch.
This house deserves a more extended
notice than our space will permit, but
sufficient to say, they have the goods
and will sell them at the lowest figure
consist with business safety. They feel
justified in soliciting your patronage,
and pledge themselves to deserve it by
careful attention to your interests and
orders. .Too much can not be said of
this enterprising and . prosperous firm,
who command the united confidence of
our people, won by disinterested public
interest, honorable business course and
all of those attributes that go to make
np the worthy citizen and successful
175 Second Street,
The DallesrOregon
A full line of all the Standard Patent Medicines,
Drugs, . Chemicals, Etc.
J0ffCountry and Mail Orders will receive prompt attention. , - -'
The Ulamoncf Koller Mills.
Nothing more nearly affects the
health and happiness of mankind Mian
the bread they eat, and as good bread is
impossible without good flour, it is Safe
to say mat tne miller is more closely
indentlfied with the source of human
enjoyment, than any other of all the
thousands who ntributo thereto. The
Dalles can boast of the most complete
a -1 1 , ... ,
nounns miu in uresron. which wan
built by Mr. Curtis, in 1889. at the cost
ot several thousand dollars, and ia mill
owned and operated by him. the build
ing is commodious: four story, built-of
corrugaieu iron una is especially strong,
The machinery is the best known to the
milling art, aa Mr. Curtis is ever on the
alert to take advantage of everv dis
covery that will in the least keep his
product up to the very highest standard
or facilitate in its manufacture. The
engine room and receiving building is
me oiu uumiiBiieu government- mint, a
most substantial structure of stone and
brick, which cost Uncle 8am 10u.000.
The motive power of. the mill is derived
from a sesenty-hve horse nower encine.
and has a capacity of 125 barrels per
day.. The demand for the excellent pro
ducts of this mill is so great that the
management is compelled to nnprntn
Bwsuuiiy mo year round. - While Mr.
Uurtis nnds a home market lor nil ho
can manufacture, this alone speaks for
me auamv oi me nour ot this mjtt-
W. tl. (jroat. the head miller, was ran. II I I Li - - I l A I I LTL2 I 11M UIUTMH fr '
nected with one of the-large mills of 1 ' A ' t.-M-J-JdKJ J-J J lTJ.XX!ixVJ.i.i VJT . Vvt ;
Minneapolis, where be learned his trade. - -: ,NmBpoBAn,aoa
Miss anna peter's co.. -
Fine linry : !
112 Second street.
Maler & Benton.
"Don" BJcer.
St. Faul said "Take a little wine for
the stomach's sake," but he failed to
direct that it should be pure and un
adulterated. In this respect his instruc
tions were a little faulty, but what they
lacked this genial dealer is endeavoring
to supply by placing before his patrons
only those wines and liquors which con
noisseurs have pronounced to be the
best and purest quality. Mr. Baker has
a large circle of friends and acquaintances
and cannot afford to keep other than the
best goods and an orderly, quiet business
resort. A full and complete line of the
best brands of imported and domestic
wines, liqnors and cigars are kept in
stock. His furniture and bar fixtures
are first class and patronized by the best
people or the vicinity. Mr. Baker came
to The Dalles from the Province of
Canada in 1879 and has conducted his
business for seven years in this city;
He is popular as a citizen and respected
by all with whom he meets in business
or social relations.
W. H Toang..-
There is no artisan whose work is of
more importance or who is a more
necess ry factor of any community than
the blacksmith. The above gentleman
needs no introduction to the people of
The Dalles. He has been doing general
blacksmithing and conducting a repair
shop most of the time for the past 22
years, and has an established reputation
for reliable and honest work. . He iol
lowed the avocation of. farming and
stock raising for a few years but he soon
drifted back to his natural calling that
of the blasksmith, of which be is an ex
pert and as a iiorseshoer, be hasn't an
equal in Wasco county. . His equipments
are first class and work in his line is
done in workmanlike manner. Give
him a call, be is worthy of substantial
encouragement. His shop is located on
3d etreet. '
John Baser.
Ten years ago Mr. John Baser estab
lished his shop in The Dalles, that of
wagon maker, repairer and general job
work. By first class work and honorable
dea ing with mankind he has built up a
lucrative trade that speaks well for his"
competency and reliability as a work
man. Mr. Baser is a native of Switzer
land, coming to TheJJalles ten years
ago and has been actively engaged at the
work of his trade ever since his arrival
among as. His equipments for wagon,
carriage and buggy work and repairing
of all kinds are A No. 1 in every partic
ular, and tne prices charged are consis
tent with the materials used and the
quality of work turned out. He is
trustworthy in all his representations
and you can rely upon two things, if he
does your work, low prices and first
class work.
The above named gentlemen, have re
cently purchased the stock of hardware
and tinware owned by M. A. Bettingen,
deserve prominent mention in our re
view. They are both young and ambi
tious men, and are well and favorably
known to the citizens of The Dalles as
men of business sagacity and honorablo
standing. They have engaged in the
hardware and grocery lines, being pro
prietors of two well paying stores. " The
hardware house located at 133 Second
street comprises of shelf hardware,
stoves, furnaces, tinware, bouse furnish
ing goods and small wares, and a multi
farious assortment of devices and me
chanical appliances. - The tinning de
partment is a distinctive feature of this
establishment, and is managed by Mr.
Benton, a practical tinner who was em
ployed for years in the Union Pacific
shops in this city. They make a spe
cialty of roofing and all "kinds of sani
tary plumbing which they guarantee to
be executed in the most workmanlike
manner. A large stock of guns and
ammunnition is kept fully supplied and
the repairing of guns is a specialty.
Tho store used by this firm for
groceries is located at the corner of
Union and Third streets and is fur
nished with a very fine stock of every
thing pertaining to the trade. Flour,
provisions, .delicious teas and coffees,
spices, canned goods, cigars and tobacco,
eggs etc., are always to be found fresh
and pure, and selling at prices that can
not be cheaper. All goods are delivered
to any part of 'town- promptly. Mr.
Maier is one of the city lathers and a re
liable business man, having come here
from his home in Iowa, a stranger to
these parts. . He and his partner have
built uames for themselves- which are
an honor to the town. Mr; Benton has
made this his home for the past nine
years, for he was born in Pennsylvania.
The dealings and reputation of this firm
are beyond reproach.
it is needless to say that he is a first
class miller and understands every de
tail ot the business. ;,
Air. Curtis is one of our most sub
stantial citizens and is fully identified
with the material prosneritv of thncifr.
Aii.H..k :. ' .. ...
aiuiuuu uia icaiueuctj ia on tne wash
tiiKtun Biue, yet we claim him as our
citizen. - ..
Ihe book keeping is looked after hv
the genial James Bnioes. who hast a host.
of friends in the city and country. The
Diamond jtioller Mill alwavs uavs th
lngheet market price for wheat.
No. .67 Washington Street. -. . . The Dalles. '
v" - Wholesale and Retail Dealers and Manufacturers of , " -
Building Material and Dimension Timber, Doors, Windows, Moldings, House Furnishings, Ete
Special Attention given to the Manufacture of Fruit and Fish
j Boxes and Packing Cases.
Factory and rrumler Vara t Old. 2Pt. Sollea. .
Tlie European IIona.
DRY Pine, Fir, Oak and Slab WOOD Delivered to .
any, part of the city, v -
cfi? CHO "TOT" E3,
The abovo house is the only fire proof
L.4..I !- 1 I i -
iiuiei m uud L-ity kuu wiucn was remod
eied last year., it is a two story struc
ture, built of corrugated iron, and is by
oaus me nanasomest and neatest hotel
Tkn Itallaa Tl.n - ;
iiiAiiuiangc. .-ino tuuiua are spacious, w "- 1 . B , . . B
elegantly furnished with the latest pat- HaFdWelTG. I inWrlTP " ErP FtO
tern of furniture, and the house is VVCII C?, I UIWOIC,,. JIA., CLU
equipped throughout in modern style.
The proprietress, Mrs. H-. Fraser. recog
nizing the fact that The Dalles, along
witn many otner, needed a first class
hotel and is. attempting to pnpplv this
long teit want in hotel accommodations,
How well she has succeeded .the house,
oea-cnamDere, ann tne restaurant con
nected, will speaR tor themselves. Mrs. n i .J ci i" n't:
Fraser personally superintends the cook- UUDS, MfflUnillOIl 011(1 oDOrlM UOOQS.
ReoPQ. and Charter Oak
ing department, which guarantees that
the table contains the delicacies of the
season, and wfiich is prepared by an
Anglian cnet. Mrs. fraser e aim is to
give her guests all of the home, comforts
and accommodations of a first class ho
tel. Mrs. Fraser is a genial and estima
ble lady, wha- regards it a pleasure to
provide for tho comforts of her patrons
and she never fails to hold custom once
obtained. She is a good business wom
an, posesses her full complement -of
warm personal friends.-- Transient pa
tronage solicitated and splendid sample
rooms ior commercial men.. iNo one
will make a mistake by stopping at the
European House.
Wagons and Carriages.
Reapers and Mowers.
Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Co.'s
Agricullnral Implements and MacMnery
Stoneman & Flego.
"The Germanla.'
This is one of the best saloons in the
city and has a patronage consistent with
its merits. It is owned by . the well
known gentlemen, Charles Stabling and
Owen Williams, and is stocked' with a
fine line of wines,- liquors, beer, porter,
and cigars, and will be pleased to have
you call in and sample the goods. They
will .move their stock and bar fixtures
to the building above them about the
first of Oct. which is being prepared for
their reception, and when completed it
will be by far the handsomest saloon in
TheDalle8. Their bar fixtures are of
rich design and best workmanship, and
there is an excellent billiard, pool and
club room in connection. Both the
proprietors are popular and well liked
by a large circle of friends. In passing
by, it would be well to call in and make
their acquaintance. Both gentlemen
taken an active interest in all matters,
business or otherwise, ' tending to pro
mote the welfare of the city.
This is the only exclusive boot and
shoe establishment in The Dalles, and
the stock is complete and comprises a
carefully selected assortment of fine and
medium grades of boots, shoes and itai-
teis lor men s and youths' wear, and
everything that is new, fashionable and
stylish in full kid, morroco and leather,
in the way oi toot wear. . JtJoth gentle
men are practical -shoe-makers, which
enables them to know a good and infer-
lor article, especial attention is given
to making of fine custom work, using
oniy tne pest grades ot leather. The
prices are in every respect as low as the
lowest. Both these young men are na
tives of Germany, and established their
present business last March. Thev are
enioving a good, solid trade, and are re
garded perfectly honorable in all their
business relations. This young firm
merits the most liberable patronage and
the confidence of the public. Give them
a call, they will treat you white, we
know whereof we speak.
11. 8. Cheeseninn.
ihe superior value of hand work over
that produced bv machinery is acknowl
edged by every one, and it is not more
manifest in the manufacture of any other
article than that of footwear. It is un
reasonable to suppose that shoes made
in one set shape and pattern can be as
comfortable as those from individual'
measurements. Those in The Dalles I
who desire their boots and shoes made
to order can not do better than to pat-
roize Mr. (Jheeseman who has been es
tablished but three months in our town.
He has in his employ the well known
workman C. W. Adams, and can suit
you if anyone can, and his prices are
most reasonable. If. you want strictly
hand made work m first class order go
to his shop. Mr. Cheeseman is a native
of Missouri having been in Oregon but
three years. He was connected with
the Pacific express in this city and won
many friends by bis courteous manners j
ahdstraightforward dealings.- His hop
is on Second street one door west of Job n
Both s grocery. -
Groeeries and GfOGkery.
A full lino of Lamps, Glassware and Dishes of all kinds. Silver plated Knives,
Forks and Spoons. When you are selecting your Christmas presents
look through my stock and you will get something useful -as
well as ornamental.
Grandall & Barget,
Undertakers and Embalmers.
(Successors to L. D. Frank, deceased.)
OF ,A.TjIj
. A General Line of
Horse Furnishing Goods.
fbolesale and Retail Dealers in Harness, Bridles, fnins, Horse Blanlets, Etc.
" Fall Assortment of Mexican Saddlery Plain or Stained.
W. A. Klrbjr. .
One of neatest and most popular gro
cery stores of The Dalles, is that owned
and operated bv tht above named gen
tleman, Mr. Kirby, who inaugurated
business some four years ago. He was
born . in Illinois and worked on the U,
P. . R. far eight years and has a large
patronage amone the railroad families.
He is a clever and excellent business
man, and knows the best way to acquire
new custom as well as retain the old.
viz., by selling the best eoods only, and
selling at prices that but few of his com
petitors can equal and none excel for
cheapness and duality.- He makes a
specialty of country produce, eggs, but
ter and fruit. He handles everything
under the head of the staple and fancy
grocery line and no housewife need go
elsewhere for the ordinary necessaries of
housekeeping.. His stock of groceries is
very complete, is alwavs fresh and of the
beet quality and he is himself a gentle
man with whom it is a pleasure to deal.
Corner Barn, Union Stock Yards, Chicago, Illinois.
The Largest and Only Strictly Commission Dealer
in Horses In the United States.
Commencing the 3rd of August and every month throughout the year will hold
Special Extensively Advertised Sales of
Ref erenoe
(National Live Stork Bank. Chicago. 111.
Chicago National Bank, Chicago, 111.
Write for Particulars.