The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, September 16, 1892, Image 6

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    : It J
... .r Flty"Jfc Shown. ' -. ' . ; ' V
'. ' This well aftd favorably kuoWfi fectese
- datea,its inception back 'seyei'a Years,
.'' wm! is oife of the oldest stands in 'the
city, the' present firm succeeded to the'
; ' 5 1)UBines8 only last February but "have
been residents of The Dalles : for years.
- The individual members are Mr. W.
j-.WoyA. and .Mr.- Stacy Shown.- The
'-. pre mises are fitted in the neat. and at-
tractive style so characteristic - of the
,.--'drug-- store wherever found, and the.
.. diversified a4 Varied stock is complete
. ,'. r throughout. - It comprises all that per-
-""'tains to this' branch of trade, druga and
chemicals m all their mutifarious va-
, . rieties, sappleme.nted with- minor at
. tractions both useful and -ornamental
i.iucludicg fancy goods, toilet articles,
. - perfumeries, rubber goods, stationery,
.:."" lamp eoods, etc. A leading specialty is
physicians' prescriptions and recipes
: ;In this department care and accuracy is
- V essential in all compounding, requiring
' the purest ingredients in accurate parts
aed Drooortions as prescribed. In con
nection with their drug store they carry
a fine and well assorted line of jewelry,
" . olid silver and gold, and plated ware,
watches and clocks, notions, etc. This
' department is conducted by Mr. Shown
who is skilled in repairing watches "and
iewelrv. and who is competent . to fit
. spectacles to the eye so as to give per
fect satisfaction.- Mr. Floyd is one of
"v our wealthiest and most influential
,,, citizens, being largely, interested in
stock raising of horses aud the red Dur
tarn cattle. His stock farm is some
five miles from The Dalles and contains
' 11,000 acres.' Mr. Floyd came to Oregon
in '71 from bis native state, Michigan.
- and since then has been fully identified
.. .with the growth and development of
Eastern Oregon. Mr. Shown is one of
Oregon's own productions and is a
young man of sp'endid business ability,
In a word this is one of the best stocked
-. drug houses in The Dalles and is
' therefore a most desirable house to do
-business with.
William Saunders.
. ' Although comparatively a new-comer
among us Mr. Saunders has already es
tablished himself as a contractor and
builder of high merit. Mr. Saunders
- came here less than two years ago with
high recomendations from his home
in Cleveland, Ohio. Under his personal
supervision the Methodist church has
' been erected and is the handsomest
church building in the . city. . The
.Baptist church now in process of con
. structlon is being built by Mr. Saunders
and will speak for itself as a substantial
evidence of his careful management and
unquestioned ability. Those who con
. template building will do well to see or
. correspond with Mr. Saunders and get
estimates for any kind of buildings and
will not regret placing in his hands the
construction of the same. Mr. Saunders
has gone through a long term of practi
cal experience and training in the wide
field of architecture and has solved the
complex problem of how best to Utilize
the minimum of space with the max
imum of beauty and design. Both in
experience and ability he is well quali
fied to undertake and carry through to;
a successful issue the most important
public or privato architectual enterprise.
Estimates, ' plans and specifications
furnished on application.
Tbe "Snug" Balooa.
This is one of tbe leading sample
rooms in The Dalles. The proprietor,
Mr. W. H. Butts, is well known in the
community, having conducted a livery
and feed stable in the city, and was
raised in the state. He opened his pres
ent business some six months ago, and
his acquaintance brought him a prosper
ous trade from the beginning. He han
dles a full line ot , Irish disturbance,
Home Rule and Parnell brands, and an
excellent assortment of sheep hearders'
delight. Also tbe very best wines, li
quors and cigars constantly on hand.
Mr. Butts conducts a first class resort, is
quiet and orderly at all times and pa
tronized by the best people of the coun
try and The Dalles. Mr. Harry Adams,
his bartender is polite and efficient and
as a mixologist is an expert. Give this
sample room a call. These gentlemen
will quench your thirst and certainly
treat you right. s . -
A Well Known and Popnlar Resort.
'In The Dalles there is a resort that
may be called a very popnlar one. We
. mean the saloon of "Ad" Keller, no
. matter who gives the gentlemanly pro
" prietor a call, it always proves the case
that he will ever greet you, and his wil
- ling" haod will dispense whatever may
be needful. The Btock on hand is such
as to be almost illimitable, but never
theless. "Ad" Keller knows just how
and -where to put his hand on what you
r may .all for. In the way of mixed
- drinks the proprietor is what maybe
.' called no expert, he having had years of
experience as a dispenser of the differ-
. ' ent fluids kept behind a -will regulated
and first .class bar. Mr: Keller was
formerly located in Portland and has
- been in The Palles ten years, and in
-' business six years. He conducts an or
" -derly place-and tjha best citizens are his
- patrons. For .pure urines and liquors!
. patronise "Ad" Keller who will treat
' you right." " I
f-- ' X... V, Austin.
Ko man iii The Dalles has' pushed
more rapidly to the ' front Tank ' of bur
city's enterprising ensmees men. during
the past decade than t. P. Austin.." The
builders' and contractors, whose name
will go down to posterity as contribut
ing as much to the architectural .beauty
of The Dalles as any man-. Some of the
handsomest residences in the city, bear
the stamp of his workmanship jurd he
is at this time' engaged porr 'the work
of building an elegant residence for Phil
Brogan which will be a model medium
priced home, with"all the-, comforts
which co so far in this day and age to
make life beautiful and enjoyable. . He
has the happy characteristic of easy eon-
troi of his men and employs all the way
from five to twenty, throughout the year.
With a kind' word for his competitors he
always maintained a friendly relation
with them. In addition to " painstaking
care, he always supervises all the work
be undertakes. Mr. Austin is a public
spirited citizen, and has done his share
in furthering the best interests of the
city. He is a fearless advocate of the
people and never flinches in carrying
out what he believes to be his duty. Mr,
Austin was born across the Atlantic and
came to the U. S. in 1898. He has de
voted his time and attention to the car
peuter and building trade since he has
been in America.; He may be said to be
a master of his trade, and he invites cor
respondence from any' point. He is
prepared at any time to furnish estimates
Or designs for. the erection of building
He assisted in rebuilding "Chicago after
the great fire in '71. .
U. 1. Done.' M. !.'-..
For thirteen years Dr. Doane has ad
ministered to the sick and ailing of The
Dalles and vicinity and during that time
he has built up a reputation as a physi
cian and surgeon of which he may justly
feel proud. Dr. Doane graduated from
the Willamette medical college, at Sa
lem in '76, and at the Bellevue hospital
medical college in 1888. The later is
considered the best institution of the
kind in America. His success in general
practice has given him a marked repu
taiton among the medical fraternity and
the public. Dr. Doane is considered by
the many who have tried him to be
safe person in whom to trust and confide
when difficult or dangerous cases arise
iu lucuii'iue or surgery. ne Keeps
abreast with the times in information on
the latest discoveries and - scientific
methods that will in any way influence
the efficiency of the practice. He is
gentleman of recognized ability and has
won a most satisfactory practice. He is a
native of Oregon and.came to The Dall
es in 1870.' The doctor has many friends
and a large list of patients in the city
and country and enjoys the confidence
and respect of all, as a most reputable
and worthy physician. . nis rooms are
6 and 6 in the Chapman block.
F. T. Esplns;.
Ever since the time when Peter and
Paul angled for the finny monsters in the
deep waters of the sea of Galilee, it has
been considered poor architectural policy
to build houses upon the sand. So it. is
easier for a builder to know what not to
do than it is to know just jvhat to do,
and if you are looking for a contractor
and builder who knows either, you
should make it a point to call upon F.
T. Esping. He is ready at all times and
on short notice to give estimates on any
class of building, or to prepare plans
and specifications for the same. He is
a thorough mechanic and employs none
but skilled laborers to assist him, know
ing full well that nothing reflects on i
man's ability bo much as a poorly con
structed bouse, and as a reputation Is a
thing of beauty and a joy forever, he
exerts every effort to give the most
perfect satisfaction, and when one goes
into an undertaking with all Iris heart
and all bis mind, as Mr. Esping does,
the result can only be a success. If
contemplating the erection of a building
call on him for figures and let him show
you samples of his work in manner and
form of some of our finest residences.
Dr. II. Logan.
One of the leading regular physicians
of this section is the gentleman whose
name heads this sketch. He is one of
those practitioners who bring to the
pro feat ion a thorough knowledge of the
latest discoveries in the science of medi
cine, supplemented by a varied and ex
tended experience. Dr. Logan has a
thorough medical training, taking his
degree of M. D. at the St. Louis medical
college in 1S72. His office is pleasantly
located in the land office building, and
calls are attended to at all hours. Dr.
Logan is one of the official pension ex
aminers and assistant surgeons for the
Union .Pacific railroad company. He
commands the reepect and confidence of
tho people socially and professionally,
Dr. Logan is the regular medical attend
ant in many of our best homes, and the
large number of -. The Dalles and sur
rounding country who rely upon him to
minister to their wants in their hours
of sickness is strong evidence of the re
pute in which he is held and the confi
dence which the people repose in him
as a reliable and trustworthy physician.
A Mammoth Concern . la tn Farm Im
i plemtnt and Btrdvwr line.
- When It comes to hardware msrehants
in The --Dalles -. people turn out and
award the ..palm,, to '-Mays'; & t rowe,
whose elegant new store "which arises
Phomix "like from' the ashes of last
year's fire, stands as a mdnnrtient-of un
tiring energy and eonrage on the part of
its ' proprietors. iThe establishment
which originally Twas conducted by
Abrams & Stewart,-' was "purchased by
Messrs. Mays and Crowe shortly, before
the fire, who, since that time have also
added to their business the large trade
of Fish & Bardon. The firm in a vigor
ous and enterprising one, and their busi
ness has steadilv grown during the short
time the gentlemen have bad it in
chargei-.They carry a ':very -large and
com pletec. stock -of general - hardware,
stoves, tools, tin and eljeet iron ware.
They make a specialty of. the-Acron
and Charter Oak stoveB and ranges, and
have supplied many homes with them.
Th y also handle gnnf, ammunition and
bought the gnn-smithine tools of, George
Anderson ; sporting goods and numerous
other specialties are -part of the stock.
A full line of iron, coal, blacksmith sap
plies, wagon makers material, sewer
pipe, pumps nd pipe and plumbing
material is constantly on hand. - W. H.
Mnrphy, the well known tinner, ; pre
sides over the tin department, which is
an important feature of the business
and where all kinds Of work is done in
tin repairing, etc., also plumbing in its
different branches. - - - .
To accommodate their large circle of
patrons in the surrounding country
Mays 6 Crowe have added to their stork
a large line of wagons and carriages of
tbe celebrated Studebaker make and
Osborne's reapers and ' mowers. The
firm are also agents for Mitchell, Lewis
& Staver Co's. agricultural implements
and machinery, and have an inrxhaust
ahle supply of barhed wire. Their re
pair department, especially-in the lines
of tin and sheet iron ware, is an im
portant branch of the business. - The
members of the firm are .lively and
enterprising men. Hon. Robert "Mays
has for many years been a prominent
man in this county, having bad a wide
experience as a ranchman on pn ex
tensive pcale. He is the present mavor
of The Dalles, having been re-elected in
June last. ' '
Mr. L. E.Crowe, Mr, Mays' son-in-law,
is a very popular example of the
progressive type of young business men
that command the "respect of the age.
The firm enjoys the perfect confidence
of the community and tbeir trade ex
tends through all , the surrounding
The Colombia Packing Co.
One of the most important enterprises
of The Dalles is the above-named com
pany. Their establishment is thor
oughly equipped for business with. all
modern improvements, and in everv
particular neat and tidv. The ereat crv
of.the average man is for good meat and
plenty of it, and the members of this
company are resolved that their patrons
will never be obliged to give utterance
to the first part of the crv. Thpy carry
everything iu stock that can be found in
a first-class market, and their prices are
in Keeping with the times.
Mr, K. U. Fhirman, the manager, is
an .experienced hntcher, having con
structed a market in onr city a number
of years previous to ' this time, and a
more courteous man never waited upon
a customer.
Mr. A. A. Bonnev is a native-born
Oregonian, his parents being amone the
first settlers of the state, and he is fnllv
identified with the growth of the coun
Mr. Geo. Keller is an eastern gentle
man who came amongr ns some three
years ago. He has conducted himself
in such a gentlemanly wav that he has
won the esteem and confidence of the
ihey buy only the best, butcher in
the most approved manner, keep the
stock fresh, cool, and of even tempera
ture, and cut so as to brine out the best
qualities in cooking. The company car
ries everythme that can be found in any
bret-class market, and their- prices are
as cheap as the cheapest. We tnke
pleasure in referring our local readers
to this market for the best of every
thing in their line, and gnarantee tbnt
vonr business relations with them will
be pleasant and agreeable.".
Leslie Batler.
Among the many grocery houses of
this city, the one presided over by the
above named gentleman occupies" a
favorable position among 'the competi
tors as to the quality of goods and
moderate prices which are obtained
here. Here you can at all times find a
complete line of groceries, the finest
cherries and Japan teas, fine Moca, Java
and other tine cottees, sealed goods in
tin and glass, including every species of
imported and domestic productions.
condiments, table delicacies and all
staples. Mr, Butler also carries a large
supply of glass and queens ware. This
house is in every, way in a position to
satisfy all legitimate demands that may
be made upon it, and cannot fail to give
satisfaction to purchasers from it,
Patrons will meet with just, honorable
and liberal treatment in all respects.
and invariably good value for their
money which can be relied upon. The
prosperity of the house now under re
view fully attests, the appreciation - of
these qualities by the public. . Mr,
uutier came to The Danes eleven years
ago from Kansas and has proved him
self to be an honest man in his dealings
which fact is well shown Dy the patron
age he enjoys. -
D. C. Benin.
It does not often occur that a citv the
ze of The Dalles can retain the services
of a first-class artist like D. C. Herrin,
Mr. Herrin came to our city a little less
than a year aoro having bought what
was know as the Houghton gallery. In
his elegant suit of rooms over the post
office he is found at ill times rtady to
receive his customers. Mr. Herrin is a
photographer of more - than .ordinary
anility, as his excellent work shows.
The rooms are the finest in eastern
Oregon and supplied with all those in
ventions which make the work superior
in finish.- JiiVerv branch of photo
graphic ariis practiced, out door scenery,
still life, interiors, and portraiture. His
charges are very reasonable and orders
are promptly filled. Mr. Herrin makes
a specialty of finishing codak pictures,
-o no one need hesitate about buying
tnose conveniences. .
-.The Flint National Bank. - -
The permanence and stability of the
commercial interests of a city are sus
tained only, by her financial "conser
vators. The Dalles possesses an insti
tution that jtanda second to none in
solvency, and degree of confidence its
business course of six years has inspired.
A bank is indispensable, to a bueiness
man, and an examination of tho bank
ing facilities of. a- town in Which it-is
desired to locate is one of -tho first
things demanding attention by capital
ists. This bank is. an eminently safe.
flourishing : and reliable, institution,
which embarks in no questionable ven
tures and pays regular , semi-annualf-
dividends.. They do a general banking
business in deposit s loans, collections,
exchange, -receive accounts of banks,
bankers, merchants, manufacturers and
others on ; the most favorable terms.
They mako collections on all- accessible
points at lowest rates and render satis
faction to all customers. . Tho bank's
officers are J. L.'Schonck, president and
Mr. H. M. Beall, cashier'. - The capital
stock is 1 50 ,000 and undivided profits
$16,000. The officers of this bank are
gentlemen in whom we take pleasure in
giving space. " '
Mr. Schenck came to Oregon from
New York in 1862 and was a popular
officer in the O. S. Nv' Co. for some
years. - He has been a member of the
city council, while "Mr. Beall. has also
served as cicy treasurer and school di
rector. Mr. Ueall das mad.o this his
home since 1864: coming here from his
home in Maryland. - The policy of the
institution is moulded by the directors,
who represent the enterprise, the busi
ness interest and financiering ability.
Jno. M. Filloon & Vo.
Amone the prominent ' business
houses of The Dalles is that of Jno. M
Filloon & Co s. farming implement es
tablishment on Second street, east end
They carry an immense stock of aen
cultural implements second to, none
tbe city and by fair, honest and upright
dealing have won the confidence and
esteem of their patrons and people
this community. One needs to visit
the establishment and examine the
eleeant display of-implements and ve
hicles which includes tbe light running
Mitchell wagon. . the McUormick har
vester and mower, ' and the Standard
mowers and rakes: also the famons
Haines' Oregon Combine header and
every other implement used in this sec
tion ot Oregon. The business was es
tabhshed in 1887 by Filloon Bros., the
present firm succeeded to tbe business
about six montbs ago. Mr. moon is
native of Iowa, coming to the coast
some ten years ago. -. . He has alwayi
endorsed and encouraged any measure
tending to the material advencement of
The Dalles. He is prepared- to offer
great inducements in prices to the trad
ing public, as he buys his stock direct
from first hands in large quantities for
cash, thus saving discounts.
Support the Firm that Gives the Best
Inducements. -
- The establishment of Mr. Harris has
been in operation for more than twelve
years, and always holds its full share of
patronage among many competitors.
Mr. Harris is a shrewd bus ness man.
careful buyer, and he sells at closer mar
gins than any man engaged in his line
of business. - His stock is large, and ho
seldom has a call for anything in his
line that be cannot produce. Tbe stock
of staple and fancy dry goods, notions,
blankets, woolens, flannels, white goods,
linens, drees goods, hosiery, and fancy
goods generally, is very complete and
embraces choice selections in -each
the various departments. A large stock
of bootB, shoes, ot rubber, kid and leath
er, furnishes manv sizes and styles,
Prices are alwavs consistently low with
the well known quality of goods. Mr,
Harris is a genial, liberal and fair deal
ing gentleman who deserves your natron
age and who will make it w r n your
while to trade with him. Crouds bought
and sold strictiy tor cash.
Harrison &
Donohne, Seventy-Four
Front Street.
We wish to call special attention of
our readers to the new restaurant open
ed Sept. 1, by Messrs Harrison Dono
hue. They are enterprising young men
and have started in businoss with the
intention of having tbeir restaurant first-
uiass iu every particular. xiitsir timing
room is commodious and well furnished,
and their fare is exc llent in variety.
1 r A . . , rr-i 1 - -
quality and mode of preparation,, and
have devoted tbe greater part of their
years catering to tho public appetite,
Ihey solicit your patronage and are con
hdent that one trial meal will convince
vou of the merit of their cuisine. Both
gentlemen are well known, having lived
bere for several years. If you want
good meal give these gentlemen a trial,
we assure of cordial treatment. - Open
day and mgnt.
J. M. HnntloKton Co.
In all real estate transactions it is ab
solutely necessary that an abstract of
title should be obtained giving an accu
rate transcript of its various transitions
and gradations from the government to
the last owner, that if found defective it
may be remedied. There is one promi
nent consideration the reliability and
knowledge of the abstractor. Mr. Hunt
ington is thoroughly posted on every
thing relating to title and when he signs
an abstract it is sufficient evidence of its
correctness and authenticity. He has
had long experience (.for six years; and
was deputy clerk for four years; has a
full set of abstract books, the pnly one
in tbe county, and can furnish dupli
cates for any tract or lot ia Wasco coun
ty on short notice. He also makes farm
loans, handles real estate,rents collected,
taxes paid for non-residents and Repre
sents the leading fire insurance' compa
ny operating in Oregon. A gentleman
of the highest character, his business
ability and integrity are well kuown and
full confidence and respect of his acquain
tance is accorded hit,., . Call on him,
when you need a loan, at his office No.
139 Second street, you will find him pre
pared to accommodate you.
Iu the County Courf'of the Statfe ot Orrgou for
t ttasco county. . .
Tn 4hc matter of tho estate f Abncr B. Smith,
deceased, notice is hereby Riven that the under
signed has been appointed administrator of the
estate of Abner B. bmitb, deceased ; all persons
having claims against said deceased arc notified
to present "them to me, with proper vouchers
therefor, nt tbe office of Mays, Huntington &
Vi ilson, The Dulles, Or:, within six months from
the date of this notice.. i -, .
. Doted A' gust 20th, 1S92. ' ' -
J. H.JSMITU, Administrator.
'''. - , - S.26wtl0.7
U.S.LasO Office, The Dalles. Or., Aug. 6, 1N92.
Complaint having been entered at this onlre
by Wvatt A. Stark against the heirs of George E.
Ijingillo. for abandoning -Homestead Entry No.
8,692, dated July 29th, 1K92, upon the W half of
BE qr and 8 half of SW qr, section 22, township
2 north, range 11 east, in Wasco county, Oregon,
with a view to the cancellation of said entry, the
said parties are hereby summoned to appear at
the U. 8. land office, The Dalles, Or., on the Sth
day of October, 1692, at 10 o'clock a. m., to res
pond and furnish testimony concerning said
alleged abandonment
. . '. --'30HKW. I.EWIH,
I offer for sale all or a part of my
farm of 480 acres in Sec. 24, Tp. 1 south,
range 14 east, 16- miles- southeast of The
Dalles ; good improvements, good young
five-acre orchard now bearing, plenty of
good water for house use and stock ; 175
acres in cultivation, good outlet - north,
east, south or west via county roads.
I also, offer for sale ICO acres in section
26,. township 1 south, range 14 east;
also five head horse, ons double set of
harness and a few farm implements, etc.
Prices reasonable, terms easy and title
good. For particulars come and see me
at The liaiies or J. li. Trout at the farm,
jan29-tf - . E. W. Tkoct.
2 .
X d id
il .
A. H. CURTIS, Prop-
Flour of the BestQual
ity Always on Hand.
' af Gka9
S3 t
CO 1
Flour, Grain, Fruit and Mill Feed .
The Dalles Mercantile Co.,
General Merchandise,
Dry Goods, Clothine, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Boots,
Shoes,' Hats, Caps, Groceries, Hardware,
Crockery,. Hay, Grain, Feed, Etc. -
390 to 894 Second St.,
New - Umatilla - House,
Ticket and Baggage Office of the U. P. R.
Union Telegraph Office are in the Hotel.
Fire-Proof Safe for the Safety of all Valuables.
aVIf Io want title to Government
State Lands call on
T, A. HUDriO.C,"
Notary PuMlc.
, Kee. I?. 8. I-und Otliee.
U. : S: Land Attorneys. -
Over Sixteen Years Experience.
. Send fore Pampblot describing Oils Und.
TtapsoflYAiliuon to Tie Dalles,
This addition Is laid off into one-acre Iota, ana -itidextlued
to be the principal reoidence partol
the city. Only twenty minutuoa walk from tho 1
court bonne.
Do not be afraid to connalt or writ ui, wo rive
advice or informaUon in all branches of our bus-
i lira fri-o nf flhnrmt. .
Settlers Located on Government Lani
-- - Office tn V. 8. Lund Office Building. - -THE
1MIXE8 - ' - OKEGON.
. -,' .' The Impoited Belgian ' '.
-Win stand for the Season of 1802, -At
Richmond's Stables in The Dalles on Fridays
and Baturdat s. At Barry Gllpina, H mile east
of Fairfield School house, Mondays. At R. Hnod
erraKs' milu west of Boyd I. O., Tuesdays and
. '" ,
CCim Was Imported in 1888 by D. P. Btubba 4
VUUU Bong 0f Fairfield, Iowa. He la a Dark
Bay, with Black Points, and is rea;lHtered at Brus
sels as No. 690, a d in America as No. 189. COCO
is one of the Finest Bred Draft H rsna in
America, is coming 7 yra old, and weighs 1800 tbs
TERMS 120 for tbe season, or 2Sto Insure a
foal. By the Season, payable ct 1st To insure,
due and payable as soon as tho mare ia known to
be in foal. Mares not brought regularly will be -charged
for by the season
M. W. 4k W. U. FREEMAN, Owners.
tub Columbia PacKing Co.,
Povk and Beef.
Fine Lard and Sausages.
Curers of BRAND
Dried Beef, Etc.
Masonic Building.
Tbe Dalles, Or.
The Dalles, Or.
R. Company, and office of the Western
M ffllMiill,