' v - Columbia Hotel.' ff f ' ' Yott rarely find in any city an accoai pllshment iliat will.-morf ..forcibly be-' apeak the future success of a place than trie presence ot good hotel accomoda L tiona. In this respect The Dalles fa well ' provided for and the traveler or tourist will experience no difficulty in securing quarters at good hotels at reasonable rates. The Columbia, which Mr.T .- T. N icholas eroded 10 ' years ' ago -and is one of the leading hotels of The Dalles Here at the Columbia will. be found all . the comforis and convenience pf home life. - Leading from the office is the din Ing room, a spacious, well-lighted and well-ventilated apartment. Here, as V indeed the case throughout- the hotel perfect cleanliness is observed.,- Mr. Nicholas presides over the management of the house in person, and well under stands the imoortance of keeping the house in apple pie. order.- Tiio service is exceptionally good, waiters being , employed who -thoroughly understand theii business and see that every require roent of the guests are attended to. To - the right of the office in the adjoining room is a well ordered bar managed by Mr. . King, where the best of liquors "' wines, etc., are dispensed. A feature of the establishment is the commercial ' sample rooms, which are large and am ule. There are 72 sleeping rooms, all large and well ventilated. Mr. Nicholas is a born hotel man and known to the ' DUblic as a courteous gentleman, solicit- - OU8 to do everything; possible to enhance the comfort of guests. Jlc is an English man bv birth, coining to the "United States in '54, but has traveled almost in every land, and seen a great deal of toe world, tie is numbered among our leading and influential - citizens and esteemed bv all with whom he meets W. B. Garrelmon. Personal adornment of some kind has been popular with the human family as far back as history dates even this innate desire bv the promiscuous use ot oi na- ments and the more paiuiul method of tattooing. As civilization has advanced the various articles used for personal adornment have become more and more artistic until at present many ot them ' are marvels of ingenuity and wondrous . beauty .x A fine assortment of jewelry of all kinds is jnost attractively displayed at the store of Mr. W. E. Garretson, dealer in watches, clocks, jewelry, solid silver aud silver plated ware, etc. Mr. Garretson has been engaged in this busi ness lor the past 18 years which long ex perience together with nis natural taste have enabled him to make a selection of jewelry and silverware that cannot be excelled by any store in Eastern Oregon Ihis ..is also true of the large line of watches for ladies and gentlemen, com prising as it does the latest styles in the most reliable factories in this country, This house also makes a specialty of re pairing fine watches and jewelry, which . is done on prompt notice and in a most satisfactory manner. Mr. Garretson is ably assisted by his brother Mr. Frank Garretson, who has coma within the past year from ' their native siate Iowa to make this his home. You will always hud these gentlemen prepaied to show you the best the market produces, which they will sell at as low a figure as any legitimate dealer cm sell consistent - with business safety. Both Mr. Garret son and his brother are members of the Regulator baud. Paul Kreft St Co. Jb IO UUb DAIU IU DUjJUOU I Li ill UlJt. UUII have a better selection from which to choose, aud can do Detter in every way, to purchase any article from a dealer de voted exclusively to th.at, than to buy ... from some merchant who makes it only one out of many features of his business. Ttie only exclusive dealers in wall paper and decorations in the city, are Paul Kreft & Co. They carry a most elegant assortment oi wail ana ceiling paper, borders, etc., from the cheapest to the miIRt f?rnpllRVM. Arf-.lKf malo-ial unn pieaieiits their stock and assist in mak ing their store one of marked importance and attractiveness. Those who desire the latest fancies in their liue should cer tainly call at their store next dorr to the Central Market on Third street, before purchaihg elsewhere. Theydoail kind of house painting, ornamental work and th-y control a large trade throughout EaMera Oregon, and gi-e constant em ployment to seven skilled painters and -decorators. Mr. Kreft is a native of Germany and came to this coast in '68, i I. f.-n . i , . - . , nun iihs uei'n imiy loentiiieu witn tne in terests of the country and is now a mem ber of the city council. Mr. Vause was . born in England and has made this his iiom for the past twelve years, during ...i.:..u .: i. t i i . . . - ivmii:u units ue una uiauea iiosi oi melius Ami stands as a highly respected mem ber of this community. This is a de- Berving iirm, perfectly reliable and worthy of substantial patronage. The firm are the exclusive agents lor Sher win-Williams and J. Vy , Masury's paints, fue uesi useu, -" Farley & tannic. ' ' ' It is a pleasure to' bo able to point out to oar readers a house Which has main tained the highest standard of excellence in the trade, aud where the. very- best materials are made into the most ira proved styles of harness. In awarding special mention to energetic business men in this city, Farley & Frank are particularly deserving, of a leading post tioff. A comprehensive Una of harness -collars, bridles' whips, robes, tents anc wagon covers, and everything usually kept in a first ciass" haruejss store are always in stock, at their store on Sseconu street, 'and sold at the lowest prices prevailing, and satisiaction always guar an teed --to patrons. Ihis nrm carries lull hue of such goods as are demanded bv the public who own teams, and hav deal'. So reasonably that thev have buil up a large wholesale as well as retail business. All orders and repairing are promptly attended to and done wit neatness and dispatch at moderate and fair prices. . This firm employs twelve men and consists of two shops, one bein under the supervision of Sheruiau Frank the step son of Mr. Farley. Mr. Farley came to. Oregon from hip native state, Ohio, in 1874 and for th past ten years ha -been a-well know citizen of this city,'-He has held posi tions of trust, being superintendent ol the construction of the portage road at Cascade Lo.-ks, aud was for some time member of the city council. c W. Phelps dc Co. One of the most important accessions to the business circles of our city is the agricultural implement firm ot Messrs, Phelps & Co.. w bo began business about three inontho ago. Their reposi tory is filled to repletion with a magniti cent line of buggies, carriages, wagons Carts, an (J a must complete assortment of iarm implements, including every kind used in this section of Oregon; also, a full line of the famous Walter A Wood harvesters and mowers. The premises o. cupied measure 50x100 feet in dimensions, which is owned by the firm and built for the express purpose it is used for. Mr. Phelps has teen living in Sherman comity for the past 7 years, and was engaged in the implement busi ness there, but being a firm believer in The Dalles and her future property, he returned to his first love and is now one of our substantial business men.' Mr. P. served his country faithfully during the war in uo. A, 171st "a. In., acauitting uimseit irom me service with the knowl edge of having done his duty well. His native home is Pennsylvania. ' Coming to the Jfaciuc uoast in '75. and la con vinced Oregon is all the people claim for Uer. Ibe people of this community ex tend to Messrs. Phelps & Co. a cordial welcome, and accord to them a libsia share of patronage. The Cily Stable. There is not perhaps, among the manv and noteworthy establishments, in the livery business any that sustains a higher reputation or a larger measure of public favor than this well ordered and popular livery. ine proprietors are men of push, enterprise and Bound iuiiument anu are morougniy conversant with every feature and detail of the business. The barn is a product of the big fire, has eiegant accommodations for more than 0 head of horses, with the latest im proved box and single stalls and is 70x luu leet in dimensions. The stock ol unving ana Baaaie horses is a superior one and those who de'ight in making nveiy time on the road will find what they want here, also quiet and gentle norscs tor lames, ine laudable ambi tion of the City Livery Stable is seen to the best advantage in the stv e. finish and elegance of its vehicles, ail of which are from the factories of the best makers. The stock and turnouts of this livery are not surpassed, it equaled, in Eastern Uregoo. .Boarding is a special feature. which can be had by the day, week or month. The best care is always taken of Block by competent and experienced groomsmen. Benham & Robertson are among our best and most enterprising citizens, always ready to give tfympatbv to any measure for the upbuilding of ine uaiies. iheir barn is located at the corner of 4th and Federal streets. J Freiman. The establishment over which the nhoVM lrentleniftti nretudeH lin.q haan o prominent feature of . The Dalles for the past eighteen years. This house was established at that time by the present proprietor aud a reputation for honora ble business methods, good goods, fair dealing and reliable representations, has gaiu.-d for him the unlimited confidence of the public. A large and select assort ment, including af 1 kinds of boots, shoes, slippers, gaiters, rubb rs, etc., for gen tlemen's, women's, misses' and chil- dien s use in all the new and fashionable styles and good. J Mr. Freiman also handles a line of gentlemen's furnishing goods which he sells at prices to suit any taste or puree. He also for the accom modation of his customers, makes any necessary repairs in a satisfactory man ner on boots, shoes, and the. like. Mr; Freiinan is regarded as a worthy citizen and honorable merchant and well de serves the custom he has gained by his honest dealing. -1 ' : i A. Sandroclc. Eleven years ago Mr. Sandrock came to The Dalles and established his shop, that of wagonmaker, repairer and gen eral jb work. By first class work and fair dealing with bis patrons he has built 0(i a lucrative trade that speaks well for him as a workman and citizen. His i-qnipements for wagon, carriage and buggy work and. repairing of all kinds are a No. 1 in every particular, and prices charged are consistent with the materials used and the quality of work turned nut. Mr. S. is in sympathy with the i-ity of The 'Dalles and ia ready to give his mite to assist in her upbuilding. John Hertx. That young men have settled and taken possession of the west, commer cially and industrially, needs no argu ments to convince one who has been here. Our banks, our factories and stores are to a great extent owned and operated by young men, and this is true of The Dalles, where we find them fully represented in all that character and growth to its rapid development. The above named firm has been established but the short time of ten .weeks, still the noerai patronage and encouragement. given Mr. iienz in tins line is most en couraging. The line embraces a fine assortment of hats, caps of many styles neckwear, handkerchiefs and in fact all those minor articles which are essential to a gentleman's stylish make up. A small line of ready made clot Hi ny Mr Hertz also keeps which he offers at very reasonable prices. Mr. Hertz has lived in The Dal'es from early boyhood and has a large circle of friends. He was salesman in the store of H. C. Nielsen for four years and gained much experience as well as a reputation for square deal ing with his customers. The bright imure mat awaits Mr. Hertz will be in keeping with our growing city, and what ever way its best interests can be de veloped, he will be always found at the iront ready to do his share. . The Dalle Mercantile Co. Of all trademena the dealer in general merchandise has the most arduous task to perform, and it gives us pleasure tp el.iomcle t tie entire success .. which has attended the above institution from the very date of- its inception and ' which is owned by Messrs. Beers & Williams, Such au establishment requires great executive ability to successfully mauage, thorough knowledge of the best jobbing houses, marnet values, the deinunus ot the trade, etc., through a long list of requirements.- All these qualifications are met in the firm above named, and their general merchandise emporium. The present firm succeeded Brooka & Beers two vears ago, and haye fully maintained the high reputation of the old firm's name. Their store has a frontage of "50 feet and 100 feet deep, which is tilled to repletion with goods of various lines, i. e. staple and fancy dry gooda, gents' fur- Dishing goods, clothing, boots, shoes, hats and caps; gioceries hardware, aueensware, hay grain and feed and a mil. line of stockjien and farmers' sup plies.. This firm has made' a study of the exaCt demands of the trade, and as a coiiBeauence they handle everything for Which their patrons may call, and sold at the lowest prices consistent with the times. Mr. Williams is one of Oregon's productions and, although a young man, he has been an eye witness to the won derful growth of his native state, from a wilderness to her present proud position in the statehood. Mr. Beers hails from Iowa, coming here in 1878, and with ex cellent foresight "ettled in The Dalles. Both gentlemen are public spirited, ever ready to give their weight to any lauda ble enterprise that wilt enhance the prosperity of their city and country. Job a Boot b. A most important question with all housekeepers is, "'Where shall we buy our provisions?" Ali endeavor to find the store which deals in the best and purest goods and which makes money go the longest way. John Booth is the man who has just that store which is located in a central place at C2 Second Street. It is a pleasure to anyone to bring their trade to so neat. iuid fresh looking store as Mr." Booth keeps and when ence you have purchased there vou will find the stock as fresh; pure, cleanly and orderly kept as all parts of the establi.braont. ine stock emoraces all articles which are kept in a first class grocery also fruits and a fine line of candy, cigars aud tobacco. Mr. Booth makes a specialty ot uroese & ijiaek- well's English pickles, preserved fruits, etc.; Gordon & Dill worth's jellies, jams and preserves ; Richardson & Robbins' canned and potted meats; a full line of Dodson & Hill's gooda; Underwoods devilled meats, lobsters, etc. ; alBO extra choice brands of ca tied table fruits. Mr. Booth was brongbt up in our town and is a sample of what our Dalles boys can accomplish by pluck and persever ance, having in two years established a large and permanent patronage as me result of houpraole dealing and courtesy to all patrons. Goods bought of him are promptly delivered and Bootn's wagon is a familiar sight all over town. No firm can lead Mr. Booth in advertising which shows Ins enterprising spirit and his large patronage proves that what he claims of his goods are true. ' ' The Colombia Brewery In every land and every clime there is one beverage-found to which many rep resentatives ot.ull people naturally turn North, east, south and west all "meet and pledge-one another m nut brown beer, It is truly a cosmopolitan drink - and whether the traveler be ta Europe, Asia, Africa, America or Australia he need not travel far to find 'a foaiuing- glass. The German race was - for a time its principal user, but when its gentle, stim ulating and 'healthful qualities became known, its consumption was widespread and in all lands it Boon became the popular beverage and today in the United States millions upon uiillicn's of dollars are invested in the brewing in dustry and the product reaches many million more. The fact that chemical analysis of pure beer demonstrates its health giving and strengthening, quali ties commends it iq homes as a result of a physician's prescription. That author ities recite that beer in moderation -can hurt none, and benefit most people,, is also a circumstance that warrants its general use. The city of The Dalles can jnstly claim one of the finest and best equipped browerys in E stern Oregon, that owned, by August Buchler, and is located in the eastern part of the city. Just sixteen years Mr. Buchler left Winehea-t's brewery, of Portland, and took possession of the Columbia Brewery and for years plodded ou in his doubtful undertaking, and as persistence sur mounts all obstacles, so he too marched steadily to the front and today he owes a whole city of buildings, beet houses, malt houses, ice houses and store bouses almost without number, which contain all the latest improved machinery which with Mr. Buchler's experience form an invincible combination and be is one "of- the 'leading brewers of the coast His brewery has a capacity of 10,000 barrel and finds an easy market through out Northeastern Oregon, Washington and Idaho- Employment is furnished to several men, also a bottling establish' iner.t fot the bottling of his beer and poter forias, an important adjunct ot the uuainess. 3ir. rnicnier is popular in un circles, and deservedly so, tor ho is rec- rgnized:as an excellent type of the enterprising, liberal and progressive business man.- He lives in a comforta ble home, carefully grispiug every detail in his business, working early and late to -do so. This institution should be fostered by our people for it is a home industry,- worthy of the support of our citizens. All orders by mail are promptly attended to and a fair trial on the merits IB an mat ia necessary. A. UllrUU & Son. . C. P. Latter. In this edition devoted to The Dalles and The Dalles business men who have contributed to our reputation and stand ing as a trade center for a large territory we take pleasure in mentioning the above named firm as contributing much to that end. Charles Lauer needs no formal introduction to our readers, for all of them must know a gentleman who has lived in our midst 6inco boj hood the family having moved to this country from New York in 18o8. Mr. Lauer'a establishment is located on Second street between Court and Union flreets, where he carries a fresh supply of frnit, includ ing bananas, lemons, oranges, etc., veg etables and all manner of farm produce all sold at prices difficult for.com petition Fish, game and poultry are always to be had of this firm and delivered promptly at any part of the city. The public have long since learned that all goods par hased here aro of a superior order, -and that they invariably secure value for value for every dollar expended. Mr, Lauer is a man of splendid business capabilities, honorable and fair dealing his business relations enterprising and public spirited and ready to aid anv enterprise for the public weal. io is a member of the city council and belongs to the order of Workmen. J. H. Crow. City Blaelumltb Shop. Ever since the time when Abel tended flocks, Cain tilled the cronnd. and Tubalcain Etruck the first ringing blows upon ine ears ot mortals sn eyery quar ter of the globe, labor has been the grand source of wealth and temporal happiness. In The Dalles the ringing hlows upon iron are Btrnck at the City Blacksmith shop, owned by Messrs. Gunning & Hockman, where they do all kinds of blacksmithing, horse-shoeing', buggy and carriage repairing in the most approved manner. Although they haye only been established since last fall, they have built up a trade among our heRt citizens, which speaks for the work done and the business methods employed. Mr. Gunning came to our citv last vear and is a native of Illinois, while his partner, Mr. Hockman was born in The Old Dominion and came to The Dalles four years ago. Both gentlemen are trustworthy and reliable in all thir dealing and you can rel v nnon them with confidence that their work will be turned I out in a workmanlike manner. -" The grocery trade in this city fills a large place in her commercial transac tions, and among its representatives the above named gentleman holds an im portant place for 6quare dealing and reliable goods. Our space will not per mit our giving a list of the assortment of articles in which he deals and we merely say that he handles a very judicious selection of groceries ; also, hay, grain, fe d. flour, fruits, eggs, poultry, etc, etc. It is a pleasure to trade at this establishment because of the courteous attention shown customers by himself and assistants. He pays the highest possible prices for country produce, but tor. eggs and fruit of all kinds. Mr. Cross came to Oregon in '84 and estab lished bis place of business in '87. He served his country in Co. A. 10th Mis souri infantry. Quitting the eervice with an honorable discharge and with the conscience of having done his duty well. He is public spirited, ready U. assist any enterprise that aid the prosperity .of The Dalles. His store is on the corner of Union and Second streets, opposite Newman's bakery. Unloa Htreet lodging; Haute. The Union Street Lodging House came into the possession of Mrs. A. H. Hope about six months ago, and is by far the neatest and most substantial building in the city, hotels not excepted, being a brick structure it is almost fireproof, containing 17 elegant rooms, well fur nished, large and airy with modern equipments. Mrs. Hope came from Cascade Locks to our city, where she bad resided for a number of years, and she is well known as a lady of splendid busi ness ability and her friends are pleased to hear of her success in her new under taking, and our citizens seem to appre ciate Mrs. Hope's efforts in giving The Dalles what it has long needed a first class lodging house. . Give the Union Street House a trial. The prices are reasonable and accommodations first I class. ' ' A manufacturing enterpriso always speaks for the stability and prosperity of a city 'more than anv other branch of business. " The cigar factory owned and conducted by the above named gentlemen is an important enterprise which gives employment to several workmen. There is nothing that conduces more to the liaiir.iness and comfort of the smoker than a good handmade and honest stock cigar. To get such goods made in clean and workmanlike mauner, it is necessary to patroniza a local manufacturer of character and standing. A; Ullrich & Son aie among the best manufacturers in this section of the state, and several of his brands have achieved more than a local reputation. ' Like sensible men, thev know there is more money in g"0od ten cent cigar than any other be cause there are more ot . tnem sold They have been here but a little over two vears. having come from Washing ton where they were engaged in the same business for two years. In this comparatively short time among us they have established a fine trade which is rapidly increasing. A raro treat for smokers are their "Cuban Girl," "The Dalles Blossom" and "Trojan" which grow constantly in popularity, Pat ronize home manufacturies is the true watch word ; that is what makes a pros perous city and a thriving country, Honorable In business relations, enter prisit'g citizens, interested in the welfare ot the city aud the increase of trade, and ready at all tiroes to do their share are A Ullrich & Son: Geo. T. Thompson. Tho blacksmith trade in The Dalles is a very important industry. Around about us we have the finest farming country to be found anywhere, thereby making it necessary that the tillers of the soil should have a place to go, where their damaged and much-used farm im plements may be repaired. The lead ing ehop in the city, where all work is guaranteed and done in a workmanlike manner, is located on Second street and owned by Geo. T. Thompson, who has been a resident of The Dalles for ten years, aud he has built up a strong friendship with our best citizens, who regard him as perfectly reliable in all of his representations and hip ability as a workman. He does all kinds of repair ing on wagons, carriages and farm im plements. As a horse-shoer he justly merits the title of an expert, and has reduced the horse's hoof to a science re garding lameness, interfering, over reaching, and everything else caused or remedied bv shoeing when one Knows how. - He emolovR several assistants. and his Bhoo presents a busy scene dur ing working hours. It is with pleasure that we give him ttie credit aue in in is review of The uaiies ana ner repreeenta five citizens. . H. flerbrtaK. The attraction . department .' of com merce is extensively and. ably repre sented in this city by the above named" gentleman, who has "followed this line of business in The Dalles for aore -than thirteen years. This elegant establish ment is 25x100 feet in dimensions and is decorated and fitted up in a most attrac tive manner. ".The interior fittings are artistically made and conveniently ar ranged for the display of the really ele gant stock contained in this model stoyp. The stock is large, embracing foreign and domestic dry goods, clothing, hats, caps, boots, shoes, etc., aud is replete in every line, which includes the latest styles bought direct from the leading jobbers and manufacturers. The seveial lines carried by the firm, which distinguishes it from the average store, are the higher' qualities usually not found outside the metropolitan cities, fine dress goods, cloaks, house furnishings, ready to wear clothing and correct furnishing goods. Thorough assortment is indicated by the large stock carried.- The premises are conveniently arranged, courteous clerks are always in attendance to comply with the wants of the most exacting customers. Careful representation, and uniform low prices to all are the undeviating princi ples that are obtained here and the gen ial proprietor, Mr. Uerbring, is regarded as among the most honorable of . our merchants and estimable of our citizens. He was born in Germany and came to the United States in 1872.. In commer cial circles he also occupies a recognized position, and justly enjoys the good will of the whole community!. Mr. Herbring is now in New York, buying bis winter stock, "which is much larger than usual. C. Im. Kicbmond fc Co, The new grocery store one door west of the Diamond mills is destined to attract its share of the public trade and is now doing a flourishing business, although it has only" been established about three months.. Everything in stock is fresh, pure and wholesome, of the best manufacture and is sold at the lowest prices known to the trade. The enterprising proprietor, Mr. C. L. Rich mond, is well and favorably known to us all as a gentleman of business ability aud integrity of character, a desirable and respected citizen with many friends and patrons. -. He invites an inspection of his stock, ia there to sell groceries and wait upon customers and dosires his share ot the trade and favorable consid eration of the public. Mr. Richmond came from the east and located in The Dalles near 18 vears ago, and no man in the county is better acquainted with the surrounding country than he. He has bought horses from every nook . and corner of this country, and now owns one of the leading livery stables of The Dalles. Mr. Richmond was land agent for Uncle Sam two years where he faith fully discharged his duties as a servant of the people. . We congratulate Mrt Richmond in his inauguration of a new enterprise and hope that the interests of himself and the public 'will prove mutually satisfactory to both. . Neptune Shaving- parlors. No man can afford to go unshaved and unkempt in this day of progress and en lightenment. We take pleasure in re ferring our readers to the barber shop nearly opposite the Cosmopolitan hotel, aa'l one ot the beet order and beet equipped shops iu The Dalles. Mr Frazier, the senior partner, who is well known to our people, needs no introduc tions, for he has lived among us for more than 14 years, and has ovned his present shop 5 years. Mr. Wyndbam very recently purchased an interest in the business, who is from Albina, Or.. and is a gentleman of splendid bearing and a workman of but few equals. All who patronize this shop is assured of a clean, easy shave or a first class haircut in the latest style at the lowest prices to be obtained anywhere, ior good service and first class work. Connected with the barber shop is an excellent bath de partment, fine tubs and neat rooms are' to be seen here, with the only enclosed shower bath on the coast, which is Mr. Frazier's own device. Both gentlemen are polite, accommodating and this shop desires its full mete and measure of public patronage Give tbem a call. We assure of -good work and gentle manly treatment. Both for ladies and children. S. Kllen. The man who .contributes in any way to the comforts of those of little means and encourages economy in current ex penses, is a public benefactor who merits support and encouragement. Mr. Kiien realizing the fact that there was an open ing for a first class and well conducted second hand store in ourcity, established this enterprise about four years ago, since which time lie nas connuctea a business that places household goods within the reach of all. When any one wishes to dispose of his household effects, he finds a ready and liberal bnyer in this gentleman, and those who wish to buy know just where to go to get what they want. Mr. Klien-has one of the finest collections of Indian curios, in the country, which includes stone utensils, arrow heads. Done ana oeaa ornaments and arrows. " Mr. Klfen has lived in The Dalles since 1863 and is an highly respected citizen of the place be ing for years marshal of the city. - Give him a call and inspect bis stock of goods and atter learning his prices yon will acknowledge . he . gives - extraordinary yalue for the money. Henry I Kuclc. Mr. Kuck's establishment is filled to repletion with a large and well selected stock of harness, saddles, whips and everything else kept at a first class har ness shop. He employs five skilled assistants and the trade he enjoys keeps all of them busy at handwonc and attending shop. The repairing done is a prominent feature of the business, and is guaranteed inferior to - none. Mr. Kuck is a practical harness man and knows what the composition of a good harness is. He uses the best slock to be bad, together with the workmanship employed, places the work of this establishment in the very front rank of similar establishments in Eastern Ore gon. Mr. Kuck is a young man, who came to our city in 1886, from Minne apolis, where he served several years jn completion of his trade, and after work ing in one of the shops of this city, opened an establishment of his own about four years ago. The success that has attended his efforts proves him to be popular with the trading public and honorable in all his business relations with tbem. Give him part of your patronage, he deserves his full share. K. C. Fleck dc Co. 'We wish to call special attention of all our readers to the new ice cream, soda and confectionery parlors opened two months ago by R. C. Fleck & Co. The young men comprising this firm are en-1 terprising men and have started in bust ness with the intention of keeping a first class establishment and dealing with their patrons as they would be dealt by. They keep on hand a fine assortment of fine home made and French candy and fruit, also foreign and domestic cigars. An elegant soda foun tain forms a conspicuous ornament in the front part of their stoie where the thirst of the wearv may be satisfactorily quenched. Clark Fleck is a Dalles boy. born ana Drought up nere ana ueserves the patronage of our people. He is courteous in bis manner and honorable in his dealings. Mr. Flock has wisely chosen for his partner a young man of sterling good qualities in Mr. Cheeeeman who, in his residence of three years among us, having come here from Mis souri, has gained the respect and con fidence of all who know him. (Jive the bovs a call. Yon will find them next door to the city bakery. I. O. Klokelien. . ' Among the reputable business booses of this city, mention must be made in our review df the establishment pre sided over by tho subject of -this sketch. Mr. Nickelsen'a stock -embraces books of all kinds, books of science, of history of poetry and fiction, books of reference! books for one and all, as well as an ele gant line of stationery,, toys and fancy goods, etc. Humboldt, said : "The house that has a library in It has a soul." The same might be-said of a musical instrument well played. Mr. Nickelsen is doing what he can toward popularizing music, and contributing to the culture of the masses. The house Was destroyed bv rim last fall nnH moving into his new quarters he has re ceived Ilia mPtn nnrl matianM rt bum... -u" lhe stock also comprises the best pianos and organs, guitars, banjos, vio lins, mandolins, and all kinds of mu sical instruments, sheet music and mu sic books: Mr. Nickelsen sells instru ments cheaper than agents can possibly sun tnem, as more is no agent's com mission 'to add to the original .price. He is agent for the Steinway, the king of pianos, and has also the Kuabe, Kra nich fe Bach, and cheaper makes, as well as the Packard and Esty organs The firm also handle the Domestic sew ing machines, which seem almost the acme of perfection, and with its attach ments there is nothing it cannot do. Mr. Nickelsen Is agent for the Hamburg-American Packet Co., North-German Lloyd of Bremen, and sells tickets to and from any ports of Europe. Mr. Nickelsen has been in The Dalles for the past twenty-five years, and is , a citizen of most honorable standing. Miss Anna Peter Of Co. ' Everyone, especially every lady, is in duty bound to make herself as attractive as possibie, and nothing is as conducive to this end as an artistic neai dress. There is no better place to find the latest and most fashionable styles than at the excellent store which is owned by the above ladies, established last March. The eminent success which has attended the establishment, is a sufficient evidence of its adoption for the business. Their stock, besides including a complete stock of millinery, embraces notions and fancy goods, and this fact, together with their reasonable prices and excellent taste renders this an establishment worthy of substantial encouragement from the people in the way of a liberal patronage. The ladies, Miss Anna Peter and Mrs. W. E. Looghmiller, are from Illinois and have proven themselves to be possessed of excellent natural taste and thoroughly conversant with the fashions. Givo them your patronage if yon want the latest fashions, superior goods and courteous attention.. 112 Second street is tho number. This establishment, owned and oper ated by R. B. Hood, is the oldest and leading barns in the city, and enjoys a patronage consistent with its merits. The equipment is first class in eyery de tail, special attention being paid to the requirement of patrons. Horses in abundance, stylish roadsters and fine gaited riders; harness of the latest patterns and best material kept in the best ot order; buggies and carriages in splendid coudition and attendants ready U .-1 .. ...!.!. . L. . . . . w Luuuiv mm uio reuuireiueius oi ine trade, however exacting, such is the livery establishment of Mr. Hood. The proprietor is a thorough liveryman. pleasant and popular gentleman, and is worthy of the largo patronage be enjoys. Horses kept by the day, week and month at the lowest rates, and transients fed and grcomed to order are prominent features of this business. Mr. Hood has been a resident of The Dalles for a quarter of a century and is always ready and willing to aid any enterprise that will develop the city ami county. W. F. Wleemaa. Abont two years ao there came to our flourishing city the man whose name heads this article, Mr. Wiseman. There has many settled among us within the last few years, but there are none who have more coxmended themselves to the kindly feelings of the citizens of this I'ountry than our friend Mr. W. F. Wise man. Engaged in' the saloon business be is himself a type of temperance. Ho is ever ready to cheer the wants of the inner man for any of bis numerous cus tomers, and will join them as occasion offers in a friendly glass, but he never allows himself to be intoxicated nor will he encourage it, unlike many of the fraternity. His place is never "the scene of disorderly conduct and bis patrons are among the best citizens of The Dalles. The bartender, Frank Roach, has lived in The Dalles for eight years. He is well liked, and has a host of warm, personal friends. If yon want pure goods and appreciate dealing with gentle men, patronize the sample room of Mr. Wiseman. Cor. 2d and Court streets. Dennis Ilnnnell. The above named gentleman is one of whom it is a pleasure to speak in praise. He well might be called a sanitary bene factor. Mr. Bnnnell is conducting his business in a straight forward, legiti mate manner. His ability for doing plumbing and steam fitting is equal to any in Eastern Oregon and no one does work more promptly or on more favor able terms. - The business which Mr. Bunnell carries on was established in this place by his father, A. Bunnell, who came here from Wisconsin when The Dalles was a small trading post. Mr. Bunnell has followed wisely in the footsteps of his father, who has given him the benent ot bis wide experience and thorough workmanship. Both father and son are highly esteemed by all who know them as honorable busi ness men, who are alive to every pnblio interest and willing to give their, mote and measure. Ban Franeleeo Saloon. Prominent among the leading sample rooms of the city is that of Fred. Lemke, known as the "San Francisco," where some of the finest whiskies are kept on hand, in case of sickness, fire or heart trouble. Here, also, one can get the . best California wines, imported and do mestic cigars, and the best beer on draught in the country. It is a quiet -and orderly place, where a social hour can be very pleasantly spent. Mr. Lemke is a native of Germany, and came to the United States in 1873. He is numbered among our best and most public-spirited citizens, ready to assist any and all enterprises for the good of -his adopted country. Drop in and sea him. ,