CO THE DALLES WEEKLY CHftOieLE FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1892. ILLINOIS ALL RIGHT; taans to" Swell Repnlilicatt . -ties ny Their Votes. COMP. MATTHEWS ; IX THE FIELD Prepared to Enter the Campaign About - the First of October. WHAT HE SATS OF THK GERMANS Xky Are a Unit for a Liberal Protect Ire Tariff and Sound Money " Minor Topic. Chicago, Sept. 5. A. C. Matthews, comptroller of the treasury is preparing to enter the campaign in Illinois about October and will devote a month to . - speech-making in the state. Comp troller Matthews was favorably men- - tioned by Washington Hesing, editor of the Staats Zeitung of Chicago, daring a visit to Washington last spring as a ' candidate of the Germans of Illinois for .governor. Mr. Hesing said at that time that Comptroller Matthews would be very strong with the German voters and he thought that bis nomination would be a wise stroke for. the republicans. Inasmuch as Mr. Hesing has been largely instrumental in securing the location of democratic 6ub-committee headquarters at Chicago for the avowed purpose of making the state of Illinois democratic, Comptroller Matthews was today asked what effect he thought ' this would have on the German vote of Illinois. "I regard Illinois as safe for 20,000 majority' he replied. '.'I don think the republican party will lose any votes from a disaffection of the German voters. My knowledge of the German voters of Illinois leads me to behev they are generally a thrifty class who are a unit for a liberal protective tariff and sound money. On these issues think naturally they will see the wisdom of voting the republican ticket. I be' lieve local issues will not enter into tie campaign and the tariff will be the lead ing issue in Illinois. I think it will be made the issue by common consent of -both parties. I believe the Germans are in favor of the McKinley law, which gives incidental protection to American industries and opens- up a field for skilled labor, a good portion of which is contributed from the German popu -Istion.-- r Common Council. I'eachen With a History. Thoso peaches in The Chronicle win dow today are of the Simpson yellow clingstone variety. . Four of them weigh ed two pounds. They have a history dating back to 1842, when the father of J. M. and R. Simpson took the seed from Georgia to Tennessee. In . 1840 seeds were taken to Missouri from Tennessee by J. M. and R. Simpson, and in 1845 they brought the seeds of the same fruit from. Missouri and planted them in Polk county, Oregon. In 1866 W. J; Simpson brought the seed to Wasco county, and today.-we'are presented with samples of tho.fruit which is all the more remark' able for its being seedling all along the line, and so certainly traced as not to be mistaken'. ;Tbey .were raised by Mr. J, H. Covihglouy.'xmd as Mrs. Covington is the grand-daughter, the niece, and daughter, of those prominent in the pro- duction and reproduction of this fruit for eighty years past, and it has been like-household -words in .the family, threcan be no mistake about its history. " It interesting to know whether, in any other locality, it has attained any greater perfection. than , it has here. ..The . fruit is solid, highly flavored, rich in color and as "juicy as a peach" can well be. The tree from which these samples came grew in the sands that.line the Columbia, just above The Dalles, but have been liberally ir rigated. It is a subject worthy of the attention of fruit producers. Stands at the Head. Dr. Gedree -A. Bethunc, state chemist of the state of Washington, has exam ined the various baking powders of the market, and speaks emphatically as to which he considers the best. He says : A aeries of carefully made tests of the baking powders sold ' in this market shows that the Royal yields the largest percentage of leavening gas. This pow der is also found perfectly free from any harmful or even objectionable ingredi ent; its constituents are of exceptional purity, so combined , that the powder produces the purest and most whole some food. V. There is, therefore, no question but the Royal is the strongest, purest, and most wholesome baking powder in the market. , Geo. A. Bbthune, State Chemist and Assayer. The regular' monthly meeting of the council was held Saturday-evening in the recdrder's office. ; . Present, Hon. Robert: Mays, mayor; E. B. Dufnr, Paul Kreft", H. J. Maier, C. E. Haight and 'Thomas H.. Joles, counciimen. . . Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. . . The petition of J. C. Hostetler and L. D. Ainsworth, for rebate of taxes, was read. and. on motion, referred to com mittee on streets and public property 'Bids for constructing corral for inv pounding cattle were opened, as follows : John Parrott, $37; P. C. Davis, $65; John Cates, $66;' C;1 M. Touts, $78; A Anderson, $86. It appearing that the bid of John Parrott was the lowest one offered, the sau.e was, upon motion, ac cepted. . A report from the fire and water com-- mittee -was read and, on motion, adopted. " A motion to build an en trine house of wood on the old site was carried nnani mously. On motion, the committee on fire and water was instructed to have plans and specifications drawn for the building. 'The committee was also in structed to have plans and estimate of cost made of a brick building of the same eize. The report of the finance committee on the petition of F. W. L. Zkibbe for readjustment of assessment, recom mending that said petition be denied, was read, and, on motion, adopted. On motion, it was ordered that the taxes of Mrs. Poorman, amounting to $1.25, be remitted. - The report of the committee to whom was referred the appeal of E. P. Fitzger aid from the decision of the board of equalization', recommending that hit? assessment, as fixed by the said board, be reduced $750, and no more, was read, and, on motion, adopted. The committee on streets and public property, to whom was referred the pe tition of G. W. Rowland and others, asking that certain sidewalks be built, verbally recommended that new side walks be ordered constructed through out the burned district, where not al readv rebuilt. On motion, the re corder was instructed to publish the no tice of ' such intention, as required by law, and that separate notice be given for riKih street or part of street. On motion, it' was ordered that the recordei be instructed to publish the required notice of the intention of the city coun cil to improve the east side of Unioi street by the rebuilding of a sidewalk trom First to Second street ; also, the north side qf Second street, from Union to Court street. The regular monthly reports of the recorder, marshal, street commissionei and treasurer were read and placed, on file. An ordinance entitled, An ordinance to provide for the sale of certain prop erty in Gates addition to Dal 109 city, was read and adopted. The matter of the sale of the mill property belonging to the city was, on motion, referred to the committee, on streets and public property. On motion, the street commissioner was instructed to repair the street lend ing to the fair grounds, and authorized to incur such expense therefor as should be necessary. . A lease of certain property from T. T. Nicholas for the term of two years, at the rental of $18 per annum, to be used for city pound, was read and on motion ratified. The following claims against the city were read ana on motion allowed ana warrants ordered drawn on the proper funds for the same : " F Menefee, recorder's salary. . . .$100 00 D Maloney, marshal's " . . ... 100 00 J F S tamo a, street commissioner 81 00 L Rorden, city treasurer 25 00 Geo J Brown, engineer fire dept. . 80 00 J S Fish, fire warden Joles Bros, can coal oil L Rorden, receipt books. : " Water commissioners, water rent Duck Sing, witness fees. D C Ireland, " . .!'. HHRiddell, " " C E Haight, feeding prisoners'. . C Howe, night watchman ... 75 00 G C Bills, 62 00 Electric Light Co. for lights. . . . . 276 75 Geo Brown, paid for sawing wood 1 50 Maier & Benton, mdse. . 13 GO A S Cathcart, hauling 2 00 J T Peters & Co, lumber 8 11 A I Cathcart, hauling : ... 21 00 J S Schooling, " . . : : . 8 00 W Vanbibber, " ..... 7 00 Argument for Uood Road. ' BOBS. In this city, Sept. 4th, to the wife of -H. Herbring, a daughter. ". One fact .looms up very prominently reflecting the. advantages to. the country from, the work done on Tygh hill' this year,' and that, is this -.-Heretofore, at threshing time,, farmers :W6uld 'rather not thresh their wheat in the Wamic region, than to pay cash for it. They said to threshers take your pay in grain .or we don't thresh; This year it is di rectly the opposite of this. -. And further more, to haul from that region to The Dalles was practically out of the aues tion. Now the roundabout twenty-one mnes via. enerera graae is: aispensea with and the country from which The Dalles never got a load of wheat before, there will this year come 15,000 bushels ! Campbell Bros, arrived in last night with two loads of 5,250 lbs. each. .They say they never stopped once on account of the grade, and will add 1,500 lbs. to each load hereafter, coming in- easily with 6,750 lbs. to a load. . - There is the proof of the pudding. Good wagon roads- are as necessary to the life of a community as bread and butter is to a healthy child. . The .Tygh road is exactly three miles and forty rods long; we have plainly established the fact that it is the best investment for the people, and for The Dalles, that coo Id have been made ; and the only wonder is, that it has been so long neglected. . . Ask Enfield Ferris, or any other man who has passed over it, and Tnic CnBosi- cle statements will be more than sus tained. There is a balance -due on the work. which should be promptly paid to Superintendent T. J. Driver. A Heal Estate Transaction. Susau F. Dibble, of Portland, has received a patent for 160 acres of the public -domain near Hood River, upon which appears the spencerian hand of Benjamin Harrison affixed by M. Mc- Kean, secretary, and the big red eagle seal. But Susan sold the land to C. W, Pellett, for $100, and both patent and deed were filed for record this morning in the county clerk's office. . Annie Wright Seminary ' Boarding and Day School for Girls! Ninth-Yea, begins 5ept 8th 1892. : - Kor Admission, Apply to tbc rrinclpl . Mrs. Sarah K.",, .Whits ' ' Annie Wright Seminary.' "TACOMA. - - WASH. FINAL ACCOUNT. Notice is Iicreb- given, that the uudersizned Julia A. Oburr, the duly appointed, acting and qualified administratrix of the estate at William A. Obarr, deceased, has tiled her final account and petition in said estate, and that Monday the 5th day of September, law, at the hour of teB o'clock, a. m. of said day, said day being the flirt day of the next regular terra of the County Court for Wiimco county, Oregou, at the County Court rwHt wic ,umny court nouse in uunes city, Wasco county, Oregon, has been duly appointed by suid court as the time and place tor hearing Hiupt:i!uuuBitu mint mrcuuiil'. - . All persons intonated in said estate are hereb' notified to unpear at said time and uluee ani show caus if any there be, why said petition and final account should not In all things be allowed, rail ilea and confirmed. 8.5tr5t.2td JULIA A. OBARR, ' Administratrix .of the estate of William A. UDarr, aecenseu. Dufurdt Menefee. Attorneys for Kstate. Dissolution of Co-arrnerliii. Notice is hereby given that the firm of Abrams & Stewart has been dissolved bv mutual consent. - W. R. Abrams is authorized to collect all amounts due the firm of Abrams & Stewart, and will pay all demands against said firm. w k. abbams. Wm. Stewart. The Dalles, Or., Aug. 15th, 1892. , . - 8.2rdSivtiiv A typical illustration ot great Htrcugth which an may snare in it mey but use the new and wonderful ' OXIEN A food which not only gives immense strength of nerve, and power and force to muscle and nnnq, ana a more delicious tonic Its hard to find. It kills- Catarrh, Coughs, Kidney 1 roubles, Kheumatism and La Grippe, It aids greatly to use the OXIEN Plas ter tor pains. . The Dalles, Wasco County, Or. Inquire at the-Grange store. - Notice is hereby given to all persons indebted to the late firm of Abrams & Stewart, of The Dalles, or W.R. Abrams. either by note or account, to make pay ment ot the same immediately at tne bank of French & Co. All notes and ac counts remaining - unpaid November 15th, 1892, will, be placed in attorneys' hands with instructions to collect. ' Any claims against the late firm must be presented at the same place, : with proper vouchers, on or before above date. .The business of the firm must be closed up without further delay. .- Res pectfully, . - W. it. abbams. - 8..2&a&w3in NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. U. 8. Land Office, The Dalies, Or., Jane 21, 1892. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the register and receiver of the U. 8. Land office at The uaues, August 12, 18S2, viz: Lludon W. Holgate.' 1 Hd. No. -oTtW, for the XK! Sec. 25, Tp. 1 N, R H W . .11. .. . He names the following witnesses to prove ins (.-OHU11UIIU9 resiaenee upon ana cultivation of said land, viz : Fred Fisher, Andy Allen, Robert Lowe and Lee liolton, all of The Dalles, Or. 6.2I.W7.29 - JOHN V. LEWIS. Register. Be Dalles, PortM ani Astoria Navigation Co. THROUGH Freigm anfl PssengerLine Through daily service (bundays ex cepted) between The Dalles and Port land, leaving The Dalles at 6 a. m. arriving at Portland 5 p.m. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of tho State of Orczon for the County of Wasoa. Mattie M. Piekford, Plaintiff, r. John H. Pick ford, Defendant. Wb John Jr. Piekford, the above named defendant: ' In the name of tho State of Oregon ; You are hereby required to appear and answer the com plaint filed agiiinst you in the above entitled cause and Court on or before the first day of the uext xerm 01 tne aoovo enuuea court, to-wit: ' On or before November 14. 1892. bein? the sec ond Monday of said month, and if you fail so to answer, or to appear in said cause the plaintiff will apply to the above entitled Court for the renet prayea tor m ner com plaint, to-wlt: For a decree dissolving the bonds of matri- nony now existing between the plaintiff and defendant, and for plaintiff's costs and disburse ments of suit, and for such other and further relief as to the Court may seem equitable and just This summons is hereby served upon yon by publication, by order of Hon. W. L. Bradshaw, judge of the above entitled Court, which order was dulv made May 30th, 1S02. 6.24.7t Attorneys for Plaintiff. Blakeley & Houhtoiia HpRUGGI STS, 175 Second Street, - The Dalles,v Oregon rA full,: line of all the Standard Patent Medicines, . . - Drugs, Chemicals, Etc. .V' .'.-ARTISTS MATEBIALS.-.. "Country and Mail Orders will receive prompt attention. ' MlSS ANNA PETER SCO. Kine Milli nery ! 112 Second street. THE DALLES, OR. THE DALLES LUMBERING CO., INCORPORATED 18Se. . 67 Washington Street. No. . . TnE Dalles. Wholesale and Retail Dealers and Manufacturers of Building Material juid Dimeasion Timber, Doors, Windows, Moldings, House Furnishings, Etc Special Attention given to the Manufacture of Fruit and Ftoh Boxes and Packing Cases. Faotory and Xnuatoer Stx.xrc3. a.t Old It. Dll0. DRY Pine, Fir, Oak and Slab WOOD Delivered to any part of the city. JOBBERS AND RETAILERS OF . Hardware, Tinware, Etc., Etc. CORNER SECOND AND FEDERAL STREETS. . CELEBRATED fleorn and Charter Oak STOVES ABD BADGES. Guds, Ammunition and Sporting Goods. IRONj COAL, BLACKSMITH SUPPLIES, WAGON MAKERS' MATERIAL, SEWER PIPE, - - PUMPS AND PIPE, PLUMBING SUPPLIES. Wagons and Carriages.; Reapers and Mowers. AGENTS FOR Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Co.'s Agricultural Implements and Machinery . ESTABLISHED 18S2 LESLIE BUTLER, DEALER IN- Groceries and Gro THE .12 CO 1 35 4 00 32 00 1 50 150 1 50 4 40 PASSENGER BATES. Oneway... :. .$2.00 Round trip 3.00 Special rates for parties of six or over. Freight Rates Greatly Reduce! FAST FREIGHT. Fruit, per 100 pounds 40 Melons and Green Vegetables. ... . .30 Through connection with steamers to Astoria and Ilwaco without delay. Shipments received at wharf any time, day or night, and delivered at Portland in arrival. Live stocK smpments solicited. Call on or address. W. CALLAWAY, General Agent. Total. . : :'. . ... .$919 41 There appearing no further business the council adjourned. Doable-Wedding. Married. By Rev. A. J. Wigle at the residence of W. H. Taylor one and miles south east of this city Sept. 2nd, 1892, James W.Clark, of Brownsville, Linn county, Oregon, and Ella Taylor Wasco county. Also at the same place and same time by the same, Perry Morgan and Alice Taylor, of Wasco county. '. , Only the nearest neighbors were in vited who were treated to a bountiful re past, prepared for the occasion. -The evening was past in social conversation and music, and was altoeether very ' en joyable to all present. - Quite a variety and number of useful and ornamental articles were presented to the newly married couple. ' - ... ; B. F. LAUGHLIN. General Manager. THE DALLES, - OREGON FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TEAK8ACT A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS II Friction TRACTION ENGINE. THE Cyclone Thresher. Send for Catalogue ekefy A full line of Lamps, Glassware and Dishes of all kinds. Silver plated Knives. - Forks and Spoons. When you are selecting your Christmas presents look through my stock and you will get something useful ' as well as ornamental. 113 fflflSHlNGTON STREET, . - THE DALLES. 05EC0N Cfandall & Burget, MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN FURNITURE CARPETS '1 Undertakers and Embalmers. NO. 166 SECOND STREET. Harnesses! -TO- Letters of Credit issued available in he Eastern States. . Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers sold, on New York, Chicago, St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Oregon, Seattle Wash., and various points in Or egon and Washington. .- : i. - Collections made at all points on fav orable terms. ' " V" . - ' - J. W. FMOON & CO., DEALERS IN Agricultural Implements Of All Kinds, Buggies, Wagons Etc. THE DALES. OREGON. Kstray Mara And Colt. . - A light gray mare, " weighing about 1,100, branded on the left shoulder with an inverted Twith a quarter circle over it, came to the. premises flf the under signed, with a sorrel colt, about June 15th, near Nansene P. O. Owner Ib re quested to call and prove property, pay charges, and take her away. - J. T. Robebtsok. Nakbene, Aug. 8, 3892. . (Successors to L. D. Frank, deceased.) OTP A - A General Line of Horse Furnishing Goods. Wholesale aM Retail Dealers in Harness, Bridles, Whips, Horse BMets, Etc. ; . ' Full Assortment of Mexican Sacldlery Plain or Stamnei. ' SECOND STREET, :" - . - - - THE DALLES. OR.' MAIER & BENTON V Cord Wood DEALERS IN - Fir, Pine, Ash and CrabApple; GROCERIES, STStfi&, HARDWARE ' TINNING AND PLUMBING A SPECIALTY. Leave orders cor. Third and Union, or 183 Second st. THE DALLES, OR,