The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, September 09, 1892, Image 5

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The Weekly Gbroniele
From the Doily Chronicle, Friday.
Mr. T. Saunders of Wapinitia is now
located at The Dalles.
The Dalles city water company hav
- $4,000 to loan. See advertisement.
' : Bathing in the Colombia is not such
& luxury at The DalUs this fall as it was
-.- last summer. , ' .'
- " Mrs. Ward and Mr. Kerns returned
from Portland by steamer. Regulator
- last evening. '.
Canoe riding on the Columbia, at Tlie
. Dalles, Js now a favorite pastime with
our young men. - .
' Catcs & Allison make daily shipments
of ice to Grant, for Messrs. Mcintosh
McLeod, and others. - ' '
Several marriage licenses, issued this
- week, indicate the usual fall rise in the
- matrimonial market. "
At the drawing for the life-size crayon
at D. C. Herrin's gallery, the prize was
awarded to Mrs. J. M. Huntington,
The list of passeneers by steamer
Regulator increases daily. . The fare is
'just as advertised, from the start.
Soda water is recommended as an an
tidote for cholera. C. L. Phillips best
will soon be going off like hot cakes,
Nich. J. Corish has safely reached his
home in Ireland. lie found his mother
alive, but there is little hope of her re
Mr. W. C. Woodworth, of Salem, -Is
visiting in The Dalles. He came
through from the capitol city yesterday
Mrs. J. J. Wiiev returned from her
visit to friends in the Willamette val
ley, and on Shoalwater bay, by steamer
Regulator last evening. .
Several ' more lots belongings to the
city will be offered for sale, at no distant
day, at public auction, for the. benefit of
the water works fund.
Collectors ' today found collections
easy, and there was quite a rush for the
banks just before 3 p. m., with liberal
deposits for the day. " - -
W. J. Marden has a vacation of ten
days, beginning with this evening. He
will make a visit to the metropolis, and
perhaps to the city by the sounding pea.
The parlors of Mr. and Mrs. Morgan,
on Union street, bore a very lively ap
pearance last night from 9 to 12 o'clock,
at the reception given to the teachers of
The Dalles public schools.
Mr. and Mrs. Montgomery and Mr.
Chas. Humbert, and his sisters Emma
and Fannie, left by steamer Regulator
this morning for a visit to Clatsop.
They have choson the best season for
the trip.
A trio of tin horn gamblers attempted
to put up a job on a countryman last
evening, but the vigilent eye of city j
Marshal Maloney tricked them, and
they left the city as silently as they
came here.
A. E. Lake, whoso sawmill was de
stroyed by fire on " the 4th of July, left
last night for Portland, with an order
through Filloon & Co., for all new ma
chinery to replace the mill, and make it
better than ever.
. Mr. C. R." Bone of Grant, received
new buckboard from Portland yesterday
and a team of horses from Hood River
and with the combination thus formed
struck out this morning over Klickitat
hills for Goldendale.
A troop of sharpshooters, returning - The beach campers have made quite a
from practice;to jmake up a team to send I profitable haul of merchantable rubbish
to England to compete for the medal
passed -through" The Dalles today, to
their various posts inland. '.-
If tea msters, continue their -petty an
noyances, and repeated obstruction" of
the stages ' oh the roads south of The
Dalles, Deputy U. S. Marshal Jameson
will soon be compelled fo divert his at
tention to a class' of offenders against
the whites. It is a criminal act to de
tain the U. S. Mail wilfully, feloniously,
andwitlrout cause.. . . ' ' '
One year ago todav, at one o clock p.
m., tne dread alarm oi nre- siaruea r,ne
along the city: front this week.. Their
little petes of accumulated stores will
ornament many a tepee and keep off the
chilly blasts of sundry winds.
Five pounds' of grapes,Qn a vine three
feet longis what made a very handsome
photograph at.Dt' C. r Herrins gallery
this week. ; The fruit was grown by Mr.
John Pashek, on Mill creek, and is only
one. more "fact added to "the'.list that
Wasco cannot be beaten in the fruit line.
Conductor Coman, wife and two daugh
ters, came up by U. P. R., last night.
and returned by steamer Regulator- -to-
people of The Dalles, and a fight against day for a trip over ' the finest "scenic
the elements began which lasted until
after the shades of evening, and which
can never be forgotten by any person
who participated in it. .Avast amount
of property was consumed, business de
stroyed, homes laid, waste, and desolated
blocks, covered with wreckage, was all
that was left to mark the once beautiful
site f fully one half of the city. -The
scene has changed dav by day, until the
blackened EDOts in . rniinv Dlaces are -of Mr. Bettineen, who is a
Hnttpduith new ftnd handsome strnc- one ol lne .tner . coiupuuira,
route in the Pacific northwest: it -will
be a revelation, notwithstanding his al
most daily run by rail between the same
points. - -
At the firemen s meeting last evening.
twenty-three additional names were ad
ded to the list to be called in Portland
on Monday. ' The name of Mr. Geo,
Williams has been substituted among
the delegates for Jackson Co., in place
member of
turps, residences and church edifices
restored, business places- resumed ; and
the wealth of The Dalles and the pluck
of her citizens - re-established. -.The
shade trees," which w.ere the pride of the
nhabitants, and which went' up with
the rest in the great holocaust, have not
been replanted in proportion to the con
struction of buildings,- but before an
other year," very much more attention
will be paid to this particular branch of
ornament, and at the present rate of
progress the last vestage of the disaster
may be totally obliterated in three
years. '.- .
From tho Daily Chronicle Saturday.
Gov. Moody" returned to Salem this
morning, i . - ;
Mrs. M. Neff, and Mrs. L. NefE. of
Hood River, are at The Umatilla.
The family of Mr. J. C. Baldwin have
returned to The Dalles from Tekoa
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Fairchild, of
Grass Valley, are at The Umatilla
The " California. Oregon and Idaho
stage manager Branner, is in the city.
Archbishop Gross passed through to
day on the noon passenger for Pendleton
The U. P. R. officials, Dickinson
Baxter and Bories, dined at The Uma
Ha today. .
A. E. Lake, of Wamic, returned last
night' from Portland. The new mill
will soon follow.
F. M. Confer of Wapinitia, arrived on
the night train from Portland and left
for home today.
Leo Schanno will leave on Monday
next to resume studies at Mount Angel
college next week, on the 7th.
The river is still eight feet and 4-
tenths above zero at The Dalles. The
water seems to recede very slowly..
Mrs. J. A. bhepard, of 1 ortland, was
The Tennessee Jubilee Singers will
give one of their first-class entertain
ments at the Armory tomorrow evening.
They come recommended by the press
and will doubtless afford a pleasant
evening to those who attend.
Capt. J. W. Lewis, of The Dalles U
S. land office, has returned from his trip
very much benefited. While absent
he visited the capitol city, Salem, and
brings with him cheering words to ye
scribe, from old-time friends, Thil
Metachan, Maj. Frank E. Hodgkin,
et al.
The old original Tennessee Jubilee
Singers will give one of their famous
concerts in Armory hall, Saturday eve.,
Sept. 3d. The feature of the evening will
be the old fashioned southern camp meet
ing melodies and slave songs that origin
ated in the south. - This is a first-class
company, composed of colored ladies and
gentlemen. Go and hear them. Ad
mission 25 and 60 cents.
Those apples in The Chronicle hows
window today, represent the size of some
peaches brought in this morning from
Creighton's fruit farm, on 3-Mile. The
peaches were transferred to Mrs. Dr.
Ingalls, by Mr. Hubbard, to be preserved
by her process, along with some superb
specimens of other varieties of Wasco
county fruit which is to go into the ex
hibit at Portland in the exposition and
after carrying off the first prizes there,
as was done last year ; will then go to
Chicago, as an invitation for people to
come to Oregon, particularly to this
Inland Empire, where they may find an
unlimited wealth of natural, undevel
oped resources, awaiting practical de
velopment. Three of the peaches above
referred to weighed thirty-two ounces.
They measured each 104 inches in cir
cumference. . ,
passenger on the Kegulator, and is
visiting at her brother's, Mr. C. L. Phil-
P9- - . -.' .
Overcoats were cheery tbis morning
early, in the crisp autumn air; to fine
as to challenge the admiration of the
Mr. Frank Taylor who has been visit
ing in The Dalles for the past week, re
turned to his home in Hood River this
Joe and Gus Bonn left for Mount An
gel college by steamer- Regulator this
morning, to commence student life next
week. . T .
TA T. nllol ii.- ' no Via
, XVC. I'll II IKU VUIJVA ivv...-. , - -J uv
was in the city, and we were glad to
hear from him of the wonderful success
attending "Dr. Vanderpool's operation
upon a number of cancers on the neck
and face of Mrs.. Wigle. one of which
was quite a large one. They came to
Dufur June 14th, and are . now almost
ready to return to their home in the val
ley, Mrs. W. cured. '.
An elderly gentleman living near Tho
Dalles, who is quite popular with the
city people, gave out recently that cats
were wanted .on the .farm.' Soon they
began to come to him in numbers from
his friends, and wishing to remember
the donors he named each cat for the
friend who sent it. His stock now in
cludes one each named Hugh cat, Dan
cat. Frank cat. and finally one Sam cat,
They all - appear to be getting along
nicely with the old original Tom cat.
That the young people of The Dalles
are determined to enjoy themselves, in
spite of the threatened invasion of
cholera, was plainly evinced last even
ing at the residence of Mrs. N. B. Sin
nott, where a farewell- party was given
in honor of Roger B. Sinnott, prior to
his departure for college. At an early
hour the spacious, elegantly-decorated
parlors were;filled with young people.
During the evening selections were
given by some of the members of the
mandolin and guitar clnb. Dancing
was indulged in by all, and at the in
termissions the people were favored by
instrumental and vocal music. The
renditions of Miss Aimee Newman and
Miss Winifred Mason were highly ap
preciated, as also was the vocal solo of
Mr. 2f. J. Sinnott, accompanied by Mrs.
J. S. Fish. -. "
Refreshments were served during the
evening. When the wee, sma' hours
began to show themselves, the young
people took their departure. The fol-
Mr. W; W. Gregory, who has been at
tending the camp meeting at this place,
returned to his home in Centerville this
morning. ';
S. W. Young, and Miss May Hannah,
guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Fairchild,
of Grass Valley, arrived at The Dalles
last night from Scio.
A chaQge of firm takes place in the
honse of E. Jacobsen & Co. , as well as a
change of the ad. Read the news in the
ads., as well as other columns.
Business is very brisk in the city to
day; and the streets present a lively
appearance because of so many people
being in town from the country.
Mr. Phil Brogan left on the stage for
home today. He expects to be living in
his new home at The Dalles within
sixty days ; and a nice home it will be,
too. .
Miss Louise and Florence ' Paquet,
who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. W.
E. Garretson of The Dalles, left for their
home in Oregon City via steamer Begu-
lator, this morning. .
The Society for the -prevention of
cruelty to animals, should send an
officer up this way to pull a few un
merciful drivers of the cowboy persuasion
on The Dalles and Canyon city road.
A couple of nymphs du pave were
fined (10.00 each . by Recorder Menefee
tbis morning for violation of city
ordinance by equestrienne practices
on the sidewalk on Front street. They
paid the fines. .
It probably would not make very
much if any difference with the repub
licans of Oregon should the Hon. W. D.
Hare draw out of the party and chal
lenge its leaders to discussion, as the
Astoria Budget says he has done. But
Mr. Hare himself says the story is a
third-party-democratic lie. He has
done no such thing!-- - . ..
lowing young ladies and gentlemen
were present: Misses I va Brooks, Flor
ence Lewis, Lime umton, AUie
Rowland, ' Etta and Clara . Story,
Grace Marden, Grace Campbell, Grace
Michel, Ursula, Louise and lone Ruch,
Ruth Cooper, Aimee Newman, Mable
Mack, tEtta Lewis, Winnifred Mason,
Annie' and Laura Thompson, Caddie
Booth, Rose and Nettie Michell, Alma
Schmidt, Kate DeHuff ; Messrs. Fred
Clark, Frank French, John Booth, Frank
Garretson, Ralph Rowland, Max Vogt,
J. Byrne, Fred Wilson, Roger Sinnott,
Martin Donnel, Nick Sinnott and Bert
From .the Daily Chronicle, Monday
Dr. Saunders, fnmilv arrived from
Saginaw yesterday.
Messrs. Ulenn and- Kmnersly are in
the consolidated city today.
Several wives of firemen accompany
their husbands to Portland today.
Mrs. btory and dangnter Aubie re
turned this morning from a visit to the
valley." --.-'
Mrs. M. T. Nolcn has returnedto the
city, and our worthy P. M. is now domi
ciled "at home."
Mr. and Mrs. C. Dixon, late of Brook
lyn, have arrived, and are looking for a
business location here.
Another Patch of water rights were
filed in the county clerk's office Satur
day, from the Portland combination.
C. W. Haight, of Cow canyon, has
moved his family into the city to give
his children better facilities for attend
ing school. - '-
County court is in 1 session today,
Judge Blakeley presiding. The county
commissioners will meet with Judge
Blakeley on Wednesday.
Conductor Rice was taken very sick at
Umatilla to-day, and Dr. Logan was
called up to JohnJDay to meet him and
administer to his wants. -
Mr. J. Hr Sherer was in. The Dalles
yesterday, a "passenger from Portland
by the Regulator Saturday. He was
accompanied by Mrs. Sherer. " "
The old . hand - engine,- looking as
pretty as a new wax doll, after manipu
lations by Engineer Brown, was shipped
to Portland last night, for the parade
today. '-.--- . . - .-
Six columns -of prize fighting litera
ture", in the Sunday Oregonian, were
received disdainfully by christian people
here, and it is supposed elsewhere, yes
terday. .
', The truth has leaked out why Philips
is( closing out' the millinery store by
auction! He is perfecting a beverage
that will knock the cholera and will take
it to the World's fair.
Chas. Butler, of Port in
the city. He is buying some cattle now,
having taken 160 to 200 head from Win.
Floyd on 5-Mile, and Dan Lyle on Wil
low cree.k, at ruling prices. '
A philosophical T. P. A. says: "My
best hotel (it may be two stories tall or
30y is where they know '.me, call me by
name, and I noticoij is always well
patrouieed.The finest furniture of a
hotel is the clerk.."'-''.-.!-';: -
Mrs. ".'French and her son II. W.
French, of Saginaw Mich., are; here
looking after their Grand Dalles invest
ments, "and are S3 well pleased that-they
propose to remain, and will luild a resi
dence in the new city. ... '
Pureers Hampshire and Butler, oa
the Regulator and Dalles City, exchang
ed pulpits yesterday; Johnny went
through, and Truman came ' through,
Theytake their respective places again
tqmorrow. ' .
The Umatilla will be the post to re
ceive reports from the Corbett-Sullivan
fight Wednesday night. The W. U. op
perator; Mr. Balfe Johnson, having made
special arrangements to have each round
posted on bulletin board in the hotel.
The Jubilee singers took the Regulator
iot r-oriianu this morning, xney were
well received at the armory Saturday
night. Additional seats, would have to
have been brought in, only for the free
show between Mars and Luna ontside.
S. F. Blythe, formerly of Hood River,
late candidate on the democratic ticket
for representative, hasrespmed his
residence, in Portland, we "presume, as
he has been drawn as" a -juror to serve
during the next term of the state -circuit
court. .' - - . - .'".':
The Wasco Academy opened for the
term this morning, with a,good inttend
ance, Prof. J. Stanley Brown, late
Illinois, principal, and a full corps of
teachers-the same as last year. The
prospects of this school are now very
promising.. . . . -
T.J. Driver isin the city today" at
tending county court. - He left his
mresmng wen in Hand. Jbrom him we
obtain some valuable statistics of the
crop as he and his brothers find it
threshing for themselves and others
which will be given tomorrow.
.The public schools and academies of
this city resumed studies this morning.
rrof. Smith was present at the public
schools and assisted Prof. Glavin in the
opening. - Prof. Glavin comes from
Roodhouse public school, 111., where he
was principal tor lour years.
Mrs. J. W. Lewis had a complete sur
prise Saturday evening, in the form of a
visit from D. A. Sawdey, Esq., of Erie,
Fa., traveling in company with' Dr. Peter
Barkley and wife, en route home from
the Knights Templar conclave at Denver.
Mr. Sawdey is a nephew of Mrs. Lewis
. About sixty-five Dalles city fireman
are parading in 1'ortiana today. j.t is
an occaseion whih will be observed
hereafter in Oregon annually. - It is in
keeping with an admirable custom now
developing throughout the United
States, similar to the "" by per
sons following the same trades and oc
A gentleman from chivalrous Georgia,
was a guest at the Umatilla yesterday.
The Tennessee Jubilee Singers, as black
as the ace of spades, were guests also.
The Georgian revolved thesituationover
in his mind somewhat sardonically and
smuing as ne aoaressea joi. fcinnou,
said : "There don't appear to be much
difference' in this country, between
white man and a nigger." "No," was
(Jol. sinnott s quick reply, there is not ;
except that one is white and the other
is black."
Preparations Being; Made for Attending
the Veteran Parade, Monday.
Another meeting of firemen was held
atjthe common council chamberThursday
evening, at which there was a large at
tendance to further consider the matter
of preparations for attending the Veteran
parade in Portland on Monday next.
The officers presided who were in at
tendance at a previous meeting.
The following delegates were ap
pointed. .
East End Hood and Ladder Co. J.
L. Kuck, A. J. Moses, Wallace Fargher.
Jackson . Engine Co. A. Bettingen,
John Crate, H. Clough. - . '
Columbia Hose Co. Ed. Williams,
Sam. Campbell," H. Maier.
Mt. Hood Hose Co. I. J. Norman, C.
L, Philips, .
In addition to the above, going as dele
gates,' the following volunteers from
Jackson Engine Co. will attend : Frank
Roach, H. Whitmore, Al Klindt, F. W.
L. Skibbe, G. Norwak, E. Schutz, W.
Hill, Isaac Perry, Jim Wood, Geo. Wil
liams, R Williams, W. H. Butts, Alex
Huegenin. ." '
Another meeting will be held tonight,
at the same place, to further .consider
the subject. It is hoped that a delega
tion of at least sixty will go. The Dalles
will stand a good chance of getting the
next annual parade, if they take an in
terest in this year's meeting, such as the
present appearances indicate they will
take. ' - - .
We are informed that this will be the
first outing of The Dalles . fire depart
ment since 1863. If bo they certainly
deserve it ; and that It will be one of
enjoyment to all, and of benefit to .the
department, none can gainsay. . -
Suggestions from Mr. , . C. Pentland,
, ' - '...-. '
, ." -. f-.--'. Late Secrejary..
.Mr. E. C. Pentland, well and favora
bly known in this city, lately secretary
of the Press association, in a" private
letter to Mr. S. X. Brooks, offers some
suggestions respecting the ' 'coming
'meeting of the Oregon press association
in' this city. The Mountaineer, com
menting upon the letter, eays : , -
Mr. Pentlands letter should be acted
upori. There.i no board of trade or
chamber of commerce liere, and . there
fore the public interested in the growth
of the city and future prosperity of th6
Inland Empire should take the matter
in hand. In the first place a committee
of jnvitation should be appointed, and
also one on reception. The duty of the
first' should be to write to each editor
requesting his' presence at The Dalles on
the occasion, and when they arrive the
seeoud committee should see that they
are properly received and places provid
ed for them during their etay in the city,
These editors - must visit the Cascade
Locks and be shown the importance of
boat railway as a permanent" means
overcoming flie obstacles above this city,
Perhaps the services of - Senators Polph
or Mitchell or Representatives Hermann
or Wilson could - be secured to present
the matter in an intelligent manner and
show the benefits of an open river and
how this great "work can . be
accomplished - before congress. This
requires money, but our city
wealthy, and it would do more to make
known our natural advantages than any
other method that could be employed
By the nse of such means the editors of
the state-will be educated .-to the im
portance to the Inland Empire of open
ing the Columbia river, and they, wtli
go back to their duties and give public
ity pftbis knowledge 'to their readers
If the people of The Dalles desire these
brain-workers and brain-molders to en
joy their trip, they must provide for
their entertainment, and that in a lib
eral manner. In order to do this prop
erly no time is to be wasted, and a pub
lic meeting should be called at once,
We must arouse ourselves from the
usual lethargy, and begin work immed
iately. .. : ; ; r
Saved HU Childja Life. ' '
A. N. Dilferbough, York, Neb.', savs
"The' other day I came home and found
my little boy down with cholera morbus
my wife scared, not knowing what to do,
l went straightway- and got a 25 cent
bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy, and gave it ac
cording to directions, lou never saw
such a change in a child. Hislimbsand
body were cold. I rubbed his limbs and
body with my hands, and after I had
given him the second dose he went to
sleep, and, as my wife says, "from
death-bed he was up playing '.in three
hours." It saved me a doctor bill of
about three dollars, and what is better,
it saved my child. I can recommend it
with a clear conscience." . For sale by
tsiaueiy & tioughton, druggists.
Stock Holders Meeting.
Notice is hereby given that the annual
meeting of the stockholders of the
Wasco Warehouse company will be held
at the omce ot trench & Uo.,The Dalles,
Oregon, on Wednesday September 2Sth,
at 3:0 p. m., for tho purpose of
electing directors lor the ensuing year
and the transaction of such other busi
ness as may come before it.
the ualies, Uregon, Aug. lZth,
G. J. Farley.
Secretary Wasco Warehouse Co.
tds.ia w
gtir loo want title Government
State Lands call on -'
Late Hec. U. S. Land Office
. A. If CDBO.S,
Notary Public.
D. S. Land Attorrievs
Over Sixteen Years Experience.
PITV ivrv iwrmnv nrn- rwiim
U 1 1 .-Art U wUil llU, uLAL L0IAII1.
A ' Traveling Man's Experience With
I am a traveling man and have been
afflicted with what is called chronic (liar
rhct-a for some ten years. Last fall I was
in Western Pennsylvania, and accident
ally was introduced to Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhwa Remedy.
ventured to make ji trial and was
wonderfully relieved. I would like now
to introduce it among my friends. H.
M. Lewis, 24 Freeman street, Cleveland,
Ohio. For sale by Blakelv & Houghton.
County Treniiircr'n Notice.
All county warrants- registered prior
to March 13j 1880, will be paid . if pre
sented at my office, corner Third 'and
wasniLcton streets, interest ceases on
and after this date. '
The Dalles, Jnly 16, 1S92.
William Michell,
7.18tf Treasurer Wasco County, Or.
ft ICE MCE Inv nil Arms, Palpltatlaa.
UldEAOC Pain la Side, Shoulder and
imSkort Breatn, opn-reasion, Ainu,
rollea A.nkiea. WMk and Smotbtrlu
Spells, Dropsr. Wind In Stomach, etc.. ro
oared far Off. MILES' NEW HEART CURE.
A new discovery brtlie eminent Indiana Special
ist. A. F. DavK, Silver creek. Neb., after taking
four bottles of HEART 43I7RE felt better
than be had for twelve years. "For thirty yean
troubled with Heart Disease) two bottles of
DR. MILES' HEART CURE cored me.T.evt
Leccan, Buchanan, Mich." E. B. Stutson, Wars
Station, Ga . baa taken DR. MILES' HEART
URE for Heart trouble with (Trent results. Mrs.
I Bar, Fltchburg-, Mich., waa 111 for 15 year with
Heart Disease, had to hire bouse help, lived on
liquid food; used Dr. Mllea' Heart Cure and
all paint left her; comtant nse cured her. Fine
Illustrated book FRKK at drugirlsts, or address
Dr.wuiB' ryiadioai coMiKnart,inr.
nnimiirfiirfifi ; FAPM PmiiprtTr
t Q-ri-i eVv. at DaMkW a. IL1 , i . . i I . .
Thompson's Aiiiln to Tie Dalles.
This- addition la laid off into one-acre lots, and
the city. Only twenty mlnutues walk from the
court house.
- Do not be afraid to consult or write us, we (five
advice or information in all branches of our biiat
iness free of charge. . ;
Ci ill I i l n .
seiners Located on uoYerament Land.
. Office in V. 8. Land Office Building.
the dalles - - - - ." oregon.
The Impotted Belgian
. Will stand for the Season of 189?, '
At Richmond's Stables in Tho Dalles on Fridays
and Saturda-g. At Harry Gllpinn, mile east
of Fairfield School house, Monday. At R. Snod
ctuss" K mile west of Boyd I'. O, Tuesdays and
Wednesday. .
CCiCO w imported in li8 bv J. P. fctnMw A
wv,u Hons, or Fairfield, Iowa. He is a Dark
Bay, with Black Points, and is registered at Brus
sels as No. WO, a- d in America as No. 19. COCO
is one of the Finest Bred lraf II rea In
America, is earning; 7 yrs old, and weighs 1808 Iks
TERMS 120 forthe season, or 125 to insure a
foal. By the beason, payable et. lat To insure,
due and payable as soon as the mare is known to
beiafoaL Mareanot brought regularly will be
charged for by the season, ,
'. M. W. ft W. L. FKIEUAN; Owners.
. I offer for eale . all or a part of my
farm of 480 acres in Sec. 24. Td. 1 sooth.
range 14 east, 15 miles southeast of The
Dalles ; good improvementa, good young-five-acre
orchard now bearinc. dentv of
good water for house rise and stock ; 175
acres in cultivation, good outlet north,
east.eonth or west via county roads.
1 also offer for sale 100 acres in section
26, township 1 south, range 14 east;
also five head horse, one double set of
harnes" and a few farm imDlements. etc.
Prices reasonable, terms easy and title
good. For particular come and see me
at The Dalles or J. II. Trout at the farm.
jan29-tf . E. W. Trout.
x s m
53 It 3
mi s
T3 S3
o g be
c c
"STS -a -
3 a, a
TtsColu Packing Co.,
Pork and Beef.
Fine Lard and Sausages.
Curers of BRAND
Iiiii mi! fin
Dried Beef, Etc?
Masonic Building;
The Dalles. Or.
A. H. CURTISrProp.
lour of the Best Qual
ity. Always on Hand.
Act on a new prlneipla
resolate the liver, etomaca
and bowel throuali Ikt
nenet. Da, MrLar Pnxa
iptdtiu turt bUlonanean,
torpid liver and eona'ipar
tlon. Smallest, mlldaat,
oreatl CpdoBea,2S'.
Sample tree at drutrEiat.
aula 11 C. BUtat 'asV