THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE, FRIDAY, SEPTELH3ER 9, 1892. The Weekly Ghroniele. OFFICIAL PArEH OF WASCO COUNTY. Entered at the Poetofflce at The Dalles, Oregon, ' . as second-class matter.- ; ' SUBSCRIPTION RATES. " BT MA1L'(P0STAGE FKKPAID) IK ADVANCE. " Weekly. 1 rear f 1 50 6 months..' " ' 8 " .. Dally, I year. 6 months., i. . per 0 75 0 50 6 00 8 00 0 50 Address all communication to " THE CHRON ICLE," The Dalles, Oregon. THE PRICE OF WHEAT. ... There are so many complex and vari able factors affecting the markets of the world that the wise -wheat raiser will - hot place too much crcdenco in the posi . tive deductions of statisticians and their prophetic forecasts, says the Review, but will trust to his own business sa gacity as to the proper time to sell his wheat for what he believes will . be the highest price. - , The highest August prices paid for wheat since the Crimean war were $1.55 in 1867, $1.71 in 1872, and $1.80J.j in 1875. Last year's crop, with the prospect of universal shortago in the world's supply to be made up by America's phenomen al yield owing to the Russian famine, brought less than nn average of 90 cents ' at New York. . - "'..--.' ' , According, to- present prospects the crop of this year ought to sell ior nearly as much as the crop of last year. But one man's judgment is as good as that of another in a matter so uncertain, and the prudent man will not venture pre' - dictions that may hit wide of the mark There is, however, reasonable certainty .that the returns to the wheat . growers ' of . the Inland Empire i'will be as large as last year. ; This " not due to an exceptionally large yield nor will it be due to exceptionally high prices,-but to increased acreage which will bring the aggregate up to a most encouraging figure. So the farmc after all, lias less grounds for complain . and calamity foreboding, than millions of his less fortunate fellow-men, even in our own country. Iu presenting some indisputable facts today, respecting previous remarkable yields of wheat in the United States, in eluding 1891, it is shown that instead of a shortage ; because of the famine scare American holdings caused a large sur plus, as Europe supplied itself from other sources. Hereafter, let ua liopa, the crank famine crop statisticians will be given the place they deserve in pop ular estimation. v LITTLE 0 IRISH HISTORY. Work on the first locomotive of the new single rail railroad, now being .bnilt in Portland, is nearing comple tion. Uork was greatly delayed by the death of Mr. 55. T. Wright, who was deeply interested in the new invention but other parties have been interested and the system will soqn be perfected xne oia oi mis moniu nas been eet as the day for testing the locomotive, at which time, it is expected, tiie locomo tive wfl1 have been completed. Grand Master Sweeney Las expressed himself 6omewbat vigorously upon the brutality of the New York militia in dealing with the strikers, but so far known, he has wot yet pronounced opinion upon the striking switchman who held him up against - a telegraph post, blacked his eye, and otherwise dis figured his countenance. mere is to-day riding at quarantine, in Now York harbor, eight large passen ger steamers from cholera-infected ports of the Old World This mildly suggests the influx of an immigration to which, perhaps, something as strenuous as quarantine rrgulations might have been profitably enforced during eeveral years past. ' Inquisitive reporters have to be kept from boarding cholera ships in New York quarantine by the use of guns in the hands of the harbor police; but when the captain of the Moravia went ashore, on Staten island, he was simply ordered back to bis vessel. A.prominent democrat, in addressing the democratic convention held at Rath drum, Idaho.recently bi ought forth Dan iel O'Connell to testify against the pro tective system. The object in view, of course, was to hold-ftp an example for emulation,, so that Irish-Americans might conscientious scruples in being loyal British frce-tradersv. O'Connell never was a ireo trade ad vocate. During his whole lifetime he opposed the British free trade applied to the industries of -Ireland. Thomas Francis Meagher, the associate of McCOnnell on the repeal association, who became in after years a famous gen eral in the" federal 'army -of the United States, spoke long ago in Ireland as fol lows on the result of British free trade in Ireland : Thn nhnliHon of native government. followed by British free trade, were, the underlying causes of the -famine. The leading Irish industries have been de stroyed bv free trade. The cotton man factories of Dublin, which employed 14.000 operatives, have - been destroyed. The stuff and . serge manufacturers, which employed 1491 operatives, have been destroyed. The calico looms, Hal hiiggan, have been destroyed. -The flannel manufacture of Kathdrum has been destroyed. The blanket manufac ture of Kilkenny, has been destroyed The camlet trade of Bandon, which pro duced 100.000 pounds: a year, has been destroved. : The worsted and stuff man ufactures of Waterford . have . been de stroyed. The sateen and frieze manu factures of Carreckon-Suir have been destroved. One business alone thrives and flourishes and fears no bankruptcy. That favored, and privileged, and pa tronized business is the Irish coffin- makers. ':' This shows what British free trade has done for . Ireland. It . is a self evident truth that similar causes pro duce similar results. Apply the same, or a similar system of .free - trade, to American industries and the result will certainly be similar to the result of free trade in Ireland. It would be wo'l that Irish-Americans who vote for free trade in this country ponder over, the forego-" ing picture of their native land as the result of British trade."'; When they do so they will act with, the republican party as earnestly as ever they battled in defense of the republic in war times, and thus establish their fealty to prin ciples which, had they been fostered by Britain, instead of subdued, might have made Ireland the model Nation oi the earth. : " . . . .. BE CONSISTENT. ". The working, of the tariff is a wonder fully economical arcument in-favor of the McKinley law. The United States government is now collecting not a dol lar mote than is actually needed to meet the expenses of the government and leave a respectable balance. .Our receipts for the last fiscal year were iu round num bers 354,000,000 and our expenses were $ 345,000,000.Of the receipts $178,000,000 was contributed by the customs duties under the McKinley law. Instead of the balance each year growing larger it is actually growing less! Our balance 'for the fiscal year 1891 was f37,000,000. Our balance . for the fiscal year just closed was only $8,000,000. These are the indisputable facts; and, to be con sistent, it stands our democratic friends in hand to show us how they propose to reduce duties: any with this situation confronting them. They profess to favor the collection of tariff duties of sufficient revenues' to meet the wants of the go4 eminent, ana yet inesuguiesc reduction in tariff. duties, will necessarily come from the small surplus of only about $8,000,000 which we now have to go on. A. A. Brown, . Keeps a fnll assortment of ' -- Staple and r aocy Groceries and Provisions. which he offer nt Low Figures. SPEGIflli -: PRIGES to Cash Buyers." Highest CaslTriceafor Es ana .. otter Proince. r . A .New York dispatch says- nothing can now rave' the metropolis- from the great plague . but -the absolute compli ance on the part of every member of the community with the instructions of the board of health and quarantine authori ties. The danger is real ; it cannot be' overestimated. Newly infected steam ships arrived in the harbor on Saturday," as anticipated,, with' awful stories, of death and suffering. They were. the, Rugia and Normania, both from Ham burg. The IIerald's Munich cable has an interview with 1'rof. echwenniger, one of the most celebrated doctors, upon I he subject of cholera, in which lie says, in healthy -p.aces,; 51ean towns, and among the' well-nourished, the malady will but little. In that case there may be ten, or only one. cholera case, according to tho size of the popu lation, but not thousands, as in Ham burg.' If yen become ill, drink.'as hot as ever you can, grog, camomile tea, or no matter what, Provided it Is hot. Then, if yonr limbs grow- cold, plunge ', into a steaming hot bath. Should these produce no etlect then place vourse f in the hands of God, for those are the only ; remedies known to be efficacious. The doctors can do nothing, but don't bo afraid of cholera. ' - 170 SECOND STREET. A NEW UodertakiD t! PIUNZ.&'NITSCHKE. -DEALERS IN- Furniture and. Carpets. We have added to bur business complete Undertaking-- Establishment, ana as we are in no way connected with the Undertakers' Trust our prices will be low accordingly. - - . Remember our place on Second street, next to xaooavs oans. - OI. H- Young, The conditions on board the passen ger steamships in isow York' show a culpable neglect of public safety in the way they -ship steerage passengers to America, which congress will, be com pelled to recognize at the very first op portunity. Accounts show that there were fifty Russians among the passen gers of the City of Berlin, suspected of being affected, as the circumstances at tending the case show, and the only pre caution taken to prevent disease was the herding of them "separate from other passengers during tht voyage." . The Rugia, from Hamburg, is dne today, also the City of Rome, from 'Glasgow, j both of which have a large number of immigrants on board. The Normandie, from Hamburg, is also due,, and the Umbria, from Liverpool, both ports now infected, from all of which passengers are transported like cattle, "for revenue only. A St. Louis man describee the honey moon as "that slate of estatic idiocy that will cause a supreme judge to shin up a shell bark hickory in his bathing' suit to harvest a hornet's nest for his innocent, little tootsie wootsie." His preference of a hornet's nest as a refuge from the innocent little tootsie wootsie comes later. . . - Biacksmitn & ivanon shod It is stated that two men out of every three use tobacco.-' rThis theory receives a rude shock when yon try to borrow a cigar at a horse race. ' Advertised letters. The estimated production of wheat this year from all points, as compared with last, is given by Beerhaum as follows: ' , im ; is&i. ' Bushels. Hnshp United States. . . .520,000,000 612,000,000 Russia.. ; 208.000.000 188.000.000 France." .288.000.000 224.000.000 India .208.000.000 246.000.000 Hungary.. . . . . .. 132,000,000 125,000,000 Italy : 116.000.000 124.000.000 i United Kingdom. 64.000.500 72.000.000 Germany ; . .104,000,000 100.000.000 "Following is the list of letters. remain ing in the postofiice at Tho Dalles 'un called for, Friday, Sept. 2d, 1892. Persons calling for same will give date on which they were advertised. " Avers, Mrs Agnes Like, Jas Bunham & Robert-Like,Jas. Mrs son (2) - McGrath, NancvMrs Cooley, W D Miller, Isabella'Mrs Cooley, Laurie Mrs Patterson, Clara Miss Elliott, Lewis (2) Robinson, Lina Miss Gibson, Sussie Mrs Utter, J W Howe, Nellie Mrs Willman, A ' Howe, H L White, Fannie (2) Williams, J L Mrs M. T. Nolans P. M. General Blacksinithing and Work done promptly," and all work 'Guaranteed. . Hopse-Shoeeing' a Speiality THird Street opposite the old Liebe Stand. Scientific Ameriean- Agency for DRUGS SN I PES & :Ki NERSLY. -THE LEADING- lott ii Retail lists ;: Handled by Three Registered Druggists. . : 7 ' ALSO'-" ALL THE LEADING Patent (Dedicines and Druggists .Sundries, .' HOUSE PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS. Agents for Murphy's Fine Varnishes and the only agents in ; the City for The Sherwin, Will.ams Co.'s Paints. -WE ARE- THe Largest Dealers in Wall Paper ' J 1 . v. Finest Line:of Imported Key West and Domestic Cigars. Agent lor TansnTs Punch. 129 Second Street, The Dalles, Oregon AM ER I CAN SQ H.OOL 0 .' Stoneman & Fiege, dealers in -.Bqpts and Shoes All goods :", we sell, we warrant.- ' , . v ! ' ' ' ." " - ,114 SXSGONJD "T'Ti TFiT 0). X .-o w .( best in America. CLOlD CAP INN. Open from Jaly 1st to Oetobeir 1st. This picturesaae hostlorv. bnilt of silver fir - Intra, and rnntfld aM-Mi-olir nn tha edge of a precipice on the north sido of Mount Hood is within fifteen minute walk of the perpetual ice and snow of Eliot Glacier, 7,000 feet above the sea level, twenty-seven miles from Hood Kiver, over the finest roads in the United States., Fare for the ronnd trip 8.00 : rates cer dav 3.50. The Table at Cloud Can Inn is suDDlied with evervthincr the market &ffhrda. Hot and cold baths, etc., the beet of guides will take you to the top of Mount Hood by the best practicable routes, which aro from tho Inn. .-.. W. A'. LANGILLE, Manager. JOLES BROS DEALERS IX: Imported liocfes. to; Total . ...l.&JO.OOO.OOO 1,700,000,000 Now that Nancy Hanks has succeeded in breaking her own record, she must henceforth bear much the same relation to the rest of the 'equine race that a streak of lightning bears to a district telegraph messenger boy. Washington will furnish the flagstaff's for the Columbus fair It is fitting that the starry emblem should wave from standards grown in the state named for the man who gave that flag to the world. Cholera has one advantage at any rate not possessed by other diseases : it does not keep the patient lingering be tween life and death for weeks, but kills him at once and passes on to the iext. . Spokane is feelinjr pretty frisky. The hope of near release from tho thraldom .of exorbitant freight rates is the most exhilerating stimulant known to com mercial science. The East Oregoruan states that since the 1st of July 38 men have- been ar rested and sent from Pendleton to Tort land to be tried for selling liquor to In dians. ': .Steerage immigration from the other side to America is practically , stopped, and in figuring out results the steam ship companies invariably- place the debits to their side of the account with out calculating the credits on the side of the people, making the statement to ap pear like a jug handle, "all on one side." 'Twas ever thus : The corpor ations never make a dollar; the com munity never suffers, from small-pox or cholera, any more than from over charges. - V As the state flower for our Bister across the Columbia', the rhododendron wins. Now if the Western Washington supporters of that flower will kindly send us over a few thousand chromo pictures of the blossom, the people of the Inland Empire jnay inform them selves respecting the beauties of the flo ral emblem. 1 One of the many incidents related to illustrate Rose ; Terry Cooke's lovely disposition in this : She had a bed of particularly choice strawberries. An in valid friend fancied one year that those berries agreed with her better than any others. BIrs. Cooke therefore saved every berry that season for her friend. ; The nebula in Orion is a fine telescop ic object now. The great black space in the nebula . is . known among unpoetic star-gazers as the coal hole. No star has ever been seen in this hole in the universe. The trip of Senator Charles Hilton California, matured in the purchase of forty-one blooded Spanish Merino bucks. They arrived by steamer Kegula.torThurc day evening, and were greatly admired by all who saw them passing through the I streets to the stock yards from the boat, for shipment to the ranch in Gilliam county. : Senator Hilton arrived, on the noon train yesterday. At the stock yards yesterday also ar rived, from Omaha, 'via. U. P. R., six teen head of blooded Spanish Merino bucks, and six ewes, purchased by Hon. C. W. Cartwright, jof Crook county. With such stock as this coming into the Inland Empire, it is not to be wondered at, that The Dalles is acquiring a. solid reputation abroad, from Pacific to Atlan tic ports, as being the. best market in the United Statesin which to buy wool. CAVEATS. Jf TRADE MARKS. Pii--- DESIOM PATENTS 'tfyri7 COPYRIGHTS, ato. For Information and free Handbook write to . MUNN & CO, Wl Broadwat, Nsw Yore. Oldest bureau lor securing patenta In America Erery patent taken out by ua la brought before Uie public b7 a notice given free of charge in the Jfcietttiftc .JtMMfmi est circulation of any Kdentiflo paper In the no mieiuirent S3.UM I or & co. bi.isiikrs. am Broadway, sew York. siapie and Fancy ins, Hay, Grain and Feed. Masonic Block, Corner Jhird and Court Streets. The Dalles.Oregon. Larsi world d. Splendidly illustrated. No let should be withou. it. Weekly, 8 ; 91.60 Bix month. Address MtJN? lit IV :E 511. Te largest. fTlSlRSSTRICir pRSTCI flew .6. Columbia Jlotel, . THE DALLES, OREGON. Best Dollar a Day House on the Coast! First-Class Meals, 25 Cents. First Class Hotel in Every Respect.. None but the Best of White Help Employed. T. T. Nicholas, Piop. EDUCATIONAL. Wasco Independent Academy, The Dal les, Oregon. x' The next session of Wasco .Independ ent Academy will commence on Monday, Sept. -5th. A full faculty of instructors has been secured with professor Brown of Chicago, Illinois, as principal. For catalogue or particulars, address, 8. L. Brooks, Secretary. : ''' ' "... A Reliable Man. " M. J. Griner; a Justice of the Peace at Print, Michigan,, says " one bottle of Chamberlaiu's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy saved his life. He had been down with' bloody flux for three weeks, when he commenced using this medicine. It soon cured him, and lie believes saved his life. He also says it' saved the lives of three railroad men in that vicinity. 'Squire Griner is a re liable and conscientious man, and what ever he says can be depended upon. For sale by Blakely & Houghton, "drug gists. , ; . TRicir LAS AND Aft) Ha Fastest and Finest fa tie World. or accomodations naexcejjea. 0ND0N0ERRY AND 6USQQW- NEW YORK, GIBRlLlER and NAPLES, SALOON. SECOND-CLASS AND STFFRARr faltfiS OT1 lnMt lanris tn mnt eVtn t.lnnl1 800TOH, IH3LISH, X8I3S ALL COHTIKEOTAL PUNTS. Ennrslan tickets antllable to return by either the pio- Br ud Hatty Win for ait Amomt tt Itnit BtUt, PPly to any of our local Agents or to HENDEKSON BKOTHEKS, Chicago, 111. . T. A. HUDSON, Agent, ' The Dalle, Or. -' wasco WareioiisB Co., - Receives Q-oods on Stor age, and Forwards same to their destination. Receives Consignments For Sale on Commission. ta es Reasonable. . . V MASK GOODS-- W". w oo. .. THK DALLIS, OBEOOK. H. C. NI Clothier and Tailor, BOOTS AND SHOES, Hats and Caps, Trunks and Valises, . Groxxts' Fum 1 fTi Ing Q-oocIb, CORNER OF SECOND AND WASHINGTON, THE DALLES, OREGON. Washington florth Dalles, Washingto SITUATED AT THE HEAD OF NAVIGATION. Destined the Best Manufacturing Center In the Inland Empire. " Best Selling Property of the Season In the North west. . r 4r For Further Information Call at the Office of , Interstate Investment Go., 0. D. TAYLOB. The Dalles. Or. - 72 WasMnilon. St, Porflani. Or. A-