THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE, FRIDAY,'' SEPTEMBER 2, 1892. PATH OF THE CHOLERA. THE MeCOT DITCH SCHEME. It Has Reached IMon From Hamturg; ' ; Dy Steamer Gemma. : ANTWERP CLEARANCES DOUBTED Caeaiiaus Alarmed on Accoimt of The German Vessels.Coming. DDK AT NEW VOBK IN TEN IA'8. Ports of the United States on the Look On! ror Infected Ships on - the Way to America. New Yobk, Aug. 27. Hamburg spec ials show that the cholera there contin ues to increase and grow in virulence in spite of all precautions of the authorities to stay the spread of the disease. It lias reached London, by steamer Gemma. The Gemma was reported to be infected, but the authorities, after examining the passengers, allowed them to land. A few hours afterward two women, who arrived on the Gemma, were taken sick. They were at once taken to the hospital at liravesend, wnere tne doctors pro nounced their malady cholera. In spteH,Wcti0Dable- Not One Clause Acceptable to The Hood Ktrer People. That citizens of Hood River adopt the position of The Chbonicle, on the sub ject of a corporation grasping all the rights of the public to the waters of the Inland Empire, is pretty clearly attested by the proceedings of the citizens of school district No. 2, assembled at their school houso last Wednesday evening to coneider the proposition of G. W McCoy of Portland to construct an irri sating: ditch and furnish water to the farmers of the valley. 8. F. BIythe was elected chairman and J- F. Armer secro- i tary of the meeting. After the chair man had stated the object of the meet ing the secretary read the blank contract furnished by Mr. McCoy On motion, the secretary was asked to read the contract' a second time for the important points to be discussed be tween the reading. The main points ot the contract were i then thoroughly discussed, no part of the contract finding favor with the audi ence. The features of the contract most objectionable were the clauses embrac ing the agreement for ninety-nine years, the mortgage of the lands to be irrigated for that length of time, the giving to towns the precedence in the use of water when by any means the supply is limited, giving the company sixty feet right of way over lands irrigated and the right to come upon the land and say how the water shall be used, and the surrender of all rights, whether reparian or other wise, in existing water courses to t he company. This latter clauBe was most of medical aid, they died shortly after being admitted. This caused consider able anxiety, and a close inspection of all incoming vessels has been ordered. When the steamer Laura, also from Hamburg, arrived at Lynn, with cholera suspects on board, the vessel was imme diately ordered to put back to sea. The officers and passengers protested against such summary treatment, but the health officers were obdurate and refused to let a single person land from the steamer. Antwerp dispatches notify the world that the Sheldt board of health has 'taken action such, as is likely to cause little reliance to be placed on bills of health issued by it. It has announced that . it sees no reason to make any change in its bills of health on account of a -iew suspicious cages of sickness coming from Harve and Hamburg. It will, therefore, continue to deliver bills of health. ' As it is indisputably proven that Asiatic cholera is present in Ant werp, the health authorities of other cities will know the value of clean bills of health issued by the Sheldt board. - -I (juebec is alarmed at the imperfect quarantine station on tne til. Lawrence, now mat tnecnoiera nas obtained a foot hold in the Elbe district, in Germany, and because of the number of German vessels coming annually into Quebec, ' and the large trade carried on between German ports. Now, however, that the coldest weather is near, both the doctors and everyone else are beginning to breathe more freely. ' A medical man has expressed the belief that, if the dis ease does not put in an appearance within the next fortnight, all danger , will be then over. uur own neaitn ouicers are preparing to fight off the cholera should it make its appearance here. Dr. Edson, the sanitary superintendent, thinks cholera will undoubtedly reach this port within the next week or ten days, as 60,000 im migrants, in round numbers, were brought into the United States from tin? ports of Hamburg, Bremen, Antwerp and Havre, during the months of June ara July last, and the stream has not diminished thus far during the month of August, -it is estimated that between 6,000 and 7,000 are now en route from cholera-infected ports, destined for New xork, Baltimore, Philadelphia and Bos tun. ids taBK oi inspecting these un welcome arrivals and disinfecting their oaggage win De no light undertaking It is said that from and after this date the embarkation of immigrants for the United States from Germany and Rus sia will be practically suspended until frost comes, by mutual understanding between the steamship lines and the treasury officials of the United States. The contract as a whole, was rejected by unanimous vote. On motion it was decided to have the proceedings of this meeting published in the Glacier. On motion it was decided to meet at the same place Saturday evening, Sept. 3d, to further consider the water question. FOB PUKE FOOD. About the State Taxes. According to a table prepared by the state officers, Wasco county has a bal ance standing against her of $1,414.36. . The table shows that our county board of equalization returned a total of $2,- . 660,036 assessable valuation for the county. This sum was raised hv fltate board to $2,942,908, which, under a decision of the supreme court was re tained, making the total state tax of the county $14,714.54, of which the above balance remains unpaid. Delinquences w wvuci (.uuijucq aggiegaie over f-tZjUVU. mob. mil Metschan, state treasurer, has recently addressed communications to the various county treasurers calling lucu utusiitiun iu tne amounts due, and urging immediate payment of the bal ancea now due and payable. Unless m,uc tuuuuw pay tuti amounts owing, the state treasurer will very soon be AtviAl!nsl tr anylnHa V. i atata nn.M a public expenditure that it is very much desired to avoid, if possible. As Usual, of Course. East Oregonian. The hope of the average democratic organ is beyond com prehension. The party organs are talk 4ng Oregon this year, although there is so effective work being done, nor any to be done. The only reasonable hope to defeat the republican party in Oregon is in the fusion of democrats and people's -party men. If they don't fuse the re publicans will carry the state as usual.. . Lautlall Auction by Boards of Health Upon the Baking Powder Question. ' Boards of health can engage in no more commendable action than the ex amination of our food supply and the instruction of the public as to those ar ticles which are found to be pure and wholesome, and which, therefore, con sumers should use. Action of this kind with . the baking powders' is particularly ' opportune. There are quantities of baking powders in the market, to use which is certain detriment to the health of the con sumer. They are made from alum, or improperly compounded . from other chemicals, so that they leave a strong alkaline residuum' in the . food. Many of these powders, having proved unsal able in the east; have been collected by the manufacturers from' the dealers with whom they weie left, on commission, and shipped to the Pacific coast. In the effort to gain a foothold in this mar ket, unscrupulous ' manufacturers ' of these cheaply made, low grade baking powders have indulged in extravagant statements, both with reference to their own and other brands, claiming the most improbable indorsements for theirs' and defaming the brandsbest known and longest used upon' the Pacific coast The following extracts, froa the re ports of some of our well-known health authorities, will be of particular inter est: .' " The state chemist of Washington, Prof. G. A. Bethuue, says: "There is. therefore, no question but the Royal is the strongest, purest and most whole some baking powder in the market." The Seattle board of health says : "Finding in analysis that it is made of the highest grade of cream of tartar and bicarbonateof soda, and is entirely free from any adulteration, we heartily recommend the Royal baking powder for its great strength, purity and whole someness." - The: Tacoma board 'of health 6ays: "In our judgment, the Royal is the best and strongest baking powder be-! fore the public. We confidently recom mend it because of .'ts purity and care of preparation." The Spokane city board of health re ports: "There is certainly no baking powder known to us equal to the Roj al for strength and uniform quality, and we recommend it for its absolute purity and wholesonieness. The board of health of the city of San Francisco, after extended tests, said of the Royal, "that it is absolutely pure and healthful, composed of the best in gradients, of the highest strength and character;" the health officer of Los Angeles reported that "it "was clearly demonstrated and proven that the Royal baking powder is pure and wholesome, and that it stands, as far as strength and purity are concerned, at the head of the baking powders of the United States;" while the state chemist of Cal norma, Prof. Rising, found the Royal superior in strength and purity to all ' '. " " Checked the frightful inroads of Scrofula arid all blood-taints. Dr. Herce's Golden Medical Discovery purifies and enriches the blood, cleanses the system of all impurities, and restores neaitn and strength. It cures all diseases arising from impure blood. Uonsnmption is one of them. It's simply longcrofnla. In all its ear lier stages, the " Discovery effects a cure. It's easy to see why. The uieuiuiue uiw masters scrofula m one part, is the best remedy for it in another. It is the best. It's war ranted. It's the only blood and lung or cure, or the money will be re funded. No other medicine of its class does it. How many would be left if they did? : It's the cheapest blood-purifier, sold through druggists, ( no matter how many doses are offered for a dollar.) because you onlv rcav for the good you got. xour money is returned if doesn't benefit or euro you. Can you ask more? it m. H. Voting, A. A. Brown, ' ' Keep a lull assortment of Staple lod Fancy Groceries; and Provisions. which he offers at low Figure. SPEGIflli :-: PftlGES to Cash Buyers. Hifkst Cash Prices for Eggs anil - oto Preface. - 170 SECOND STREET. FINAL ACCOUNT. Notice is herebv riven, that th iifMforrfiriipri- Julia A. Oborr, the duly appointed, acting and qualified administratrix oi the estate of William A. Obarr, deceased, has filed her final account and petition in said estate, and that Monday the 5lh day of September, 1893. at the hour of ten o'clock, a. m. of said day, said day being the first day of the next regular U-rrn of the County Court for Wasco county, Oregon, at the County Court Wasco county, Oregon, has been duly appointed said petition and final account. Miss anwi peter s co, ;, Fine M i 11 inery ! 112 Second street. T THE DALLES, OR. rnTTn iv -w- utiJb ;iJALrUE NUMBERING CO., INCORPORATED 1RRR No. G7 Washington Street. . . The Dalles.- Wholesale and Retail Dealers and Manufacturers of Building Material and Dimension Timber, Doors, Windows, Moldings, Boose Furnisiungs, Etc Special Attention given to ine Manufacture of Fruit and Fish Boxes and Packing Cases.. Iotory and lumber TTara'at Old Xa11ow. DRY Pine, Fir, Oak and Slab WOOD Delivered to any part of the city, - by said court as the time tnd place for hearing All persons interested in said cetnta arp hnrrhv notified t armour at said time and nlsce and show caus li any there be, why said petition and final account should not in nil thinra h allowed, ratified and confirmed. 8.5w6t.2t1 JULIA A. OEARR, administratrix of the estate of William A. Obarr. deceased. Dufur & Menefee. Attorneys for Estate. BlacKSltH&f agoq Sfiop General Blacksmithing and Work done promptly, and 'all work . Guaranteed. ffopse Shoeeing a Spciality A typical illustration oi great strength which au may snare in 11 iney out use the new and wonderful OXIEN A food which not only gives Immense strength of nerre, and power and force to muscle and mind, and a more delicious tonic its hard to find. It kills ' Catarrh, Coughs, Kidney Troubles, Rheumatism and La Grippe. It aids greatly to use the OXIEN Plas ter for pains. The Dalles, Wasco County, Or. Inquire at the Grange store. JOBBERS AND KETAILEB8 OP . Hardware, Tinware, Etc., Etc. CORNER SECOND AND FEDERAL STREETS. CELEBRATED flcoro and Chapter Oak STOVES AFD RANGES. (inns. Ammunition ani? SMrfinr finwf? . T i.iuii wuu -VI Wilt UWUO I IRON, COAL, ,,v, .v,uwCIB. BLACKSMITH SUPPLIES, AGENTS FOR sewer p?peMAKERS' materia Mitchell, Lewis & Slaver Co.'s. pumps and pipe. Agricultural Implements and Machinery- - PLUMBING SUPPLIES. SAXISXTD w hW, STU&BBAIEI? Wagons and Carriages. ESTAKLISHBD 1883. LESLIE BUTLER, DEALER IN- M Street opposite tne old Lieoe Stand, FRENCH 6V CO., BANKERS. ; : rKANiJA'T A GKKERALBAXKIKO BDSINESb I NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. U. S. Land Office, The Dalles, Or., June 21, 1892. Notice is hereby, given that the following namcd sett'er has filed notice of his intention tn make final proof in support of his claim, and that said j roof will be made before the registei and receher of the U. 8. Land oflioe at The Dalles, Or., on August 12, 1S82, vU: Lindon W. Holnta. Hd. ho. 8784. for the HEU Bee. 5S.TnlN.Ri4 E. W. M. - He names the following witnesses to prove his contiguous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Fred Fibber, Andy Allen, Robert Lowe and Lee Bolton, all of The Dalles, Or. 6.21.W7.29 JOHN W. LEWIS. Register. Letters of Credit issued available in he Eastern States. Exchange and -Telegraphic . ney xoNt.unicago, Bt. Sight Transfers sold on Louis, San Francisco, Portland Oregon, ceauie wasn., ana various points in Ur- egon ana vvasmngton, Collections made at all points on fav orable terms. "The ReiIator Line" SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Orcson for the Gonnty of Wasoo. Mnttie Mi Pickford, Plaintiff, vs. John IL Pick- iuru, utfienuaui. To John H. Pickford, tkt above named defendant: In the name of the Stata of OrFtrnn Vnn nn hereby required to aj pear and answer the com plaint filed acainst vou in the above roititlcri cause end Court on or before the first day of the next term of the above entitled Court, On or before November 14. 1H92. hainir tho wv ond Monday of said month, and if you fail so tr answer, or to appear in said cause the plaintifl will apply to the above entitled Court for tht relief prayed for in her complaint, to-wit: ' for a aecree dissolving the bonds of matrl- monv now existing betwrnn thn nlalnKft' unrf defendant, and for plaintiff's costs and disburse mentS Of SUit. and for such nthnr and furtha. relief as to the Court may seem equitable and just This summons u hereby served upon you by publication, by ordtr of Hon. W. L. Kradshaw. judge of tho above entitled Court, which order was duly made May 31 th, 1892. DVtUK., WATK1NS & MENEFEE. 6.24.7t - Attorneys for Plaintiff. Gfoeeries and Gf oekeyy. A full line of Lamps, Glassware and Dishes of all kinds. Silver plated Knives, Forks and Spoons. When you are selecting your Christmas presents look through my stock and you will get something useful as well as ornamental. 113 mKfilfllGTOj! STREET, - THE DALLES, QREG0H Crandall & Barget, MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN FURNITURE CARPETS Undertakers and Embalmers. NO. 166 SECOND STREET. HORSES The DaHes,rPortlanl and Astoria Navigation Co. t:q::ei other brands. Estray Mare And Colt. Alight gray mare, weighing about 1,100, branded on the left shoulder with an inverted a with a quarter circle over it, came to the premises of the under signed with a sorrel colt, about June 15th, near Nansene P. O. Owner is re quested to call and prove property, pay charges, and take her away. ' ; . . . J. T, ROBEBTSOK. ;Nakseke, Aug. 8,1892. . ' ,, I Mkf Jll 1 I l-m-. ,, h t?t"-5- 'iKTuaHii2 - - T-riAjB Mvi Crintinn (Nnfnfi J. S. COOPER, Corner Barn, Union Stock Yards, Chicago, Illinois. The Largest and Only Strictly Commission Dealer in Horses in the United States. Commencing the 3rd of August and every month throughoat the year will hold Special Extensively Advertised Sales of WESTGRN RHNCE HORSES. Rpfwn jNational Live Stock Bank, Chicago, 111. Keierence . fcnicag0 National Bank, Chicago, 111. . Write for Particulars. THROUGH Freipni ana Pcssenoenine, lnrougn daily service (eunaays- ex cepted) between The Dalles and Port-! land, leaving The Dalles at 6 a. m. arriving at Portland 5 p.m. TRACTION ENGINE. l'ASSESCEK KATE8. Oneway .$2.00 Round trip.. ..: 3.00 Special rates for parties of six or over. jllapciurefs ifarnesses! Freight Rates Greatly Reduced. Cyclone Thresher. cfiJ (Successors to L. D. Frank, deceased.) OIF" ALL OF A General Line of Horse Furnishing Goods. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Harness, Bridies, flips, Horse Blaniets, Etc. Full Assortment of Mexican Saddlery Plain or Stamped. . SECOND STREET, - - - . THE DALLES. OR. FAST FREIGHT. Frnit, per 100 pounds. ... Melons and Green Vegetables. .40 .30 Send for Catalogue -TO- Throueh connection - with steamers to Astoria and Ilwaco without delay. Shipments received at wharf any time. day or nignt. and delivered at Portland on arrival. ' Live stock- shipments solicited. " V&u on or address. - W. C. ALLAWAY. B. F. LAUOViLIN, ueneral nu(er. J. fil. PILLOOH & CO., & Houghton, . DEALERS IN THE DALLES, OREGON Agricultural Implements Of All Kinds, Buggies, Wagons, ; Eto. THE DALES. OREGON. 175 Second Street, The Dalles, Oregon A full line of all the Standard Patent - Medicines,' L. . .. Drugs,-Chemicals, Etc. - - AARTISTS -MATEEIALS.-A jJT Oouatry and Mail Orders will receive prompt attention.