THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICJLE, FRIDAY, AUGUST 19, 1893. The Weekly Ghroniele. OFFICIAL PAPER OF WA8CO COUNTY. Entered nt the Postoffice at The Dalles, Oregon, as second-class matter. . s SUBSCKIPTION RATE8. BY MAIL (FOSTAGB PREPAID) IN ADVANCE. Weekly, 1 year 1 50 " 6 months 0 75 ' 8 " 0 60 Daily, 1 year. 6 00 " 6 months. . 3 00 " per " .' 0 60 Address all communication to " THE CHRON - ICLE," The Dalles, Oregon. THE DALLES SHIPMENTS. Keporta of wheat ebipnients from The Dalles during the seasons of 1S90 and '91 show a big increase in the business of the place, which is not apparent to the casual observer. To illustrate: . In 1890 the total shipments of grain, flour, feed and mill stuffs was 462,150 pounds. Last year it was, of wheat alone, lO.SlS,1 295 pounds, requiring 516 cars for transportation. In 1891 3,000,000 pounds of wool was shipped from The Dalles; this year it will exceed 5.000,000 pounds. Careful estimates place the prospective shipments of wheat from The Dalles "this year at 90,000,000 pounds, an increase of 79,224,555 pounds over the aggregate shipments of the two previous years. That docs not look very much like a crop failure this year, does" it? The gentleman from whom these facts nre obtained, has based his calculations upon a very care ful survey of the situation. It is quite refreshing to be able to furnish such data as this at the present time, in view of the contrary statements sent abroad concerning the crops of Wasco and Sherman counties. Elmore, Sanborn & Co., of. Astoria, who profess to have complete returns of the salmon pack at the Columbia river canneriee in Astoria and along the river, on both the Oregon and Washington shores, report as follows : "The season has been remarkable for the scarcity in the Columbia of ehinook salmon, the kind on which the celebrity of this river is based. We find, from careful esti mates, which will inclnde fish canght up to date, that the twenty-two can neries on the Columbia river have packed 448,600 cases of all grades. The proportion of royal Chinook is 248,000 cases, the remaining 200,000 cases being composed of eteelheads and bluebacks, which are eooil fish but of the inferior quality as compared with last years' nack. there is a decrease this season of 100,000 cases of royal ehinook. The total pack, however, exceeds that of last year bv 48,000 cases. This increase is largely due to the larger production in the canneries at the cascades and the dalles, where three-fourths of the pack were 6teelheads and bluebacks. The season, has been stormy. There has been a freshet in the river .all summer, owing to the tardy melting of snow in the mountain ranges. The canneries have sold all their best salmon at an ad vance on last years prices. Two ships are now loading here with salmon for London and one ship is loading for Xew York. Advices from Alaska indicate that the pack will be limited to one-half that of Inst year, as was -agreed upon in British Columbia. The pack on the Fraser river Is u comparative failure, and the total product of that country will not exceed one-half of last year's pack AMERICAN FINANCES. Albert Ku'ble, agent of the 'California state board of horticulture, was sent to Australia to collect parasites that would destroy the scale bug, which is such pest in California. He has returned, and was very successful. He brought up a large number of parasites which the state board of horticulture will dis tribute, and he thinks by their means will be able to eradicate the scale bug in California. "The phylloxera is very bad all over Australia. Down there they do not know anything about resistant stuck and their only cure is to tear up the whole vineyard. All over the blight is playing terrible havoc with the fruit. In Fiji the cocoanut palms and the ba nana trees are all eaten np, and the same can be said in a measure about Tonga, Tongatalow and Samoa. The leaves are eaten off the trees and the fruit fall to the ground. The orange trees in many instances have been attacked by the scale and the quantity of fruit exported from the islands has fallen off very much. Goldeudale, a fine little city of 900, und back of her a larg portion of Klick itat county, shipping 500,000 bushels of wheat, with immense natural resources, is clamoring for a railroad. She has no i connections with the outside world by rail, and this fact is keeping her from developing into a hustling young giant, while thousands of acres of land which, under irrigation, would prove fruitful, are still untouched by the plow. Hay and produce are among the more profit able products of the county, while the assessor's books 6hov that there are over 12,000 horses and mules in the county, valued at more than $250,000 ; over 40,000 sheep, valued at $115,000; over 12,000 cattle, valued at more than .$180,000, and more than 0,000 hogs. The chief platinum producing district of North America is npon the north fork of the Similkameen river, north of the Okanogan country in British Colombia. A mining expert, writing to the London Iron Age, ea s: "Placer mining in this district yields both gold and platinum, the latter being found, like the gold, in grains and Bmall nuggets. A notable quantity of platinum has already been obtained from this district.. One firm in the United States claims to have purchased, within the last year or two, fully 2,000 ounces of British Columbia platinum, and it ib well known that a portion of the yield of this district has found its way to the London market. An increased output may be expected, as the Tulameen hydraulic and im provement company has made prepara tions to begin hydraulic mining on a large scale with the advent of spring, The press of America are taking hold of the high banded atrocities of the anarchist element in the United States, and are vigorously advocating measures whereby incendiary and anarchist journals and speakers shall be silenced. There must be no place in this country for man or press to advocate the over throw of law and order.' This will in clnde the New York World with the Frieheit ; the Hattons with the Mosts ; it does not require any arbitrary act of congress. The Bafe cotise lies in ap peals to an intelligent public opinion. In a free constitutional covernment. with free speech, a free press . and a universal ballot, there can be no excuse for a resort to violence for the correction of any grievance. Astoria has a flonr mill. It is not of the latest and most approved pattern, with a full roller process and middlings purifier attachment, but is of the ar tiqno order. The student of ancient history would recognize it as one of the household articles in common use at the time Pharaoh's daughter- adopted Mo ses, bnt this mill was imported from China by Sun Yuen Lung, a Chinese merchant of Ocosta, for the purpose of grinding rice. It is not stated whether he will do custom work for the natives and take toll, or simply keep it for his individual use. Weaver is in Portland, and he de clares that "there is no power on earth that can defeat us." His enthusiasm knows no bounds, but he is just one notch behind the Eastern Washington man who declared, after they had put their peoples party ticket in the field recently, that it was now elected by rea son of the action of the convention. The conservative and liberal-unionist newspapers are fomenting the popular excitement on the subject of the Rus sian advance into the Pamir region, and the bold attempts ofthe Russians to arouee trouble in Afghanistan. The to nes insist that Russia has' been encour aged by the prospect of Mr. Gladstone's return to power to renew her aggres sions near'the Indian frontier. The St. James Gazette yesterday says that there is ev!ry reason to believe attempts will be made by Russia to overstep the Afghan frontier along the whole line, and that it is difficult to exaggerate the gravity of the crisis. A Epace of less than 100 miles separates the English from the Russian outposts. , Paying for gold for export, as was done in New York last week with legal tender and treasury notes, is the very best argument that can be produced to show that the democracy, when they presented euch a proposition to the country as that of section eight of their national platform, in which ie advocated the repeal of the ten per cent, tax on the note issues of state banks, were acting upon the old principle that they usually do the wrong thing. It would place the country back to the banking system, of ante-bellum days. The days we still te- member so well, when the money of one state would not pass in 'another.' The wild-cat money days of old democracy. The result of a repeal of the tax on state bank issnc, would be to flood the country with a currency embarrassing to business. A' feeling of uncertainty and insecurity would follow, which is a blight to active business. The natural instinct verifies the adage. "When yon are uncertain what to do, do nothing," and stagnation would "ensue. The American people will now never be sat isfied with a currency not equally good in all the states. The democrats know this, and their demand to repeal the tax on state issue is but a covert bid for the votes of those persons who have preju- dice against national batiks. Any legis lation tending to provide a circulation based upon securities of a miscellaneous character would undoubtedly seriously disturb the financial interest of the country, which is now the-bust on the face of the earth. Counterfeit national bank bills iare a scarce comiuoditv. whiie under old systems. ono would re quire a counterfeit detector'' constantly by him, and even with t licit, precaution there would not be safety. It is safe to say not one-dollar of cuiiiitei feii national currency circulating now, as ngainst tnousanus mat would npiiear on a revival of the state bank systems. The variety of devices for plates that would arise under the systems of forty-four states, would afford an inviting field for counterfeiters and adventurers. No; so long as gold can' be purchased for export as was the case last week ; the motto should be: "Let. well enonirh alone." Years ago, when President Villard took a more active interest in railroad matters, and was less familiarly known ; to his subordinates, it was his habit to drop in occasionally on some ticki-t agent in some big town on his line, question j him rather extensively - ulioiit the" com-! pany's business, and thus k-k up foihu j useful hints as t the operation of the ; road before his identity was discovered. It is said that .. latterly he takes so much 'inttrePt in politics - that he is seldom seen by any another' than the Australian-ballot ticket agent. A. A. Brown, Keeps a full assortment ot ' ' .'. Staple and Fancy Groceries, and Provisions. which ueofleriatLow Figure. V SPECIAL :-: PRIGES to Cash Buyers. Snipes & Kinersly. -THE LEADING- Hiitat Cask Prices for Eis anl other Prate. 170 SECOND STREET. Young 6VIuss, BiacKsmita & wagoa sfiop General Elacksmitbing and Work done promptly, and all work (Guaranteed. PURE DRUCiS Horse Shoeeing a Spciality Third Street opposite tne oft Lietoe Stand. NEW A Undertaking Establishment ! ii'RINZ & NITSCHKE. If Cyrus W. Field, had not believed in life insurance he would have died a bankrupt. When he came home from his trip around the world ten years ago his yearly income was $300,000. It is doubtful whether his five children will succeed to anything but his life insur ance of about $275,000. Wheat is reported as being quoted at 05 cents per bushel in Corvallis, 64 cents in Albany and 63 cents in Salem, but as yet very little is coming in from the sur rounding district. , Rome advices say that King Humbert will visit the Genoa Columbus Exposit ion on September 8th. Greece is" the only power which has not notified the Italian government thatit will be repre sented at the grand naval demonstration in tne naroor. me iacc mat .trance is to send a squadron has irritated the friends of the t ripple alliance, who speak in the press of the pushing spirit of the French government. The Populo Ro mano especially has exerted itself to let the French know that they were not wanted at the demonstration, despite the fact that their government had been notified as to date when the king would be present. CATARRH Is a most loathsome, dangerous, and preva lent malady. It is a Mood disease, usually of Scrofulous origin, and (or which local treatment is useless. Before health is pos sible, the poison must be eradicated from the system, and to do this SUCCESSFULLY the disease must be treated through the blood. For this purpose no remedy ts so effective as Ayer's Sarsaparilia. "For the past eight years, I have been severely afflicted with Catarrh, none of the many remedies I tried affording me any re lief. My digestion was considerably im paired, and my sleep distnrbed by phlegm dropping into my throat. In September last I resolved to try Ayer's Sarsaparilia, began to use it at once, and am glad to . testify to a great improvement in my health." Frank Teson, Jr., engineer, 271 West Fourth street, New York City. "My daughter, 16 years old, was afflicted with Catarrh from her fifth year. Iist Aii- .gustshewas TREATED WITH Ayer's Sarsaparilia. and after three months of this treatment she was completely cured. It was a most extraordinary case, as any druggist here can testify." Mrs. D. AV. Barnes, Valparaiso, Neb. - Ayer's Sarsaparilia' Prepared by Dr. J. C.yer & Co., Lowell, Masa. Sold by nil Druggists, l'ricc 1 ; aix Umlea, (5. Cures others, will cure you DEALERS IX- Handled by Three Registered Druggists. V ALSO ALL THE LEADING Patent ffiedieines and Druggists . Sundries HOUSE PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS. Agents for Murphy's Fine Varnishes and the only agents JC me wiy ior ine onerwm, wiii ams Uo.'s Faints. - we are; The Largest Dealers in Wall Paper., Finest Line of Imported Key West and Domestic Cigars ' Agent for Tansill's Punch. 129 Second Street, The Dalles, Oregoa CLOUD CHP INN. Open fpom July 1st to October 1st. Una picturesque hoetlery. built of eilrer fir Ioph. and rnntpH edge of a precipice on the north side of Mount Hood is within fifteen minute walk of the perpetual ice and snow of Eliot Glacier, 7,000 feet above the seal level, twenty-seven miles from Hood River, over Ue fineet roads in the Unitedt oiiiieB. .rare ior me rouna inp f.uu ; rates per day 3.50. J The Table at Cloud Can Inn is snnnlipH ttlth mnrvthtnT tka r,,,irf ri Hot and cold baths, etc., the best of guides will take you to the top of Mount Hoodl v ircoi ij.otmauic juuice, wnica are irom me inn. W. A. LANGIIiliE, Manager. SKI B BE tHOTEL 3B". W. X-m. Propr. Furniture and Carpets. We have added to our business a complete Undertaking Establishment, and as we are in' no way connected with the Undertakers' Trust our prices will be low accordingly; . Kemember our place on Second street, next to Moodv's bank. fipE "gSf 2 tr3 n o i El Scientific American Agency for C MI ' E .A 4 CAVEATS, TRADE MARKft. DESIGN PATENTS COPYRIGHTS, eta. For information and free nandboolc write to MUNN ft CO- 361 BHOADWAT, Nrw YORK. Oldest bureau for securing patents In America Kverj patent taken out by us Is brouuht before the public by a not toe given Ires of charge In the J Mtttifif JltHMtau Larcest circulation of any scientific paper In tba world. Splendidly illustrated. No Intelligent man should be wlthoui it. Weekly, 83.011 a your; fl-io six months. Address MDNN & CO, Pl'DLisBiua, 3(11 Broadway. New York. Jay Gould's 6plendid steam yacht, the Atalanta, is on the market. There is a story afloat to the effect that the sinking of Mr. Vanderbilt's yacht has so fright ened Mr. Gould that he wishes to dis pose of his vessel at the earliest possible moment. When the stocks go down Mr. Gould knows what to do, but yachts are not stocks, so lie will unload on yachts as soon as he can find a purchaser. A tin lode of considerable value has been located in the mountain south of Clo-EIum. ' . ; Some party should ' propose to have Uncle Sam help Edison work out his in-ter-steller telegraph idea. That would make Mars a political issue and give us a campaign worthy of the cultured ago in which we live. Administrators Sale of. Horses. In pursuance of au order of the county court, of Waeco county, dated July 15th, 1892, 1 will sell as a whole or in lots, all tne Dana oi mares, geldings and colts, also one -"Black Stranger" stallion, a fine horse and good breeder, belonging to the estate of the late W. J. Meins. These are good well bred horses, many of them broke to work. They will be sold for cash or approved security. J. C. Meins, Administrator, of the Estate of W. J. Meins. 7.23dwlm. . FRENCH CO., BANKERS. rTRANSACT A GENERALBANK1NG BUSINESS Letters of Credit issued available in Eastern States. he Sieht Exchange and TelearaDhic Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Oregon, Seattle wasn., ana various points in Or egon and Washington. Collections made at all points on fav orable terms. ffl5sSTRrcrry fiRsrCi A ... 1.111 ,TRrnr LA9 AHDAWOrla Lara-eat, Fastest mad Flaest la tha WaU HEW TORKalONDOHDERRY AND GLASOOW. Brery eaturaay, NEW YORK, GIBRALTEK and NAPLES, Atrwular intervals. SALOON, SECOND-CLASS AND STEERAGE rates on lowest terras to and from the principle Boons, srausa, nuoa au ooimHiOTiL tumt- Lxeorslontlckets arallable to return by either the pie turesque Clyde ft North of Ireland or Naples ft Olbraltai Draft tat Monty Mars for lay Amout at lewnt Kits. Apply to any of our local Agents or to HENDERSON BROTHERS, Chicago, til. T. A. HUDSON, Agent, . . The Dalles, Or. : DEALERS IN: Staple anil Fancy Groceries. Hay, Grain and Feed. Masonic Block. Corner Third and Court Streets. The Dalies.OregOD MAIER & BENTON DEALERS IN Gord Wood Kir, Pine, Ash and CrabApple GROCERIES, STr?AvEV HARDWARE TINNING AND PLUMBING A SPECIALTY. Leave orders cor. Third and Union, or 133 Second st, THE DALLES, OR. Wasco Warehouse Co.. Receives Goods on Stor age, and Forwards same to their destination. Receives Consignments For Sale on Commission. Hates treasonable. -MARK GOODS . W. Oo. THE DAUE9, OREGON. SITUATED AT THE HEAD OF NAVIGATION. Destined to be the Best Manufacturing Center In the Inland Empire. Best Selling Property of the Season in the Northy west. f For Further Information Call at the Office of Interstate Investment Go.,, ai-TAlMETteEiBttOr. 72 Wasliniton, St, Portland. OrJ