The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, August 12, 1892, Image 8

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Ten Narrow Eseap of a Witness
From Being Lpcnetl.
A Gang of Oystermcn Recognize Him at
a Camp Meeting.
-When a Minister Called Out "L,et us
rray." And Daring The Vtayer
The Victim is Released.
Cbiskikld, MdM Aug. 6. mere was
determined attempt at lynching on
Smith's island that was prevented in
novel manner. A resident of Tangier,
one of the neighboring Virginia islands,
was on Smith's Islands attending
amp-meeting. He was recognized by
one of the Smith islanders as having
been instrumental in sending three
of their number to the" Virginia
' state prison, and having their boats con
fiscated, for dredging in Virginia waters,
At the time of their arrest last winter
most of the Tangier men were for letting
the prisoners off, hut this man pushed
the prosecution. Immediately after he
was recognized on the camp grounds he
e prang for his boat, and flourishing a re
volver, kept his pursuers at bay for a
short time. They closed in-on him and,
tying his limbs, wero about to putarope
aronnd his neck:, when three preachers,
who were on the camp grounds at the
time, made their way to the boat. They
were jnst in time to prevent the. lynch
ing, and succeeded in effecting his escape.
Finding that their cries and entreaties
were of no avail, owing to the fact that
the mob in their fury would stop at
nothing, one of the ministers, knowing
the great reverence in which the Deity
. is held by the islanders, called out "Let
us pray." He immediately began pray
ing in an earnest, manner "that the
blood of this man be not laid upon our
souls," while the other two ministers
forced their way to the side of tne pris
oner, cut his bonds and shoved off the
boat, telling him to go.
... Baking l'owdcr War.
The envy shown by other baking
powder manufacturers of the great pres
tige of the Royal Baking powder is not
At all surprising. For thirty years the
Royal has been tho standard for purity
' and strength in baking powders, and
has been placed at the head of every
board of official examiners whether
state or national. The Royal Baking
Powder company controls its own cream
of tartar factory and the processes for
making tho only chemically pure cream
of tartar. It sends its product to mil
lions ot conies ail over tne world, sup
plies tho army and navy, tho great
trans-Atlantic steamers, the finest hotels
and restaurants, and is recommended
by the best chefs and authorities on
cuisine in every land. Its sale is larger
than that of all other cream of tartar
baking powders combined ; it lias more
friends among housekeepers than any
other similar article. These facts are
doubtless bitterness to the makers of the
inferior baking powdere.
Flood in St. Paul.
St. Paul, Aug. 5. Where Page street
crosses a deep gully, in this city, the cul
vert choked up and a lake formed dur
ing the late heavy rains, covering an
area of about two acres, fifty feet deep.
Suddenly last night the street filling was
swept away, allowing the water to sweep
down in a bod y on the land below.
When tho soft earth gave way, side
walks, trees, houses and ho man beings
were hurried down the grade, thousands
of yards. The loss of property is at least
$50,000. The loss of life is three killed
Seven were badly injured. The body of
Mrs. August Adams was recovered this
morning. There is still two missing,
and Mrs. Strokel, of the injured, is in a
critical condition
The German Societies of Several Cities
Meet in Fdrtland.
The German Gesang Veroin Harmonia
of this citv. is eoins to Portland, at the
invitation of the North Pacific Coast
Social Turn Society; who will give a
grand festival there, lasting three days,
In connection with it will be the meet
ing of the German singing societies of
Portland. Seattle. Tacoma, The Dalles
and Spokane. The programme will con
sist of a reception by the Portland Turn
Verin, grand torch light procession and
speech of welcome by Mayor Mason, of
Portland, and banquet; grand chorus
song by all the societies and prize sing
ing. The next day, excursion and pic
nic. Tho third dav, exhibition by tho
Turners Societies and a grand ball. A
most enjoyable time is expected. The
Gesang Verein of this city will leave
here Friday inorninz the 12th of this
month, by the Regulator. Round trip
tickets will be issued at a special reduc
ed rate, good till the Slst. Tickets can
he had at I. C. Nickelson's. A large
number are expected to go, as the Verein
has about forty members, most of which
will join in the excursion.
Nearest tir.tne- Eartlr-Yesterilarthe
' Fianet how Mores off. ' -
Fifteen Years Before he Again Closely
Visits Mother : Earth.
A Dot Like a Pin Head Is First Secured,
Then Magnified Difficulties In
the Way.
Condon Globe. Monday afternoon
about 2 o'clock the large livery stable
belonging to Cbas. McKenzie at Fossil
caught fare, presumably from a cigar
stump, and within a few seconds the en
ormous structure was a seething mass of
roaring flames. Kverthing was as dry
as powder, and it was only a second un
til the flames spread to Elmer Bernard's
saloon under the same roof, thence to
the old Coates blacksmith shop, thence
to the Hosford bnilding occupied by
Mrs. F. M. Judd. By almost super
human efforts the large merchandise
store of W. W. Steiwer & Co., just north
across the street, was saved by spread
ing wet blankets all over the roof, it
being protected also by a row of large
poplar trees. P. Potterton's large fur
niture establishment was saved also by
wet blankets. Had Steiwer & Co's. store
caught fire, there is no doubt the entire
town would have fallen a victim to the
fiend. The scorched boards of that and
Potterton's building are evidence of the
narrowness of their escape. Several
dwelling houses bad the paint roasted
out of them also those of J. H. Putnam
and Sir. Carpenter, and were saved only
by the most determined efforts. The
livery stable was the mast valuable
building destroyed, and we are informed
that the building was not insured. One
horse, belonging to Charley Branson,
who had the stable rented, perished in
flames. He also lost a lot of hay, liar
ness, etc., and the kind hearted citizens
at once raised about $10!) for him. Wc
have not learned if any of the other
buildings wero insured or not. The loss
is about $5,000. The burnt district lies
in the east edge of the town, and as the
wind was blowing furiously from the
tho west at the time, had the fire origi
nated anywhere in the west end of the
town, nothing bat ashes would now be
left to mark the beautiful townsite of
The Wonders of Oregon.
AdoIphSutroandhi8 son Charles, have
been spending considerable time in
southern and Eastern Oregon thi9 year.
Mr. feutro nas traveled the world over
and is familiar with the wonderland of
the old world, but Crater lake, in his es
timation, eclipses anything he has ever
seen. In speaking of the ultramarine ef
fect ot tne water, wnicn is j,uuu feet in
depth, he said : "The only comparison
I can make relative to the color, is tha
of the waters of the Bine Grotto at
Capri, a cave in an island off the coast
of Naples. The entrance to the cave is
on a level with the ocean, and the boat
men who are skilled take the explorer
into the cave in the tronghof the waves,
a seemingly hazardous undertaking to
the visitor. The water in this cave re
sembles that of Crater lake in color only
but in magnitude and scenic granduer
the Blue Grotto does not compare."
Marlon Harlands Opinion.
Chicago, Aug. 8. Mars ended his
mad race toward the earth at noon yes
terday. He stopped just 35,100,000 miles
away in space, and in about a month
will be swinging along in its orbit, 40,
000,000 of miles away, the same as usual
More than this, it will be fifteen years
before be will again burn his lamp so
close to the face of Mother Earth. Jnlv
12th the planet attracted the attention
of the world by dodging behind the
moon and announcing that he was on
bis way toward the earth at a lively
pace. Astronomers have taken advan
tage of : his - proximity to etudv his
features with their big telescopes, , and
the professors at Kedwood observatory,
oa 46th street, in this city, have been
very busy. Last night, Prof. Duwalt,
who has charge during the absence of
Prof. Hale, lectured to a second class on
the subject. The big telescope in the
center being the feature of attraction
The professor spiced what he bad to say
about planets in general and Mars 'in
particular by actual eye observations
through the powerful glass by individual
members of the audience. - The study is
not all done by the naked eye, however.
Here, as in sun spots, the. epectrohelio-
graph comes into use, and Prof. Hale's
invention for photographing the sun is
used in catching minute glimpses of the
Mars takes a small picture, ' not so
large as a pinhead, and from this min
ute dot another - photographic instru
ment magnifies it nntil the picture is as
large around as the end of a leadpencil.
There is little to be seen, however, out
side the snow caps which crown each'
end, the north a little heavier than the
south.. - It is not an easy matter to get a
photograph of any heavenly body, es
pecially .one so infinitestimally small as
the negative of Mars, for the earth is
spinning around at a lively rate, and the
subject, too, is not standing still. It is
necessary to make a ten-second exposure,
and the finely adjusted clockwork that
counteracts the revolution of the earth
on its axis, by tilting the telescope
around and keeping it pointed at the ob
ject, does not always keep up the pro
cession. As an occasional result there
is a spoiled negative. A nlmy . cloud
may float over the mouth of the big teles
cope and Mars will look like a dot under
a thick veil. A breath of air may move
the telescope ; the jar of a passing vehicle
or even the vibrations of a large bell will
mar the perfectness of the negative
when all other circumstances are favor
able. Seventeen years ago the life
theory was strongly advocated by Prof.
Mercator, who figured out a chart with
canals, lakes and seas. The late obser
vations from the Lack observatory are
said to throw some doubt on this theory,
and astronomers are expecting interest
ing discoveries from the Rocky mount
ains. .
Columbus discovered America, but it
.... .. . .
is evident from tne dispute going on
over the burial place of Christopher that I
America is unable to discover Columbus.
Taken in time,
even Consumption yields to tho
wonderful effects of Dr. Pierce's
Golden Medical Discovery. It
won't make new lungs but it will
make diseased ones healthy when
nothing, elso will.- There's . reason
for it, too. Consumption is Lang
scrofula. " For every form of scrof
ula, and -all blood-taints, tho "Dis
covery" is a positive corp. It's
the most potent strength -restorer,
blood - cleanser, and flesh builder
known to medical science. For
Weak Lungs, Spitting of Blood,
Bronchitis, Asthma, Catarrh, and
all lingering Coughs, it's an une
qualed remedy. It's a guaranteed
one. it it doesn't benefit or cure,
you have your money back. Yon've
everything to gain from it nothing
to lose.
It's especially potent in curing
Tetter, Salt-rhcum, Eczema, Erysip
elas, Boils,' Carbuncles, Sore Lyes,
Goitre, or Thick Neck, and Enlarged
Glands, Tumors and Swellings.
Great Eatinor Ulcers rapidly heal
under its benign influence.
Snipes & Kinersly.
Wholesale ami Retail lists.
Handled by Three Registered Druggists.
Patent ffledieines and Druggists Sundries,
Agents for Murphy's Fine Varnishes and the only agents in
the City for The Sherwin, Williams Co.'s Paints.
The Largest Dealers in Wall Paper
Finest Line of Imported Key West and Domestic Cigars!
iigent lor lansurs Jfuncli.
129 Second Street,
The Dalles, Oregon
Atypical illustration ol forest strength which
oil may snare in u txiey oui use me
new and wonderful
A food which not only elves immense atrengtb
of nerve, and power and force to muscle and
mind, and a more delicious tonic its hard to find.
It kills Catarrh, Coughs, Kidney
Troubles, Rheumatism and La Grippe.
it aids greatly to use the VXIKH i'las
ter for pains.
The Dalles, Wasco County, Or. ..
aCsVInquire at the Grange store.'
Fine Millinery !
112 Second street.
V. S. Land Office, The Dalles, Or., Juno 21, 1892.
Kouoe is hereby enven that the followinc-
named settlor has tiled notice of his intention to
make final proot in support ot his claim, and
that said proof will be made before the register
and receiver of the U. 8. Land office at The
Dalles, Or., on August 12, 1892, viz : .
Liodon V. 11 ol gate.
Hd. No. S7S1, for the NE Sec. 25. Tx. 1K.EH
E, W. M.
lie names the following witnesses to prove
nis continuous residence upon ana cultivation
of said land, viz:
yrw Fisher, Andy Allen, Robert Lowe and
use Hoiton, ail oi 1 ne Dalies, or.
t.zt.i-7..-j juu.i w. us wis. register.
COMMONS. In the Circuit Court of theBtate
kj of Orevon for the County of vv asco.
Mattie M. Pickford, Plaintiff, vs. John II. Pick
lord, Defendant.
To Jokn H. Fiekfonl, the above named defendant:
In the name of the State of On eon : You are
hereby rrauired to iitDcar and answer the com'
plaint filed aeainst' you in the above entitled
cause and Court on or before the first day of the
nex Krm oj inc aDOve euuuea uourt, lo-wu:
On or before November 14. 1892. being the sec
ond Monday of sold month, and if you fail so to
answer, or to appear in said caueo the plaintiff
win appiy 10 me aoove enuiiea uourc lor uie
relief prayed for in her complaint, to-wit:
" For a decree diEolvin(r the bond of matri
nony now existing between the plaintiff and
defendant, and for plaintiff's costs and disburse
ments of suit, and for such other and further
relief as to the Con rt may seem equitable and just
This summons is hereby served uton vou bv
publication, by order of. Hon. W. L. Hradehaw.
judge ot tne noovc entitled court, which order
was auiy muae May nurn, l&rj.
lama a. i;,Drcb.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
II. Shearer Making his
Shipment East by Sail.
The experiences which Mr. J. H.
Shearer haa met with in shipping his
wool the paBt two seasons by rail, es
pecially lflBt year, has induced him to
try Che all water route this season from
The Dalles to Boston. The Dispatch
-says: -.
"Mr. J. II. Shearer, a resident of the
DeeChutea, and the owner of a large
flock of sheep, has concluded to do away
with middlemen in handling his wool,
and is having it shipped to this city and
-placed on board the American ship Tillie
JE. Starbuck, for Boston. Mr. Shearer
has 218,000 pounds of choice wool. The
steamer Dalles City brought down last
night 286 bales from the Cascades nd
will bring the remainder down this and
tomorrow evening. Mr. Shearer will be
in Boston when the ship arrives and will
superintend the sales himself.
Lost. ' A pair of eye-glasses. Finder
please leave at Chronicle office.
Headers of TnK CiiKOMCLEAre familiar
not only with the sprightly writings of
Marion Harland, but also with her sound
common sense upon matters of everyday
life and action. Her name, indeed, is a
household word, and is equally well
known in parlor and kitchen. Her cele-
oratea cook dook, uommon sense in
the Household," is without a peer and
shows that she has made a careful study
of how to prepare good, wholesome food,
in the best manner by the best materials.
In this issue we produce a fac-siraile
letter from Marion Harland that speaks
from her experience in the highest terms
of the unequaled qualities of the Royal
Baking powder. Housewives every where
should read the opinion of such an expert
and act accordingly. All good cooks, who
have used the Boyal, are of the same
opinion also.
Two Grand Excursions.
Two grand excursions to Europe by
the fast and elegant anchor line steam
ships "Ethiopia" and"Fumessia." The
first will leave New York, August 13th,
and the second August 20th, this is an
opportunity seldom offered to parties de
siring to visit the old country. For
full particulars-and rates, apply to T, A.
Hudson, general agent, The Dalles, Or.
: Situation Wanted.
Afflicts half the American people yet there la
only one preparation of Sarsaparllla that acta on
the bowels and reaches this important trouble,
and that Is Joy's Vegetable Sarsap&rllla. It re
lieves It In 24 hours, and an occasional dose
prevents return. "Ve refer by permission toCB.
Elktngton, 126 Locust Avenue, fian Francisco;
J. H. Brown, Petalnma: H. 8. Winn, Geary Conrt.
Ban Francisco, and hundreds of others who have
used it in constipation. One letter la a sample of
hundreds. Eliington, writes: "I have been for
years subject to bilious headache and constipa
tion, nave been to bad for a year back have
had to take a physio every other night or else I
would have a headache. After taking; one bottle
cf J. V. 8., I am in splendid shape. It has don
wonderful thing tor me. People almHarly
troubled should try it and be convinced," '
Cyclone Thresher.
Send for Catalogue
.. By a cook. Hotel, boarding house,
restaurant or with a fainilv. Applv at
this office. - 8-8d3t
Sarsaparllla ftgrcujtura implements
Of All Kinds,
For Sale by SNIPES & KINEBSLY BtLfiTSTieS. WaffOnS, EtC
Most modern, mist eiToctiv-c, largest bottle,
ae price. 1 1.03, si t for ti.03.
No. 67 Washington Street. . . The Dalles.
Wholesale and Eetall Dealers and Manufacturers of
BoiMiDg Material and Dimension Timber, Doors, Wimfows, Moldings, Boose Fanusluiigs, Etc
Special' Attention given to the Manufacture of Fruit and Fish
Boxes and Packing Cases.
Faotory axxcI Irumber "5rw! at Old 3fft. DaUo.
DRY Pine, Firy Oak and Slab WOOD Delivered to
any part of the city,
ifij CROWE,
Hardware, Tinware, Etc., Etc.
flcorn and Chattel Oak
Giros, AnimiiiiitioD and Sporting Goods.
Wagons and Carriages-
Reapers, and Mowers.
' Mitchell, Lewis Staver Co.'s
Agricultural Implements and Machinery .
Groceries and Groekery.
A full line of Lamps, Glaseware and Dishes of all kinds. Silver plated Knives,
-Forks and Spoons. When you are selecting your Christmas presents
look through my stock and you "will get something useful
as well as ornamental.
Crandall & Burget,
Undertakers and Embalmers.
jvfeu Qolumbia .6. Jfotel,
Best Dollar a Day House on the Coast!
First-Class Meals, 25 Cents.
First Class Hotel in Every Respect.
None but the .best ol White Help Jmployeu.
T. T. Nicholas, Ptfop.