The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, August 12, 1892, Image 5

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Thjs Weekly Ghroniele.
From the Daily Chronicle, Friday.
Hon. Isaac Blum, of Portland, is reg
istered at the Umatilla house today.
Stoneman & Fiege advertise that they
' -warrant all eood3 sold by them. See
Dr. Albert Welgus, of Fort Siniicoe,
passed through The Dalles today with
his family, en route to Albany.
Geo. McKinney and Charles Hall
struck out for the woods yesterday, in
tne nope ot nncung a Dear or two.
Jos. Eeezley is a friend of the boys,
but he would like a notice put in todays
paper, to warn the boys against stripping
the f rait trees on his farm, and in bis
The republican state convention of
Montana will not convene until the 6th
of next month. The campaign will be
one of the shortest carried on in any
- state this year. .
Mre. Saunders, writing to the doctor
in The Dalles from Saginaw, about the
Bay city fire, says 1,500 people were left
homeless. Forty blocks were burned
out, including 300 residences, besides
business houses,' etc.
The slowness with which Burveys have
been made in Idaho has had much to do
with retarding the growth of that state.
It is a small wonder, then, that the pres
ent appropriations for this purpose are
eagerly welcomed by the residents.
Mr. Gibson, who has been the friend
of poor unfortunate Henry Deerhack for Kansas citv,
will be the last Sunday for and enjoys the vacation after the busy sulfation of three physicians was held severe i
... season on the ranch, which has just this morning, and fears are entertained ' worsi
tniSjear. Mnuu) hir wmrinir th( hflv emD. Ma xr i. : ij.n time re
that tXtt Hill intends to continue his
Great Northern road from Butte to San
Francisco via Boise city. O. L. Miller,
of Boise, is promoter of a line of railroad
to connect Butte with Boise. It is a fine
route, penetrating a country of extreme
richness. It has already been edrveyed
and construction engineers will be,
within one week, sent into tho field.
Miller is a poor man, and a short time
ago despaired of success. He went east
and visited Chicago and St. Paul, and
returned to Boise with abundant finan
cial backing, proclaiming that the road
would certainly be built.. . .
From the Dnily Chronicle Saturday.
Both houses of conzress adjourned at
11 :30 last night.
fresh salmon
Mr. and Mrs. Bean have returned
from their Klickitat visit
F. J. Moffit and wife of Monkland, are
at the Umatilla house today
There Is quite a ' demand in The
Dalles just now for bill posting,
Bates at Cloud Cap Inn are per day,
3.60; per week $10; per month $15,
Mr. W. A. Davis, artist for Bert C,
Towne, is in the vicinity taking
fine views.
Mrs. MIddletonr arrived on the noon
passenger yesterday on a visit to Mrs,
The boiler is in position, and the
house well up on Kennedys new steam
D. C. Sullivan, Jas. Ferguson and H
Bland arrived this morning from Ulys
ses, Kansas. .
Six car loads of horses are being
shipped from the East End today for
At a special meeting of the common
council Thursday, chief engineer Judd
Fish tendered his resignation, which
was accepted, ana Jtiecoraer jaeneiue
was instructed to notify . the fire depart
ment, and request the board to namo a
successor. -..--' ...
8enator Charles Hilton has informa
tion from Pine Creek, Gilliam county,
that, on the 4th, there was born to the
wife of F. A. Hale, on the Hilton ranch,
a bouncing baby boy that tipped tht
beam at nine pounds averdopois. This
is the first boy born on the ranch.
- According to quotations of the Chicago
cattle and horse, market, given, today,
rue Dalles would- be a good place to i
reach out for. a supply of either.
tiro.. John Michell couldn't stay at
home yesterday. He too had an outing
down in the direction of the. cool um
brageous shades of Mosier, angling in
pebbly brooks for the speckeled beauties
like other disciples of Isaak Walton.
Prof. J. M. DeMoss has decided not to
give a concert in The Dalles by his fam
ily, in consequence of the lack of a suit
able hall. ' Their last concert was eiven
Didn't Fancy the Change.
Press-Times. Private lams has
started to sue Ids late officers for making
him -play thumbs-up and shaving his
head. - lams -thinks' he came too dern
near boing Iwas. - . ' :
An Estroy Dorse.
F. A. Young, of Bake Oven, is in the in Chicago June 27th, and the family are
city, en route to Klickitat to look after i now returning to their .home in Oregon.
a band of sheep he has over there. He There is no improvement in the con-
thus combines business with pleasure dition of Mr. Thomas Oleson. A con-
A roan horse about six years old, with
no brand so far as I can find, came to my
place, June Cth 1892. . At what is known
as 12-Mile houee, on tho Canyon city
road. The owner is requested to call
and prove property pay charges and
take him away. J, B. Humbert.
Dated Aug. 5th, 1S92. w.6t
9ir Yon' want title ttGonnntater
State Lands call on -
Rec. U. S. Lecd Office
Kotory Publics
The Old Times are Not In It.
While at our other store at Biz Island.
Va., last April, I was taken with a very
vere attacK ot fliarrncea. 1 never nad
worse in my life. I tried several old
closed by securing the hay crop. as to his recovery. He is beinz kindly 2!"..!?' f -c1 i rHT7 T ,n?
. . . , . , , l j . .... - . - lucxuuunuu uiuuaiiuuj nitituut ITCfe-
nciciuiiHinm. u I j u.uu u, ans anv reiia. aiy attention was men
arrived safely at Condon on the 30th, standing. called to Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
from The Dalles. Mr. Stevens was car- . The D. P.
land Diarrhcea Remedy by Mr. R. C.
at a. xi . io.. navinsuroDDea m.- i i j i l i. ,
ri on a all tl, wnv. hnt stood the K - x..." "u.8 wuuunuuwm unuuimg mere,
.. ----- - " "ohjuo uusiucea uovwceu me ana in less ;nan nve minntes alter tat
trip better than was expected. He
is vet .about the same, as - when at The
Dalles, but hopes are entertained, of an
improvement after resting.
Sunt. Misener, of the state board of
somo I charities, publicly mentions in the Tele
gram, referring to the receipt of five
children from this city, that county
Judge Blakeley and other Dalles officials
O. - G. ; 'Buhtokp, Harris Creek,
Am here t Co.. Va. For Bale by Blakeley
cc Houghton, druggists. c&w
Cascades and Portland are now enabled ing a small dose I was entirely relieved.
to land passengers in Portland and The
Dalles much earlhr than formerly. Dur
ing the summer months this route should
be patronized by all. .-
The Tuna Hedge, the future fence of
the country, which is described today,
may be secured of Johnson & Moon, at
the Umatilla house. Orders should be
gave all the aid and encouragement they sent in as soon as possible, as there is
several years, came up from California,
and yesterday -went on Henry's bonds
releasing him from durance, and started
for Prineville with him this morning.
Charley Harmon, the worthless opium
fiend who was under arrest for selling a
poisonous decoction to . Warm Spring
Indians for whisky, ended bis career
Mr. J. M. Patterson left to-day for
Wind Kiver, to be in camp with his
family over Sunday.
Wood, lumber and building mater
ials pretty well cover the levee below
the Umatilla hoase.
The two-and-a-half million bill for the
possibly could in the efforts and pur
pose of the society to have these five
children sent to Portland and placed un
der the protection of the home.
A. W. Sweeney, of Athena, reports
that he has 2000 acres in wheat, off of
which he is certain to obtain 50,000
bushels. Seven hundred acres of this
is fall wheat, which will make an aver
age of fortv bushels, so he ' thinke. He
says that if the blight had riot occurred
this same field would have gone over
sixty bushels, as it was the finest stand
he ever saw in this or any other coun
The members of the state militia are
delighted with the project of procuring
no permanent office here. Mr. Johnson
is well known in The Dalles, and will
furnish any recommendations needed,
Hon. Van B. DeLashmutt, ex-mayor
of Portland, passed through Saturday
on his return from Boise City. He
thinks matters will soon be all right
again in Cceur d'Alene, as justice will be
done to both sides. This will necessi
tate the hanging of three or four hun
dred people, probably : but justice
should be done, certainly.
Even the circus brought nobody good,
in Portland last week. It was a caravan
- " ' " wu uu ....ill. .U t,MV OAV.K.- I , . .
borhood of the performances hope never 5,. tho ttnrttAvi- Frnv n
to be so afflicted again. The mob of McVevtown. Penn. For sale bv
Bared a Woman's Life.
Mr. J. E. Thorouzheood. writine from
Georgetown, Delaware, says: "Two tea
spoonfuls of Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy saved
the life of Mrs. Jane Thomas, of this
place." He also states that several
other very bad cases of bowel complaint
there have been cured by this remedy.
For sale by Blakelev & Houghton,
druggists. d&w
To The Public.
I have no hesitancy in recommending
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhcea Remedy to the public, as I do
to my friends and patrons. I need it
myself after other well-known remedies
and it cured me in a few
minntes. I recommend it candidly and
cheerfully upon it merits, not from a
financial stand-point,- because I have
others in stock on which I make a larger
profit, but because Chamberlain's is the
best remedy I know of for bowel corn-
There is no doubt about it, it
I). & Lund Attorneys.
Over Sixteen Years Experience.
600,000 ACRES
nifinproTei FARM Property
pon i
Send for a Pamphlet describing this land.
Thompson's AiJition to He Dalles.
This addition is laid off luto one-aero lots, anal
in dotlnwi to be the principal residence partof
the city. Only twenty miuutucs walk from tho
court hoaao.
Do not be afraid to oousnlt or writo us, we rive
advice or information iu all branches of our bus
iness free of charge.
Settlers located on .Government laud.
Offlee in U. 8. Land Office Building.
The Imported Belgian
Will stand for the Season of 1892,
At Richmond's 8tablcs in Tho Dalles on Fridays
mitimuiuBtB, At narry unpins, mile easv
of Fairfield School house, Monduys. At R. 8ne4-
rs. 7 wiie nun vi iioya r. 11., inososys ana.
Was imported in 18S8 by D. P. fitubbs i
wins, oi rairneMi, lowa.
www Rons, of Fairfield. Iowa, fix l rvufc
oay, wicn ciacK roincs. sua is reelstemrl at Inn.
sels as No. 590, and in America as No. 199. COCO
is one of the Finest Bred Draft Hints ia
America, is coming 7 yrs old, and weighs 1DS0 taa
last night by hanging himself in the tem&t of the Chicago fair, has finally possession of the Fort Klamath military lhievea operated extenBjvciy in a Bmall Blakeley & Houghton, druggists, d&w
Multnomah jail, where be was confined
pending an investigation by the United
States court
It was ordered last evening that steam
be kept up on the fire engine as usual
until August 24th, at which time the
council will meet again, and they want
the chief engineer, firemen and citizens
generally to meet with them for free dis
cussion and a mutual understanding of
the situation.
A Philadelphia publisher contemplates
bringing ont an edition of Shakespeare
in words of one syllable for use in pri
inary schools. This looks absurd at
passed congress,
space in the pavilion for tne coming
district fair may bo had on application
to J. O. Mack, secretary.
Bead the new ad. of The Dalles, Port
land and Astoria Navigation Company
to-day. That means business,
A pontoon bridge crossing Mill creek,
just below the railroad bridge, is quite a
handy scheme for the boat builders,
Caroline, the Du9ky Queen of West
End, languishes in jail today on a charge
of selling, or giving'liquor to Indians,
poet, one square mile, to the state of
Oregon, for the purpose of using it as a
permanent militia camp ground. The
proposition meets with the approbation
i of all but the fellows- who have been
looking forward to the time when they
would be able to gobble the property
for, a song when sold by the general gov
A half a dozen Indlans.on a big booze
way, rifling cellars and kitchens of pro
visions, stealing garden hose and in fact
anything else that could be carried away
without attracting much attention.
People went from The Dalles to Hood
River, outing, yesterday. A party from
nooa iviver iook in undai veil ; ana a
Bridal Veil party stopped off at Tront
dalo, where a party stepped on board
tor rorctana. . unce at .rortiand naif ai
1 1 1 I 1 t- 1 . - . I - "
yesieruay siarvea we omc.a.s m wor u, dozen Bte8raboats were ready to carry as
Andrew one of the Indians being v. d.d.,
Recorder Menefee fined him $10. An
old man on Front street named Her
C. W. Phelps & Co., of this city, offer
first glance, and yet much -of Shakes- to Pay the to11 of Sherman county farm- man, was arrested for furnishing the
tmare'9 virilitv ia doe to small words I er8 wno ouJ lrom mem. inis is one l liquor to mem, dui on examination oe-
well chosen, and many of his finest lne Ke?8 10 success.
It is authoritatively announced that
Mr. Blaine will soon go upon the stump
in defense of the principles of bis party,
Tho Dalles citizens brass band - boys
will entertain a few of their friends to
morrow at a quiet little outing up Mill
creek. All tho boye are invited.
phases contain no words of more than
two syllables.
Mr. and Mrs. I. B. Humbert of 12
Mile house, are in the city awaiting tho
arrival of their daughter and her hus-
' band, Mr. and Mrs. Montgomery, from
Greenfield, Mo. Mrs. Montgomery is in
poor health, and the trip, it is expected,
will result in a benefit to her. They
will remain some time, returning by
way of San Francisco
Mr. J. P. Hillstrom of Hood river was
in the city today attending to. some land
office business, and from a conversation
with him on the division of the county
"prayed for" by certain Hood River
peopple, we came to the conclusion that if
an attempt is made to log roll a bill of
that kind through the assembly next
winter a pretty formidable opposition to
it will spring up like a wasps nest where
least expected
Tuk Ciibomcle acknowledges a very
pleasant call from J. B. Horner, A. M.,
professor ot English language and litera
ture in the state agricultural college at
Corvallis. while the literary work of
Thirteen of the rioters at Duquesna
have been arrested. Many others have
left town. The thirty repairmen, driven
away by strikers returned to work.
Mr. Hugh Gourlay, late editor of Tub
Chronicle, has accepted the Warm
Springs "Indian agency clerkship. He
will leave for his new field next week.
One hundred thousand pounds of
nails, piled up in one thousand kegs of
one hundred pounds each, makes a fine
appearance at Mays & Crowe's to-day.
fore United States Commissioner J. M
Huntington, the case was taken under
advisement, as he was proven to have
sold them cider, only; - -
It will be well for parties who are run
ning steam threshers on the - public
highways to remember that there is a
law to the effect that any one run
ning a steam traction engine over a
bridge on the public highway shall be
fore crossing such bridge, place a two-
inch plank lengthways for the engine to
cross on, and in case this is not com
plied with, are subject to a heavy fine or
imprisonment, or both. But the worst
of all is picking tbo machine up out of
the gulch or creek bed.
The Hotel de Cross Bar contained a
couple of prisoners yesterday en route
to Portland, in custody of a deputv
United States marshal, on rhurcrp nf
tt t.ii r . e ... li I
nan. ras iuays, 01 uauowa county, selling liquor to Arlington Indians.
was recently in me city en route to One of them was asked bv The Chro-
Portland, for the purpose of disposing of ICLB representative if he thoueht the
and neigh-1 anthnritloa vnnlil mnlra tho !,!,..
bold. "Hold 1 you bet : I don't rlpnv it.
ir. ixugneB.iaiecieraoi w asnington j. boucht the wh skv and rjnt it in a
county, was in tne city today. Ho has WOodDile and the Indiana irat it." . Tt 5a
tho college is not inferior to that, nf nr hor acquired such a habit of hanging around abont time for Juds DeadV to nnniar.
institutions of learning, the distinctive f,ork8 offices, that everywhere he goes these fellows. A nominal fine is not
some beef cattle for himself
many as could go comfortably to Asto
ria, Clatsop and r- North Beach. Thus
do we rest on Sundays in Oregon.
Portland is the dustiest city on the
west Bide of the continent at present,
There is not the slightest effort made to
rprees the dirt. On the other hand
axes continue to be levied to increase the
stock of dirt on hand by opening new
streets' which are not needed, and turn-
ning them over to the winds to be blown
in with the unreconstructed nuisances
everywhere abounding. '
So Mars is not peopled after all. This
verdict from the Lick . astronomers does
away with the last hope of marshaling
blocks of five from that quarter. It is
hardly probable that .the patience of the
good Lord great as it is, could tolerate
anothor inhabited world. The decision
that there are no canals there, also dis
poses of the fanciful theory that the in
habitants of Mars were advanced enough
to provide against ' railroad combines.
The canals are not parallel lines, the
observers now say, but broad bands.
That the astronomers are making hay
while the sun shines is very evident,
leiescopes on ootn Hemispheres are
pointed to the beautiful red planet
nightly, and observations of great in
terest and scientific value are being
made. The Lick telescope has brought
forth discoveries of great importance.
County Treasurer's Mottee.
All county warrants registered prior
to March 13. 1889, will be paid if pre
sented at my office, corner Third and
Washington streets. Interest ceases on
and after this date.
Tho Dalles, July 16, 1892.
. William Miquell, ,
7.18tf Treasurer Wasco County, Or,
' Administrators Sale of Horses.
In pursuance of an order of the
county court,-of Wasco county, dated
July loth, 1892, 1 will sell as a whole or
in lots, all the band of mares, - geldings
and colts, also one "Klactc Stranger"
stallion, a fine horse and good breeder ,
belonginz to the estate of the late w
Moins. . - These are good . well bred
horses, many of them broke to work
They will be sold for cash or approved
- J. C. Msinb, Administrator.
of the Estate of W. J. Meins
feature of this school is that it brings
the student into touch with the great
business industries of the state and na
tion. Great mines of wealth lie yet un
discovered in our state ; its fields of coal
and iron arc yet to be developed ; its
beds oi lead, copper, silver, and gold ores
now uncovered are but samples of that
he makes that his resort.
John Booth left by the Regulator this
morning for his camp down the Col
umbia. He had bis instrument with
him, so it is presumed there will be ser
vices in that camp tonight.
All members of German Gesang Verein
Harmonie are requested to be present at
The Climate, or Course.
From the Daily Chronicle, Monday.
Misses Pearl and Jessie Bntler
for Collins Landing.
Mr. and Mrs. Farley returned from
Hood River last evening,
Mrs. A. Keller and family left on the
which science will unfold. The purpose the regular time of meeting at their hall, WaK for Portland this a. m
of this school is to educate men who will on the 7th, as matters of importance Messrs. Haight and Wilson spent
help to discover and to open up to our will come before the meeting. I eunday in camp with their families, be-
citizens the resources of tho state, Mr. Aator can draw a rher-lr low Hood River,
That Eastern Oregon is in the mindof 8n income of $7.38 a minute, but it .. May's & Crowe .received a stump pul
railway projection is nrettv certain this I shows the relative value of things that ,er for E- T- HIgby, see it and make
year.' Occasionally a paragraph ia .seen J1181 D0W 8 aouotiess more satisfaction Jour own comment,.
which indicates the way; the wind is to "im, draw his breath. The Regulator, Baker and ferryboat,
blowing. The Klamath Express, speak- Looking at Mars is now the pastime were officia,y inspected yesterday by
ing of. the possible-intentions of the Uf famona astronomers. Th Messrs. McDermott and Edwards,
Southern Pacific and the Great North- UnwHia thut thAV I CodL Coe'a new atesmer. tho Tm.
iu uu iurervrew imu oeu. J. r ams- I .porrSlni. for ha Panola in Mnm K. was inspected vesterdav. on tho. rctnpn
o j I - - --
might turn their telescopes on Seattle
A big combined harvester at work
near Pendleton ia attracting much at
tention'. It is capable of turning out
750 sacks of two bushels each per day,
besides grading the wheat. It is the
first machine of the kind employed in
that vicinity.
Dr. and Mrs. Taylor have iust
tot more years tnan small boys can
remember, our worthy friend A. J.
Dufur, jr., of Fifteen-mile, has been to
the "fore," and generally spoilt the
season by getting his arms or lees
broken, or-otherwiee stopping the "ma
chine." But this year is an exception,
We met him on the streets Saturday,
hale and hearty, and sound as a dollar,
and as he says, "ablo to do more work
flnrl fnt. mAM irriiK than an v nthAf man "
The climate is responsible, of course. .
Ot all forms, Xaairetlalat, Bp asms, nta, Slsts
leasaess, DnUaeaa, JMaislaeaa, as Ives. Oslaas
Ilabtt. DrukneM, ate., era oared by PH.
dlscorered by the eminent Indiana Specialist la
nervous diseases. It does not oontsia opiates or
dangerous druat- "Hare been taklM SI.
tutog the Nervlae 1 bad at least 75 oonrwlslons,
andnowafter three months' use have ao moie
attseks. Johk B. CojjJWS, Borneo, Mich."
"1 bare been mine; DK. MlXBS' BUTOB
ATITJB NEBVIXE for abont fonr awnths. It
has brousbt ojo relief and cure. I base taken tt
for epilepsy, and after using It for one week have
nd no attack. Hard C Brsslas, Hsathrins, Pa.
Fine book of jrreat oures and trial bottles
at Drug .ists Hserrwhere, or address
DR. MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Intf.
modern Miracles.
worth, says: "I consider that Mr,
Crocker's statements relative to' the
Southern Pacific's future movements are
encouraging in the extreme. He in
formed me that owing to the large
amount of railroad building already on
hand his company would not commence
operations toward this point until next
year and that they would then push
their work ahead. At our last meeting
he showed me the line of survey from turned from a trip of two weeks country
which they will probably deviate but driving. Dr. Tuylor says they found
little. The Southern Pacific is keeping fishing fine in the west fork of Hood
a watch on the movements of competing ver. There the water was cold and
lines and it is ouite likclv that if the fisa solid.. Trout lake was warm and
Great Northern heads for this country
from Idaho this summer - the Southern
Pacific may change their plans and com
mence operations at once." We believe
fishing done for the season,
last block of ice at the cave.
they came, via Glenwood,
and Goldendale.t
of Messrs. McDormott and Edwards,
P. W. DeHuff left for Ripari this
morning, to look after the steamer ser
vice of the TJ. P. R. Co., on Snake river.
Messrs. M. A. Moody, Green, Joslyn
and others, returned from a fishing
jaunt last night, saturated with satisfac
tion. '
The fire department will not have it
as Judd S. Fish wants it, hence have re
appointed him chief of The Dalles department.
Col. John McCraken returned from a
trip to the interior on Saturday.. Ho
He got the says the weather was extremely warm
Returning 1 in Utah-. At Huntington on Saturday
Blockhouse the thermometer registered 104 degrees,
I northern exposure.
A nir.cer for breath was distressed.
And the doctors all said she must rest,
But she took O. M. D.
For her weak runes vou see.
And now Bhe can ting with the best.
An athlete grave ont. on a ran.
And he feared his career was quite done;
G. il. D., pray observe,
Give back hi lost nerve,
And now bo can lif t half a ton.
A writer, who wrote for a prize,
Had headaches and pain fn the eyes;
G. M. D., was the spell
That made him quite well.
And glory belore him now lies.
These are only examples of the daily
triumphs of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical
uiscovcry, in . restoring neaitn and re
viving wasted vitality. Sold by all
druggists. ' "
Let Us Join.
Glacier. The Dalles is preparing to
make an exhibit at the Portland expo
sition of Wasco county products, Hood
River should join in the. good work and
see that the display is, as nsual, supe
rior to that of any other county in the
state. It can easily be done. '
Notice: Hale of City Lot.
Sotice is hereby Riven", that by authority of
urarnanceno. v3, wnicn passea tne ixmmon
Council oi Dalles City, Juno SOUi, 1892, entitled
"An Ordinance entitled an Ordinance to provide
for the sale of certain lots belonging to Dalles
City," I will on Tuesday, the 16th day of,
1692, sell at public auction to tbo highest bidder,
all of the following described lots and pcrta of
lots situated in Gates Addition to Dulles City,
Seventy feet oa from the south side of Lot No.
1, Block 18: Seventy tfoet off from south side of
Lot No. 2. Block No. IS; the south one-half of
Lots No. s. 4. 6 and u. in Block No. IS: Lots Noa.
2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 and 10, in Block No. la; and
low No. 7, 8, 11 and 12, in Block No. 14
The appraised Value of said lots and for less
than which they will not be sold is fixed as
follows, to-wlt:
u i-et on tne souin cna oi lot. no. l, in
Block No. 18 1125.00
70 feet oft' tho south end of Lot No. 2, in
Block No. IS 125.00
The south one half of Lot No. 3, in Block
No. IS. 100.00
The south one-half of Lot No. 4, in Block
No. 18 100.00
The south one-half of Lot No. 5, iu Block
No. 18 100.00
The south one hftlf of Lot No. 6, in Block
no. is ioo.oo
Lots numbered 2, 3, 4. 5, G, 7, 8, 9 and 10, in
isiocK no. l-j, ana Lots nuinocrea 7, ,
11 and 12, in Block- No. li, each ap
praised at 100 00
Each of said lots will be sold noon the lot.
respectively, and none of them shall be sold for
a less sura than the value as above stated.
One-third of the price bid on any of said lots
shall be paid in cash nt time of sale, one-third
on or before one year from date of sale, and one
third on or before two years from date of sale,
with interest at the rate of tei per cent, per
annum upon - deferred payments, psyable
The sale will bcein with the first lot herein
above mentioned at ten o'clock a. m. August 16,
iwe, sua continue who eecn lot lntneoracrss
herein named until all of said lots shall be sold.
Patcd this 11th day cf July, 1W2.
7.13-8- 13w-d.
Jleeorderof Dalles City.
TERMS 120 for the season, or IM fn innm
foal. Bv the Season, mvahle dot. lt To l,ni
due and payable as soon as the mare is known t
be in foal. Mareanot brought regularly will be
charged for by the season
M. W. A W. L. FBEEMAN, Owners.
I offer for sale all or a part of my
farm of 480 acres in Sec. 24, Tp. 1 south,
range 14 east, 15 miles southeast of The
Dalles ; good improvements, good young
five-acre orchard now bearing, plenty of
good water for house use and stock ; 17S
acres in cultivation, good outlet north,
east.south or west via county roads.
I also offer for salo 160 acres in section
26, township 1 south, range 14 east;
also five head horse, one double set ot
harness and a few farm Implements, etc.
Prices reasonable, terms easy and title
good. For particulars come and Bee me
at The Dalles or J. H. Trout at the farm.
jan29-tf W. Trobt.
J elf .a!'
gS '-3
3 41
a a
Tae Comintiia PacXingCo..
PoFk and Beef.:
Fine Lard and Sausages.
Curare of BRAND
Dried Beef, Etc.
asonic Building,
The Dalles. Or.
A. H. CURTIS, Prop.
Flour of the Best Qual
ity Always on Hand.
Act ca a new prinelpl-.
renuata the Urar, stomach
and bowel, through Us
wraw. Db. Mil as' Pnx
tpttdily cvrt blUoasmaa,
torpid liver and cons'lpa
Hon. Smallest, mildest,
surest I 6pdosea,23
Samoles Dee at drotnsta.
fir. lilts tea. 0 . Uissrt it.