THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE, FRIDAY, AUGUST 12, 1892. The Weekly Chronicle. OFFICIAL PAPER OF WASCO COUKTY. Entered at the PostofEce st The Dalles, Oregon, as second-class matter. SUBSCRIPTION JIATE8. BTf HAlIi (POSTAGE PRSrATD) 1H ADVANCE. Weekly, 1 year ' J 59 " 6 months... i ' 8 " 0 Dally.lyear. 6 00 " 6 months ' "J per " ' 0 50 Address all enmraunicatiou to " THE CHRON ICLE," The Dalles, Oregon. The appearance of Eogene Serapie on the democratic horizon puts a different phase on the gubernatorial race among the "uiiterrified," says the Sentinel. Semplo has not liecn making the vig orous fight that has been waged by trip friends of Lewis. Blalock and ar few other democratic possibilities, but it is safe to say that he goes into the race fresh and vigorous. Although handicapped by his former defeat he is even yet the most formidable antagonist Lewis has, and though he will not likely receive the nomination he will greatly lessen Lewis' chances and make possible the chances of some mau cast of the mountains. Some of the east Washing ton democrats hoped that Eshelman would be nominated by the democrats and endorsed by the peoples party ; but that party has already made their nom iuations and dissolved the possibility, Mr. Eshelman though silent on tho sub ject offered no protest and would prob ably have accopted the nomination. - He is undoubtedly the strongest possible candidate on the democratic ticket, but the cat-hauling of the party will make it difficult to nominate mm. Commenting on the endeavor to learn something new respecting the planet Mars, Prof.' ITolden, of Lick observatory savs that umnv inanirks have been re ceived during the present "opposition of Mars, indicating widespread interest in the observations now going on. There uDDears to be a misapprehension of tho work being done on the planet here and elsewhere. "We arc simply endeavor ing," he said, "to obtain more accurate information regarding the planet, that is all. We also wish to know how nearlv Mars resembles the earth, and whether it is fit to be inhabited by be ings like ourselves. In my opinion the time has not yet come to even specnlato on the question." - The extreme dry weather of the past week has made the roads so dusty as to i i li : . i : v..- tl.n temperature has not been above 90 de- ceyMia n-A tltiQ IB ratrfnllllv fl f.nnHflllf.lOn U..V. ....o .u ......... . when we read of the dusty roads of the east and the thermometer ranging from 90 to 105 degrees in the shade. Oregon may get a trifle dry during August and a trifle wet during January, but the even temperature maintained throughout the year is a luxury which the people appre- ciate, especially after having experienced the extremes of wet and dry, and heat and cold, which are prominent features of the climate of the central and eastern states. , Hon. Wm. McConnell, ex-U. 8. sena tor from Idaho, is talked of for governor of that state. He is cot an active can didate but will accept it if the Moscow convention shall see fit to tender it to him ; and we suppose he will look over the field to learn, as nearly as possible, how the community would bo disposed toward him in case of his name being placed on the ticket. There is quite a general impression that he will bo nomi nated. He would be a stronsreandidate, and a strong executive officer. There is great wisdom in the resolu tion introduced by the Hon. P. A. Col lins of Massachusetts that the next con vention hall be just large enough for the delegates, their alternates, the national -committee " and the press. There is really very little thoughtfulness in the lungs of the galleries, and the noise they make does not help the deliberations on the floor. This is the second time' that Mr. Collins has introduced this resolu tion. After the exhibitions at Minneap olis and Chicago, it ought to prevail. The Chatauqna organization is up with the times in all reform movements, and ita latest innovation is on the mar riage ceremony. - An illustration of the ritualistic improvement was given at the assembly on Vashon island, a few eve nings ago, and the -first question pro pounded to the female candidate fbr bri dal honors by the officiating master of ceremonies was : "Have you been vaccinated?" The trial of thfc Cceur d'Alene miners at Boise city, charged with contempt of court in violating the injunction issued last May by Judge Boatty, is attracting general attention. Twenty-five of the prisoners were arraigned yesterday. By order of the court Clerk Richardson read the complaint, charging the prisoners with violating the restraining order is sued May 28th, by making an attack on the Frisco, blowing it up with dynamite, firing into the mill with rifles and driv ing the employes of the Frisco company out of the mill and out ot snosnone conntv. In answer they set up for the most part that they were not served with injunctions, and did not make any attack on the mill or men employed it. Some of them set up the plea that thev were not citizens of the United States, and hoped by such plea to escape, The answer set ub further says that the organization known as the miner's .un ion was not an incorporation duly incor Dorated under the laws of Idaho, but was merely an association of persons Each prisoner, as bis name was called rose in his place and pleaded not guilty, Hawley made a motion for the dtschargi of all tho defendants on the ground that in face of the answer it proved them in nocent. The motion was overruled, and a largo number of eminent legal gentle men are in attendance. Freemont Wood, United States attorney, is assisted by Hagan, Heyburn and Crosthwaite, The suit will continue for at least ten days. President Harrison is very anxious for congress to adjourn, as he wishes to be at the bedside of Mrs. Harrison who is an invalid at Loon lake. As the preai dent's arrival has been postponed from day to day, the strain on Mrs. Harrison's nerves has increased nntil the most seri ous rcults are feared from her present exhausted condition. Early in the week the president declared ho would have to go to Loon, lako whether congress ad journed or not, and notified tho speaker that he would be willing to return at any time to a halfway station to meet a messenger with bills requiring his signa ture. The prospect of an immediate ad journment, which has been daily pres ent, has served to keep the president here until yesterday. In his interview with the speaker yesterday morning, be offered to spend Friday night at the eapitol if necessary, in order that busi ncss might bo dispatched and an early adjournment effected. The cxistiug rivalry between Knute Nelson, the nominee for governor of the Minnesota republicans, and Ignatius Donnelly, the champion of the, peoples party, results from their old-time rivalry in the Minnesota state senate more than ten years ago. They were continually at war on points of parliamentary pro cedure, and as Donnelly whb even then a recognized authority in that line it nettled him to be outwitted, as he fre quently was, by the keen-minded little Norwegian. One point raised by Nelson against the Baconian sage was so knotty that it gave the lieutenant-governor a three-days' search of tho books before he could decide it. His final decision was against Donnelly, to the great amuse ment of the entire state. On iriday last it was just 200 years since Kebecca Nurse was hanged at Salem, Mass., on account of her religious convictions, and because she would not confess to being a witch. The anniver sary was observed in what is now the town of Danvers. For a long time her tomb was without a mark, her . body having been stolen by her sons from the gallows for interment. Her latter de scendants have just unveiled a memorial tablet, suitably inscribed, in honor of the forty persons who maintained the innocence of this New . England martyr before the court which condemned her. Acting Secretary Soley has sent word to Commander Evans, commanding the steamer Yorktown. in the Northern Pa cific ocean to dispatch his vessel to St. Mathews island, Bering sea, for the re lief of three hunters reported to haTe been abandoned. The Colfax Commoner states that specimens of the little club wheat grown near that city this year have attained the size of the big club variety. Be tween 40 and 50 bushels are expected from each acre ol these fields. . How interesting it would be if the democratic papers would resurrect a few of the shrieks they were uttering against the "billion dollar congress" two years ago. ' There may be spots on the sun, and Mars may be dangerously near the earth, but still we have here in Oregon, day after day, week after week, the finest, most comfortable climate to be found anywhere on the globe. Not too hot or too cold, too wet or too dry ; simply just perfect. So sun-spots and planetary movements have no terror to ns. Mars will be nearest the earth on the 16th inst., when its distance will be about 36,000,000 miles. The inner satelite of Mars, Phoebus, was observed at Dart mouth college observatory last night. . Though England has had many prime ministers who lived to be octogenarians, there has been but one British premier in this century besides Mr. Gladstone, and none in the past, who was in office when past 80. That aged statesman was Lord Palmerston, who died at his post in bis 81st year, in 1865. " The Walla Walla Union-Journal has made a discovery.' "None of the friends of Senator Allen,'' it says, "believes that any connection exists between the Lake Washington canal and the opening of the Columbia river." We should eay not. The two are entirely incompatible. Edward Bellamy regards the. events at Homestead as a movement towards na tionalism, and Johann Most regards them as a step towards anarchy. Other people have looked into a mirror before now and thought they were looking out of a window instead. Glossy Sheen And vigorous growth,-so much admired in hair, can be secured by the use ot Ayer's. Hair Vigor. There is nothing better than this preparation or keeping the scalp clean, cool, and healthy. It restores to faded and gray hair the original color and beauty, pre vents baldness, and imparts to the hair a silky texture and a lasting and delicate fra grance. The most elegant and economical dressing in the market, no toilet is complete without Ayer's Hair Vigor. "My wife believes that the money spent for Ayer's Hair Vigor was the best invest ment she ever made. It imparts a soft And Silky Texture to the hair, and gives much satisfaction. " J. A. Adams, SU Augustine, Texas. "After using a number of other prepara tions without any satisfactory result, I find that Ayer's Hair Vigor is causing my hair to grow." A. J. Osment, General Merchant, Indian Head, N. W. T. "Ayer's Hair Vigor is the only preparation I could ever find to remove dandruff, cure Itching humors, and prevent loss of hair. I confidently recommend it." J. C. Butler, Spencer, Mas3. Result From Using "Ayer's Hair Vigor Kill prevent prema ture loss of hair and when so lost will stim ulate a new growth. I have used the prepa ration for those purposes and know whereof I affirm." A. Laeombe, Opelousas, La. Ayes Hair Vigor PREPARED BT Or. J. C AVER & CO., Lowell, Mass. Said by Druggist and Perfumers. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. jQR. O. E. BANDERS, Graduate of theSverBi'ty" oficHgan. Suc cessor to Dr. Tucker. Office over Frenchs' Bank, The Dalles, Or. FM. SALTER, Civil Esgineebiso, Survey- ing. aud Arcbiticture. The Dalles, Or. T F. BKEDAKKR. D. D. 8., has located per-. v mauenuy in ine uaues, ana oners jus ,er vices to the public In n ed of dentistry. Office in Chapman building. Second street, room 12. over The Dalles National bank. rB. ESHELMAN (HomsopathiC) PHYSICIAN t-f ana surgeon. c-aiis answered womnuv, day or nisnt, city or country, umic 37 Chapman block. o. B8 and wtl D1 R. O. D. DOANE PHTBICIAK AND 8CB- gkon. Office; rooms e and 6 Chapman Hock. Residence No. 23. Fourth street, one r.Iock south of Conrt House. Office hours 9 to 12 A. M., 2 to 5 and 7 to s P.M. DslPPAt.L- Dentist. Gas given for the tiftinle.TK extraction of teeth. Also teeth -ei on licwed aluminum plate. Rooms: Sign of he G.iUlen TuotU. hecmia Street. . .s.ncrcn. gko. a-risc. fea si mesefse. CITIi, V.'ATKJNS JfESEPEE Attob- me vs-at-law Room r. ft. over Pout )2cp iluiUiicu. E&trnr.ce irn Wh-shlBeton Street The Dalies, urcgou. H7 H. WILSON ATTueSEY-AT-mw Rooms V 5-.' ami 53. New Voct Block. (Hcwd Street. rnei-aiies, Oregon. - . i n. Pi::-SETT, .VrfOKSKV-AT-I AW . .-.s ttvin8c!:uiM'" uniMing) up Muirg. Miles, Oregon. Of- The r. r. hays. s. s. iicsTisGtox. a. e. wilsos if AYB, HCNT1NGTOX & WILSON ATTOB- I NBY8-AT-LAW-OQioes. French's block, over tret national Bank, The v&uee. Oregon. ' FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TRANSACT A GENE SAL TJANKTNO BUSINESS Letters of Credit issued available' in he - Eastern States, v Sicrht Exchange and -. Telegraphic Transfers sold oa Hew Yora. Umcago. St Louis. San Francisco, Portland Oregon egon and Washington. ' Collections made at all. points on fav orable terms. "The Reffiilator Line" The Dalles, Portlani anfl Astoria Navigation Co. .THROUGH .eigulantPasseupLine Throna-h dallv service (Sundays ex cepted) between The -Dalles and Port land, leaving The Dalles at 6 a. m., arriving at Portland 5 p. m. PAS8ENQEK BATES. One way - .$2.00 Round trip.. ...... 3.00 Special rates for parties of six or over. Freight Rates Greatly Reduced. FAST FREIGHT. Fruit, per 100 pounds .40 Melons and Green Vegetables 30 Through connection with steamers to Astoria and Ilwaco without delay. Shipments received at wharf any time, day or night, and delivered at Portland on arrival. Lave stocK snipments solicited. Call on or address. W. C. ALLAWAY, General Agent. B. F. LAUGHLIN, General Manager. . THE DALLES, - OREGON Yoang & Kass, ackSRitn & vagon srop General Blacksmithing and Work done promptly, and all work Guaranteed. Horse Shoeeing a Spciality Third street, opposite the old Lieoe Stand. A. A. Brown, Keeps a full assortment o! Staple and Fancy Groce n and Provisions. which he offen st Low Figures. SPECIAL :-: PfilGES to Cash Buyers. & Houghton, DRUGGISTS, 175 Second Street, - The Dalles, Oregon A full line of all tho Standard Patent Medicines, Drugs, Chemicals, Etc. . V S-AH,TISTS MATERIALS.-.. 3tSr-Country and Mall Orders will receive prompt attention. Farley cSb EaaJLs., (Successors to L. D. Frank, deceased.) us - - - Hanpes! A General Line of Horse Furnishing Goods. EEPAIErSTG PEOMPTLT and HrlAJnxrsr TTOTTK. v- Wholesale ani Retail Dealers in HarnesSj-Briiles, ftip Horss Blankets, Etc. Full Assortment of Mexican Saddlery Plain or Staipel ' SECOND STREET, . . THE DALLES, OR. manuraGtun The E. 0. Go-Operative Store CARRIES A FULL LINE OF Groceries, Family Supplies, Boots and Shoes, -ALSO A FULL LINE OF- HiW Casl Prices for Egp nl 'otter Prote. 170 SECOND STREET. A NEW Undertaking Establishment ! PRiNZ & NITSCHKE. DLAl.EViS IX Wapns, Carls, Reapers aai Mowers, and all Bis of AirMtiiral IfflpleMts. Corner Federal and Third Streets, THE DALLES, - OREGON. : DEALERS IU: anfl Fan icsiies, Hay, Grain and Feed. Masonic Block, Corner Third and Court Streets. The Dalles.Oregsx Furniture and Carpets. We have 'added to our business a completo Undertaking Establishment, and as we are in no way connected with the Undertakers' Trnat oBr prices will be low accordingly. Remember our place on Second street, next to iiooav e cans. MAIER & BENTON DEALERS IN Cord Wood Kir, Pine, Ash and CrabApple kjkJMl. Sottftific American OAVSATS. r TRADE MARKS, ntClMi DITIUTi COPVHICHTa, Otc. MTJNN A CO, SSI BROADWAY. NIW YORK. Oldest bureau for securing patent in America Every patent taken out by ns is brought before the puilto by a notice given tree or eaarge In the f titntrnt mmtm a Largest otronlstion of any eelftntJflo paper hi the world. Splendidly Illustrated. Wo IntUlzent man anotua 09 witnoa ru wt, year; ILSO six roontHs. Address MOTCi i CO, wot jtfroauway. nsw or. 1 HB5 TIMTClAtS fastest mm Ftoest la.tka WerU. accomodations Doeiceuw. XDONDERRV AMD 81AS80W. Wmrf ftalnrrijiv- NEW YOKE, GIBttALTKB And NAFXJCS, At regular intervals. SALOON, SECOND-CLASS ADO STCEIA8E rates on lowest terms to and from thn nrinefnlA B50TCH, IH3U3H, X&S3 ili eOKSOriHT AL KWT8. Excursion tickets avail able to return by either the pl SstH. HENDERSON BROTHERS, ChtoAgo, HI. T. A. HUDSON, Agent, excursion ncaecs avau able to return by either the tureeque Clyde North of Ireland er Naples & Glbn firefts sal stoat tain fe 1st Aastai at imtti Apply to any of our local Agents or to The Dalles, Or. wasco warenouse Co., Receives Goods on Stor age, and Forwards same to their destination. Receives Consignments For Sale on Commission. GROCERIES, STv?AvrffEV HARDWARE TINNING AND PLUMBING A SPECIALTY. Leave orders cor. Third and Union, or 133 Second st. THE DALLES, OR. SZ30OM13 STTlJilJb?r. Stoneman & Fiege, dealers in Boots and Shoes. All goods we sell, we warrant. 50 CENTS ON THE DOLLAR. My entire stock will be closed out at the above figure. MRS. MH ir .TPgL Kington jiorth Dulles, " glTUATED AT THE HEAD OF NAVIGATION. tates Reasonable. MARK GOODS- - W . "W . Oo. TUG DALLES, OREGON. Destined to be the Best Manufacturing Center In the Inland Empire. Best Selling Property of the Season In the Northwest. For Further Information Call at tho Offle of Interstate Investment Go., 0. D. TAYLOR. Tie Dalles. Or. 72 WasliiBton. St. Rirtlana. Or.