THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE, FRIDAY, AUGUST 5, 1893. The Weekly Chronicle. OFFICIAL PAPER OF WASCO COUNTY. Entered nt the Postoffice at The Dalles, Oregon, us second-class matter. " . SUBSCRIPTION KATES. . BV MAIL (POSTAGE 'PREPAID) IS ADVANCE Weekly, 1 year 1 80 6 months.. " 8 " (ally, 1 year. . .'. " 6 months per 0 75 0 SO 6 00 8 00 0 60 Address all communication to THE CHKON- iGliU" The Dalies, Oregon. WHAT A USTIULJA WAATS. The Melbourne. Australia.' ArguS, of May 14th, 1892, in an editorial on the political situation in the United' States nd the approaching: presidential .elec tion, enys; ' As regards fre trade,- tho demo crats are inclined to alter their tactics, and instead of demanding wholesale tariff chances to aek for the .redress of grievances in detail. The battle will rage as before (in 1868) about Australian wool. The manufacturers arc aeciann; that they want Australian wool, am they pnt in the plea of light taxes on raw materials. The democrats arc clad of this assistance, as they argue that if the woolen manufacturers will help them this campaign, the sheep farmers will be on their eide in reducing charges Stariffon woolen goods) a little later on fat next election for members of con gresa.) AVe are quite able to understand the value to Australia of a democratic victory. The last sentence of the above extract should Ik pondered by every American voter. Australia desires the success of the democratic party, not for the benefit of the people of the United States, but for the advantage Australians would thereby gain at the expense, and to the eejury of, our American- citizens. Item cratic success means free wool, and this means the ruin of the wool industry in the United States, ami this means that lands now devoted to the grazing of sheep niiist lie .employed in producing cnore wheat, and corn and oats, thus in icsinj the product and reducing the mrlot of these' crops to our farmer. It neans still more a reduced demand, be cause sheep husbandry makes a demand for hay, corn, 'oats and other farm pro ducts. When we import wool we practically -iHfert- the-- hay and rain that produces it. The wool indus Siy is the only industry of farmers not overdone and the democrats propose to take this from them, and injure what -.remains. The .manufacturers who aid icfae democrats for their demand for free wool should take notice that the Argus foresees that if the manufacturers force -iree wool on "the sheep farmers" the Matter will demand and secure free wool- en goods, and thus wool grow ing and wool manufacturing will perish bv the same suicidal policy of free-trade. -"United we stand, divided we' tall." THE CASCADE LOCKS. .i good-deal f cariosity was exited by Mr. Edison's etatement some time ago that he was about to bring out an 'lcc tric railway trolley through which it was .possible to "pick np" the current from ss, conductor on the ground through mud and dirt. - A patent has been granted or this device, which consists of a wheel rom whose rim steel spikes project out ward. As the car moves along and the wheel turns the lowermost spikes are in contact with the rail and are pushed in through the wheel flanges. They are re stored to their normal condition by the "pressure of spring's which project them ..-against the conductor. The spikes nrc placed so close together that there is -always a sufficient number in contact with the conductor to make a connect ion of the necessary conductivity. It will readily be seen that a wheel of this inscription can stalk along and with its lointcd eteel spikes pierce its way to a connnction, or rather to connections, under conditions where a solid rim with hat oue-flat point .of contact would be v. useless. - A gentleman who visited the cascades one day last week, states for a fact that the men were cutting over etonethat has been cut over time after time, for ten or twelve years past.. Now, in all' serious ness, with malice, to none; but for an open river ; how long are the people of this Inland Empire going to sit, supinely stupid of their power, and tolerate these methods, of the past? The Oregonian says: "There has been no one at work there ior some time, except a gang of stone-cutters, and the old -appropriation is about exhausted." That baa beta the style, apparently. "A gang of stone cutter" whittling down tho appropria tion. A clause in the new river and harbor bill provides, in regard to the cascade locks, "that contracts may be entered into by the secretary of war for such materials and work as may be necessary to complete tho present pro ject, to be paid for as appropriation may from time to time be made by law, not t j exceed in the aggregate $1,419,350, ex clusive of the amount herein and hereto fore appropriated." From the Portland ( Major Handbury) point of view "there are several different views of the scope and meaning of the clause, and Major Handbury will await definite instructions in regard to the matter, as to whether tho work is to be let as a whole and completed in a certain lime, or whether work is to be done only in proportion to the amount of appropria tion made from time to time, or whether contracts I made for the completion of J parts or classes of the work, and whether these contracts are to b nsaue now or not until funds ' are provided, and the necessity for each particular class of work arrives." The Oregonian says thnt no body "would hardly like to take the contrnct to dd the whole work and push it to completion as fast as possible and then wait the convenience of congress and politicians to get his money;" and follows . this cunning announcement with this bit of sarcastic ec-ntiment : "It is, however, hinted, that parties at The Dalles who are anxious to see tho work completed will make a bid for the whole work and take all the- chances for slow appropriations and change of adminis tration as to" getting their pay ;" from which it i very plain to be seen that the people of the' Inland Empire (not The Dalles alone) have a duty to themselves to perform. They must unite, and de mand the ran oval of Sfaj. Handbury, if necessary, that this important work, now provided for by congress shall be pushed to speedy completion. Nobodv in The Dalles wants to have any other hand in the work. Tho people here are in earn est to seo that it is done; and it is non sense to presume that a contractor, capable of putting in a bid under -the law, for the completion of this improve ment, with the government at his back, would hesitate about the certainty of. compensation. Looking for lit Kinder.' Albany Democrat.; Jack Allphin was in Corvaliis Monday. He told the TimeB lie lias just returned from a "trip up on Long Tom, where he saw illus rated the natural habits of the Oregon farmer. Jack said he was driving along when he noticed a man ou the roof of a large barn anxiously viewing the eur rounding country. When asked what he was doing op there he replied that lie twas looking for his binder; that his wheat was ready to cut and he had for gotten w hat field he left the machine in last fall. "''.-' " A Bad Cold If not speedily relieved, may .lead to serious Issues. Where there Is difficulty of breath ing, expectoration, or soreness or the throat and bronchial tubes, with a constantly irri tating cough, the very best remedy is Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. It removes the phlegm, soothes irritation, stops coughing, and in duces repose. As an emergency medicine. Avert Cherry Pectoral should be. in every , liausehold. "There Is nothing better for coii(,'lis than Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. I use no other preparation." Annie S. Kutlcr, ICS pond St., Providence, It. I. "I suffered severely from bronchitis;, but was " CURED BY Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. U saved my life." Geo. B. Hunter, toosc Itiver. K. S. "About a year ago I took the wort cold that ever a man had. followed by u terrible ' cough. The best modical eld was of no avail. At last I began to spit Mood, when it was supposed to be all over with ex. Eveiy remedy failed, till a neighbor rccwu niended Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. I took half a U;as)ooi)ful of this nili'inc, three times a day, regularly, and very- soon began to improve. Sly cough left nif, My sleep was undisturbed, my uppetite turned, my emaciated limbs jsiiiwd flesh f.r.J strength and, to-dsy, tlianks'to thu Pectoral, I am a well man." H. A. Bean, SS Winter St., Lawrence, M33." ' . Ayer's Cherry Pectoral rmerAKKn r.v Dr. i. C. AYER & CO., Lowsil, Mass. Bold by a!l Pn.ggiitJ. t-jc? ; is Louie., $5. Fiopf.4 mil Sareeeor to C. K. Tuliam. -.- . Druggists and Chemists. Pare Duns 4 Mm. Dispensing Hiyaeana? Preoptions a Specialty. Sight Druggists always in Attendance. Cor. Second and Union Sts., Blakeley & Houghton, DRUGGISTS, 175 Second Street, - -The Dalles, Oregon 4 A full Jine of all the Standard - Patent. MpdiVin Drugs, Chemicals, Etc. . .'.-ARTISTS MATERIALS-.'. jEOf-Country and Mait Orders will receive prompt attention. STACY SHOdlJl, He WatcitiinLaRer, -DBALEB IS- Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Etc. All kinds of repairing a sueeialty, and all work guaranteed and promptly attended to. Call and sec hiB stock of clocVx before you leave an order clsowhert FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TRAXiiACT A CENKRAI.BAKKl.Vti BUSINESS Young & Kss, BiacKsmitn & vagon shod Gentml Blackemithing and Work done . promptly, and all ' work Guaranteed. Horse Shoeeing a Spciality Tixird Street opposite tbe old Lieoe Stand. ANEW undertaking Establishment I Letters of Credit issued avaiix We in he Eastern Statea. In the Dakotas, Minnesota and Kan sas 60,000 harvest hands are wanted. Wheat producers aro fearfuf that they will be unable to harvest the crop on account of the scarcity of hands. The calamity howlers are so busy with elec tion matters that it is impossible for heia to tarn out and aid in earing the products of the farm. - Xhere I are six territories yet to be ad mitted as states, and the probability is tbatone or two of them will come in nest year. Utah is well entitled to statehood, tee -regards population and wealth, but has properly been kept out because of polygamy practiced by a large proportion of its people. . . Tho Vlla Wall Statesman is au thority -for the statement ' that a wild .Ttraa is raaJrfng his annual visit to sheep borders' along the John Day. -' His re Srted presence ie creating much excite ment there, and an organized effort may :'be made to capture him. The .second animal lawn tenuis tourna ment far :tlie championship of the 'Pacilic northwest will be IteldatTacoma legitiiiiugoiiithe I7th of next month. It promises ;to I well attended und -.greni interest is Vingalready manifested an it. . . Loet week the Oregon Pacific railway company was reorganized by. William M. Iloag, Wallis Nash, B. W. Wilson, Z. Job and Abram Hackleman on a capi tal of 118,000,000. Tho object is to build and maintain telegraph, telephone or phonophone lines from Yaquina bay to a point on the eastern boundary of the state with the right to extend it to Boise city, Idaho; to "build and operate all kinds of water craft; the. terminus of the main line of said railroad within the state of Oregon shall be at tide water on Yaquina bay, in Benton county, and at a point on the eastern boundary line of said state; the terminus of said naviga tion lines shall bo Yaquina bay and San Francisco, tho headquarters of the Columbia and the mouth of the same, the head waters of Snake river and the mouth of the Columbia, and Yaquina bay and such foreign and domestic ports as the corporation may desire to reach. The principal office will beat Corvallis. -an vntauai o tho one that's made by the propri etors of Dr. Sage's Catarrh-Semedr. u nusuai, but -made la'good ' faith. It's a reward of tO0 for an incura ble case of Petarrh. : If you have one, the jfjney's for you. But you can,tnow whether you have one, tUtyou've tried Dr. Sage's Remedy. What's incurable by any . other means, yields to that. By its mild, soothing, cleansing and healing properties, it cures the worst cases, no matter of how long standing. That's the reason the money can be offered. There's a risk about it, to be 6ure. But it's so small that the proprietors are willing to take it. The symptoms of catarrh are, headache, obstruction of nose, dis charges falling into throat, some times profuse, watery, and acrid, at others, thick, tenacious, mucous, purulent, bloody, putrid and offen sive; eyes weak, ringing in ears, deafness ; offensive breath ; smell and taste impaired, and general debility. Only a few of these symptoms likely to be present at once.. Sight 'Exchange and Telegraphic iransiersgpldon JNew.Y or, Vuicago, et. Louis, Saa Francisco, Portland Oregon, Seattle Wasn., and various points in Ur egon and Washington. - Collections made' at ail-jjoiuts on fav. orable terms. -'.,-. A. A'. Brown, . Keeps a full assortment of Staple and Fancy Groceries, and Provisions. . which he oiftn at iow Fluro. SPEGIAIi :-: PRICES to Cash Buyers. Highest Cash Prices far .Em and other Prote. 170 SECOND STREET. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. - ELIZA A. INGALLS, PHYSICIAN, SCR 47 Chapman Block. TV U oeon and Oculist. Office: Booms 40 and DR. G. E. 8ASDER3, Graduate of theUuiversit: censor to Dr. Tucker. Bank, Tbe Dalles, Or. 1ST, :y of Mtctilg. imicc :an. Hue- over Krenci, PRINZ & NITSGHKE. -OKALER3 IS : Furniture and Carpets. We liave added to our business a complete Undertaking Establishment. and as we are in no way connected with tne unaertafcers' Trust our prices will be low accordingly. Remember our place on- Second street. next to Moodv's bank. . Sciwttiflc American Agency for ' . y-' -jXa. CAVEATS, TRADE MARKS, COP RIGHTS, etc for nf nrmation mni free Handbook write to MINN ft CO- 361 Bboadwat, Mw Iohi. Oldest trareoa tor tecarlng patent. In America 1Fm no.An. takMl Ant tV 11H l bfOUSnt DeiOrfl the pnDUo bj notice given tree of charge in the Iar7e3t circulation of any aelentlBo paper In the AddreM UtfrTO & CO, idiT lllnsavtea. no imeuwenc man ahonld be without It. Weeklr, n:t.ittm rd..' SI d) mite mnnttin- VcausaEKS, Sfl Broadway. New Toite FM. SALYER, CmL ENOlN5iiio, Survey- Ing, and Architicture. Te DaUcs, Or. TF. SSEDAKERj. J5. D. 8., has located per- manently in-Tie Dalles, and otters his er vices to the public in mod ol dentistry. Office in Cbanraark buildine. Second street, room 12. over pwDalles National bank. yfftffA TB. ESHELMAN (HOM iOPATHIC; PHTSICIAN ?t- I j and Scbokon. -Calls answered promptly. day or night, city or coumry. .vntcc o. ab ana 37 Chapman block. vti . DR.' J. SUTHERLAND FEU.OW or TWJnTT Medical College, and member of the Col ieyool Physicians and Snrscons, Ontario Pby ili'ian and Burgeon.- Office; rooms 8 and 4 Chap man block. Residence; Judge Thornbnry's Sec Mid street. Office hours; 10 to 12 a. in., 2 to i 4itd 7 to 8 p. m. . DR. O. D. POANE physician and sea scon. Office: rooms 6 and 6 Chapman Block. Residence No. 2S, Fourth street, .ne block south of Conrt House. Office hours 9 to 12 A. M., 2 to 5 and 7 to J P. M. DBIDDALL Dkntist. Gas given for the palnlets extraction of teeth. Also teeth wt on Bowed aluminum plate. Rooms: Sign of be Golden Tooth. Second Street, . . K.B.DUFUB. G80. ATXINS. FRANK HENEFXI. iStJFCR,- W ATKINS & MEKEFEE ATTOB U nkts-at-IA-w Room No. 43, over 1'ost Ofiice Building, Entrancc-dn Wasbingtou Street.' The Dalles, Oregon. WH. WIION Attobnkt-at-law Rooms S2 and 53, KewVogt Block, Second Street, rhe Dalies, Oregon. V 'S, BEIfN ETT, ATTORXE Y-AT-LA W. Of- tice In Schanno'a building, up stairs. The balles, Oregon. t. T. MAYS. B. S. BCNTINQTON. B. 8. WTL80N. IT AYS, HUNTIKGTON & WILSON ATTOB Al NT8-AT-tAW. Offices, French'a block over rirst National Bank, The Dalles. Oregon. First Class . .... lunb Ta Itmt, rsatMt and Ftaeat la tke WeriaV REW tOBi. lOKOOKOERRt ARB fi LAS BOW. ' Every Saturday, NEW lOBK, OIBBAI.TER and NAPLES, At reiralar Intervals. SAIOOH, SECONO-OlAti AN0 STEERASf." rates on lowest terms to and from tbe principle scotch, tsausa, xssss au mtmsstntiam Ezeorsion tickets available to retain by either the pic turesque Clyde A North of Ireland or Naples A Olbraltai DraSl ana Xntr Ordttl fa As Aatat tt twstt litM, ir local Agents or to ADDlv to anv of onr QENDSSON BBOTHEBs, Chicavo, T. A. HUDSON, Agent. The Dalles, Or; wasco warenouse Co., Receives Goods on Stor age, and Forwards same to their destination. Receives Consignments For Sale on Commission. Rates Reasonable. MARK GOODS -W. "W- Oo. THE DAtllS, OK KG ON. piuifacturefs - HarnossGs! $3 (Successors to L. D. Frank, deceased.) Off ALL . ici3srxs ; ' 0"F A General Line of ' . . Horse Furnishing Goods. - Wiolesale anfl Retail Dealer, in Harness,-Brttles, Wnips, Horss-BMets, Etc. -FnU Apartment of Mexican Saafllerr or Stamped. SECOND STREET. - . - . THE DALLES, OR. The E. 0. Go-Operative Store : CARRIES A FULL LINE OF Groceries, Family Supplies, Boots and Shoes, -ALSO A FULL LINK Wapas, Carts, Reapers ami Mowers, and all Ms cf AiriGultaral . . ... ImpleMts. . 'Corner Federal and Third Streets, THE DALLES, - OREGOH. Staple ai : DEALERS tK:- Bioceiies, Hay, Grain and Feed. Masonic Block. Corner Third and Court Streets. The Dailes,Oregop. STONEMAN-. HENRY FIEGB. STOEIWHri 8t PIECE, Practical Shoemakers and Dealers in BOOTS SHOES AND . 8X4" Second Street. Only Exclusive Boot and Sive House in tlic City. . . . All Kinds of Footwear Always. on. Hand. 50CENTS ON THE "DOLLAR. My entire stock will be closed out at the above figure. MAIER & BENTON DEALERS IN Cord Wood KlK, PINE, ASM AND CRABAPPLE GROCERIES, ST8ZSi. HARDWARE TINNING AND PLUMBING A SPECIALTY. Leave orders cor. Third and Union, or 183 Second, st. THE DALLES, OR. Washington; florth Dalles, Washingto SilUATED AT THE HEAD OF NAVIGATION. Destined to be the Best Manufacturing Center in the Inland Empire. Best Selling Property 6t the Season In the Northwest.'- For Further Informatton Call at the Office of Interstate Investment Go., 0. D. TAYLOR, Tie Dales. Or. 72 WasMuffton. SL. Portlana. Ok