(3) THE-.DALLES WEEKLY. CHRONICLE, ' VjmYtS TheWee THE" BALIES, - .... OKEGOX. LOCAL ASD FKKSOXAL. From the Daiiy Clirr,Diele. Monday. Mr. J. A. Crosson returned from yes terdays pic nic oa time. ' Senator Thos.' Hayden returned from Portland last evening. The plate glass for Frintz & Natschke's new building arrived today. -. "Baif Johnson returned from a flying trip to Oregon City last night. A new eidewalk is - going down on Second street south of Snipes & Kmers- ley'e, .' ; . ' -Mr. and Mrs. Story and Miss Story, spent the day picnicking on Hood Elver yesterday. , - . y; Senator Mitchell expects to devote considerable" of his time to the Oregon . campaign, after congress adjourned. P. W. DeHttff, of this city, accompan ied Inspectors McDermott and Edwards to Snake river Saturday to inspect the TJ. P. steamer Almota. . Capt. H. C. Coo has jU6t constructed -a fine little steam launch for Hood river local traffic, pleasure parties, etc. It is now ready for inspection. Elliot Glazier, Mount Hood, common ly known as the black glazier, has moved down fourteen feet annually, by actual measurement, for four years past. M. T. Nolan, our Nasby, went over to Tacouia last night. We presume ho has been vaccinated by. this time..' That's a way they hare of doing things up there. The boys dm not find the sand beach j at the foot of Washington street a very desirable place for bathing. It is as ! eoft as mud, and as sticky as a plaster. The Sew York democracy have appar ently joined hands with the dealers in queer stuff. A confidential circular to a gentleman in The Dalles gives the snap away. -The salmon fishing season . will close August 10th. Mr. L. Winans informs us that lie expects to remain in The Dalles after the season and prepare for next year. , Mr. I. X. Sargent and family have re turned "from Clatsop. . They say the beach is this year very ranch more act ive than it was last, with legions of pleasure seekers. i Parties going to Cloud Cap Inn should provide themselves with colored glasses, The snow and ice on Mount Hood is so fascinating that one must look at it, but it is very trying to the eyes. ' " Jud. S. Fish caught half a dozen tine fat grouse on the hill opposite Tucker's mill yesterday morning at 4 o'clock. They ran right into his arms. In con sequence of the close season for game he let them go. In order to put the Regulator' in thorough repair it will be neceesary to consume the entire week.. There will therefore be no trip made until Monday August 1st, when daily trips will be made. W. C. Alloway, agent. "The only crop that ever failed in this country was something that wasn't planted," is a truthful statement from Mr. Orion Kinorsly, concerning the abundance of the resources of the Inland Empire soil, and particularly this part - Walter A. Davis, an artist irom jBert Townes''galierylt. accompanied , Jud. 75. Fish's .coaching party, yesterday with a camera;, and Miss Lang with the Moody coaching party, has her camera, so it may be presumed there will be an abun dant sunnlv of snan shots to .causs members of either party ; to long' recol lect the many" interesting scenes and events ol the trip. '- Mr. L. D. Brown, a Portland capital ist sought his health at a camp up the north fork of Hood river, sixteen miles above the town. He is doing fine; but thinks as it is about time for another as sessment ia tb? MBU!ftt?4 city he laiist go down this week and be assessed again, after which he will probably again return to Wasco county, where as sessments are not. quite ia frequent. Miss Annie Lang has taken -some su perb views of the wool, product in The Dalles this .season as it was, unloaded from the teams at the 'Warehouse'," as it was baled and shipped. The views ex press to some considerable extent tho magnitude of the operations, and Col. Lang has accompanied a set of them with a letter, to a leading and influen tial eastern journal in behalf of this great interest and what congress should do to protect it: ; " ' M. A. Brown, . who resides about twelve miles from The Dalles, near Irwin Butte, brought the scalp of a monster gray wolf to that place Wednes day. The animal had begun the work of killing a band ot sheep, and some . poison placed in the remains of one fin ished hi6 wolf ship. Mr. Brown states that this wolf was of extraordinary size, and measured two feet and eight inches between the wethers.- His body was gray and the tip of his tail black. Notwithstanding the close season for grouse-Newt. Campbell takes to game all right. H.J. Maier and-Jos. Bonn secured a fine brace which they pre sented to Newt. He put them on ice till he could get time to take them to Haights then he setup the ice'. cream Wood is a bankable article, at The Dalles " now' At least one -would" so judge "from.. the cargoes banked in the city since the water began to surrender its claims to all the high margins Take an afternoon such as this, Writing in reference to the waste, of fish' at the Cascades, Commissioner McDonald said to some, one who wrote him on the subject:. "I desire to express my earnest disapproval of such wasteful Geo. McKinney's band of whistlers Yesterday noon a beautiful voung dove were jo The Dalles last evening. Today made its appearance at the east winAm- Mln.. ... ,rDB8lu wmBjy separaieu. it is or rue countv ek-rts' tK.. n.I i; only once in a while that they can be protection fram tJo f- when I """"ii "ul! icjitwiuj ui the much despised wind is conspicuous;-, .. , . .. , . . iiicuiuuiuawi, . ' 1 1 ;njted States lish com mission nor the by its absence, the man who kicks-at .a i . ., .... ... 1 " 1 government has jurisdiction over the little sand -blowing in his eyes involan- ... ., , . uouoiira m lutj -uiuiuuiu, uie regulation of these industries is affected by the ;up. tarily wishes the breeze would sprjn One real. estate transfer was filed for record today. Joel. C. Johnston etux., to Clara M. Johnston, for theee,'of section 4, 1 1 n, r 15 e. Consideration $1.00, The Orczonian today says J. M. Hun tington is going tocontest J. B. Crossen's right to the clerkship in this county. Bead The Chboniclb, B'g Brother; and keep up Vrith the procession. Mr. and Mrs. 13eoV P.4 Morgan return ed from a very pleasant visit to Moscow on Saturday,-; -Mr. Morgan says, it- is a big country, but a few. big corporations and mercantile companies run it with special profit to the few.- , ,'' The CflnostcLE- force, expressive of appreciation, tender thanks to Mr. James Smith of Mill creek, for a box of fine peach plums from his orchard. He has 5,000 lbs. to. dispose of. :No part of Oregon can raise better than those he has.. . rounded up at The Dalle?, but. when Deputy Ed. Martin suggested that it bo laws of Oregon and Washington, and neither of these states has legislated against injurious modes of fishing. The subject should be brought to the atten tion of the legislatures of the states con cerned, and action cannot be too prompt if the permanence of the canning indus try is to be insured,";; , . Mre. Lottie Powell, wife of Mr. H. L. i Powell, who resides on Pleasant ridge, near Dufur, met with an-accident Tues day by which she was very seriously in jured. The horse attached tq the cart which -.she- was- , driving .became ; un manageable and ran away, throwing her out and injuring her 60 badly that she had to be'brought to The Dalles, four teen miles distant,' on a stretcher. To accomplish ;. this ' undertaking about twenty kind'. hearted neighbors volun teered," and the unfortunate lady, with her husband, and the father of her hus band, Dr,' J; P. Powell, of Gresham, ar rived at the Union lodging house in The DaHes Saturday nightl. The case is a very critical one, indeed, as besides other injuries three bones were broken in the body. It is hoped, however, , that 6he mar recover) l" '-'" - - ' to call again, and let it go. .Jimmy thought it best to keep it until ho coold get another one like it and have them serred on toast. With the exception of a couple of un fortunate d. d.'s presence, the surround ings at the City Recorder's court this morning bore very much the appearance of a place of business in town where the , proprietors concluded to quit advertis- Eastern reports frotu various places ing. ' show that yesterday was the hot day of The Oenese News of tlie 7tK received j 'f 80 Hr- In York City at ? p. n. by Messrs. Joles Bros., tells of terrible-"" '"erenry reached 02 degrees, the cvcloue in that portion of Illnois on the "w "f. 2d. The storms last 'week were bad enough, but they were gentle zephyrs compared with that of the 2d, which left calamities piled up in its wake. Justice Schutz met his. first writ of when the .temperature reached 91 de grees. - Tlie r heafhas been', great but humidity 'has ' been the chief element of discomfort.' In Louis ville, Ky., there was nearly 100 proetni they come they make music in the air. j given a receipted t.ii!, as" an inducement One of the sights from Cloud Cap Inn is the egg-shaped Chitwood lake. It is not far from Lost lake, one of the sources of Hood river.' The late S. G. Skidmore. and Capt. A. P. Ankeny, made a trip' to these lakes, some time in tho sixties, I and it was Capt. Ankney's idea to pipe the water to Portland. Chitwood lake has no visible outlet. There is a cliff on one side, though the other is open, and 1W feet from the bank is marshy. .- No boat has ever been on the lake, and its depth has never been sounded, . though it is believed to be very deep as it has no doubt been the crater of a volcano similar to Crater lake,- :,r-r.?- - Pfoih tke Dully Chronicle, Tbundoy. The court house lawn is like a man's hair. It needs constant clipping. See J. H. Cross new ad today, and try his peach plums and apricots. . . Win. Turnbow was adjudged insane today, and will be taken to the asylum. Recorder Menefee has remodeled bis office somewhat, and it is now very con veniently arranged. Virgie Burnell is a guest ot the Uma tilla house. She is one of the famous Arlington Opera company. Get on to Maier & Bentons combina tion. Cord wood, cook stoves, groceries, etc. That fits to a notch. - tious, and many will, it is feared, result for the bovs. and the cizars, at parting. 1 rev!ew tolay """l as he has been serv- i fatally. A Milan, Ten n. dispatch, savs of it Dr. O. C. Hollister, Rev. Mr. Curtis and Geo. Stiles, leave for the top of Mount Hood, via Cloud Cap Inn, to . morrow.: Dr. II. will take a blanket along with which to cover the top of the mountain and prevent the snow from wasting away. Miss Bartlett and Miss Williams, ladies from New York, now at Cloud Cap Inn, expected to' visit, lhe Dalles and go from here to Portland by steamers Regulator and Dalles City this . week. They have visited many places of inter est on the continent but none suit them, so well as Cloud Cap Inn.'' " Professor John Shackleford of Ken tucky state university, who with his family is making a tour of the Pacific coast states, is an eminent elder in the Christian church. He may visit . The Dalles.. He is 6aid to be a man of, ripe learning and a very interesting speaker; it will be a treat to hear him. K. 1 Mrs. Middleton and two. daughers of Vancouver' are enjoying camp Jife at the upper bridge on the north fork' of Hood river, v They have about -as desirable and convenient a camp as any one could wish for, and plenty of company, as the stages meet and exchange horses and passengers there twice a day daily. .' ' A. J. Johnson, the .-Astoria' florist, made a trip to Mount Hood last week, ' and secured 2,000 new plants. The flora of the highest' altitudes in this county produce some astanishingly. rare and beautiful plants. Mr. Johnson is stocking up to fill . an order for the woman's building at the Chicago fair. L. A. McNary and H. U. Cockerline, --of Portland, reached the summit of Mount Hood yesterday afternoon at 4 o'clock. They were piloted by W. A, Langille. It is doubtful if anybody ever reached as high a point, as they shouted to Jud. S. Fish, N. J. Sinnott and Prof. Liscomb who were on the Eliot glacier, on the east side of the summit, ' only about 4,000 feet, below them, . and the voices were distinctly heard from both . parties. '. When the grouse turned up at -Haights, the cook . protested, said they were swelled head grouse, and Newt, was called in to explain. The boys had put j off a pair of hooter-owl upon him. J Mr. Rowen, whose feartul slide down the mountain into Hood -river was re cently recounted,-, is 'again in .the, city; He begins to think that this wild and wooly vveet is a great country. Going over to Tacoma one day last week, before the train reached that cify a physician (said to be) entered the car, and com pelled every passenger, male and female, to submit .to vaccination . unless they couid show an effective scar. He bared bis arm and took the medicine, but he says there was some vigorous protests entered, especially ' froiij some of the ladies. " ' V "" ' At the stage station,- sixteen miles above Hood River, a monster bear was tracked across the Cooper ditches a few mornings since. L. D. Brown measured the track which was 7a inches across. The bear was carrying" a sheep in his mopth it was. supposed, as at . every place where he made a leap the prints of a sheep's foot was left in the mud also. Farther up on the grade, 11 miles, a big cinnamon bear came'in sight of Cloud Cap Inn. W. A. Langille took a shot at the. old fellow, and thinks the bullet hit but didn't kill the monster. Wolves and cayotes are frequently seen alx)ut the camps.' "' - - From the Daily Chronicle, Tuesday. Cord, wood has been added to the stock in trade of Maier & Benton. Mr.' Phil ; Brogan, of Antelope, and Mr. John Brookhouse of Dufur,' are' in the city. ... . License to wed was issued this morn ing to J. P. Agidius and pliss Mary Paulsen. -Rev. A. C. Spencer went to . Walla Walla today on business connected with the church.. Ira Wells, the first settler of Lane county, died on the 17th at his home in Douglas county.-" "' ' There are more blackberries growing wild in Wasco county than 'was ever known before. - There are ripening fast. The Astorian is about to introduce a type-setting machine. Is Bro. Parker preparingto enter the vice-presidency'. ing as a justice a long time this speaks I there were six cases of sunstroke in the well for his judgment. As remarked j country. . Many , cattle are .dying. A by one of the county officials, Judge j brisk breeze in Chicago made the dis Schutz has been an officer in the Ger- ! comforts less unbearable. Four deaths 1 man army, and he can stand a review. Col. A. .L Wall of Eight Mile, went to Portland on business last week, and sud denly turned up 'missing. His friends think he has been murdered. He had considerable money with him when last seen, having sold some horses which he took down with him. Dr. F. P. Van'denbergh, the expert j by sunstroke and a number of prostra tions by heat were reported. Ia Cin cinnati, the thermometer of the weather bureau registered 94 degrees at 1 o'clock p. rn. Three deaths from heat are re ported. Half a dozen or more cases of prostration occurred. Kroiu the Duily Chronicle, Wetlivesiiay. T. J. Driver and" Mr. Steele's, family chemist from Buffalo, N.. Y., who lately trujnv visited The Dalles, reached home on the 19th, via San Francisco, visiting many mines en route. He savs he will soon make a detailed report of the various minerals found in this vicinity. The Dalles bar-keepers have organized what they term The Dalles Bar-Keepers Home Mutual Protective Amalgamation Association. They are making arrang ments to give a magnificent souvenir ex cursion and pic nic at no distant day, for the benefit of the library fund. Mr. G. Detmerir.g, of Hay Creek, passed through last evening, from a visit to his brother at Dayton, Or. The report of the coroners inquest in the case of the Mrs. Rogers post mortem in not yet ready for publication. " Mr. D. M. French is taking advantage of the absence of his family to renovate and paint his residence inside and nut. Dan Lewis' worlds' fair colored ser enades give an E Pluribus Unum ex hibition at the Armory tonight. See ad. and small bills. Sichel & Co., of Prineville, have adopted the patent double duplex back action cash register. One of them went out on the stage this morning. Young Mr. Phelps, of this city, left for Rufus yesterday to take a survey of the ruins of tlie late fire, and decide what is to be dpne in the future. In his orchard in this city Mr. Euiil Schanno has produced as nice white Adriatic figs, as large and fully develop ed as anw produced in California. P. W. Delluff, and inspectors Mc Derrnett, and Edwards, returned from their Snake river trip yesterday. Peter says the water up that way is pretty vellow. Mr. U. Glenu, sive in his expert (m. tiaiony to the adjuster today settling the losses on the .building of M. A. Phelps, destroyed by fire at Rufns. - The building was worth from 1,900 to $2,000, ' and was insured for $1,200. The losses on the residence of Sylvester E. Brooke, destroyed last Tuesday, ten miles out on the Gilpin road, are also being adjusted today, Judge Blakeley has a noble large dbg, . which is his constant companion fn the city. Stepping into Haight's a few days ago for a meal, the' faithful friend followed his master, and laid down un der one of the tables. When he at tempted to get up his back was loaded with the table and contents, and the surprise lasted, with frantic effect, n- . til the upper deck was swept to the floor in utter confusion. He is a trifle shy of Haight's tables iiow, when he wants to rest., Mr. John McKernan, an officer of the boys and girls aid society of Portland, has been in The Dalles for a couple of days past on business. It is his first visit hero in S2 yean. He was then a child, living with his parents across Mill creek, not very far from the garri son. In company with Mrs. Doherty, who was here at that time, and Mrs. . Judge Blakeley, he visited the locality.,, and recognized bis old home. He ws.,f regretting last evening that his mother,. now Mrs. Groner of Portland; was ot,i. here with him to review the scenes" ".-, more thau a third of a century past..-,, COXSCMEUV COMMERCIAL CO. The Union Pacific wharf boat is today resting on the sands at the steamboat landing. . ... Mr. ahd Mrs. Staov Shown have ra- frirned and will make their home-in j Judging from the Oregonian today this city. "' ' j Major Handbury is . about to "institute Mrs. Wm. Flovd left for Seattle last j an Inquiry" respecting the cascade locks nifhttobe absent two weeks visitinr wftrk ncl then await definite instruc- friends on the sound. The man who made the cut to illus trate the Cloud Cap Inn stationary ought to receive six months in the pen. The subject is susceptible of tiie highest styles in art, and while, inferior work of any kind; at any time, is dispisable, ' in such a case as this it becomes the satiety of disgust. '. " An account of a wedding should be published while the subject is before the public,, to make it interesting. For the same reasons: People of The Dalles should go to work immediately and oiS ganize for pushing the cascade locks and canal construction. If The Dalles don't get in and do something nothing will be done. , '- The loss of W. A. Phelps store at Rufus, which was destroyed by fire on, Saturday, is quite an inconvenience to to the public there. Samples of wheat from several Wamic j fields, collected and left at this oflice by L. L McCarty, are very flattering in deed, considering the exaggerated stor ies in circulation concerning the de struction: which don't materialize. tions. Mr. O. C. Stevens and wife have gone to Gilliam county for the benefit of Mr. Stevens health, who is very feeble, and it is thought.the mountain air may len efit him. Maj. and Mrs. Ingalls returiied from a trip last night. In a short time Maj". Ingalls hopes to have sufficiently" re; covered from his recent injuries to be j able to resume his duties. '" .' ' By order of the county cour, Iollie Howard, a little girl of The4n41es living without a home, has been transferred tp the care and custodv of the- bovg and girls aid society of Portland. -DplHe .is a bright, intelligent girl, an yiere is no doubt those in charge of the home wij) inn.?.! Hacked by MlUloni Thousand ttt Oflta-J it c Onennd ui. .' ..n; '! ilT Mr. N. Whealdon, of this city V has 'ak": cepted the local agency Of tber'on''' Burners' commercial company, a corpor tion organized under the ;law-ofiiNe Jersey, with an authorized1 '"capital of $600,000. Simultaneously all p-vei- he -United States twelve--thousand tolfice8", were opened up on July 1 1st,' iand; the-L pulse heat of a new commercial' movd-" ment is already vibrating,-that will bun 1; far-reaching in its pow;errfor:good.'- iThe""'' object of the consumers'-'eoinmeW-ial'it company is to obtain arid distribute in-j- ' formation of every kind to -tbeJuercah-t tile world, anTgelieTal publk6. "' It is es sentially a medium isf information,' hay ing ho issues other Wian the delivery' of" information' ift response 'to 'direct triquiV''-1 rios. Information'"ill be furnished"! from ever'yipattof the-Uhited States: cJiK'-'t cities' Of !over Iff.OOO inhabitants,' -the'" com pan vi has iU-: own '-officea;:, and iv " ! evef-y -banking towrf fthare 'hit' at leiisn'" oneattd soiiie plates tfwocompeteiit kndi reliablcfcof-respoiUlentg' who- arc 'nniW contract with thecotnpany to furnish ,ailit-' information sought for in their respect- - Ijve localittts;"td the ati-biis of tlie cOiiit parry wiien requesreu -w nrno, nnuur iiR' rules and regulations- f'J-- . '.,' tin Any person !de$i purchase one or more ye 'with " he tic ke't'.tlie' ha ine ' 'oPrlie ''corr&tpoijd-1" eni in tiie'city 'o'r 'town1,ff6m whicln' he ,v desires the 'rt,.o ti-i-.t VJ"'- 55ifihglnfc 'more 'fFck ml iiinuujl mill kcts' Ht II V 'any. 6T1. then, forwarded, tcthe.riiwith. (.pfi.pr eliaser'sJqtter.Qf instructions oirJiio.irt!) to ,tiieA-9orrespqiide.ut of it jiatjeif y.orown wiihaiiy jgnestion, ov ser of. qiestion. he.jiiay desire iufprmatiop ,.oii,.,.wj'iothfir . give her proper care and treatirierit, ' j reliving .to credits, nng .WAfr&RJf' ' Thos. J. .Driver the, champion road builder of Oregon is in the city. His monument, the Tysrh grade, is now in daily use. . . . The Regulator will leave her berth at the wharf in this city on Monday, for regular business; about as good "as ne, She is undergoing a thorough over hauling.. . The Pittsburg police are on to the an-. archist scheme to assassinate Frick, and a gang in- New York, Hoboken, Long Branch, and other places will be arrest ed today. - People who have heard him, say Dan Lewis is a whole company by himself. His play here is for the benefit of the militia and we bespeak -for them all a full house. . , . .-. , , . - ;.' V. P. Street and -family -are .in 'the city today, returning to Tygh from an experimental residence in Orillia, Wash. They .are perfectly satisfied with the Tygh, from now on. ' Just imagine how cool and "nice' it is this afternoon; up' at Cloud Cap" Inn. Rev. Curtis, Dr. Hollister, Mr. Steel, et al., deserve their outing,' but we-uns envy them all the same. " ' ' Newt. Campbell ' was again in luck last night. Another pair of grouse ap peared at the confectionery store and began to warble congratulations. Newt. took in the situation at a glance, and then says he: "See here, put up before you get any ice cream in : this establish ment.". The grouse disappeared through the keyhole. " Mrs. M. E. Marlin, one of the 1840 pioneers of Oregon, formerly a resident of this city, and Astoria, mother of Mrs. James B. Crossen, left Sari Francisco on the 20th, for a visit to her childhood home in Kirkland, O., after an absence of fifty-two years. Mrs. Marlin left that place in' 1840 for Oregon, by the ox-team route. Mr. W. F. Wiseman returned from Wenatchee on Saturday. He found a friend here from San Francisco, Mr. Little, waiting for his return to take a trip in southeastern Oregon, and they left last night ior Antelope. Mr. Wise man says Wenatchee is a lively place in a lively region of country, made so by the advent of the Great Northern rail Way, which crosses the Colombia river at Wenatchee. . . L. Samuels, well and favorably known all over Oregon, has. been appointed as sociate manager, of the Equitable As surance society of New York. No better selection could have been made by the company as Mr. Samuels is a 'thorough business man. The company ,he -represents is the oldest and. most , reliable in the world and has an established repu tation of paying its losses promptly. Mr. Samuels will be pleased to address any one desiring to Obtain information relative tb this company. ' '' The Oregon Portage railway company's wharf boat, usfcd at the foot of the cas cade locks, is now in place for business. Through traffic and travel by The Dalles, Portland and Astoria Navigation com panys steamers will begin next Monday. .Harvesting of winter wheat and oats is in full blast through the Columbia Tiver valley. Wheat is turning out from Mr. Beers, of The Dalles MercanjtfWor relative, corraboratii&stawient.oir. 70 to 85 of the average except in a few j company, mourne-Utn laoa ofi4is favor-1 report priceri af mml mint'ii, ntc., etc.. localities. While the farmers are not j ite pussy. She was rnthlessly..poisoned, cominomto; Jlradstrv.et,. Duixn.ora; enthusiastic over their crops, the ma- along with sev i End, and gho1aVjs tender age, the less out Thft day tnMnapnefJfoe 'moilt ile tiny3n;eery oase- information Mittrt, man can fcasily) jii&rn'jjbt)d ' HvhT thenlaSeE ind kb iantnvaT'Triteresl V,nm" j-'a-'afii'i tiAitimy., . ? meni 01 rwrniOftiyfrirw tuc K!iV5-W quoted. ivl Jtothcr cats Mfcthe East ! sinjilar, genera; y jnfviriiiaioil. ; bur:fturfl; ii?aVes severar'htiii!s'of ! Tejegrams .,may, ,le. sent inplaey 'feeins too bad poison j tiuk&Mt.tJie..!ipavy!'ibajg ?:'"!-,' usetui.cat, aqi ifoao maiif worui- , s,H,Hu,MP,lV;uuifRw.:;5.iwyzn 'logaln af f44nH.jfciJrt.ti-' transmifgdi tfidenalfjyjaniij; f?t;9nr,, tag ofifx. p ' f. .;i"T i oniically. ' .. '..." 1 . .!"' .". .. Mtirim& ! xlieooutTanv Kewps-io-itoreiriiiiontia biy'iateeCi--Men'h'ants:-and; o'tbers')ra w quiring rred'rt reports1 wiU eadyi som rtniiii afh'tfntage' Of: ' their T systemu!-''ADiong those con uected withitliei-'coiajmny ar-i n. II. Har- jority of them are not despondent. : Calmness was becalmed today at and about The Dalles. Old Sol took advan tage of the occasion to warm up things, and the "is it hot enoueh for you" fiend sported in ghoulish glee. In view of the past nobody has any kick coming on the weather side. It is very fine and" might be a great deal warmer. Union Pacific officials have about con cluded to abandon the hope of any pro fit from running the Baker, and it is now possible "she may not turn a wheel this summer," except in some such emerj? J gency as tne loss ot railway Driuges -oy 1 sparks from the new or other accidents along the river. .!i'1i.."i.":imi't"l.HlilT''i..jrll ... Vo.-l-.oi!, C.SiitainAn.UlW Tho TWW. nnrmal omintvHnrtt.it Tt I - T i.- :ir .N-r AOlAnWl .tUl-MmWVF tute for Wasco will be held IebrlckWoilWBiitoh3bto, iHMmtT i9Wp' schoolhouse, Dalles City, beginning wiH go rxinjiilie MevdUhox,- artdi er'' rw,- .ieph., 4. August 23d at 1 :30 p. in., and continne ! EHrMeridl.ai tWlaLw hrjs altfiiti'yy I the. following:' President, A I oldM.Diy Newark-,.. J. ,i .Yice-Presi J.1'1' t ' . i .1 1 : dontti"droie Tavlor, tifini of Tavlot- tym& MP Seeley.rlmli:,..annfac.WeM,.1NeWcYWkf, i' firro ntvinir itr roanmnirr Ilia htiunuiaflJ ' fangled locomotives, of 'xhrUand- andia J'-'ireTOUeea, the linedown Nat- and S,Late,.ew irv-i-, wa:, ., , . . ,:: ' ;::; otk city; jureiurv, .9. u. Nicbois, will be secured, and no eflbrt s Supt. Shelley to make it a grand Teachers please remember .the: bring your text books w-itlv ybu.'.u : Mr. C. A. Fronks,; who has: been L. V'lC JILIVfl nil', VI V. 11.1 !has 'some: .'-"4' i--v-.u v " " trrSWrTO-rWW gfjl-JJ.l,,, 1jaf Caf,imiU 111 U'llMI 'fill HI I.I a in ThA been- in i'atKTnn.ha.i dwiol hit thm ,rf;ffii.lj "' 1"B business at ArlinctoHwis about to ohaflee nurlMu iv nfct. ii it ii imK.m pte.W ift.WWK-P, : " . .. . . ""wvaBuwiw'' v (ffwiTi",!,. ..uiiiBi. T his location. Tms GHnoi will be greatly-missed.- ,- l . . . icriSiiJ-.x.-ii. -r -v-iwwmhob iQoiii'Hir oi-mie will he in Arlinirffn. Wemiote: It'lS noW.m t .t-. -t 1; .' .rj UB 1,1 my estimation, the.bestape.p of thl JutU .dumimutt of the large circnlation." We ' try to -merit a such pp'rpbatibh' intend that The way8;lcajjvijnty. faotorrro the-daveli deftiMBHinil Einph? - XiftlU.o:'-'- -M. f'lonmoa fft ot.Tf) lJ Pe winiout any greaL inconvenience: iuinnugsiuiii ' win'vi,H.ii8i,, rurt- ynly Ter';ue"mnTia pe compGueq'tji js."tj"vacaj wmjAvui.j)i men wmot raOTJiw.ii