THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE, FRIDAY, JULY 2, 1892. The Weekly Gbroniele. rHK DALLB9, OBEOOS . 1-OCAI. AM rEBSOHAl. From the Dolly Chronicle, Friday. ' preparing for the of Farmers ere busy arvet next week. Mrs. J. B. Crosscn has located in San Francisco for the summer. Jos. Worsley will enjoy his summer uting this year in Astoria. Mr. I. N. Sargent and family left for Olatsop beach last evening. Chas. Dehm, has taken the. position of chief engineer of the Regulator " Mr. G. Cros9field, of Grants, paid us a visit today. ' His town is rapidly com ing to the front. ' We were pleased to receive a call to- dar irom our Dromcr vmp rancu, ,vi the Goldendale Sentinel. . j Stacy Shown has purchased a fine stock which will arrive for Floyd & $hown about October 1st. Company C, O. N. G., held an election last evening, incident to the resignation of First-Lieut. C, II . Moore. Deputy County Clerk Ed. Martin is swinging around the circle in the valley , at Portlahd, Oregon City and Salem. The Dalles is today enjoying a regular coast season of weather. If our beach only had the clams we would be fixed. By the time Geo. Eunyon gets back from the gold fields some of his friends think he will be very thirety for soda water. On the 26th the Idaho Statesman will celebrate its 28th birthday. It is mak ing preparations for a magninceni spread. The front-.of the Printz & JTitschke i t -l ! r mnAtr-intr i?if finin'hirtfl' new uuuuiug as ilwwhA - ot touches. It presents a very handsome ..appearance. Sarg. John R. MacAvoy, of company : C, 0. N. G-, lias been appointed Sar- the Btafl of Col. J.' T. ' Thompson. - Business all through The Dalles is brisk. More goods are leaving for the ' interior than ever before at this season . for many years. . Mr. A. Gehres has left lor California with his family.. They will remain in the Golden state, and he returns to Sprague for three months. The superintendent of construction on the buildings at Grants, for the distillery company, expects to locate his family in The Dalles. A was hnnteii up today. The people of Harrison have raised a bonus to build sidewalk and depot for the Union Pacific railroad, oue-half of the required sum being raised in fifteen V. C. Ailoway, agent in this city for The Dalles, Portland and Astoria Navi gation Co., and the K. P. R. R. Co., re turned yesterday from a business trip below. Suits pending against the Michelbach estate, relative to rights in certain city property, wherein Messrs. Roland and Diamond were plaintiffs, have been de- cided in favor of the estate. Miss Carrie W. Ketchuni, Miss -Paul- - r- l -tr TT TfcT T" 1 xucner, ar rived at the Umatilla house this morn ing direct from Hot Springs. ' Mr. Ketchum was in waiting for them. Secretary Evans kicked a little, but the delegation of citizens from Portland won their case in an orderly manner be' fore him for more bridges. Maj. Hand' burg's report don't count, this time. Freight No. 21, west bound, met with -an accident -this morning just below Cates' point, by a cow on the track, The locomotive was partly thrown off. One life was lost the cow. The train lost 2J hours time. w. a. A.irDy, we iruit .ueaier on Third street, delighted This Chronicle force today by the present of a basket of fine peaches, plums, etc., corrobora tive of our statement yesterday that Wasco can beat the world in this line. A deputy sheriff!, Ford of Sherman county arrived today from Moro with a prisoner who will be turned over here, to an officer from Washington county The man with the "down in mouth' expression is accused oi selling liquor -without a license. mat pile ol ashes and brick du6t, at . the entrance to the Regulator landings is a standing menace to every foot which 'sets a polished shoe npon it. A lady re quests that The Cheosiclk suggest that the duet be returned , to its maker otherwise buried in clean sand. A deatn nas occurred in this city to--day which, while regretted by'all true citizens, must not be mentioned. Let us hope for its resurrection as The Dalles Chamber of Commerce. The Board of Trade did its duty in its time, but 'Chambers of Commerce are more popular, perhaps. ' Dr. Davenport, of Moro, paid us a -cheerful visit today. Dr. D.'s profession is dentistry. He came to the Inland Empire for his health. He found it ucrc, uuu uiao a prosperous practice . which is making him one of the landed moneybags of this great and growing country. He deserves it all. He was formerly with Dr. Welch, in Portland. Hon. E. N. Chandler is in receipt advices Irom Ms. Chandler, at Wapi nitia, which convey the consoling infor mat&on that Mr. Frank Woodcock has passed the critical point in his case. He is eteadilv imDrovinir now, has a fair aDDetite. recrular oulse and normal temperature of the system. -I The Astoria Examiner of the 12th reached this office today coated with crimson hued dust which permeated the whole exterior. It is possible that some event, happening after the mail was done up, compelled Bro. Hibbert to paint her red, and while in transit the stuff daied off, rather than on. The Dalles young men are talking of organizing aegular constitutional boat club. This Will lead to the construction of a boat house, and as the Columbia' at The Dalles, is perhaps without a" rival anywhere, for boating, the enterprise should be looked upon as a laudable measure for a healthful and pleasurable exercise.- j If the funds for the tournament of the annual firemens state association -are raised here, it will be in exact propor tion, in a business sense, to $60,000. in three days on an' investment "of $3,000, That's what it is. ' The officers of the'as- sociation should be informed at once'; if they dp not come to The Dalles they must go to some other cit3 An unfortunate man, whose name we could not learn, lost both of his legs this morning on a bridge this side of the cas- cades, by the down passenger. He was taken to Portland. He was on the bridge, sitting on a water barrel, and would have been safe if he had remained there, but he attempted to change his position and was run over: Mr. J. S. Schenck, president of .the First National bank, not to be outdone by Senator Mitchell, M. T; Nolan, and others, appeared at the bank this fore noon with a face devoid of mustache. The transformation was wonderful, aud his best friends didn't recognize him, The best joke of many was when he was mistaken for an eminent Catholic priest. A short time since a bunch of wheat from Robert Cooper's ranch, about two miles south of The Dalles, was left in Tick Chbon"ici.k office by Mr. A. H. Beal. The peculiarity was the growth on the hills, without irrigation. Mr. Beal informs us that it harvested one and a half tons of hay to the acre on sixteen acres, and on ten acres three tons to the acre was harvested. Some of it, had it been left etanding would have produced ten bushels of wheat to the acre. A woman with a little child, apparent ly about 6ix years old, was found in a box car at the depot this morning. Her condition was so pitiable that the . ten der sympathies of the yard hands were moved. They took up a collection and forwarded her to her destination. ' No' report 6f her previous condition was made, and the boys felt that they had the commendation of One who has said, "that inasmuch as ye did it to these, ye have done it to me." The latest from Ccour d'Alene says the troops are in control. Last r.ight was a riotous night in that region. The strikers held high carnival and ran things as they pleased until the arrival of the militia and regulars. Gov. WiHey sent the following telegram to Gen. Curtis, at Cataldo : "In addition to the instructions wired last night I now transmit the following;.. If any person is apprehended in the act of blowing uo railroad bridges, or property, or houses, or mills, or other property, with dyna mite, or placing it in position to do so, shoot him on the spot! Promulgate this order to the troops." Gen. Curtis replied: "Your proclamation is being printed and circulated through this county. We have troops sufficient and confidence is being restored." From the Iiiily Chronicle, Saturday. Chief Engineer Jud. S. Fish is becom ing quite a Shakespearean reader. A good druggist, with a little capital, would find at Grants a fine location for businees. " Six car loads of machinery, etc for the new distillery at Grants, passed through The Dalles yesterday. ' Two deeds were filed for record today. One transferring real estate at Hosier, $3,000 ; and one a lot at Tygh, $25. . . Why do the Astoria papers say Clat sop beaches? There is but one Clatsop beach : and it has no narallel in nlnnrl!i - icuiure. - . , Nello Johnston," of Oregon citv, is in The Dalles on a visit to his brother Balfe. He expects to remain about two weeks. ; Smallpox has at last made its appear ance in Portland, but, as -yet, only one case has developed, and the.patient is in the pesthouse. . .t allure of. the labor union policy comes about owing to the effort made to place all operatives on the same basis, regardless of ability. Dr. Davenport informs us that it is pretty much the same with farmers about Moro as elsewhere. -: Short heads well filled in the wheat fields. . , mr. AictroWan, one of the firm of most successful salmon packers on the Columbia, is in the city. . Thev fish from the bar up to the dalles. ' ' Mr. Owen Williams denies the nnft impeachment. He disclaims all rela tinship to the Wilhelm family, and "we acknowledge the corn,'' as they say.iu Illinois. Anybody, old and young, male -or fe male, will confer a faTor on Tns Chbon icLb by-sending to'tbis office"a copy -oi the daily Jane 28th," or of the weekly July 1st. "A nickel apiece for a hundred of them," is the standing offer. The neoDle at Grants have push. The raising of a subsidy for the distillery there shows this. The distillery will bring them a flooring mill, a pork pack ins establishment, and other local en? terprises worthy of a live community - The professional beggar, with six small children and unlimited cheek, was doing The . Dalles - yesterday, raising shekels to add to her bank account in some other city. - Such are the least de serving where charity should begin, at home. - . .' v . ' , The Dufur Dispatch : says : "These cloudv forenoons, clear afternoons, cool nights, seem arranged for the farmers' benefit. We would like a day of ram, even if it drowned out every picnic party in the state." All right, '' Bro.- Brooks ; here it is. . It is sent to you, gratis. There is nothing so cooling and re freshing as a glass of delicious ice cream soda water: Blakeley & Houghton are better prepared to euppy the public than everwith this delicious beverage. , Their syrups are warranted pure juice, which make them so popular. ..... . YesterdaV, boasting 'of the fine weather at The Dalles, "The Chbosicle stated that all that seemed to be lacking was the clams to make it. a veritable coast resort. These Steward Wiley pro vided. On reaching the Umatilla house for dinner a fine chowder was relished. I was a fine finish to a fine day. Once for all, let it be understood. The Chrosicle, is not a' eewer through which sensations and scandals are to be debouched upon an unsuspecting public. Law abiding people will commend a course which defers to the courts. It is enough that the findings of these be published, in the regular repertorial way. If the rain-making wizard Melbourne could only have been here yesterday to touch off his fuse what a host of advo cates be would have today. Of course everybody would then have to give in that it was his patent that produced the 23-hundredths of an inch that fell here this morning from 2 to . 4 :30 o'clock. But he wasn't in it. The good Lord is vet with us. The man who lost his legs on the trestle above Cascade Locks yesterday morning, lies in a comatose state at St. Vincents hospital, Portland. When the accident occurred he gave his name as Chris Woodworth, a resident of Albina, bat Reporters fail to learn anything about him even from the oldest inhabi tant. He cannot survive, and will prob ably be buried as one unknown. . Upon the order of Mr. O. D. Taylor, enough silica was shipped from The Dalles today, for Buffalo, N. Y., to make a thoroughly practical test of its ' utility for manufacturing purposes. While here, a thoroughly practical expert chemical test was made by Prof. Vnn denberg, which satisfied him of its qualities ; this lot, which goes east, will no donbt satisfactorily settle the qnes. tion as to its working qualities. Mr. S. L. Brooks returned from Port' land last evening. He says thoughtful I people are not enthusiastic over the re-. suit of the committee in Washington It is generally conceded that bridges enough span the river now for the good of the city during high water that the peers of the three now existing not only shoal the harbor, but cause higher water annually in the city, and by and by when people awaken to a realizing sense of what they have done, they will wish they had left well enough alone. The Morrison street and steel bridges should be made free. The shower this morniug did not ex tend very far east of the Dalles. When No. 1 west bound passenger rolled in at three o'clock, The Chbokicle. man In quired : "where did you strike the rain?" to which Conductor Miller replied promptly: "At The Dalles." It was then coming down fine. " A messenger from Mr. Freedlys, 16 miles south east of tho city, rode into town about 4:30 after Dr. Sutherland, to attend Mrs.F.who was dangerously ill, and he said it was rain ing when he Toft his home. It will un doubtedly prove to be an immense bene fit to fields of standing grain, but is no so welcome to the swarth of new mown hay. Mr. W. G. Obrist, nine miles south west, says the shower was just Janitor Fitzgerald wae -out with bis lawn' mower this forenooa, and the court house yard looks as smooth ae"fke pa per in the wall'! this evening. A change nas been made in the office of deputy United.States marshal at The Dalles. There is not enough i it to make an incumbent wealthy. If The Dalles people expect' to start the Cascade locks and carnal, under prea sent conditions, they have' just got to get in and shout! -Maj. Handbory. ig in j no hurry. -. . Hugh Glenn made a flying visit to the consolidated city yesterday. .. Ho left in the morning and returned in "the even ing. He' says he had thirteen hours time at his command.' Fisher's Elite balhs, in The Dalles, are nice enough for the queen of Sheba. New tubs, "new carpets, and clean white walls, invite ' repose while performing the purifying ablution. '. ... One -solitary d. d. 'was "all that answered to Recorder Menefees gavel call this a', m., and this 'was an old chronic, which speaks' 'volumes for the morality of The Dalles on1' a auiet July Sunday. '.- Justice Sliutzjiad a case this forenoon that called for a can of oil, a screw driv er and a monkey wrench. In order -to wrestle with it "in view of all' the cir cumstances" he dressed himself in-a suit of overalls. - -, - Portland citizens have set an example for work. They went for the privilege of free bridges and Secretary Elkins had to grant their wishes. ' We want a free open river and no more darned non sense. But we've got to get in and shout. - ... Special Agent Richard J. Hinton's report on irrigation throughout arid America will be issued in a few days. The investigation was carried- on under the direction of the agricultural depart ment at Washington and was authorized by congress in 1890. . The wool business will be pretty well closed up at The Dalles this week. It has been the liveliest season ever ex perienced in eastern Oregon. The wool has been of very choice light staple, and the quantity sold here will aggregate nearly, if not quite a million pounds in excess of any forsier season. The Dalles has two splendid mill sites, with water power available ?4 of the year, within the city limits, jnat waiting for somebody to come along aud start something; one of which can be had free of cost, a -donation from the, city, and the other one can be purchased for little or nothing yet the little burg of Grants got away with' the distillery, pork packing establishment and flouring mill.' Why this was thus is beyond comprehension. . There are certain properties to ice cream which frequently renders the use of the . delicious dish dangerous. Whether this has ever been satisfac-j torily explained we are not advised. At Lewiston, Idaho, on the 4th, many who, ate of ice cream flavored with pine apple wero taken deathly sick. The doctors had a lively time for an heur or two, More than a dozen cas?s were reported in an hour. Fortunately, however, n6he of them were serious. There, it is said, the trouble arose from the acid formed on the tin vessel in which the cream was allowed to stand for so lone. - Mr, W. M. Terry, who has been in the drug business at Elkton, Ky., for the .past twelve years, , says : '.'Chamber Iain's Congo Remedy gives better satis faction than any other cough medicine I have ever sold." There is good reason for this. No other will enre a cold so quickly; no other is so certain a pre ventive and eure 'for croup; no other affords so much relief in cases of whoop ing cough. For sale, by Blakeley fc Houghton, druggists., " " t d&w Rye grass six feet high is being for hay in the vicinity of Rockford. ' - County Treasurer' ?!otlco. cut If Too want titla ta Gtnnntalar Btata Land call oa tX N. TIIORNBURY, ' Law Kee. V. a. Laud Office. . A. HUDSON, Notary Pubtl. U. S. Land Attorneys. . Over Sixteen Years Experience. BUY AND SELI, CITY AND COUNTRY REAL ESTAH All countv warrants' registered prior to March 13, 1889, will be paid if pre sented at my omce corner Third and Washington streets. Interest ceases on and after this date. . The Dalles, Jnly 16, 1892. : William Miciiici.i, 7.18tf ' Treasurer Wasco County, Or, Dissolution Notice. Notice is hereby given that the law partnership, heretofore existing between E. B. Dufur, George Watkios aud Frank Menefee, under the firm name and style of Dufur, Watkins t Menefeo is this day dissolved by' mutual consent. ' George Watkins retiring from the firm. . All persons knowing themselves indebted to said firm will please call at once and pay the same to Frank Menefee, and all per sons having claims Against said firm will E resent the same to bim for payment, usiness will be continued at the'old of fice, under the firm name of Dufur & Menefee. : E. B. Dckob. Geobge Watkiss. Fbank Mkkefek. Dated this 25th dav of June, 189:1. 6.2od4w You can buy Standard Mowers, Reap ers, Rakes, or anything in the implement line, as cheap from J. M. Filloon & Co., as if you were in Portland. Thev keep an unlimited supply of extras for all nia- U! 1.1 1 - t . . " . y l wiiinea win uv mem. vppobite irouKS & Beers. ' 4-22wtf . .Abiiut Home. . The Dalles, July 18. Furtherreports coining in since Saturday morning, from points as far south as Prineville, say the rain was general,' and did an im mense amount of good. It is now thought the average wheat crop will be about twenty bushels per acre. Barley in all sections is a good crop, having been less affected by the hot winds than the wheat. Saved from Death by Outona. There has no doubt been more lives of children saver from death in croup or whooping cough by the use of onions than any other known remedv, our mothers used to wake poultices of them, 6r a syrup, which was always effectual in breaking up a cough or cold. Dr. Gnnn's Onion Syrup is made by combin ing a few simple remedies with it which, make it more effective as a medicine and destroys the taste and odor of the onion. "0c. Sold by Blakeley & Houghton. Oregon Lead Once. Review. The Oregon state horticul tural society, which has just closed Its session, chose the Oregon grape as the state floral emblem. The ladies of eastern Washington are again unfortu nate in their choice for the Washington holly, generally preferred in this part of the state, is identical with the grape, chosen by Oregon. 600,000 -Or- ACRES UnimproTed FAfiM -Propsrtj .Send for a Pamphlet describing thin land. WE ARE AGENTS FOB Thompson's ASSition to Tie Dalles. This addition Is laid oft" into one-tore lota, ana in destined to be the principal 'residence partot the city. Only twenty minutuca walk from to court bonne. Do not be afraid to consult or write us, we prlv advice or information in all branches of our bna inois f rec of charfre. Settlers Located on Government Lani Office in l 8. Land bftlce' Building. . --' . OREGON." ATTENTION FARMERS . . . The Imported Belgian - Stallion Will staad for the Scaaon of ISO.', At Richmond's Stables In The Dalle on Fridajra and Saturdays. At Harry (illnlns, mile east of Fairfield School house. Momlnys. At R. flood crass' i milo west of Boyd 1'. O., Tuesdays anal Vedncsdays. . . mm W ls Imported in 188 by D. P. fltubbs u'u Sons, of Fairfield, Iowa. He is a Dark Bay, with Black Points, aud Is registered at Brus sels as No. SM, and in America as No. 199. COOD is one of the Flnnat HrM Draft Hcrses la America, is coming 7 yrs old, and weighs 1MU0 kta TERMS 120 for the season, or fi'i tn insures, foal. By the Season, payable vet 1st To insure, due and payable as noun as the mare is known t be in foal. Mares not brought ' regularly will be charged for by the season M. W. XT. L. Fit ICEMAN, Owners. . BOYD, WASCO CO., OREGON. FARM FOR SALE. I offer for sale all or a part of iuy farm of 480 acres in Sec. 24, Tp. 1 south, range 14 east, 15 miles southeast of The Dalles ; good improvements, good young five-acre orchard now bearing, plenty of good water for house use and stock ; 175 acres in cultivation, good outlet north, east, south or we6t via county roads. I also offer for sale 1 GO acres in Bectioa 26, township 1 south, range 14 east; also five bead horse, one double set of harness and a few farm implements, etc. Prices reasonable, terms easy and title good. For particulars come and see me at The Dalles or .1. H. Trout at the farm. jan29-tf E. W. Teout. Dalles College Students. fine. From the Dally Chronicler Monday. Crandall ;& Eurget have some very fine pictures on sale. Mr. Ed Martin, deputy county clerk, is expected home from hie-valley trip tomorrow. Prinz & Nitschke were loading up an other team for. the country this -forenoon. . . . Eight more carloads of material for the distillery at Grants passed up the road this morning in' the early freight. Mr. Nello Johnson. today fully agrees with the writer that this weather this Dalles weather; beats the sea coaat all hollow. If they don't let up, the press of Ore gon will out-demon Deeming with de mon Wilson. The cowardly son of a gun. .. . . - Judge Watkina was in the citv today. Friends, will" be pleased to learn that Mrs; W., is steadily fmpfovlng even though slowly.' ' .:'.-.' The" Occident, Berkley's California university journal, has reached Tnx Chronicle by conrtesy of Robert Mays, jr. A group of 15 members of tho cham pion ath'.etic team of '92 composes one of the leading illustrations, and fills a page. Mr. Ed Mays appears as one of the cham pions. Another illustration, full page size is of Mrv Walter Henry, champion 120 yard hurdle racer. Time 15& sec onds, which beats the world's record of 15 4-5. Another full page illustration shows the front elevation of the new mechanics building, for which the regents have appropriated $65,000, with an additional S2o,000 for equipments. In a tabular statement of university records we are informed that eleven of the leading records now belong to the Pacific coast, one of which was made by Mr. Ed. Mays, October 25, 1890, at an event at the Olympic grounds by ac complishing a ran of 75 yards in 8J seconds. In four other events Mr. Mays established a fine record. We are proud of ourv Dalles young men and the various records they are making during their college coursel . Steamer Regulator Notice. On account of needed repairs the .Regulator will not make a trip on Sun day July 25th. . . v . 7-18d6t W. C. Allaway; Agent. ' A Mew Kind of lnauranre. ' For twenty-five cents yon can insure yourself and family arainst any bad re. salts from an attack of bowel complaint aunng tlie summer. Une or two doses of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy will cure any ordi nary case. It never fails and is pleasant and safe to take. . No family : can afford to be without it. For eale at 25 and 50 cents per bottle by Blakeley & Hough ton, druggists. ' d&w . A ft rent Liver Medicine. Dr. Guuu's Improved Liver Pills are a sure cure lor sick headache; bilious com plaints, dyspepeiri, indisestion; costive ness. tomid liver, otr. 'fruxm thio in sure perfect digestion, correct the liver and stoniacu, regulate the bowels, purify and enrich the blood and make the skin clear. Thev also nroduce a pood Anno. tite and invigorate and strengthen the entire system by their tonic action. They only require ono pill for a dose and never gripe or sicken. Sold at 25 cents a oox by Ulakeiey & Houghton. Carter For Chairman. Mismocxa, July 18. The republicans all over Montana, so far as heard from, are delighted with the action of the National republican committee last Sat urday, in selecting Hon. Thos. H. Car ter of this state to serve as chairman. A Bare Care for Files. Itching Piles are known by moisture ing when warm. This form as well as Blind, Bleeding or Protruding, yield at once to ur. uoeanRo s, tile Kemedy, which acts directly on parts aiff'ected, absorbs tumors, allays itching and ef fects a permanent cure. 50 cents. Drug gists or mail. Circulars free. Dr. Bo sanko, 329 Arch St., Pniladelphia, Pa. Sold by Blakeley & Houghton. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. - o3 I -3 J EEf- S. . ' ."'S m . c! p " , - a s, Z j. c ..- sSS a J3 .E.S as a. . i 1 s "-o - . .EEs s - TflfiCoiugiaPacKingco.. PACKERS OF Pork and Beef. MANUFACTURERS OK Fine Lard and Sausages. Cnrers of BRAND Hams and Bacon Dried Beef, Etc. Masonic Building. The Dalles. Or. Nervous Prostration, ajiemlomneaa. BMdaek, Backache. Dlisla bid rears, nick ;atbr Ra riuw.. "bit, Draaken.tu, ., m .cnreS 7 Uaj' Restorative Xervrae. It does lint mi.tM li i-. n BnnraJee, Deland, FI., soffsred with KpUcpsjr Tgaw and testifies to a complete core. JiUwa Jle, Oreion. bad been suArlnc witk Nsrr SS.VSnf!l2?1.or ,ou Tears, eonld not sleep, , aotWnjr belped him antll he osed Dr. Miles' Re toratlva Narvlnai be is now wall, ytnebeeks ''roKBisu. Or. Miles Narva and UarPllle. 60 doeea for 2 cents are tba best rsmedr for Biliousness, Torpid Unr. eta, eto. fir. Miles' Mad leal Co.,Elkhart,lnd. War a .fWTsas When Baby was sici, we gare her Castoria, WheoahewasCM(l,abe3fccCiatori, Wnen aba became Kiss, aha claiv to Castoria, WhwirHhaaCaaarea, the gtm them Castoria DIAMOHD - EflLLER - Hill A. H. CURTIS, Prop. Flour of the BestQual- ity Always , on Hand. THE DALLES. OREGON SOLD BY BtAKllEY . HOVGHTUX SETS 3LI7n FUM Act on a new principle . reroute the liver, etonaca and bpwela . through a turner. JDa. &iiLxa( Pnxa iSptadUy ears biUomnnsa, torpid liver and constipa tion. ' Smallest, mildest, surest I BO doeea,2S , Kemnlse tree at drurciatr?. to. Ilfai 1st Oh. CUaart , Sold or BLAKF.LSY a HOUGHTON.