THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE FRIDAY, JTTLY 22, 1862. t.!0 The Weekly Chronicle. OFFICIAL PAPER OF WASCO COUNTY. - Entered at the Postofflce at The Dalles, Oregon, as second-class matter. SUBSCRIPTION- RATES. BY MAIL (POSTAGE PEIPAID) IK ADVA.KCK. Weekly, 1 year.... 1 50 " 6 months '- 0 75 ' 3 " 0 80 Dally.lyear. 6 00 ' " 6 months 8 00 " tier " . : 0 50 Address all communication to " THE CHBON' ICLE," The Dalles, Oregon. THE' BRITISH ELECTIONS. - The Gladstonian party at the British general elections have not been fully, as successful as was anticipated; Instead of from 100 to 150 majority, as Gladstone himself and his enthusiastic supporters expected, Gladstone and the government are on about equal terms, lieturns give the Gladstonians yesterday sixty-two majority. The accuracy of the pre-election gauge of public opinion is remarkable. When the Salisbury parliament was dissolved it was with the full knowledge that the next ministry would be Gladstonian and ' wocld carry a home-rule measure through the commons. Even the local ities where the liberal gains are to be made were pointed out. Thus far the predictions have proved correct in the main except as to majorities. There has been occasional surprises on . both sides, but the uniform gains of tory votes in all parts of the kingdom pointed unerringly to a return of Mr. Gladstone, but with a crippled power. His major- ' ity cannot be accurately estimated until the boroughs and rural districts have all spoken. The tories concede a liberal majority, and that the Irish party will certainly hold the balance of power, as it has done before. As the McCarthy ites and the Gladstone liberals are in unison regarding the character of home rule legislation the probabilities are that the present Irish factional strife will at least be held in abeyance until a home rule bill is passed. s.The brevity of these British electoral campaigns is one peculiar feature of par liamentary law in Great Britain. A few weeks after the dissolution of one par- I liament another will be in power. Pub lic opinion is formed while parliaments are at work, and when a fresh appeal to the people is made the issuance of writs . and the balloting are -crowded into brief period. But, white- the ' British system does not permit a long campaign the few days generally allotted to elec tion oratory are exciting. The present election is no exception, and violence has beeu frequent not only in Ireland but at various hustlings in England and Scotland. Gladstone ' lias watched serenely the incoming tide in his favor, It is his crowning opportunity. The house of lords may throw out his hoine :rule bill, but if it does the veteran liberal statesman is pieced to help the British democracy defy, and if neccssarv de stroy, their tory lordships' power. A new feature of the labor question cropped out in Corning, when the Amer ican flint-glass workers' anion were holding a convention in that city on -the 11th, and such hostility was shown to it by thfc citizens that no regular hall could be secured, and a wigwam had to be built for the purpose." Permission to parade was refused the delegates and every means taken- to show them that they were not welcome. They were even said to fear that they would be as saulted by the non-union men if they became very demonstrative'. This is the kind of treatment which union men have for years been giving to non-union men. Is the worm going to turn at last? Does the non-union xaaa propose to show that he, too, has a right to 'be re garded as a workingman? ' The feeling was aroused no doubt because of the strike, which began two years ago and onlv terminated last spring, put a big black eye on the glass industry of Corn: ing.' ." - y' ' - CLE VELA 3TD HAS' OBJECTIONS. J It is practically settled now that the Gladstonian majority in the new! house will be between 50 and 58. - Official party estimates put it at 56, and nothing but wildly improbable gains or losses in the limited number of constituencies still out can much alter this. Assuming that it will be 56, and allowing the Parnell ites their apparent maximum- of nine, they may be able, by mutiny, to lessen this majority to 38. The United States steamer Boston, now in San Francisco, has been ordered to Honolulu to relieve the San Francisco. This vessel will return ' to Mare, island navy-yard and have her bottom cleaned If she was sent to the (Jolumbia river, her bottom would clean itself. And at the same time show there is no necessity for the lake Washington canal appropri ation. The wool clip of Montana will aggre gate 12,000,000 to 15,000,000 pounds this year. It is of excellent quality, and is rapidly going into the hands of Eastern buyers at 17 to '19 cents a pound. AH kinds of stock are in prime condition. Very large sales of beef and mutton will be made. The recent rains have pro-' duced a heavy growth of grass upon the ranges, and insured a magnificent crop. Dispatches today speak of another bridge to be built across the Niagara by the Canadian Pacific. From this we suppose their contest with the Vander- - bilts is at an end on the bridge question It has been a long and desperate struggle The Vandcrbilts beat them once in their own Ottawa parliament and those charg ed with the bribes have not yet all been exported. From the fact that the Can adian Pacific have purchased a terminal site near the Erie depot, on the Ameri can side, we infer that their bridge will cross to Hublmrds point, on the Canada side, between the little carriage bridge, and the cantilever, thus cutting off the Vandcrbilts view of.the falls. The proclamation oi Gov. Willey, of Idaho, that any renegade found in the '"Coeur d'Alene with dvnamite "be shot -on the spot," ' should go to posterity - along with the words of the famous Gen, Dix, once upon a time when some irre verent son of the confederacy proposed to outrage Uncle Sams emblem of true liberty. In some quarters it is now actually believed that lecause of the Homestead riots workmen-are going to cast their ballots against that very protective tar iff which insures them employment! Of all rainbows this is the brightest and most alluring. The reported death of William Wal dorf Astor having been officially denied, the statement of the Buffalo Express to the effect that hereafter the head of the family will be his cousin,' the young "Jackastor" who married the beautiful Mies Willing of Philadelphia, fails to materialize. Mr. L. J. B. Lincoln, inventor and proprietor of "Uncut Leares," has gone to London to try his pet and - profitable racket on the public in that metropolis. There's a smooth aud wineome Yankee for von! Ad I ai E.- Stevenson has done just what we believed he would do. He has decined to accept as gracefully as possi ble the cool treatment with which Mr. Cleveland proposes to regale him.- Three fresh cases of smallpox ore re ported at Victoria. ' None at other points in the province. . - ' .v. Cyrus W. Field was a believer in in surance. At the age of 24 years he took i out a policy of $10,000. When 40 years old he took one another for the same amount. By doubled dividends and total premiums paid, his heirs receive the sum of 45,565. It is said at various times during his life Mr. Field increased his insurance until the face value of the policies amounted to $250,000. ' - "Recently the pablic was informed f the organization in. New .Tort of. a Frances Cleveland influence clnb, for the purpose of fostering and farthering, by woman's subtle influence, the cause i of democracy. Just what the plan of influential campaign was to be was a j mystery, though that it would be effica- j cioua no good and gallant democrat had j a doubt.- But when Mrs. Cleveland was officially informed of the movement she referred the matter to Mr. Cleveland, and thelatter, after commending the j efforts and general plans of the, ladies, writes to them as follows : ; "It is, how ever, impossible for us to approve of the use of Mrs. Cleveland's name in the designation of' clubs designed to do polit ical work I We trust you will not under value our objection, because it rests upon the sentiment that the name now sacred in tlie home circle as wife' and mother may well be spared In the organ ization and operation of clubs created to j exert political influence." : On the whole, most husbands, broth ers aud fathers will be inclined to agree I with the author. - Theoretically the pro cesses' of politics should be such that no woman might feel unwilling to have her name -figure therein conspicuously; Practically the case is otherwise. ' Re finement and delicacy do not characterize modern ' politics. -If candidate John Smith finds that his campaign is to be supported by the bandying about of Mrs. Jeannette Smith's name or' its liberal display in torchlight -transparencies he will naturally object. It is an objection of sentiment. of course, but the senti ment which prompts a man to keep his wife's name sacred to home uses is not mawkish. . It is a sentiment which most men will sympathize with. . BiacKsmita & wagon siiop General Blackeinithing and Work done promptly, and all Guaranteed. work Horse Shoeeing a Spciality Jolakeley & nought TIM sw, mutate the dl Liebe Stan! Fioyfl l spwii 8ucreir to C. E. Uunhsra. - "JDrupsts and Chemists Pure Dris anilitm. Dispensing Physicians' Prescriptions a Specially. Night Druggists always in Attendance, Cor. Second and Union Sts Of the cheap edition of "David Grieve'' 11.000 copies were sold before publica tion, and the first edition of 5,000 copies of Kudyard Kipling's "Barrack-Koom Ballards" was sold out the day of publi Second and Union THK DiLLKS, OKIGO.X. STAGY SHOfflfi, Tne waicpKe -JJKAI.EK IN- Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Etc. All kind of repairing- a specieltvand ell work guaranteed and promptly attended to. Call and see nit stock of clocks before you leave on oraer eiscivncre Woold be Highly Beneficial. Coulee City News. The destruction of the ground squirrel would be more beneficial to the Big Bend farmer than the passage of the free coinage bill, or any other legislation. ANEW While digging a well in Wenatchee the other day one of the residents found that which pleased him much' more than a plentiful supply of water would have done, in the shape of a vein of coal. It lies at the depth of twenty- five feet and its width has not yet been ascertained. . " - Reports from titka say that an ap praisement is being made of the value of the British steamer Coquitlam and her cargo of sealskins and supplies, wliicn were seized for alleged violation of the United States laws. Captain Webster intends sending bonds sufficient to cover the appraisement so as to release the Coquitlam. A member of the Columbus Typo graphical Union, Ohio, has informed Adjutant-General Peacock of a general movement on the part of labor unions of all kinds to induce such of their mem bers as belonged to the state militia to withdraw from it as soon as possible. CATARRH Is a most loathsome, dangerous, and preva lent malady. It is a blood disease, usually of Scrofulous origin, and for which local treatment is useless. Before health is pos sible, the poison must be eradicated from the system, and to do this SUCCESSFULLY the disease must be treated through the ' blood. For this purpose no remedy is so effective as Ayer's Sarsaparilla. " For the past eight years, I have been severely afflicted with Catarrh, none of the many remedies I tried afforaing me any re lief. My digestion was considerably im paired, and my sleep disturbed by phlegm dropping into my throat. In September last I resolved to try Ayer's Sarsaparilla, began to nse it at once, and am glad to testify to a great improvement in my health." Frank Teson, Jr., engineer, 271 West Fourth street, New York City. " My daughter, 16 years old, was afflicted with Catarrh from her fifth year. last Au gnst she was TREATED WITH Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and after three months of this treatment she was completely cured. It was a most extraordinary case, as any druggist - here can testify." Mrs. D. W. Barnes. Valparaiso, Neb. Ayer's Sarsaparilla Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer &Co., Lowell, Maw. Sold byallXroggUti. PriceSI; six bottles,$5. Cures others, will cure you Undertakinf Establishment PRINZ & NITSCHKE. -JEAL,EKS IS- Furniture and Carpets. We have added to our business a complete Undertaking Establishment, and as we are in no way connected with the Undertakers' Trust our prices .will be low accordingly. . - Remember our place on Senond street, next to Moodv's bank. mi rTMti-RKir . First Class Harmony cannot obtain among the democrats until Jlenry Watterson has retracted mat ccuei telegram to tne Louisville Courier-Journal, wherein he referred to the distinguished editor of the St. Louis Republic as "Mr. Jones, an obscure man from Missouri." A large tarantula accompanied by her family of more than 100 little tarantu las was discovered in a bunch of bananas in a Portland fruit store the other day, All were captured, and now view the world through the walls of a large glass jar. - ' The versatile Denver News is jiow seeking to throw the election of presi dent into the lower house of congress. The Denver News is owned by Col. Tom Patterson, who at the head of the free silver cohorts, marched into the Chicago convention and then marched off again. iSousa, is really going' to' Chicago as soon as he can master the mysteries of 'Hogan Paid My Kent" and other com positions of the approved lakeside variety. He has been informed that 'hifalntin' tootin' don't go, see?" Joe Fifer is seemingly, content not to carry Illinois until election day. The other crowd is likely not to have any fireworks or any. use vfor them ,in-; Ho- renaber. -It is a wise man who ' does not waste his ammunition upon scenery. A. A. Brown, Keeps a full HHfcorunent of Staple and Faney Groceries, and Provisions. which he often; at Txw rigurcw. Thm Itsmit, Forte am4 Flaect In the World. . i-asaeniror accomodations unexcelled. IEW YORK. LONDONDERRY ANO BlASfiOW. Rrery Saturday, NEW YOKE, GIBKALTEli and NAPLES. At regular Interval. SALOON, SECOND-CLASS AND STEERASf rates on lowest terms to sod from the prlncipln scotch, tsauea, teas all oohtotchtal punts. Excursion ticket! available to return by either the pie turesqtie Circle & North of Inland or Naples & Qibraitai Infta tsA Homy Oritn to iir inotst tt Lmrt BttM. ..App,T "nT om loc1 Agents or to HENDERSON BROTHERS, Chiesffo, TJJ. . T. A. HUDSON, Agent, ' The Dalleg, Or. - on DRUGGISTS, 175 Second Street, - ( The Dalles, Oregon A lull -ine of all the Standard Patent Medicines, Drugs, Chemicals, Etc. .S-ABTISTS MATEEIAL9.-.i' : jpEPCountry and Mail Order9 will recerre prompt attention. Farley b (Successors to L.. D. Frank, deceased.) OF A TiTj O-ET ' lifactiiieiu -lapses! A General lane of . , . . Horse Furnishing: Goods. BIPA IKajSTGr PEOliPTLT and KEATLT XDOJSTJZL. Full Assortment of Mexican Saflfllery Plainir Stamped.- SECOND STREET. - - - THE 'DALLES. OR. The E. 0. Go-Operative Store . CARRIES A FULL LIXE OF ' Groceries, Family Supplies, Boots and Shoes, -ALSO A FULL LINE OF- laps, Carts, Reapers ani Mwers, aiii all Ms of Africiiltiinl Implements. Corner Federal and Third Streets, THE DALLES, - OflEGOfl. : DEALERS IK: Staple ana rancy us, Hay, Grain and Feed. v Masonic Block. Corner Third and Court Streets. The Dalies.Oregon. DID YOU KNOW IT WE ARE AGENTS FOR THE Argand Stoves and Ranges, Garland Stoves and Ranges, Jemell's Stoves and Ranges, Universal Stoves and Ranges. We are also agents for the Celebrated fioynton parnaee. Ai&manltion and Loaded. Shells, Ete. SArtITAtV PliUmBIflG A SPECIALTY. jVIAIER & BENTON H. STONEMAN. HENRY FIEGE. STOfiElWflrl & FIEGE, Practical Shoemakers and Dealers in SPEGIflli :-: PRICES to Cash Buyers. ScicBtiHo American Agency for mi mil mi in nils. I i CAVEATS, -4 TRADE MAKS ..JSTOESIQN patents 7TW COPYRIGHTS, eto. For Information an4 free Hmdbpok write to MUNI CO- 861 BroadwaT, Nw Yoke. Oldest bnroau for securing petsots tn Aonerlesr Ptbit patent taken ontbyns brooefct belora the puoUc T " notice giveu tree of ciutrge la Uie :g fietJtific Jmmcan Large iraltttioa of ny dentlflo paper tn tba worlct. ffiltat Casb Prices for Ens and otter Mace. 170 SECOND STREET. No lntellUrent man should be wlthoci It. WeeklT, S3-00 or? six monuxs. -AaaresB jnwau LrBUsons,3slBrosdwBT. JJewTort. . FSEtfCfi & CO., BANKERS. TRANSACT A GESEEALBANEISU BUSINESS . . . . .. " . .. . Letters of Credit issued available in he Eastern States. The sharp pocket-knife; the soft white- pine goods box and the hot summer snn are the seductive -arrfluencea that are about to topple over the once, prodd i fabric of 'American manhood. ' Sight.. Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Oregon, Seattle Wash., and various points in Or egon and Washington, 1 ' ' . -' . . Collections made at all point on fav- orable terras. - - wasGO WareDDse Co., Receives Goods on Stor age, and Forwards same to their destination. Receives Consignments For Sale on Commission. Hates Reasonable. -MASK GOODS . W W- Oo. ' THK DALLIES. OEEOON. Cuba is having fine weather, and the sugar crop . will amount to more than 000,000 tons, or nearly 100,000 tons more than last year. : , SHOES AND 214 Second Street Only Exclusive Boot and Shoe House in tlie City. All Kinds of Footwear Always on Hand. ON THE DOLLAR. will entire stock will be closed out at the above figure. LIPS. SITUATED AT THE HEAD OF NAVIGATION. Destined to be the Best Best Selling Property of Manufacturing Center In. ' f the Season In the North the Inland Empire." west. , For Further Information Call at th Office of Interstate Investment Go., a D . TAYLOR. Tie Dies. Or. 72 Wastaitoa, St, MM. Of.