OH 'J: THE DALLES .WEEKLY CHRONICLE. FRIDAY, JULY.. 8, .1892. the Weekly Ghraniele. OFFICIAL PAPER OF WASCO COUNTY. Entered at the Postoffice at The Dulles, Oregon, us second-class matter. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. ... BY XAU, (POSTAGB PREPAID) IS ADVANCE. Weekly.lyear : , .... t 1 50 6 months. . " 3 " Daily, l year. " 6 months per 0 75 0 AO 6 00 3 00 0 50 Address nil commnnloRtlon to " THE CHRON ICLE," The Dalles, Oregon. , A STUDY OF KAIIS. INVALID'S.' jTHB IT HUMAN EAR AND THE TALE TELLS TO THE OBSERVER. An Interesting DlaaertatfoD on u Ap pendage of tba Bead That Is Too Of ten Neglected as a Feature in the De allocation of Character. i I Did any one ever go to any of the thea-1 ters when the house was crowded and amass himself or herself studying the ! ears of .the audience? It will pay the ! observing man to do so. He will realize ! .then that there are ears and ears; those which indicate character in its several degrees, individuality, firmness, resolu tion, kindness and -its antithesis, and the various other attributes which go to make np the widely" varying specimens of humanit ; , A study of ears may not ' be entirely satisfactory Uue is apt to nntl upon somebody else with whom he is not des perately in .love a pair of auricular ap peudages winch remind him forcibly of those be sees when facing his mirror. It ASTORIA AGAIN ' AHEAD. X mortgage for $10,000,000 has lieen placed on record in Astoria, ' which secures $30,000 per mile for the Astoria aid Portland railway.' i Jb tlie, company i has accepted the Astoria and South coact railway, tlie immediate issue of $480,000 ' is . understood to cover -that railroad li-Iiinr. lij ruuinmn if 7 trim (j:t 1 11 1 r kT-f ', ., . . , is rather an edd thing that the majority .nce as part of the Astona and Portland ?of men au1 womeu. boweVer, seldom system that is now under construction. tneir ow ea They can do so readily with the aid of a quick silvered glass. bntt the vanity of human nature seems to stop at the featnres of the face. A woman will 'spend half an hour ad miring her own pretty red lips and keep the young man with theater tickets in ais pocket waiting- an hour while she adjusts her eyebrows and gets just the right complexion on her cheeks, but the- ears are left to take care of themselves. A . wet nig is pushed hastily through their intricacies and they have bad their share of attention. There are excep tions, of course. The woman who knows that ber ears are lovely and bound to at tract admiration- will play with them affectionately and take care that ber hair is' arranged so that no fraction of them is hidden from view. Then there are people whose ears stick ont like the oe.-ul Haps of a jackass an elongated malformation They can't help seeing their ears neither can any one else. A REMARKABLE PAfK OP KAIIS. It was at Kooley s the other night that a study was" inside of the eccentricity of the ear The auditorium . was . crowded and the jokes of the comedian emptied into a thousand tympanic cavities . What i cavities some of them were too- ' There I was a man with a bole in his ear which j looked as though it might have been one J of the nine mouths of the Mississippi ; One would have thought a steamer could ! paw through it withont sticking, and as ; for the Bias and earwigs, a large colony j , This deed makes known that the Astoria and Portland railroad is about to attain transcontinental proportions. It will -noi alone conneot-'Aetoria. with the great trunk Hues :' the-Northern Pacific the -Southern Pacific and the Union Pacific; j .. font will form the Basis of.a ; transuouti- nental system itself. 'Provision is made ! Jiii the mortgage deed for a branch line j -to the manufacturing town of Oswego, wnd for other extension?. That thee extensions will be great may be iudged from the terms of the mortgage,' which ;rovide'for the building of SoO miles, that being the number of miles required, at $;J0,000 per . mile, to 'Consume the full amount of the .issue.'" It is imiKJSsib'.e to overestimate the importance pf-tliis railroad both as regards Astoria itself and the, whole of Oregon. The .coiumandins; position of Astoria from a commercial point of view j nas long oeen recognized oy me leaning . railroad men of the county. Each of the transcontinental lines has ..watched the designs ol the others as regarfls As 'ttoria. It is well known that these trunk lines are determined tlmt no one line -shall monopolize the traffic. with the nnonth of the Columbia. Accordingly -Astoria may soon see the Northern the TJnion and the Southern Pacific tak ing steps to gain a foothold there. .Sur 'veys have been already made for the .Northern Pacific which needs only forty seven miles of track to 'connect' its line with Astoria. Large terminal facilities have also been reserved on the west side .ior this trunk line which the Astorian says, is nov represented there by an ef i fictent agent. The Union Pacific which uiow does a large steamboat, passenger -and freight business with Astoria, has a 'Strong incentive to retain its 'hold. The . Sotrfliern Pacific which' controls the -route'to California will also re-appear as -a oiaimant for the railroad business of Astoria. G.iUi.'; .i:.,Ty :;i Iirtiltli ;t:wt .ir-r.i;: y V. o U3.' oi AyerN &i:apsriS!a. This 'cnilseiue substitute rch and pure 1!"hxI. tir t!;e impovi'iisi-.t'ii' ttu'.d left in vvii: after . fever-, s.n.l other ivastmsj siricr.?-:,'. I..i:H-'. piuvi'.- tin- appolit? and itwir n: tea ' rli.is vi'iiva'rsceutH siwrn . Be.come Strong . artire. v!goK.u.i. t ivhtne lii.i: tired . feeiiu. iii'irf ssioii of spirits, awl p.eivoi:s liebilriy. u. .t!;er uieilicii-.e proilnvj ilia speedy r.ijil ierniaiieiit rili ( of Aver s Sfcir sapartlla. F. O. Lorini;, I'.rocktov.. Mas., writes: f am confident tU;t tity;r.'. anfter inp Inmi the effects of srrolul.i, criKrai tn' hility, want of appeiite. depression of spiriK,-. and lassiimle will be eureit By Using Ayer's Siiisaparilla; for 1 !:!ive taken ir,.iitd SeHk from experience.''. , In U;c siniiiner of 185. I was enred of licrvuiis debility by the use of Ayer's Sana pnrilla." Mrs. II. BeiKiit, fi Middle St., 1'atv. . tucket. K. I. , . ,. "Several years ago I was in a debilitated eonditloti. Oilier remedies liawii" failed. I began to take Ayer's Sarsaparillii, and was . greatly beneCtetl; As a Spring medieir.e, I : consider it invaluable.'' Mrs. I.. S. Win- ; Chester, Hold. Me. , , Ayer's Sarsaparilla Prepared by Dr. T. C Ayer & Co.r Jewell, Maa. Sold by alt Druggials. I'rice $1 ; ix boilles.a. Cures others, will cure you Young & Kass, & Hoiightoif, DRUGGISTS, General Blacksmithing and Work done i SeCOnd Street, The Dalles, Oregon promptly, and all Guaranteed. work A full jine of air the Standard Patent ' Medicines, Drugs. Chemicals, .Etc. - OOFSe OnOeemg a bpCiallty i arCountry and Mail Orders will.receive prompt attention. . Tliird Street opposite tbe old Lielie Stand. A NEW Dlai facu - earpesf PROFESSIONAL CAKI3. D . EUZA A. INGALLS,. Physician-. Sbb ;eon and Ocflist. Ofliee: Kooms ) and Chapman Block. II M. SAIA'EE. Civil Esgiveebino, gurvey- injr, and Architecture. The Dalles. Or. TvE. ESHELMAN OMiOPATmCI PHTSICIAS. ana surgeon. Lulls answered promptly dy or niaht. eity or country. Office No. Stiand m7 Cliapmun block. . ... wtf rn. j. IJ Medical College, SUlTHEKLAJtlV Kkllow of Tbinitt HttC member oi the ol- eec of Physicians and Sirrecons. Ontario, Pby- -ieimi and Sjurfreon. Office: rooms 3 and 4 Chirp-ui-'in block. Residence: Jdire Tbornbnry's Sec iud street. OlBee bouts: 10 to 12 u. m., 2 to 4 Old 7 to 8 p. m. HertiMflffEstablisiiflentli . (Snccessors to- L. p. Frank, deceased.) " A General Line of Horse Furnishing Goods. ! T?. m a T"raxTrr5. u ur-i-rjr- i t.-v r,H -rcr-cn a V-r.-TT- -r-irS-K.-i--m " Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Harness, Brtflles, Whips, Ilarse BIaDiets3 Etc.- ' Full Assortineirt of Mexican Saddlery. Plain or .Stamped. " SECOND STREET, : f- ';-..- THE DALLES', OR. PRINZ & N1TSCHKE. I -DEA1.KR3 INV Furniture and Carpets. We have iwlded to our bnsineaa a complete Undertaking EatabliBliment, and as wo are in no way connected with tbe Undertakers' Trust our prices vp be low accordingly. Remember onr place on Second street, next to Moodv's liank. D R. Oi 1). DOAXE rMISICIAK ASS SUR- heon. Office: rooms 5 and 6 Cuanntan Hlin'k. Kesidenee Xo. Si, Fnurth street. ne I liicl; outh of Conrt House. Office hours i to 12 i . M.. J to 5 and 7 to P. M. I SIIDALL Dentist. (". (riven for the painless extraction of teeth. Also teeth ft on li'im-ed aluminum plate. Kooms: Sign of ie Oolden Tooth, Second Street I.B.OUFCR. GEO. ATKIS8. FEASK MENEFEK. UFCR, WATK1XS MENEEE Attor- i) Ir H. WILSOX-Attorkey-at-IvAW Rooms 62 and 53, lev Voet Block, Setoud Street, The Dulles, Orejron. A S. BENNETT, ATTO fOTE V-A3T-1.A W. V flee In Schanno's buildiuff, up stairs.. Dalles, Oregon. Of-The Further conference on the dalles boat -railway is nt an end. Senator Dolph j would nave supposed that his auricnlar 3fid notsinn the renort. but will not fur- niemoers wonia uave been aeveiopeu SEYs-AT-tAW Room No. 4R, over Post . . , K UnlUJHW .... ........ . f of them could nave babitated there nil! uaiies, imion ' . ' winter and hardly have been felt, fcse-j j cause the cavity was large it must cot i i be isuppoed that the owner of the ear ; was proportionately so; to the contrarj" this cavity was the biggest part of him. He was a little fellow: the ideal of a henpecked husband. ... The loudly de veloped channel of sonnd suggested the probability of his being accnstomed to Dear frequent commands to "go and light the tire." or "get np and give the j baby paregoric. " He. seemed to be happy i this time, for be was alone, and there .' were no such discordant sounds to offend ni nearmg JSear niiu was a man who bad a de-' Cidetl inclination to obesity. tie was! Successors-to C. E. Dunttam. tall. too. and could have easily tipped the, beam at 200 pounds. Now, one A. A. Brown, Keeps a full assortnimt of Staple aod Faij and Provisions. lieotlers at Low Kjrures. I. V. MAYS. B. S. HUXTISCTOS H. 8. WILSON. AYS, HUXTIKGTON & WILSOX Attob- 'kys-at-i.aw. oniees, irencn s block over First National Bank, The Dalles. Orcson. - - - FioyiJ snowrs. SPECIAL :: PRICES to Cash Buyers. equally with ; the rest of his anatomy. I Druggists and Chemists. Pure Drup an4 Medicines. : HiEteut Cash Prices for Eggs and . - . other ProSiice. ... I....-. ... 170 SECOND STREET. The E 0. Co-Operative Store " CARRIES A YVIA1. MNK OF Groceries, Family Supplier Boots and Shoes, ALSO A tm LEfE OF fapas, CartSi Reapers and. Mowers, M all tods of Airicflltiral ; Implements, ' . Corner Federal and Third Streets, THE DALLES, - OREGON. JOLES BROS., : DEALERS IX: ;apie and Fane ij Groceries. Hay, Grain and Feed. , f. . ' . . x. ' One would have lieen disappointed, bow ue3es, and he will not jeopardize thoi .iwa,mitiHt..i . wii in which Oregon has such large in- j mde of those belong,,,,, to thelittie mail i Dispensing Physicians" Prescriptions a Specialty. terests. Our first report this morn-i and looked as though they might-have : tng, was to the effect that "the con ferrees on the river ' and harbor . lill have agreed to the only two points in dispute the senate amendment pro viding for the dalles boat railroad and ' the lake Washington canal. The senate - conferrees receded from both with a . proviso that a board of four army offi- cers and three civilians be appointed to .re-examine both projects. This was -incorrect. liritish general elections opened in -London yesterday with the return with out -opposition of ILord Randolph 'Ohurirhill, conservative, from Sotith 4'nddington, who represented that lis trict in parliament, just dissolved. The district is overwhelmingly conservative and unionist, and it was thought best not to waste money in contesting the seat. Lord Itandol ph is not regarded ns a desirable ally by many conservatives, but has personal influence they cannot ignore. ' - ' TIIE DAtlES, OREGON. stagy sHoaiiN, THe WatGDmaRer, DKAl.KR IN Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Etc. All kinds of repairing a specialty, and all work guaranteed and: promptly attended to. Call and see tils stock of clocks before yon leave on order elsewhere. There is a vague rnmor that Calvin S. ' IBrice will not conduct the national 'leino-ratic campaign this year. Brice "js as dark .. and- lowering as the 'inside pocket of a black alpaca coat and yon ean bet that Dick Croker's waist coart'ver8 a multitude of vengeful pnr .posea. - New York has been given to nn lerstaud that if she doesn't like it she -can do the other thing.- The enthusiasm in ..Tammany, hall. , . over Cleveland's nomination was so in tense that the oil froze in the lamps. As we understand the situation Tarn 'many will not be reconciled to the work of dark and devious methods. It cannot consistently advocate the election of a man who was nohiinated between two ' . day. ' '' ' ' '' '' 1 'Boies' lias been given to understand -that no recent convert to ; democracy is to be trusted. The probationary 'period exacted by democracy ia two-score years -and ten. Democracy has ', no use for material that hasn't, moss and whiskers on it. ' ' . ' ' ' '' 'It takes a bow-legged man to stand with ease upon th -great democratic straddle platform. ; BANKERS. TRANSACT) A GENERALBANKIXG BUSIXE8' received a shock in childhood from which I Night Druggists always in Attendance, they had never recovered. Bnt in spite i . of tbeirdiminntivenesstherewasairreat! Cor. Second and Union Sts., deal of don't-careness about them an. independence as to what they heard and what they didn't hear. A wife might have yelled tire and baby and paregoric J 'at these ears alf night and they would never have heard iU they were not eon j Wructed after that fashion.. , b : - - ' A BRAUTIFUL PAIR OF EARS. 5 j ' Alongside of trim sat a woman who j was evidently the wife. Her ears were long, irregular and stood out from the ; side of her bead like the dnst guards in : a sleeping car. They were "ears which, it could be plainly seen, were accustomed, to being on the alert for some familiar voice. There was a startled appearance about them which indicated that this Toico waa in the habit of greeting them with a command or a reprimand more than anything else. Evidently but. few words of affection or endearment had 'passed through them. i In tbe row of seats just behind this 'queenly, Interesting trio was a perfect symphony of ears. They were not the .ears of men, but or women pretty ifoung women, with elaborately rich 'dresses and aristocratic faces. - Indeed, (these were patrician ears, and tbe blue 'blood could almost be' seen ' coursing through them. - ' ; .The girl who sat next to the end had Ithe prettiest eats of alL They were beauties. . moderately small.- regularly formed, sloping off into an oval at the lobe, and thiu almost to .transparency. There was a pinky tinge about them which wad ample apology for ' the poets 'who sing about coral ears. They stood 'out from the bead at almost an exact angle. They were perfect in every par ticular, bat they were not responsive l - They 'were accustomed to hear ing sweet nothings- said,- and simply listening for more. ,. They, said plainly that their owner was one wrapped np in tbe contemplation of her own .charms. and expected all others to be equally bo, and to make it known in woffls. Look- ins at those ears one would have de scribed ber as follows: Deep bine eyes, 'nose inclined to Eoman, red lips, white teeth, dear complexion,' little animation ;ia . the face. The description would hare been entirely correct. Chicago Tribune. . HSI1 The 1 iTsSTRicny First Clam AND-IQNa Iduvest, FaatMt aad Floret la tha WarU. eapsellRer accomodation unexcelled. HEW YORKTLONOONDEflRV AMO GU8E0W. . " Krery gatnrdajr, NW IfOKK, UIBRALTEK and NAPL.ES, At reiralar lnterTaln. SALOON, SECOND-CLASS AND STEERAGE rates on lowest terms to and from the principle SCOTCH, ENGLISH, 2SIBB c ALL 00KTQ7IHTAL PUKIS Kxoarsion tickets arsilable to return by either the pic turesque Clyde & North of Ireland or Naples A Gibraltar Drifti sl lbnir (Mm for Any Asutst tt Lownt Situ, Apply to any of onr local Agents or to HENDERSON' illtOTHEKS, Chicas, 111. T. A. HUDSON, Agent, .The Dalles, Or. Scientific American Aysncy ftr Letters of Credit issued available in, he '. '. , ' Eastern States. Sight 'Exchange and 'Telegraphic Transf erssold on New York , Chicago,. St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Oregon, Seattle Wash., and various points in Or egon and, Washington-. ... " Collections made at all orable terms. '..'"' points on fv- . s. BCMKXCK, President. H. M. Bball Cashier. first Rational Bank. .'HE DALLES, OREGON Masonic Block. Corner Third and Court Streets. The Dalies.Oregop. DID YOU KNOW IT. WE ARC AGENTS FOR THE Argand Stoves and Ranges, Garland Stoves and Ranges, Jetaell's Stoves and Ranges, UniVBFsal Stoves and Ranges. We are also agents for the Celebrated Boynton farnaee. 1 flmmonition and Loaded ShoOs, Ete. SAfllTAHV PLiUmBIflG A SPECIALITY. ' MAIER & BENTON II. STONEMAN. HKNRV FIEGE. STOflEjVIflU & pIEGE, Practical Shoemakers ancf Dealers in CAVEATS. JT TRADE MARKS, .CpCSION PATENTS BOOTS A J''' fcai aaa!al BSa' For Information and free Handbook wnfte to ML'NN & CO- SSI BKOADWAT, N"W OBK. Oldest buroao ior seeuring patents In America ErerT patent takon ont br ns is brpucbt before tbe public br a notice civen free of change in the :$tixnfiS& mtmnu Largest erenItlon of any scientific oaaer a the world, aplendidly illustrated. No intlllirent man shoald be without it. .WeklTiJS3.00 a year; Suau six months. Address MOWN 4c CO, PUBl.lSOTKS, Sfil Broadway. New York. AND S14 Second EHreet. Only Exclusive Boot and Shoe House in the City. All Kinds of Footwear Always on Hand. SACRIFICE SALE ! Wasco Warenoiise Co., Receives Goods on Stor- j age, and Forwards same to their destination. ",, Receives Consignments For Sale on Commission. My entire stock of MILLINERY AND LADIES' UNDERWEAR will be sold in large or small quantities to suit purchasers, as I shall retire from business. It is also a rare opportunity tobuy a well established, business. A General Banking Business transacts i Deposits received, subject to $ight, : , - t . Draft or Check.. .. ,; Collect ions iuade and proceeds promptly :. remitted on daj of collection, j j Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on ' New York, San Francifsco and Ptart- M ' i .'V:', landi ' 'i';;i i Lionaon streets are now pavea mton ; r-v - . .,l'.-h- : fiz new compound of granulated cork and j - ,: , i direotohs, i -rsa; ? Utimwn pressed into blocks and laid like j D. P. 'Tsomtso-'. '- Jso:8. fecHBWCK. jwoodpavins. The especial advantage; Ed. M. Williams, Gko. A. LreiiK.! 'of tbe material is its el.-wticity i. . H. M Bsit.i.. i-; - i Plates Reasonable . 3VmFgLS lrJbAJ'T iT iTPS. : 1 a 1 , fidrth Dcillss, '. . .' SITU ATED AT THE HEAD OF NAVIGATION. , '. ' . i , : - . , r- ' ' "f MAEK GOODS " W- W . Oo. ' ' ' THS DALLKS. OREGON, Cuba is baring fine weather, and the sugar crop will amount to more than 900,000 tons, or nearly 100,000 tons more than last year. , . Destined to be the Best -Manufacturing Center In 'the Inland' Empire. " Best Selling Property of the Season In the North west. ;.';"' For Further Information Call at th Office of Interstate Investment Go., 0.1' TAYLOEft Dalles. Or. ; ;; 72 WasMutoi St., Po Or.