5 THE DALLES .WEEKLY CHRONICLE, FRIDAY, JULY 1, 1892. The Weekly Ghf oniele. THE DALLES, - - OREGON LOCAL AND PERSONAL. From the Dally Chronicle. Friday. F. M. Marquis of Grass Valley, is at the Colombia hotel. Mr. and Mrs. John Doyle of Eight Mile, were in the city today. C. P. Heald of Hood Kiver, came up on the noon passenger today. Uncle Billv Kelsa'y and J Anderton of Antelope, came into town this ing. morn 1 Attorney W. B. Presbv and Sheriff Stimson of Goldendale, were in town today. V. Willig, the merchant tailor has moved from Union street, next door to John Booth, the grocer. Tickets for the Conductor's excursion . may be obtained at the U. P. depot, or at the W. XJ. Tel. office. The noise of the cricket is heard every where in The Dalles about twilight these pleasant even iugs. Malcoin Maclnnis has made arrange ments to zo into business at Grants and will open there in about a month. Part of the cargo of the Regulator up last evening consisted of ten tons of Washington wool from White Salmon landing. People who know how to please the printers are not slow in bringing around strawberries and such, these hungry afternoons, to the Hood River Glacier folk. The twenty-seventh quarterly meet ing of the Oregon state horticultural society will be held at Hood River, Tuesday and Wednesday, July 12th and i:!th. Mr. W. C. Allaway has returned from trip to Puget sound. He was accom panied by Mr. Truman Butler, whom he left behind, as he had not yet finished his jaunt. Here is another discouragement to Hymen. The customs authorities at Kew York have opened a betrothed young woman's baggage and taxed her bridal trousseau. ... At 7 a. m. today the Regulator water guage showed a fall of three tenths of an inch in the Columbia, at this point, during the previous twenty-four hours. It has been falling lively today. Umatilla county land comes high. A big deal in Adams farming land was completed lately, Jack Morrison pur chasing a half-section from Rev." Galla- her five miles west of that place, for $9,000. The Columbia is now about at its fin est stage for pleasure craft, and the stretch from Mill creek up, for the dis . tance of a mile or two, is dotted over with boats pulled by ladies and gentle men, nearly every evening. Baker city seems to be in a bad way. The Bowers rubber company holds scrip to the amount of $1,600 which is not collectable and suit has been brought to enforce payment. This is the second suit brought against the city. Mr. T. A. Ward filed his bonds today as by law provided, with Messrs. II. M. Beall, J. S. Schenck, and W. H. Van Bibber as sureties, and will assume the responsible and arduous duties of Sheriff of Wasco county next month. A. youngster fishing off the Regulator pi?r yesterday fastened a large salmon on his hook, but as he wasn't after such game the fish got away. . Later on in the season, farther down the Columbia, fishing for salmon with the hook is great sport. The latest invention is a self-opening envelope. All you have to do, when your letter comes, is to pull a string ; much after the fashion of the old time latch string; and the letter opens itself. The first one to reach The Dalles came today from the Ulinoian office, Beards town lllinoie. The run of salmon is not large but -some fine big fellows are being caught Chas. Lauer had one on bis block this morning, caught by Capt. Stone which was said to weigh 65- pounds. Winans Brothers brought from the other side of the river about a ton and a half, many of which weigh in the neighborhood of ou pounds. . Three old death traps collapsed last night in Portland and killed several per sons. Cause of the collapse was rotten sills and high water. It came so sud denly that people were taken without a moments warning, and lighted lamps in the various places set the wreck on fire. Eighty firemen worked for two hours, besides volunteers, saving several lives. The buildings were located on North 1st and E and F streets. Mr. George Riddall takes issue with those who say that crops are not eood in this county near the Columbia riven On his ranch in Columbia precinct he has as good a crop as he ever raised and .more hay on less ground than? he ever had. He says the Cooper place on ,Ten Mile has the best crop ever raised on it, and possibly the same is true of the Southwell, Floyd, Seufert and Cushing places. , O'Neil on Ten Mile has the best field of wheat Mr. Riddall ever saw in Eastern Oregon, while Fulton, Wil helm, Decker, and others in that neigh borhood have all good crops. All these good crops are on hill or bench land as dry as any other in the country. From the Dally Chronicle, Saturday. - Miss Minnie Michell who has been for some time past in Pendleton, returned yesterday. Prof. W. L. Gorman, principal of Pendleton public schools, is the guest of Mr. W. C. Allaway, for a few days. . Trouble is still brewing in the Coeur d'Alene.- Gov. Willey, of Idaho, has asked President Harrison for troops. Miss Krehbial leaves on Monday for Cleveland, O. She has been connected with the Wasco Independent, Academy. The Conductors special excursion train for the Bonneville excursion, will leave Heppner tomorrow at 6 o'clock a. m. It is advertised to leave The Dalles at S :43 a.m. B. S. Huntington and family, Mrs. H. S. Wilson, Rev. Mr. Wilson, and others, are in summer camp at Wind River, one of the loveliest spots along the middle Columbia. - Mr. Hugh Glenn will , make, his first trip, to the consolidated 'city, eince the flood," tomorrow." "At no time, within thirty years, has sixty days passed over his head before without a visit to the metropolis on business of some kind. The Steamer Regulator now lands at Hood River within one hundred yards of the depot. The round trip rate of 50 cts. made by the D. P. &'A. X. Co. should in duce all to avail themselves of the op portunity to make a pleasant trip on Sundays or Thursdays. Nearly all the old settlers on the line of the Willamette valley, and Cascade mountain military wagon road, have been subpenied to appear in the Uuited States district court in Portland, to give testimony in regard to the condition of the road, previous to 18S8. Leo. Schanno, son of Emil Schanno, of this citv, has returned from attend ing Mount Angel seminary, bearing with him the senior gold medal for good con duct. The junior gold medal was awarded to Mathew Thorburn jr., of Kingslev. This is a high testimony to the character of Eastern Oregon boys Patriotic people on the 4th of, July want to see Dalles City decorated in manner that will attract the attention of every visitor, and show that our citi zens appreciate the occasion. It has been suggested that this decoration take upon itself a general character, in grand commingling of national colors and emblems. The effort to keep cool in summer is often attended with difficulties, and per haps the greatest success is found when soft drinks of cream-: soda, the various mineral waters, etc.,' are used. . The Dalles people during the ; heated term will enjoy especial advantages for reduc ing individual temperature. Blakeley & Houghton have a magnificent soda and mineral water fountain, , which has been put in position, and the firm is now ready to serve the lovers of palatable and cooling beverages. Hon. t. V. lceed, state hsh commis sioner for Oregon, while up to Canyon city last week looking after sawdust in streams, was promoted bv the News to an official of the general government The News says Mr. Reed "should have gone over to Silvies and Harney . valleys and torn out the dams along the river, so that fish could ascend the stream trom the lakes. ' lneomce is now no sinecure position and to impose such tasks might possibly so overburden the commissioner as to break his back. This is the sort of encouragement the girls of Klickitat received from the local papers, while their beaux are off doing military duty: "Won't a lot of the young ladies feel . lonesome while the boy 8 are away at camp. They may come across some nice looking girls on the sound." Lots of interest was taken in the company previous to their depart ure for camp, but several of the boys had no military clothes so could not ac company the others to the encampment. Lieut. Hodson gave the company some good drills, which the boys greatly ap preciated, and if the same interest is maintained on their return. Capt. Bil lington and the officers will have every reason to be proud of their militia com pany. The Oregonian today appears to be under the impression that since the democratic party has positively declared that the government should improve the "great waterways of the republic, so as to secure for the interior of the states easy and cheap transportation to tide water," and lias also pronounced for suf ficient appropriations for continuous work, there should be no difficulty en countered by Senator Dolph in inducing the house conferees to consent to ratify the senate amendment for the boat rail way at The Dalles. 1 says: "The house may go ahead now and complete the business, assured that, whatever the individual voter may think, the demo cratic party as an organization has as sumed the responsibility for its work." From the Daily Chronicle, Monday. The awning makers harvest is upon Yesterday the thermometer ' rated 09 in this city, northern exposure. Rev. Mr. Sulcliffe left for the east to day. He will be absent until October. T. B. Merry has been discharged from the asylum and returned to San Fran cisco. Mr. H C. Xielson met with a ' painful accident, bydroppinga tailor? iron goose on his foot. - Mrs. Wallace Mahn has given up her Dalles boardine house and returned to her home on Mill Creek. Rev. O, D. Taylor and several friends from various portions of the east, left for the Atlantic states today. Inspector C. P. Heald of Hood River, is after all orcbardists who are selling fruit known to have the scale. Spasmodic efforts are being made to establish a democratic daily paper in Boise City. ' The recent rain was worth hundreds of thousands of dollars to X'matilla county, Oregon. ' ' ' If you wish to keep the .doctors from your house and your children at home, raise a good garden . A fish-wheel near Texas t'errv in Co lumbia county caught 400 pounds of sal mon in one night last week. The Columbia river is . again on a stand today, within the tenth of a inch of thirty-three feet above low water mark. Hon. J. D. - Lee, of East Portland, came up on the Saturday r.ight train, and is packing up his household effects for removal to the metropolis. Snow is reported as still quite deep in the blue mountains, being in some places forty feet deep. It is. packed so hard that horses can travel over it.;. . A Vareless smoker set the mail bags on fire in the Prineville stage Saturday night. One pouch had a hole burned in it, and some of the mail was scorched. Instantaneous photography has reveal ed the fact that the former method of representing lightning as a hrey , zigzag was entirely false, a sort of optical de lusion. The dwelling house of Mrs. Dow now for rent has been newly repaired, inside and out, is one of the most 'desirable, tenements in the citv. Should be seen to be appreciated. Master Brad. Bonney, son of A. A Bonney, was picked up insensible near the east end circus track, where he had fallen from a horse, this forenoon. It is feared that his case roav prove to be a serious one. A company has been granted perinie sion to experiment with electric oinni- busses in London this summer. That would be just the ticket for The Dalles. The Cosmopolitan can furnish the omni bus. ' . The fire alarm bel! tolled this fore noon. In sad relays the news spread over the city that . Wolf Schrader was dead. Mr. Schrader was an old time citizen, and an active member of the department. ' " . Tunnel riding, with a car load of. jolly young people returning from Amos Qui to camp at Bonneville jesterday, was rather animating sport, in which every body indulged, except the snoozer who wasn't permitted to snooze. The champion . Royal Chinook of the season, sixty-seven pounds, was caught Saturday evening jtisi, as the wheel was hauled up off the mouth of Three mile. It was properly embalmed in' ice and shipped east by C. L. Phillips. . Col. Cris. .Taylor died at his home in Dayton on the 23d. He was one of the early pioneers, and a mason of the high est honors in the United- States. The funeral was largely attended by the fra ternity from Portland yesterday. The latest fad in the line of collecting is that of colored posters ; the bills with which the. enterprising poster adorns boards and fences and dead walls about town. In France and in several of the German cities this mania has taken a deep hold and is spreading rapidly. Mr. Lord "returned from his ranch over in Ulickitat today. His foreman Wm. Dunn, was buried yesterday. The funeral consisted of thirty carriages. The widow and her two little children, so suddenly left fatherless, have the ten der sympathies of the people. brilliant display of the aurora bore- alis was witnessed last night between twelve and 3 o'clock, by all who were fortunate enough to see it. The banner was crimson hued, and stretched about 64 above the aurora, which appeared to stretch into space of about 40. The Dalles tenders a cordial invita-1 tion to the people of Wasco and adjoin ing counties to join with us in celebrat .! ing the 4th of July. Let all our neigh bora come and take part in the amuse ment that will be provided" for their en tertainment. There will be lots of fun. Every one will be in good humor. ' The owners of the Old wooden shells that collapsed in Portland last week, have been charged with all the blame for loss of lives bv the fall of the structures. So long as excesssve rents can be got for such miserable shacks owners care little as to their condition and refuse to incur any expense in making them safe. Harley Andrews, the Pacific Express man at The Dalles, has some good news today from a mining camp in Montana. His friends in the camp have struck it ! and the prospect here is that Harley will catch that old time contagion, the min ing fever, that has in times past carried off so many people good, bad and indif ferent from this city. That there is just as good gold in the ground as was ever mined, nobody has a doubt, and the farther the camp the coarser the gold is, perhaps, but we've seen something that tells that the secret of success is like the bird in hand being oi more value than the one ia the bushes. ! The Eastern Oregon Grange store this city, will be closed perhaps today. It might be made a. good paying busi ness, as it has been in the past, but loses by the fire and other discouraging cir cumstances has rather ' forced the di rectors to a conclusion to close up. Mr. Chandler will still remain in The Dalles The Vancouver Independent discov ered Farmer Jim Vernon passing through that city on the way to his ranch and says : "The delicate task of teaching feeble minded calf-lets to drink out of an old lard bucket, has left traces of care and disappointment on his face, and splashes of milk and cream on his boots and trousers, but in other re spects he is the same old "James." Seven car loads of people from Port land, and six" car loads from Heppner, The Dalles, etc., met at Bonneville park yesterday and gave the mosquitoes a feast of .blue blood from 10:10 a, m., till 5 :15 p. ui. The pesky mosquitoes, how ever, didn't prevent many of the excur sionists from' enjoying themselves. It was the occasion of the Conductor's an nual basket picnic. - The Astorian and other papers, with the most laudable intentions, seem to think , something . should be done promptly, to uphold Senator Dolph in his action" on the 'dalles "'boat railway. Opinion at The Dalles is divided on this question. A good , many people think that Senator Dolph's adherence for the dalles project may peril the cascades locks. We want ah open river. Carrie Burnhani, in a note to the Re cord, says the Ralston brothers of Montana, who bought 350 or 400 head of stock from Blurock & . Peters, crossed their stock on the Arlington ferry , and drove them to Wallula Junction to ship over the N. P., as they said the price for shipping . from Arlington to Wallula I Junction would be nearly one-third much as from Wallula to Helena, Mon tana, on the N. P. ; and this is the reason why people take stock to different points and other roads for shipment. About stock from the' Washington side of the Columbia, Mrs. Burnham . says "Robt. Graham of Bickleton was at the ferry one day last week, and we. gave him rates, as he intended to ship three or four carloads of horses; but after consulting the V. P., agent at this place, he said he could do better on the X. P. railroad, and took the horses to Prosser for shipment." So it would seem, from this, that even a ferry boat isn't in it, alongside the "system." Dissolution Notice. The partnership heretofore existing between i,. B. JNlctarland, S. trench and (J. J. anDuyn, under the name and style of VanDuyn & Co., Tygh Valley., Oregon, was dissolved on the 1st day of May, 1892, by limitation and mutual consent. E. B. McFablaxd, S. French, o-21-dlm C. J. VaxDuyx: Dissolution Notice. The partnership heretofore existing between E. B. McFarland, S. French and E. C. Pease, under the style and name of McFarland & French, "was on the 11th dav of April, 1S92, dissolved bv limitation and mutual consent. E. B. McFarland, S. Frexch; 5-21-dlm EI C. Pease. Notice. All persons indebted to the late nrm ot Mr. iailand and Irench will please call at the old store, now Messrs. Pease & Mays, where Mr. French will be in waiting that they may make im mediate settlement of their notes and ac counts. S. French, 6-3-dAwlm For the company. Notice. All persons indebted to the late firm of W. Bolton & Co., Antelope, either by note or book account, will please' call at the old store and make immediate set tlement of the same. Wilhpb Boltox, d.twl m For the company. Dissolution Notice. The partnership' heretofore existing between E. B. McFarland, S. French, G. V. Bolton and Wilbur Bolton, under the name and style of AY. Bolton & Co., Antelope, Oregon, was dissolved on the 21st day of March, 1S92. E. B. McFabi.and, S. Frexch, G. V. Bolton, 5-24-dlm Wilbur Bolton. Notice. All persons knowing themselves in debted to the late firm of Van Duyn & Co., Tygh Valley, either by note or book account, will please call at the old store and make immediate settlement of he same. C. J. VaxDuyx, d.twltu For the company. COUNTY TREASURER'S. NOTICE. All County Warranta registered prior to January "l"th, 18S9, will be paid if presented at my office. Interest ceases from and after this date. Geo. Rich, Treasurer Wasco Conntv, Or The Dalles, May 18, 1S92. 5.20wl0t For ttie best wagon, on earth get the Mitchell. For sale by J. M. Filloon & Co. . You can buy Standard Mowers, Reap ers, Rakes, or anything in theimplement line, as cheap from J. M. Filloon & Co., as if vou were in Portland. They keep an unlimited supply of extras for all ma chines sold bv them. Opposite Brooks & Beers. " - 4-22wtf WANTED. Four hundred men to sell our choice varieties of nursery stock either on sal ary or commission. ' Apply at once and secure choice of territory. Permanent emnloymant the vear around. May Brothers, Nurserymen, -4-15wl0t Rochester, N. Y. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy can always be de pended upon, it is pleasant to take and will cure cramp, cholera morbus, dysen tery ana diarrhoea in their worst forms. .tvery family should be provided with it. 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale by Blakeley & Houghton, druggists, d&w Artesian Wells. Grant County News. Weiser, Idaho, is boring for artesian water. Artesian wells would cause the Grant county hill sides to bloom. This year, however, the water question has been solved by aounaani rams. A New Kind of Insurance. cot iweniy-nve cents you can insure yourself and family against any bad'.re sults from an attack of bowel complaint aunng ine summer. Une or two doses of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy will core anv ordi nary case. It never fails and ia pleasant ana saie to taite. ftotamilv can afford to be without it. . For sale at 25 and 50 cents per bottle by Blakeley & Hough ton, druggists. " d&w Mrs. Lawler, a widow woman, form erly living in The Dalles, , was arrested during the week forteheinous crime of allowing a motherly eld hen and a brood of young chicks to run -at large in the streets of Albina. A Mrs. Dyer "was the prosecuting witness and the arrest seems to have been the culmination of a neighborhood ' row.' Judge Carey promptly discharged Mrs. Lawler, when he heard the evidence and should have read somebody a lecture regarding the making of frivolous arrests. " - Mr. W. M. Terry, who "has been in the drug business at Elktou, Ky. for the past twelve years, says: "Chamber lain's Cough Remedy irives better satis faction than any other cough medicine I have ever sold." There., is good reason for this. Ko other will cure a cold so quickly; no other is so tertain a pre ventive and cure for crouo:no other affords so much relief in cases f whoop ing cough. For sale bv Blakelev & Houghton, druggists. d&w Rapidly as the work at the Astoria end of the Astorian - and Portland railroad line has progressed since the mills have been able to supply lumber in quantities to keep pace with the operations of the builders,, the progress made by the Corey Bros., the chief contractors, and those who have secured sub-contracts under them has been more rapid. About 4,000 men are now employed on the work. ,. Saved from Death by Onions. There has no doubt been more lives of children saver from death in croup or whooping cough by the use of onions than any other known remedy, our mothers "used to make poultices of them, or a syrup, which was always effectual in breaking up a cough or cold. Dr. Gunn's Onion Syrup is made by combin ing a few simple remedies with" it which, make it more effective as a medicine and destroys the taste and odor of the onion. 50c. Sold by Blakeley & Houghton. For a Railway, Anyhow. Examiner The right-of-way from Cowlitz river to Frankfort, Wash., has been purchased by Frank Slaughter. It is not known whether it is for the North ern Pacific or Great Northern. A Great Liver Medicine. Dr. Gunn's Improved Liver Pills are a sure cure for sick headaqlie, bilious com plaints, dyspepsia, indigestion, costive nes3, torpid liver, otc. These pills in sure perfect digestion, correct the liver and stomach, regulate the bowels, purify and enrich the blood and make the skin clear. They also produce a good appe tite and invigorate and strengthen the entire system bv their tonic action. They only require one pill for a dose and never gripe or sicken, hold at zo cents a box by Blakeley & Houghton. Rich in Fruit. Sentinel. All experiments mado in fruit growing in Asotin county have ' so far proved entirely successful. An or chard planted fifteen years ago at the mouth of the Asotin river yields an abundant crop every summer, t his is the oldest orchard in that section, but the same record is yearly made by trees planted since then. A Sure Cure for Files. Itching Piles are known by moisture like perspiration, causing intense itch ing when warm. This form as well as Blind, Bleeding or Protruding, yield at once to Dr. Bosanko's Pile Remedy, which acta directly on parts . affected, absorbs tumors, allays itching and ef fects a permanent cure. 50 cents. Drug gists or mail. Circulars free. Dr. Bo sanko, 329 Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa. Sold by Blakeley & Houghton. IKlADACHE! Of all forms, Kand gtcw apassna. Fits, aiee leMnew, Dullness, J laaiate. Bines, Oplnaa Habit, Drunkenness ete. , are cured by DR. MILES' HE8TOKATIVB 3fJERVIJIE. discovered by the eminent Indiana Specialist in nervous diseases. It does not contain opiates or dangerous drugs. "Have been taking SI, MILES' RESTORATIVE NERVINE tmr Epilepsy. From September to January BKrona . using- the Nervlss I bad at least 75 convulsions,-, and dow after tores months' use bave bo moie ' attacks. John B. Cou.ixs, Romeo, Mich." "I bave been nslns-DR. MILES' RESTOR ATIVE NERVINEfor about tour months. It - baa brought me rellsf and ours. 1 bave taken It for epilopsy. and after using It for one sreok bave bad no attack. Hunt C. Brasius, Heatnvllls. Pa. Fine book of trreat cures and trial bottles FREE at Drug lists Kverywbera, or address DR. MILES MEDICAL CO.. Elkhart, Ind. SOLD BY BLAKELEY & HOCGHTON. ESTOBAWE $M&W VKERVINE. tjlgHv C. N. THOHSBCKT, ' ' T. A. HUDSON, Late Kec. I". S. Land Office. ' Notary Public U. SJiiind Attorneys. Over Sixteen Years Experience. BUY AND SELL CITY AND COUNTRY REAL ESTATE.. 600,000 OF- ACRES Urapyei FARM Property FOR Send for a Pamphlet describing this land. WE ARE AGENTS FOR Thompson's Aflflition to Tie Dalles. This addition is laid oft' into one-acre lots, and Is destined to be the principal residence part ot the city. Only twentv minutues walk fmm th court house. lo not be afraid to consult or write us, we (rive advice or information in all branches of our bus iness free of charge. Settlers . Located on" Government Land. Office in l S. Land Office Building. THE DALLES .. - - - - OREGON. FRED. FISHER, Dealer in -' Staple and Fancy roceries. And PROVISIONS. af Special Prices to Cash Buyers. Highest Prices paid for Produce. Opposite Sklbbe's Hotel. 3-LHwt( ATTENTION FARMERS The Imported Belgian Stallion Will stand for the Season of MX, At Richmond's stable in The Dalles on Fridays aim paiuranys. ai Harry tjiipins, mtieeast of Fairiield School house, Mondays. At R. 8nod prass' ); mile west of Boyd P. ., Tuesdays antl Wednesdays. prirn Was imported in 1S8S bv D. P. Stubbs 4k Pons, of Fairfield, Iowa. He is a Dark Bay, with Black Points, nnd is regintered at Brus sels as Xo. flsio, and in America as No. 19!i. OOVO is one of the Finest Bred Draft Hcrsea in America, is coming 7 yra old, and weighs InUO lbs TERMS 120 for the season, or fSttn Insure foaL By the Season, payable Oct. 1st. To insure, due and parable as soon as the mare is known to be in foal. Mares not brought regularly will be charged for by the season M. W. & TV. L.. FREEMAN, Owners. BOYD, WAHCO Co., OREGON. FARM FOR SALE. I offer for sale all or a part of iny farm of 4S0 acres in Sec. 24, Tp. 1 south, range 14 east, 15 miles southeast of The Dalles ; good improvements, good young five-acre orchard now bearing, plenty of good water for house use and stock ; "175 acres in cultivation, good outlet north, east,south or weet via ' county roads. I also offer for sale 100 acres in section 2G, township 1 south, range 14 east; also five head horse, one double set of harness and a few farm implements, etc. Prices reasonable, terms easy and title good. For particulars come and see me at The Dalles or J. II. Trout at the farm. jan29-tf E. V. Trout. Tie Columbia Packing Co.. PACKERS OF Pork and Beef. MANUFACTURERS OF Fine Lard arid Sausages. Curers of BRAND. Dried Beef, Etc. Masonic Building. The Dalles. Or. DIAMOND : ROLLER - HILL A. H. CURTIS, Prop. Flour of the Best Qual ity Always on Hand. THE D AXLES, OREGON. mrci! warms Act on s new prindpi regulate the lirer, stomach do. be we la through ,tlU nerm. Do. Milss Pnxa tptedil curt biliousness, torpid liver and contipa tion. Smallest, mildest surest! SOdoaea,2S-. Samples free at draxtrtstt'. Br. lilsi 1st. Cs . tUssrt sd Sold by BLAKF.T.EY & HOUGHTON. us mil! B;n.