' -,-. :.- ... . THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE, FRIDAY, JUttE 17, 1892. - TAMMANY RUMORS. ; WASCO ISDAPESDFNX ACADEMY. Baft His Day; j Commencement Exercise, the Coining . -':. ..,..,'' ." j Week. Programme. .,.,.-';" " . ... -. . The baccalaureate sermoti ..will be- . . i , . x tt-11 l!n- I preached by Rev. G, R.. 'Burnside. of It IS Rep that SeBatOr Hill MSlBuffala, tomorrow evening at .the iourt .jhonse. Orr Thursday evening next the graduating exercises, at the court house, with the following programme. -Prayer. .'' v '' ' : - ' - Music. . " . . . ' '.-'-'" " Eesa :"Three centuries of education." Francis EttieRowe. . - ., Muetc' .' - Essay V'The life and times of Honor." Alma Taylor. ' ','-.' Music. - Oration : "The Acquisition of Oregon." Albert Patrick O'Leary. ' , Music. . . : presentation of diplomas, The prin cipal. , , . - . . ; Music. . . Benediction. 1 X SUCKED TAMMAXY RANGE. ' .- ' :, '" ; .''. .Edward Murphy Emphatically Denies the Soft Impeachment. SOT AX IDEAL DESIIAL MAN. The Democracy do Sot Look lTpon Him Wltn Dlnfairpr for Strict . Fer- Konal Kumm. ' Washington, June 11. A dispatch from Troy, N. Y., contains the inter view with Hon. Edward Murphy, in which he emphatically declares there-is .no truth whatever in the statement; that David B. Hill haa written him a letter authorizing the' withdrawal of his (Hill's) name as a candidate for the presidency. It is, nevertheless, reported from New York that the Tammany leaders are beginning to look with dis favor on the presidential aspirations of Senator Hill. There is no reason to doubt this statement. Senator Hill has has had his day.-' It has been demon strated that he cannot be ' nominated. The west" and the south do not want him. It is very doubtful if the east, out side of that portion controlled by Tam many, hae ever had any uee for Hill. There .' has been an impression among gome people that Senator Hill controls the democratic party in the state of New .York and incidentally is master of the Tammany organization. As a mat&r of fact, Tammany made Mr. Hill out of political clay. It applied bim, plastic as he was, to its own uses. And now when it finds he is 110 longer of value ty is ready to set him aside. As the tool of Tammany Mr. Hill is about used up. It is unfortunate for the Tammany leaders that they do not fully realize the cause of.the disaster that has overtaken their luckless creation. The democrats of the country ao not loot witn ttistavor on Mr. Hill for strictly- personal reasons. They may not have considered him in any respect an ideal presidential candi date. But the real reason they turned their backs upon him was because they were aware that he was in open alliance with the men who have debauched Xew York politics. Any. other man ; Gray, Gorman, Morrison, Palmer, Boise; if suspected of being Tammanys pal would suffer the same fate. The route to the white house does not lie past the door of Tarnmanv hall. IX MEMOEIAM. Resolution of Condolence on the Death of Angus Byers. ij : The Dalles, Or'., June 9tb, 1892. At the regular meeting of L. U. 544, U. B. C, the following preamble and resolu tions were unanimously adopted : . . Whereas, It has pleased the -All-wise Ruler of the universe to take from our midst, suddenly, our brother and fellow carpenter Angus Byers, and . Whereas, Our Union has lost a true and faithful worker and most esteemed friend of all. Therefore be it . Resolved,. That while we deeply de plore the loss, we humbly, bow to the will of Him wlao.doeth all things well. Resolved, That we extend to . the be reaved family our sympathy and condo lence due to the family of our deceased brother, and will be ever ready to ex tend a helping hand in time of trouble, - Resolved, That the charter be dressed in mourning, in honor of our deceased brother, for 30 days, and a copy of these resolutions be sent to the family, and printed in the daily Chronicle, and spread upon the minutes of our .Union. Signed by the committee: . H. Hansen, ' . . J. R. Astensen, . J. SlMONSOX.. CHEEKING TO SETTXEU. The King Toredo. Astorian. The waters of the Columbia river, flowing by the wharves of Astoria, are death to the teredo, that destroyer of wharves, as shown by the monster that was found drifted ashore, from Alaska, on the beach at Main. street wharf yester day. A pile so rotten it broke on striking the beach, came ashore and as the jog split open a huge teredo, ten feet in length and ono and one-quarter inches now, happily, and contrary to general in diameter, was exposed to view. The teredo was in the last throes of death, the jaws, armed with saw-like teetb, working but for a moment after being , exposed to the air. An Indians' Daughters. Assotin Sentinel. Inthelndian camp on the Grand Ronde river, are seventeen marriageable Indian girls, some of whom want white men for husbands, and shun the idea of marrying one of their own race. The father of one of .these girls offers an inducement of 200 head.of good horses to -iome young white man that Will marry his daughter. The old In dian states that not any hoodlum of a white fellow will do, but he must be a young man of good character and ad drees, and able to provide his wife with a good home. Xo Rainmaker Coming. Wasco News : Hope of securing the rainmaker has been given up. Some-, thing near $1,400 was' subscribed at "Wasco on election day, about $300 or over at Moro and various sums at the other precincts, but not sufficient to raise $5,000. Many would like to have seen the experiment made, but it will bave to be deferred for this vear. Three Years Allowed Settlers to Pay For forfeited Lands. Captain Lewis of the United States land oflice at this place, received the fol lowing telegram last evening: Washington, IX C, June 10, 1S92. Captain John W. Lewis, The Dalles, Or. Just passed through the house the bill extending the time for three years to settlers for payment for forfeited lands. The act will become'a law next week. Bingeh Hermann. . To this the captain sent the following response : The Dalles, Or., June 10. Hon. B. Hermann, Washington, D. C Your telegram announcing passage of the act extending fpr. three years the time for payments on forfeited lands just receiv ed. It will afford me great pleasure to give the news as speedy publication as possible, knowing as. I do that it will lift a heavy load - from many a weary back. This -is only one more instance of the fruits of your Untiring labor on behalf of the people of Oregon. Last Mondays vote shows their appreciation. Very truly, . John W. Lewis. The bill referred to was introduced in the senate some time ago by Senator Dolph, and passed that body. It has ' ThertI Iggest take Steamer. - ". ' Chicago, June 13. Manager Babcock had issued invitations and several thou sand people were present today in the yards of the Chicago shipbuilding com pany on the Calnmet to witness launch, of the' great steel ' steamer . Mari-7 tana, the largest on fresh "water,' !. There was no accident, ' and the new craft took to her natural element with as much grace as possible in a side launch. - The Maritana js the property ot the Mine sota; steamship company and is very much likelthe Marina, but much larger. Designed as a business boat ' and conse quently a carrier, the model, neverthe less shows great syinen'try. The lines are easy and beautiful, and the bow and stern are especially fine. The dimens ions are as follows : Length of keel, -330 feet ; length over all, '348' feet'; breadth of beam, 45 feet ; depth of hold 24.f feet Sbe has triple expansion engines, 24, 39, and 63 inches, with 48 inches stroke, steam being furnished from three 12 by 12 feet steel boilers, under 160 pounds pressure. " With the present low stage ot water from Lake Superior, the new craft Will carry about 3,000 tons and her speed will be about 14 miles an hour. ' In out fit the Maritana will have all the latest and most improved machinery for tbe quick handling of freight, and ehe will be lighted throughout by eleetricity. The cost of the new rr'aft complete is $250,000. The Hand of Joseph. Oregonian.- Had the state of Oregon been properly represented at Minnea polis its votes-would have been .cast for Harrison. Seven of them were cast for McKinley, but this was a subterfuge. McKinley is a great and worthy man, but he was not a candidate, and the Ore gon delegates knew -it. They were not actuated by a wish to nominate McKin ley, but by a- wish to defeat Harrison And this wish to defeat Harrison had no proper motive. Wbv Mr. Simon wished to defeat him is well enough understood, That the whole delegation, with one ex ception, allowed his wish to .prevail, azainst the well-known sentiments of the republicans of Owgon, is not credi table to them. Had it been thought necessary, a resolution instructing the delegation to support Harrison would have been passed through the Oregon convention, with no opposition. Mr, Simon had a fine opportunity to show a magnanimous spirit, but he did not avail himself of it. An opportunity like this doesn't come to a man often, and it ought not to be thrown away. If Mr. Simon, instead of making a futile effort to obtain revenge,, had acted with mag nanimity, all Oregon would have taken note of the act. and tbe republicans of Oregon would have been represented rightly at Minneapolis. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. FM. SALYER, Civil Engineering, Survey , . ins, and Arehitieture. . The Dulles, Or. DRUG S At D R..ESIIELTAN (HOII XOVATHU ) 1'i.itkiciak una hUBGEor..- uuis answercrt nnuptly, unite jvo. .a mm u tr . the i'diiy r night, city or country. - I blip tllftll DlOCJi. . iR. J. SCTHERlAND Fellow of Trinity ' VJ MedicHl College, and member 0 the Col .wreof Physicisns aud Surgeons, Ontario, Phv-.k-imi "d Sunreon. Office; rooms 8 and 4 Chnp ni.in block. Kesidence; JudeeThornbury- Sec ond street. Otnoc hours; 10 to 1'.' a. n., ! JiM T to 8 p. m. s I PES.'.Ob:ll N ERSLY, THE LEADING- rv R. O. D.-DOAX E physician and scr- U geod. Oihce; rooms 5 and 6 Chapman BiiK'k. Kesideneo Xo. 23. Fourth street, one block south of Conit House. Ollioc hours 9 to 12 A. M-a to 5 and 7 to P.M. ; DSi DDA LX. Drntist. Gas given for the paiuless extraction of teeth. Also teeth -et on flowed aluminum plate. Rooms: 61gn of he liolden Tooth, Second Street. C.B.SUFUB. 6 BO. ATKINS. FRANK ME.NJEFIK. DfFUR.'WATKlNS MKNEFEE Attorneys-at-law Room No. 43, over Poet Oflice BuiluiuK, Entrance on Washington Street Tbe Dalies, Oregon. - - WH. WILSON Attornby-at-law Rooms . 52 and 63, New Vogt Block, Second Street, The Dalles, Oregon. 4 si. BENNETT, ATTORNEV-AT-LAW. Of ."V. (ice in echanno's building, up stairs. The ftalles, Oregon. . t. r. MAYS. B.-S. HUNTINGTON. H. 8. WILSON. Vf AYS, HUNTINGTON fc WILSON Attob j 1 NSYS-AT-LAW. Offices, French's block over First National Bank, The Dalles. Oregon. , FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TRANSACT A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS Glacier. ' One thousand dollars an acre is a big yield even for email fruits, but some of our strawberry patches have crowded that sum this year. pimples. B expectation, passed the house. The ac tion of Senator Dolph and Mr. Hermann deserves the thanks of, a grateful people that is, if there are any grateful peo ple left. J " The Australian Ballot Lun . A citizen propounds the following in quiry: "As I am informed it is the in tention to conduct the coming Dalles C'itv election under the old law. Have we any election law in Oregon now, ex cept what is called the Australian ballot law ; and as The Dalles city charter pro vides that Dalles City . elections shall be held under the state law, how can any other law be used?" Sixteen Miners Killed. Munich, June 10. By an explosion in a coal pit near Miesbach 16 miners were buried in the ruins. v The whaleback is to be a feature of the transatlantic freight frade by a com pany which includes some of the big men in tbe Northern Pacific Bailroad. They are going to build a fleet of whale- backs in England that will compete for the ocean carrying trade; " Among the men who are to be stockholders in the company are John D. Rockefeller. .Col-' gate Hoyt, and Joseph L. Colby, besides many more of the Northern Pacific fol-' lowing, both in New York and the West. It" is said that the capital "already pledged is $10,000,000, which will be enough to build a large number of ships. Answer. . Section 9 of the Australian ballot law j says: "All general or special elections hereafter held in this state shall be con ducted under the provisions of this act." Section 23 of The Dalles . city charter says : - "All laws of this state regulating and governing general elections and pro ceedings and matters incidental thereto, shall apply to and govern elections un der this .act except as herein otherwise provided." The charter provides for the time of holding elections, the num ber of days notice required, the time when the polls shall open and close, the qualification, of voters,, the .manner of making returns and other minor provis ions, but nothing . whatever is said re garding the ballots or tbe mode of cast ing them the most radical and import ant feature of the new law. The editor of The Chronicle is not a lawyer, but be cannot understand how the language of the two sections quoted above can be construed so as not to make it impera tive that our city elections shall be con ducted according to the provisions of the ,new law except in so far as the charter provides otherwise. . "i t r:-;. . . .- ' Each of Them Gets a Crmser. '., Washington,.; June '10. The cruiser Charleston will visit. T-acoma and the cruiser Baltimore Seattle, July 4, to take part in the local patriotic ceremonies. The old idea of 40 years ago was that facial eruptions were due to a "blood humor," for which they gave potash. Thus all the old. Sarss. parillas contain potash, a most objectionable and drastic mineral, that instead ot decreasing actually creates more eruptions. Von have no ticed this when taking other arsaparillas than Joy's. It is however now known that the stom ach, the blood creating power, is the seat of all vitiating or cleansing operations. A stomach clogged by indigestion or constipation, vitiates the blood, result pimples. A clean stomach and healthful digestion purifies it and they disappear. Thus Joy's Vegetable Sonaparilla is compounded after the modern idea to regulate the bowels and stimulate the digestion. - The eflcctis immediate and most satisfactory. A short testimonial to contrast the action of the potash Sarsajiarillas u rl .Trtv' winlArn VAptoMfl T-.vpnnmtinn Vr. c. d. stuart, of 400 Hayes st., s. F.. writes: "V "We have no -Old or Shoddy Goods ! hare for years had indigestion, I tried a popular I Sarsapsrllia but it actually caused more pimples i to break oat on ray face. Hearing that Joy's was ! a later preparation and acted differently, I tried ! It and tbe pimples immediately disappeared." j Letters of Credit issued available in he Eastern States. i - Mali ni Retail Slits. XT IE. E3 ID JE. XJ C3r S ; Handled by Three Registered Druggists. - - ; ALSO ALL THE LEADING (Dedieines and Druggists Sundries, : HOUSE PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS. Agents for Murphy's Fine Varnishes and the only agents in the City for The Sherwin-Williams Cb.'s. Paints. -WE ARE- "'" The Largest Dealers in Wall Paper. Finest Line of Imported Key West and Domestic Cigars. Agent for Tansill's Punch. . 129 Second Street, ' The Dalles, Oregon Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers sold on Iew York, Chicago, St. Louis, San Francisco,, Portland Oregon, Seattle Wash., and various points in Or egon and Washington. MlSS ANNA PETER 5 CO.. ; :; Kin'e rvlillinery ! Collections made at all points on fav orable terms. 1112 Second "street, THE DALLES, OR. Universal Proclamation Which cannot fail to meet yaitr approbation: goods cheap has earned-for us a repjttation. It is cot difficulties of a financial nature, bat a matte? of basinesa . poliey uiith Us. -WE HAVE NOW BOUGHT OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF- CENERHL MERGHHNDISE. : 13s KEEP YOUR EYE OPEN NOW ! A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF TEAS,. CHEAPER THAN EVER. 1 BOOTS AND SHOES,..'. ...... .."j. ...CHEAPER THAN EVER. MENS AND BOYS' CLOTHING...... ..CHEAPER THAN EVER. . GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, . 7 . DRESS GOODS, '. . . . DOMESTICS AND GINGHAMS,..- LADIES' AND MISSES' HOSIERY,; EMBROIDERIES AND LACES, : . . MEN'S AND BOYS' HATS,. . .... . . . - STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES, CANNED GOODS,.. . .'. . . . .;. . . . . DRIED FRUITS, ... . CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE,. HARDWARE AND NAILS, . . .. . . . CHEAPER THAN EVER. . CHEAPER THAN EVER. . .CHEAPER THAN EVER. .CHEAPER THAN EVER. ..CHEAPER THAN EVER. . .CHEAPER THAN EVER. . CHEAPER THAN EVER. ..CHEAPER THAN EVER. ..CHEAPER THAN EVER. ..CHEAPER THAN EVER. . CHEAPER THAN EVER. In fact our goods are all marked All New and Complete in Every Detail Call and see Us, We will treat you well. Vegetable Sarsaparilla . Largest bottle, racist cffecliTC same price. - -For Sale by SNIPES St KINERSLY THE DALLES. OREGON. Joys The DflLtLtEs IVIehcahtilie Co., .' ' ' j Nos. 800 to 804, SECOND STREET, THE DALLES, OREGON. HERE YOU SRE IT! - The Old Reliable HA I N ES O REGON H W itlx -tlxe latest improvements. vWe also have a complete -line of all extras for all ma chinery sold by ns. Call and get prices and terms before buying " elsewhere. We , also carry a full line of Farm Implements includ ing the MITCHELL WAGON. V , f op Sale liy. J. I. flltliOOJi & GO., The Dalles, Ofegon.