THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE, FRIDAY, JUNE 17, 1892. The Weekly Ghroniele. j THE REPUBLICAN PLATFORM. OFFICIAL PAPER OF WASCO COUNTY. ' Entered nt the Postoffice at The Dalles, Oregon, u secona-ciass matter. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. BY KAIL (POSTAGE PREPAID) IN ADVANCE. Weekly , 1 year. 1 50 ' 6 months .. 0 75 " 3 " 050 Dally, 1 year. : 6 00 " 6 mouths. . 8 00 " per " 0 50 Address all communication to " THE CHRON ICLE," Tho Dalies, Oregon. . . A bulletin issued by the census bu reau sliows-that the assessed valuation of all property in the United States ex clusive of railroads increased nearly fifty - eight thousand millions op about 46 per cent, in ten years from 1880 to 1890. Should the same relations be found to i xist between the assessed valuation in 1892 and the valuation as it existed in 1890,. the absolute wealth of the United -States may be estimated at f64,G4S,000 000, or more, than $1,000 per capita, against $514 iu I860, $780 in 1870, and 4870 in 1880. The history of the world -furnishes no porallel to this, and it must be remembered that this immense stride in material advancement was made while tariff reformers and evenRelists of dispair were muttering their bootless forebodings of imminent 'calamity and disaster. The United States is the ".greatest, richeet, best country God ever made. To borrow from Burns, the crea tor trie '. his "'prentice hand", on Baby Jon, Egypt, Greece, Koine, Great. Brit ain, and then he made the United States. - . Tacotna, a short time ago had a spasm of reform and "antiboodle." The re publican rascals were turned out and an ntire new set of democratic rascals were : wt tj,e World The platform adopted at the Minnea polis. convention . congiatnlatea the people on the majestic' march of the nation under the banner inscribed with the principles of the republican platform H of 1888. It reaffirms the doctrine of pro tection, calls attention to its growth ! abroad and maintains that the prosper ous condition of the country is largely due to the wise revenue legislation of a republican congress. It reaffirms the belief that all the articles which cannot be produced in the United States, except luxuries, should be admitted free of duty, and that on all imports coming into competition with the products of Ameri can labor there should lie levied duties equal to the difference between wages abroad and at home. It asserts that the prices of articles of general consumption have been reduced under the opera tion of the tariff act of 1890 and denounces the efforts of the ' democratic majority in the house of representatives to destroy our tariff laws by piece-meal as is manifested by the attacks upon wool and lead ores, the chief products of a number of states, and points to the" success of the republican poliey of reci procity, under which our export . trade has vastly increased and new enlarged markets have been opened for the pro ducts of our farms and workshops. It demands the use of both gold and silver as standard money, under such provisions as will secure the mainte nance of a parity of the values of the two metals, so' that the purchasing and debt-baying powerof the dollar, whether silver, gold or paper, shall be equal. It commends the action of the government in its effort to secure an international conference to adopt such measures as will insure a parity of value between gold and silver for use as money through- . All special agents of the general land office have been granted a furlough with out pay, from June '13 to SO inclusive This is the polite way .of putting it' The plain, unvarnished English of it is, con gress has not signalized itself by any supreme act of economic reform since it effected a saving of $50 on West Point soap, so Brother Holman, in a fit of des paratrbn, has cut down the appropria tions below the actual sum required to fulfill existing obligations. Great econ- i omist is Holman ! . Referring to the recently published interview in the New York Mail and Express, between the governor and Col, Shepard the governor says he did not expect his remarks would be published and adds by way of a left handed apology : I did not favor the abolition of tariff taxation further than from all the neces saries of life, neither did I assert that Cleveland was the biggest fraud in poll tics, but that he was the next biggest, the post of honor having been accorded to George llliam Curtis. ltodc on His Own Road. Boise Statesman : Jim Hill rode into Spokane the btber bay ou his own rail road. The city is to be congratulated on the event. If the Great Northern does half as much for the place as it has opportunity for, the city will go forward more rapidly in the future than it has in the past. turned in. The new mayor turned his pious eyes heavenword when he was hunting votes and swore by all the gods in the anti-boodle pantheon that gambling and boodling would cease if the dear people would place his head in the public crib. The game succeeded delightfully, and the "reformers" were elected. Now at the end of only a few i It demands that every citizen of the United States, be he rich or poor, native or foreign, black or white, be allowed to cast one free and unrestricted ballot in all public elections and that such ballot shall be counted and returned as cast. It favors the extension of our foreign commerce, the restoration -of our mer chant marine by home-built ships and weeks the Tacoma papers charge that j the creatj0n of a navy for the protection ne Knignts oi trie green ciotn are play- of our nati0nal interests, and the honor ingnigujinKsauoverthecitv and thatiol our flag. reaffirms approval of the Successors to C. K. Dunham. Druggists and Chemists, Pure Drip anil Medicines. Dispensing Physicians' Prescriptions 8 Specialty. Night Druggists always in Attendance. Cor. Second and Union Sts., THE DALLES, OKKOON. The Cure For Scrofula was once supiosecl to be die touch of ' royalty. To-day, -many grateful people kirow that the "sovereign remedy" is Ayer's Sarsaparilla. This powerful altera tive extirpates "the evil" by thoroughly eliminating an the strumous poison from the blood. Consumption, catarrh, and various other physical as well as mental maladies, have their origin in . ... , r SCROFULA When hereditary, this disease manifests it self in childhood by glandular swellings, running sores, swollen joints, and general feebleness of body. Administer Ayer'sSarsa- ' parilla on appearance of the first symptoms. " My little girl was troubled with a painful scrofulous swelling under one of her arms. The physician being unable to effect a eure, I gave her one bottle of Ayer's Sarsapartlla, and the swelling disappeared." W. F. Kennedy, McFarland's.Va. "I was cured of scrofula by the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla."-J. C Berry, DeerOeki, Mo. " I was troubled with a sore hand for over two years. Being assured the case, was scrofula. I took six bottle of Ayer's Sarsaparilla and was cured." H. Hinkins, Biverton, Neb. jBlakeley & -Houghton, DRUGGISTS, 175 Second Street, - The Dalles, Oregon , . . . i A lull Jine of all the Standard Patent Medic acmes, Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayrr Jt Co., Jo-ell, If ass. Bold by aUDruggUu. Price six botUes,$a Curesothers.willcureyou EeeGGSeeE FOR HATCHING. i ' Drugs, Chemicals, Etc. J V .'.-ABTISTS MATERIALS.-,. j yCountry and Mail Orders will receive prompt attention. . New - Umatilla - House, THE DALLFS, OREGON. SINNOTT & FISH, PROP'S. LARGEST : 'AND : FINEST : HOTEL IN OREGON. Ticket and Baggage Office of the U..P. R. R. Com puny, and office of the Western ' " Union Telegraph Office are in tike Hotel. Fire-Proof Safe for the Safety of all Valuables. DID YOU KNOW IT WE ARE AGENTS FOR THE body that wants to". Monroe doctrine and favors stringent laws for the restriction of criminal, pan per and contract immigration. It declares sympathy with the cause of home rule in Ireland, and protests against the persecution of Jews .in Russia. It declares anew devotion to liberty of thought and conscience, of i speech and press, and approves all I agencies which contribute to the educa- ! tion of the children of the land. j It declares opposition to combinations of capital, organized in trusts, indorses the action already taken upon this sub ject and asks for such further legislation as may be required to render existing laws more complete and effective. It approves free postal service for towns, villages and rural communities pledges a reduction of letter postage to 1 Jim Hill, of the Great Northern rail-teen t at the earliest moment consistent road, was granted a franchise through with the interests of the postal service. Spokane, on the understood condition j It approves the construction of the that shippers at that place were to have Nicaragua canal as a measure of the terminal rates.' Spokane was delighted highest importance to the American peo- con- gOT- A dealer in New York advertises for sale a cargo of American pig tin from California at the regular price of the im jported product. Now ye sons of calam ity and woe, and ye diciples of Ananias in the special department ' of tin plate .'lying and all ye down trodden and tax oppressed worshippers of Cobden who groan beneath the weight of 7-12 of a .rent tax per annum on your yearly pur chases of tin ware, now is the opportun ity of a century. Lay' in a supply of good, honest, patriotic, American man ufactured and California produced tin plate, sufficient to last you till the dying wail of the last tin plate liar shall have j .faded softly into eternal night. j STAGY SHOmtJ, Ha - WatoftniaRer, High Grade Rose Comb Brown- Leghorn For Sal at 50 Cents a Setting. Enquire of E. M. Harrimarr- or leave orders with E. Chandlor- at the Grange Store. " ' -15-wtf -DEALER IS- Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Etc. All kinds of repairiug a specialty, and all work guaranteed and promptly attended to. Call and see his stock of slocks before vnu leave an order elsewhere. . A. A. Brown, Keeps a full assortment of . Staple and Fancy Groceries and Provisions. which he offer at Low Figures. Burnt !(anclj foi pale. Burnt RAXCH, the well-known FARM on John Day River, Consisting of One Hundred and Sixtv Acres; ', Deeded Land, 40 Acres in All'alfa.'n fine Orchard of Apples, Pears, Plums,. .-' . Peaches, Apricots, Gropes, . Almonds, and Walnuts. Market for all the fruit. A large irrigat ing ditch from Bridge creek ; plenty of good water. A good house,-barn and out houses, farming implements, etc. Price tSyOOO; For terms, write or call. y ' Mrs. K. A. SALTZHf A,. 4-22WST BURST RANCH. Crook Co., Or. Argand Stoves and Ranges, Garland Stoves and Ranges, Jemell's Stoves and Ranges, Universal Stoves and Ranges. We are also agents for the Celebrated Boyntoa parnaee. Ammunition and Loaded Shells, Ete. ' SRfllTAY PliUmSlflG R SPECIALTY. . MAIER & BENTON iDIi facto - Harnesses LJ I o x c ' W 3 e St w O and Jim got what he wanted. Now that Hill has possession of the franchise he tells the Spokane people that they are not justly entitled to terminal rates and must be satisfied with "relative" rates. For the meaning of this new term in rail roading, Jim refers the people to Web stera dictionary. We suspect, in Hill's own vocabulary "relative" is "all-the-traffic-will-bear" writ small. We learn from the Washington Inde pendent that Garfield county, Washing ton, has bonded its small debt of $30,000 and sold the bonds, bearing six per cent, interest for $300, premium. This trans action will effect a saving of $1,200 per' annum to the taxpayers as they have been paying 10 per cent, interest . -on their debt. ' There is a good chance for some of our newly elected Solons to signalize themselves by effecting the -passage of a law in this state that will enable counties to bond their debts and thereby save many a dollar to the tax payers in the form of reduced interest. The Chicago Herald, (dem.) has dis covered one instance where,' beyond the possibility of a doubt the tariff was a tax. ' It was that of a Chicago man who,' arriving in New York from Europe, was found to have a silk dress pattern con cealed under the lining of his over coat. A custom house officer arrested the gen tleman for smuggling and at his own earnest entreaty he was let off with the payment of $30 tax on a dress that had cost him $60. .The most popular fad in the political world is the cry of "reform." The simon pure demogogue and successful vote catcher these days is a "reformer" and anti-boodler," either that or he is work ed by the potency of the demijohn and beer keg. These paths leads to office, political glorv and" ultimately to the devil. ' $. Umatilla, county, . which is strongly . democratic, gave Ellis 51 majority. The Pendleton democratic paper says the democrats made no effort to secure votes for felater, "believing .it was effort wasted as. he could not possibly be elected." pie but insists that it should be trolled by the United . States ernment. It favors the admission of the remain ing territories at the earliest practicable date and affirms that all federal appoint ments for the territories should be msde from bona fide residents thereof. It favors the cession, subject to home stead, of arid public lands, to the states and territories in which they lie. The Columbian exposition is declared to be a great national undertaking and congress should foster and support it so that results might be attained commen surate with the dignity of the nation. Sympathy is expresse'd with all fair and legitimate legislation tending to lessen and prevent the evils of intem perance and promote morality. It pledges anew to the veteran soldiers of the republic, watchful care and recog nition of their just claims upon a grate ful people and finally, commends the able, patriotic, and thoroughly Ameri can administration of President Har rison under which the country has enjoyed remarkable prosperity, and the dignity and honor of the nation at home and abroad have been faithfully main tained, and offers the record of pledges kept as a guarantee of faithful perform ance in the future. ' Lflopse Shoeeing a Speiality The finger .of destiny points with steady aim towards Governor Pennoyer as the standard bearer of the people's parly in the coming national campaign. One by one -the obstacles that have stood in tljp way of his advancement to this proud position have been removed. The last obstacle, the existence of the confederate brigadier, L. L. Polk, who only a few days ago became a convert to the principles of the people's party, but whose three years' service as president of the farmers' alliance would have as suredly given him the nomination,' has been removed by the hand of death. The way is now clear for Pennoyer. The Walla Walla Union, referring to the nomination says : "Whitelaw" Eeid is the first newspaper man ever nominat foran office as great as that of vice President.?' Has Schuyler Colfax and his South 'Bend Register, been so far forgotten? - SPEGIflli :-: PRICES . to Cash Buyers. Ontat Cask Prices for Eggsai . otter Prote ' 170 SECOND STREET. i : '- Young & Kass, BiacKsmitn & vaoon snon General Blacksmithing and Work done promptly, and all work Guaranteed. TIM Street opmatB tte oil Li Start. A NEW CodertakiDg Establishment ! PRINZ & NITSCHKE. DEAUSRS IN . Furniture and Carpets. We have added to Cur business a complete Undertaking Establishment, and as we are in no way connected with the Undertakers' Trust our prices will be low accordingly. ' ' Remember our place on Second street, next to Moody's bank. S. C esx. n s 2"- 5 ' X (Successors to L. D. Frank, deceased.) OF A.TiXi , 0"F" A General Line of Horse Furnishing Goods. A TTFailETO- PBOMPTLT and 35TEl.TXi"X" Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Harness, Bridles, Whips, Horse BMets, Etc. ' Fnll Assertmettt of Mexican Saflfllery Plain or. StamneiL SECOND STREET, - . . - - THE DALLES, OR. CHRISM AN & CORSON, .DEALERS IX- GROCERIES, Flour, Grain, Fruit and Mill Feed. HIGHEST CASH ' PRICE PAH) FOR PRODUCE, GOR. WASHINGTON A5T SECOND ST., THE DALLES-, OREGON" 'IRSTCLaSB Isuamt. FartMt ud Flmt te-tks. VwU Faaaeaaer aocomodatlons unexcelled. RW VORKVTONDQNDERRY AND GLASGOW. ' EretT Satnrdar, NEW YORK, GIBBALTEB anAHAPLBS, Atrolsr interrals. SALOON, SECOND-CLASS AND STEERAGE rstes on lowest terms to and from ttoe principle notch, ciausa, msa all whtohhtal punts Excursion tickets a,Yait.bIe to return by either the pic turesque Clyde ft North of Ireland or Kspies ft Gibraltar Rifti sat Koasy Mm to lay A&sut a Levtst Bt Apply to a 77 of our local Agents or to HENDEJftSON BROTELEKS, Chicago,. XSL T. A. HUDSON, Agent, The Dalles. Or. ' ioutific Americas Agency for P f TRADE MARKS, tf COPYRIGHTS, te. For Information and free. Handbook write to SClflC CO, J61 BOADAT, NJW YMJ. OMest bureau for securing tartents tsAmarica Bran-patent taken out by ns Is brcjwht before Ibe pubUo by a notice glTenfree of cnacg In tha gtxtntitit Jlmmcmi Kanmst circulation of anysolentlWo paper tn tna world. Splendidly illustrated. No- ImuUjetat man should be wlthoui, it. Weekly. 8H.OO a yeari U0 six months. Address MUNIi OO. vvBUsaaits, 351 BroaCBatrvNew York. WaSCO W3IBHQIISB CO., Receives Goods on Stor age, and Forwards same to their destination. Receives Consignments For Sale on Commission. fates Reasonable.' -MASK GOODS . ' TBI DALtBS, OREGON. The E 0. Ca-Operative Store. DARKIES A TTVIA LINE OF Groceries, Family Supplies, Itoots 2nd Shoes, -ALSO A. FULL LINE OF- lap, Carts, Rrsaiii Mowers, aai all Knife of Atrricnttnr-i Dnplements. ' ; Corner Federal and Third Streets, THE DALLES, - OREGON. JOLES BROS : DEALERS IS ; Staple 1 Fancy I1B ai Hay, Grain and Feed: 1 Masonic Block. Corner Third and Court Streets. The Daiies.Oregon. Washington fJorth OqIIBS, Was SITUATED AT THE HEAD OF NAVIGATION. Destined to be the Best Manufacturing Center ln the Inland Empire. . Best Selling Property of the Season in the North west. ' For Further Information Call at the Office of Interstate Investment Go., 0. D. TAYLOR ft Dais, Oiv 72 f tfnhi, St, Fortlani. Or. -7