l0 THE DALLES . WEEKLY CHRONICLE, FRIDAY, JUNE 10,1892. The Weekly Gbioniele. OFFICIAL PAPER OF WABCO COUNTY. Entered at the Poetoffice at The Dalles, Oregon, as aecond-clu&s mutter. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. BY MAIL (POSTAQB PREPAID) IS ADVANCE. Weekly, 1 year. I 1 SO " 6 months. . 0 75 g 0 50 Dally, 1 year. 6 00 " 6 months. 3 00 per " 0 50 Address all communication to " THE CHRON- ' ICLE," The Dalles, Oregon. . The difficulty to arouse enthusiasm for Mr, Bljiine at this time is significant. The general public looks upon him as a sick man. It would be impossible to convince the ordinary voter that Mr. Blaine would be able to perform the duties of the presidential office and di rect republican party affairs. His can didacy would excite apprehension that the men who are now pushing him into ' the race would control him should he be elected president. There is danger that he would be regarded as the . candidate of a certain set of men and not of the whole party. Another thing that would be unfortunate for Mr. Blaine and his candidacy : Being suspected of. ill health and feebleness, he would be re quired to make a more convincing dis play of physicial vigor than would be exacted of a well man. He would have to be visible to all inquisitive persons. Committees visiting from anywhere would take along a local physician to ex amine Mr. Blaine's health and bodily condition. Besides, Mr. Blaine would have to do all manner of physical feats .and put in at least eight hours a day at his tiesk. And then there would still be people who would say he was on the verge of the grave? A campaign of this sort would not lie pleasing to republi cans. J t is not the sort of a campaign patriotic citizens like to engage in. It would be unfortunate for Mr. Blaine himselt to be nominated under such con- j ditions. C. P. Allen of Pomeroy, is the first man we have ever heard of opposed to an open Columbia river. He does so in the Independent of the 2d. We extract one one paragraph of his argument. He says: "Now suppose the river is open for practical navigation and gets its share of the traffic ; then we can see the villiany of the atrocious scheme. For example, we will say that the river robs the railroads of one-fourth of their freights ; that it is easy to see the roads would have to add one-third to the present exorbitant rates, to realize the profits they now enjoy. Thus forever preventing the legislature from reduc ing rates to the level it would be possi ble, without an open river. If you be lieve in a republican form of govern ment, jf you are loyal to the true princi ples of democracy, let us have no side tracking of vital issues; for we propose to reduce freights without bankrupting the roads, and without appropriating millions of dollars of the producers money to open a public highway for in corporated capital to monopolize." . It seems to us a woeful waste of -time to reply to such statement as the above. He would reduce freights without bank rupting the roads. Can it be possible that "Sir. Allen is so blind that he cannot see that the people are bankrupted by the roads annually, for the want of an open river, tree to every body.' What The Spokane Review nominates ' Rob ert Lincoln as a compromise candidate I for Minneapolis. It says: "At this j critical moment the. presidential light- j ning is playing about the' head of Robert Lincoln. The Blaine workers are not j unmindful of the magic spell that lies in j an honored name, and they cannot iail to consider the splendid opportunity ,: herein presented of stampeding the con vention for a man whose name alone j would arouse tremendous enthusiasm, j In the event of the defeat of Mr. Har rison the party cannot possibly strike j upon a happier choice. Mr. Lincoln ' has created no antagonisms. If he were j nominated yon could almost count upon ' the fingers of a single hand the republi-! cans who would bolt the ticket. He could awaken intense enthusiasm, aud ! he could poll the full vote of the party. ' In these lie the chief elements of vie-1 torv." INVALIDS J;iin iiiioilv in llr.-ilrh ;n:l Mrcnlli ly tlio inf i Ayirr's S:u-!i.-irilU. Tlits medicine siilwlilmr ru-!i :iil pure IiIihmI. for the iliiK.vi i,sln-l ttuiil 1,-i's .in tlir veins sitter fevi'is anil other wnstitil; SM-km-s. Ir im proves l!it':ii-iite ami lours up (he -jsiein. so tli:il rtuivaiewviils soon Become Strong :ieme. and vioronV. To relieve thai tired feeling, depression oi spiriLs. :un nervous ieiiility. no oilier ntiilii-iiw mixitioe liie speedy and iH-rmaneiit eflVe! of AVer's Ski-' iaurill:i. V. O. I.iinn r.roekion. -Mass., urite: -1 am confident ihtu ..nyoi.e siiller ii? from the i-Deols of scroiul:i, i.eneial de bility, want of appetite, (Irtirrssmii oi spirit. i:issitt:ue will be cured IBlakeley & Houghton, druggists, 175 Second Street, . - The Dalles, Oregon A full line of all the Standard Patent Medicines, Drugs,. Chemicals, Etc. . .'.-ARTISTS MATERIALS.-.'. . Country and Mail Orders will receive prompt attention. and By using j New - Umatilla - House' sjiparilla; for I have taken it. and ! incorporated capital" could lize" an open river? 'monopo- Last year Argentine bought from us -"f2,8:20,0:i5 worth of wearing apparel, machinery, furniture, canned goods and other, manufactured articles, and we bought from that country products to the value of $5,976,544, mostly in wool -and hides. That is a country that we ought to draw very close to in trade re- Tbe 10,000,000 silver coins which it is proposed that the government shall issue for the world's fair will have the weight and fineness of the present half-dollars, and although their face value will be $5,000,000 the cost of them to the govern ment will riot exceed $2,500,000. The most objectionable feature of the propo sition is that it authorizes the secretary of the treasurv to purchase American silver bullion in addition to the present monthly purchases to an amount suffi cient to enable him to comply with the terms of the act, and the sum of $4,000,- 000 is appropriated for the purpose. As the government has on hand nearlv $15,000,000 fractional silver coin, most of it, we believe, m the form of half dollars, and as thiauncurrent coin has for years been an incubus on the treas ury, the purchase of silver bullion for the world's fair tokens would be sheer waste of money. If the issue of the tokens is decided upon the recoinage of The Heppner Gazette devotes a page of its last issue to the Hardman country. For years the region described was the j greatest stock range in the west, but j some twelve or fifteen years ago a uum- j ber of hardy pioneers ventured into these fields for the purpose, of building ! home. Their success prompted others to follow, and as the settlement grew,, accommodations of a public character j were necessary, and now it is one of the j most prosperous sections of the.' Inland Empire. - ' Ayer's Sarsjiparilla; for I have taken it. and speak from e.vjierieiicc." ' ' In the .summer of jsss, 1 was cured of nervous clHjilliy ley the use of Ayer's Sarsa-paiilla'-.Mrs. II. licnoit. c Middle St., Pavr- tiK-ket. j:. i. - . ; ... ".Several years ayo l was hi a' debilitated eoiiditiou. oilier remedies Inning failed, I began to lake Ayer's Sarsapai ilia, ami was' 'erenlly benefited. As a Spring medicine, 1 consider it invaluable." Mrs. H. Win chester, Ilolden. Me. Ayer's Sarsaparilla 1'rep.ired by llr. J.C. Aver fk Co., T.oirell, Mara. Sold by all lJrugglt. "l'rh.-e f 1 ; mx bolllea.Sa. Curesothers, will cure you 'THE DALLES, OREGON. SINNOTT & FISH, PROP'S. LARGEST : ANI : FINEST : HOTEL : IN : OREGON. !l r f inna liOriaiiaa 5t ia Twwt lurl ti'itli ci TO na 1 , . . ' . . . . j i uncurrent fractional silver is the best hat is bound to grow richer and richer , . , , , , , r .. . . and. indeed tho onlv rational wav of oh- BirAfi' .i-ci n otirl tha mannpnaD tf tlt t v country are something marvelous. They have beef enough to feed the world ; indeed, it is said that the cattle which range over Argentine and the countries immediately north outnumber all the cattle in the outside world. Among her people Argentine has 80.000 strong men from the United Kingdom; English, Scotch and Irish. They are enough to ; give direction to the commerce and trade of that country. They are of the ster ling races and they are in a land where their hopes are boundless. The United . States should try to get a close walk with that nation. Arrangements are being made to work the coal mines of Alaska this year and to begin extensive gold mining. That is a good deal of a country. When Sec retary Seward bought it, the opposition press to the administration declared it was money thrown away, but the seals have paid back that purchase-money -and the interest on it, and for the twenty years preceding 1890 more than $60,000, 000 worth of products were shipped out of that country to the lower states of the republic. The possibilities are it will be the best gold-producing country in the union, and in the world, in the next few years ; there is no end to its timber ; its fisheries are something that will grow immensely year after year; while it is said that the air blowing over the warm currents which lave that shore make it a better place to winter in than the east shore of Maine. It was a wise buy when Alaska was taken in. taining the metal for the new pieces. A recent measure, introduced in- the house by Mr. Bryan, of Nebraska, and which is said to be favorably regarded by the ways and means committee, is a bill to amend the act to protect trade and commerce agaiit. unlawful re straints and monopolies. '' It provides that whenever any United States circuit court shall find in a ca.e pending before it that any contract, combination or conspiracy in restraint of trade or com merce, exists in respect to any article I which is subject to tariff duty, it shall i report tho facts to the president, who; shall issue a proclamation placing such article on the free list. Whenever such article is subject to a tax under the internal-revenue laws the duty on such article shall be equal to such tax. And after the date fixed in the proclamation the article shall be admitted when im ported into the United States subject to a duty equal to the internal-revenue tax. Fioyir & Sftowii, Successors to C. K. Dunham. : ' " Druggists and Chemists. Pure Draas anci Meflicines. Dispensing Physicians' Prescriptions a Specialty. Xight Druggists always in Attendance. Cor. Second and Union Sts., THE DALLES, OKKCOX. EeeGGSeeE FOR HATCHING. Ticket and Baggage Office of the U. P. R. R. Company, and office of the Western Union Telegraph Office are in the Hotel. ; Fire-Proof Safe for the Safety of all Valuables. DID YOU KNOW IT WE ARE AGENTS FOR THE High Grade Rose Comb Brown Leghorn 3SC3-G-S For Sale at 50 Cents a Setting. Enquire of K. M. Ilarriman or leave orders with K. T. Chandler at the Grange Store. 4-15-wtf STACY SM, Tne - WaiGiimaker, -DEALER IX- Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Etc. All kinds of repairing a specialty, and all work guaranteed and promptly attended to. Call and see -ills stock of clocks before you leave an order elsewhere. 'i BnM Ranerj fof $ale. i Burnt UANCII, the well-known FARM on John Day River, Consisting of ! One Hundred and Sixty Acres, f Deeded I -and, i 40 Acres in Alfalfa, a fine Orchard of ! . Apples, Pears, Plums, Peaches, Apricots, Grapes, '. Almonds, and Walnuts. Market for all the fruit. A large irrigat ing ditch from Bridge creek; plenty of good water. A good house, barn and out houses, farming implements, etc. Price $6,000. For terms, write or call. Mr. B. A. 8ALTZMAN, 4-2!wKt BURNT RANCH, Crook Co., Or. Argand Stores and Ranges, Garland Stoves and flanges, Jemell's Stoves and flanges, Universal Stoves and flanges. We are also agents for the Celebrated Boyntotv parnaee, Ammunition and Loaded Shells, Ete. SANITARY PliUmBlflC A SPECIALITY. MAIER & BENTON A. A. Brown, Keeps a full assortment of Staple and Fancy Groceries It is claimed that the practice Of saw ing off the horns of grown cattle is being superseded by preventing the growth of horns with the John March Chemical Dehorner, applied to the embryo horn of the three-days-old calf. .The horn never having become :t part of the ani mal thus treated in infancy, future gen erations do not grow horns more than in naturally polled animals. Sheep are also treated successfully. With thiseasy, -safe and cheap remedy, stockgrowers should cease to grow horns at the risk of human and animal life, at the cost of more shed room, more feed, more car room in shipping, loss by hides torn and flesh bruised, loss by screw worms at tacking wounds, loss of nutrition neces sary to grow horna, lose by the stronger tormenting the weaker. Horns ought to become a tning oi the paat. Postmaster General Wanamaker has issued another advertisement for bids under the act of March 3, 1891, which provides for an increased ocean mail service between the United States and foreign countries, with a view to the in crease of commerce. It is known that several steamship companies which did not bid for service under the first adver tisement are ready to do so under this one. Bid are asked for all of the routes for which contracts were not let under the first advertisement, including that irom San Francisco to Hong Kong. and Provisions. which he offfere at Low Figures. SPEGIAIi x PRICES to Cash Buyers. Highest Cask Prices for Eis aiifl otter Prate. 170 SECOND STREET. . -' m 91. T Fr" ft . p :; -' O- , 2 e oat i 5 II lt c cx3 ? S3 - ni piaiiaciu rers Harnesses! (Snccessors to L. D. Frank, deceased.) OF ALL OP A General Line of ' ' Horse Furnishing Goods. ISE!IXiaiH"a- PEOMPTLT and 3STEJA.TXj"3r TTQTsrpT, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Harness, Bridles, Whips, Horse Blaniets,.Etc. ;., Full Assortment of Mexican Saddlery Plain or Stampei SECOND STREET, - - - - THE DALLES, OR. GHRISMAN & CORSON, -DEALERS IN- GROCERIES, Flour, Grain, Fruit and Mill Feed. HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID FOR PRODUCE. COR. WASHINGTON AND SECOND ST., THE DALLE ir,. OREGON Young & Kass, HESTRICIiy First Class .A Bun. Baron Fava has returned, 'and all ia smooth again between America and Italy, as it should be in this memorial year. In the meantime the Mafia is ap parently extinct, and both countries can find matter for mutual congratulations in that. '. The baron announces that he brings back no animosity against this country. His wrath and that of his countrymen has. gone down in a fine Italian sunset. It is astonishing how much international harmonv can be had for the small sum of $20,000." General Blacksmithing and Work done promptly, and all work Guaranteed. Tha VmtmU Futect mad Fine tat the Warld. raiaenmr accomodations unexcelled. MEW TORKaLONOOHOERRy AND GUSG0W. BTOrr 8atnrdT, AEW rOKK, OIBRALTtB mnd.XAPI.ES, Atroirolar Intcrraln. SALOON, 8EC0ND-CLAS8 AND STEERAGE rates on lowest terms to and from the principle SCOTCH, IN5U3H, lEISH ft ALL OOOTOTCITAL PCIOTS. SiXOOrsiOn tickets lfrni I.Mf) tn Hlnm k ltU .1 nt turesquc Clyde A North of Ireland or Naples Gibraltar 0rJU a icow Orttn fbr Aw AaDt t Imrart SitM. vyhington jOftl) DclUSS, Washington SITUATED AT THE HEAD OF NAVIGATION. HENDKBSON BKOTHEIW. Chioaco. T. A. HUDSON, Agent, The Dalles,. Or. 111. Scientific American Agency for Horse Shoeeing a Spcialityl I -: It is said that the man who composed "Annie Rooney" received $14,000 for it. This is remarkable, but not nearly so strange as that the man should reveal hia Identity and confess. Anna Dickinson thinks she ought to have 5,000 for services rendered the re pablican national committee in the cam paign of 1888, and has sued the commit tee for that amount. It is in evidence that she actually received $3,750 of the j fat which was fried out of the manufac turers," and gentle Anna ought to be well satisfied with that. If the value of her services were to be tested by results, she has probably been largely overpaid. It is stated that some of Jerry Simp son's constituents are displeased because Jerry uses a bicycle. Bat Jerry knows what he is doing. A bicycle eats no hay. y- ,. In sending contributions to the 'starv ing peasantry of Buseia it should not be forgotten that the flood sufferers of the Mississippi valley are destitute and in need. Carnegie having acquired more mil lions than . he ' can' expend has become ambitious to enter Into politics for him self. That he hasn't been engaged in political -work exclusively for his pocket will be hews to tha people. , . - . Secretary Foster has sent the house a letter asking that $10,000 be added to the $60,000 heretofore appropriated for the enforcement of the Chinese exclusion act during the next fiscal year. TIM Street opposite the old Lieoe Stand. A NEW CndertaMng Establishment ! Destined to be the Best Manufacturing Center in the Inland Empire. Best Selling Property of the Season in the Northwest. For Further Information Call at the Office of Interstate Investment Go., 0. D. TAYLOB. & Eais, Or. 72 WasliDiflon; St Pditod. Or. CAVEATS, -V trmub manaa, : RKSIOM PATENTS ' COPYRIGHTS, ato. for Information and free Handbook write to MUNN A CX- 3bl BROADWAT. NEW YORK. Oldest bureau lor aeonrlns patent In Ajnerica Ererr patent taken oat br as la broinrht before the public br a notioe glTen tree ot charge tn the Scientific wctiQ Lanreat circulation of anr aclentfBe paper In tha world. SplendidlT Uloatnted. No Intelligent man aborud be wtthoiU tt. Wort It. S3.00 a Tear; Lfin six momhs. Addreaa MUNN A CO, PUBUSBXBM, 361 Braedwer. Kew York.. DEALERS IX PRINZ & NITSCHKE. DEALERS IN Furniture; and Carpets. We have added to onr business a complete. Undertaking Establishment, and as we are in no war connected with the Undertakers' Trust our, prices will be low accordingly. ;. ; Remember onr place on Second street, next to Moody's bank.' 'Wasco Wareipse Co., Receives Goods on Stor age, and Forwards same to their destination ', : ! Receives Consignments For Sale on Commission. Hates treasonable. .vV.- MARK 6O0D8 - A- . Go. THE OKKGON. Staple and Fancy BROS.. .-. - . ,w.it. ' . . 3,.. ' Hay, Grain tand Feed. Masonic Block. Corner Third and Court Streets. The Dalles,Oregoa. The E. 6. Co-Operative Store : CARRIES A FCLL: LINE OF Groceries, Family Supplies, Boots and Shoes, -ALSO A FULL LINE Otv ffaiODS, Carts. Reapers and Movers, i and all iMs of Ajriciiltiiral Corner. Federal and Third Streets. THE DALLES, - OREGOH? f