THE DALLES WEY CJmqmCLRipAY, JXTNE 3, 1892. The Weekly Ghfoniele. OFFICIAL PAPER OK WASCO COUNTY. Entered at the Postoffice at The Dalles, Oregon, as second-class matter. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. BT MAIL (POSTAGE PREPAID) IN ADTAXCI. Weekly, 1 year. . . ; I 1 50 " 6 mouths 0 75 " s " 0 50 Dally, 1 year. 6 00 " 6 months.. 3 00 " per " 0 60 Address all communication to " THE CHRON ICLE," The Dalles, Oregon. A "calamity howler" ia the product of selfishness run to seed. As Luther used to eay, "every roan ; has a pope in his belly," so it may be said every man is a natural born monopolist. From the boot black, the pea-nut vender, the country peddler, who carries his stock in trade in a grip sack to the manu facturer or warehouseman who turns over scores of millions of dollars an nually, all are monopolists, all are possessed of an innate wish to control the entire trade or business of their own district. Brooding over the riches that others have picked up on the journey of life, the "cafamity howler" has come to think that the fruit of energy and economy is a crime when the other fel low reaps it. To hear him talk one would think the greatest of all crimes was to get rich, and vet the last one of themselves is busily engaged in looking for a soft snap at other peoples expense -and acting precisely on the principle they so loudly condemn in others. Human nature is the same in General Weaver or Adventurer Eorke, who howl for the coin there is in it as itisjn Clans Spreckles or Jay Gould. DECORATION DAY. Next Monday is the day, when by common consent the nation garlands with flowers the graves of its heroic dead. Precious beyond earth's richest jewels, more fragrant than the roses we scatter upon the cold clay above them,- sweeter than the music of earth's choicest min strelsy is the memory of those who lived and died to make and keep us free. No marble shaft or sculptured monument may mark their resting place or tell the record of their deeds. The tale is written on a grateful nation's heart. Gathered around the friendly earth that conceals their precious duet we scatter fresh flowers UDon their graves to keep their memory green. For us on tented field or open plain they bore the hardship of the winter's blast or summer's sun or boldly braved the cannon's mouth and shot and shell or not less nobly perished in the prison pen by gaunt starvation or bv foul disease. For us they left the homes thev' loved and friends that loved them in return, to die perchance with out a friendly hand to close their glassy eyes. The blood tney saea is tne seeaor the nation's liberty and the nation shall cherish it while the stars and stripes continue to float over a free people. . , .Dr. Kinehart of this city has been se lected to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Dr. Holt of Portland, on the state board of charities and correc tion. This board never before had a re presentative iu Eastern Oregon. Mr. Geo. G. Lindsay, of Hartman, made us a verv clever call today. He! In the light of the present altitude of the democratic party on the tariff ques tion it ie interesting to remember that 1883 Ohio democrats circulated a pamph let arraigning the republican party in the following language : ""The republican president, tariff com- tuissioner and congress, at the bidding i ot tne monopolists ot JNew England, wan tonly and wickedly reduced the duty on wool so as to -enable foreign producers -to compete advantageously with native .growers. The average reduction of the duty, you will remember was 18 per cent. With the reduction of 18 per cent. 'the abandonment to a great extent of -eheep raising must inevitably follow, if tthe .pernicious course assigned by the republican party is allowed to be carried wt. The .democratic party, as the facts show, have been steadily and earnestly opposed to the perpetration of this great wrong against the people." And in 18S0 the platform of demo j'rats of this state of Oregon said : "We condemn the action of the repub lican congress in reducing the tariff on wool." .If it was "wanton" and "wicked" and -m great wrong upon the people" to re duce the tariff on wool 18 per cent in I 1883, what shall we call the placing of wool on the free list in 1892 ? The Athena Press says : "Ellis, the republican nominee for congressman, owes his nomination to ex-Gov. Moody, of The Dalles, who is an open champion of the Union Pacific and against an open river. Ellis himself has been an attorney for theLTnion Pacific. Vote for Luce." Let the Press vote for Luce if it wants to. A vote for Luce is half a vote for Ellis, for Luce has no more show to be elected than the Press man himself, who is not a candidate ; but Ellis does not owe his nomination either -directly or indirectly to ex- governor aioouy. Moody's candidate was Senator Hilton. When the Press says "Ellis has been an attorney for the Union Pacific," it says what is equally false, and what, we had almost said, it knows to he false. No paper making any pretention to respect ibilitv can afford' to lie in this fashion. reports everything fine in the vegetable j kingdom, 'with the exception that in j some parts a worm pest abounds, doing j wholesale damages to fields it attacks, i Mr. F. A. Kirby presented this office j with a sample box of magnificent straw- ! berries the product of Mr, Klint's gar- j den on Mill Creek. ' The berries . averaged an ounce each, 1C to the pound. ; They were taken to Portland Saturday evening, where they were greatly ad mired. "..- Patriotic parent" in Portland have al- i ready begun commemorating the visit of the cruisers. Mrs. Frank Dow presented her husband with a eon and heir ; they name him Charleston Baltimore Dow, then a few of the sailors of the cruisers who wished to show their 1 apprecia tion of the compliment to the ships, presented young C. B. with a handsome silver knife, fork and spoon. The case of W. H. Butler vs. D. Gil lispie, involving the price of a certain piece of land occupied the court all this forenoon and was not ended at the time of going to press. Judge Bradshaw expects to get through with thedouketthis afternoon. A Bad Cold If notspp'-iiily fi-iirvi-el. imrr leail w serious Nsues, Wliert liierc .liflictillj tt breatli ius. exi-otiinitiini. or rriirs if Hie Ihnutt -ami lironeiii.'il lulir. with g iTt;):iif )r irn - tatlnsr ronv'h. tlir inry liest remedy lAyer"s Clicrry Teerorl. It removes the l.liiil. ' HiiutliR irri'.iiiuiii. stops i-iiitclilii, an. I hi--lures reiwis,.. As ;i i emergency medicine. Ayer'.s fknrrj Ivi-tural Iidi:I1 ie in m-ry Ihlilsfltniii. . "TIuti" is notliii.z !e;:er : reimlis Un .yr's I'liry IV.-ior:iL I i- n o;l-r . IHl'IKirrHIMI."- Aimie S. Rii'Iicr. :!. SL, irr Ml'Her. fj. j. Sni DRUGS: . &KinerslV, THE LEADING- r?Ti I r.u CURZD Mils; l:;y life." w.rr cM y a U'lril'li. v:is i-.f i:m AVer's ( :;er.'y 1 i-r'.nt: 1.. I;.- li'.'tl. Vi. llr;l;Vf, t;.,isi- J ! i t v. ; "A! fill a vi:r ;i;r 1 (.ml; ;! t!i;:: vcr a :.;:t !uti. ,;iowt 1 e iw'ls. Tin" ::.! : J ! aval!. At :a.l 1 Ith t s;.'i I .W.. xiUvn if" was siiii).'sei: in ! ii. uriT' Willi l. v. Lvci'y ivm.i!y i.ti;ii. a iteit:Ur r-- ti--tt:r;isl Ayr's C'hmy r.-i nn: I. 1 li :lf a ivas; ; i a t.; i.; i: . .tv tilii 's a ilay, rrs-iJaily. .m-. ty. mihi, ! :;: to i:a;'rav.-. My .. i.:.n !-fi n r. u p $!: v:s yn.;::.-1. e-i. n y ;'ir!:l" if-li!i-.r.-.l. myeiMchu-il i i:....-. : u-iin! !'. I-.: I..I s:r :r::'.i I'l-.iaj. l! -M:!; !. U:e IV i-.r.'i. I ;'M a vve'.l"' .- ;. . , an. us V',iiier s .. I.av. reiiiv. Mass. Wiott il u lists yer's Young & Kass, Dr. i. C. .YE!? SolJ iiv a.t ! i CC 1 I .iilii , $5. EeeGGSeeE FOR HATCHING. General Blacksinithing and Work done promptly, and all work Guaranteed. High Grade Rose Comb Brown Leghorn For Sale at 50 Cents a Setting. Handled by Three Registered Druggists. . ALSO ALL THE LEADING Patent ffledieioes and Druggists Sundries, HOUSE PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS Agents for Murphy's Fine Varnishes and the only agents in ... . the City for The Sherwin. Williams Co.'s Paints. -WE APwF.- The Largest Dealers in Wall Paper. Finest Line of Imported Key' West and Domestic Cigars. Agent for Tansill's Punch. 129 Second Street, The Dalles, Oregon Democratic papers that have helped to swell the howl of the calamity shriek era onght not to be surprised if their labor should produce fruit corresponding with the character of the seed sown. After men have been taught to be dis satisfied with everything,- it is not strange that they should refuse to be . satisfied with any candidates for office whom they, themselves, have not nomi--nated. Veatch is in every way a better man than Rorke, and- is largely in ac--cord with the people's party, but that jiarty won't support him. It prefers a mere adventurer who is in politics for the living he gets out of it. Hermann wonld probably beat Vcatch under any circumstances but with Korke in the field, Veatch has not the ghost of a show. The democrats have succored a viper 1 and now it stings them. The people's party is no democratic annex in Oregon this year. Geo. W. Childs of Philadelphia, Col. Shepard, of the N. Y. Mail and Express, and ten car loads of other eastern editors have djscoverd Oregon the past week, and will return to their various sanctums with a far better understanding of the webfool nation than they ever had before. "Seeing is believing," said Wa, F. Day as he left the car in Salem and returned a few moments later with a bouquet of clover and red-top grass which he pre sented to the Kentucky delegation with the greetings of the Webfoot state. ' He told them that Oregon could boast of her beautiful women, green grass and fast horses, the same as Kentucky. The greeting was received with thanks, but, it is said, a subdued murmur of dissat isfaction pervaded the Kentucky car when it dawned upon some of the mem bers of the sterner sex that nothing had been said about whiskv. Horse Shoeeing a Speiality The Klamath Star describes Hermann's opponent in the first congressional dis trict in the following fashion : "Veatch is behind the age. He echoes in the rear of progressive thought. From the stump of the demagogue he echoes in -appeale to the prejudices of the ignorant. He is wind, empty of everything but an -odor of moss, mingled with an occasional whiff from the venerable chestnut .-.grove ! ' ' The Review of Reviews moralizes over the fortune left by the late William Henry Smith. He was possessed of a personal fortune of $8,500,000 ana real estate of perhaps as much more, but he left nothing to public or charitable ob jects. The article goes on to declare that the fact that he made no public be quest has done very much to forward the' determination in the Old AVorld to pass a law which shall levy duties on the estates of rich men ; it even goes so far as to say that the nest parliament will not expire before an attempt will be made to deal with the question of death duties ; that England will probably have a graduated death tax' sooner than a graduated income tax. Blai nes' friends had the lung tester ap plied to him yesterday by- Dr. Pepper, of Philadelphia, provost of the University of Pennsylvania. The' doctor sounded ! Mr. Blames' lungs, tested his heart, ex amined his 'muscles and other ' vital organs and then wrote the following pre scription : "You want to look after your eyes and take plenty of exercise. With these precautions you are fit for anv- thing." - c. Third Street opposite tlie old Liebe Stand. Floyd & SHowi, Successors to C. B. Duuliani Druggists and Chemists. Pure Drugs and. Meiicines. Dispensing Physicians' Prescriptions a Specialty. Night Druggists always in Attendance. Cor. Second and Union Sts., THE DALLES, OREGON. Enquire of E. M. Harrimau or leave orders with E. N. ' Chandler at the Grange Store. 4-15-wtf Burnt iancg fop $&Ie. Burnt RANCH, the well-known FARM on John Day River, Consisting of One Hundred and Sixty Acres, Deeded Land," 40 Acres in Alfalfa, a fine Orchard of Apples, . Pears, - Plums, Peaches, Apricots, Grapes,. Almonds, and Walnuts. Market for all the fruit. A large irrigat ing ditch fi'om Bridge creek ; plenty of good water. A good house, barn and out houses, farming implements, etc. . Price 6,000. For terms, write or call. Mrs. B. A. SAXTZHAK, 4-!wNt BURST RANCH, Crook Co., Or. HEW BOOT AND SHOE STORE ! STONEMAN & FIEGE, 114 SECOND STREET.. We have-just received a large assortment of Cr D and E widths of Ladies' fine shoes and a" full assortment of tire celebrated "Gans Slices" already well known to the wearer. Leather and findings for sale. STACY SHOOIfl, Tl(eWa(cl(iiiaier, Ld I o .5? 2 v O Repairing Neatly and Expeditiously Done. Blakeley & Houghton, DRUGGISTS, The Dalles,, Oregon 175 Second Street, A full: line of all the "So! "S c c 2 a rr, O -DEALKR IX- Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Etc. All kindH of repairing a speritiHy, and all work guaranteed and promptly attended to. Call and see bis stock of clocks before you leave an oraer eisewncre. A. A. Brown, Keeps a full assortment of Staple and Fancy Groceries, and Provisions. which be offerr at Low Figures. : O K J O s lit PlC,Sfe?: First Class Standard Patent Drugs, Chemicals, Etc. .-ARTISTS MATBRIALS- Country and Mail Orders will receive prompt attention. , Medicines, New Umatilla House, THE DALLFS, OREGON. ' . SfNNOTT &, FISH, PROP'S LARGEST : AND : FINEST : HOTEL : IN : OREGON. Tbs Ltwmt, Fastest aad Finest In the World, new. York. Londonderry and Glasgow. Erery Saturday, NEW TORE, GIBRALTER and NAPLES, At regular Intervals. SALOON, SECONO-CLASS AND STEERAGE rates OQ lowent tArmii tn Mnit fmm th. nrin.lnla 800TCB, I1TGLISH, BISB ALL COOTINIOTAL FOOTS- r.iCTii-Miunttf'rew available to return by either the pic tureoque Clyde North of Ireland or Naples Glbraltai DnJU ui lfawy (Mm far Any Amout t Lovnt SitN. Apply to any of oar local Agenta or to HENDERSON BROTHERS, Chicago, 111. T. A. HUDSON, Agent, '' The Dalle. Or. ' ' ' Ticket and Baggage Office of the I'. P. R. R. Company, and office of the Vy'estem Union Telegraph Office are in the Hotel. Fire-Proof Safe for the Safety of all Valuables. DID YOU KNOW IT WE ARE AGENTS FOR THE Senator Raley of Umatilla county, who earned a little notority he did not de serve through his connection with what la known aa the Raley bill, ia making a vigorous fight for re-election in the teeth of formidable opposition. Ilia enemiea 3ire circulating damaging lettera con cerning his connection with a piece of land on which he secured a loan of f 5,000 from the state school funds. The Presbyterian church claims to have twenty millions of adherents throughout the world. There are 16,000 churches of this faith in Canada and the United States, 2,000 congregations in Hungary and more churches in France than in .Ireland. From the Wasco Ne ws we learn that on the 21st inst., W. M. Barnett of Wasco sent the following telegram to Rainmaker Melbourne : "How, much for one inch of rain during the first fif teen days in June?" The following is the answer: . ; Cheyknne, Wyo., May 22, 1892. W. M. Barnett, Wasco. $5,000 one inch ; less amount? pay in proportion. Round trip traveling ex penses for two guaranteed. Frank Mjelijoubne. A mass meeting is called to meet in Wasco tonight to discuss the question of hiring Melbourne to make the test. It is understood that he will come on the principle of no rain no pay. Destructive insects are , becoming alarmingly prevalent in eastern Oregon. An eschauge tells of a kind in his town that eat brick and cement plaster. They are supposed to go to bed of nights with a heavy load on their stomachs.- '. The Astoria Herald says : . "The present indications are that the people's party will receive about five votes in Clatsop county, as most of the Weaver's constituents are in the insane asylum." The Xroutdale Champion is supporting the republican ticket in Multonomah county and has no doubt of securing its election from top to bottom if the Ore gonian would just keep still, but if that paper keeps on writing articles against the Australian ballot law the Champion will not be responsible for consequences. There were several bets made i The Dalles' on the scrap between Jackson and Slavin, some of which will not be paid without protest, as the loser claims they, were "sure thing" puts.. . Slavin was so badly punished by the negro that he scarcely considers he. was in the fight at all. SPEGIflli :-: PfllGESj .... i to Cash Buyers. Hiftet Casl Prices for Eis and ; , . otter. Prote. ; , 170 SECOND STREET. 44,4 Soitotiflc American Agency lor A NEW PRINZ & NITSCHKE. -DEALERS IN Furniture and Carpets. We have added to bur business a complete Undertaking Establishment, and as we are in no way connected with the Undertakers' Trust our prices will be low accordingly. -. Remember our place on Second street, next to Moodv's bank. W I A CAVEATS, TRADE MARKS, COPYRIGHTS, eto. For Information end free Handbook write to MUNN CO, 881 Broadway. Niw York. Oldest bureau lor securing patents In America; Krery patent taken out by us Is brought before the public bra notice given tree of charge In the $ Muixttt mtxitm Lanrest circulation of any sdentlflo paper In the world. Splendidly Illustrated. No InteUieent man abould be without It. Weekly. JM.OO a rear; IU0 atx months. Address MDNN OO., Publishers. 381 Broadway. Hew York. Argand Stoves and Ranges, Garland. Stoves and Ranges, Jemell's Stoves and Races, Universal Stoves and Ranges. We are atao agents for tha Celebrated Boynton paf&aee. , ftmmttnition. and Loaded Shells, Etc. ... SfltflTflY. PllUmfilflC A SPECIAIlTV. MAIER & BENTON lanu ao urers - r Harnesses wasco wan ee Co.. : Receives Goods on Stor age, and Forwards same to their destination. ' Receives Consignments For Sale on Commission. Plates Reasonable. -HARK GOOD3 W. VV Oo. THE DALI.ES. OBEGON. (Successors to L. D. Frank, deceased.) OF A TjXj OF A General Line of Horse Furnishing Goods. Rf"FT"P a TT?.T-Nrra- PEOMPTLT " 35THA.TIj"X". ; Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Harness, Briilss, Wliips, Horse Blantets, Ete. ' " ' Full AssBrtment of Mexican Saililery Plain or Stamped. SECOND STREET, - '. - - THE DALLES. OR. CHRISMAN & CORSON, -DEALERS IN- GROCER IBS, Flour, Grain, Fruit and Mill Feed. HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID FOR PRODUCE. COR. WASHINGTON AND SECOND ST., THE DALLES, OREGON