The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, June 03, 1892, Image 1

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    CI J
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Jnpiter Pluyins Reipetli. Ruined Sift
. Tiles Aain.- '
The Continued Storms Worse Upon
Farmers than Visitors.
7wple Were Oppoiml to ttm Execution
During the Conference Ses
sion Etc
Omaha, May 27. Once more Jupiter
Pluvius . has covered tfee Omaha sky
with clouds and ia covering the earth
with moisture. Dripping umbrellas and
rained silk tiles are again abundant.
Borne of the lees godly delegates feel like
reading some of David's imprecatory
psalm 9 against the weather. It is dis
couraging to visitors and worse on the
farmers. But prephets say" it is the
"clearing up shower" today. Previous
to the presence of -so many pious people
in Omaha, a murderer was sentenced by
the United 'States 'court to be hanged
. here today, bvrt President Harrison
granted a respite of thirty days at the
request of -citizens who are not willing
to have a hanging bee during the session
of the general -conference. It is sale to
eay that such a thing never happened
before and no murderer has lived thirty
days longer 'because of a religious as
sembly. And the saloons are Ixxng
closed on Sunday and at night as they
have never before for a long time, if
ever. Whether this ie to give Omaha
n better name or to keep the delegates
from temptation is not ieported. Any
how, the effects of this general confer
ence are quite visible. Apart from its
mischievous -work in connection with
the floods and the crops the weather of
the last -three weeks has been reiuarka-
ble in many ways. The public ispre-
. pared to stand a reasonable number of
spring showers and is even willing to
spend its -outdoor life in mackintoshes
and overshoes one day out of four. In
the present -spring, however, the train
has fallen -on all four days and has -even
thrown in a few extra showers -on the
fifth in -order to give good measure.
This president dripping- on tlie public's
head is not 'conducive to health, Aiow
ever, and af the weather will clear-up
now the -exceedingly unsatisfactory
character -af the May days thus delivered
will be -overlooked. The really remark
able nature of the season is the nioreap
parent that he sun seems to have -con
tributed to :it neither light . nor keat
Owing to "biiig -delinquency, the -days
have been wot only wet, but dark, raw,
chilly, depressing and autumnal. The
satisfactory prospect that it must eoon
stop raining because all the clouds will
be w'rung dry will be greeted with joy
oy ine muiucnaes wno are awaiting a
chance to go -out of doors without
getting drenched for their audacity.
A IjvJ Headed Man.
Philaoelpuia, May 27. Spencer Bar
ker, visiting at Eiftan, N. Y., was car
ried over the falls -of -Wallkill creek, 43
feet high yesterday. He was boat riding
above the falls and Jost control of the
canoe, which drifted hopelessly toward
l the f!s. Just as the boat reached the
brink he gave a jump -over the falls,
clearing the rocks below and striking
deep water. Those who witnessed the
, eeene were horrified, expeeting never to
see him alive again. . After going under
the water three times, he struck out and
readied tne snore in an exhausted con
dition. The boat was dashed tOj pieces.
Baker is the only person who has ever
gone over the falls and come out alive,
Sunday at the World's Fair.
irrrsBCBc, i-a., jay z. in the gen
eral assembly -of the United Presbyter
ian church met in its regular, session
yesterday, a resolution ' was passed ex
pressing a hope that congress would ap
propriate money for the world's 'fair
only on condition that .it be .closed on
-Sundays, and the sale of ljquor be pro
hibited oo the grounds..: -
. . Blowing up Levees. .-
Memphis. May 27. A private dispatch
from Gunnison, Bolivar county! Miss.,
says : - "The levee guards shot - and
killed a man last night who was attempt
ing to blow up the levee with dynamite
at Dennis' landing. We have his dyna
mite, fuse and pistol. - He was a white
man." His name is not reported.
Cleveland Will Withdraw.
Washington-, May 27. It will be a
blessed thing when the conventions are
over, and people can get a rest from the
daily mess of political twaddle which
now . fills the ; newspapers of the land
from Maine to Mexico, to the exclusion
of better reading.' Between Blaine and
Harrison on one side, and Cleveland and
Hill on the other side, there is no limit
to the prevarication and the perversions
of interview.- To such' extent has this
proceeding gone, sensible men of both
leading political parties avoid the bore
if possible, bat the persistent interviewer
follows the man, even to the quiet of his
bed chamber, in the hope of securing
materials with which to satiate the mor
bid craving for this species of news.
The latest pretended interviews are with
Congressman Hiscock, who is made to
say : "Blaine will accept if nominated,
and I am sure he will be nominated.
He will write no more letters of declina
tion. While not quite as well as I ex
pected to find him, he is improving
daily. I am satisfied he will be strong
enough to undergo a presidential cam
paign.'' The next is what Senator Stan
ford is supposed to eay: That "Mr.
Blaine told me two months ago that his
health would not bear the strain of a
campaign." Matt 4uay couldn't get
through Pittsburg yesterday until he
replied to the auger: "Sentiment is
strong for Jas. G. Blaine ; he is the talk
of the hour ; all over the country every
thing indicates that he will be nomi
nated without ny trouble. Not bv
stampeding the convention, but by force
of general sentiment." ' On the other
side the work is-equally as brisk. 'The
democrats have divided into three
classes, according to the Post : ''Those
who do not know when to speak, those
who do not know when tobe silent -and
Mr. Henry Watterson, who does not
know either of these' moments." The
public has been requested by Mr. Henry
Watterson to believe that Grover Cleve
land, who has a fat roll of indorsements
from various state conventions, will
withdraw rom the contest.
Vanderbilts' Condition.
Xew Yoik, May 20. It is feared that
Cornelius Vanderbilts' mind may be
come unbalanced because of his grief
for the death of his son, WilKain H.
He is watched constantly, and -at night
some one eits up in his bedroom. The
distracted 'father is utterly prostrated,
and Jhough his real condition has not
been made known to the public, the in
formation -comes to. the press through
an unquestionable source that his mind
has beea seriously affected by the shock
of bereavement.- Chauncey M. : Depew
has been almost constantly t 'the Van
derbilt mansion since the yenng heir's
death, and has been much ic - the com
pany of he stricken father, iu .giving in
formatiou to the press he bas little to
say concerning Mr. Vanderijilt'-s feelings.
Dr. James McLane, the family .physician,
when afifcsd about the reported mental
derangement of Vanderbiit, -said Mr.
VanderbiHt is much prostrated and is a
great sufferer, but it is not time' that he
has become deranged. He slept soundly
last night from exhaustion, and there
was no wsvtcher in his room. .
Ohio Watempout.
Xilks, May 27. A waterspout burst
over Kinsman, a small village twelv
miles north of this city on the ftyinatun
ing river yesterday. The water fell in
torrents from four o'clock till a few min
utes after six, and the small river over
flowed its banks. Damages would have
been comparatively trifling had not a
dam about two miles above the village
broke without warning, drowning six
persons and deetrovine buildings, etnek
and crops. -
Lead in By Temptation.
San Fha.vciso, May 20. One arrest
for opium smuggling has been made on
the Puebla, that of Mrs. Baenbaeh,
stewardess of the steamer. One of the
inspectors was ordered to watch the
women connected witii the steamer, as
they had been on very friendly terms
with the firemen and would probably
try to smuggle opium, if there was any
on board. : : : "' ' - -
Plucky Women of Principle.
Chicago, May 27. A standing offer of
$1,500 per month has been made to the
directors of the Temperance temple for
space in the marble corridor of the
rotunda in which . an elegant tobacco
stand would be established. "Never !"
said Mrs. Carse; "not if $50,000 were
offered.!' And all the .; wemen sav
"Amen." .
- An Old Swindle. ' . - .
Yuba Citv, Cal., May 2. An old,
old trick, of the swindler, was played
upon an ignorant, but wealthy rancher,
near here yesterday, and he was bun
coed out of $1,000 by confidence sharps.
Looking-for a Collapse.
Rome, May 2C The general opinion
here is that the new ministry will fall
within a week." ' ;
Present Condition of tie Leather Market
' ' .
. . .' . , . . .-. ' ' .
Effect the W eather has Upon the
Boot and Shoe Trade.
Bulls and Bears-Hides Advance
While the Tanners Were in
Chicago, May 27. The closing of the
tanneries for sixty days because of an
overproduction of leather recalls a pre
vious effort of this kind and illustrates
the method. Several years ago there
was a meeting in Chicago which was at
tended by representative tanners from
all over the United States. Prices were
way down, and the tanners pledged them
selves to do almost anything and every
thing to strengthen the leather, market.
The meeting no sooner adjourned than
the tanners made their escape by J every
exit and bought up every hide in sight.
They were afraid of one another. The
effect ofsthia was that the price of hides
advanced 4 cents while the tanners were
in the city. During the time they were
in session some of the big packers
opened a hall and entertained the tan
ners. Nothing whs too good for them
and the packers came out of the big end
of the born.' But that there is cause for
complaint this year there is very little
doubt. Tlie hide and leather market
has never been in such a demoralized
condition as at the present time. Not
only are prices 'way down, but there is
practicallr no demand for the articles,
and the market is full in every . departs
ment. There is no combination nor- as
sociation mong the dealers, and it is
said there will probably never be oue,
for the reason that competition is close
and the interests are so numerous that
they could not be kept from clashing.
The tasmers are divided into four classes.
They are the sole-leather manufacturers,
uppers, belting and fancy ' leathers.
The depression is in sole leather. There
is one firm in Philadelphia manufactur
ing belting which consuuas in one tan
nery a carload of hides every day. New
England and the Sonth are also large
producers. The majority ot hides which
are used in the manufacture of sole
leather are of South American growth
The native-grown hides which are used
for that purpose are only from - rangers
and branded cattle. No South Ameri
can hides are being bought in the mar
kets now, and native-grown is so . low
that they will hardly bear transporta
tion. The weather for the past few sea
sons -has had a tendency . to depress
trade. At first thought that statement
will probably appear absurd, bat u lit
tle reflection will show its soundness.
During mild weather people will wear
old shoes. They are easy on the feet.
If it rains and is not too cold those same
shoes will be worn incased in rubbers.
But during dry cold weather people
must wear good shoes.' They must have
good -soles on them, and consequently
new ones must be bought frequently.
We have had no really cold weather for
several seasons, and as consequence
people are wearing their old 6hoes. ' The
effeetof this has been to cause a falling j
off in the number of shoes manufactured 1
and a corresponding decrease in the de- j
mand for leather with which to manu- i
fact u re them. )
An Indiana Storm.
Bbow.vville, Ind., May 27. A dis
astrous storm .. passed through Jackson
county last night, and thousands of
acres of wheat were destroyed by wind
and hail. Much fruit was also de
stroyed. J. D. Johnson and Levi Miller;
farm laborers, were killed by lightning.
Vanderbiit Buried.'
New York, May 27. The funeral ser
vices over the remains of W. H. Vander
biit, oldest son of Cornelius Vanderbiit,
were held today.' The interment took
place in the Moravian cemetery at New
dorp, Staten Island, the Vanderbiit
burial ground..
Liberated too Late.
St. Petersburg, May 27. Buyers can
not be found for Russian oats liberated
by the withdrawal of the prohibition on
exports. - Foreign buyers appear to have
supplied their wants in other markets.
The San Salvador Central American
diet has signed a treaty of union andj
'.'' ' - 1
! Three Heavy Carriers on Light Draft
Baptised This Week. '
Special to The Chronicle.
Buffalo, May 28. The steel steamer
(Condorus, the largest -grain carrying
! steamer yet built, was launched today at
! the works of the Union dry dock coni-
pany,: This ia the third steel steamer
launched this week. - One at Toledo, the
John S. Ketcham-, launched at Craig's
shipyard, is the first steel boat on the
j lakes- built exclusively for the lumber
trade. . She will run from lake Superior.
1 One at Dnluth, the whaleback steamer
! peculiar style of boat now afloat. The
j Mather Is designed to carry 100,000
bushels of wheat on feet, and 10,-
000 bushels additional for everv addi-
tional foot. She will
Buffalo at once. ;
load wheat for
The Presidents' Statement.
Washington, May 28. In answer to
several questions by the ubiquitous in
terviewer yesterday, President Harrison
said:" "lam too well acquainted with
the meaning of the office of president of
the United States not to understand the
importance of the work to be done at
Minneapolis. For myself I am not, to
use a homely expression, a canine with
a widely open mouth, ready to catch
everything that comes. - I have spent
three very active years in the discharge
of my public duties, during which period
of time I have acted conscientiously and
solely out of regard for my conception of
the exigencies of the public service. I
have made appointments as nearly as I
could in accordance with my views of.
what was fitting. Of course there' have
been some disappointments. - The task
of filling public offices is so ardous that
it can really be understood in its entirety
by only the one on whom the responsi
bility - rests. Disappointments .some
times cause discontent, and discontent
may manifest itself ; but I do' not believe
that individual disappointments will
control the convention at Minneapolis.
I have never announced myself a candi
date, and I do not now. I did not in
1888 on the occasion of the Chicago con
vention. I make no such announcement.
The convention at Minneapolis will as
semble and take its. own action. I am
aware that I have been criticised for not
calling on my friends and others for their
support, but I have been disinclined to
do so, and my feelings have undergone
no change. My public and private re
cords are known to the people, an 'd what
ever they wish will
be manifested at!""'1-"- . 7 ." .7 . uc
Minneapolis. If the people, having in
consideration the manner in which I
hare conducted the presidency, desire
me, I presume they will signify their
wishes. Meanwhile I have not, neither
wili I, proclaim my candidacy."
. . . ' . ..
"To be . Hated Mt be Seen.'
. Pittsburg, May 27. In the
united 1
Presbyterian general assembly
morning the committee on prevalent
evils and means of reforming them, re
ported at great length on Sabbath dese-
secnet societies, murder, divorce, social
evil,: theaters, church lotteries, gam-
bling, etc. The report recommended
the clergy to boldly and openly make
themselves acquainted with these evils,
in order to be able to effectually combat
them. "
Blsol Pardoned. .
IxuiAXApoLia, May 27.-Arthur Bisol,
who was sentenced' to life imprisonment
sixteen years ago for the murder of the
city marshal at Bedford, was today par
doned by the governor. Bisol, is the
man who broke bis parole and fled to
Mexico, where he led an upright life and
grew wealthy as a physician under an
other name. He surrendered to the
prison last week with the understanding
that lie should be pardoned.
.Just Like the Dispatcher. j
Kixsxax. 6., May. 27. The cloud-
burst renorted vesterdav from Nilea. O.:
with loss of life and property, proves to !
have been a fake, just like the dis-
patcher, as nothing of the kind has oc- j
curred. - j
, .- Hail in Spain. ' ,
- Madrid, May 27. Terrific thunder i
and hail storms are reported in various
places in Spain. . Losses in .the vine-
yards are very heavy, and disastrous
floods are expected.
Storm in Virginia.
Charleston', W. Va., May 27. A dis
astrous hail storm visited this section
yesterday. Trees were cut to pieces and
corn and fruit ruined. The farmers are
An Australian . agricultural j3aper
makes note of immense increase in the
number of sheep Australia in the last
two or three years, and of the enormous
development of therazing capabilities
of the country. The estimated number
of sheep in Australia in 1892 is 60,000,000,
against 31,000,000 in 1884.
America's Offensiye and Mensiye Pow
: ers Eeyiewed.
Memorial Address by Ex-President
Hayes at Columbus, Ohio.
The Most Formidable Array the World
If as Ever -Seen-Our Keeruitmff
' Stations.
Chicago, May .31. Of the many
memorial addresses delivered in the
United States yesterday, none could
have been' more patriotic than that of
ex-President Rutherford B. Hayes at
Columbus. Among other things he
said: "The astounding progress', of
America during the war, and by reason
of it during the last 27 years, has carried
us forward and upward until we have
reached a rank among nations so 'com
manding that we ourselves can hardly
realize either the privileges that are
ours, or the responsibilities and the
duties which those privileges impose
upon us. It is our privilege to be with
out extensive and costly fortifications,
because we do not need them. - We have
only a small navy because with our re
sources we are able, if need come, to
subsidize the ships of almost all 'the
other nations except those of the power
with which we are at war. We have to
day the largest, cheapest, safest, most
efficient and formidable army this world
has ever seen. It consists of more than
10,000,000 educated men, who are not
merely self-sustaining but who are en
gaged in the peaceful industry of civil
life, constantly adding to our wealth
and power. To keep this army up to its
maximum strength, We have more than
a quarter of million schoolhouses under
the old flag,, every one of which is at
onco a fortress and a recruiting station
for the ' army of this republic." He
: peacemaxer oi tne wona. . we coulu,
better afford to suffer a wrong, especially
i when dealing with the weaker nations,
j America should engage in no war not
j absolutely forced on her, but once in it
' shonld cease only with the annihilation
! of the power that caused it, so that there
! never could be a repetition of the con
i flict with that nation.
xhv mr snip urvgon.
Portland, May 31. Now that the
cruisers' attraction and decoration day
ceremonies are ended the next
idea here would be a celebration of the
gU8 Fodbth, but as the pride of the
j cit-v rests uPn the exposition, more or
les8 !t is thought the celebration will be
j omitted that people may be given a rest,
an J time to prepare the more effectually
j for the exposition. An attraction almost
i equal to the cruisers will be the model
the battle ship Oregon, which Supt,
Mitchell has secured to be placed among
the exhibits at ' Portland. The total
measurements of this splendid miniature
ship are: Length, 9Vfe"eZ inches, beam,
4 feet ; and will weigh 1,280 pounds. ' It
will not be completed before the latter
part of August, when it will be shipped
at once from Washington. It will be a
perfect fac-simile of this, the greatest
battle-ship in the United States navy in
commission, under construction or con
templated construction. The -guns, ma
chinery and every, detail, will be com
pleted on an exact scale.
Death of Bond.
Boston-, May 31. Geo. W. Bond, the
celebrated wool expert, died in this city
yesterday, aged 80 years. ." Mr. Bond
was remarkable as an expert in wools,
and was twice employed by the United
States government to prepare standard
samples of wool for the use of the cus-
tomB officers. His report upon the
classification of wools was recognized as
the highest authority upon the subject.
Highest; of all in Leavening Power.
. Mob Law Bawpart.
Morkistown, Tenn., May 30. Charles
Weims, colored, is in jail here charged
with attempting to assault a white
woman at Chattanooga on May l'J. That
is a commonplace statement that covers
an exciting experience. Wiems was ar
rested immediately after the alleged as
sault and was jailed at Chattanooga.
The next night a mob captured the jail,
only to find that Wiems bad been spirit
ed away. .His whereabouts were un
known for 24 hours, when he was located
at Nashville. . Mob spirit became ram-'
part and a second riot followed - in the
capital city, in which a dozen men were
hurt, one seriously. The police forced
the crowd back, while Wiems in the garb-
of the jail cook, boldly walked out and!
joined the officers at the depot. . Then
began a race that outclasses anything-.
ever seen in this state, in which the
telegraph operators along the railroads
joined in and, as far as possible, kept the
town ahead informed. In five days he "
had traveled 1000 miles, saw over 200
mobs ready to lynch him, was refused -
admission to a score of jails, was attacked
in three, went 24 hours without food,
during which time he traveled 25 miles
over the worst mountains in the state :
was thrown from a train ; was shot at
and visited three states, and was so near
two others that he could see them. If
the story could be told with all its de
tails, narrow escapes, exciting encount
ers, wild rides, lonelv walks and agon;es
of suspense, it would outrival a novel.
Weims claims the woman met nim.oy
Parringrton's Saglnsw Deposit. 1
Sagixaw, Mich., May 81. On Satur
day $2,000 in gold and silver was found
in the cellar of a house in Midland that
was once occupied by Hank Farrington.
It is supposed the money was concealed
by him in 1870. Farrington was a ' jew
eler in Saginaw and neighboring towns
lor many years, and was suspected of
being connected with a gang of counter
feiters. In October, 1874, a man named .
Stewart, living in Ausable, Mlch was
murdered and robbed of several hundred
dollars. . Farrington was convicted of.
the crime and sentenced to the peniten
tiary for life. After serving some years
he was pardoned and went back to Au
sable, where an old indictment against
him was revived. Being warned he em
barked in a small, boat with the inten
tion of escaping to Canada, but the boat
was capsized in a storm and Farrington
was drowned. Hisson.aprinteremployed .
in a Saginaw newspaper office, will take
steps to recover the buried treasure.
Slogging Match
' . As showing the interest in a prize fight .
in London last night, at the national",
sporting club rooms, it is said that al
though the members of the club who-hadi -seals
reserved subscribed from. $25 to- .
$500 for the privilege, and paid: $125 more- -.
for every guest introduced, the-hall was
crowded to its full capacity. Aeconfiirjr
to social and sporting standards, a finer
attendance never gathered to witness a
prizefight. Almost every conspicuous
sportsman in London was present..
Most of the crowd were in evening dressy
B. J. Angle, who refereed the Sulivan--Mitchell
fight in France, was selected aa
the referee. Lord Lonsdale introduced
the principals in a neat speech, in which
he said fair play would be given both ,
' The State Grange- '
Albany; Or., May 31. The next ali
nual session of the Oregon state grange"
will be held in The Dalles, at the session
here were present. Resolutions- were -adopted
favoring the free coinage of
ver, property rights of women, reform In"
assessments and taxation, election of
United States senators by direct vote,
allowing women over twenty-one to
remonstrate against the granting of a
liquor license. It opposed congress ap
propriating money for the Nicaragua
canal unless this country has control of
tne canal. .
Pupils' View of the O. A. R. Work.
Chicago, May 31. Trouble is ex-
! pec ted in the Oak Park high school.
The boys and girls were ordered to at
tend Saturday, and hear several G. A.
R. posts conduct patriotic exercises.
The pupils got' mad and went-, on a
strike. The G. A. R., orators according- -ly
repeated their orations to themselves,
Principal Goddard,-and the bare walls
of the big building. One young man
wrote a note stating that G. A. R. exer
cises tended to keep alive sectional feel
ing and were not true patriotism.
Latest U. S. Gov't Report.