The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, May 27, 1892, Image 5

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The Weekly Gtoooiele.
From the Daily Chronicle, Friday.
The warm weather of the past
days, ripens frnit rapidly.
' Mrs. Hilton has returned from a
pleasant visit to Astoria and the coast.
The Regulator band, A. Bettingen, br.
leader, will furnish music to the excur
sion tomorrow.
An alliance picnic will be held at the
farm of Mr. Sam Creighton, of Three
mile tomorrow.
We regret to hear that John Hamp
shire, purser of the Regulator, is ser
iously ill at his mother's residence in
this city.
Wool is beginning to arrive at the
warehouses at a lively gait and! advance
reports indicate that it will reach its
flood tide next week. Only a few small
lots have yet found a market at prices
averaging aboit 15 cents a pound
Uncle Jemnsie Farris arrived in the
city yesterday 'from an extended visit to
old Yakima. Uncle Jemmie has noth
ing to say against the' Yakima country.
He simply thinks there is no place like
Wasco county and that is where he is
eminently correct.,
Major Ingalls Lad a telegram from
Portland last evening informing him
that "Oregon on wheels" was expected
to arrive in Portland this morning. The
. Major will endeavor to obtain from the
owners of the mineral exhibit a donation
of, at least, a part of it for a per
manent exhibit at Portland.
A private letter from Jersey county,
111., bearing date May 16th, received by
a citizen of The Dalles today, says that
the weather has been so bad up to that
time that corn planting was literally
impossible, and but few have been able
to sow any oats. Winter sown wheat
was badly damaged. Our dispatches
tell of thehav6c there.
Mr. Linns Hubbard returned from
Portland last night where he went to
visit the government cruisers the
Charleston and Baltimore. Mr. Hub
bard spent between five and six hours
on board, taking in everything that was
to be seen. He says the mechanical
finish of the Charleston, which was built
at San Francisco, is markedly superior
to that of the Baltimore which was built
in Philadelphia. He brought back with
him two handsome photographs of the
Anderson Bros, have a park, three
miles from this city, accessible by river
steamers, railway, and carriage, that
would make a beautiful location in which
The Dalles people could picnic together,
and the children romp and play. Those
sturdy, wide-spreading oaks, and that
inviting fringe of foliage lining Cheno
weth creek, those "umbrageous grottos
and caves of cool recess," are just what
God designed for public breathing spots,
and the free use of them would enable
the human family to throw physic to
the dogs. As between the two, drug
stores or parks ; give us the parks. How
many people are there in The Dalles
who have ever paid a visit to- the lovely
retreat above spoken of, surrounded by
giant cliffs and gently slooping to the
Columbia, "within a stones throw" of
the court house, so to speak?
From the Daily Chronicle, Saturday.
The Pullman car "Dalles City" was
started back overland yesterday.
Capt. Lewis' buttonaires he raises
himself, with his own hoe, spade and
sprinkling pot but by proxy.
The lady force of the Chronicle office
make their profoundest bow to Mr. Will
Corson for the present of a box of delic
ious strawberries. '
The excursion to the Cascades today
was largely attended by a real nice
party of the cream de la cream of The
Dalles social people. There were about
125 of the excursionists.
A snow storm that enveloped the west
yesterday, has reached.New York today
and although not so cold as January, in
every other sense reminds people of
Dr. H. M. Connelly of Indiana,
orouier ot a rank ana u. a. Uonnellv is
Tisiting his mother Mrs. C. C. Connelly
;and expects to remain in the city several
. weeks.
. Mrs. R. I. Yonng, has left at this
office a bunch of lettuce raised on a
bunch grass hill farm, eleven miles
irom The Dalles," without irrigation,
which weighs two pounds, arid is very
nice and tender.
We hear a rumor that the D. P. and
A. Nav. Co. are contemplating the build
ing of an elegant steamer for the lower
river, that is to say to run between the
Cascades and Portland. It is said she
will be a clipper.
, , . .? . . -
The report for Wasco county,' to ap
v pear in the resources of Oregon contains
a tabular statement; which shows this
to be the healthiest county in six classi
fied states and territories : California, '
Colorado,' ! Florida, New ''Mexico; and
Arizona. '' ". .'
. Mr. J. W. Blakely, father of Mr.
George C. Blakely of this city, has .been
on a visit to his son for several days
.'past, and left today for a similar visit in
Umatilla county. ' Hels'i hale old' gen
tleman of 80 years, and is enjoying his
visits verv mtich. '' '
-i - i : i .- : . , V.' ' '
S.- B. Adams, Dr. Doane, Harry
Clough and Mr. Bills, have returned
from the grand lodge of Odd Fellows, at
Astoria, where they were royally enter
tained. They took the jetty trip to sea
by railway from Fort Stevens.
Mrs. Drew leaves soon for her home in
California, and yesterday afternoon a
number of her W. C. T. U. friends met
at the residence of Mrs. Leslie Butlers'
for a farewell party and a very enjoyable
afternoon was spent. Refreshments
were served by Mr. and Mrs. Butler.
Those present were: Mrs. Smith
French, Mrs. Doane, Mrs. Barnett, Mr.,
and Mrs. Butler, Mrs. D. M. French,
Mrs. Kuykendall, Mrs. Fisher, Mrs.
Prestler, Mrs. Drew, Mrs. Ann M. But
ler,.Mrs. Garrison, Mrs. Lee, Mrs. Dr.
Ingalls, Mrs. Rice, Mrs. Saunders, Mrs.
Magee and Mrs. Campbell.
Julius W. Klein Brought Home a Corpse
Last Night.
On the morning of the 3rd inst. there
left The Dalles three young men, Otis
Savage and Frank and Julius Klien, for
an overland trip to California, but with
the intention of entering into a business
engagement with Mrs. Foppiani, on the
old Waterman place, North of Caleb, to
take a band of horses on shares. They
were equipped with a tine camping ont
fit, three good stout horses and a strong
pack horse, blankets, grub, cooking
utensils, rifles, pistols, etc., and were in
every way to enjoy themselves, and re
alize all their youthful hopes. But alas,
for all human calculations there is no
certainty. At midnight last night, the
young men returned, one of their num
ber, Julius, for burial. They reached
the Foppiani ranch all right, and were
about to consummate an arrangement
with the widow, Mr. F. having died
some time ago; when the accident oc
curred which resulted in the death of
Julius. On the afternoon of the 14th, a
week ago today, the young men were
driving up the band of horses; and Julius
was stationed at the gate, where the
horses passed through, to close it when"
they had all entered the inclosure. But
before the band all got in, part of the
animals ran against the gate and it was
pitched off its hinges, over on to him.
It was a large heavy affair, and although
removed from the boy as soon as possible,
he was so badly hurt that he died on the
afternoon of the 19th, everything that
was possible for them to do was done for
the injured comrade, but it was not
within the power of human kind to save
him. The remains were prepared for
the trip home, and his brother and Otis
started on the sad and lonesome journey
125 miles, reaching here as above stated.
The grief may be better imagined than
described when the fond' parents were
aroused from sleep to be told the heart
rending account of the death. Julius
was 18 years and ten days of age. He
was a very popular and promising boy,
and his sudden taking off will be sorrow
fully realized. The funeral will take
place tomorrow at the house of his
parents, on Third street, at 9 o'clock
a. m.
From the Daily Chronicle, Monday.
W. H. Moore, of Moro, was in the
city today.
Miss Holcomb, one of the most elfi
cient teachers in the Academy, left on
the evening ot the zoth, to take up
her residence on a romantically situated
homestead, well ' known as "Snake
Ranch," adjoining Geo. Snipes.' The
best wishes of the community follow
her to her new abode.
Circuit court commenced this morn
ing, Judge Bradshaw presiding. The
following gentlemen were elected to
serve on the grand jury : W. H. Tay
lor, foreman ; R. I. Tucker, J. J. Lewis,
Geo. Smith, J. N. Mosier, C. A. Allen
and Wallace Fargher. John Cates was
appointed court bailiff and H. R. Dar-
neille jury bailiff. The first case was
that of Lander Evans vs. U. N. Railway
company, which had not been disposed
of at the time of going to press.
The Loinbardy poplar, in Western
parlance, is a rustler. If there is water
or moisture in its immediate neighbor
hood it will (each 'after it and find it,
Citizens of The Dalles have seen, at var
ious times, the Court street sewer
clogged up with thick bunches of root
lets from the trees growing on the sides
of the streets, ten to fifteen feet distant.
A Chhosicle representative was shown,
yesterday a well on Mr. Crandall's lot
on Fulton street which is becoming
rapidly filled up with bunches of tiny
rootlets from a poplar tree that stands
thirty feet from the well. .
C. J. Bright as principal and W. H.
Bigg3, W. M. Barnett, W. D. Arms
worthy, Clark Dunlap, B. F. Medler,
Jesse Edgington and Henry Krouse as
surities have entered into a bond with
Sherman county, in the sum of six
thousand dollars, to erect a court house,
free of charge to the county, in the town
of Wasco, four months from the date on
which Wasco shall be lawfully declared
the county seat of Sherman county.
Plans and specifications for the building
are filed with the bond as part, of the
instrument. .
Hon. Geo. T. Myers, one of the fish
commissioners of Oregon, is in the city
on business -in connection with his office.
In company with a representative of
The Chronicle he paid a visit to the
famous fruit farm of Seufert,Bros., Par
adise Regained, and was royally enter--tained
by a feast of good things, includ
ing cherries, strawberries, and saunter
ings through the irrigated peach and
apricot orchards, where the trees are
so bountifully laden with fruit, as the
result of eBreful attention, as to suggest
the nickel and the slot theory. Turn in
the water and nature does the rest,
Seufert Bros, are reaping a fine harvest
this year, and they deserve it all.
Strawberries have now been in market
for over a week, but as they can be
shipped to Portland and net 35 to 40
cents a box, their price is still beyond
the reach of the common people. Cher
ries have been in market for nearly a
week ; and gooseberries have been in
for two weeks. Speaking of our straw
berries the other day. W. D; Smith, the
leading fruit shipper of Walla Walla,
said to Leslie Butler, of this city : "When
we come in competition with The Dalles
and Hood River berries we're not in it."
This is not new to the Chronicle,
though it may be to some of its readers.
The fact is, Wasco county strawberries
beat Portland, beat the Willamette
valley, beat California, beat the world,
and this is not boasting either. Wasco
county strawberries sell for a much
higher price, wherever they are placed
in competition with berries from any of
the places named.. But what must
be said of a climate that has
ripened berries two weeks ago
while the denizens of the east are still
suffering the rigors of winter"? ' Is it any
wonder that all indications point to the
largest immigration that has ever, in
one year, turned their faces towards the
land of the setting sun.
A few days since, -in San Francisco, a
relic of '49 was found by a workmen
named Johnson, employed in tearing
down an old house on Morton stert.
The property belongs to Levi Strauss,
and when the contractor took the con
tract to clear the lot so as to make room
for a brick addition to a 'store adjoining,
the frame structures were sold to a res
taurant man named Wilson. In the
backyard among the rubbish was a
giantpbwer-can which nearly every one
had considered empty, or filled with
worthless stuff, as it had been knocked
around for years, but Johnson is an old
miner, and looked with more reverence
upon the contents of the despised can.
After making an investigation, he asked
Wilson to give him $25 for the can and
its contents, saying the metal might be
worth something. The offer was promptly
refused, as Johnson had expected. So
Johnson carried the material over to the
mint and received $60000 for the gold
dust. That was what the can was filled
Chehalis had a $150,000 fire yesterday,
the work of rramps. Insurance $30,000,
Rudyard Kippling comes unpleasantty
near the truth when he says the "gov
ernment of the largest city in America"
(referring to New York) is a despotism
of the alien, by the alien, for the alien.
The subject of a tunnel from the water
front under Tacoma to Edison, at a cost
of half a million dollars, is being vigor
ously pushed by the commercial club
and chamber of commerce. The tunnel
will be three and a half miles long, with
a grade of one per cent. All the roads
entering the city will be through the
The protection speech of Lord Salis
bury has created a great sensation in
England, especially among his own or
gans and followers. In the business
centers the premier is severely de
nounced. The English free trader is
closely "joined to his idols." Salisbury
had just as well "let him alone."
A visit to the dental parlors of Dr. D.
Siddall today found the genial doctor
putting the finishing touches on an up
per set of teeth that made the teporter
long for the touch of a magic wand that
would plant just such a set in his own
month to replace the battle scarred vet
erans that have waged warfare with
sow-belly and hard tack, not to say any
thing of Irish potatoes, for half a century
of rolling years. The set in question
had an alluminnm base, cast to fit the
mouth while in a molten state, with
American pink gum facing so perfectly
natural in color that, when placed be
hind a pair of ruby lips, the most criti
cal lover who ever worshipped at the
shrine of the goddess of love and beauty
could not tell the difference. The uss of
alluminnm is a recent discovery in the
dental art. ' The metal has less specific
gravity than any other ; it is non-mag
netic, non-electric, non-corrosive, will
not oxidize, change color or be in the
least effected by the fluids of the mouth.
The doctor claims to be the only dentist
on the Pacinc coast who can cast the
alluminnm plates and the only known
dentist who can attach the gum facing
on the alluminum, so that it will not, in
the course of time, chip off. This latter
is a discovery of his own.
The fine Italian hand of the ex-editor
of the Wasco Sun is very observable in
the local columns of the Sunday Wel
come. An accomplished intermeddling
granny-gossip he must neeas regale the
readers of jfhe" Welcome with matters re
lating to tlie Chronicle and its proprie
tors of no earthly 'interest to any one. 1
His persistent habit of poking his nose
into other people's business caused him j
the loss of his official head in The Dalles
and will not conduce to protract, bis stay
on the Welcome. The Chbonicle, as an
independent journal," has as good a right
to refuse to support for office a republi
can candidate whom it may think mor
ally incompetent as a rabid democratic
paper ntce the welcome nas to torsake its
Dartv afifiiliations and support the same
-,v. ,. ,-r Hmm Banrli,
Soon after Fitz-Groene Halleck ha4
published his stirring "Marco Bozzaria,'
he repeated the poem to a lady, an inti
mate friend of his. She expressed great
admiration of the beautiful lines, bnt
when he was in full enjoyment of what
he considered her perfect appreciation
she surprised him by the innocent query:
"Who was Marco Bozzaria?"
"Well," said Mr. Halleck, despondent
ly, "what's the use of becoming martyrs
for liberty or of poets celebrating heroes
if ladies won't even inform themselves
about the events of the day?"
The remembrance of another incident
connected with the poem never failed to
elicit a groan from its author.
At a certain dinner party at which he
was present, it was expected that each
man should sing a song or make a speech.
Among the guests was a Dutch Jew,
whose English was execrable, and he
had been previously persuaded by a joker
to commit the whole of Marco Bozzaris
to memory that he might recite it for the
gratification of the poet and the poet's
The day came and the Dutchman was
called upon to speak.
. "Shentlemana," said he rising, "I can
neither make de speech nor sing de song,
bnt I vill deliver von grand poem."
This he proceeded relentlessly to do,
and Halleck, when he heard his harmo
nious measures delivered in a mixture
of English and Dutch, was divided be
tween the temptation to laugh and cry.
Youth's Companion.
Parties holding claims against W. S.
Cram are notified topresent them to him
at once, at the Columbia Candy Factory,
and all those indebted are requested to
settle at the same place, as I have sold
out my business ' and want to close up
mv accounts. Respectfully,
4-6dw4w W. S. Cham.
Ewes and Lambs for Sale.
I have 1,400 ewes and lambs for sale
cheap. Call upon or address B. S. Kel
say, Kent, Sherman county, Oregon.
Lost Package.
The finderof a package, or parcel, con
taining a pair of No. 11 shoes, 7 yards of
gingham, and 3 yards of muslin, will
confer a favor, and be suitably rewarded
on leaving the same at the store ot Cris
lnan & Corson, The Dalles. 522tf
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.
When Baby was nick, we gay her Castoria.
When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria,
When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria,
When she had Children, she gave them Castoria
All County Warrants registered prior
Jlo January 17th, 1889, will be paid if
presented at my office. Interest ceases
irom anu uner iiiib uuub.
Geo. Rucu. Treasurer
Wasco Count v, Or
The Dalles, May 18, 1892. 5.20wl0t
The Annual meeting of the stockhold
ers of the Eastern Oregon Co-operative
association (limited), will be held at The
Dalles, Oregon, on Wednesday, June 22,
1892, at 10 o'clock a. m., for the purpose
of electing directors,and transacting any
and all other business that may legally
come before the meeting. By order of
the board of directors.
Fbank Pike, Secretary.
Dated, May 12th, 1892. 5.20w6.17
For the best wagon on earth get the
Mitchell. For sale by J. M. Filloon & Co.
You can buy Standard Mowers, Reap
ers, Rakes, or anything in the implement
line, as cheap from J. M. Filloon & Co.,
as if you were in Portland. They keep
an unlimited supply of extras for all ma
chines sold bv them. Opposite Brooks
& Beers. . 4-22wtf
Where to buy Clocks.
If you will call upon Mr. Stacy Shown,
with Byrne, Floyd & Co., corner Second
and Union streets, The Dalles, who has
just opened the largest assortment and
the finest lines of goods in this branch
of trade, ever displayed in this city, and
at prices which defy competition you
will at oiJce know, Where to buv clocks.
He has them from $2.00 up. 2-26wtf
R. E. French has for sale a number of
improved ranches and unimproved
lands in the Grass Valley neighborhood
in Sherman county. They will be sold
very cheap and on reasonable terms.
Mr. French can locate settlers on some
stood unsettled claims in the same neigh
borhood. His address is Grass Valley,
Sherman county, Oregon.
Four hundred men to sell our choice
varieties of nursery stock either on sal
ary or commission. Apply at once and
secure choice of territory. Permanent
employmant the year around.
May Brothers, Nurserymen,
4-15wl0t Rochester. X. Y.
10 Keward.
Lost or stolen from my ranch near
Kingsley, a dark brown horse, branded
R. K. connected, on left shoulder, small
star in , forehead, weight about 1200
pounds.. He was last seen near the
ranch on March 8th inst. I will pay the
above reward for his recovery.
3-29tf .' Mas. J. Boltox..
The thoroughbred Jersey bull St. Lam
bert, will stand for the season at the Co
lumbia Feed yard. For service apply to
David George. 2.25dawlm
A DMINISTRATOR'S SALE. Notice is hereby
l. tiven that the undei signed, the duly ap
pointed, qualified and acting administrator, or
the estate ot John Mason deceased, by order of
the county court of IV asco coun ty, Oregon, here
tofore dulv made, will on Saturday the 18th day
of June, 1802. at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m. of
saia aav, at me trout aoor or me county court
hntise in Dalles Citv. Wasco countv. Oregon, sell
at public auetlon, to the higext bidder for cash in
nana, ine following aescnueu rest esiau? ueioug
lng to the estate of said deceased, to-wit: The
north-west nuarter of section twelve f 12, in town
ship one !) south of range fourteen (14) cast of
me r liinmette menuiau. in nasi-u count) , urc-
gon, containing one hnndred and sixty acres oi
luna, more or less.
uatea at The uaiies, uregon mis in nay oi
May, 1892. 8. V. MASON,
Administrator of the estate of John Mason, de
ceased. - . 5-20-6-17
The Ulunda at Halifax from Liverpool,
reports having met hundreds of icebergs.
- A Pointer.
"I am very much pleased with Cham
berlain's Cough Remedv," says H. M.
Bangs, the druggist at Ohatsworth, 111.
"During the epidemic of la grippe here
it took the lead and was very much bet
ter liked than other cough medicines."
The grip requires precisely the same
treatment ,as a very severe cold, for
which this remedy Is so efficient. It
.will promptly loosen a cold and relieve
the lungs, soon effecting a permanent
cure, while most other medicines in
common use for colds only give tempor?
ary relief. 50 cent bottles fpr sale by
ciaKeiey s tiougtiton, druggists, d&w
We suspect that Mr. Hill has locked
Gov. Flower into a dark closet some
where. Since Mr. Hill left New York
the governor has been about as retiring
and reticent as a mouse in a cellar of kit
tens. Bheumatism Cured in Three Days. .
Miss Grace Littleiohn is a . little eirl.
aged eleven years, residingin Baltimore,
Ohio. Read What she save: "I was
troubled with rheumatism for two years,
but could tret nothine to do me anv
good. I was so helpless that I had to be
carried like a babe when I was advised
to get a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain
Balm. I srot it from our drutrtrists. Mr.
J. A. Knmber, and in three days I was
up and walking around. I have not felt
any return of it since and my limbs are
limber as they ever were." 50 cent bot
tles for sale by Blakeley & Houghton,
druggists. . diw
Deeming' the demon was swung off in
to eternity- this morning at 10.01, Mel
bourne time. He made no confession.
Saved from Death by Onions.
TharA haa nn lrtnVfr. Kaon mnn, lirao f
children saver from death in croup or
whooping cough by the use of onions
than any other known remedy, our
mothers used to make poultices of them,
or a syrup, which was always effectual
in breaking up a cough or cold. Dr.
Gunn's Onion Syrup is made by combin
ing a few simple' remedies with it which,
make it mqre effective as a medicine and
destroys the taste and odor of the onion.
50c. Sold by Blakeley & Houehton.
There appears to be nothing now be
tween Senator Hill and the white house
save a yawning and impassible chasm.
A Great I.Ier Medicine.
Dr. Gunn's Improved Liver Pills are a
sure cure for sick headache, bilious com
plaints, dyspepsia, indigestion, costive
ne88, torpid liver, etc. These pills in
sure perfect digestion, correct the liver
and stomach, regulate the bowels, purify
and enrich the blood and make the skin
clear. They also produce a good appe
tite and invigorate and strengthen the
entire system by their tonic action.
They only require one pill for a dose and
never gripe or sicken. Sold, at 25 cents
a box by Blakeley & Houghton.
That British animal is still carelessly
leaving his tail with the tip projecting
over the Canadian border. He is earn
estly advised to coil it up beneath him
and firmly sit on it.
, A Sure Care for Piles.
Itching Piles are known by moisture
like perspiration, causing intense itch
ing when warm. This form as well as
Blind, Bleeding or Protruding, yield at
once to Dr. Bosanko's Pile Remedy,
which acts directly on parts affected,
absorbs tumors, allays itching and ef
fects a permanent cure. 50 cents. Drug
gists or mail. Circulars free. Dr. Bo
sanko, 329 Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa.
Sold by Blakeley & Houghton. .
Statistics show that one in four has a weak
Or diseased Heart. The first symptoms are start
breath, oppreuloa, flattering, Taint and
annR-ryapells.paln Inside, then smothering,
swollen ankles, dropsy (and death,! for
is a marvelous remedy. ! bays been troubled
with heart disease tor years, my left pulse was
very weak, could at times scarcely feel It, the
smallest excitement would always weaken mr
nerves and heart and a foar of Impending death
stared roe In the face for hours. Db. MILES'
Is the only medicine that has proved of any bene
fit and cured me. L. M. Dyer, Cloverdale, Md.
Dri Miles' Ilver Plus are a sura remedy for
Biliousness and Torpid X.lTer. fi Doses
95 cent. Fine book on Heart Disease, with
wonderful cures Frea at druggists, or address
OR. MILES' MEDICAL CO., Elkhart. In.
U. S. Land Office, The Dalles, Or., May 2, 1802.
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has tiled notice of his intention to
make final proof in support of his claim, and
that said prKf will be made before the register
and receiver of the IT. H. Land office at The
Dalles, Or., on June 17, 18U2, viz:
Peter Gotfredsen,
Hd. No. 29X5, for the N'4 NE' and 8V
r."i v yt, rsec. w,;vp. i s, k n .
lie names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said hmd, viz:
Horace Kice, William Richurd. A. V. Whet
stone and Joel Koontz, all of The Dalles, Or.
5-6-51M JOHN W. IJCWIS, Register.
is hereby given that the Kxccutors of the
last will and testament of Daniel Handler, de
ceased, have filed with the County Court of Was
co county their final account as such executors,
and thut . 1
At 2 o'clock p. m., has been fixed as the time, and
the County Court room of Wasco, county as the
place, for the bearing of said final account, at
which time objections to said final account, if
any there be, will be heard. '
4-29wot Executors.
cd circle S or 8 on left hip and J on left
shoulder. Has been at my place for about two
years. Will owner please pay expenses and take
ber away
Pleasant Ridge.
E9TRAY NOTIQE. A spotted, roan, five yi
old Steer, brand X on right hip, crop and
derbit oft right ear. and half crop off left, d
lapped. Came to my place last fall. Owner can
have him by proving property and paying ex-
4-2wlra -v Nansene, Wasco Co, Or.
Notary Public.
U. S. Land Attorneys.
Over Sixteen Years Experience.
600,000 ACRES
Send fora Pamphlet describing this land.
Thompson's AJiltion lo Tie Mei
This addition Is laid off into one-acre lota, and.
is destined to be the principal residence part ot
the city. Only twenty mimitues walk from the
court house.
Do not be afraid to consult or write us, we give
advice or information in all branches of our bax
iness free of charge.
Settlers Located on Government Lanl
Office in V. S. Land Office Building. ' .
Dealer in
Staple and Fancv
fjssf Special Prices to Cash Buyers.
Highest Prices paid for Produce.
Opposite Sklbbe's Hotel. MKwtf
The Imported Belgian -
W ill stand for the Benson of 1892, '
At Richmond's Stables in The Dalles on Fridays
and Saturdays. At Harry Gilplns, mile east.
oi raimeiu ncoooi nouse, aionaays. At K. snoa-
grass' 14 mile west
of Boyd P. O., Tuesdays and
mm Was Imported In 1888 by D. P. Stubbs
U U go,,,,, 0f Fairfield, Iowa. He is a Dark
Bny, with Black Points, and is registered at Bma- -sels
as No. 590, and in America as No. 199. COCO
is one of the Finest nred Draft Horses In
America, is coming 7 yrs old, and weighs 1H0O Iba
TERMS 120 for the season, or 2oto Insures
foal. By the Season, payable Oct. 1st To insure,
due and payable as Boon as the mare is known to
be in foal. Mares not brought regularly will be
charged for by the season.
M. W. A W. It. FKKEMAN, Owners.
I offer for sale all or a part of my ,
farm of 4S0 acres in Sec. 24, Tp. 1 south,
range-14 east, 15 miles southeast of The
Dalles ; good improvements, good young '
five-acre orchard now bearing, plenty ol
good water for house use and stock ; 175
acres in cultivation, good outlet north,
east, south or west via county roads.
I also offer for sale 160 acres in section
26,- township 1 south, range 14 east;
also five head horse, one double set of
harness and a few farm implements, etc.
Prices reasonable, terms easy and title
good. For particulars come and see me
at The Dalles or J. II. Trout at the farm.
jan29-tf E. W. Trout.
Pop k ana Beef.
Fine Lard &nd Barrages.
Curers of BRAND
Dried Beef, Etc.
Masonic Building,
The Dalles. Or.
A. H. CURTIS,' Prop.
Flour of the Best Qua.-
ity Always on Hand.
Act ca a new principle
regulate lb llrer, stomach
said bows Is through M
Dm. Mil. ma' iTUM
tpexdiif atrt blllnnsniw.
torpia arm ana -connqpst-
tion. Smallest, mlldeac,
sareat! fjpdoes,28 "
Bamnies free at drnreists.
r. Ilka 1st 0s, UUsit 4 .
Late Rec U. B. Land Office.