The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, May 27, 1892, Image 3

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The .Weekly Ghraniele.
. From the Daily Chronicle, Tiiftdiiy.
Kditor Dutbitt of the Ochoco Review
gave this office a pleasant call today.
The sprinkler wagon is now one of the
indiepensible luxuries of The Dalles.
- Horr. F. P. Mays paid a flying visit to
the city Sunday, returning to Port
land toy the evening passenger.
A new stem has been put on the Reg
ulator and two ship carpenters 'from
Portland are taking advantage of ihc
tie np to make other improvements.
Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Thompson of Los
Angelos, arrived in the city Sunday
night, on their way to Colfax, Washing
ton, and are the guests of Mr. and Mrs.
A. K. Thompson.
k W. C. Gilbert of Chillicothe. Ohio,
son of Mrs. T. W. Miller of this city, ar-
r rived here Sunday on a .visit to his
friends. Mr. Gilbert may possibly con-
. clnde to remain here.
The Vindicator informs us that T. B.
Merry, the well-known sport, has been
adjudged insane, and sent to the asylum.
Hie insanity is caused by too much
whisky, and his cure will not be easy.
He is but going the way several other
bright men of Oregon have gone and in
a few years more.
As a specimen of what people have to
'pay for freight when the boat is inter
rupted, we observed two bills today paid
by Chrisman & Corson. One was to the
railway company of $6.20, for 1,380
pounds of soap. The other was for
1,425 pounds, by boat, at $2.15. Truly,
such comparison is odious.
Major G. W. Ingalls has secured have
a dozen boxes of Clark's seedling straw
berries which he intends to preserve
and constitnte the nncleus of a fruit ex
hibit from Eastern Oregon . for the
world's fair. The tarries were grown by
Hans Klint of Mill creek, within the
city limits. They are juet as fine as
ever mortal eye gazed on.
Mr. W. D. Richards has contributed a
bunch of rye to The Chronicle museum,
which measures 6 feet 10 inches. Nicely
heading. It grew on his hill farm eight
miles from the city, and he has h
acres, all of it equal to the sample. lie
will cut the crop for hay, and savs it is
equal to alfalfa for cattle. -.
From C. R. Bone of Hood River, who
is a juror at the present term of circuit
court, The Chronicle learns that Cloud
Cup Inn will be run this year by Will
Langille, who had charge of it last year.
Will made a trip to the inn about ten
days ago and found the snov still quite
deep. He expects the hotel will be
ready for guests by the first of July, at
the latest.
A grand picnic will be held at Willow
Grove on W. H. William's farm, on
Eight Mile, June 4th, prox two days
before the coming election. The picnic
is not partisan in any sense, but is in
tended as a grand rendesvous of all par
ties, one party being as welcoms as any
other. Speaking and singing are ex-
pected to be the order of the day. Come .
one and all, biing your baskets and
have a bully good time.
Twenty-seven acres of ground, im
mediately back of the Mosier depot has
been laid off for a town site. It com
prises seventeen blocks with some frac
tional blocks, in lots 50x100 feet each.
The Holmes Mercantile Co., are now
constructing a building for the accomo
dation of a general merchandise store.
A fruit dryer will lie erected by the
same company in time to handle the
present season's fruit. The Holmes
company expect to be ready for business
by the first of June.
Human nature is not always ungrate
ful of favors received. Over thirty years
ago Jos. B. Blumeudale, a lad under
age, rented a little store of Handley &
Sinnott, which was run as a cigar store.
Blumendale drifted away from the city
and was forgotten. But Blumendale
did not forget. Seeing the report of
the big fire and reflecting that, possibly,
his old patrons might need assistance, he
wrote a. letter last week to Handley &
Sinntf- telling them that he was in
business in New York city ; that he had
in his employ 1,500 men and did a busi
ness of . .-"'many millions a '. year,'' and
added that if the Colonel wanted a job
of work be might call on him" and be
assured ' of fair ' treatment and . good
wages, ffhe Colonel has taken the
matter under advisement.
Ml J. O. Mack has handed this office
the premium list for the Fourth Annual
Exhibition of ' the Second Oregon , Dis
trict Agricultural association, 'embrac
ing the counties of Wasco, Sherman,
Gilliam, Crook, Morrow and Umatilla.
It will be remembered that the state
contributes $1,500, every. centt of which
is given in premiums. The manager
raent have distributed the premiums so
as to leave them open to the widest pos
sible competition. The fair,' too, has
been fixed for a time when the throng
of harvest work is ordinarily over and
everything possible has been done to
make it satisfactory to the agriculturists
and stockmen of the district. The ar
rangements made for the present year
ought to insure a large attendance and a
large exhibit from the parties whom the
fair is specially intended to bedefit. , j
Prom the Dally Chronicle, Wednesday.
J. W. Russel, a prominent wool buyer
of Portland, is at the European house. -
Joseph Lilly, of Dufur, and Jasper
Ensly, of Kingsley, are at the Columbia
hotel. . .
J. C. Brogau, Albert Klein and Frank
Kincaid, of Anteloie, are at . the
' Umatilla house.
And now a furniture genius has de
signed a folding-bed which when not
in use resembles an upright piano. '
Smith Brothers of Sherar's Bridge,
sold their clip of 40,000 pounds of wool
yesterday at 14j cents per pound.
Charley Hall caught the largest salmon
of the season yesterday, weight 79'
pounds. The run was exceedingly good,
his catch being over eleven tons. Mr.
Davis caught over seven ton, his eon
catching over 1,000 pounds with, a dip
net. We have no report from other
wheels along the river, but presume
some of them did equally as well.
From C. R. Dehm, who arrived in the
city this morning from Raparia, we
learn that Snake river has been rising
rapidly for the last few days and the
present rise in the Columbia is attribu
table to this cause. Mr. Dehm looks for
high water in the Columbia should the
weather prove to have been as warm in
the regions of its northern tributaries as
it has been for the past few days in the
Snake river countrv.
The Mosier country is settling up
rapidly and well it may. It seems to
have only been discovered recently.
The writer has long thought that it has
no superior as a fruit country in Eastern
Oregon. Thousands of acres of excell
ent fruit lauds are still lying outdoors
awaiting settlers. A visit to Mosier at
this particular season will convince any
one that Tun Chronicle's opinion about
it is not over estimated. Thirteen new
families have already settled there this
spring, and more are coming every day
or two. A boom has undoubtedly
struck the place and it is one that will
The excavation for the basement story
of a new Baptist church, on the old
stand, has been completed and work
will commence in a few days. The
plans have been completed for a new.
and handsome residence for Judge
Condon on the old lot on Third street.
The contract has been let for a new
$2,000 residence for Mr. Wiggernian on
his old lot on Fourth near Union. On
the bluff Mr. G. W.Johnston is building
j a handsome cottage for himself on
Alvord avenue. On the same street and
opposite the Beezely residence, L. E.
Crowe has started to build anicecottage
for himself. Mrs. Grey has a large double
tenement house under way on the corner
of Fourth and Court streets. Two line
two story houses have juet been com
pleted for Mrs. Kiss and another similar
one for Mrs. Davis on Fourth street. A
handsome one story cottage has just
been completed for J. P. Mclnerney on
the old Ben Korten lot corner of Third
and Pentland. William Michell has a
very handsome two story and basement
residence in course of construction, at
the old stand, corner of Washington and
Third. Ihe Congregational church, on
the old lot, bids fair to be another oma-
1 ment to the town. Thus the town
rapidlv bailt up Rnd all the new
hB h- ,Bonir than thnKH tW
were burned down. "
Krorathe Dally Chriiii!le, Thursday.
They have come,
They are going, rapidly,
Those mowers and reapers at Filloong.
The Sacramento river threatens to
beat the record for a damaging freshet
this season.
Congregational church prayer meeting
this (Thursday) evening at the residence
of the pastor, W. C. Curtis.
While at Hood River Judge Thorn bury
saw one hundred crates of strawberries
on the platform awaiting shipment.
There are no cases of diphtheria now
in the city since the death of Mr. Blank's
second child and under the strict pre
cautionary measures that have been,
adopted hopes are entertained that the
disease will spread no farther.
All are invited to hear the free lecture
at the M. E. church tonight. Subject,
"India, its people, customs and habits,"
illustrated by a trunk full . of relics . etc.
Rev. W. Bowser, the lecturer, has spent
seven years in India, and" will be dressed
in Indian garb, and will sing a song in
Hindoo language. . ; t ,
John C. Sheehan, of New York, whose
name is connected with the Astoria and
Portland railway, is from Buffalo", aud is
60 well known to Mr, Linns Hubbard of
this city, that the latter threw up his
hat with a hurrah, when'ne heard of it.
Mr. Hubbard rejoices excedingly" when
ever a man' of push '.discovers Oj-egon,
particularly The Dalles and Astoria -
'. Judge Thornburr went down to Hood
River Tuesday, at the request of citizens
of .that precinct, to examine the old
bridge that- crosses' Hood, river at Tuck
er's mills. As a result he found the
stringers absolutely - rotten and the
bridge dangerous, the wonder" ' being
that it has not broken down long ago.
There was no other course but to con
demu it. - It will . however be braced up
temporarily to accommodate farmers
while getting their berries to market
and a bridge will be put in as soon as
convenient. The bridge is nearly 100
feet span but it ought to be built cheaply
as Tucker's saw mill is immediately be
side it.
Is it not about time that the twaddle
about Ellis being a nominee of the Port
land ring was stopped? Two or three
irresponsible sheets have been repeating
the regular intervals like pied
parrots but. have never attempted to
give the smallest scintilla of proof.
The burden of proof rests on those yho
make the charge. Gentlemen will you
prove your statements or shut up? You
cannot prove them and you know it.
The marriage of Mr. J.' C. Crandall
and Mrs. Lulu Sampson of this city was
celebrated yesterday evening at St.
Paul's Episcopal church, by the Rev. E.
D. Sutcliff. The church was tastefully
decorated for the occasion and numerous
friends of the happy couple were present
to witness the wedding ceremony. The
party then adjourned to Mr. Crandall's
residence on the Bluff where between
twenty and thirty guests sat down to a
magnificent supper. . Here a number of
telegrams from friends of Mr. and Mrs.
Crandall were received, extending warm
congratulations. The dining room and
parlor of the Crandall residence were
fairly embowered with magnificent
bunches of roses, the tribute of friends
in this city. The Dalles city band ar
rived about ten o'clock and played a
number of choice selections. The party
broke up a little before midnight after
wishing the newly married couple many
happy days.
A Reading LneDinolire.
U Buffalo, May 26. The Reading, an
nounces a new record for engine No. 618,
which hauled the Royal blue line train
last Saturday over the 85 miles between
Wayne junction and Jersey city in 87
minutes, and from Wayne junction to
Bound brook, 55 miles, in 53 minutes.
The engine is a new compound locomo
tive of a type which is breaking records
right along.
The Naughty Reading;.
Haukikburg, Pa., May 25. Attorney
Gen. Hensel will go before Judge Mc
Pherson today and ask for the appoint
ment of a master or examiner to take
testimony in the case of the Common
wealth against the Reading company.
A fine programme has
been arranged, includ
ing base ball, foot ball,
and other games. Ar
rangements will be
made with the
New - Umatilla- House,
Ticket and Baggage Office of the U. P. R. R. Company, and office of the Western
Union Telegraph Office are in the Hotel. '
Fire-Proof Safe for the Safety of all Valuables.
- ' ' : '.' HERE YOU
The Old Reliable HA I NESO
-S.'? - i : . ... . , .
We also have a
complete line of all
extras for all ma-,
chinery sold by us:
Call and,; get prices
arid ' terms before
buying elsewhere.
We ' : also carry 1 a
full' line of Farm
Implements includ
ing the MITCHELL
f of Sale by
Pomb Miscreant Work.
Sax Francisco, May 26. An investi
gation reveals a clue to the perpetrators
of a diabolism in San Diego night before
last, and arrests will be made for blow
ing up a ncn-nnion blacksmith shop
with dynamrte. The shop , was on a
principal street and owned by a man
named George Schmidt, who advertised
to conduct the shop independently of
the blacksmiths' union, which had ex
pressed the determination to do him up,
and it is the general belief that the ex
plosion was in direct .execution of that
threat. The building was completely
wrecked, the roof being blown off and
the sides blown out. A nipht mounted
patrol had just hitched his horse in
front of the building and moved a little
way off, and the horse narrowly escaped
being struck by the flying timbers.
TO THE PUBLIC. It having come
to our knowledge that a party in
The Dalles in selling lime has made the
assertion that he charges more for other
brands than the "Oregon" because they
are better, thereby implying that the
"Oregon" is an inferior article, we desire
to state that the "Oregon" is the strong
est lime on the market ; that it will vork
more plastic and leave the work when set
stronger and firmer than any other lime at
present manufactured in either Oregon
or Washington. Wmr-Buller& Co., Agents
at The Dalles for the "Oregon" lime, are
instructed to furnish, free of charge, any
and all Oregon lime, which does not fully
come up to the stipulations above set
i forth. The object . of this notice is solely
to defend out goods against the falseim
putations and statements of any person
whatsoever. The Or. Marble and Lime
Company, by T. F. Osborn,
5-24dwlm - General Agt.
The Dalles, Portland & Astoria flav. Co.
Until farther notice the Regulator will
make trips to the Cascades and return
on Thursdays and Sundays, leaving
The Dalles at 7 a. m. Excursion rates.
50 cents for the round trip. 5-23tf
NOTICE. I have appointed Mr. C. W.
Dietzel my agent, to collect all notes
and accounts due and owing to me. All
those indebted to me will please settle
with him. Mrs. M. J. VVingate.
The Dalles, Or., May 24, 1892. 5.24dwlw
Invites you to her cool
and shady, .groves to
her in celebrating
For the trip. ' Watch
this space for program.
w ltlx all -tlxe . latest impro-vemonts.
J, JI. flltltOO
Hardware, Tinware, Etc., Etc.
fieorn and Chapter Oak
Guns, AmmiiDition and Sporting Goods.
The E. 0.
Groceries, Family Supplies, Boots and Shoes,
Wapns, Carts, Reapers and Mowers, ail all iMs of Agricultural
Corner Federal
Crandall & Budget,
Undertakers and Embalmers.
Greenes and Crockery.
A full line of Lamps, Glassware and Dishes of all kinds. Silver plated Knives,
Forks and Spoons. When you are selecting your Christmas presents
look through my stock and you will get something useful
as well as ornamental. ' .
SEWiiie "SIHGER" vies.
ex t
Ladies' and Childrens' French Felt Hats, - - 25c.
Trimmed Hats,' - - - - 50c .
Ladies and Childrens' Ftiniishing Goods, "WAY DOWN."
Mrs. Phillips, - 81 Third Street.
No. 67 Washington Street. . . The Dalles-
Wholesale and Retail Dealers and Manufacturers of
Building Material and Dimension TinberDoors, Windows, Moldings, House Furnishings, Ete-
Special Attention given to the Manufacture of .Fruit and Fish
Boxes and Packing Cases.-
XViotoxrsr and Zmm'ber "3?".rci at Old Xt. Slleaa
DRY Pine, Fir, Oak and
any part
& GO., The Dalles, OftgoB.
Wagons and Carriages.
Reapers and Mowers.
Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Go.'s
Agricultural Implements and Machinery
Go-Operative Store
and Third Streets,
& T let. 3D 3D T
Slab WOOD Delivered to
of the city,