The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, May 27, 1892, Image 2

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It is a Great Eflncator in one fay But
a Nuisance. ..
Predictions Favor the Demnition Bow
wows, Whichever Wins.
l'olplt Talk About the Haubugcerj of
Politics in Several tending
Cities Minor Mention. .
Philadelphia, May 24. A new idea
has taken root in the minds of inany
leading ministers of eastern cities re
specting politics. They have decided to
speak out against its evils emphatically,
and in this city several sermons were de
livered Sunday having a bearing upon
the subject. In a conversation with one
of these ministers today, he said
"Presidential years are great educators;
they are good tilings in many ways,
They excite people to study the princi
ples on which their country was founded,
and the irrcat uiiderlvinir principles of
the different political parties; bnt they
are unmitigated nuisances, all the same,
There is nothing in the papers but poli
tics; nothing but laudation of one can
didate and abnse of the other, and this
is put in such form .that neither candi
date would know his own picture as it is
photographed by the average political
ditor. If he belongs to the other side,
there is not a virtue in him ; not the
slightest one. How he has lived so long
without an outraged public exterminat
ing liini is the wonder. While, if on the
ether side, he is a radiant angel sent to
earth to do good to mankind; to set
man a high and holy example, and in all
his difficulties to guide him in the right
path, flow such an angel has lived so
long is the wonder of the reader. And
this goes on week after week, and month
after month. The people are assured if
one candidate happens to be elected and
the other defeated, everything will go to
destruction. And still the old Ship of
State keejis sailing along as though there
were not any party holding it up. But
every vear more and more comes to the
wind of the thoughtful American the
fact that if the country shall be pre
served it must be through the work in
the homes of the people, and that the
country will survive just as long as the
fathers and mothers of the country are
worthy men and women, and no longer ;
and that the politicians cannot change
this verv lunch."
Wants to Secure a Pardon.
Jeffbhsoxtille, May 26. Sixteen
years ago Gov. Williams, then governor
of Indiana, gave a convict named Bisot
leave of absence for sixty, days to visit
his mother ; who was ill and not ex'
pected to live ; on his promise to return
to prison at the expiration of that time,
Instead he fled the country and went to
Mexico, where he studied medicine and
lived an upright life. The mother lived,
and has appealed, to every governor since
for the pardon of her son, but each re
fused to do so. ' Gov. Hovey said he
would not even consider the matter ex
cept upon Bisot's . surrender at the
prison. Yeaterdy he voluntarily' ap
peared to the prison authorities here to
don the stripes. . It is believed that the
srovemer will release him with a few
days. On Christmas night, in 1876.
Bisot and a young -companion killed the
citv marshal ot.jjedtord. iney were
sentenced for life.
Does Beer Promote Temperance. -
Hili.sboro, Or., May 26. Hon. W
D. Hare, candidate on the Independent
ticket for circuit judge of this district
has for years advocated beer as a med
ium to advance the cause of temper
ance. His argument seem to have
reached the brewers and at the annual
convention of the United States Brewers'
Association in Boston, yesterday . the
session was devoted to reports on the
various phases of the brewing business.
The trustees reported that it had . been
decided to make ah exhibit at the
world's fair not only of beers and brew
ing, but also to present statistics show
ing the effect of this great industry on
agriculture, manufactures, and its ten
dency to promote temperance, etc. It is
also proposed, to hold an international
brewers congress at. that time. The
report of the vigilance committee dwelt
on temperance legislation in the various
Harrison Concluded to Cut tne String
: Before it Snipe!
Veteran Leagues with Distinctive Poli
tkal Character.
Cornelias Vauderbiit has the Typhoid
Ferer Hoodooes! "a Train
the S. P. K. B.
" Washington for Cleveland.
V ascouvek, May zb. there were no
instructions accompanying the delegates
to the Chicago convention, appointed by
the state democratic convention in ses
sion here yesterday. ine manliest
choice was for Cleveland, and the men
tion of his name was the signal for a
whoop. - Of the delegates, in a rouBing
speech, Frank K. Lane, of Tacoma said
"They will go knowing that Washing
ton is for Cleveland, and they will stand
by him until there is no longer any
chance of his nomination. . But that
time they will not see, for the very
stars in their courses are making his
fight. But whoever may be our leader,
we will march under his banner to vic
tory." Mr. Lane prophesied victory in
the state campaign because of the late
legislature, which he characterized as a
legislature of a thousand scandals.
involution in Hliip Kuildinj;.
lU i-FALo, N. Y., May 24. The advent
of the whaleback barge has caused a
complete revolution in the building of
ships. There are now no less t han three
or four models on pretty much the same
plan, and at present we have three com
panies, one in this city, one in Detroit,
- and one in Cleveland, competing as to
see which can produce the best vessel to
carry ;;,000 tons to Liverpool from Du
luth. One of these, the straightback
steamer Condurus, building for the An
chor line by the Union Drydock com
pany of Buffalo, will be launched in a
few days. The Condurus is as strong
and speedy and handsome as good work
manship and steel can make her. She
is 2!)2 feet over all, 40 feet beam, and 26
. feet depth, loaded depth la feet, with
3,000 tons aboard. ' It is expected she
will make 13 miles an hour when
Hall Storm in Indiana.
Chicago. Mav 23. A heavv and de
structive hail and wind 6torm swept
over the country immediately east of
Farwell, Ind., Friday night, destroying
'a great amount of wheat and other
growing crops. Enormous hailstones
covered the ground, and the weather
was verv cold.
Cloudburst in Austria.
New Yoek, May 23. On Saturday
immense damage was done in Klagen
furth district, Austria, by a cloudburst.
The rain fell apparently in a solid mass.
The destruction to roads and crops is
7iifnlntnUp- Thf fatnrirt vena nwnm.
panied by a heavy fall of hail, the stones
being as large as walnuts. Thousands
of birds were killed by them.
Reform in London.
to see prominent men of finance arrested
here for conspiracy as was the case to
day when Sir Henry Isaacs, Jate lord
mayor of London, his brother and two
others, were taken up on a charge of de
frauding the Hansard publication con
cern, which failed some time, ago with
large liabilities. . Theyt are accused of
misapplying large sums of the company's
money and conspired 'to obtain money
by false pretenses. ' t :
Keraonstrances Prom Washington.
Washington, May 26. Senator Alli
son of Iowa, yesterday introduced an
other remonstrance from the chamber
of com merce of Port Townsend, " Wash
giving reasons why no applications
should be made for coast defense vessels
for Puget sound or for the construqtion
of a ship canal from lake Washington to
the sound. In the first instance the re
monstrance says the land defenses are
much better than the vessels could be,
and much expert testimony is furnished
to prove that assertion. As to the lake
Washington canal, it is charged that the
project is not intended for the benefit of
the public ; that its utility is very mnch
doubted, and that it is only a scheme
to revive the land boom.
Telegraphic Plashes.
The announcement that the Northern
Pacific had succeeded in establishing a
line of steamers between Tacoma and
China and Japan is cofirmed. There
will be three ships, under the British
flag and voyages will be made monthly
in each direction. The Northern Pacific,
as a company, will not have any pecuni-1
ary interest in the steamers, the steam
ship line taking the . ocean earnings,
the Northern l'acihc overland earnings
on the traffic will be interchanged. The
steamship line will deliver exclusively
to the Northern Pacific, . but will com
pete for exports from the Pacific coast
at all points.
Brooklyn Sunday Schools.
Nkw Yosk, May 26. At the annual
60th parade of the Brooklyn Sunday
schools yesterday old men and women
who have been pupils and teachers were
present. The parade was the finest ever
held, the clear sky and mild atmosphere
adding greatly to the success. Nearly
70,000 children marched in the proces
sion. There were 170 schools represented
and the seventy thousand children were
divided into twelve divisions. At the
close of the parade the little ones were
taken to the different churches and
schoolhouses, where they were served
with refreshments.
New Yoke, May 24. The latest rumor
about Gen. Raum is to the effect ' that
the president .has. concluded to unload
him in a gentle way. It is said that be
fore leaving Washington on his recent
trip on the Chesapeake the president
informed Gen. Raum that, while he had
every confidence in him, yet the rela
tions between the head of the interior
department and the chief of the pension
bureau had been so strained that he had
concluded to cut the string before it
Powerful Political Machines.
A soldiers' movement has been started
in Syracuse, N. Y., .which may have an
important influence on the politics of
the state; The plan is to organize
veteran leagues all over the state and
give them a distinctively political char
acter, local as well as general. There
will be a civic committee for every as
sembly district in the state ; a vice-com
mander for every town and ward, and
he will have a staff of ten members. The
soldiers are hopeful of building power
ful political machines.
In a Critical Condition.
William H. Vanderbilt's eldest son,
Cornelius, is, ill with typhoid fever, and
is reported in an extremely critical con
dition. The illness was caused bv
hemorrhages. The doctors have not given
up all hope, although they admit that j
the chances of recovery are small. i
Tom O'Brien, the Tranco robber, elud
ed his guard and left Caba, but vessels,
will be intercepted in France and Eng
. Jahd, for;his recapture, s , ?
The Pope Protects the Jews.
Home, May 25. Jesse Seligman, of
New York, accompanied by Dr. O'Con
nell, rector ot the American college here,
visited Cardinal Rampolla, papal secre
tary of state, -.with the object of enlist
ing bis sympathy on behalf of the Jews.
The cardinal said he would be most
happy to do his . utmost to aid the
humane cause. The pope he added,
has always been a protector of the Jews.
Wheri persecuted everywhere else, they
found refuge in Some. .
Elections in France are always held on:
Sundays, In order to suit the convenience
of workingmen and peasants. ' '
Hoodooed the Train.
Conductor Guthrie, of the Albany
local on the S. P. R. R. was working un
der disadvantages yesterday afternoon.
He had a forensic fight with the owners
of the train, the brakeman and baggage
master about the admission of a skye
terrior with wooly legs and a Email-boy
laugh, to the coach it. The brakeman
said the train was bewitched and some
thing would happen. The dog got aboard
at Aurora, and immediately a spark from
the engine struck the front platform of
the coach and burned its way into the
space between the panels. About two
miles south of Oregon city the fire got
under good headway, and when it was
discovered a panic ensued, during which
several ladies fainted. A stop was made
at Oregon city where an ax was need
with good effect in the end of the car
and a few buckets of water did the rest.
The damaged car was at once put in the
shops for repairs.
'Mormons for Chihuahua.
El Paso, May 24. Another Mormon
colony has been granted a large conces
sion in the state of Chihuahua, Mexico.
The concession consists of 100,000 acres
of fertile farm land through which runs
the Bio 'Concho. A delegation of Mor
mon elders went through to Utah last
night, and as soon as the crops in Utah
have been gathered this year they say
500 families will be moved to the new
How to Command Respect.
Concerning the use of Hon. Van B
DeLashmutts' name, in connection with
the miners strike, without authority,
that gentleman, in a communication to
the Telegram, says : "I neither sent nor
authorized any one else to send a dis
patch and use my name. I had a
friendly conversation with Capt,
O'Brien, in which I stated what I
would do, which is exactly what the
mineowners purpose, bnt I did not
authorize ; Capt. O'Brien to use my
name, and I can hardly think he did so.
At any rate, there seems to be most too
much anxiety to distort a friendly talk
into concessions to the Miners' anion,
which I never expressed nor. intended.
The Miners' union must rid itself of car
men and shovelers to command respect
of tradesmen. A labor organization
cannot prosper long which admits to its
ranks unskilled labor. Thus must form
the basis of all labor organizations, and
when a trades union admits any and
everybody to its ranks it is no longer a
trades union."
Iteforin in Quebec. ' '
Qcebbc, May 24. The attorney-gen
eral has laid a new criminal informa
tion against ex-Premier Mercier for al
leged malfeasance in office, for retain
ing moneys out of the subsidies "voted
by parliament for the Baie. de Cbaleurs
railway, Hereford railway, and. Ottawa
Colonization railway. ' '
Most of the bookkeepers In, France
are women, who are paid from $200 to
$500 a year for their services. '
This County Urged to be Prepared for
an -Exhibit Inr Chicago. -
Special to The Chronicle.)
The Dalles, May 25. The magnifi
cent display of strawberries yesterday
by Hans Klint prompts me to call the
attention of the citizens of The Dalles
and Wasco county to the importance .of
taking some early action to secure cred
itable exhibits of fruits, .vegetables,
cereals, wool and othpr products of
this , , county for . ' the exposition
at Portland, and : the world's fair.
- If The Dalles board of trade cannot be
induced to do anything in this matter,
why not request the local Horticultural
society or the Eastern Oregon Second
District Agricultural society, the ' latter
having some available funds, I am told
to act at once in this matter. A coin
niittee chosen by each of these societies
could unite nt calling a public meeting
and thereby arronse sufficient interest
thai would result in securing sufficient
funds to bear the expense, of making
collection and preparing the same for
You will need suitable exhibit jars
with large mouths for your large fruits
also one or more persons to make a can.
vass of this county soliciting specimens
of the largest and best fruits, beginning
with strawberries and cherries
are now in the market.
Select some one well . qualified and
whom your people have confidence in
in the city to receive all the specimens
put up only such as are highly credita
ble, and of the fruits put such up by the
best known preserving process; when
done place the jars in a safe, dark, cool
place until needed for exhibition.
It your own citizens will direct the
disbursement of the funds and the prep
aration of the exhibits, I believe you
will have a better one and it will be
made for a great deal less expense than
the amount asked of your county by the
state board of trade last winter in their
effort for the world's fair. I see several
coast counties of Oregon have begun
such an effort and have resolved to make
as good an exhibit at the state fair,
Portland and Tacoma expositions and
for the world's fair. You know the last
Portland exposition .awarded your
county the first premium for the best
exhibit of fruits of all kinds over all
other counties in Oregon and Washing.
ton. It is important that at the next
exposition at Portland you make a bet
ter exhibit tiffin last year otherwise you
will haveto take a back seat, for there
will be a determined effort by some of
the coast counties to contest for this
premium next fall. Your county being
now noted especially for the best fruit
in the northwest, ought to carry this
testimonial into the world's fair in 1893,
and there maintain this reputation.
With a creditable exhibit suchas east
ern Oregon can make of fruits, cereals,
minerals etc., etc., at the worlds' fair,
you need not be asked by future tourists
as your citizens were by the Presbyter
ian tourists recently.
"Why, where did all these flowers
come from?"
"W here did you get these fine straw
berries, and that. big salmon?"
"Say, my little boy, have vou a Sun
day school here?"
"Why, your women dress just the
same as ours do east !" , '
There will be means provided by the
state or otherwise to send your county
exhibit to the words fair without farther
expense than to get yours ready. -
The result of a good exhibit at Port'
land and Tacoma of your fruits this fall
will create increased demand and better
prices for your fruits in the future at
these and other points and at the world's
fair cannot , fail to bring thousands of
good citizens into this section with cap
ital to aid in the more rapid develop
ment of its resources which only for the
want of capital you have sea reel v becan
to realize.
The necessity for early "action arises
from the fact that the fruits of this sec
tion are ten days to two weeks earlier in
ripening than are those raised west of
the Cascades, though this is occasionally
questioned by some Portland merchants.
AVe can prove this, not only at home,
by the shipment, as daring the past two
week, of our green fruits, but by putting,
them in jars for exhibit in Portland
and in the Columbian Expositions.
In Wasco county's collection at Portland
last fall, there were no cherries, no ber
ries of any kind, no apricots, no early
fall or summer apples, no early pears
or plums, but few prunes or grapes and
no dried or canned, . fresh or preserved
fruits and no jellies or jams of any kind.
Just see the varieties you can add to the
collection of fruits you bad last year.
Get exhibits not only of fruits bat all
your products in time for the worlds'
fair, showing to the world the wonderful
resources of your county. There will
inevitably follow that fair, the greatest
immigration ever known to the Pacific
coast. See to it this section gets ber
just share and then thousands of acres
of splendid and now vacant land, will be
settled by saceessfull farmers, stock
men, and fruitraisers, and The Dalles
will become, with her illimitable water
power, that is second only to the falls of
Niagara, and with her otherwise natural
location which makes it possible for her
to be, theliveet and most prosperous, as
well as healthtest city on the Pacific
coast. '. ' - G. W. Isgalls.
Gen. Crespo Lites tliB United . States and
;' Fayore Reciprocity.
Will Never Reeognize Rights of the Ed
glish Flag in Venezuela.
Worrying the Government Which Can
not Borrow Continually .With
out - Kosources.
kw York, May &. In answer to
some comments respecting the plans of
Gen. Crespo, advices from Puerto Ca-
bello, Venezuela, give an interview with
him, in which he makes some interest
ing statements in regard to the charge
that the revolutionists were aided by
Great Britain, and were ready to make
certain concessions in retnrn. He said
"it is true that we do not look to Ene-
land tor help. We look to the United
States." VWhat policy would you ad
vise for your country and the United
htates?" ."Reciprocity. I think well of
that. I like the United States, and I
intend to visit the exposition at Chicago
and shall take my family with me. The
regenerated Venezuela will have a
worthy exhibit there. I want vou to
say that the people who fight under the
insurgent .banner today are opposed to
British intrusion in Venezuela. We. do
not now, nor will we ever, recognize the
rights of the English flag on Venezuelan
territory. If we cannot speak' for the
rest of South America, we can speak for
Venezuela." As to what would happen
H we were defeated at La Victoria,
Crespo answered that the revolution
would keep right on. "This rising," he
said, "is the growth of years. A battle
or two lost to as woald not destroy our
cause, v e would take to the mountains
and wear out the government, which
cannot be continually borrowing with
out resources." ,"In the event of the
success, of your armies, will you succeed
to the presidency?"' "No; I would not
accept the office, nor could anything in
duce me to do so. As soon as I can at
tend to it, my private business interests
will demand all my attention." "Who
will succeed Palacio as president of the
republic?" "I shall leave that to con
gress. I shall be satisfied if he is a good
man wun no dictatorial ideas."
A Witness or Blaxlmillian's Heath Visits
The Chronicle.
George Peterson arrived in The Dalles
last Sunday from Winnipeg, where he
has been in the employ of the Hudson
Bay company. - Going' down to Mosier
he selected a piece of land five miles
south of the station and today returned
to The Dalles to file a homestead claim,
on it. Mr. Peterson is a native of Ger- "'
many, where he was born 50 years ago.
He came to the United States when still
ahoy, and enlisted in the 14th Mass
achusetts Volunteer Infantry. Imme
diately after enlistment he went to the
front where he remained in active ser
vice till 1864 where he was transferred
to the navy. Here he remained arrant
fifteen months where he was honor
ably discharged. Soon after, he
went south and entered Mexico in 186
and joined the liberal forces in their '
fight against Masimillian. He followed
the fortunes of President Yuarist under
General Escobado from San Luis Potei
to Quarretaro where Maximillian was
finally captured. Mr. Peterson was one .
of the guards whose duty it was to watch
over Maximillian and two of hie gen- -,
erals, Mirramon and Megio, while
awaiting sentence and execution.
He was present, as a member of a
cavalry regiment called Cassadores de .'
Gallianes when the Emperor and his
generals were shot, three miles outside '
the city of Mexico. He saw distinctly
the Mexican ladies who rushed np to
the dead emperor and saturated their
handkerchiefs in his blood. At the
close of the Mexican war, Mr. Peterson
was honorably discharged and paid off
with one silver dollar, and a pass-port.
Even his uniform, hat and boots were
taken from him, and with . a pair
of fifty cent shoes, a five cent straw
hat and a linen jacket and pants
he started to walk 2,000 miles through a
wild and unsettled country, back ta
Ma tain ores. The years since then have
been spent in the United States and
Canada. Mr. Peterson wears a G. A. R.
badge and looks remarkably young and '
well preserved for his years and event-
ful life. We heartily welcome him to a
residence is Wasco eounty.
, George Lang, a '49-er, suicided in pov
erty at Sacramento yesterday. .
Rams, the Old Turf Kins;. Dead.
New York, May 24. Rarus,. long
known as the king of the trotting turf,
died on Robert Bonner's Tarry town farm
on Tuesday. He was 25 years old, and
died of old age. At Buffalo, in 1878, he
lowered the trotting record to 2:13J,
and remained king of the turf until Oc
tober 29, when St. Julien reduced the
mark to 2:12. Rarus was purchased
by Bonner in 1879, for $35,000, and has
not since appeared on the tnrf. When
20 years old the late John Murphy
claimed to have driven him a trial mile
in 2:11.
Oat on Habeas Corpus.
Cheyenne, Wyo., May 24. The first
of the Johnson county invaders to get
into court is practically freed. The ap
plication for a habeas corpus for Dr.
Charles B. Penrose, the expedition sur
geon, was granted. He has furnished
bail in $1,000 to appear when required.
He left the party . the second day out,
rather than travel behind, the wagons.
the indictment hied against him m
Johnson county alleges that he murdered
Nick Ray, who met death with Kate
Champion, at No Man's ranch. Penrose
answers that he was not present, and
did not start out to kill in the first place.
Laymen not Women.
Omaha, - May 25. Yesterday the
Methodist conference committee on
judiciary reached a conclusion that the
word laymen in the discipline, where it
provides for lay representation, does not
include women. After a sharp discus
sion the conference decided to allow the
Epworth league to have its own special
secretary. It was decided to encourage
the young people's society of christian
endeavor and other such organizations
to reorganize as branches of the Epworth
league, in order to make the latter only
a young people's society of the church.
' Death. In The Fire.
Si-okane, May 25. It ib now known
that four men. perished in the fire which
destroyed the Spokane mill company's
buildings, the Echo roller mills, and the
Oatmeal mill,- the Washington shingle
mills, the Spokane steam laundry, a
number of residences and the Howard
street bridge, on Tuesday. The missing
men are : Adolph Schnltze, L. B. Corn-
Washington, May 25. Secretarv.
Blaine is not in the city, and his present
whereabouts is known only to his most
intimate friends. He has absented him
self to avoid the annoyances of the poli
ticians. Before leaving, it is said,
Blaine stated to another member of the
cabinet that he will not accept the nom
ination, and if the president so desired
he . would write another letter. His
friends, however, ineist that if be is
nominated unanimously he will accept.
Col. Clarkson is expected- in Washing
ton today with the emphatic demand o r
the most influential republicans in the .
eastern, middle and western states
which are not solidly democratic, that
President Harrison shall stand aside,
and that Mr. Blaine shall be the candi
date. In the absence of Mr. Blaine from
Washington, the republican chairman
will go direct to President Harrison and
make an appeal to him, and he shall
take such action as will prevent the
pressing of his name at Minneapolis.. It
is openly charged, and publicly talked
over, that Gen. Alger is at the bottom of
this latest Blaine boom, and expects to
go on the ticket with Blaine, taking his
chances for the presidency hereafter.
This talk has a cold blooded sentiment
in it which freezes the ardor of the most
enthusiastic Blaine admirerv
The Astorian Independent.
Astoria, May 25. Preparations- for
entertaining visitors to the sea side re
sorts are more extensive than ever be
fore. Trains are running daily to
Clatsbp beach. New engines and new
passenger cars are on the way and will
be ample for the traffic, and quite luxur
ious compared to the box cars in.
use last. year.. The bridge across-
Young's bay is to be finished, and trains'
can be run direct from the city without
change. Hon. H. B. Parkers! steamer
Astorian will continue her daily trips as
usual, without advancing the fare. The
owner thinks- it would pay neiter la
have plenty ot passengers at a low fare
than no patrons at advanced rates, and
he is probably right, and if. the dtifeene
of this city will support their boat they
are sure to have many visitors to their
city that otherwise wouldVnot comev '
Ayer's pills are invaluable for tie cure
of headache, constipation, stomach and
liver troubles and all derangements OT$
the digestive and assimilative organs. .
These pills are sugar-coated, safe and.
pleasant- to take, always reliable, aad
retain their virtues ia-any climate.
President Harrisons' friends are ap in
arms, and now propose" to squelch any
opposition that may be made to his nom
ination ; which may be presumed to in-
elude Col. Clarkson. It the puet haa ,
been bitter the future may become bit
terness to the excessive fine degree of
keen reproach. '
ThA k-inor nf Rfelirinan has aBDIOVed the
well, Richard Butcher and a manamed relation for constitutional revision. It
proposes universal suffrage, and the ref
erendum system, to provide against hao-
Cunningham. The charred remains of
the first three were taken out of the
rains of the Spokane mill company.
Search is being continued for the others.
It is thought that one or two men were
"drowned in the river. The damage all
told will amount to (300,000, with not
much over. $50,000 insurance.
ty, ill-advised legislation.
The Great Northern track-layers are
within nine miles of Spokane. It is pro
posed to celebrate the event of comple
tion June 1st. -: ''.-