The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, May 27, 1892, Image 1

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    r I.
Damages all the way From Minneapolis
to New Orleans. .
Cut off From Supplies There is a Coal
and 'Milk Famine.
lou of Lire Stock and Other Property
Greater Than Ever Before A
Tornado Other News.
Chicago, May 20. In consequence of
the flood it is very difficult to obtain
particulars as to losses, but it is quite
evident tbat the present disaster to the
whole Mississippi valley is without a
parallel in the history of the settlement
of the country. The meagre reports at
hand, from several western points, show
a dreadful state of affairs in the flooded
district. St. Louis reports that in addi
tion to a prospective 'coal famine there
is threatened a milk famine, the water
. on the Illinois side having cut off the
dairymen from the city. The deserted
dwellings in the flooded districts are
systematically robbed of their contents,
including furniture. The stealing is
said to have already amounted to over
At Sioux City, among other things
the stockyards, with .animals in them,
corncribs and all the other buildings,
were carried away by the flood.
At Clarksville, Ark., the flood in the
Arkansas river led to the drowning of
five people.
At St. Joe, Mo., the riven has risen
' nearly two feet, and is now at the high
est point.
At Marysville, Kan., the river which
has been falling is again rising. The
city is cnt off from railroad communica
tion. '
At Texarkana, Ark., the Red river
' flood has weakened all railroad bridges
. so tbat no trains can run over them.
Them has been no mail since Saturday.
At Perryville, Mo., the men employed
on the Boisebrnle levee returned a re
port that the water is breaking over . all
along, and the bottoms will be flooded.
At Minneapolis a few more inches of
water, will cut the log booms loose and
cause a great loss.
Reports from little Sioux and Floyd
valleys place the loss of life in those
districts from flood, from twenty-five to
one-hundred persons, and at Sioux City
sixty-five lives are said to have been
Cincinnati reports a rainfall of nearly
two inches in the Ohio valley. A tor
' nado passed over the southwestern part
of Hamilton county yesterday afternoon,
. plowing a furrow of destruction nearly
three miles long. A number of dwelling-houses
and barns were destroyed,
and several persons injured.
The Des Moines river rose three feet
during the night, and is still rising.
The city water works is surrounded, and
there is great danger of the water sup
ply being cut off. Dnncomb, five miles
south, and the Stucco mills are flooded,
the occupants fleeing for their lives.
Reports from the country are contradic
tory, but enough is known to say the
loss of livestock and other property is
great. ' . ,
Sensational Revival Scene.
San Francisco, May 20. Reports,
from Los Angeles say that Evangelist
. jUtollB meetings grow warmer, and keep
pace With the weather. It is estimated
'"'.that 300 attended the services yesterday,
and that 600 business houses closed to
let their employes attend. Ah item not
on the programme caused great .excite
ment at the evening session. Rev. S. J.
Fleming, who. was convicted a few
' . months since for an .attempted assault
. upon a servant girl, arose and . made a
-"V confession of bis wicked life. For five
years, he said, he was a minister with
out the word, a ; messenger without a
message, and brought reproach upon the
v: calling of the ministry. At the close of
his remarks, the ministers on the plat
form pressed forward to take the peni
tent man by the hand, who wept like a
child as, one after another, they gave
him this mute token of sympathy. ( ;
' Editors Assembling. ,
San Francisco, May 20. Trains con
veying delegates to the National Editor
ial Association meeting are reaching the
wtate by every avenue, and indications
point io a very successful session.
. . Murderous Slugging.
Detroit. May ' 20. Accounts of a
brutal prize fight at Chesang yesterday
between two notorious men (so called)
bearing the names of Charles Carroll
and Pete Volkmer, say that Carroll will
die from the effects of it, and that Volk
mer has escaped. It had been given
out that the gloves were, to weigh six
ounces, but when they were produced at
the ring they proved to be less than
three in weight. At the call of time the
men rushed at each other like mad bulls
and fought fiercely for eight minutes, no
attention being paid to the call of time.
Each scored several knock-downs. At
the end of the seventh round, Volkmer
was seen to remove one of his gloves in
his corner, but he at once replaced it.
At the call of time for. the eighth round
the men advanced to the center of the
ring and Volkmer struck Murphy a
swinging righthander, which cut a two
inch gash in his neck, from which blood
flowed in a stream. When Murphy
came to the scratch again Volkmer hit
him another blow behind the ear which
caused a slight fracure of the skull and
knocked him completely out. It took
Murphy three-quarters of an hour to
regain his senses. Officers are search
ing for Volkmer who it is charged put a
heavy iron nut in his glove when he
pulled it off before the last round.
Miners Held in Bondage.
Portland, May 20. A Wallace, Idaho,
telegram to'Capt. John O'Brien, presi
dent of the federated trades, signed by
fourteen miners, says : . "We desire to
state that we were inveigled into coming
out here by misrepresentation and fraud ;
any statements that Capt. Prince and
others make to the contrary notwith
standing. - We have all left the union
mine because of the manner in which
we were treated by hired thugs and de
tectives. The company has all of our
baggage, and refuses to give it up. ( Only
six of the men who came out here are
working in the mine; the others, who
are still out at the Union mine, want to
leave, but cannot get their clothes.
Comrades and miners, keep away from
here, if you know when you are well
off. '
Lilliputian in Trouble.
Ogden, May 20. There was no inten
tion to include an advertisement in the
arrest of Mrs. Tom Thumb's Opera
company here on the 18th: ' A' bona fide
attachment followed, and the little peo
ple had to put up $4,500 on account of a
note that Count Magdi, husband of Mrs.
Tom Thumb, and Manager Sackett, of
the Salt Lake Wonderland, had signed
more than a year ago. A man named
Kellogg is made plaintiff in the suit.
The matter was kept quiet until yester
day, when it was compromised. It is
said the coant and his wife have a snit
now pending in Salt Lake for the recov
ery of a large sum of money from
Sackett. They continued their tour on
Coal Ship Blown Up.
Corvallis, May 20. A portion of the
crew are here, from the ship St. Charles,
which blew np while enronte from Nan-
iamo to San Francisco with a cargo of
coal, , when in longitude 126, lati
tude 43. :28, May 17th. The explosion
occurred at 8 a. m. causing the crew to
abandon the ship, which was sinking
whei they left. It is thonght that some
of the explosives used at the mine was
in some manner mixed with the cargo.
In all, three boats containing eighteen
men belonging to the ship, landed
at Cape Foulweather lighthouse. The
captain, second mate and two men were
badly injured. The captain is in a criti
cal condition.
California Beet Sugar.
San Francisco, May 20. By her en
terprise in the matter Anaheim is as
sdred of having the mammoth beet
sugar factory located there. The com
pany baa accepted forty acres of land
donated by the citizens for t,he building
and site for the proposed . works. The
land donated lies south of and adjoining
the city limits and is well supplied with
artesian"water. " Much enthusiasm pre
vails. The Anaheim beet sugar factory
will be the largest factory of its kind in
the world.
Snide Dodge of an Advertising; Agency.
Nbw York, May 20. Leander Rich
ardson,' editor of the Dramatic News,
has begun a suit in the supreme court
against George P. Row ell & Col, adver
tising agents claiming $20,000 for dam-'
ages for misrepresentation and ' libel;
Richardson says- that because he de
clined to advertise in the directory of
the ' defendants the circulation of his
journal is put" down as very much less
than it should be, while the circulation
of rival journals, which advertise,' are
reported as much larger than they really
are. , r- :.... - ...
The Quebec legislature has rejected a
proposal to abolish the legislative coun
cil. -
Sword Duels :ittont ' a; Precedent in
French Annals.
The Cause of It All a Fussy French
, man's Fudge About an Opera.
Fought According to Rules, in Thirty
Minute, by the Now Famous -Dumeulin.
Paris, May -20. A quadruple en
counter with swords was fought yester
day morning by M. Roules and three
others named Leclerc, Demeulin and
Blendel. The quarrel arose out of a dis
pute concerning the merits of a new
opera. M. Roules criticised the piece
rather severely in the hearingof Leclerc,
Dumeulin and Blendel, and a violent
altercation took place, finally ending in
an exchange of blows. At 9 o'clock yes
terday a. m. the antagonists and their
seconds went to a spot behind the grand
stand, at Longchamp's racetrack. The
first duel was fought by M. Dumeulin
and M. Blendel. : Blendel, after a few
passes, received a wound in the right
lung three inches deep, and was carried
off the field. M. . Dumeulin then faced
M. Roules, who at the first thrust ran
his rapier through the arm of his oppo
nent, burying the steel in his breast.
The third combat was more prolonged,
but after a struggle of fifteen minutes
M. Leclerc was driven against a tree and
received a wound in the face. M.
Avarigent, M. Blendel's second, then in
terposed on behaif of his vanquished
friend, declaring himself ready to fight
M. .Roules and threatening to slap his
face if satisfaction was not given, upon
which M; Roules promptly faced his new
adversary and succeeded in wounding
him in the neck, narrowly missing the
infliction of a mortal injury. JThe quad
ruple encounter was over in thirty min
utes, ' and all the- parties returned to
Paris. . About fifty people were assem
bled at the scene of the encounter, which
will be famous in the annals of French
dueling. M. Blendel's wound causes
great anxiety.
New York, May 20. An important
movement by American authors has be
gun at the Berkeley Lyceum, in the
formation of an association of American
authors. A circular calling the meeting
was sent out several weeks ago, signed
by W. D. Howells, Thomas W. Higgin
son, Charles Dudley Warner, Moncure
D. Conway, George W. Cable, Julian
Hawthorne, James Grant Wilson and
Charles' Burr Tpdd. The, Harmony of
the meeting yesterday was broken by an
unexpected and unpleasant incident.
Soon after Col. Higginson, who presided,
had called the meeting to order, Mary
Frost Ormsby excitedly asked permis
sion to protest against the formation of
a new association, in the name -of the
American society of authors, of which
Will Carleton is president. A motion
was adopted allowing Mrs. Ormsby to
address the society alter the constitution
was passed upon. When the time came
for her address, she complained bitterly
of the alleged injustice to the society to
which she belonged. " She declared,
among other things, that the American
society of authors had been formed more
than one year ago and had more than 200
members. Walter Besant had given his
advice in its formation.and had furnished
plans for English, German and French
societies of authors. The general princi
ples stated in the circular of the new
organization were substantially and al
most literally the same as those of the
older society. Todd,' secretary of the
new organization, she said, had obtained
possession of the by-laws and constitu
tion of the older society. "We do not
object," she added, "to the formation of
another society', but to the appropriation
of matter which has cost so much' to
produce and collaborate, and the appro
priation of our society's name."' Col.
Higginson said he. was unable to see tbat
the new ' organization had plagiarized
from the old one, or that it was ' respon
sible to other societies ..'''''. 4 !
'. When Dr. McKay, of Umatilla county,
passed through on the noon train to bis
home from the Astoria celebration, he
was warmly greeted at the Umatilla
house, by several old acquaintances,
. Nova Scotia Romance.
. Boston, May 21. Dr. W. R. Buchanan
arrived with his bride from Windsor to
day, and the circumstances of the mar
riage form , quite an interesting sketch.
Five' years ago he married this same
womau then a Miss Patterson , of Halifax,
and removed to New York'. .Three years
later he instituted proceedings for di
vorce, and she refurned to live with her
parents. Subsequently c Dr. Buchanan
married a daughter of Nathan Brown, a
banker- of -Philadelphia, who was a
widow, and Mrs. Buchanan No. 1 be
came engaged to a Scotchman. The
date of ber wedding was fixed and she
was to have sailed for - Scotland last
Monday. Three weeks ago Mrs. Buch
anan No. 2 died and left her wealth to
her husband. Saturday Dr. Buchanan
arrived in Halifax and reopened negotia
tions with his former wife. She met
him clandestinely and arranged details
for a reconciliation. As soon as the
doctors presence was known he was ar
rested for several debts.. One was a
claim of a lawyer, who is said to have
acted for him in procuring the divorce
from bis first wife. ' Some of these claims
he satisfied and then embarked on a train
and was joined by bis first wife. They
stopped over at Windsor, were remarried,
and today proceeded to Boston. . - 1
Death by Submersion.
. Sax Francisco, May 19. An inquest
has been held in the case of John Con
nors, who was supposed to have been
thrown overboard and drowned. There
was no testimony to sustain the murder
theory, or in fact to show how he met
his death, and the jury returned a. ver
dict of death by. submersion, Howlett,
Hayes and Hansen, who had been held
on suspicion, were then discharged from
custody. ' ".
Warner Miller's Travels.
San Dieoo, May 19. An invitation to
visit San Diego was extended by the
chamber of commerce to Warner Miller,
president of the Nicaragua canal con
struction company. Owing to the delay
in his trip to the coast, Mr. Miller was
unable until yesterday to accept.
St. Louis, May 19. Later reports
from Yenioe and East Madison are
alarming; The people at East Madison
to protect themselves' from the flood,
started an embankment which turns the
waters upon Venice, and fears that
bloodshed will result are prevalent. Al-
though the last-named place is under
water, the citizens did not like to . bo
placed between two currents, as their
bouses would be swept away. ." ' They
turned out in force, and threatened, un
less the levee-building were stopped, to
cut the Chicago and Alton enbankment
and. flood Madison. Venice also has an
armed guard protecting the Brooklyn
levee, which shields the town from the
waters that are pouring through the
village of Brooklyn. The people of
Brooklyn are anxious to cut the levee,
so as" to cause the water to flow some
other way. Serious trouble is also
threatened at .Nameoki, a station on the
Chicago and Alton, road, three miles
from the river, when it is in its channel.
Nameoki lies socth of the tracks. The
entire country north of the town is
flooded, and the railroad embankment
is all that saves it. Early this morning
the water began flowing over a low place
in the embankment between Nameoki
and East Madison, and soon flooded the
latter place. : '
. Telegraphic Flashes.
- While together at 1 Astoria hist
week it was suggested, and the" sugges
tion seems to be well received, that the
limit of membership to the Oregon
Pioneers be fixed at the date of the ad
mission of Oregon into the sisterhood of
states. . o ' .
' Oregon is now the battle gronudof the
politicians. ' Besides the candidates and
stump speakers of the old parties the
people's party have three speakers in
the field and it is rumored that Powderly
and Ralph Beaumont of the Knights of
labor at yet to come. ' The prohibition
ists, too, are rhakfng a vigorous fight.
The trial of Edward P. Deacon for the
murder of M. Abellle in Paris for inti
macy with his wife, is set for the 20th.
Deacon was crazed by jealousy and now
pleads for sympathy, saying thai he
only resorted to desperate measures after
all ether means had failed. He warned
Abeille, and endeavored to get his wife
to consent to a divorce without publicity,
but she refused. -,
.' The Durham coal miners have decided
to continue the strike, which began on
March 12th in spite of the great suffering,
not only among the miners but .the fac
tory hands, iron . workers and others
thrown out through the lack of coal sup
ply. The result is that many have been
compelled to' accept parish relief,' and
consequently, (Under British law, have
been disfranchised.
Tnree Feet More Dne at St. Louis
. Today FromAooye. .'
Millions of Feet of Lumber Afloat, and
Liable to Total Loss.
Rise of Twenty-Four Inches a lay
Klnneapolls The Disasters Extend
- Into the Arkansas Valley.
' St. Louis, May 21. Repbrts from reg
ions tributary to the Mississippi and
Missouri above this, point, are far from
being of an encouraging nature. Sioux
City reports that rain began falling at
7 o'clock yesterday, and at 10 there was
a perfect blizzard, high wind with snow.
It has been snowing and sleeting since.
Men quit work on the1 streets in the
middle of the forenoon, although $2 a
4ay was offered. The Floyd river is
still very high, and has not fallen since
last evening. The cold weather caused
many again to apply for aid. Women
and children who would return to their
homes are compelled to seek shelter in
warmer places. The railroads are mak
ing great efforts to clear the wreckage,
but it is slow work.
St. Paul reports that the snow storm
was general in Minnesota, falling sev
eral inches deep in some places. It is
reported that the dam in the Mississippi
at St. Cloud has gone out and much
damage done. At Minneapolis the Missis
sippi has risen two feet in the last
twenty-four hours, and is still rising an
inch an hour. The flats below the falls
are already submerged. If the rise con
tinues great damage will result.
. The cold wave struck Fort Dodge, la.
and snow fell sufficiently to cover the
ground. In Spencer, la., it was almost
equal to a January blizzard, crossing the
entire country. It was very cold, and a
northwest wind was driving a blizzard.
A Keokuk report indicates that no
damages resulted from the anticipated
break in the Egyptian levee and the in
habitants had reached places of safety.
The damage to property and stock can
not be estimated, but it will be very
large. The bottoms are covered to a
width of eight miles. The Des Moines
river is falling slowly, but another rise is
anticipated. The Mississippi river is
still rising. Brooklyn, 111., is 'two feet
under water. Pine Bluff, Ark., news ia
to the effect that there is great destruc
tion all over the Arkansas valley. The
water is the highest ever known. The
cotton crop is damaged fully 2d per cent.
A Kansas City dispatch says: The
Missouri and Kaw rivers are now about
on a standstill and a rise of only two or
three inches more is looked for. The
rise during the night increased the area
under water somewhat, but did not ma
terially change the situation, with the
exception of Harlem, which is all under j
water and every inhabitant gone from it. j
The Burlington bridge, which connects :
Harlem and Kansas City,-looks like i
Noah's ark, being crowded with animals j
men, women and children, all ,
driven there by the flood from Harlem.
' Great Northern Krldge. '
Washington, May 21. The senate to
day passed Mr. Allen's bill, authorizing
the construction of a bridge over the
Columbia river at some point between
the counties of Douglas and Kittitas in
Washington, by ..the Great Northern
Another Earthquake. ,
Los Akgeles. Mav 20. Two elicht 1
shocks of earthquake were felt here
about 10 o'clock last night. No damaire
was done. '
vT h.. .
Madhid, May 20. Spain has oan-
pork which lias been in force for many
Highest of oil in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report.
. Stationary But Only for A Time.
St. Louis, May il. The Mississippi
was stationary for a short time yesterday,
but has again commenced to rise as a
three foot rise is coming down both
rivers today. Rain has fallen almost in
cessantly for the past twenty four hours.
In North St. Louis 10,000,000 feet of lum
ber is afloat, and liable to go down the
river. . St. Louis county north and west
J of the city is still under water. Across
and below the city, at East Carondelet,
the situation is worse than supposed...!
On Monday night the levees protecting
the town broke, and almost swept it
from the face of the earth. Many houses
were carried away, but us far as known
no lives were lost. The true state of .'
affairs was not learned here until lust
night, and no aid conld l)e sent because
of high winds. Today an effort will be
made to aid the 300 or more people now .
in the second stories or on the roofs of
their dwelling?. All roads except the
Ohio and Mississippi are crippled by the
flood. -
Cattle Kings Want Arizona.
. Pucenix, May 20. It is reported that
a band of rustlers is in the vicinity of
southeastern Pima county.' Deputy
Sheriff Brockman has made arrange
ments with parties along the Santa
Cruz, at Crittenden, Harshaw, Tuba and
La Noriu, when suspicious characters
are seen, in their neighborhood who
seem to show that they are of the rustler
class, to send word to the authorities.'
Four days ago a man named Joe White,
while going from Nognles to Calases,
met ten armed Mexicans, and the fol
lowing day Alberto Benedict met four
teen Mexicans, armed to the teeth, near
La .lorga, pcobably on the hunt for
small cattle'ovncra whom they can
"rustle" out of the country to make
room for cattle barons. The authorities
were promptlv notified and will investi
gate, unless bought up by the. same in
fluences which has sent the "rustlers"
after the settlers.
.The Eighth Conspiracy.
Washington, May 21. It has been
ascertained that Mrs. Sarah E. V. Em
ery, of Lansing, Mich., author of a pam
phlet entitled "The Seven Financial
Conspiracies," and several pamphlets of ,
a similar character, in Oregon, in the
interests of the alliance, and about 19,
000 eppies of the "Seven Financial Con
spiracies," a most vicious and unreli
able publication, have recently been
sent there. It is said subscriptions for
the book are being received at the rate
of 50 to 100 per day. Mrs. Emery is
represented by a citizen of Lansing, now
here, to be a woman of considerablij
ability, and the work in question, al
though written without regard to- tbe
facts, is said to be ingenious and plaus
ible. . ..
Highly Connected.
Stockton-, Cal., May 21. Yesterday a
woman known as Ivy Clements shot ln-r-paramour,
Frank Hosier, a barkeepe r,
in their room at the Cricket lodging
house. Hosier told the girl last night,
that he was going to quit her. Tln-y
came here from Chico last fair tinnv
The woman put two bullets from a pistol
into Hosier'" head. The murdress ac
knowledged that she did the killing.
She is iiow in jail. Hosier was a nephew .
of Allen Henry, of Chico, and county
clerk Stillson, of Butte county. Hi
bro'her is said to be auditor of Spokane,
and his parents live in Poitland.
I'assed the Kenate. ' -,r
Washington", May 20. After routine
business the senate resumed considerir-
tion of the river and harbor bill. ari-
one amendments were offered and agreed
to. After a long discussion the bill vu
reported back to the senate. The com
mitte amendments were concurred in
the gross, and the bill passed without
division,, although McPherson remarkfl
later he intended to demand the yrHts
and nays. A conference was asked, and;
Messrs. Fryc, Dolph and Ransom np-
pointed conierees on tne pari oi me sen-
I ate.
. : ,-.,-' :-
! " Bl rlme 8un,l"ir'
Anokles, May 20. Interest in the
Mills revival meetings keep up. Oyer
12,000 cards have been handed in signU
fying that that number of persomf jcxv
pressed a desire to lead Cbnstain,' Jives.-'
Preparations are being made ' for extra
' services on Sunday.
11 vv