C 1.1 THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE, FRIDAY, HAY 26, 1802. UtTR LOCAL FIBEMEN. Talk About tne Coming Tournament- Hjdrnt, etc. ; The fire department of The Dalles is "greatly elated with ita future prospects, which appear brighter than lor. a. long ume past. Chief Engineer Judd Fish is in receipt of numerous replies to . letters sent out to various departments of Oregon and Washington, respecting . the proposed tournament, and these re- - plies are filled with familiar greetings. . Tho Dalles ' department will . become more.closely allied with the state fire mens' association, and with the increased fanilitina. nrnvlded bv the council this hi nf mnino. with any Li'L a .-- . 4fl;f ,!- presence upon' the city. J recent test the hose attached to hydrants direct o.u uiu mury Cuauvc . .uu u ju i. is l- ti tva steamer pumping irom me ciaterno, uu the boys feel elated with the result. Mayor Mays assures Chief Fish, that whatever the department requires for little comment, because William Astor There was something in the air of this energetic! and useful activity the council waa not .a great man, A rich man, for- section that was death to the mossbaek wlll readily provide. The. tournament selfish reasons, mav be courted and feted ism so prevalent in the western part of is vet in abeyance, as the firemen of the state generally prefer staying at home on the fourth of July; which, oi an days, is the one most liafcle tor local a- Tint if it does not come Off OU tn Aav we celebrate, it is pretty sure to materialize later on. ' - STOLE THE BEST TEAM. A Liver? Stable Man tn La Grande gaffers, A few days since Mr. Haynes, a com mercial traveler, was in La Grande on husinees.and called upon a stable keeper . for his best team to make a short excur- sion into the valley. The stableman tAlA him hid hest team was out, and that he was somewhat anxious about it. .'as the team should have been in a day ' or two before, and he began to think the asked if he knew the man who had the team, and the renlv was to the effect that it was Hiller. a representative of the Brunswick Blake Collander com- - - - - pany. "Oh," said Mr. Hayries, "if Hil- w hB vmir team von are all right." ThU neemed to nlease the stableman, and no more concern was felt about the probable loss of the team, but visions of a good fat fee flitted across his mind, When Mr. Havnes returned, the best team was still -out. Haynes took tne next train for Pendleton, and the first! man he met at the hotel there yesterday morning was Hiller. He said to him H What are you keeping that La Grande team so Ion for?" "I've had no La Grande team," replied Hiller, and after a short -talk it was decided that the team had been taken out by team had been taken out by a thief, " personating . Hiller. As Mr. Haynes . had," by' his conversation; as sured the stableman at La Grande, he felt it his duty' to inform the latter of existing circumstances and wired to him that Hiller was in Pendleton, and had had no team. This dispatch was .' evidently misunderstood, as quickly ' following its receipt at La Grande, came another to the sheriff of Umatilla county to ."arrest Hiller," "refer to Haynes." . By this time probably the La Grande -stable man has realized the full force of bis first impressions,' Mr." Haynes reached The Dalles last evening, and was seen by a "representative of The Chronicle, at tho Umatilla house. He says i the fellow who took the team intro- -duced himself to the stableman by pre senting Mr. Hitler's card, and has prob ably 'driven over into the .'Harney country, disposed of the teani somewhere and skipped out. . ' AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE NOTES. Base Ball Game for Coin Sickness- Etc. ' . Hpeclul to Ths Chronicle.) - . vokvalus,. Alay -17. Jtfunehgrasa is now on the sick list, but will try to give you a few items anyhow. Diphtheria has been causing consider able stir in this quiet town. John R. Bryson, the lawyer, lost two children with the dreaded disease last week. The , .public school has been closed,, partly on account 6f measles ; and there is some talk of closing the college. Prof, Bris tow's eldest daughter is lying .very low with congestion of the lungs. Prof. B.'s family is jqst getting, through with the measles.- - - Last Friday there was- a matched game of base ball between the O. A. C, 4th nine and the Corvallis Giants, small schoolboys; which was barely -won "by the latter. Saturday, Jack's Hard Hitters, o. A. C. first nine, played for $75.00, the best nine that Corvallis could afthwT Tho uw, i , t.. t the fact of their playing for money will have a bad influence on the morals of the school. I don't -think a state insti tution ought to tolerate cramhlinv Dr. P. M. Donieian. a former resident of Turkey,- lectured here Sunday and Monday evenings. ' " ; ' If the numbers of the State Grange are willing we shall entertain them one day next week. Bunchgbass . "The six year old child of .Louis Blank which has been ill with diphtheria, died yesterday afternoon. The youngest hild, a boy of two years, was attacked with the disease yesterday morning. - Dr. Rhinehart 'assures The Chronicle that every precaution is being taken to nMnititiiutk'Mti.t .. L.L.ii:Hi. - ve-jnum, auu uc um iivLxo i apprenension . that the- disease willna ii oroer uusiness mat may legally spread. The doctor believes that Vith I j. 3. . .,, ordinary , care no disease- will ever become epldemie in The Dalles. - The Great Northern. '': ' Chicago,. May :18. The'.Great "North ern forces lay three miles of track a day, at which rate the gap between Kahspell and Spokane Falls will bo speedily closed. It is possible Jhat passenger trams will berun "clear through from St. Paul over the Pacific extension of the Great North ern by 'June 1st, and it is given out that President Hill has 'made arrangements for continuing to the coast from Spokane Falls, over another line until he can complete his own road. Hill has been a harmless member in the, western . traffic association, but this resulted not from a desire to become obedient to the agree- ment, but from the lack of opportunity, It is currently reported that he holds the association in supreme contempt, ana wru not oe oonnu oyi pro- arrire3 to make a dash for traffic. visions or. enactmeuio ucu umc Teles-repute riaane William Astor's death has attracted but during his lifetime. But a mans posthu- tnous honors depend upon the size of his I mind and soul, and . not the size of tin waiiet. Civilizing the heathen Chinee has re- ceived a setback in Brooklyn, r. Y., through the disappearance of Miss Grace French, a pretty brunette about eitriitPOTi -rears old. According to ru mors prevalent -in the neighborhood, she has eloped with Tom Lee, a China man, whom Miss French and her mother were attempting to Christianize The Oregon delegation will not recom: mend anv man for collector- of Customs at Portland- until after tbe election, Senator ' Mitchell . edya, every person seeking- thfr office will have plenty of vahtage of the large gathering to get ac time to file applications by writing, and quainted with the dear ' people. John I . 1 " . 1 1 .1 i A lk.AiuinliaAf telegraphing their indorsements or their application for the place, J In San Francisco, on the 16th, amon I . i i i c arrivals ovenana were a wnuie jauiuy i children, three girls and two boys, who had come all the way from Switzerland, without escort. Each child was tagged with an ordinary . baggage cnecx, ana theeldest, who is 10 years of age, bore a letter from the bwiss consul in sxevi York, recommending them to, the care of tne conductors. inejrrcuiu uu shape. It was a joyous reunion wnen the father found them. me motner oi the children died in Switzerland while her husband was trying to maxe a nomei for tier out nere, ana, on nearing m uw deatb, ne at once sent ior me iituo ones LThe youngest child is rour years oia. ' SATURDAY'S KXCURBI3.. Basket ricnle to he Cascade, on Satnr- daynext.- ' The steamer Regulator will give The Dalles people an opportunity to make a Grand Basket Pickic to the Cascades, Saturday? May 21st, leaving her. berth at the foot of Union street at 7.30'o'dock o m rBtnrnincr at 6 n. m. Excnr : sionists will be eiven about three hours at the Cascades, which will afford ample time to see the Columbia in its angry mood,' and notice for themselves the condition of things at the foot of the nni The fare: for the round trin. has beenplaeed at 50 cents, in order that " -7 . any one who mav wish to avail them- selves ot the opportunity, may have a chance to do so. Excursionists ehould provide themselves with - well filled lunch baskets, . to satisfy an appetite such as an excursion like this will stim ulate. " See advertisement, under the new today heading. - ';. The Dalles W. C. T. V. At the annual meeting of The Dajles W. C. T. U. May 6th, the following offi cers were elected : President, Mrs. Smith French; recording secretary, Mrs. O. D. Doane ; corresponding secretary, Mrs.D, M. French ; treasurer, Mrs. Leslie But ler. The union meets Friday evening tf each week at the reading room. Ever since, its organization the -union has maintained a live reading room and have supplied a number of daily and weekly newspapers from neighboring cities, to gether with magazines and a good li brary. The financial pulse is noimal, "and its sniritnal health vi?orona. Yet as the sun does not scatter or melt all the icebergs, or search out and cheer every dark corner in .the universe, so the W. C, T. unions have not yet been able to scat ter or -annihilate the myriads of saloons which have taken deep root in our fair cities' town8 and hamleU WPPST the life blood of the young-and old. - But when women shall be allowed to vote as she prays, the last and least of these evils will melt from our gaze and the sun will rise upon a nation prepared to enter nPn the i08 of nipnlnm. Cokk."' COUNTY TREASURER'S AOTICK. AIL County Warrants registered prior to January 17th, 1889, will be paid if I presented at my office. interest ceases from and after this date, Geo. Ruch, Treasurer Wasco County, Or The Dalles, May 18, 1802. ' 6.20wl0t ANNUAL MEETING. The Annual meeting of .the Stockhold- ere of the Eastern Oregon Co-operative I association (limited), will be hellat The T.l 1 j nr.j 1 T AA i892. . 10 o'clock a. m.. for the rmrnone Ai..it:.. i A I. wi .iTObiug uuctwrs,auu imiisuiimg any i ?8m J0!? i? meetin' i? te! line uwuu ui airectorB. Frami Pike. Reoretarv. Dated, May 12th. 1892. , ... 5.20w6.17 INSTITUTE MEKTIKO. Bneclal Correepoatrence -From -Wasco and' Sherman. Wasco, May 12. The opening session of the institute was called to order at 10:30 this morning by John Medler in the chair. After a selection of music by the choir, and prayer by . P. P. Under wood, the address- of welcome was de livered by Rev. J; M. Denison, who paid a glowing tribute to the fine agricultural resources of Sherman county. In. re- spondihg, Profeseor French said he had a grathful recollection of the hospitable reception he and his colleague from, the Agricultural college, had met at this place a year ago. -He Kmembered too the intelligence manifested in the ' dis cussions and was well assured . that the time had ' come when "the farmers, of Sherman county 'were able to conduct useful and successful institutes without extraneous aid. Hejiked the push and energy of Eastern Oregon farmers. the state. Another selection of music and an excellent and- suggestive paper was read by P. P. Underwood on, "To what extent the farmer can dispense With the middleman." The paper elici- ted considerable discussion, but no bet- I ter suggestion was offered, perhaps, 'than that which recommended the 'farmer to get out of debt, and keep .out, and -thus get into a position . where money can talk for low profits on what- he has' to buy. - It was now nearing the noon hour, and the meeting adjourned to partake of such a lunch as-only the farmer's wives of Sherman county can spread. Your reporter noticed the presence of the fol- lowing candidates who are taking ad- D "il. 1!JX t ' i 1 'O T? Blythe and H. E. Moore candidates for joint representative. It is rumored that F. R. Coon of Hood .River, " is expected to deliver an address on fruit culture. The Veteran -democratic war horse, J. H. Jackson is also here looking after the outposts and so are A. G. Johnson and W. McGinis. - . Wasc;o, May 12. The afternoon ses sion of the Farmer's Institute opened with a musical' selection by the choir, after which a paper, composed for the TCCa81on by Walli8 jfash, was. read by p, Frencn on the gubiect of fjndustriar education. Reference was male 'to the CBange that has taken nMe in the acouisition ' of technical education, since the times of the old guilds and their apprentice systems, men applying for work in any of the trades are no longer asked "where do you come irom ana wnere were you ap- prenticed?" As a" result we have a superabundance of merely "handy men" whose knowledge is superficial. The state argricultural college aims to make thoroughly accomplished farmers,' and farmers' wives, of the boys and girls under our care. Our education 'is con- ducted on the kindergarten principle We combine the scientific with the prac- tical. We have 200 students from every county in the state and we aim to imbue every one of them with the idea that llabor is dignified and honorable. One hour a day is devoted to practical work Boys are taught to wort at the bench, at th6 anvil, in the field, in the orchard, in the labratory. Our boys are trained how to make a draught of any piece of .mechanical work as well as how to do the - work itself, They are instructed in the chemical con stituents of soils, and the kind of food adapttd to each" species of plant" life, They are given practical as well as theo retical instruction in horticulture, flori culture, pomology and - every other branch of farm work. They are taught the character and habits of the pests of the farm and orchard, and the . most approved - methods of -exterminating them. One third of the students are girls,- they too are instructed horticulture, iu tbe care and cultivation of flowers and fruits as well as in house hold science, how to cook, boil and stew meats and vegetables, how to make pud dings, . jams, . jellies, . etc., how to sew, patch, darn, plan and cut garments and do all kinds of fancy work. These are the aims and objects of our college work and they have been abundantly successful in turning out young men and women' equipped . with all necessary knowledge for starting life as accom plished farmers', and - farmers' wives', imbued with a love of farm life they are never likely to loose ut after years, airs. xj. vauueia iouowea with a .very able paper on Odds and Ends. The numerous "leaks" on the farm 'were pointed out in a very interesting man ner, and the dignity , and nobility of farm work insisted on. "She is a! true lady" said Mrs. Canfield, who is fitted 8 from the milking stool to the draw- ing - room and piano, and be at home in either place. Had J a score 6f daughters I would teach every one them to milk, and had I a score of sons I would teach every one of them to cook and bake bread." The paper, as a whole,1' was deeply interesting for its caustic, in- ,, Aa T. - , . . K . and, word' " M & JPwd and wen receivea.. .Kirs, uanneia nad urged the imnortance of od reading matter . .- - - " in the farmers homes, especially good newspapers, and the institute, .taking up the cue, discussed this point at con siderable length. .' -. Professor French followed, on r "How FAKMEBS' can the farmers derive the greatest ben- etlt from the experiment station?". The proiessor -spoke of the .Hatch act, by which the sum of $15,000 was granted to each state, annually, for the benefit of iarmers. tie pointed out four ways genuine competition.' C. J. 'Bright through which the benefits intended to claimed there was riot enough money in follow the appropriation'might accrue to circulation. The national banking sys those for whose benefit it was made, tem was the worst in' the 'world. If First by correspondence. The profeseors held themselves ready to answer all questions within' the "compass of their know ledge,, on anything relating to the farm, garden or orchard. Second, by institutes such as the present. Third, what this had te do with co-operation by branch stations, where tests are to was not apparent. A.S.Roberts called be made and experiments tried, similar attention to the succes that had nt to those now going on at the central tended a- co-operative farmers'" assocfa- etation at Corvallis. No branch station bad yet been instituted, -but probably one would be established in Eastern Or- egon before long. Fourth, by- bulletins containing the results of careful cxpen- ments and approved methods. . These bulletins are issued when necessary and are sent ree to all who may desire them. At the -close of the professor's remarks, in answer to a question, he V. C. Brock followed on the same sub said they have 400 varieties of potatoes ject.- -Carrying wheat bv wagons from at the experiment station out of over 800 known varieties. Their best success had been attained from planting in deep loose sour and keeping the ground level on top. we plant two eyes to the seed, about two feet apart. Planting the whole potato has resulted in a larger ag- gregate yield, but with, more small potatoes One eye to the seed has not proved so successful. . ,, An interesting discussion followed the address of Professor French. At its close, A. S. Roberts sang, in fine voice, excess of cost on 2,000 bushels, is' sonie a very appropriate farmer's song. The thing like $132.00 for each farmer who hour of 4 :30 p. ru., had now arrived, ships ' that amount. This shows the The institute had been in session for nearly four hours without a sign of wear- iness. Chairman Medler announced the programme for the morrow and the meeting; adjourned. : The . attendance was quite large, the large , hall being comfortably ' filled with probably 300 farmers,, their wives and children.-- . Wasco, May .13. Tho convention opened this morning with a large at tendance. Frank Lee of the' Northwest 'Fariiier read a paper which contained some excellent practical suggestions on "Business Methods on' the Farm farmers as a class, said Mr. Lee, are sadly deficient in business methods. In no other avocation could men afford . to lose, as farmers do, from sheer lack of business methods, and yet live, jjow much is lost by sowing" foul wheat, by neglecting to select the beet seed, by not preparing fruit, butter, etc., in a proper manner for market. . He recommended that farmers should plan 'their work ahead. 'Each should keep a diary or day book inwhich entries should be kept as to yield' of crops,' when planted, how much they tealized- Not one fanner fn a hundred can tell how much it costs to found of beef. " He strongly urged the adoption of tho cash, system in the purchase of all supplies needed on the farm. . Better far if possible bor row money and purchase for - cash than buy on credit. No farmer should buy a threshing machine unless he is a prac tical mechanic. He had seen threshing machines that ate up horses, hogs,' cat tle, crops, and even farms.- Machinery should be carefully housed at the end of the season and put away ready for use the coming season. Method and regu larity are laws of nature. ' Let the farmer cultivate them. Mr. Lee's paper . was followed by 'a short essay by Mrs. Hattie Andrews on ''How to lighten the work of the farm housewife." The husband should rise early, said Mrs. Andrews, light the fire, set on the kettle and potatoes, and sweep the kitchen floor. Then wake up the wife and she will do the rest. At noon.he should come in early from the field,cut plenty of wood and pack water where necessary. The supper she will prepare without his help. Finally, she urged the married farmer to be a man and to eschew cards and wine and every other pleasure he could not share with his wife. . This was followed by Professor Wash burn, in a paper on "Insect Pests of the Farm and Orchard." The nature and habits of various pests were described with the most approved methods of their extermination. A. B. Craft followed on "Co-opera tion." Unlike any other- business tbe farmer-has nothing to say about the price of what he buys or sells. He must take what he can get- 'and pay what is asked.. Farmers should pool their in terests in "the matter of buying-and sell ing. ' He did not believe in farmers get ting poorer ail the time while others all around them are getting richer. Farm ers have the power of benefiting them selves if they will only use it. We can not get along without some middle men but one man between the manufacturers and the buyers is enough. Why ' should three or four middlemen each reap a profit off everything the farmer has to buy. ' Co-operation has not always been failure. Farmers should be more united in everything in which their, own interests are concerned and especially should they co-operate at the polls. As tbe hour of noon had now arrived discussion was deferred till the afternoon session and" the meeting adjourned. " '. On' reassembling Mr. John Smith opened the discussion on co-operation by a general statement as to the success of the farmers' warehouse which he had managed for a short time lost year. The warehouse had handled about one-third of the grain crop of Sherman county, Besides this it had dealt in lumber, wood and coal and while successful in itself had greatly aided 'in furnishing there was plent of money In .circulation the credit system would die. Then the old straw about the pet eanita circula- tion beinn only 5 instead of nearly 24 was threshed over again , though just tion in Texas, which started 11 years ago with a capital of' $265.00 and "was now worth 180,000, - Professor French followed with a paper written by Wallis Nash on "Transporta tion" which strongly depreciated snch legislation against railroad corporations as would cripple them . or hinder the I building of new and competing lines Wasco to Grants, a distance, of 20 -miles was worth 3 a ton. This wan IS cents per ton per mile. The" Union Pacific. high as its rates were between Sherman county and Portland, carried wheat for 4 cents per ton per mile. This was a difference of U cents in favor .of the railroad. The average Sherman county farmer exported 2,000 bushel, eaual to 60 tons of wheat annually. The excess of cost by wagon over that of rail for twenty miles is $2.20 per ton and the vast importance of railroad connection witn tne Columbia river. - Last year we exported 600,000 bushels of grain and tne crop is not an yet sold, in 1884 a at Grants collected all the grain that was shipped out of the coun ty and it amounted to just half a car load. ".Not more than half of the county is under cultivation and our need for a- railroad is already imperative. James McMillen followed. He held that the worst enemy ' of the farmer is not the railroad but the wagon road.' It cost as much to haul grain 10 miles to the station as it did to haul it 180 miles by rail at average rates. Wheat had been carried from Duluth to New York for five cents per bushel, yet we -are compelled to pay U cents per .bushel tor the JUS miles between Grants and Portland. We pay $3.80 a ton while the average rate is 65 cents. He reckoned that 500 farmers of Sherman county were practically defrauded out of $140 each in exorbitant charges. H. E. Moore spoke of what the Cas cade portage had done for the farmers of Wasco county and declared, if elected to the" legislature, be would do everything in Lif Pwer secnre the dalles portage. This was the signal for the chairman to call on other legislative candidates resent to express themselves and essrs. Smith, Coon and McDaniels re sponded briefly pledging, themselves in tbe same manner. A. S. Roberts-gave an incident of his own experience with the Regulator. He required to ship a bunch of sheep' to Portland. The regular rates by rail would have been $70. lie had them carried by the Regulator and landed in every way in better shape for $36. He was told that the cost of running the Cascade portage did not exceed $4,500 per annum'and the cost of running tbe dalles portage need not greatly, exceed this sum. ,A reference by .Mr. Brock to the action or tne I'ortiand chamber of commerce in connection with the Norton survey brought Hugh Gourlay to his feet who said that it was evident that Portland did not wnt an Pen riTerv when the Regulator company asked Portland to assist in putting a boat on the lower river, nineteen persons contributed the -munificent sum of $2,200. This was the extent of Portland's interest in the op position boats. The merchants treated the new company with coldness, indiff erence and in one case, at least , with ab solute rudeness. Allen and Lewis,- one of the largest wholesale houses, a bouse that has made thousands of dollars from the farmers and merchants of Eastern Oregon practically showed the collectors the door, and the work of collecting the $10,000 promised towards the enterprise had to be abandoned. If the - Regulator has benefited the people in "any way they owe it to The Dalles' merchants and capitalists and not to those of Port land; While Eastern Oregon is a unit for the dalles' portage and no one sus pects any candidate now before us for legislative honors of not being friendly to the scheme it would not be the least surprising if Portland would yet oppose it unless we make such a united demand for relief as will sweep everything before it.' . "'.'' ' - . .-- After a song by Mrs. Frank Pike, A. C. Huff spoke on VFarm Fences," , tak ing the ground that the present law was a nuisance and there was probably not a yard of legal fence in the county. - - The last paper was on "The- Educa tion of the Farmer," by H. Tyree. This was a really' excellent paper. The speaker paid a fine tribute to the value of our public schools ; to the necessity of education as an indespensible means of maintaining oucfree institutions, and to the importance of- educating every faculty and power of the human mind so aa to make all round enlightened and intelligent nen and women of the future fathers and mothers of this great nation. An instrumental duet followed and the meeting adjourned for supper. . The night session was opened by a song from the choir after .which Profes sor French read a paper on "Green Fallowing and Green Manuring.". The thirteen elementary substances were described and the absolute necessity of retaining in tbe soil or giving back tCx.it,, the most important, namely, potash, phosphorus and nitrogen. In the ab sence of any one of these'ln the soil . there can be no vegetable life. Green manuring had been practiced by the Roman?. In Belgium no green thing is allowed to go to waste. The farm should be cultivated as if the farmer intended to live forever and your children will, in that case, rise up and call you blessed.' The discussion that followed dealt largely with the value of weeds, wild mustard and volunteer wheat turned under in summer fallow, the professor insisting that they en riched and gave- back valuable proper-"' ties to the soil. The question box waa then opened and many questions of in terest and importance discuBssed till the ' clock admonished the audience-that the ' time for parting had- arrived, A vote of thanks to tbe people of Wasco for their generous hospitality, was offered by A. 8. Roberts, and carried unanimously' Another vote was carried in favor of the choir. Professor French- congratulated the institute on being one of the best, if not the best ever held' in the state, and best of all, it was got up by the farmers themselves. - A voteot thanks was passed in favor of the professors. and on motion the institute adjourned tine die. HUME PRTIMI 1 Few Passlaf Remarks" YVortkjr mt . Consideration Special to' the Chronicle. Tim Dalles, May 14. After reading the very clear article in The Chroxiclb yesterday, on the immense crops that will be raised in - Sherman county this year, I am reminded of the pertinent , questions that agitated our people a year ago. In the spring of 1891 there were two or more schemes, on paper and in the air; for moving the grain crop of Sherman and other counties to the coast . markets. Paul Mohr and Co., it was said ; would have their portage railroad, on the Washington side of the Columbia, completed in time to handle the crop of 1891. Afterwards came the much talked Dalles and Silkstone railroad, and quite recently the report that the Union Pacific-would build a branch line from the main line into . Sherman county, via. Spanish Hollow and Wasco. Cannot some one of these schemes "get a move on" in 1892? .. . Activk. - . According to statements of Mr. John son, of Moscow, here 'this morning, rich deposits of gold have been found near that oity quite recently. He says that only a few days ago two men from How ard, a gulch about seven miles from Moscow, came into the city with gold dust and nuggets to buy supplies with, and a Mosco. paper which 'Mr. Johnson had with him says : "Messrs. Turner Bros.," the men above referred - to, 'washed this gold out in the gulch. They said that one shovelful of the dirt where tbey .were last, working panned out $5 and showed several nuggets, the largest of which was about the size of an ' ordinary marble. They think they are on the trail of a hidden ledge and pro pose to follow it up until they find it. As the last gold is very coarse tbey n,r& greatly to believe they are close to the end." enly, how true it is, that "no-, body knows the limit to' posibility of future development of the wealth of this boundless Pacific Northwest. Statues in snowy marble no longer decorate the art halls of Boston. In the interest ot realism an artist of that city has propagated a new fad which main tains that sculptured images must be colored in the hoe of Jt heir human sim ulacra. The propagandist is even now holding an exhibit of Greek plaster-cast which he has bedizened with a brush -and some paint. He colors the mantles of his images a rich scarlet, making the eyes and flesh the hue of the eyes and fleah of living men, and gilds .the hair. The impression left by his statuary must be that of a collection of bleached blondes wearing cosraestics and inyster--' iously petrified in heroic attitudes. While the fad lasts there will probably be added to the collection a bust of Horace showing a red, convival nose; and a statue of Diogenes with soiled clothes. a portable plung bath and a dark -lan tern having a lighted wick inside. According to dispatches yesterday the will of William Astor, lately deceased in Paris, leaves $60,000,000 to his son, John. Jacob Astor third, a young, man whose most remarkable achievement so far in life is his marriage to a pretty girl from Philadelphia. The bridegroom of the pretty girl is the father of a son six months old. - He has three sisters all married, if Mr. Drayton is still to be re garded as tbe husband of one of them. These women are cut off with $2,000,000 each and Mrs. William Astor receives a life income of $500,000. It ought - to- be explained that all these bequests to the sons and daughters of William Astor are ' made in trust for their children. That is the Astor fashion, though the will of William B. Astor, son of the founder of the family, who died in 1875, contained codicils empowering his heirs to dispose, of their Inheritance by teetament.