- CO THE DA1LES WEEKLY CfflRONICLE, FRIDAY, MAY 0, 1SB2. OFFICIAL PAPER OF WASCO COUNTY. Entered at the Fostoffioe at The Dalles, Oregon, u seoona-ciass matter. - SUBSCRIPTION KATES. BT If All. (POBTAOr PBirAID) I AETANCK. Weekly. 1 year....... r T 1 1 M 6 months. 0 75 8 " -Bally, 1 year. -. i " 6 month.... 0 60 00 3 00 0 50 per Address alIommunicaon to " THE CHRON- IC1," The Dalles, Oregon. r ' " The citizens of Hood River have eom- -pleted arrangements for a grand Fourth of Jul v celebration to-be held at that place. . ' . Mr, John Luce, peoples' party .candi date for congress for the second Oregon district, is suffering from an abcess on hln toncrue. .unkind critics call it a species of the mouth disease. ' -i . It has been decided that all prisoners in the Douglas county, Wash., jail shall be pus to work on the county roads eight hours every day. The rule will go into effect immediately and is expected to greatly aid in reducing the number of yetty crimes in theoounty. Oregon will have ah agricultural .and and hortfcultural exhibit at the world's lair after all. The plan is to collect the exhibits of the Portland exposition, the state fair and Eastern Oregon "fairs and send them to Chicaao after the fairs are through with them. An if to confirm the -position of The Chroniclk, on the 11th, that the Colum , bia river had not yet been fully discov ered, at 10 o'clock Saturday Portland discovered that the deepest Tessels may ' 'come ud that far, without the aid of of congressional appropriations. The cruisers Charleston and "Baltimore are now there, in. spite of all said -to -the contrary. ' . General Weaver combines the practi cal with the theoretical in an admirable manner. However visionary his ideas may be on -national finance his views Tefirardinff the .Weaver exchequer arej sound to the core. The general believes that calamity howls are worth as much per howl as any other..kind of - political pyrotechnics. " $50 was the price de manded for his speech m Eugene, one nieht last week. Who would not be a' .reformer at $50 a night? . . A deal was closed at Sault Ste Marie Saturday, by which the Perry lumber company obtains -possession of nineteen square miles of pine, spruce and cedar ' lands on the 'Canadian. Indian . -reserva tion, fortv miles north of the Soo.' The deal involves millions, and will result in logging operations on a vast scale: . According to Saturday's primary elec- - tions, Kentucky will probably send an uninstructed delegation to the national - convention. The result is believed to be due Co the .position taken by . Henry. Watterson in .regard to Cleveland. The instructed counties are about evenly divided between Carlisle and Cleveland. Thirty out of the nf ty-nine -counties so far reported have' indorsed Watterson 's suggestion. ,- The Trontdale distillery eompany whose property was lately destroyed by fire are making overtures to 'the. people of Sherman -county, looking to their lo cating at urante. the company asks a bonus of 25,000 bushels of wheat from the farmers. They have already secured about 15 acres of land on the river. They offer to put up. an $80,000 plant, consisting of a distillery and 50 barrel flouring mill. It is believed the nego tiations now in progress will be suc cessful. A new town has been laid out at Hood River falls. E. F. Sharp ' was there all last week doing .the surveying.. The ' name of the town has not yet been de cided on, nor are the lots yet oh. the 'market; but they soon will be. A new 'Toad is being Opened from Tucker's mill . to the Diver ranch that will shorten the distance between Hood River and the falls about .three miles.- The country around the falls is covered with and tributary to a fine body of timber. The river at this point has ah estimated ca pacity of .16,000 horse power and the power is easily available.' It is expected ' a large lumbering plant will be put in there in the near future and possibly other industries. . "Is the tariff a tax," was recently asked of a prominent Canadian poli tician. "It is a tax," was the answer, "and 1 11 prove it. Suppose I have 1,000 bushels of barley on this (the .Canadian) side which I desire to sell in the United States. Under present law in America X must pay. ay cents per . bushel, or $300 - in all upon my 1,000 bushels, before I am. permitted to cross the line with my barley, and when I do crosff the line with it how much do I get for it? Why, I get American price, the t same that barley is. selling for over there. Idon'tadd to that price the 30 cents per bushel that I paid in at the customs house. Therefore, 'the tariff Is -a tax,' but unfortunately it is a tax upon our people who ship their produce to the I . United State,- ... T- i , : : away from La Grande,-the home of the I LTVSDUW V 11 TY W manes, ti w- - The political weather bureau predicts a cyclone in that reeion on tBo 6th of June and the vortex of the storm will gather its fiercest whirl for the landing of the Slater craft hieh npon the bead watera of Salt Creek. General G. W. Bell visited La Grande the other night, His coining bad been heralded by the usual flaming announcements, anent the eloquent, silver tongued expounder of Simon pure tann reiorm. no uuub, but the faithful refused to .be 'enthused and the audience was so small and in significant that the great man absolutely, refused to speak. If this thing is done in La Grande what may be expected elsewhere? It is the handwriting on the wall and its interpretation is "James H you have been weighed in the bal- There is trouble ahead for the Presby teriane, no matter what disposition the Portland assembly may make of Dr. Briggs. Aside from the truth or falsity of his views, it is beyond question they are out of harmony with those that have prevailed in that , body ever" since the time of its great founders, Calvin and Knox. His retention as an accredited v-- of the denomination is a menace to its peace. His expulsion, while un- doubtedly a lesser evil, is sure to awaken sympathy on his behalf scarcely .less menacing. It is certain, at least, that the seminary of which he is a professor will stand bv him and the influence of itsallumni is widespread and import ant. At a banquet given by the Union Theological Seminary last Monday night, the speakers declared, amid band- clapping approval, that no. matter'wbat the course of the Portland assembly might be the seminary would stand by Dr. Brigge regardless of consequences. The London correspondent of . the American Economist calls attention to- the fact that it is within the memory of many still living that the United States, with ships built in the states, did not only her own trade but much of that of foreign nations, including Great Britain, Forty years ago two-third of thb trade between Australia- and England -was carried on. in vessels' built in Maine, Massachusetts and Connecticut, and American clippers monopolized the carrying trade between Europe and America. But America has developed protection to all industries Except ber shipping trade, while England has pro tected only her shipping trade 'and -the result in the latter, case is that English shipmasters are the carriers of the world. . . " Opinions regarding the results that will follow the international silver con ventiorrcontinue to be conflicting. Iu many European financial circles the be lief prevails that no satisfactory results will follow. Germany accepts the invi talion to attend the conference because she does not wish to stand aloof from the other powers. The German govern ment and reichstag have always been opposed to.bi-me.talism. Only a few year ago they rejected a motion declar ing Germany's willingness to negotiate if England previously adopted bi-metal ism. - The Oregonian says : "All the charges made against F. A.- Moore, candidate for the supreme bench, has recoiled upon their authors. It it another proof that this kind of warfare doesn't pay." How have they recoiled? Has anyone proved that they were not true? Has anyone attempted to prove they were not true? Not so much e one. This kind-of per functory parrot-like justification makes one tired. The Iron Age calls attention to the fact that, for the first time in our history we are exporting - more iron and steel manufactures, exclusive of iron ore, than we import, fa eight months of 1886-87 the value of our imports were $27,850,- 422 and our exports $10,713,182. For the same period in 1891-92 our imports were $16,529,207 while our exports were $20,463,764. Gentlemen of congress, let the McKinley bill alone. Chicago wants a $5,000,000 loan from congress in order to make the Columbus fair a success. " Chicago has already promised to raise the money herself, and as a matter' of pure business she ought to do it. But this, it is claimed, is impossible, and "under the circumstances as a matter of national pride. Congress will probably feel called upon to furnish the needed money. But Chicago has not raised - herself in the estimation of the rest of the country by this transaction. Hon. C. W. Fulton, of Astoria, who has been a member of the stale senate for several terms, will speak in The Dalles Saturday, May 28th, and in Pen dleton Wednesday, June 1st. The announcement is made, on the authority of the Wall Street Journal, that the management of the Union Pa cific has passed absolutely into Boston bands. - Hereafter all the board and executive committee meetings will be held In Boston. The little book Tamerlane, one of Poe's poores t poems, was sold the other day for $1,850. Poe used to think himself lucky I privileges of a republican form of gov when he sold a poem for $5. There are ! ernment, and laws should not be made some men who cannot make a living until a long time after they are dead. SOMETHING ABOUT FRTJIT. Two tittle Haragrapfca From an Official . Source. - .Varney och srney, No more of your blarney, Abou( Oakland' desert sands. Thine. Just why Wasco" county should be set down upon by certain parties "as a fruit region of no consequence," is, to the un initiated, mystifying. "- But,, to those better informed, it is a matter fully un derstood. Wasco county can today show finer fruit of lastj-ears crop, solid tempt- 10g apples; than any other county in 1 Oregon. Samples have been on exhibi- - tion in Tire Cheoniole show .window -qnite recently- " These were one lot of bright, beautiful, rod checked pippins, 1 raised by Mr. J. W. Elliott, of Hosier, and another lot of another variety chal- lenging comparison,, from the orchard of Mr. Chas. Wing, of Wamic. With jsuch evidences as these, it would seem that it is not worth the time consumed in bandying words with any man who dis putes the proposition. Southern Oregon has a reputation for producing certain kinds of fruit, from which Wasco does not in the least desire to detract one iota, but whether the comparison seems odious or not we cannot refrain from copying from the weather bureau re ports this week the following paragraphs, with the interpolation: "How's this Varney?" This report, giving Oregon prospects by counties, for fruit the com ing season says Douglat Everything needs sunshine. Fruit has been damaged by. frost and some grain has been drowned out. - Wasco The conditions of all growths are excellent. Fall and spring grain is making straw fast, and fears are enter tained that the heads of wheat and bar ley, will be -very short. ' In places the fruit crop has been damaged by . late frosts. .Strawberries were in the market on the 11th, and green peas on the 12th, CHEAT PUBLIC INTEBKST. - I Concerning the Clear Lake Scheme af a Speculative Party. In our issue of yesterday we called the attention of oar readers, to the filing of possessary water-rights for speculative purposes, upon Clear Lake, one of the largest of the beautiful bodies of water situated in the dark timber so high upon the mountain range in the southwest corner of township 4, south range 9, east. . The water of this lake' surface is 6,500 feet above the Columbia river . in front of this eity, - and, supplied as it is by the constant condensation of ' the moist warm wind from off the Pacific ocean, and from the melting snows . from off the ' side of Mount Hood, through the tortuous vol canic fissures and channels from its very crater, 5,000 feet above, guarantees to the settler, who occupies the high table lands and prairies such as Wapanitia, Wamic, and other similarly situated fruitful lands, a source of perpetual wealth when properly applied by a sys tem of irrigation of a broad public char acter which, from the action of the gov ernment, we had entertained reason to believe was being attempted. ' We are assured, -and justified in saying that Senator Dolph had been - making efforts and preparation to apply this broad system of irrigation, entered upon by the government, to the whole great basin of Eastern Oregon, containing sedi mentary deposit lands larger in area than the whole of New England. uur citizens will rememoer that a public, meeting was held in the county court rooms to discuss this matter, and to prepare an adequate, extended repre sentation ot its great importance to a wonderful area of territory, suited to supply in fruitful lands, a nation of people; who with irrigation added, in an ample method, which the waters of this lake, and its wonderful situation guarantees, if directed by the govern ment. We can but express deep regret to learn that a speculative party, named the Oregon Land, Irrigation, Timber and Fuel Co., situated at Portland, has taken measures, under the state law enacted the last session, to attempt to take control of all these waters, and the immense volume of privileges which are qualified by, and co-partners therewith ; we mean the immense sized timber in great quantity and several varieties. We cannot but urge all who look upon the prosperous progress of our people in Eastern ' Oregon, especially in Wasco county, if possible, to establish a broad application of the privileges in behalf of the people, instead of bowing for a gener-. ff, il ation or more ; as cannot fail to be the fate of Eastern Oregon, if we must sub mit this great interest to the grindstone of speculative capital. . - Bunch grass, and its cattle and wool, must, as a certainty of fate, grow less and less, and seek homes and food farther in the wilds'. - But those who gather pro- Ll- 1 J ? .? ducts from the fruitful sedimentary soil in the place formerly occupied by cattle and sheep, must own and control the profound privileges Nature has provided to accompany these great changes of Progress. - Hoarded capital has no busi ness in the control of great public necessities. God's gifts, in the. form of water, and rights of way, needed by i great communities, should belong to the public first and open to individual effort widely spread. Such is one of the great to allow gathered capital to engross and control the public domain or its impor- taut formative privileges.. : . The Portland party who have entered ! upon, this speculative movement, iote to the county cleric of Wasco county hot to allow public notice to be made of his movement of entry under this state law. lpe matter we nave- represented is narrowed into a question whether -such great public privileges, and the immense resources embodied therewith, shall be public advantages open to All, or luld by a pretended corporation, who.under the grab i law .passed the last session, belong to it? It will be remembered by readers, that Hon. J.'JT. Dolpli-of OregQn is the chair man of the joint committee of the nation al house and senate who were appointed to consider the question of irrigation and its public application, and that more than six monthssince, by request of Senator Dolph a full representation of Clear Late, Frog Lake and White River capabilities for "irrigation by the gene ral government, was mader including full map of the whole region of eastern Ore gon caning iof this government move- ment, ana that the matter is now before congress, but has been grabbed under state law. - HIGH WATER AT THK LOCKS. A Temporary Landing to be Made In an Kddy for the Dalles city. Portland Daily Dispatch. Owing to the high water in the Colum bia the steamer Dalles City has changed her landing at the cascades to the big eddy just this side. At the locks .the waves roll so high that it is impossible for the steamer to lay safely at the land ing there, hence the change below. The Dalles City took up there this morning several thousand feet of lumber out of which to erect a big platform on which to receive and land freight during the present high water. Teams and wagons were, brought down from The Dalles this morning, to transfer the freight and passengers from the upper to the lower landing. This state of affairs will' only last un til the water goes down. Were the locks completed there would be no necessity for this, as the steamer has no difficulty in reacning the loot oi the iocks. MOSIEK CORRESPONDENCE. Borne Talks Upon the Sabbath and Tentleta. - Special to Ihx Chboszcxb. ' Mosieb, May .13. Some ' one. has forgotten to report Mosier in the columns 'of your paper for the last' few- weeks. We don't like to be forgotten. A place that can boast two Sabbath schools (a Union and a Methodist) both - held in the same school house, and sometimes two other services on the same day, be sides sundry meetings during the week, may be excueed in thinking themselves somebody. A few 'evenings-, ago the Methodist minister from Hood Eiver, Mr. Rigby, gave us a good old fashioned talk'on pro hibition, and at the close-of the meeting distributed a lot of political dodgers. On Friday evening "tie spoke on the Sabbath day question, claiming that Sunday is the original Sabbath, the first day of the creation, if the account of the creation be correct, was the Sab bath day, and the Sabbath has been the first day of the week ever since. He also quoted Math. 28th chapter and 1st verse but said that was not a correct transla tion, for id the original Greek,- the first day of the week was called the Sabbath. Mr. Rigby seems to be quite a Greek scholar,, as ' he has worn two sets of covers off a Greek Testament displayed at the meeting, from persistent study. He also told us he was no mean mathe matician, and something of an astrono mer, for if anyone would give him the longitude and latitude of a given place, he said he could tell us at what hour the sun rises and sets at that place. I forget the import of the last sentence. He also said the ' keeping - of the Sabbath day was not found in the New Testament, and not even hinted at, but in the same book the first of the week is called the Sabbath. , . He closed his argument by attacking the seventh day advent doctrine, and then adjourned the meeting until next evening, when he continued the subject of seventh day adventism. His estimate of the intellectuality of both leaders and followers of that creed is not very high, for he said they were not even respecta ble scholars, and far from prosperous, as God would not prosper such an ungodly people. In a similar strain he continued to the end of his lecture. - We were rather surprised . to find a professed minister of the gospel engaged in vtnltlijttw vinllinf. tffMvn ntlav nOAnlaa ,f , f . tn lTJL, g"n. it is always fair to suppose, that they are pretty well conversant with the bible, and try to live up to Its teaching. If he will permit us. we will call bis attention to the 13th chapter of first book of Corinthians, cerhans the contents of said chapter had slipped his memory or naa Deen torn on with the covers of his tireek testament. - He, however, will find a good translation In K ITinn T. Stil- - .V. ment,. and well worth putting into practice. un Tuesday evening Mr. it. still gave a lecture in the -same acnool house. taking for -subject, the life and writings ot Mrs. white, one oi the principal leaders of the Advent church. A woman, he claims, who did not believe in a hell, and a professor of a very per- melons uoctnne. ire ueiievo do in tended to close his lecture with -a few words on charity, but from some unex plained cause he omitted to do so. -.' A large store is about to be erected at this place in which-a well selected stock of goods will be placed when finished. Mr. Holmes, of xaooma, . is the . pro prietor.- We give him a hearty welcome. . . . . A. . Glossy Sheen And vigorous growth, to much admired In hair, can he secured by the use ot Ayer"s Hair Vigor. There is nothing better than this preparation for keeping the scalp clean, ' cool, and healthy. It restores to faded and gray hair the original color and beauty, pre vents baldness, ana imparts to the hair a Milky texture and a lasting and delicate fra grance. The most elegant ana economical dressing In the market, no toilet is complete without Ayer's Hair Vigor. "My wife believes that the money spent for Ayer's Hair Vigor was the best invest-' ment she ever made, it imparts a sort . And Silky Texture to the hair, and gives much satisfaction." J. A. Adams, St. Augustine, Texas. ' "After using a number of other prepara tions without any satisfactory result, I Una that Ayer's Hair Vigor Is causing my hair to grow." a. j. osment, General Merc nan t, Indian Head, N. W. T. "Ayer's Hair Vigor is the only preparation I could ever find to remove dandruff, cure itching humors, and prevent loss of hair. I confidently recommend it." J. O Butler, spencer. Mass. - .... Result From Using ' "Ayer's Hair Vigor wtfi prevent prema ' ture loss of hair and when so lost will stim ulate a new growth. ' I have used the prepa ration for those purposes and know whereof I affirm." A. Lacombe, Opelousas, La. Ayer's Hair Vigor FKlrAKED BT j Dr. J. C AYER-& CO., LroH, Mas. bom by Druggists and Fernuaers. . ' MARKET REVIEW. ' Trk Dalles, Ky 19, 1492. Business In the city has been active during the past week, with good foot ings. .- Prices remain unchanged, save slight decline in sugar. The wool market is inactive, although there are large arrivals dailv. Buyers and sellers are apart on concessions and holders demand better prices than - buy ers are willing, to pay. Some few lots have changed hands at 12?i for heavy, and 15 for 'extra light staple. There seems to be a disposition on the part of holders to ship on their own account, feeling confident of better results, than to sell on a home market. The salmon run is not up to the average for the season of year. More blue backs are caught than formerly. from some unknown cause. Chinook salmon are selling to the canneries at tour cents per pound. As soon as the river gets a better stage, a better run is expected. The' grain market is quiet, s the. I country is quite ' clear of all grain. Prices remain on old quotations. Summer fruits, such as strawberries, goos berries and currants, are finding ready tale at fair prices on the market with a limited daily supply. .. Produce aae Merchandise Prices. Whs at We quote 55 to 60 cents per bushel. Corn in sacks $1.40(3$1.60 per 100 lbs. Oats The oat market -is in good sup ply with a limited demand. We quote l.zu cents to $i.z& per cental. Bablbt The barley supply is limited with - a limited inquiry. ' 'Brewing $1.00 per cental. Feed barley at 80 to 90 cents per cental. Flock Local brands wholesale, $4-00 in 100 bbl. Iots$4.0 per barrel - at re tail.- MiLLSTt-rrs We quote bran at $20.00 per ton. ttetail . $1.00 , per 100 lbs. Shorts and middlings, $22.50(3 $25.00 per ton. Chop corn at $28.00 to $30.00 per ton. Kolled Jbarlay at $2o.00 ton. . - Hat Timothy hay is in good supply at quotations $14.00 to $15.00. Wheat hay is quoted at 12.50$13.00 per ton, and scarce, baled, wild hav is a no ted at $12.00(313.00 per ton. Alfalfa $12.00 baled. Oat hay $13.00. fOTATOKS A bit scarce at t cents a sack. - Bt'TTEK We quote Al .40.50 cents per .roll, aud very plentiful. HiOgs Are not coming in freely aud the market strong, we quote 16 to 18 cents. . Poultky if owls are in better sup ply at $4.00 to per dozen. Apples out or market. Vegetables Cabbage, turnips, carrots and onions, li cent per . pound. Hides Prime dry hides are quoted at 06 per pound-. (Julia .04O5. ireen.02' .03. Salt .03.04. Sheep pelts 1.00 to $1.75 ; butchered, 75 to cents : bear skins $6 to $8 ; coyote .60 ; mink 50 cents each : martin $1.00 : beaver. $1.75 (33.00 per lb.; otter, $2.005.OO each for Al ; coon, .30 each ; badger, .25 each ; fisher, $2.50 to $4.00 each; ed Fox. $10.00; Dilon gray, $25.00; Black Fox, $25.00; Polecat, $.25; Wildcat, $.50; Hedghog, $1.00 to $3.00. Beef Beef' on foot clean and prime 2)c. for ordinary and 2c. for prime. Mutton Choice weathers 3 to Z cents, and scarce per lb in carcas. llogs oc. uross, and quite scarce. Veal 6 to 7 cents per fi. . Country bacon in round lots 10c Lard 6tt cans .12Wc ; 101b 401b. 8c9Wc. Lumber' The supply is fairly good. We quote No. 1 flooring and rustic $22.50. No. 2 do. $16.50. No. 3 do $13.00. Rough lumber $9. to $12. No. 1 cedar shingles $2.50 Lath $2.85. Lime $1.15 per bbl. Cement $3.75 per bbl. ' j STAPUt GBOCBBIXS. J Cor Feb Costa Rica is quoted at 23 cents by the sack ; Sugars Chinese in 100 ib mats. Dry Granulated, $5. ; Extra C, 414 cents U, 4J4 cents. American sugars Dry Granulated in barrels or sacks, 0 cents ; Extra C. in do., 6?4 cents ; C, h -cents. Sugars - in 301b boxes - are quoted : Golden C $1.80; Extra C, $2.10; Dry Granulated $2.15. - Sybcp f 2.25 to $2.75 can, kegs 1.90 to $2.00 keg. Kick Japan rice. cents : Is land rice, 7 cents. 1eaxs bmall white. 4s(5 cents: Pink, 4Xm)i cents by the 100H.S. . stock bAXT is quoted at $17.50 per ton. Liverpool, 50Tb - Back. 70 cents 100 Ibeack. $1.26; 2001b sack, $2.25. ; The Blaine t'k i - tv -. w-r! ,"r-v IMINI6TRA TOR'S SAT K. Notioo ! hereby IX. riven that the unriA.ai-wnAH ka printed, qualified and acting administrator of the estate of John Mnnon deceased, by order of the county court of Wasao tolore duly made, will on Saturday the 18th day I of June, It-!, at the hour of 2 o'clock n m. S - nid dny, at tho front door ot the county court bouse In Dalles City, Wasco county, Oregon, sell at public auction, to the hirent hfdrim- r.i a-.k i- hand; the followlnc described real tnt i - Ing to thC estate of said deceased, to-wit: The norm-west quarter oi secuoa twelve (12 in towa ahlDone'I) south of ranre fourteen Ml aat m the Willamette Meridian, in Waaeo county. 6re- Ieon, eanlalnmg one hundred and sixty acres of land, more or less. Dated St The Dalles. Oiwiin this 14th H i.t i!ay,1892. . ri. V. MASON, i Aaminisrrator of the estate of John Mason, de ceased. 5-20-O-17 DEPUBLICOI! District and Copty TICKET. For Supreme Judge, F; A. Moore. x For Attorney General, Lionel R. Webster. For Member of Congress, 2d District, W. R. Ellis. For Circuit Judge, 7th District, Greorge' Watkins. For Prosecuting Attorney, 7th District, W. H. Wilson. For Member State Board Eaualizatioa 7th District, John L. Ltickey. For Joint Senator, 17th District, consist ing oi enerman ana Wasco Counties, H. S. McDaniels. For Joint Senator, 18th District, consist ing oi iniiiam, bnerman and . Wasco Counties, . . . . , W. W. Stei-wer. For Joint' Representatives. 18th Repre- kuuiwy riainci, consisting ot - ' Sherman and Wasco Counties, E. N Chandler, .T.R..Coon. -' For County Judge, -. r C. N. THORNBURY. For County Clerk, J. M. HUNTINGTON. - For County Sheriff! C. P. BALCH. For County Commissioner, " . A LEAVENS. For County Treasurer, ' .. WM. MICH ELL. 7 . For County Assessor, JOEL W. KOONTZ. - For County School Superintendent. mux aatLuitL.i , For County Surveyor, E. F. SHARP. For County" Coroner, NVHL EASTWOOD. 4-16tf DEPIOCHOTIG State, District and County TICKET. . . For Supreme Judgo. Alfred S. Bennett . For Attorney General, George E. Chamberlain. - For Member of Congress, . 2d District. , James H. Slater. For Circuit Judge, 7th District, W. L. Bradshaw. . For Prosecuting Attorney, 7th District, v J. P. Moore. For Member State Board Equalisation. 7th District, William Hughes. For Joint Senator, 17th District, Sher man and Wasco counties, J. A. Smith, . J', of 8herman. For Joint Senator, 18th District, Gilliam, isnerman ana wasco counties, G-. W. Rinehart, of Gilliam. For Joint Representatives, 18th Repre sentative District, Sherman and Wasco counties, H. E. Moore, S. P.Blythe. For County Judge, GEORGE C. BLAKELEY. For County Clerk, . JAMES B. CROSSES. -. For County Sheriff, THOMAS A. WARD. For County Treasurer, ' WILLIAM K. CORSON. For County Assessor, GEORGE T. PKATHER. For County Surveyor, , F. 8.GORDON. . For School Superintendent, F.P.FITZGERALD. - For County Commissioner, JAMES DARNIELLE. -.. f. .MtX'KK. 4-21 td