The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, May 20, 1892, Image 5

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    THE DALLES WimY CHRONICLE, PmDAY, lA? 20 1802. :
The Weekly Gtooniele.
IBS DAI.I.E8, - - - -:- OKEGOH
FRIDAY - - - MAY 13,1892
From the bally Chronicle, Friday.
Mr. C. E. Pratt of Wamic,
ia in the
oitv iodav. and paid Thb
Chronicle "a
pleasant visit. ;'..-.''
Dr. Siddall ia again at home after a
visit to Astoria, -which he, and about
15,000 others, greatly enjoyed.
Mr. Jas. M. DeMqas, of Philadelphia,
one of the famous concert family, ia in
The Dalles on buaineas for a few daya.
Mr. Geo. W. Lang, one of the U. Pv
E. E. locomotive engineers, who has been
sick for some time, is now improving
N. H. Moffet and J. W. Booth, of
Moro, who have been in The Dalles for
several daya on business, left for home
The hull for the steam launch, recently
built in this city by Mr. Kennedy, took to
the waters of the Columbia today, and
now reHta at anchor in Mill creek.
Mr. Fields' milk wagon team took an
other turn around the city today on. their
own responsibility, and the wagon now
lays piled up at the blacksmith shop for
One of the nice things at Astoria this
week was the poem, by Col. A. T. Haw
ley, in commemoration of the discovery
of the Columbia. ' It ought to be read
one hundred years hence, annually.
The Rockland ferry boat was compelled
to slip her cable this morning, and is
now landing on the Oregon side in Mill
Creek, crossing as usual but steered by
means of rudders. - M
Judge Chas. H. Carey, of Portland,
' has notified Hon. M. A. Moody of The
.Dalles, that Hon. H. B. Miller, of
Grant's Pass.'will accompany Mr. Ellis
on hia campaign in Wasco and Sherman
counties. . -
The show window at The Chboxiclk
office yesterday received a fine sample of
ereen peas from the garden of Mr. a
TTllnrlt. ahnnt two miles belowtown, and
a bunch of rye four feet tall, from Dr,
Taylor's place on the bluff. The rye grew
in sandy soil.
Th Umatilla House is undergoing a
thorough renovation and under the care
iul manipulation of four artists, directed
Tsy E. L. Walton, is begining to look as
white and glossy as the crest of mount
"Hood. The boys are doing a fine job on
this favorite caravansery.
A document has been 'filed with the
county clerk which claims all the water
in Clear Lake for navigation purposes
When the people most intimately con
nected with that region, having their
homes there, realize fully what has been
done, there will be some kicka coming
v Mr. Brooks broueht home with him
from Astoria, the menu card of the ban-
nnet. the nrosrramme of the concert, and
the official programme of the celebra-
tion, which serves to give a person a fair
idea of the good times enjoyed He says
the concert, given by leader J. B. Wyatt,
could not be beaten anywhere in point
of its elegance. .
The steamers Regulator and Dalles
City of The. Dallea, Portland and Astoria
.Navigation company, will make quick
time on their routes today, taking pas
sengers from this city to Portland and
return for $2.00, tickets good for five
-days, on the occasion of the visit of the
cruisers Baltimore and Charleston to
Portland. This is an opportunity which
possibly may never be repeated, to see
uch vessels so near home.
A gentleman from Moro met with a
lively experience yesterday on the Sufert
road. A cow frightened his team, and
they shied into a barbed wire fence,
then out of it, and upset the buggy.
Things were righted, nobody hurt, and
they started again on the road, when
the team took another start, threw the
occupants out of the buggy, upset it
again, and dashed away at the top of
their speed, literally breaking the buggy
all to pieces. He bought a new buggy
of Maya & Crowe and returned to Moro.
" Dr. Eliza A;. Ingalls, wife of Maj. G.
W. Ingalls, has arrived from Portland at
the request of several prominent ladies
of The Dalles. The doctor has concluded
-. to open an office in this city, and has en
gaged rooms in the Chapman block, over
the postoffice. Dr. Ingalls is a graduate
of the university of Michigan, at Ann
Arbor, of the class of 1875, and has over
since been engaged in ! active practice
being a licentiate of the states of Illinois,
Arizona and California. ' We gladly wel
come Dr. Ingalls to our city and predict
for her a large and successful practice.
Mr. and Mra. S. L. Brooks and othera,
who took in the centennial at Astoria on
the 11th, have returned home delighted
. -with every event the occasion afforded.
"Mr. Brooks says - the -Astorians have
been grossly misrepresented by state
menta of excessive charges, lack of at
Mention, etc According to Ma account
the celebration was the grandest thing
that ever happened on the Pacific coast.
: The cruisers will be in Portland tomor
row. The Pioneers : had the post of
honor by land and by sea, in all the pro
cessions The attendance was immense,
'.and everybody . returned - home . well
pleased. ;.
Mr? A. J- Anderson,, who h&r a fine
place on Chenoweth creek,- three miles
below The Dalles, was op today and left
some samples, of ..bis garden Jruck. in
the shape of green peas,-thatit would be
hard to: discount. . He says strawberries
are going to be abundant soon.
TheV Buffalo J&rr is the Eastern
paper which reaches pur table and our
estimation at the same time," and. ia
most worthy of admiration. The com
pliment may be construed as you. please
when we say", upon opening the wrapper
"brought to perfection."; Thus chboxi
clk isiio snide. Please X. . v
Various rumors are current respecting
diphtheria in The Dalles, and that phy
sicians may know what is required of
them in such .cases, at tho- request of
city Marshal Gibons " we' call attention
to the law! Ordinance No.. 12 .provides
that every practicing physician in-the
city shall notify the mayor, in writing, of
every .case, within twelve hours after the
existence of the -disease shall ' come to
his knowledge. Refusal or neglect to do
so is an offenae punishable by fine;: The
owner or occupant of any house where
diphtheria is known to be, must also
notify the mayor in writing or suffer a
fine for their neglect. T It may be deemed
advisable that certain parties in the city
read- this ordinance,; which is to be
found on page' 86 Dalles City charter, as
amended in 1882. Mayor Mays desires
that not only physicians, but families
afflicted, strictly comply with the pro
visions of the ordinance in all such
cases; "
From the Daily Chronicle, Saturday.
Miss Adna Helm of Chicken Springs,
is in the city.
Filloon & Co. will have a car load of
mowers next week.
Mr. H. A. Pratt, of Hood River,
gassed through today enroute to Ellens
urg. - . . " .
The Wasco Warehouse received about
one' hundred bales of wool ior- shipment
B. F. Wolfe expects to harvest a fine
crop of wheat off his field on Second
street next to his pelt store. -"Mr.
J. F. Moore, democratic candidate
for prosecuting attorney, is in the city
today interviewing the faithful.
Wool is slowly arriving in consequence
of the bad condition of the roads
through the Cold Creek sticky mud
flats. '. - . - ..
When the hair has fallen out, leaving
the head bald, if the scalp is not shiny,
there is a chance of regaining the hair
by using Hall's Hair Renewer.
Mr. Benton, of the firm of Maier &
Benton, has received the sad telegraphic
news of his father's sudden death' in
Ronova, Pa., at 7 o'clock last evening.
- Mr. S. F. Blythe, candidate on the
democratic ticket for the legislature,
passed through the city and proceeded
to his home at Hood River by the steamer
Regulator today. ' . .
Chief Engineer Jud S. Fish, of The
Dalles fire department, has addressed
several fire companies belonging to the
departments of neighboring cities, ask
ing them to co-operate with The Dalles
department in a tournament- here July
4th. He has received one -answer, from
Pendleton today, .which will set the ball
in motion. . , -
From Mr. Kennedy, a gentleman from
Texas, who is leisurely looking over
Wasco, Moro and Sherman counties, we
infprmed that the seasons in the
lone Star state are so uncertain that a
large immigration of people may be ei-
nected to Eastern Oreeon from there
this year and next. He says the rain
making scheme is an absolute failure. ...
Chief Engineer A. N. Gilmore, of the
steamship Oregon, now in Portland,
made the trip up to The Dalles by
steamers of the D. P. and A. Nav. Co,
yesterday, accompanying his sisters
Misses Jane and Anna Gilmore this far
on their return to their home in Steuben
vill. Ohio. The ladies have made the
tour overland, via. California; thence by
sea to Portland, and they say that -of all
the routes traveled, none compare with
the Columbia from Portland to The
Dalles. . . .. .. -
Among the passengers to Portland this
morning by steamer Regulator, was Mr,
Johnson, of Moscow, Idaho, Who in
formed a representative of The Chron
icle that he was taking the boat just for
the purpose of putting in a day where he
could learn from practical observation,
whether this natural highway to the
Pacific was ever to be of any direct bene
fit to the dwellers of the inland empire,
He 'seemed to be very anxious to learn
all he could, and waa presented with
fie of The Chbonicle for future refer
ence. . - ' -. . .
One of the last official acts of Mr. Z,
T. Wright, whose death was announced
in The Chbosicxe. yesterday, was the
correspondence preliminary to the an
nual meeting of the Grand lodge of Good
.Templars in Oregon. ; The meeting was
to have t)een held this year in The
Dalles, but for wanT of a suitable hall,
since the fire, session will probably -be
held in Portland. .In the death of one
so weir known, the -bereavement of I
household becomes a community's sor
row. Cut off in hia prime, Mr. Wright
has left an enviable record. His. Career
was a steady unfolding of latent powers
and his-future was full of promise. , But
to console his friends and to mitigate the
bereavement, of hia family there may
well come the knowledge that hia career
was that of a faithful, intelligent, con
scientious believer in hia work.' ?'
It would abnear that Emperor William
changes hia mind regularly before every
urea, - : - -' "- " --
. 'Rfieumatism CuretUin Three Days.
Miss Grace Littlejohn is a little girl,
aged eleven years, residingjin Baltimore,
Ohio. Read' what she says: "I was
troubled with rheumatism for two years,
but could get nothing to do me-any
good. I was so helpless that I had to be
carried like a babe when I waa advised
to get a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain
Balm. I got it from our druggists, Mr.
J. A. Kumber, and in three days I was
up and walking around. I have not felt
any return of it since and my limbs are
limber as they ever were." 50 cent bot
tles for sale by Blakeley' & Houghton,
druggists. d&w-
E. C Wallis, of Rufus, says he cannot
speak too highly of the present wheat
prospects in Sherman county. - -
. -
- A. Pointer.
"I am very much pleased with Cham
berlain's Couglj Remedy," says H. M.
Bangs, the druggist at Chatsworth, HI.
"During the epidemic of la grippe here
it took the lead and was very much bet
ter liked than other cough medicines."
The grip requires precisely the same
treatment as a -very severe cold, for
which this remedy, ja bo efficient. It
will promptly loosen a cold and relieve
the lungs, soon effecting a permanent
cure, while most other medicines in
common use for colds only give tempor
ary relief. 50 cent bottles for sale by
Blakeley & Houghton, druggists, d&w
' SaTed from Death by Onions.
There has no doubt been more lives of
children saver from death in croup or
whooping cough: by the- use of onions
than anv other known -remedy, our
mnt.hnra iinod to make noultices of them.
or a syrup, which was always effectual
in breaking no a cough or cold. JLr,
Gunn's Onion Syrup is made by combin-
; i .3 : ; . i. i n-vi.
ing a lew eiuipie reiuetiieo iu n ii.v.u.
ma&e it more enecuve as a meaicme auu
destroys the taste and odor of the onion.
50c. . Sold by Blakeley & Houghton.
The naturalization of foreigners who
cannot speak English is not surprising.
Few newly made voters are so ignorant
that thev do not understand the deep
Ciceronian eloquem of a pint of beer,
pale and frothy, iieer is tne voiapuK oi
politics. ' , '
A Great Liver Medicine. ,
Dr. Gunn's Improved Liver Pills are a
sure cure for sick headache, bilious com
plainta, dyspepsia, indigestion,' costive
ness, torpid liver, etc. , These pills in
sure perfect digestion, correct tne liver
and stomach, regulate the bowels, purify
and enrich the blood and make the skin
clear. They also produce a good appe
tite and invigorate and strengthen the
pnt.irft Rvsitem bv their tonic action.
They only require one pill for a dose and
never gripe or sicken. Sold at 25 cents
a box by Blakeley & Houghton.
We do not know which is the more
diverting spectacle, the lively efforts of
Mr. Hill to run down the presidency or
the sinuous grace and . alacrity - with
which the presidency eludes Mr. Hill.
A Sure Core for Piles.
Itching Piles are known by moisture
like perspiration, causing intense itch
ing when warm, xnis rorm as wen as
Blind, Bleeding or Protruding, yield at
once to Dr. Bosanko's Pile Remedy,
which acts directly on parts anected,
absorbs tumors, allays itching and ef
fects a permanent cure. 50 cents. Drug
gists or mail. -Circulars free. Dr. Bo
sanko, 329 Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa.
Sold by Blakeley & Houghton.
Of all forms. Veoralgln. Ipsw. Fits, leep
Irunnu, Unimex, Dtalneaa, Bines, Oplnw .
dlKorered by tba eminent Indiana Specialist Im
nerrous diseases. It does not contain opiates or
Epilepsy. From September to January BlrOBl
using the Nervlae 1 had as least 76 conralslons,
and now after tone months' use haye aompte
ATITB HBKTlNJEfor about four months. It
has brought me relief and core. I bare taken It
for epilepsy, and after using It for one week hare
bad no attack.- Hurd CTBrasius, HeathTille, Pa.
Fine book of great cures and trial bottles FKU
at OnwzlM Syerywhere, or addrsss
OR. MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Ind.
U. 8. LaKD Ofwcb, The Dalles, Or., May 2, 1892.
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of his intention to
make final proof in support of his claim, and
that BAiH Y..wrf in h. mfliiA before thereeister
and receiver , of the U. S. Land office at The
Dalles, Or., oh June 17, 1892, viz:
' Peter Gotfredsen,
Hd. No. 2955, for the NJ NEW and NEJ4
. 1 H, H 14 C
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
f enfH land, vivr
Horace Bice, William Elchard, A. W. Whet
stone and Joel Koontz, all ol Tne Danes, or. -5-6-5
tw JOHN W. LEWIS, Keglster.
is hereby given that the Executors of the
last wiU and testament of Daniel Handley, de
ceased, have filed with the County Court of Was
co county their final account as such executors,
ana mat
k ko nvinob n. m.. has been fixed as the time, and
the County Court room of Wasco county as the
place, for the hearing of said final account, at
wmcn ame win.-uuus w muu uum .
any there, be, wi
Ul be neara.
- ! , Executors.
ed circle 5 or b on ie nip aim r im icii
ahnnldpr. Has been at my mace for about two
years. Will owner please pay expenses and tal
her away. , . -G. W. McKALVE),
5-6-lm V a Pleasant Ridge.
8TRAY NOTICE. A spotted, roan, five
n . nA stew- hrand X cm. richt hiD. crop a:
derbit off right ear, and half crop off left, dew-
Came to my place last fall. Owner can
iave him by proving
nrooertv ana paying ex-
. Nansene, Wasco Co., Or.
Late Kec. U. 8. Land Office.
Over Sixteen Years Experience.
600,000 ACRES
:. of ;
UMp'rovei FARM Property
Send lor a Pamphlet describing this land.
Thompson's Miitioii to TleTJalles.
This addition ia laid off into one-acre lots, and
in destined to be the principal residence part ol
the city.- Only twenty minutues walk -from the
court house.
Do not be afraid to consult.or write as, we save
advice or information in all branches of our bus
iness free of charge. . -.
Thombapy. & Hudson,
Office in C. B. Land Office Building.
THE DALLES - - - - - - OREGON.
' Dealer in
Staple and Fancy ':
Special Prices to Cash Buyers.
Highest Prices paid for Produce.
Opposite Skibbe'a Hotel. ' 3-18wtf
. The Imported Belgian -
.. Will stand for the Season ol 1892,
At Richmond's Stables in The Dalles on Fridays
and Saturdays. At Harry Gilpins, i mile east
of Fairfield School houBe, Mondays. At R. Snod
erass' J$ mile west of Boyd P. O., Tuesdays and
neanesaays. .
rrnr- Was imported in 1888 by D. P. 8tubbs A
IsUOU Sons, of Fairfield, Iowa. He is a Dark
Bay, with Black Points, and is registered at Brus
sels as No. 590, America as No. 199. COCO
is one of the Finest Bred Draft Horses in
America, is coming 7 yrs old, and .weighs 1800 lbs
TERMS 120 for the season, or $25 to insure a
foal. By the Season, payable Oct. 1st To insure,
due and payable as soon as the mare is known to
be in foal. Mares not brought regularly will be
cnaxgeu lur uy we oea&un.
SI. W. ft W. X.. FBSEXAN, Owners.
1 offer for sale all or a part ot my
farm of 480 acres in Sec. 24, Tp; 1 south,
range 14 east, 15 miles southeast of The
Dalles; good improvements, good young
five-acre orchard now-bearine, plenty of
cood water for house use and stock : 175
acres in cultivation good outlet north,
east, south or west- via county roads.
I also offer for sale 160 acres in section
26. township 1 south, ranee 14 east;
also five head horse, ode double set of
harness and a few farm implements, etc.
Prices reasonable, terms easy and title
good. For particulars come and see me
at The Dalles or J. i. Trout at tne larm.
jan29;tf . .. . JS. WTbout.
Act on a new principle
late tne liver, otomaca
bowels through th
nerves. Db. Mass' Fnxa
tpeedily cur biliousness,
torpid liver ana consapa
tion. Smallest, mildest.
sorest 1 60doBe8,25rf-.
eampies xree as aruggisiE
fir. Mlts iKt. 0. . ElUart 'at
Tne CoiumDia packifigco..
Pofk and Beef.
Fine Lard and Sausages,
Curers of
Dried Beef, Etc.
Masonic Building.
The Dalles. Or,
A. H. CURTIS, Prop.
Flour of the jBest Qual
ity Always on Hand.
' Notary Public. ."-.
. - - - -
Snipes &
lott Retail Ornps.
: Handled by Three
. ' . ALSO ALL
Patent ffledieines and
Agents for Murphy's Fine Varnishes and the only agents in
the City ior Thebherwin,, Williams (Jo.'s raints.
. we are ; "
The Largest Dealers in Wall Paper.
Finest Line of Imported Key
. . Agent tor Tansill s r unch. .
129 Second Street,
Hew boot rhd
We have just received a - large
widths of .Ladies hne shoes and a lull stock 01 lawn -
tennis shoes with perforeald inner soles.-
Leather and findings for sale.-
Repairing Neatly ; and ExpediUously Done. fc.
.. "(Succe9flor8 to L. D.
inii acieis -
- " . A General Line of ' " -
Horse Furnishing Goods.
Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Harness, Bridles, WMps, Horse BMets, Etc.
Foil Assortment of -Mexican Saddlery Plain or Stamped.
j Bl l
Flour, Grain, Fruit and Mill Feed.
175 Second Street, ;
A- fuR line of all the Standard Patent. Medicines,
-. ' Drugs, Chemicals, Etc.
'Country and Mail Orders will receive prompt attention.
Argand Stoves and Ranges, Garland Stoves and
flanges, Jemell's Stoifes and flanges, Universal Stoves and flanges. !
We are also agents ion the Celebfated Boynton Fwiaee. .
;tooiti6naM Loaded SheUs,Ele. . ...
. ' . , C MAIER & BENTON,
mr. Xj. SHXBBI3, Propr.
m s i r -teffiisL. -.all
Registered Druggists. ,
Druggists Sundries,
West and Domestic Cigars-
The Dalles, Oregon
shoe store . !
assortment of C,- D and E
Frank, deceased.)
OF .lil.
OF ,
- Damesses!
'.- - THE DALLES. OK. .
Blll 8 Bll l
- The. Dalles, Oregon