CM) THE DALLES "WEEKLY- CHRONICLE, FRIDAY,. MAT 20, 1893, ;ihe Weekly GbMele. OFFICIAL PAPER OF WASCO COUNTY. Entered at the Postoffice at The Dalles, Oregon, - - . . aa second-class matter. SUBSCRIPTION KATES. BY KAIL (POSTAGE FEB PAID) IX ADVANCE, Weekly, 1 year 1 50 6 months.. 0 75 8 " Daily, 1 year........ " 6 months..... - per " 0 50 6 00 800 0 50 - Address all communication to ! THE CHRON ICLE," The Dalles, Oregon! . . . . A RICH REGION. Sherman county never, in all her his tory, looked half so well as she does to day and the prospects for an immense v grain crop were never so flattering. Less than twelve years ago the whole county, from" the river to its southern boundary line, was one vast stock range, covered with waving bunch grass and immense herds of horses, cattle and sheep. Now . the county is one vast grain field, either in crop or summer . fallow, and, as viewed from some advantageous hill-top, "presents a magnificent mosaic of green and red. " The farmers are generally . prosperous. The fine.crops of last sea son and good prices" for grain, placed many of them in easy circumstances, ' but the great desideratum is railroad - connection with the head of navigation on the Columbia, so that they may have the benefit of lower freights for their er- . ports. The farmers of Sherman county are, as one man, in favor of the dalles portage; and no man, no matter what his politics, whose record on this question ia "open to doubt, could gain their support for any office in their gift. Grain raising . here is reduced to a -science and isgener- ' ally done on a large scale. He is a small farmer who lias not as mucn as zuu or 300 acres of wheat. Smith Brothers ' one of whom is candidate on the demo cratic ticket for joint senator, have 4,500 acres in cultivation. At present they have fourteen gang plows at work, turn ing over an average of sixty acres a day, and expect to summer fallow 3,500 acres, The larger portion of thir lands lie across the John Day river, in Gilliam county G. D., Woodwbrth has 1,600 acres in cul tivation, and this year it is nearly all in 'Summer fallow. Medlar Brothers have .'about 1,200 acres, Hildebrand and Han- son about 1,200 . acres, B. F. Medler and John Medler have about 1,000 ' acres each, A. D. McDonal about 900 acres, James McMillan 900 acres, Mc- . Derinott Brothers have 1,120 acres, Sink & Sons about 2,000 acres, C. C. Huck 640 acres ; Dume Brothers about 1,200 acres, Dell Porter 1,120 acres, Murchie .Brothers 1,760 acres, Mrs. J. McPherson . 1,000 acres, John Johnson 640 acres, 'Sexton Brothers 960 acres,' John K. Stocking about 1,000, J. E. Forbis 960 acres, Mike Smith 640 acres, W. H, "Biggs about 640 acres, Froebe Brothers 1,600 acres, and any number of others cultivating from a section downwards. Scarcely any spring grain is raised, and -from what the writer has seen of the ."county, during a drive from The Dalles to Wasco, it would seem that fully half of the cultivated lands are either plowed or being plowed for summer fallow. The average, product per acre of wheat for the entire county is estimated at twenty bushels. Mr. John Smith estimates that there are 80,000 acres of land in cul tivation in the county and possibly as much as 150,000 acres more fit for culti vation.' Good improved farms can be had at from $9 to $12.50 per acre. Ex Senator W. H. Biggs of SVasco, who is handling real estate, informs your re porter that be has about 3,000 acres ' of choice farming lands for sale' at these prie'es. ' .. " ' The Columbia River Fruit Company. Whatever opinion others may enter tain, the writer has unlimited faith in the future of the section of Wasco county bordering on the Columbia river, as a fruit country. We have long passed the experimental stage and are able to present scores of instances where even the most unpromising locations have yielded rich returns for intelligent labor. The tons and tons of dried and green fruit consumed at home or shipped out of the county annually, abundantly prove that we can raise fruit and plenty of it, and fruit too, some classesof which have no superior any where on the American continent. We predict that before many years have passed the hills and valleys for miles back of The Dalles and back of the Columbia rives will be one continuous orchard and vineyard. That such is not the case at present is . fully accounted for by the fact that it takes time and capital to raise fruit on - an extensive scale,, under the most fav orable circumstances. In this direction the Columbia River Fruit company has been doing a work on the old Lair Hill ranch and on the adjoining farm which the company purchased last year from Rev. W. H, Wilson,' which was a sur prise to -the writer as her walked and drove over it a tew days ago. . The lands covered by these two farms comprise 1,460 acres, in addition to- about 1,200 acres on the other side of the river. .: A force of between twenty and thirty men, under a-competent overseer,, have been at work since last fall clearing the land, plowing and planting fruit trees and grape vines. . About 130 acres are now in bearing, or will bear fruit this coming season. Seventv-ifi-ve acres Jut ve been planted during the fall and spring, and about 100 acres .more are ready for plant ing. The company expects to keep a force of from .thirty to fifty men at work all summer and to have 1500 acres, all told, planted on both sides of the river before winter. . The amount of work already accomplished, which can be seen by anyone who takes the trouble of a short ride np Mill creek, is an earnest of what may be expected. The company, we are assured, has no lack of capital and it has disposed of nearly all of its 2500 shares of stock, at least all that it cares to dispose of at present. The president of the company is O. D. Taylor of this city, the vice-president,' C. C. Foster of Saginaw, Mich., the treasurer, G. R. Burnside, of Buffalo, the general man ager, E. A. Dunham of Cleveland and the superintendent, A. T. Higby of New York.. Shares of stock are sold at $400 each, payable one-fourth yearly. When a share of stock is fully paid for the holder is entitled to one acre of four year old bearing fruit trees, or he may con tinue his connection with the company at his own option. The progress of the company will be watched with much in terest. Its success, and we know of no reason why "it should not succeed, is of immense import to this city, and to the holder of every acre of fruit land in the neighborhood. Only by such, methods can orchards be planted on. an extensive scale, as the man of ordinary means can not afford to wait till his orchard begins to bear. The success of the Columbia River Fruit Co.'will make fruit growing the most important industry in this im mediate neighborhood. Public Speaking. . The republican candidate for congress, Hon. W. B. Ellis, will speak at the fol lowing points: " , . " - Hood River, Tuesday, May 17th, 7:30 p. m. - Moro, Wednesday, May 18th, 1 :3Q p. m Wasco. " " " - 7:30 " Dufur. Thurday. May 19th, 1 :30 p. m The Dalles, Thursday, May 19th, 7:30 p. m. , " Hdn. H. B. Miller, of Grant's Pass, will accompany Mr. .Ellis in the cam paign at the above mentioned places. MARRIED.. Sunday May lotk, by Rev. Father Brongeest, at the residence of the bride's parents, Mr. Zenas A. Moody to Miss Kate-Doherty. In Sonoma, Cal., May 9th, at the res idence of the bride's parents, Chas. A. Cooper, of Portland, Or., and Ella V. Agnew. . .-- - ' BORN.' "" Iii this citv. Mav 12th, to the wife of H. H. Driscoll. a son, 10U pounds. All getting along finely. . - - S5 Reward. - I will pav the above reward ior the conviction of the hobo who cut away and stole the rope of my awning last night. 5-5-3t. XI. xlEBBRIXG. 10 Reward. Lost or stolen from my ranch near Kingsley, a dark brown horse, branded R. K. connected, on left shoulder, small star in forehead, weight about 1200 pounds. -He was last seen near the ranch on March 8th inst. I will pay the above reward for his recovery. 3-29tf Mrs. J. Bolton. NOTICE. . R. E. French has for sale a number of improved ranches and unimproved lands in the Grass Valley neighborhood in Sherman county. They will be sold very cheap and on reasonable terms. Mr. French can locate settlers on some good unsettled claims in the same neigh borhood. His address is Grass .Valley, Sherman county, Oregon. - Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. When Baby was alct, we gave her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria, When she became Hiss, she clung; to Castoria, When she had Children, she gave them Castoria Where to buy Clocks. . . xl juu mu itui ujjuu mi, uiaij uuvnu, with Byrne, Floyd & Co., corner Second and Union streets, The Dalles, who has just opened the largest assortment and the finest lines of goods in this branch of trade, ever displayed In this city, and at prices which defy competition you will at once know, Where to buy clocks. He has them from 2-00 up. 2-2bwtt .' . WANTED. - Four hundred men to sell our choice varieties of nursery stock either on sal ary or commission. Apply at once and secure choice of territory. Permanent employmant the year around. - May Bbotbers, Nurserymen, . 4-15 wlOt Rochester, N. Y. - You can buy Standard Mowers, Reap ers, Hastes, or anytbiugin tne implement line, as cheap from J. M. Filloon & Co., as if you were in Portland. .They keep an unlimited supply of extras for all ma chines sold bv them. Opposite Brooks & Beers. 4-22wtf For the best waeon on earth get tbe Mitchell. For sale by J. M. Filloon & Co. ; ..- notice.;.. Parties holdinsr claims against W. S. Cram are notified topresent them to him at once, at tbe Columbia Candy Factory, and all those indebted are requested to settle at the same place, as I have sold out my business . and want to close up my accounts. Respectfully, 4-6dw4w A - W. S. Cbam. JERSEY BULL "St Lambert ; The thoroughbred Jersey bull St. Lam bert, will stand for the season at the Co lumbia f eed yard, ior service apply to David George. - - 2i25dwlm Z. T. Wright", the farm Implement dealer in Portland', died at 10 o'clock this morning from an overdose of mor phine, administered by .himself ior re lief from violent pain in the bowels, Mr "Wright was the secretary, and very active member' of the' single track railway construction company, and will be missed from the board of its directors. The fifth attempt to elect seven repre sentatives to. the Rhode Island state legislature, who failed of election at previous trials, was held Saturdav and resulted in a choice - of six. All are democrats. - - - - . . Miss Jessie Keene, daughter of James B. Keene, was married on Saturday to Talbot J. Taylor, of Baltimore, in New York. The bridegroom is a well-to-do Baltimore man. . The wedding was a modest one. and there were no brides maids. A number of well-known society people were present. . ..... The other republics of South America should get together and . hold, little Venezuela down when - she has her spring attack of convulsions. Mr. Jay Gould,-who is said to have given up $1,000,000 for Chapultepec'.is not the first American to take possession of that property. Some time in the '40s a Dartv of Americans went down into Mexico and secured the - entire site of Mr. Gould's purchase. And it did not cost them $7,000,000, either. " . Ewes and Lambs for.Sale. . I have 1,400 ewes and lambs for sale cheap. Call upon or address B. S. Kel sav. Kent. Sherman .countv. Oretron. , 4-23-1 md&w ANEW I ERINZ & NITSCHKE. " . DEALERS IN Furniture and Carpets: We have added to our business a complete Undertaking Establishment, and as we are in no way connected with the Undertakers' Trust our prices will be low accordingly. Remember our place on Second street, next to Moody's bank. . Fiogff & SIM, Successors to C. K. Dunham. Druggists and Chemists, Pure Drags and Meflicines. Dispensing Physicians'. Prescriptions a Specialty. Night Druggists always In Attendance. Cor. Second and Union Sts. : THE DALLES, OREGON. STAGY SHOfflfl, -DEALER IX- Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Etc. All kinds of repairing a special tv, and all work guaranteed and promptly attended to. Call and see bis stock of clocks before you leave an order elsewhere. A. A. Brown, Keeps a full assortment of ; and Provisions.; - which he offers at Low Figures. SPECIAL :-: PAIGES to Cash. Buyers. Hittlest Cash Prices fir Es anj : ote Prote. ,. I 170 SECOND STREET. Young & Iass, ElaGksmiili & VagoR SfiQD General Blacksmithing and Work done - promptly, and " all work Guaranteed.. - ... . Horse Shoeeing a Spciality. TMii Street, opptsite is oil licte Slant Tiie f atoMer, Staple and Fancy Groceries, INVALIDS Gain rapidly in health and strength by the use of AVer's Sarsaparilla. This medicine substitutes, rich and pur blood, for the impoverished fluid left in the veins after 'fevers and. other wasting sickness. . It Im proves the appetite and tones up the system, so that convalescents soon , . . .. Become Strong active, and vigorous. To relieve that tired feeling, depression of spirits, and nervous debility, no other .medicine produces tbe ' speedy and permanent effect of Ayer's Sar saparilla. F. O. Loring, Brockton, Mass., writes: " I am confident that anyone suffer- ing irom cue eueccs oi acroiuuv, general de bility, want of appetlte.-depresston of spirits, and lassitude will be cored By Using Ayer's Sarsaparilla; for I have taken it, and speak from experience." " In the summer of 1888, I was cured of nervous debility by the use of Ayer's Sarsa parilla." Mrs. H. Benoit, 8 Middle St, Paw tucket, B.I. -'. . . - " . . "Several years ago I was in a debilitated condition. Other remedies having failed, I ' began to take Avers .sarsapanua, ana was : greatly benefited. As- a Spring medicine, I consider it invaluable." Mrs. L. S. Win chester, Eolden, Me. -.- - . Ayer's Sarsaparilla . Pre by Dr. 3. C. Aver & Co.. Lowell. Mam. Soli by all Druggists. Price tl ; six bottles, 5. Cures others, will cure you EeeG GSeeE FOR HATCHING. High Grade Rose Comb Brown Leghorn ..... JSJCs-Gs-JS . For Sale at 50 Cents a Setting. Enquire of E. M. Harriman or leave orders - with E. N. Chandler at the Grange Store. . 4-15-wtf Burnt Knclj: fof pale. Burnt RANCH,, the well-known. FARM on John Day Kiver, Consisting of One Hundred and Sixty Acres, . Deeded Land." 40 Acres in Alfalfa, a fine Orchard of Apples,: -.Fears, . Plums, Peaches, Apricots, Grapes,. Almonds, and Walnuts. Market for all the fruit. A large irrierat ing ditch from Bridge creek; plenty of good water. A good house, barn and out onses, farming implements, etc. Price 6,000. For terms, write or call. Mrs. R. A. SALTZMAJJ, 4-22w8t .BURST RANCH, Crook Co., Or. 0 ,13 03 e -2 . H "S3S- 3 "a .5 Sf S m g S3 Kcniicny irstClab Tke Umt, P&asei Fastest and Finest la tke Werld. REW TORI. or aocomooaiiDni ooexceiiea. OHDONDEBBY AND 6US00W. NEW YORK, GIBRALIEB and NAPLES At regular Interval. - SALOON, SECOND-CLASS AND STEERABE ffttAS On lnWAS.t tnrmN trt atxxA fmin tha mlnninla ' S00T0H, IH9USB, JSI3B AU CONTINIHTAL PCntTS- r.xcureion nciceta araltitble to return by either the pio mresque Clyde t North of Ireland or Naples & Gibraftu wafts sal Xosv Oritn fw Any Asumt st Lewwt Bttss. Apply to any or oar local Agents or to HENDERSON BROTHERS, Chicago, 111. , T. A. HUDSON. Agent, -' The Dalles, Or. Soltntiflo American Agency for - j CAVEATS, TRADE MARK 8. COPYRIGHTS, etc For Information and free Handbook write to - HTJNN Jc CO- 861 BBOaDWAT, NltW JOBX. Oldest bnreaa Yor seonrlns rjatentstn Ajmrt Brery patent taken out by ns Is brouKSt beforo the Bubiloby a nouoe siren Ire ol charge In the Largest etrenlatlon of any sdentlflo paper in the -world. Splendidly Ulnstnted. No lntallieent man should be without It. Weekly. SS.OO a year; SLiO six months. Address MUNN ac CO, VUBUSHIBS, 3S1 Broadway, Mew York. msco wareiise Co., Receives Goods on Stor age, and Forwards same to their destination. ,: - Receives Consignment For Sale on CJommission. lates treasonable. MARK 60009 W . w . Oo- THE DALLIES, OREGON. -i 3 .s -a - " So S -' ' 1 OS -c . I s -; 11 r&XfSJJXciH (Mil ax . JOBBERS AND EETAILEE3 OF ' Hardware, Tinware, Etc., Etc.- CQKNER SECOIsT) AND FEDERAL STREETS. - . - CELEBRATED "-. . ' ' fleorti and Chairteir Oak : STOVES AND EANGES. Gods, Ammunition and Sporting Gqpds. IRON, COAL, BLACKSMITH SUPPJJES, - V? AGON MAKERS' MATERIAL, SEWER PIPE", : . ' . PUMPS AND PIPE, - ; PLUMBING SUPPLIES. The E. 0. Go-Operative Store ' ... CARRIES A FULL LINE OF' . . Groceries, Family .Supplies, Boots .and Shoes, , ' ' . ;.; ALSO A FULL LINE OF ' ' ' . Carts, Reapers aad-lofers,. ani all MnJs of AirienltiRl Corner Federal THE DALLES; Gpahdall . " MANUFACTURERS FURNITURE Undertakers and Embalmers. V: NO. 166 SECOND STREET. " ' :' New - Umatilla - House, v THE DALLFS, OREGON. ' : , SINNOTT & FISH, PROP'S. LARGEST : AND : FINEST Ticket and Baggage Office of the U. P. ; - ' j,. ' ! Union Telegraph Office are in the "Hotel f Fire-Proof Safe for the Safety of all Valuables. . 8ETABLISHED 188. LESLIE DEALER IN Groeeries and Groekery. A fall line of Lamps, Glassware and "Dishes of all kinds. . Silver plated Knives, Forks and Spoons. When yon are selecting your Christmas presents look through my stock and you will get something useful as well as ornamental. 113 IflflSHlHGTOH STflEET, sewijig "SII16EII" WlljlES. 81 THIRD STB.BBT. v: Ladies' and Childrens' French Felt Hats, - - 25c. Trimmed Hats, - - - - - 50c. AND UPWARDS. Ladies and Children? Furnishing Goods, "WAY DOWN." Mrs. Phillips, - THE DALLES LUMBERING CO." , ... " : "INCORPORATED J888. " " ' - No. .67 "Washington Street. - . : . The Dalles. ; Wholesale and Retail Dealers and Manufacturers of Boilding Material and Dimension Timber, Doors, Special Attention given to the Boxes and Packing Cases. . Fctotory and Xjruxsa.'bexr DRY Pine, Fir, Oak and any part Wagons and Carriages. OSBORN13 Reapers and Mowers. , ' - AGENTS FOR Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Co.'Sv Agricultural Implements and Machinery' ts. - v. . and Third Streets,. : OREGON & Barget, AND DEALERS IN CARPETS : HOTEL .: IN : OREGON. R. R. Company, and office of the Western BUTLER, THE DALLES, OREGOfl 81 Third Street. Windows, Moldings, House Fornishings, Etc Manufacture of Fruit and Fish STst.rX at Old Jot. I3nlles. Slab WOOD Delivered to of the city, - 4 ;