The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, May 20, 1892, Image 3

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The Weekly Ghrouiele.
xocaTj and'pibsonai.
v - i $jom the Dally Chronicle,. Monday.
- Mr.- B. F.. .Laughlin is in the "city
. today. " . . ".'"" '.
J. H. Middletpn, of Hood River, was
in the city today. -
. Gilliam county is sending wool to The
Dalles for shipment east.
. '. Summonses are being served on jurors
for the next term of Circuit court.
iMr. Patrick Fagan has returned from
an enjoyable business trip to Prineville.:
. J. W. Hayes and F. M. "French, of
Grass Valley paid The Chronicle a
visit today.
. A telephone line is being placed be
tween the Dalles National bank and the
Moody warehouse. .
Mrs. F. M. Aunks and daughter Bes
' eie,- of Mendon, Michigan, are the guests
of Mrs, C. H. Browne at the Umatilla
.bouse. . -
- Ella Higsrinson, in the BelHngham
Bay Express, very earnestly urges the
adoption of clover as the state flower of
'Washington. -
Among those who took in the cruisers
at Portland yesterday and returned on
the ieht passenger, were Mr. D. M.
French, Editor Michell and Mr. I. N.
Mr. Jas. A. Johnson, of Buffalo, N
. Y., who is here in the interests of his
business, is taking quite a lively place
alongside the active spirits of progress
in The Dalles.
" Fred Claussen; of Dufur,' was in town
- today making proof on his timber cul
tare claim. Mr. Claussen says the
'heaviest rain fall he ever eaw in. Eastern
Oregon, fell at his place yesterday.
Amos Gregg and George, Nolan, of
Dufur were passengers on the Regulator
this morning as delegates to a meeting
of the Grand Lodge of Odd Fellows to be
held at Astoria during the present week
C. J.'Bright, candidate for congress on
-.' the prohibition ticket, writes, to the
Northwest Progress that he confidently
believes that three-fourths of the voters
" of Sherman county have signed the
- milllion voters' agreement.
'"" The city assessment roll - will, remain
in the hands of the assessor till May 17th.
. On that day the board of equalization
will set and no changes will be made in
assessments after the board has ad'
journed. Taxpayers will govern them
. selves accordingly.
J. Jenkins, a minor, was indicted this
morning in the recorder's court for be
ing drank and disorderly. He confessed
the crime but pleaded as an extenuating
circumstance that he had not killed any'
body. The recorder fined him $10 and
costs, which for lack of collateral he will
--. have to work out on the streets.
M. M. Waterman of Five Mile gave
The Chbokicle a pleasant call today.
L Mr. Waterman simply reiterates what
everybody else says that the crop pros
pects were never so good. He says he
has fifty acres of wheat on a piece of
- ground purchased lately for pasture,
which is the second crop of volunteer,
and it stands, by actual measurement,
very nearly tnree teet nign.
From the Daily Chronicle, Tuesday.
Charles Reiley, of Antelope, is at the
Umatilla house.
The city board of equalization held an
adjourned meeting today.
- W. L.'Hendrix and Chas. Stoughton,
of Dufur, were in town today.
C. P. Balch, republican candidate for
sheriff, was in town last night.
Harvest is coming and 'it "is the duty
of the hour to get a move on you."
The Rockland ferry boat has again
been attached to the cable yesterday.
May Duke cherries are rips iu this
city and a fine lot was picked yesterday.
A. C. Whelps, of the Wind Mountain
Hot Springs, came up to the city last
Editor Duthit of the Prineville Review
gave the Chbonicle a pleasant call to
day. "The Goldendale Courier urges the
.' "i&tfmination of Mount Adams on the
coming Fourth.
Professor Smith and family will leave
. tomorrow to spend the summer on their
.arm near Salem.
; , The N. P. R. R., section of the Pres
byterian delegates were shown about
Spokane falls yesterday.
. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Inglish of Ellens-
. burg, are visiting friends hear their old
' home on Ten Mile. --
R. L. Akin came up as a passenger on
the Regulator last night, returning from
tfce centenial celebration at Astoria
"'" Maier 4 Benton put into their stock
today another fine assortment of goods,
including some excellent cooking stoves.
- The Regulator will not make her reg
ular trip tomorrow but will make the
- trip to the cascades and return on Thura-
. day. . . . - -
.'.-'. The cruisers Baltimore and Charleston
have a call to go to Paget sound to assist
in another centennial celebration over
there. ,;.
- ' A sample of rye was brought to this
office today that measures 5g feet. It
- wa grown on . the Curtis ranch across
the river. - .
-Mrs. R. Staley of Portland, daughter
of R. L. Akin, of this; city came up on
the Regulator last night, on a months'
visit to her parents.
Mr. Alex. Kerr, vice-President of the
T. P; Association, and Mr. Ben Rosen
stein, one of its most'worthy members,
are at the Umatilla house today.
The professional card of Dr.. Eliza.
Ingalls, appears in The Chboxicle
L today. The lady is welcomed to The
Dalles by a large circle of friends.
"Deputy County Clerk Martin this
afternoon completed the docket entries
for the circuit court for Wasco county,
which is to convene in .The Dalles on
Monday next.
Mays and Pease have a- .Bplendid dis
play of chally dress goods, in one of
their show windows,' which they offer at
the surprisingly low price of 50 cents
the dress pattern.
Mrs. Woodworth, the revivalist, who
created so much excitement a - year ago
in Oakland, Cal., by the prophesy that
San Francisco would be swallowed by
the bay, is in Salem, and has pitched
her tent for a three month's revival.-.
S. E. Farris announces that he is
ready', for a reasonable consideration, to
keep the streets sprinkled in proximity
to any building in the city, while
it is being painted. No extra
charge will be made to regular patrons.
In addition to many favors received
from Mr. Linus Hubbard of this city
the editor of The Chronicle is further
indebted to his good will for the present
of a very handsomely framed photograph
of the steamers Wetmore and Hoyt
passing through the Sault Ste Marie
The Presbyterian delegates enjoyed a
visit to Garfield beach, Salt Lake yes
terday and made an excursion to the
gas wells, thence to Ogden, and on for
The Dalles. Here they will learn to
what future extent they may rely, "upon
the promises of the Union Pacific rail
way company. ' ' ,
Under the constitution and bylaws of
the Oregon Pioneer and Historical As
sociation, all persons who came - west of
the Rocky mountains, prior to I860, are
eligible to membership on the payment of
an initiation fee of $1.50. Members will
be provided with badges on application
at the office of the association at the As
toria National bank.
. T. J. Driver, special commissioner for
the construction of the Tygh Hill grade,
made a flying trip to the city Sunday
last. He says about half the grade is
already constructed and fit for travel,
and the whole is expected to bexpen in
the course of twenty to twenty-five
days. Everybody who has seen the new
grade speak in the highest terms of it.
Mr. Charles Phillips received the first
Royal Chinook Salmon on Sunday. It
came from Moeier, and was immediately
packed in ice and shipped to F. W. 8.,
Chicago. It measured three feet ten
inches long, twenty-four inches around
the body, and weighed 5G4 lbs. If it
had not been Sunday Herri n would have
photographed it, but the church hour
Mrs. A. ' Heppner, entertained Mrs.
Bemish, and members of her painting
class yesterday afternoon, before , her
departure for Astoria. A very pleasant
afternoon to all. . Refreshments were
served and soon after Mrs. Bemish pre
sented each member of her class with
pretty souvenirs. In return she was
presented with some pretty gifts as
token of their regard for her. Mrs.
Bemish and son left on the Regulator
this morning.
M. Tbourbourn, of Tygh Ridge, says
the Dufur Dispatch, was', with us Tues
day. He says his percentage of lambs is
the largest be has ever raised ; it. will be
fully 125 per cent. ; fifty of his ewes had
triplets ; seven of his ewes had quadru
plets (or quatriplet8, or quartets, or
whatever the word might rightly be) ;
making 57 ewes with 178 lambs ; he re
ports crops in very good condition.
Mr. Jos. Childers, who has for four
teen years lived in the vicinity of Pome-
roy, after a residence of twenty years in
the Willamette valley, passed through
The Dalles yesterday with four wagons
and all his family descendants, on their
way to Southern Oregon, via steamer
Regulator, and Portland. Mr. Childers
is quite an old man now, and this move
is made at great sacrifice, for the benefit
of his health.
The U. P. R. R. Co.. have sold 'tickets
all the way from New York city to Port
land, "good for a steamer trip from ' The
Dalles." and now that thev have no
steamers, are telling the excursionists,
expected here tomorrow that, "to save
time," passengers will take steamers at
Bonneville. ' As if one falsehood was not
sufficient, they add insult to injury by
saying : "There is very little of interest
in the wav of scenerv above the Cas
On account of some trouble connected
with landing facilities at the lower in
cline of the Cascade portage the steam
er Dalles City will not run for a few days.
Manager Laughlin and Mr. Kinersly left
for Portland this afternoon to see what
can be done-to-rectify the difficultly and
it is expected the boat will again be
running in a short time. The stoppage
is very, unfortunate at this particular
time as the prospects were very bright
for a good run of business daring the
coming summer. It is earnestly hoped
that the cessation of traffic will only be
temporary.. - : - ' . -
From tjic Daily Chronicle, Vf ednesday:
Call' at - the" Columbia cand v factory
todav. " - ,'
A. W. Branner of Nanscne, is in the
city;. . .-' ' ... '
C. P. Heald of Hood Rivjr, was in
town today. .
Mrs. J. R.' Taylor and child, of New
Whatcome, Wash., are in the city, the
guests of Mrs. Isaac Joles. . .
Perry" Snodgrassi of Dufur, left at this
office today a fine sample of fall wheat
stalks grown on the farm of J,ames Dar
neillo near Eght-Mile. .
Some pretty good sized, salmon are
leing caught these days. Mr. Lauer
had in front of his store today four that
averaged over forty pounds each. Two
of them tipped the beam at 91 pounds.
A four horse team, hitched lo a wool
wagon, was frightened by a passing
train, this morning, while being un
loaded at Moody's warehouse. - The
horses rushed into Second street where
they fortunately fell in'a heap, with no
greater damage to anything than the
breaking of the pole of the wagon.
The Chronicle office is indebted to
the courtesy of W. A. Kirby for the
present of a box of magnificent, straw
berries the product of J. Klint's garden
on- Mill Creek, each one of which was
big enough to make as delicious a
mouthful as ever tickeled the palate of
an epicure.
Mr.' A. H. Beard today left a couple of
sturdy stalks of wheat at The Chbonicle
office which measures thirty inches in
bight, and are nearly ready to head
out with long well filled heads. The
peculiar feature of these specimens is,
that they grew on a steep slope of hilly
land, .on the farm of Mr. Cooper, three
miles south of the city, and are a fair
sample of many acres. . . .
Mias Harriet Wilson, of Cincinnati,
Ohio, was on the assembly train today
eu route to Portland. Miss Wilson is
the Bister of the late Hon. Joseph G
Wilson, of this state, who was elected to
congress in, 1872 and died before the
convening of the" session. . Her many.
friends will remember this estimable
lady's visit to Oregon several years ago.
Agent Ly tie, accompanied .by a gen
uine regulation preacher's grip sack and
wearing a -conventional long - tailed
preacher's coat; and a regular white
choker, went down to Portland with
the last train of Presbyterian delegates,
today. It is not known what particular
postorage Mr. Lytle pretends to repre
sent, but a Chronicle representative is
assured that he had himself introduced
to the Arkansas delegation as the Rev
Doctor Lytle from The Dalles.
As the last section of the delegates
train pulled out at 12 in. today, pushed
by yard engine No. 1395 to accelerate
the start, there was a joyous waving of
handkerchiefs, and many parting saluta
tions which stood head, and shoulders
above the conventionalisms of the day.
"Everybody was acquainted with every
body ;" and as the Dalles City gent
pressed bis lips good bye to the new
acquaintance now departing, the young
man on tne train leit, pernaps, a sign
for "tne girl he left behind him. '
A fine jolly crowd the . Presbyterian
delegates undoubtedly were and their
rigid Calvanistic ' faith did not deter
them," young and old, from enjoying
themselves to the" full. The delegates
are a fine body of intelligent looking
men and the ladies, God bless them, were
not a whit behind their male compan
ions. But, and this reminds a Chhon.
icle representative of a little incident
that he had all to himself. When the
first trail arrived the reporter visited
First street and was taking in the sights
when he beheld the splendid form of a
magnificent looking lady standing with
her back to the reporter. Her profile
showed a cheek that unconsciously
blushed like a rose bud under the kisses
of the morning sun; the whole present'
ing a picture of health and beauty. He
had just arrived at the conclusion that
the effete East certainly contained some
fine looking women when the lady
turned a little on her steps and, behold
it was one of our own Dalles girls,
Nothing- but the proprieties prevented
the reporter from flinging his hat in the
air and crying, - The Dalles girls against
tne world!
' .
From President Mays, of The Dalles,
Portland & Astoria Navigation company
The Cbonicle learns that there is every
hope that the steamer Dalles City will
be running again within a week. The
boat carries no insurance except against
fire, insurance, companies 'refusing to
write any other class of insurance on
river craft. There is no question of the
boat being able to stem the current at
any stage ot water, the only obstacle is
the lack of landing space. As a matter
of fact the boat has made better time in
the present stage of water than when it
was lower.. Messrs. Laughlin, French
and Kinersly have gone to Portland to
see what can be done to-effect a safe
lauding. The state baa made applica
tion to the' government officials for per
mission to knock out part Of the coffer
dam at the western end of the locks. It
isiiot doubted that permission will be
granted and then boats can run into the
canal, no .matter bow the water rises,
and do bo with absolute safety. No one
can regret more than the company does,
the temnorarv snsrjension. - It is in
every way a loss to themselves but they
tninit it in every wav Detter to sutler a
temporary and nominal loss than run
risk of losing the boat. . Everything pos
sible will be done to hasten the resump
tion of traffic.
Royally Entertained by Ladles or Tbe
T- , alle.
The first' section of the train carrying
delegates to the 'National Presbyterian
assembly -which is to meet in Portland
tomorrow, reached this city at 8:15 a. m
today. It consisted of eightcars, three
cars from Pittsburg, Pa., loaded with
Pennsylvanians principally ; three cars
from Chicago with eastern and northern'
people; and two cars-from Salt Lake
City, with western and southern people.
The train was In charge of Pullman con'
doctor A. W. 'Browning who came
through from Pittsburg with the party.
There . were in this section 208 people,
all very comfortably . fixed. . They were
met at the Umatilla house entrance by
a delegation of Dalles City ladies, in
cluding Mesdames 8. L. Brooks, D. M.
French, Smith French, "Butler, Stewart,
Brown, Meyers, Ward, Patterson, and
others who provided for each dele
gate and each lady, on the train,
an elegant bouquet of .flowers - which
were duly . and truly appreciated.
The large dining room of' the Umatilla
house was literally thronged with ladies
and gentlemen! all of whom admired
the elaborate decoration, included
amongst which was a Royal Chinook
Salmon, weighing 61 lbs., handsomely
garnished . and preserved on ice,
surrounded - with a bountiful supply
of locust blossoms, lemons, . etc.
Through the thoughtfulness of Mr. S.
L. Brooks, a card was displayed over the
salmon, showing the altitude, ' latitude
and longitude of The Dalles, temperature,
etc. This was' a fruitful source for the
correspondents with' the . party, and
many were the notes made of it with the
evedent intention - of. reciprocating, in
some way, the hospitality showered up
on the party by the generous people , of
The Dalles. After a stop of forty-five
minutes section one proceeded on its way
to Portland. . -. '
Section two, consisting of nine sleep
ers mado up in Chicago,' with 280 peo
ple, R. L. Fleming Pulman lconductor,
arrived at 10 :25. His crowd was even
more jolly than the pne preceding it and
its ladies appeared to be perfectly "at
home" with The Dalles ladies' who, as in
the previous case, were there to give
them a- cordial welcome, -which' was
greatly appreciated. ' After the cere
monies in the dining room, which the
Rev. Geo. S. Woodhull, of Michigan, in
formed a representative of The Ciibon
icle was the best meal he had partaken
of on the trip; this train proceeded, and
section three came in at 11 :20. ' .
If the previous sections were " jolly,
this was jollier, it was filled with ex
pressions of "mirth, or the spirits to in
spire it, and when the merry and jovial
266 filed into the Umatilla house dining
room, flanked on both sides by The
Dalles ladies, they seemed to invariably
remark, "We are at home." The train
was in charge of Pullman Conductor W.
C. Deifenderfer, the most popular stand
by of the Baltimore and Potomac, out of
Washington City on the route to New
xork through Philadelphia, and ' is
about as well known to westerners who
travel with him as he is popular with
easterners who' know him. He made up
his section four cars in New York City;
two Philadelphia ; two Kansas City ; one
St. Louis ; and one Denver. With him
there has not been a ' 'growl" since leaving
New York, and as Dr. and Mrs. Charles P,
Duffy expressed it, we have rode in The
Dalles City from New York city to
Dalles City, and we shall bear with us
recollections which will often carry
thoughts of Dalles City people, not for
getting Diefenderfer, The Dalles City
to which Dr. Duffy referred was his
Pullman car, named for this place, and
long popular with Oregonians, but which
has for many years been lost to us iu
the intricate windings of transcontinen
tal railroadings.
We should like to entertain our read
era as we have been entertained at this
picnic today, by a recital of some of the
interesting sketches detailed by Dr.
Osborn, Rev. J. P. Jones and wife, Rev.
J. W. Cummings, Dr. C. C. Tucker, and
others, but time forbids. They each and
all wished, to be kindly remembered to
The Dalles ladies, who so largely con
tributed to make the lunch hour here
stretch into the fancy of a protracted
visit cut short by "the sycle of Time.
These are in addition to tbe above men
tioned, Mesdames J. W. French, V.
Bolton, M. L. Booth, C. N. Thornbury,
J. S. Schenck, A. L. Newman, E. New
man, E. Wingate, W. Lord, Michell and
others. Among these all speak in high
terms of praise of the efforts of Miss
Caddie Booth. - '
Prohibition Clab Meeting-. ''
A regular meeting of The Dalles Pro
hibition club was held in the court house
last night with Leslie Butler in the
chair. After the singing of a couple of
selections of music, Rev. A. C. Spencer
led in prayer and was then called on to
address the meeting. Mr. Spencer said
he would not discuss the question, Is
prohibition right? That question had
been settled for all time, by the supreme
court of the United Stale. The decision
of Justice Brewer, although not directly
referring to the prohibition- question,,
but to a case involving the right of a
church in one of the eastern 'states te
engage an English minister to serve it
as pastor, bad an important bearing on
the prohibition question. Justice
Brewer decided that this was a christian
country and that the governmental pol
icy of this nation was founded on the
bible. If this decision is just prohibi
tion is right for God and the bible are on
its side. ' The great question was: what
is the best means to destoy the traffic in
intoxicating, liquor? Moral cussion is
good and right,, but moral Kimsion is of
no avail to combat the evil. mJes? wc
use tbe power God in our.
,hands as American citizens. "If I am
asked," said the speaker, ."To what
political party do you belong? I answer
I am a mugwump. I am a democrat of
the George Washington 'stripe with -a
hundred years of added intelligence.' I
am a republican of tbe Abraham .Lin
coln' Btrine "with thirtv years- of
added intelligence. But the democratic
party abandoned my - principles one
hundredyear8 ago and the republicans
abandoned my" principles before I was
able to vote." Ue had nothing to say
about the old parties. They were much'
alike, whether in Iowa, Kansas or North
Carolina. Rum sellers would vote with
either party as it best served their inter
ests to do so. He would never cast a
ballot that could no't be distinguished
from the ballot of the saloon keeper.
They would never vote with him and he
would never vote with them. The tariff
was purely a-local issue, ft was-con-
-temptible to exalt it to the dignify of a
national question. In the east tl)u man
ufacturers want free raw wool ' in order
to make cheap clothing. In the west,
where manufacturies are few and raw
wool plenty, they want protected wool.
In the timbered sections they want
lumber protected ; on the plains they
wanted it free, and so it goes with every
thing.- -...' ; .
Rev, O. D. Taylor "then addressed the
meeting. He spoke of. the great diffi
culty of getting men, who were a unit on
the evils of the liquor traffic, to agree as
to the best means to exterminate them.
He used to think that Christian men
who remained" in tho old parties and
voted the old . parties' tickets violated
there 'consciences in so doing. - He did
not think eo any more. He was just as
honest when be used to drink liquor
and vote the republican ticket as he was
today. He was 'not so certain ' that
everybody thought "prohibition was the
only right method as he.was ten years
ago.. What we want-is to educate men
up to the position that prohibition is
the only effective measure. Prohibition
bad to do with morals. You must not
call a man a hypocrite because he can'
not see us you do on this question
Each must give an account of himself to
God and to his own master lie stands or
falls. Is your relation toward this
whole qucetiou such that you are will
ing that God should judge your motives
and conduct? He held that moral re
forms are brought about by two forces;
by the power of God and the power of
evil. He knew a church building back
east, in which one old womam used
every Sunday for years, to visit and
pray and read the scriptures and go
through the form of worship. A church
need to meet here but a clever skeptic
bad scattered it leaving only the old
woman, who ceased not to pray her
God would again visit it and build it up.
While she prayed the people laughed.
What could a poor old woman like that
do? But the day came when a work of
grace was commenced there and tbe old
woman ' saw her prayers answered in
large nVimbers being gathered to worship
with her. - When a drunkard stops drink
he becomes a prohibitionist. There are
two kinds of prohibitionists; one is
composed of those whom reason and
truth have convinced of the evils of in
temperance and the other of those who
have learned these evils from practical
experience. The evils of slavery liad
gone on accumulating till tbe Dred
Scott decision. This was evil's triumph
but slavery's downfall. So will it be
with the rum traffic, a day -which, he
prayed, God might hasten. Rev. Dr.
Burnside of Buffalo, N. Y., said he had
been so long engaged in educating peo
ple in favor .of prohibition principles
that he had almost forgotton his old
party affiliations. He knew nothing
that could be said in favor of the rum
traffic. He saw no good in it. If he op
posed it at all he must oppose it wholly
and with all his might. He had many
friends here and in his Eastern home.
The liquor traffic was an enemy of his
friends and therofore his enemy. Happy
tbe family which has not witnessed its
ravages! .He had been pastor of a
church for many years and liquor had
been tbe worst enemy the church bad
to contend with. It was an enemy of
God's church and the kingdoms of this
world would never become the kingdoms
of our Lord and his Christ unless tbe
liquor traffic was destroyed. If all en
emies are to be put under Christ's feet
then liquor must be put down. It is
God's enemy and there is no enemy
equal to it. If God is against it, his
church ought to be. - Ask yourselves:
Is God on the side of liquor?" and if he
is not, then it is right and safe to be
where Ged ia, v
At the close ot Dr. Burn side's 'address
Mr, Butler- announced that the next
meeting of the club would be held in the
Y. M. C. A., readine room on Tuesday
evening the 31st in St., when Mrs. Dr.
Ingalls would address the meeting. -
In Crook county 'circuit' court last.
week, Judge Bradshaw presiding, the
Italian, Thomas Porfitlo, was sentenced
to seven years for attempted rape on a
married woman. The -judge told the
dago that bad be succeeded in bis dast
ardly purpose he would have sentenced
mm to twenty years. .- ;
From the Dully Chronicle, Thursday.
The Odd 'Fellows! grand lodge is in
session ftt Astoria.
Mr. Kennedy id busily i'ngued"pr.t-
ting the machinery iu his new boat.
Read th advertisement of Stoneman
& Ficge, on the third page, new today.
This office is indebted to the courtesy .
of Hon. Ringer Hermann for valuable
documents received. ..
J. B. Pinkerton, contracting agent for
the Chicagb, Milwaukee and St. Paul
railway is in the city.
Mr. Hardy is putting the finishing
touches on a new 25 foot sign, in black
and gold, for Pease & May 8. t
Mr. Geo. Baxter, of Antelope is in the
city. He says the prospects for big
crops was never equalled in Oregon.
Boating on tbe river such balmy
evenings as these, is the next nice thing
to a drive behind a fleet footed roadster.
Today, says the advertisement' of -Pease
& Mays, on the first page, ladies
will be attracted by the display of goods.
Hon. J. C. Moreland of Portland, and
Judge F. A. Moore of St. Helens, regis
tered at the Umatilla house at noon to
day. '
' C. L. Richmond lias bought ont the
stock in trade of C. A. Orchard, in the
East End and will continue the business
at the old stand.
Mr. Button of Hood River, who has .
some fine horses in training at The
Dalles, was in the city yesterday on a .
tour of inspection. .
Cord wood dealers are making the '
best of their time to remove stocks' along
the river away from the flood lines.
One hundred cords were landed on Mill
cceek today. . v ,
The Great Northern is undoubtedl
preparing for an early participation in
transcontinental traffic, and the appear
ances are that it will ' make a stir when
the hat drops. . .
Dr. II. M. Connelly, a resident of the -state
of Indiana, arrived in The Dalles
today on a visit to his mother and
brothers. The doctor is a brother of
Mr. Frank Connelly of this city,
Companies A and C, O. N. G., were
oqt last evening for drill, headed by the
drum corps of The Dalles citizens' band.
These companies make a very creditable '
appearance in their bright uniforms. -
Hon. W R. Ellis, the republican
nominee for .congress in this district, .
and Ilon H. B. Miller, of Southern
Oregon,-will address the people tonight,
in this city, on the political issues of the, .
dav. '
It is perfectly plain to an observer in .
Washington,if he desires to be fair, to see
that every man from the Pacific coast in
congress, is doing what he can for the
benefit of tbe great waterways which
are the commercial arteries of the Pacific
Henson McCoy paid a welcome visit
to this office ' today, and in answer to
the question, how is everything in the
country? replied: "The, prospects for
good crops are brighter everyway than '
they are for the election of anybody oa
either ticket of the two old parties."
. Mr. Kinncrely returped from Portland "
last night. While in the city he avaUed
himself of the opportunity to visit tli
cruisers Baltimore and Charleston. lie
says there are numerous steamers and
small craft, making a lively trade in
carrying passengers at ten cents for the
round trip, and the patriotic and sight
seeing public are liberal In their support
of the enterprise. . "
At the Methodist church last night a
very enjoyable affair was- held, in the
form of a reception in honor of the
pastor and his wife. Quite a number of .
the membership and; friends of the
church were present, and the evenjng
was spent in conversation, music ftud.
mirth until a late hour, when refresh
ments were served, and the assemblage?
dispersed to their various homes.
Our attention has been called to it .
wide-spread misunderstanding relative
to the action of Senator Dolph npon t he
dalles boat railway project. He litis
made no attempt whatever to overload '
the river and harbor appropriation bill,
as his bill for the dalles is strictly a et:p--:
arate measure. The efforts of the dem
ocracy' to defeat it, because, as they
claim, the democracy of Oregon is op-,
posed to it, is a matter for the poluio-.
iaus themselves to settle among thvut
selves. '
'. Captain C. W. Stone's scow fish wheel,
located on the Oregon side of the river,
about a mile below town, caught five mi-
mense sturgeon, between tbe hours of
8 o'clock laetevehingand3thismorm(.
Last year Captain Stone caught a stur
geon that weighed 700 pounds and the
year before J. Jackson caught one tl.iit
weighed 1000 pounds. The largest fih
caught last night measures three feet
eight inches back of the gills and is
nine feet long. Captain Stone estimate
its weight at 800 pounds.
There are pleasures . innumerable
about The Dalles inviting' contentment,
which bat few places of prominence ' in .
Oregon can equal, and none surpass. .
One of the most prominent of these is
the facilities for driving. Last evening a
representative of The Chbokicle took hi
the six-mile circuit below the city, via
the Klindt road, up the Chenoweth, and
back by the Snipes road.' Traveling Is
fine, and with Chief Judd S. Fish hold,
ing tbe ribbons, and his favorite Sim
Reed in the thills, an occasional after
dinner dash like this aids digestion and
promotes profound repose.