The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, May 20, 1892, Image 2

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Consemtiyes Afraid to Fii a Date
- . Adj ourn" Parliament
Dissolution is Considered by all Not to
be Very Far Off,
Timothy Healy said to be the Obstacle
to a Reconciliation of the Irish
London,. May 16. It is stated on ex
cellent authority that the real object
the government in making so much se
crecy about the date.of the dissolution is
to catch the liberals napping. The con
, servative leaders are afraid if they were
to set aclav the liberals and their friends
abroad would at once begin iu the most
earnest manner to prepare lor the Strug
gle. But, while there is no doubt about
the" dissolution, there will be a disposi-
tion to put off active preparations. The
most significant indication that dissolu
tion is not far o'S is the activity of the
conservatives and their liberal-unionist
Everywhere an earnest canvas is be
ing carried on with a view to ascertain
the strength of the respective parties,
... The conservatives are well satisfied with
the results of their canvass so far." They
do not expect the overwhelming ma
jority of 188(3, but they are confident of
victory. The Ulster movement is de-
' veloping an importance which causes the
liberals much anxiety. The noncon
formist ministers, who have been sent
'as political missionaries from Ulster to
: the English nonconformists, are meet'
ing with a better reception than they
expected, and everywhere the noncon
formist liberals are being appealed to
. tun lurn over meir leiiuw-reugiumairB in
t ii . i! i. ; .
Ireland to the mercies of a Catholic
home-rule parliament.
. - These appeals are being carried into
the home and. the workshop as well as
, the chapel, and it is claimed that many
of the English nonconformists have
Already been converted to the side of the
Ulster brethren. The weakness of the
Irish national cause consists in the bit
ter antagonism aroused by the utterances
of Timothy Hcaly. While Healy re
mains prominent in the federation, a
reconciliation of the Irish factions seems
impossible. Healy continues as bitter
as ever in his expressions relating to. the
Parnellites, and they are as bitter as
ever against him. Nothing short of
Healy's retirement would be satisfactory
to the friends of the late Irish leader,
and Healy will not retire. Consequently
it seems certain that the Farnellites and
the anti-l'arnellites will go into the gen
eral election opposed to each other, and
the conservatives are certain, that they
can capture several seats as a result' of
i ne jtibii division. t,
The anti-Parnellite leaders are re
ported to be much disappointed at the
practical failure of the attempt to raise
funds in America, and they are begin -.rting
to be convinced that, while some
prominent Irishmen in America may
contribute to the national cause, as rep
- resented by the anti-Parnellite federa
tionj the dollar of the workingman, or of
the servant girls, which formed the bulk
-of the contributions in the past for the
support of the Irish cause when united
under Parnell, will not be given to the
-avowed antagonists of Parnell., The
scene at Cork Friday night shows that
in Ireland, factional hatred is not dying
out. -
Against Type. Foundries.
: Minneapolis, May 16. An applica
tion has been made in the district court
for a receiver of the Minneapolis matrix
company, on 'the ground that the di
rectors are trying to wreck it. The com
pany owns patents on a new system of
printing valued at (3,000,000, and other
assets worth $500,000. The matrix com
pany have a system by which various
newspapers scattered over the world,
may produce the same. matter daily,
By the Bomb Bonte.
Chicago, May 17. Several times the
false Messiah Teed has been threatened,
and yesterday a bomb was discovered
Tinder his house, at Washington Heights.
An examination, it is said, revealed it to
!be of a very destructive character. The
discovery was accidental and it is be
Sieved to indicate that the threats of the
residents of the suburb against Teed are
not of an empty character.
Gen. 3. B. Gordon, president of the
United Confederate veterans, has ap
pointed, a committee of one from each
-of the Southern states to present a me
morial before the. legislature. of each
state, asking them to vote j life pension
to the widow of Jeff Davis. . ;
Just a. little sunshine, just a little
Tain, make the fields of Oregon bright
with waving grain. 7
;A "Royal .Wedding" Kowen.
Dbtboit, May 17. Effie Mitchell,
once a beautiful girl, whose- marriage in
1874 to Count Tinus Euduardus Kooshel,
of France, attracted so much notfee, and
was called a royal' wedding, died in a
tenement, at her former home In byra
cuse, N. Y., yesterday. It is said there
is no trace in her face of its former love
liness. The count, as he called himself,
came here to study art. He occupied a
handsome suite of rooms in a prominent
hotel, and had a retinue of servants.
After the marriage, the couple enjoyed
an entensive wedding trip, and settled
in Detroit. The unfortunate bride soon
learned that the man was without honor
or resources, and that ne naa-anotner
wife in New York. She then returned
to Syracuse, and has uvea nere un
noticed.. The "count" was an artist of
French or Austrian extraction, and his
name was said to be Edward Tinus. .
Senator Barbour's Funeral.
Washington, May 17-. Yesterday, at
the funeral of Senator Barbour, for the
first time in the history of that body,
priest of the Roman Catholic Church
conducted the religious portion of the
ceremony, the deceased being a member
of that faith. The eulogy was delivered
bv Senator Henna, ana tne cuetomarv
resolutions were adopted.
More Than Eminent.
New Yobk, May 17. A Paris special.
referring to the return of Paul Deschanel
who was recently in the United States on
a mission of the French government and
is an enthusiastic admirer of Blaine
says : "He expected to find Blaine an
eminent statesman, but was hardly pre
pared to find him a statesman of .such
extraordinary caliber which he is now
convinced Blaine possesses." Deschanel
adds : "Blaine is diametrically oppo
site to the old European notion of
American political men." . He places
Blame on the first plane of living -states-
Geary .for Fennoyer.
Washington, May 17. During a call
upon Rep. Holman of Indiana, yester
day, Rep. Geary and others, upon ques
tions propounded by Mr. Holman, freely
discussed the vice-presidential nomina
tion of a man from the Pacific coast. It
is no longer Pennoyer, as, he and the
democracy have split, so Mr. Holman
made the Californians sit down and talk
over the whole situation, himself men
tioning and discussing all the other men
who have been- named in connection
with the second place on the democratic
ticket. He concluded by saying : "There
is a heap of good politics in this. The
Pacific coast has never had a place on
the national ticket, and it might' make
big change out there if those states
were recognized in this way. 1 know of
no one more available if the first place
goes east of Uhio, than you, young
man." And the old watchdog of the
treasury shook Gearv's hand and heart
ily wished him good luck.
Holman Handled Gingerly.
Washington, May 17. The mining
debris bill was yesterday the subject of
interviews between . Representatives
Geary and Caminetti, and ' Holman,
Dockery and Savers and others, of the
ays and means and appropriation com
mittees. Mr. Holman said California was
deserving of much at the hands of con
gress, and he would do everything he
could to advance its interests. He set
up the democratic plea of economy, but'
gave an assurance that ne would De as
fair and liberal as possible:. He wanted
to know the smallest sum. that would
answer the purpose, and was told $450,-
000, the amount asked in the bill, "was
about right. He declared this was too
large. He promised, however, to study
the bill over and give his answer early
this, week. It is conceded that these
interviews have something to do with
influencing the California democratic
state convention today.
"Will Apply Kvery Test.
Washington, May 17. It is expected
that everything possible ' will be done
that can in any way be trumped up to
thwart the purpose' of the people to hold
in check the vast speculative and corpor
ate influence of the United States. This
influence will not allow congress to pass
any measure for the relief of .the people
of the United States if possible to pre
vent it, hence it is said today that Judge
Sage, of the United States district court
of Ohio, has rendered a decision which
declares the river and harbor act of con
gress unconstitutional so far as it gives
the secretary, of war judicial powers.
The case grew out of an order from the
secretary of war, ' who furnished the
Muskingum county commissioners plans
and specifications for constructing a span
for the bridge near Zanesville, O., which
the commissioners had not the money to
carry out. . The case will be appealed
and made a test case.
No Satisfactory Results.
London, May 17. A,'. Berlin ; corre
spondent says : "In financial circles'
here the belief prevails that an interna
tional silver conference will have no sat
isfactory results. - Germany will "only
accept the invitation because she does
not desire to hold aloof from the other
powers. The government and the rich
have always been opposed to bimetal
ism.' They even rejected the -motion a
few years ago declaring Germany's will
ingness to negotiate if England, had pre
viously adopted bimetallism." , .
Singapobk, May IS. Earthquakes
were felt in Penang and Sumatra today.
More Delegates UninstrnM than was
. ErerYetKnom
Seven Million Republicans Who' Have
' -. J
Not Made Up Their Minds.
No Name Is ao I'opnlar as to Secure the
Nomination on the First Ballot
By any Means. .
'Chicago, May 18. Chairman J. S
Clarkson, of the republican national
committee, arrived yesterday from Hot
Springs, -Ark., fully restored to health
To a reporter he said: "Seven millions
of republicans, who. will be represented
at Minneapolis, have not made up their
minds regarding a candidate. The re
sults -of the state conventions clearly
show this. There will be more unin
structed delegates in the Minneapolis
convention that has ever been known in
the history of the republican party,
Almost all the Northern states, and
states which cast electoral votes which
will elect, sent uninstructed delegations,
The majority of the uninstructed dele
gations come from the Southern states.
Some able editors and Federal office
holders claim the nominatian " is settled
already. I certainly do not think so,
but as for being a party to any conspir
acy for the nomination of Blaine, Sher
man or Harrison, I desire to enter a pro
test.' I will keep out of the contest, and
cast my vote for whomever I shall de
termine 'will be the winner. Without
much doubt there will be several ballots
cast. A man must be very- popular who
would secure the nomination on the
firsfballot, and such we have not, cer
tainly, when such a large proportion of
Halofratao 01 A nninatYntcwi ' '
A Celestial Stowaway.
San Francisco, Mav 18. A horrible
discovery was made on the barkehtine
W. H. Dimond yesterday just in from
Honolulu. While the Dimond was in
the harbor of .Honolulu, a dead Chinese,
with marks of voilence on his head, 'was
found floating alongside of her. Suapior
ion was fastened pn Illinois Wise, a
colored cook of the Dimond, and on the-
departure of the vessel Detective J,
Lockhart followed on the Australia . to
investigate. A hasty search of the cabin
showed a few 'splashes of blood on the
wall, and on this shadowy evidence he
was arrested. Yesterday it occurred to
Lockhart to. make a more careful exam
ination of the cabin for there was really
nothing on which to ask for extradition
or conviction of the prisoner. In the
search there was found closely packed
beneath a thin false partition the entire
suit of clothing of the Chinese, satur
ated with -blood. .Beneath the' lower
bunk were other large blood - stains,
which had escaped notice on the first ex
amination, and which Wise, presumed
to be the guilty man, , had forgotten- to
wash off.. The theory is ' that ' the
Chinese had asked- Wise to stow him
away and had shown him money, which
tempted Wise's cupidity, and the murder
followed. . '
Butte Mine Horror. - v
Butte,' Mont., May 18. It is now
known that nine miners were killed by
the cave-in at the Anaconda - mine near
Butte. Fourteen were entombed and it
was at first thought that all were killed,
but five have so far been taken out alive,
and it is positively known that all the
remainder are dead. They are Jerry N.
Harrington, Dan Sheehan, Quinn Leary,
William Hyland, T. C. Murphy, John
Smith, S. Steward, William Clarke and
John Nordstrom. Four of the bodies
have been recovered, but it will be a day
or two-yet before the others are reached.
. Tens of thousands of tons of rock
are strewn between the rescuers and the
bodies of their dead . comrades. The
cause of the accident is staled to be that
an unusually heavy blast was fired just
before the cave-in occurred, and it . is
thought that it loosened the rock which
formed the roof of the gallery.
Laid Away for a Kalny Day.
New Yobk, May 18. The steamer
from Venezuela yesterday brought Gen.
Solanzo, a special envoy of President
Anduzea Palacio, on his way to Europe
with 80,000 more to be added to the
credit of Palacio, -his "rainy day ' sav
ings," ' which is variously estimated
from 1500,000 to $10,000,000-: Besides
this $80,000! Gen. Solanzo was given a
highly - important communication 'to
Guzman Blanco. For several weeks
Palacio was suspected of intending to
invoke the ex-dictator's - help, having
given several important offices to his
adherents in Venezuela, but it was not
generally- believed he would go to the
extreme of inviting Blanco to return and
take the presidency, guaranteeing him
the retention and enjoyment of his ill
gotten gains, in addition to helping him
enrich himself still further, all the time
acting under a guise of constitutionality
and pretending to have only the best
interests of the country at heart.
A PJaeky Woman.
Fayettkville, N. C, Mav 17. On
Monday seventeen miles, below1 here
notorious outlaw from South Carolina
named Gilmore entered the house of
of Kev. William Brunt, and finding no
one but Miss Brunt there, forced her to
prepare dinner for him at the point of
pistol. After eating heartily, he leaped
out of the window. Miss Brunt seized
gun and shot Gilmore, thirteen buckshot
striking. He died in a few minutes.
reward of $300 was out for him, to which
Miss .Brunt Decomes entitled,
i Will Standby Briggs. '
New York, May 18. At a banquet at
the - Union - Theological - seminary last
night, the speaker declared, amid hand-
clapping approval, that no matter what
the course of the Presbyterian general
assembly was at its forthcoming meet
ing at Portland, Or., touching the ortko
doxy of the Bet. Dr. Briggs,. the semi
nary would stand by him, regardless of
consequences. - - '
.The Kmperors' "Toilsomeneas."
Dantzig, May 17; The provincial
diet of West Prussia at a banquet
entertainment given in honor of Em
peror William, at which in the course of
his speech, he said : "May the sons of
this country accept patiently whatever
Providence has in store for them, and
await with confidence the results which
the emperor will- achieve in the course
of a toilsome future." -
Show Train Ditched. -
Atchison, Kan., May 18. The first
section of Singling Bros.' circus train,
on the Central branch road, was ditched
by .the giving way. of a culvert near Con
cordia, yesterday. Four show men were
killed and five badly injured. Twenty
head of stock were drowned in the
stream. Two dead bodies have been
taken from the 'wreck, and assistance
has gone from here. ...
Cheering; Flood News.
Kansas City, May 18. Notwithstand
ing the heavy rains of last night, the
Missouri river is falling here and at
points above. While this news is cheer
ing to us of Kansas City, it is deplored
below us, where the river has broken
over its banks and flooded a. large area
of low lands, causing great -destruction
everywhere. .
Scoundrels at Large.
Landsb, Wyo., May 18. A successful
jail break was made here last night, by
which all .the prisoners escaped. The
deputy sheriff who attempted to- recap
ture them, was fatally wounded: Among
the escaped prisoners . .were Bliss and
Collins, two of the most notorious horse
thieves of the West.
. Women Politicians.
New York, Slay . 18. Mrs. Emma
Beckwith, to whom has been offered the
nomination for vice-president of the
United States on the equal rights ticket,
declares that, while she would accept
the position with either Bel va Lock wood
or Frances R. Willard as nominee for
the first place, she' would not run on the
same ticket with Victoria Woodhull.
- Business and Religion.. '
Los Angeles, May 18. The city
council has', passed a resolution asking
the mayor to set aside today as a day of
profound meditation and prayer. The
city is in the midst of a revival of relig
ion, and the fever is spreading. Busi
ness houses will be closed and trade
suspended whether the mayor sets aside
the day or not. ;
' Flood News by Telegraph.
The Bowman dike, at East St. Louis,
111., which protected a large section of
land north and east, has broken, and
hundreds of acres of land are submerged.
The Bonnet Carre levee, . eighteen
miles above New Orleans, on the east
bank of the" river, broke on the 16th.
The opening is 100 feet wide and fifty
feet deep.
The Missouri river continues to rise,
but the swell is not so great at St. Louis.
Another foot will cause untold damage.
Such a rise is entirely probable, as both
the Mississippi and the Missouri rivers
are still rising. '
The waters of the Kaw and Missouri,
at Kansas city, are receding, and the
panic in Argentine and Armoordale is
subsiding, and people, are returning to
their homes. In the latter place all the
big packing houses haye resumed busi
ness. . ' . ' ' :
- Commencing at Happy ville.. eight
miles west of Whitehall, the Illinois
river extends from bluff to bluff, a dis
tance of four and a half miles. ' The area
of overflowed land in one county is fully
75,000 acres. No crops can be raised on
this land.this year. The -water is still
rising. '
.Recent storms in. California", have
caused the Sacramento river, at Sacra
mento, to rise until it has .reached a
height of twenty-four feet and six in
ches. The new levees on both sides are
holding all right, but if there should be
a rise of three or four feet more, some of
the farming districts would likely .be
flooded, and possibly some of the re
claimed islands down the river. .
r A feeling of uneasiness exists among
the old stock of Cceur d' Alene. miners.
Another train load of non-union men
are expected in a few days. .
River and -Harbor. Bill Attacked From
' .- " an Ambuscade. - ':
Not Well Enough Pleased With Bcnja-
men to Take His Advice.
Do Back Track No S Tor tent. Seal
ing Stick . to the Contract Sys
tem if Ben. Goes
nr. "
AsaiNOTON, jway.ia. Yesterday an
attack was made upon the river and
harbor bill from an unexpected quarter,
It is claimed that notice lias been re
ceived from the White house by the re-
pu oi ican. memDers ot the, commerce
committee, to the effect that it would
be better to scale down the present river
and harbor bill 25perct. This is backed
up by assertions from the secretary of
the treasury, to the effect that the prob
able revenues do sot seem liable ' to
meet the actual cost of conducting the
government under the preeent system of
finances. . .
The republican members of the senate
appropriation committee have been not
ified that it would be well to keep down
appropriations to as low alimit as, pos
sible, yet it is doubtful whether the
commerce committee of the senate
will take much stock in what President
Harrison proposed, because many mem
bers of that committee on the republi
can side are not any too well pleased
with the president. Further than that,
a large volume, made its appearance in
the senate today, which is the report of
the committee on commerce on the
river and harbor bill.
It contains over 400 pages of printed
matter and Is very complete in discuss
ing every project contained in the pres
ent river and harbor bill and shows by
facts and figures, . the necessity for 'the
passage of such a bill and of the vast
benefits to accrue to commence on that
account. It is believed the committee
will not. now - take the - back track and
move to scale the bill down, simply
because the president is desirous of it.
In view Of the showing made by the
report it is doubtful if any attempt will
be made by the senate commerce com.
mittee to scale down the bill. One of
the first suggestions by the administra
tion was that the contract system should
be stricken from the bill, but this met
with so much disfavor that it was not
pressed. In fact, the contract system
provided for . future appropriations
rather than current expenditures. " ' '
Jury List.
List of jurors drawn May 3d, 1802, for
circuit court, May term, commencing
Monday May 23, 1892.
W G Clelland, farmer, Hood River. '.
J A Noble, farmer, Wapinitia.
H. Clough, merchanic, The Dalles'.
C R Bone, stable keeper, Hood River,
Clark McCowan, blacksmith, Tygh.
George Smith, merchant, The Dalles.
Ed. Wilhelm, farmer,. The Dalles.
Fen Batty, clerk, The Dalles.
A W Quinn, farmer, Dufur.
W A Miller, farmer, The Dalles.
J G McCoy, farmer, Wapinitia.
Wallace Fargher, mechanic,
W H Taylor, farmer, The Dalles. ;
I H Sherar, stockman, Sherars Bridge,
T C Fargher, farmer, Dufur.
Asa C Straight, farmer, Straightsburg,
W H Vanbibber, farmer, Dalles. -G
W Lucas, farmer, Wamic. .
D S Kimsey, farmer, Antelope.
S F Campbell, merchant, The Dalles,
L Crowe, merchant, The Dalles. '
J J Lewis,' farmer, Mosier.
James Sherriel, farmer, Dalles.
C A Allen, farmer, Boyd. " .
C H Cummins, farmer, Dalles.
J C Benson, farmer, Dalles. ' ,
R-J Tucker, lumberman, Hood River.
J N Mosier, farmer, Mosier.,
.G H Barnett, farmer, The Dalles.
W H Jones, merchant, The Dalles.
J Hamilton, merchant, Cascade Locks.
A force of thirty men employed in
shearing a band of 8000 sheep belonging
to Thompson & Barnhart at Mr.' Barn
hart's place, below Pendleton, finished
the work Thursday at noon, just in time
to. escape unfavorable weather. - .The
yield was heavy and the wool is clean
and of excellent quality. Two-year-olds
averaged about eleven pounds each, and
yearling about nine pounds.. The
shearers are now engaged at other
The German steamer Lahesbayne,
from Antwerp, on Friday afternoon
noticed a fisherman's dory directly . in
the path of the vessel, off the banks of
Newfoundland. A . boat was sent, out
and found the occupants of the dory al
most dead from starvation. They were
members of the crew of ; a. fishing
schooner and had been lost fifty-four
hours, having drifted away in a fog.
-r ; 7 : "
j ' Makes- Another Move.
''filVpDlvi,r,. IT tO A J ' 1.1.
. . n.ivim.v, jo, a uiepuicu
was received yesterday by General Pasa
senger Agent Goodman, of the Southern
Pavific company, sta'ting that Ihe west
ern traffic association has made . another
move in the direction' of doing, away
with the payment of extensive commis
sions.. Ka agreement has been effected
applying to west bound business over all
lines west of Chicago, which is to remain
in effect from May 31st until December
31, 1892, and which fixes the commis
sions at $4.60 on first-class tickets and
$3.60 on second. . ,
A Chinese Smuggler. .
Astoria, May 19. The wrecked yacht,
towed into this port from sea bottom up,
undoubtedly was a fast sailer as she Is a
fine model, built in New 'Westminster,'
but nothing ca.n be ascertained beyond
the fact thafher builders very soon alter
disposed tf her to unknown parties ; it
is supposed they were Chinese smug-
glers, placing celestials and opium ac
cross the line. Some think the craft was
used to carry opium only. Not a thing
was found on board to throw any light
upon the mystery, except a few Chinese
was capsized during one of the recent
heavy sales off that terrible north coast.
A Determined Mob.
Cheblbytown, May 19. Yesterday a
mob of two-hundred men gathered at
the jail determined upon lynching the
negro assailant of little Nellie Silcoata.
The sheriff eluded them last night by
v.. i. jt '
iiuxijiiig iud Liicuucr uu want a tug
and steaming down the Delaware. He.
brought the prisoner back and relodged
him in jail this 'morning. Soon after '
which time the -culprit -was taken out
and lynched by a mob of 600 people, in-
cluding-some of the best connected fam
ilies of the town. The girl will die. .
A Bad Impression.
New Yobk, May 19. A Paris dis
patch says the appointment of the new
Italian ministry has produced a bad im
pression in diplomatic and political cir
cles. The fact is that this return to .
power of Crispi's friends, and men who
look upon him as their political leader,
causes general fear, not that the peace
of Europe will be at once disturbed, but
that its tranquility will be eventually
threatened. Results of. the ministerial
chance -cannot vet be annroriatad at
their true value, but they will certainly
be considerable. ' '
Reports to the effect that democratic
members are marshaling forces to camp
in war upon the dalles boat railway k
project are numerous. They do not
object to the improvement, but base -
their action upon their party political
; nAnn 11a. mUlA
be taken at once to counteract this scan- -
dal nnon a neonleC dtacrvirjir - of higher -
esteem in the nations' capitoU '
It is shown in the dispatches today '
that the proposition to cut down the
river and harbor bill 25 per cent., if it
succeeds, will reduce the appropriation
for the boat railway to $187,600 and .for .
the locks to $376,260. The reduction of
the appropriations for the boat railway .
will not delay that, work, as the contract
cannot be let until the righj of way is
secured, and probably by the time that
can be done another appropriation may
be had in the sundry eivil bill of next
session. Senator Dolph says ho house
will not consent to a cut of so many of
their large appropriations, and should it
be made be will see, if any is restored,
that Oregon is as well treated as any
other state, in conference. - The provis
ion for the cascade locks secures the
continuous and speedy . construction -of
the work, and . the balance of
the appropriation required will - be .
made in the sundry civil appropriation -bill,
as other appropriations to meet the
obligations of the government already
accrued, and the proposed cut, if made.
will not delay the work r but the Oregon
senators are not willing to- surrender
anything, and hope, because, so many
sonators are interested in the large .
number of works aJeoted, that the prop
osition will be beaten in the senate.
Speaking of a section of a pile from
Seattle, honeycombed by the teredo, a
Washintrton special says r "It was liter-
all v. honeycombed. Had this specimen
.been exhibited in. congress bofoj the
drydock ' was located on Paget .sound.
that dock would doubtless have gone to
the Columbia river, as it is shown
beyond all question that any wood an
substance will be severely' InjurecHaad
practically' destroyed by this insect."
With all due deference; just such
sample as that teat thown ; so the loca
tion must be traced to some more fruit-,
ful source. Astoria was then in the
"show" business. .
Fossil Journal.. A shocking and ex
tremely sad death occurred at Fossil
Tuesday evening. While C. E. Sunt,
who was m the employ of F. M. BUsby,
was leading a mare from the corral to
the barn the animal became frightened
and started to run, jerking him off hia
feet. Unfortunately, the poor fellow's
hand was caught in snch a way that be
could not free himself, and he was
frightfully dragged about two hundred
yardSv. breaking his neck: Mr. Hunt
recently purchased the Stilson-ranch,
just north of town, and was an indus
trious young, man. He leaves a wife
and one child, in rather poor circum
stances. The town of Burns, in Harney county,
with a population of 300 persons, has
four newspapers, the last betas an organ,
of prohibition.