The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, May 20, 1892, Image 1

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    C ' 1
Deflicatel fitli AppropriatB ; Imposin
: -' Ceremony. . '.
"The Printers are Jfot Indebted to Me,
But I to Them" Says He.
Review of the International Union
r Work of Forty Tears It Great-
est Worth.
Colorado Springs. May 12. The
Childs-Drexel Home for printers was
" dedicated here today with appropriate
ceremonies. The building is located a
mile from the city on an elevation which
overlooks the Gardens of the Gods
Pikes Peak, Manitou and Cheyenne can
yons. It is. built of white lava stone
with red sandstone trimmings. It is
lour stories high, 144x40 feet, with all
modern conveniences, and costs (80,000,
It is the gift of George W. Childs and A,
J. Drexel, of Philadelphia, to the Inter
national Typographical " Union. The
- rooms in the building are furnished by
the unions in St. Louis, Chicago, San
Francisco, New York, and one by the
Chicago Inter-Ocean. The gathering of
- a-fine librarv has already begun. At
the dedication today, Hon. Iva G,
oprague, mayor of Colorado Springs, de
livered an address of welcome on behalf
of the city, in which he' spoke in eulogy
of the printers and the printing trade,
instancing many illustrious men, begin'
ning with Horace Greeley, who had been
printers. 'Gov. John L. Routt delivered
an address of welcome on behalf of the
state, congratulating Colorado oh being
" . chosen by the donors, as the site for the
. building and the donors for having
selected the most suitable spot in the
country. Hon. George W. Childs, one
of the co-don orB of the institution, spoke
briefly, saying : ''Forty-one years ago
the International Typographical Union
was established. Printers' unions not
only spread the light of education and
reason over this vast continent, but they
have given -to labor a' higher dignity,
broader independence,' and all those
qualities which render it of greatest
worth." Jhe speaker continued by say
ing he had been more or less, intimately
associated with printers from boyhood,
and he - naturally sympathized with
them, and what little he had been able
to do to express respect and admiration
had honored him more in the giving
than the craft in receiving. - Printers
were not indebted 'to him, but he to
Aid 1 Urgently Required.
' Bosltn, Wash., May 12. The town
today is deep in mourning, and there is
scarcely a house in the place where
- .heartbroken wives, mothers and sisters
cannot be heard sobbing for those most
dear to them. The utmost destitution
-' prevails, and aid is urgently required,
' The work of rescuing the bodies is being
carried on with vigor, and up to daylight
this morning were nearly all recovered
. or located. The city hall has been trans
formed into a regular charn el house, and
- wasjesieged by relatives and friends of
- the dEad miners. As soon as a body
.could be properly dressed and placed in
.the coffin it was turned over to relatives,
.who in most instances were represented
-' by he several secret orders of the camp,
and taken to the late, home of the de
ceased. Today services were held in the
Catholic church, African M. E. church
and Unity hall, after which the bodies
were interred in the cemetery, near the
camp. The Northern Pacific Goai com
. jny is defraying all expenses, besides
supplying food to .the destitute families,
; and yesterday $500 worth" of supplies
weredietnbuted from the company's
storehouse. - ... . . . , r
. " Changed Hands. ' ;
' Indianapolis, May ' 12. It' is an
: nounced by the proprietors of Jthe In
dianapolis News that the paper has been
sold to Hon. William Henry Smith", gen
eral manager,jind Charles R. Williams,
assistant general manager of the -Aseoci-i
a ted PreBS, William J. Richards, Francia
T. Holliday,' and William 1 A; ' Holliday,
the last three being' members' of
the present firm. The -News.: . was
the first 2-cent paper" established after
the war outside : of the large 'seaboard
' cities, and has had a career of remark
'aile success.- -
. The Contract System.. . -
Washington, May 13. Yesterday
Senator Dolph had a lively time in the
committee, but succeeded in increasing
the aDDroDriations for Oregon and the
Columbia river $420,000. He also had
inserted an 'appropriation , for ' (250,000
for the commencement of the boat rail'
way at the dalles rapids, .with power
given to the secretary of war to .contract
for the completion of the work, a pro
vision similar to that for the completion
of the canal and locks at the cascades,
The provision for the boat railway se
cures the immediate- commencement of
the work, its prosecution without inter
ruption, and its speedy completion
Under the provisions made, the boat rail
way will probably be completed at the
same time the cascade locks are finished,
Senator Dolph says there is a misappre
hension in Oregon "about the contract
system.' Under - the provision adopted
by congress, contracts are let for the
completion of the work, to be paid for
as the appropriations are made. - The
appropriations for the work thereafter
are made annually in the sundry civil
appropriation bill, and not every; two
years in the river and harbor bill. The
work must proceed - under the contracts
without reference, to the ' .question
whether the appropriations are made or
not. " Contracts under similar provisions
for other works have been let at a saving
of from 25 to 33 per cent. He says, M
he can hold ths senate amendment in
the conference committee, the problem
of opening the Columbia river is solved
and secured for an early day.
Advice for Hill.
Washington, May 12. Senator Hill
has been very active today and has had
numerous conferences with well-known
Cleveland men in both houses, as well
as many close cenversations with his
own fast friends. The different demo
cratic papers have been advising him to
mate the star play of his existence, and
nominate Cleveland at Chicago, and then
make himself -solid for the democratic
nomination in 1896. It is possible' that
Hill, seeing the drift of public opinion
and knowing that it is next to impossible
to elect a democratic president this year,
will conclude to pull out and plav the
magnanimous act, . put. Cleveland in
nomination, and pose as a 'democratic
martyr. He could do this and save
himself from defeat. '
' Results of a Combine.
St. Louis, May 12. The furnaces and
mills of the St. Louis iron, ore and steel
company were today sold under a decree
of foreclosure. The purchaser was the
Farmers' loan and trust company of New
York, the first mortgage bondholders,
The indebtedness was $2,000,000. The
property was bid in at today's sale by
Charles P. Chouteau, one of the original
incorporators of the St. Louis iron, ore
and steel company, and one of its heavi
est stockholders. Some years ago the
company did a large and growing busi
ness, but went into the combine, was
closed down, and after a time, found it
self entirely out of business and income,
The interest on its bonded debt was de
faulted in July, 1890, and in February
last a decree of foreclosure was taken by
the New York creditors. Today's pro
ceedings are understood to be for the pur
pose of relieving the company of .its fi
nancial embarrassments and enabling it
to resume business under favorable aus
pices. ' Messrs. Chouteau, Garrison and
others of the largest stockholders go to
New .York tonight to complete arrange
ments already agreed upon for the ad
justment of the debt and the resumption
of business. :
The Rustler War Prisoners.
Cheyenne, Wyo., May 16. Another
demand has been made . upon Governor
Barber for the rustler-war prisoners at
rort Ausseii..
f Horrible Accident.
Whatcom, Wash.,' May 13. Joseph
Biggie was instantly killed by falling
against -the' cut-off saw in the Dacan
shingle mill at 4 o'clock.- The body was
almost severed in twain from the right
shoulder to the hip, every rib being cut
off. He was 'standing on some shingle-
bolts, handling the bolts, when the pile
gave way. '-
xh Missouri Bases. "
Omaha, May 13. The. Missouri river
is ten feet above low-water mark and is
rising rapidly. It has cut away a hun
dred acres on the west bank above the
city. It is within fifty feet of Florence
lake, and if it should rise 'another foot
it would break into the old channel and
sweep, down "through to Omaha, and
hundreds of thousands of dollars damage
will be done. .It would leave the manu
facturing suburbs of Omaha on an island.
At Independence much . valuable farm
ing land is under water, and. all chance
to raise a crop this year has gone, The
river is changing its course to the south.
Last night a strip over half a mile long
was taken oft". - r - . .. .
In' PoTertj and Distress Life ' is ; Mm
Hairing No' Money to Buy Poison With
' .. Decided Upon Drowning .
'She Told Her Story to the Attendant
'and Went -Away" May Hare
' ...- Suicided. -- -
St. Louis, May 12. The identification
of the body of Mr. John..' Williams by
his wife at the morgue' today , brought
forth a pathetic story of suicide as a re
lease from poverty. ' Mr. and . Mrs,
Williams came to this city from War-
reneburg, Mo., ; where they had been
married two years ago. Williams
cured work, but was discharged about a
month ago, and had not been able to
obtain. -employment, since.. All their
money, was soon spent,-and they were
forced to sell their household belongings
to obtain . food. . Being -reduced to the
last extremity, and thwarted in every
attempt to better their condition r they
determined to take their lives." Having
no money to buy poison, they decided
to drown themselves, - and "selected dif
ferent points on the river to accomplish
the purpose. - Mrs. ' Williams' went to
the foot of Spruce street and threw her
self into the water. Sane was seen by a
boatman, who went to her rescue,' and
caught her. just as she was sinkings
third time. The woman was taken . to
the hospital, where in a few days she
recovered. A day or two later, thinking
her husband might-have been rescued r
she began a search for him, but failing
in this she again on last Friday sought
the river, where she made another at
tempt to' drown" herself." . Again, she: was
rescued by a boatman, who pulled her
out of the water-with a boat, hook
Having recovered from her second at
tempt, Mrs. Williams went to the morgue
today in search . of her husband and
found the body on a slab. - She told her
story to the attendants and went away
When the -police were notified' -they be
gan a search for the woman, but have
not been able to. find her, and it is feared
she has at last succeeded in' ending her
life. ''.'. . .
. A Beautiful Ceremony.
Portland; May 13. The beautiful
and impressive ceremonies of the officia
suprema at the obsequies of a knight of
Kadosh, were solemnly celebrated at
midnight last night over the remains of
Hockey P. Earhart, in the, blue lodge
room at the Masonic Temple. A casket
containing the body of "the deceased
knight was placed on trestles in ths cen
ter of the hall, the room being filled
with friends of the deceased.: The cere
monies were conducted by Emminent
Commander P. S. Malcolm, and occupied
the hall an hour, and were listened to
with interest by all present. ' No synop
sis can give any idea of the touching and
beautiful words of the ritual, which will
be published in full on Sunday. This is
the first time that the ceremony has
been performed publicly on. this coast.
The funeral took place at noon today
from the family residence, under, the
auspices of the grand lodge," A. F. and
M., of Oregon, the grand commandery
of Oregon ; Knights Templar acting as
escort. ' -- -"--. - ,:- ;' .' - ..
" A Talk With Hill. ;
Washington, May 16. Senator -Hill
says : "The statement that I intended
to sound an alarm in the senate against
the present proneness of the democratic
party to. the' excessive expenditure of
public funds, is absurd. From what I
have learned, by keeping my ears open,
I believe James G.' Blaine is the only
man Harrison and 'his friends fear.
The fact of the matter is, Piatt made a
great mistake is not holding a mid-winter
convention," Referring to the sharp
criticism upon the omission of G rover
Cleveland's name from the platform, of
the New York state mid-winter conven
tion. Mn Hill said: ."Why T should
like to know,' ' should " the ' convention
have mentioned the name of Cleveland?
The convention, of neither . party lias
been in the habit of dragging '.in out
siders in that way. So far as the reason
ableness 6t the thing goes, the conven
tion might as well go back a few "years
and commend the administration : of
Buchanan." ... ......
Cola John McCraken Rewarded.
' Pobtxand, May 14. The treasury de
partment has accepted the offer of Col
Job n McCraken , and will take his block
at $160,000 as the site for the new custom
house building in this city. Other bids
were fa below him; and the gift of a fine
site in Albina, tendered by J. B. Mont
gomery, was rejected. Col.. McCraken
purchased the block which he sold to the
government from Burnside & Ripley for
a mere trifle in 1857. The deed to the
property is dated- 'November 12, 1857,
The surrounding country was then ' t
wilderness. ; The block - was as far dis
tant from town as some of the present
suburbs, and many ' thought that Col,
McCraken's speculation was not a wise
one. At .that time, the block was covered
wfth pine trees and brush. ,- Col. Mc
Craken kept the property; however,"
and It steadily increased in value! . Burn'
side & Ripley, who 'sold the block to
Col. McCraken purchased it from Capt,
John II. Couch.. 'J
J in 1H7Z Vol. McUraken obtained a
deed to the property from Capt. George
H.: Flanders and wife, and the other
heirs of John H. Couch. The deed was
written on a large double sheet of fools
cap paper, and is as almost numerously
signed as a free-bridge petition. In
1860, Col. McCraken's present residence
was built in the center of the block, and
he has lived there ever since. In 1880
he built a large frame warehouse' on the
northwest corner of the block, .and in
1889 two brick warehouses were built on
the southeast corner. He has a large
quantity of goods and merchandise
stored in the -warehouses, and hopes
that the government will give him snffi
cient time to.remove them." .
Struck by Three Tornadoes."
Wichita, Kan., May,13. The 'forma
tion of three tonadoes struck here about
6 o'clock this evening. - Two were about
six miles south and another about the
same distance ' northeast. A dispatch
from Augusta, Butler county, says a
northeastern twister struck there about
tiLp'clock, demolishing fifteen houses and
wrecking the Santa Fe stock pens. ' W.
S-. Elflworth had a leg broken and Frank
Marsh was slightly injured. I Nearly all
the people in town saw . the storm ap
proaching and sought safety in cyclone
caves, which it is thought prevented
great loss of life. : .', .-,'.'.. '-.;' -
The telegraph wires are down and the
details are unobtainable. . Towanda, a
few miles north of Augusta, was also
visited by a tornado and half a dozen
houses were demolished. Towanda was
totally wiped from" the face of the earth
by a cyclone in March, and a number of
people were killed and injured. Citi
zens who had courage to remain rebuilt
their houses. . and these building were
blow down this evening. "Inquiries at
several points south of Wichita fail to
reveal the track taken bv the other two
I - ..- - ,
. For an Open Rirer.
' Washington, May 13. Oregon and
Washington senators and representatives
feel very well satisfied over the amended
river and harbor bill, the bill being in
creased something , over " $1,123,000.
Oregon and Washington together have
$726,000 of this increase. The boat rail
way was a good thing lor both Oregon
asd Washington. There is an import
ant amendment providing for - the im
provement of the Columbia river, eo
that deepwater ships may reach Van-,
couver.. This improvement will be a
benefit to Washington.' ;The proposed
opening of the Columbia river .to. the in
ternational. boundary line, for which;
$10,000 is appropriated, is also import- j
ant to botii states. : . -
' : Kentucky Base Ball. .. ' .'
Louisville, Ky., May 13. At Cal
houn, on Green river, on Saturday night,
there occurred a 'drunken row- over a
gape of base ' ball' played at" Calhoun
that afternoon between the Calhoun club
and the club 'made up of Green' river
raftsmen. - The participants were mem
bers of the two clubs.' In the melee i
raftsman, a barber and a frc it-tree sales
man and George Irving were shot and
mortally wounded. ' - .-
Causes of the Boslyn Disaster.
RosLtn, May 12. Ex-Superintendent
Ronald, when questioned as to bis theory
of ihe,explosIon, stated that he was fully
satisfied as to " the cause, but prudence
directed that he should keep Bis opinion
"to himself at this time.'. He will give his
statement as a mining expert when' call
ed upou by" the. coroner.:. The report
that he had resigned the snperin tendency
of the mines because he considered the
slope dangerous and desired to shift the
responsibility: other shoulders was em
phatically denied. : -
:i ::. : - : 1 r. ' - .
, The "Christian . saloon' keeper," . Ed.
McAvoy, one of the characters of Chic
ago, whOj" if the country bad "more of
them, would cause the bar room to lose
its curse, was adjudged insane yester
day. He has kept s bar on South Hal-'
Trains Crash into Eacn Other with an
. Awful Effect . ' . '
The Iron
Meet-with a Roar
Sounding Above- the Storm.
The Dead and Wounded Being Removed
from the Wreck.- Miraculous
. Escape of Bony. Keefe. . .
Cleveb, O., May 16. In the , midst of
a terrific storm of wind and. rain, two
Big Four trains crashed into each other
at Cleves yesterday morning with an
awful effect, the full . horrors not yet
known. Freight No. 44, north bound,
was ordered to stop at North Bend to
allow .No. 30, the cannon. ball specialjto
pass. . The summer schedule went into
effect yesterday and under the old
schedule the trains passed some miles
further . on. Instead of - stopping at
North Bend, the engineer pulled ahead
and- approached "Cleves, . running at the
rate of twenty, miles an hour. As the
train appeared, Charles Smith, the tele
graph operator, rushed to the signal
wires jind put up the danger signal
Either it was pot seen or the engineer
could not .control the engine, for -the
train sped on.: At the same moment
the, express came into sight, and the
iron monsters crashed -into each, other
with a roar , that sounded above the
storm. Both engines were battered into
a shapelesB mass and rolled off the track,
The . cars ' behind were smashed - into
kindling, and the track for a hundred
feet was torn nip; .telegraph poles were
broken, .and it was two or three hours
before notice of the wreck was sent -out
and a Bpecial train sent 'to the sne
from" Cincinnati. ' People from the vil
lage and surrounding country gathered
and did all they could to rescue the
wounded, many of whom were taken
away.- The number cannot De aennueiy
stated .tonight.' , It is claimed some of
the wounded are in a dying' condition.
Not a person on either train, escaped
uninjured. , With ' the arrival of the
special train, the work of taking out the
dead began. " A most "miraculous, escape
was that of Bony Keefe, a freight brake'
man, who had just .reached the top of a
car when the collision occurred, was
thrown over a telegraph wire, forty feet,
into a stream'of water," which saved his
life.' . He thinks there are three tramps
under' the wrecked " freight. -' Several
passengers on the express train are posi
tive several of their number were also,
killed. It is certain they are missing,
but it is possible they'are among the
wounded scattered around town. . A fire
started . in the wreck, but- the " people
rushed to the scene and prevented a
bolacaust. -Fortunately, the relief was
prompt,- and everything possible was
done ' for the . wounded. A pathetic
scene was. the death of Brakeman Gib
bons He lingered till - afternoon, and
was conscious all the time. . He left a
young wife an hour before the accident,
and all his grief and talk was about her.
In the agonies of death, till his tongue
was stilled, he spoke only of her. Again
and again he begged some one to pray,
and an old colored minister responded
to his pleadings and; knelt at his bedside.,-
There was a scene of solemnity
that - will not soon be forgotten by those
who witnessed , it, and - silent tear?
moistened every eye. . ' ' '
: i'i ,--, Catholic Clergy Tourists.
- .MoNTRBAt.' May-lo. A large-: party of
Roman Catholic dignitaries and clergy
left here today on a lour to the Pacific
coast. Among the tourists are Bishop j
Dahamel, of Ottawa; the bishops of
Three Rivers', :" Pembroke, Brooklyn,
Helena, Mont., and "Athabasca, and
Monscigner Hamel, representing Cardi
nal TascbereaUk -v.- -
Highest of all in Leavening Power.Latest U..S.' Gov't Report. '
. sTS sj a aT m a m amnsnrnv- .
Spots on the Sun.
Pbovidenck, B.'I.jfa'y 16. Observer
Frank . "Seagrave has discovered a
beautiful group of spots on the sun,
distinctly visible to the naked eye. They .
should be. central today. Auroral dis
plays are likely to follow. . .
Yellow Fever at Costa Rica.
Poet Limon, Costa Rica, May 14. A "
rumor has been . prevalent for several
days of another serious outbreak of yel
low fever at San Juan del Norte (Grey
town.) The authorities. deny the report, .
but it appears there are good grounds
for believing it is authentic. .
' On the Northern Pacific. .
Billings, Mont., May 14. On the
Northern- Pacific road a special ' Presby
terian train was crossing Montana today
according to schedule. Rev. Mr. Moore
came from Helena to arrange for the en
tertainment of the guests, and services,
will be held there tomorrow. At Fort
Keogh, the officers, military band, and
100 soldiers were at the depot to greet
the travelers. ' :
An Orerstock of Litofuge.
New York, May "16. The sheriff on .
Saturday seized the property of the Lit-,
ofuge company, valued at about $1,000
to satisfy a claim of $48,000 made against
the company by the Baroness Blanc.
The property seized was in charge of
Baron Blanc, and that nobleman's conr
tesy assisted the sheriff's officer in
taking possession of the goods, which
consisted of about 1,000 boxes of the
material known as litofuge. ' - v
' One of the Conferred.
Washington, May 16. It is settled
that Senator Dolph will be one of the
conferrees in the river and harbor bill,
and this position will probably give him
power to retain in the bill certain appro
priatians which he has secured, includ
ing the - dalles boat railway scheme.
Dolph is confident he can hold this pro
ject. It is not known who the other re
publican conferree will . be. Seuator
Washburn, of . Minnesota, may be
selected. He is objectionable to some
people, especially of the Pacific coast, as"
he does not look very kindly'upon some
of the increases which have been made
by the senate commerce committee.
- Carnegie to Amuse Himself. .'
Pittsubg, May 16. The proposed con-
solidation.of the Carnegie interests will
be backed by about $40,000,000 and . will
employ from 12,000 to 14,000 men. The
capital stock will be $25,000,000. Andrew
Carnegie will continue the largest stock- .
holder, but will turn over the manage
ment of the whole thing to Henry C-
Frick. The intention of Carnegie is to
devote the remainder of his career , to
spending his millions in artistic, social
and other directions, and it is likely he
will take a more active part in, political
affairs. In addition to their iron and
steel interests, Messrs. Carnegie and
Frick control 70 per cent of the coke-
trade, or about $18,000,000. .
Jones Wants Blaine.
Washington, May 16. Senator Johir
P. Jones, of Nevada, is strongly opposed
to v the renomination of Harrison on
personal grounds. He says:' "Let us
nominate Blaine, and he will sweep the '
country. Blaine owes it to himself and
to his country to accept the nomination,.
even if he knows he would not like to
serve out his terol. -What are a few" -years
of .life to the gratification of a life
long ambition? Mr. Blaine .has been
striving for the . presidency for twenty-
five years. Now he has it within bis
grasp. ix you suppose lie is going to
allow a little matter like a pain in his
stomach' to deprive him of the great
prize? There is not the slighest obliga
tion imposed on Mr. Blaine, by reason
of his position, to support the presi
dent's claim for a second term. He is .
not Mr.: Harrison's secretary of state,'
but a representative of the American .
people! The president does not own.the
government.- The republican party can
tender Mr. Blaine the nomination, and
he can accept It without violating in the
slightest degree any principle of honor."
A struggle is being" wade for Hon. Jae.
Lotan to succeed . K." . P. . Earhart, de- ;
ceased, as collector for the port of Port- .
land. ;' . - ..r : . ; ; : .' . '. . ; ; . :.";
- Quite likely Hon.' B. B. Horr. will"
make several speeches in Oregon' before .
the close of the state campaign. :.' ; -
Btea street xi years.