THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE, FRIDAY, MAY 13, 1892. ITALY'S FINANCES BAD. A Check on the Triple Alliance Dis V .' arm or BMrnpt. V -. . MSIGJiATION OF THE CABINET. The Situation Claimed as a Triumph For the Vatican. UNO HUMBERT IN A DILIHHA Yfce Banta Fe Wreck Wild Cattle ' c Kcw York Tba Beading Combine Want Influence. " Pabib, May 7. A dispatch from Rome says : ' "Xing Humbert has not yet ac cepted the resignation of the -cabinet, nd it is a mystery if he has decided what course to pursue." Yesterday Marquis di Rndini, the prime minister of Italy tendered King Humbert the res ignation of all the members of the cabi- net, due to the refusal of the chamber of deputiee to adopt a vote of confidence in the government's financial policy of retrenchment. The finances of Italy are in a bad way. French newspapers all hail the Italian crisis with great eat isiaction, holding that it will lie a check to the triple alliance. Le Figaro says King Humbert is in a delemma, and must either disarm the army or see the country bankrupt. Le Oaulois claims that the Italian situation is a triumph for the Vatican. The Peoples' Line. Sam Fhancisco, May 9." Tell the people of The Dalles, and the whole - Inland Empire," says Detrick, "that we are coming." This was said to intro duce a fact of much importance. The Oregon and California steamship com ' pany is the name chosen by the enter prising firnrof George & Detrick, who are about to put on a line of steamers between San Francisco and Portland, connecting with the Inland Empire, The first steamer to sail north, the - Homer, will leave San . Francisco May 14th, at 5 o'clock in the evening. She will bring a full cargo of general freight and combustibles. Mr. Detrick, of the San Francisco firm, will come with her, and will appoint a local agent in Port' land. The other steamer, the Truckee, will sail about tne Z4tn. The company jruarantees to send a steamer from San Francisco every ten days for the next six months, and has the financial backing to run the line until it is on a paying basis, Stockholders He Bights. Mobile, Ala., May 6. Chancellor Taylor has decided that the present management of the Mobile and Ohio road are not entitled to the possession, and that the road must; pass from the control . of the Farmers' Trust company of New York back into the hands of the stock- ,mw.viSi aa s-v j&4av bii v suass w uv ou reme court. If the chancellor's decision is affirmed, the directory elected by the stockholders in February will take charge. - The Santa Fe Wreck. Ft. Madison, la., May 7. The bodies of the unknown woman and child taken rtnm fl.n .Lnlr nf V. Canto t.oln "xr,i:i1 i- vA at of Mrs. C. Bausch and child of San Ber nardino, Cal. They, with the other dead, were laid out in the morgue here, and Dresented a shocking snectacle. Many of them are badly disfigured.' The unhurt and slightly hurt today will leave for their destinations. ' ' After the Immigrant. . Pittsbceg, May 6. TheUnited States government is securing immigrant sta tistics with a view of amending the present laws. It is proposed to follow the immigrant from the time of leaving Ellis island, to ascertain whether be be comes a good citizen or lands in the prison or the poorhouse. The inspector is instructed to secure all data possible at the earliest moment to forward to Washington tor presentation to congress. Fresno, CaL, May 7. The second trial of Gambler Smith for killing an other gambler named Williams ended by the failure of the iury to agree. It is believed that his conviction now will be impossible. ' ' B6th were well known sporting men, the killing being the re sult of a quarrel , over a game of cards! "Williams fired first, striking Smith in the arm, and-Smith returned the fire, billing Williams. - ' . ; - - vJ,. - Want ; Inflaence. ' ; Scbanton, Pa., May . 7, -T. ,: V. Pow derly is authority for the statement that the Reading coal combine has sent an .emissary into the Lackawanna valley, who has seen every minuter and . priest of every denomination, offering passes and money for their indorsement of the combine. In two instances priests were approached with an offer to pay the cost of the erection'of parochial schools. - Stampeded Cattle la New York City. jssw xobk, May .me streets 01 New York with a band of wild steers broke loose, was a scene of conspicuous torment to a panic 6tricken public at an early hour yesterday in the vicinity of 45th street and East river,' where they had been let out of corrall, at the fire of the large slaughter house of Childs & Co The cattle went tearing through the streets in a panic. There was many narrow escapes from being trampled to death from the infuriated animals. The loss on the building, contents and wharf is estimated at 25u,00U. . - . Quarrels About Coal. Washington-. May 8. Aa a reBult of the row raised by Pacific coast people over United States war ships- purchas ing coal, the secretary of the navy will order a board of officers to convene at Mare Island vard to test the samples of coal, and decide upon some particular product of the Pacific coast mines which will hereafter be purchased by the gov ernment for the war ships. The officers of the Baltimore and Charleston are to have a summer's cruise in Puget sound When the Astoria centennial is over ibev will be ordered to Tacoma and Seattle. In Memory of Miss Medill.- . r Paris, May8. In memory of Miss Josephine Medill, who died here in Jan nary last, her father, Joseph Medill, editor of the Chicago Tribune, has endowed beds in Paris hospitals for the use of Americans. - Minister' Reid, in conjunction - with the department of public charities, completed the necess ary arrangements prior to his departure. DIAZ-IS AN AMERICAN. Accnsed of Yaniee Nations, hy Enemies in MsGoYernient, OPPOSITION FROM THE CHURCHj What he is Trying to do to Emancipate the Montezumas. THE PROSPERITY OF MEXICO FIRST A Tax System Which Is to Brine the Agricultural Area Under the - PlowOther News. Chicago, May 9. A prominent citi- zen of Illinois just returned from an ex tended trip through Mexico, had an ex tended, talk with President Diaz, in which the latter spoke freely of a num ber of reforms which-he intended to in augurate. The gentleman says : ' "The hardest thing they can say against' Diaz that he is an American; in other words, they think he has too much sym pathy for the United States and that he is trying to Americanize Mexico and in troduce Yankee notions into the halls of the Montezumas. - His other opposition comes from the church and the conser- atives made up of an old monarchial element which founded the empire over which Iturbide ruled, and under whose influence the ill-fated Maximilian came over from Austria to establish a throne. This party includes the rich land-own ers who acquired vast, estates by grant from the Spanish government before the independence of the republic. They have been supported and encouraged by the church and by all other elements of the population, which for any reason desire to "resist progress. It was this element that brought Mexico to financial ruin, having always opposed the exist ence of the -railways and other, public improvements. But this church party paralyzed. The present generation has walked over them rough shod, and most of them have preferred to leave the country and live in Paris and other cities in Europe on large revenues from their estates, which are managed by agents or administrators. This is considered one of the great obstacles to the prosperity of Mexico, and Diaz is gaining greatly by his liberal policy, and efforts to depend upon its agricultural development, more than upon the output of its mines, which have given Mexico her wealth hitherto. He does not think any government can sustain permanent prosperity upon min eral productions alone, and he is exert-' ing all his influence to urge the people into agriculture.' Not long ago he ap pointed-a commission to. consider the subject and make a report, which was in favor of permitting the free introduction of all agricultural machinery and the payment of bounties or premiums for large crops. He has a proposition for an internal taxation system in which he will strike everybody but the farmer, and if people want to escape taxes they will have to plow-the ground. He pro poses to tax all mines and mineral prop erties except iron and coal, also all -cattle and sheep ranches,- in order ' to en courage the people to engage in agricul ture, for he Bays he will never permit plowed ground to be taxed as long as he has any influence in Mexico. He was greatly disappointed at the rejection Of the Grant-Romero treaty of 1884, nego tiated during the Arthur administration. He feels that our country, did.' Mexico a great injustice in refusing to carry out that arrangement, ; for he believes, as Gen. Grant did, that free trade between I the two countries would bo greatly to the advantage of both. . He feels,, too, great indignation at the publication" in the papers of the United States of the bogus etories about revolutionary move ments to overthrow, him. ' The leading officials of Mexico know where and why these stories originated, and they think the newspapers of this country ought to be enterprising enough as well as honest enough to ascertain the accuracy of re ports befoie giving them publication and thereby injuring the interests of a friendly nation." : - . , Snow In Wyoming. Buffalo, May 8. The . snow which ceased - yesterday, commenced again tonight and still falls. ' The roads have been, impassable for -freight-teams for two months. Not a $ound of sugar or coffee is for sale in Buffalo,' and in Fort McKinnev the commissary is nearly ex hausted. ...unless the snow and rain cease soon and the' roads dry up,' the people will be living on potatoes, flour and beef only. ; - '. ; ... Telegraphic Flashes. A woman named Levntine L. Bouvier, who claimed to be a daughter of the last Napoleon died recently in a house of ill fame in Philadelphia. ' The lelegram speaks very discourag inglv of democratic prospects for the present campaign. After calling to re membrance that at the last general elec tion the party elected the governor and a constable, the head and tail of the tick et, it winds up with the following : "We had just , finished hunting up Mr. Tut' hill's "record, and were ready to publish it when he resigned. ' The candidates jump around so that one can't name them. Tne ticket of today is dinerent tomorrow. At least this is the shape of 1 1 i iL ; mi " in in ltd in iuia campaign, mere is no telling what next." For the' best waeon on earth eet the Mitchell, t or sale Dy j . m.. i moon & vo PROJFBSSIOXAl, CABD3. "E M. 8ALYER, CiTO Esgineebing, Survey- A. jug, aiiu Arcmucture. ine uaura, ur, TTR. ESHELMAN (Hohoopathicj Physician a ana surgeon. cans answered v. day or night, city or country. Office o. 36 and 97 unapman diock. wtf TAR. J. SUTHERLAND Fllow of Trinity U Medical Collet Medical College, and member of the Col lege of Physicians an 8urgeons,Ontario, Pby fflee: rooms 8 and 4 Chan- -Ucian and Burgeon. Office man block. Residence: Judge Thornburv's Sec ond sirecc umce nours; luraizi. m., 2 ioi nd 7 to 8 p. in. : . fVB- - ! DOANE- FRYSICIAir AND SUB- V-f GION. Block. Residence No. -28, Fourth street, one block south of Conrt House. Office, hoars 9 to 12 f 8IDDALL Dentist. Gas given for the painless extraction oi leein. aibo teein set on flowed aluminum plate. - Booms: Sign of me iioiaen xoou, second atreei. . B.B.DUFDB. OZO. ATKINS. FBANX KKNKFU. UFTJR, W ATKINS A MENEFEE ATTOB-xbys-at-law Room No. 43. over Post Office Building, Entrance on Washington Street me Danes, Oregon. T7 H. WILSON Attorkit at-law Booms- II 62 and 58, New Vogt Block, Second Street. rne uaues, uregon. 4 8. BENNETT. ATTORNE Y-AT-LAW. ' Of- Am fice In 8c nan no's building, up stairs. The Dalles, Oregon. F. F. KAYS. B. 8. HUNTINGTON. H. S. WILSON. ATS. HUNTINGTON A WILSON ATTOB- nbyb-at-law. Offices. French's block over inrsi rsanonai itani, rne uaiies. uregon. TO THE TRADE AND CONTRACTORS. DESIRE IT TO BE UNDERSTOOD that I have appointed Wm. Butler & Co. exclusive agents for the sale of the Oreeon" "lime, at Tne Dalles, and sur- rounding country. Other parties have. through surreptitious and unbusinesslike methods, obtained a small quantity of this lime, which may naturally cause the idea that Butler & Co. are not the exclusive scents of these goods. Qa Such,-however, is not the fact, and further stock of this article cannot be obtained from others than Wm. Butler & Co. The trade, however, will not lose sight of the fact that the great strife to obtain the Oregon lime by other dealers proves conclusively that . the "Oregon" is the best lime in the market. Very truly 5-7-d6t-wlt T. F. Osbokx, Gen. Agt. Or. Marble and Lime Co, JERSEY BULt-"St Lambert. The thoroughbred Jersey bull St. Lam bert, will stand for the season at the Co lumbia feed yard. - For service apply to David George. -2.25diwlm , .Ewes and Lambs for Sale. I have 1,400 ewes and lambs for sale cheap. . Call upon or address B. S. Kel 8ay, Kent, Sherman county r Oregon. 4-zj-imuiXw . S5 Reward. I will nav the above reward ior the conviction of the hobo who cutaway and stole the rope of my awning last night. a-o-3t. 1. HERBRING.. E STRAY. A BAY SADDLE MARE, BRAND- ed circle 5 or 8 on left hip and J on left shoulder. Has been at my place ior aoouc two ears. - will owner please pay expenses ana take er away, w-ini ' Pleasant Ridge. Dissolution Kotlee. - x Notice is hereby given, that the co- partnershirj heretofore existing between William Floyd, S. A. Byrne and Stacy Shown, under the firm name of Byrne, Floyd & Co., in Dalles City, Or., has this day been dissolved by mutual consent. The business will be continued at the old stand, by William Floyd and Stacy Shown, who will pay all bills and collect all debts. " ' - - 8. A. Bybnb, William Floyd. Dated April 26, 1892. Stacy Shown. NOTICE. Parties 'holding claims- against W. S. Cram are notified; topresent them to him at once, at the Columbia Candy Factory, and all those indebted are requested to settle at the same place, 1 as I have sold out my- business and want to close up my accounts. Respectfully, - .-4-6dw4w 1 W. .8. Cbax. I OK Head- Sick-headaches are the oatward Indications of derangements of the stomach and bowels. As Joy's Vegetable Sarsaparilla is the only bowel regulating preparation of Sarsaparilla, it la seen why it is the only appropriate Sarsaparilla in sick-headaches. It is not only appropriate; it Is an r.bsolute cure. After a coarse of it an occa sional dose at intervals will forever after prevent rctnru. . ' Jno. ii. Cox, of 735 Turk Street, San Francisco, writes: "I have been troabled with attacks of tiuk-ueadacne for the last three years from one to three times a week.- Some time ago I bought two bottles of Joy's Vegetable Sarsaparilla and have only had one attack since and that was on tha scvonJ day after I began using it." Joy's Vegetable Sarsaparilla For Sale by SNIPES & KINERSLY THE DALLES. OREGON.. : Tie Dalles, Portland anfl Aitoria Navigation Co. Columbia River Steamers. FIRST CLASS Pssssnser ana Freignt Line BETWEEN ' Portland and The Dalles. The maeniftcient steamers "Dalles Cltv and '-Regulator" will leave as follows, and siop si ail nay umaings. Steamer "Dalles Cltv" from Portland dailv. (except Sunday.) from wharf foot of Yamhill St.. hdh. in., arriving at xne xiaiies ac n p. m. Steamer "Begulator" from The Dalles daily, except Sunday.) at 6 a. m., from, wharf foot 61 .ourt street, arriving at Portland at 5 p. m. PswTbe Route passes through the Falle.of the Jascades and in plain view of the Government Coeks, (now in process of completion,) the far lameu nna.i veit ana niaunoman f alls, makina one of the most beautiful and nleasnr. auic in pa ua uiegrana voiumma.. - If you are eoine East. North or South. don't fail to call on the undersigned for through rates in connection with the Northern. .. Southern - or - Canadian Bailwav. Cattle, sheep and hoes landed at the pasture of the American Dressed Beef company, Trontdale, at nominal rates. EXCURSION RATES For nartiea of not less wmn six ncxeis, gooa xor one aav only : Dalles to Cascades and return 11.00 " Collins " 75 cents. JHood River ! . White Salmon Intermediate points will take next higher rate. W. C. ALLAWAY, Aarant. B. F. LAUGHLIN. General Manager. ' THE DALLES, - OREGON NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. U. S. Land Ofhcb, The Dalles, Or., May 2, 1892. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said nroof will be made before the mrister and receiver of the TJ. S. Land office at The Dalles, Or., on June 17, 1892, viz: Peter Gotfredsen, Hd. No. 2955, for the NU KEJi and SWJ ;- " J4. see- M, IT). 1 N, K M . He names the xollowinflr witnpssM ti iwiva his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Horace Kice, William Richard, A. W. Whet stone and Joel Koontz, all of The Dalles, Or. o-o-otw jutm vy. u. w its, uegiBter. : A; Universal It is not difficulties of a -WK S GENERAL MERCHHNDISE, 83 KEEP A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF TEAS,. BOOTS AND SHOES, . . t .......... . . . . MENS AND BOYS' CLOTHING,.'.... GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS,. ... DRESS GOODS, r. DOMESTICS CANNED GOODS,.. . . . . . : ; . . . DRIED FRUITS;.. ........ .... CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE,.. HARDWARE AND NAILS,.". We hare bo Old or Shoddj Goods ! Call arid SECOND DflliliES H n First of Our New iushers HND Latest JOLES : DEALERS IN:- Hay, Grain Masonic Block. Corner Third and florth Washington 1 SITUATED AT THE Destined to be the Beet Manufacturing Center In the Inland Empire. For Further Information Call at the Office of Interstate Investment Go., a D. TAYLOR. Tie Dalles. Or. Proclamation Which cannot fail to meet your approbation. - : Selling goods cheap lias earned for us a reputation. finansial nature, bat a matte of bosinesa policy oith Us. ' HAVE NOW BOUGHT OUR ENTIRE BTOCK OF - YOUR EYE OPEN CHEAPER THAN EVER. . .CHEAPER THAN EVER. ..CHEAPER THAN EVER. ..CHEAPER THAN EVER.. ..CHEAPER THAN EVER. . .CHEAPER THAN EVER. AND GINGHAMS,.... LADIES' AND MISSES' HOSIERY,,. .CHEAPER THAN EVER. "EMBROIDERIES AND LACES,. . . . ..CHEAPER THAN EVER. MEN'S AND BOYS' HATS,. . . r. CHEAPER THAN EVER. STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES,. .CHEAPER THAN EVER. ..CHEAPER THAN EVER. ..CHEAPER THAN EVER. ..CHEAPER THAN EVER. . .CHEAPER -THAN EVER. In fact our goods are all marked AH see Us, We will treat PECfir4TIliE CO., KTos. OOO to 004, STREET, THE DALLES, M ATM o 111 Goods lo Arrive. Ml Styles. &MAYS BROS.. and Feed. ourt Streets. The Dalles.Oregcn. Dalles, Washington HEAD OF NAVIGATION. - Best Selling Property of the Season in the North west. . 12 WasMitoj,St;FiirtlaiiJ.Or. NOW! Haw and Complete in Erer Detail I you well. OREGON. Sfravj ml