The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, May 13, 1892, Image 7

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J. Proctor Knott. Expresses Ms Views
' : as a Mate Citizen, -
Wouldn't Feel Set Back Greatly if
Watterson was Nominated.
Rockefeller's Thank Offering to Chicago
Was needed, Perhaps, By the
s . lord. .
Chicago, May 8. Ex-Gov. J. Proctor
Knott was at the Palmer house a few
. - hoars yesterday, where he stopped while
- vu ma nnj l iuiu"" " - - r i
he claimed, is one of purely pri
. vate business. "I cannot say that I
have lost all interest in politics ' or
horses," said the ex-governor, in answer
to some questions. "I assure you that I
have no personal choice even as a private
citizen for the presidency. All that I
demand is that the candidate shall be
honest, capable and a sound democrat.
Now such men are not few in number.
They may be hard to find because while
- there are thousands of them the majority
are not before the public. Cleveland is
said to be quite out of the race, I believe.
I have no opinion to offer regarding
Hill. I don't know him. My friend
Watterson has been mentioned. He
probably doesn't consider the matter
seriously but I wouldn't feel greatly set
back if he were nominated and elected.
- The party might go farther and fare a
great deal worse. You have a good
president right here in Illinois, in the
person of A. E. Stevenson, ex-assistant
postmaster-general. He meets all the
requirements I have named. Heiabon
est, capable and a sound democrat,
don't suppose the thought of such a
thing ever entered his mind but I don't
know but what when you find a capable
man like that who hasn't thought of the
office, it would be a good thing to scoop
him in." Gov. Knott also expressed the
liveliest interest in the Columbus fair
and seemed especially pleased at the
prospects of the Chicago university.
presume Chicago people," he said.
- laughingly, "wouldn't mind seeing
Rockefeller fall sick again and get well
I don't know bat what the Lord needed
that thank offering."
' Boy Hanged For Murder.
Uheyenne, way li. ine Doy w no was
convicted of murder was hanged yester-
day. Much sympathy was expressed
for him on account of his youthfulness,
but he was mature enough to accomplish
his murder with skill and secrecy, and
hence the jury, wisely enough, decided
that he was mature enough to bang for
. them. Human sentiment is undoubt
edly shocked by the hanging of boys and
women. But a person killed by a boy
or woman is just as dead as a person
killed by a man. Lees flabby sentiment,
and more common sense in dealing with
murderers, . would be beneficial to
society. '
Columbia River, Portland.
Portland, May 11. An order from
Washington to the. commander of the
cruiser Baltimore, now at Astoria, rather
knocks the Portland-on-Wallamet into
pie. It is that the Baltimore "proceed
up the Columbia river as far as Port
land." This would land the vessel op
poRite Vancouver, and as there is a bar
of sand above the mouth of the Willa-
mette, it may take a bale of red tape to
straighten out the entanglement. Peo-
begin to be anxious to know when, if at
-all, the Baltimore is to come up to this
. Blind Old Back Number. . -
s Detroit, May 11. Canada is still try
ing to keep up the everlasting fisheries
. war with the United States, England
herself takes no interest in the contro
versy, and heartily wishes the matter
- was off her hands. Canada seems to be
rgoverened by a set of blind old back
a .iiuiuinifl. w in, i auuuL acts liial Lim mLer-
. - i 1 nnA ii. i I .
sis oi me uniieu euues . ana vnaaa
i . .. r , r-1 i a - ,
are largely identical.
Sugar Duties In Cuba.
Havana, May 11. A committee com
posed of the representatives of all the
economic, corporations of the island
- wired the Spanish cortes a message
petitioning that the duties on sugar and
. Alcohol is Cuba be the same as those in
-'force in Spain.
- nine tays on a Keer.
London, May 11. The French steamer
Loire Imferieure, trading in the South
Pacific, has been towed to Thursday is
land, disabled. She was ashore nine
days on Cook's reef.. She' jettisoned 300
tons of cargo.. ..' ... ' -
Keeelred Boyal Assent. -
Ottawa, Ontario, .May 11. Among
the bills which received royal assent in
- the senate were the acts to establish
reciprocity in wrecking ' between the
United States and Canadian vessels, and
to renew the modus vivendi.
An Extra Fine Day Enjoyed in an Extra
Fine Way. '
From the Dally Chronicle, Monday.
. -The number is largely increasing in
America who find picnic amusements
in the parks, and sulrarban -yllas
laree commercial centers, a suitable
method of rest, and that this system is
spreading to Oregon in the average ratio,
one has but to notice the parks and sub
urbs of Portland, Astoria, Salem and The
Dalles, on the fine sunny Sundays of
spring. Yesterday, the fast and reliable
steamer Begulator, Capt. John McNulty,
of The Dalles, Portland and Astoria
Navigation company, made two round
trips between this city and Mosier Park
thirteen miles, carrying the Gesang Ver
ein Harmonic, and about 400 invited
friends on a picnic to the matchless
groves, green, grassy fields, and rippling
mountain streamB, for a musicale of re
markable excellence in the open air, in
terspersed with music of The Dalles
braes band, and numerous innocent
games and athletic sports. ".' Lively scenes
followed in quick succession,-and the
programme, which was long, varied, and
of fine character, was carried out to the
letter, without one unpleasant incident
to mar the happy day. In the foot
races, sack-races, pole climbing, etc., etc
many valuable prizes had been offered
which stimultated a good natured rivalry
among the participants, young and old
and many were the practical jokes per
petrated and enjoyed, each individual
being actually entertained in his or her
efforts to make the event interesting to
some one else, and where everybody did
so well it would eeem invidious on the
part of the reporter to make any special
allusions. "Once in several genera
tions" says a noted writer, "society is
startled by actually being entertained at
one of its entertainments." Such was
surely the case yesterday. Refreshments
were furnished in abundance, of all
kinds, and the true hospitality of all is
illustrated in the case of the writer, who
was eo pressingly invited that refusal
was impossible, and in company with
five other gentlemen, joined Mr. and
and Mrs. H. C. Nielsen in a bountiful
meal nicely spread on the grass, in the
park, under the pine trees, surrounded
by at least fifty similar camps, all doing
justice to the repast in hearty and social
converse. The greased pig, and the
men who caught it, seemed to be the
only living thing on the- grounds that
was tired, and at 6 o'clock the last boat
left for home enlivened with music and
song until the whistle sounded for the
wharf at the foot of Union street, where
the happy throng was greeted by nearly
as many people who had remained "at
home" for the day, and thus ended the
long to be remembered Harmonie picnic
A liberal Proposition From the Pioneer
Owner. .
Yesterday, as J. H. Mosier looked
over the active scenes at his park, the
old gentleman seemed to realize that it
was a blessing to the children, and to
many of the older ones, particularly tired
mothers and fathers, to be able to so
congregate in a healthful locality and re
cuperate their energies for continuance
of the duties allotted to them with the
recurrence of labor day, and thinking
over the matter, he made a proposition
to a representative of The Chronicle,
that if any reliable company, would in
corporate, under the laws of Oregon, and
assume the responsibility, he would do
nate a considerable tract for the pur
poses of a public park, and a permanent
pavilion, hotel, etc., could be erected
and make of it as fine an outing resort
for The Dalles, Walla Walla, . Portland,
and intermediate points, as can be found
on the coast. -The Chronicle would
suggest, that in case no other corpora
tion should assume the responsibility,
this being the natural home of the horse,
and our people being more or less inter
ested in fine roadsters, a gentleman's
driving club could be profitably incor
porated, with a Capital of $10,000 to $15,-
000, and by judiciously expending the
money, make a drive and park combined
that would eclipse anything of the kind
on this continent. The subject is
worthy of consideration.
Mount Hood Takes a Smoke.
All day Tuesday a steady column -oi
smoke and steam ascended from Mt.
Hood. Parties living only twelve miles
from the mountain tell , us . the column
was as plainly marked at times as the
smoke from a chimney. .. It is possible
the recent disturbances in California
have reached the underpinning of the
old volcano and stirred it up to the
grumbling point. ' Ai any rate, dozens
of people living in the valley noticed the
steady all day smoke, and as our infor
mant was almost at the base of the
mountain, it is not probable he was mis
taken. Olaeier. .... ,
Pablle Speaking.
The republican candidate for congress,
Hon. W. B. Ellis, will speak at the fol
lowing points :
Hood Biver, Tuesday, May 17th, 7 :30
. ' ,-; : : - . .
Moro, Wednesday, May 18th, 1 :30 p. m.
Wasco " " - 7:30 "
Dufur, Thurday, May 19th, 1 :30 p. m.
The Dalles, Thursday, May 19th, 7:30
m. . 5-12-dtf.
No Trntli in the Report of the Morpza
. ; Leiee Breai. 7
Stock Drowned Before the Eyes of Its
. Helpless Owners.
Stationary at Keokuk, Worst Over at
Lincoln Water Famine In Mis-
". -oori -Etc.
New Orleans, May 10. So far -no
confirmation has been received of the
break in the Morganza levee, reported
late last night. Nothing in regard to it
has been received at the slate engineer's
office. Private advices to the Texas and
Pacific road say there is no truth in the
report and the story is not credited.
This levee is the strongest on the river
and protects the most valuable prop
erty. A break there would entail a loss
of $5,000,000. -
Cutting a New Channel.
St. Joseph, Mo., May 10. Eailroad
traffic is almost suspended on some of
the lines into this city. There have
been no trains in or out on the Santa
Fe or Wabash since Saturday. No farm
work is being done in this vicinity. The
Missouri river cut through the revet
ment above this citv and : threatens to
leave the town high and dry a mile and
a half away from the channel.
Great Loss of Stock.
Louisiana. Mo.. May 10. The river
here is only five inches below the record
mark of 1888, when the Mississippi river
levee broke, causing a loss of over $1,-
000,000 to the farmers on the Illinois
side. .Stock on this side of the river is
in a perilous situation. In some places
stock is being drowned before the eyes of
the helless owners. One man lost 2o0
hogs and fifty cattle.
Subterranean Lake Cares In.'
Minneapolis, May 10. The site of the
old Foekler brewery, in West Dubuque,
la., began sinking tonight, and land in
that vicinity cont inues to -sink. Nearly
an acre of ground has. "dropped into a
subterranean lake which covers a vast
body of minerals.
The Mississippi at Keokuk.
Keokuk, May 10. The Mississippi
river is stationary at fourteen and one-
half feet above low-water mark tonight,
The Des Moines river is rising again. . It
is storming, and dwellers on the low
lands are again fearful. -
The Worst is Over.
Lincoln, Neb., May 10. The flood has
reached its height and it is believed the
worst is over. Every railroad track
leading into the city is more or less un
der water, but trains are generally on
time. . ' -
High River and Water Famine.
Chillicothe, Mo., May 10. The
waters of Grand river continue to rise.
Another foot will cut off the city's water
Queen Victoria Annoyed.
New York, May 10. A special from
London says: "I hear the non-arrival
of Emperor William " at - Darmstadt
caused much "annoyance to the royal
party there, and that the queen and the
Empress Frederick were ' particularly
vexed. It seems that the emperor de
cided that it would be inconsistent with
bis dignity if he went just now to Darm
stadt without a state reception and an
elaborate military Junction."
. "Will Come up to Portland.
It is now an assured fact says the At-
lorian, that the Charleston and Balti
more will go to -Portland. The water
ballast on the latter vessel was pumped
out today and this, together with the
fact that .the 'coal and all the ammuni
tion was moved to the forward part pf
the magificent vessel on Friday and
Saturday has lightered her so much aft
that now she lies on an even keel and
draws aft but nineteen feet and six in
ches. This ' information was - cleaned
from what is believed to be a trust
worthy source, and is reliable. It waa
learned. last bight that the Baltimore
when fully loaded with coal and ammu
nition draws twenty-seven feet. - ''If
these 'splendid vessels make the trip
successfully and without the annoying
delays some of the grain fleet experience,
will speak well for the great river
whose discovery they are here to cele
brate." When the date is definitely
fixed, 200 passengers can go down to
Portland from The Dalles, and return,
for $2.00 the round trip, by steamer'
Regulator. See advertisement. f
Rockey P. Karhart Dead.'
Collector of customs R. P. Earhart
died of Blight's disease at his home in
Portland at 12 :45 o'clock this morning.
He has been ill for some time ' and his
death was not unexpected.
Has the Columbia River Vet Been Xtis---
i" " covered?
' . From the Daily Chronicle, Wednesday.
This being the year of centennial
observances in this part of the conti
nent, leads us to remark : what might
have been the result, had Columbus dis
covered this side of the continent first?
It has been claimed that the Chinese
did discover this portion of the conti
nent, thousands of years ago,' but no
great discovery, no great invention, no
great philosophy or religion was ever
announced, to which the Chinese
did not promptly arise ; and de
clare that they discovered the - same
thing thousands of years ago. Indeed
the Chinese did so many things bo many
thousands of years ago that they got
thoroughly tired out in the early infancy
of time, and have, done nothing since,
and if it were a fact that they did' dis
cover the Columbia thousands of years
ago, the period of their slowness has no
comparison except that of the United
states officials put in charge of construct
ing locks at the cascades of the Columbia,
-- V
aowever, according to Hermann, we
now hope to celebrate the completion of
that work within two years. This will
lead up to other discoveries so important
that men can be found both in and out
of congress -who will freely assert that
the Columbia river had not, in any com
prehensive Bense, been discovered May
11th, 1792, on the same principle that in
1506, when Columbus died, America had
not been discovered. In 1592, one bun-
dred years after the alleged discovery,
America -was almost as uninhabited by
white men as is the store of a man who
does not believe in advertising. Cortez
had marched through Mexico. But he
and his men were so blind that they
couldn't see anything but yellow gold,
and though the.v devastated Mexico they
never discovered it, and never found any
thing but gold which they stole,, and
thousands of so-called savages, more
civilized than themselves whom they
murdered. ' Pizarro marched ' through
Peru much as a whirlwind would
march through - a sheepfold. But
he was not a discoverer ; he was
Bimply an accomplished murderer. One
hundred years later, in 1692. things were
not much better. The impression had
come to prevail that there was quite
strip of country over here, but nobody
knew much about it. There were strag
gling settlements along the ' Atlantic
coast, most of them built within sound
of the sea, but the great interior of the
country was unknown ; its tremendous
extent was not suspected, and its inex
haustible resources - were not ' even
guessed at. In 1792, it is unnecessary
to say that America was still undiscov
ered, for that date was thirty years be
fore the incorporation of a citv. Of
course America was not then discovered.
To be"' sure George Washington ruled
over a group of young states, strewed
like a string of beaded sea -shells along
the - coast. But George Washington,
though he was a good man, knew but
very little about America.' So it is with
the lordly and majestic Columbia river,
There aro a few vain people who fancy
that the Columbia has, at last, in 1892,
been found. ..But this is a gigantic de
lusion. There are a few settled along
its borders, to be sure, but the country
still consists mainly of intervals. It has
only a few centers of population, with
big spaces between. v Its entire popula
tion is but 200 or 300, while it is capable
of easily holding and providing for mill
ions without crowding. Very much in
deed, of this country has made no pro
gress since May 11th, 1792. Its abund
ant resources are like, those of a conti
nent surmised but not disclosed. There
is an immense field still left for future
discoveries, for the area of possibilities
in this Pacific Northwest is limitless.
When The Dalles is discovered, in about
two years from today, it will take a large
army of discoverers to exhaust the op
portunity of finding the dormant re
sources which are lying around loose
just waiting tor somebody to come along
and pick them np and go into business.
Church Notices.
German services will be held next Sun
day at 10 :30 a.m. ; Sunday school at 9 :30
a. m. A cordial welcome to everybody
is given by the pastor. Rev. A. Horn.
Rev. W.' Kropp of Ritsville, Wash.,
will preach tonight at the German Luth
eran chapel on Ninth street; at. 7 :45
o'clock. Mr. Kropp is on his way home
from attending the German Lutheran
convention held at Portland, May 5th.
Religious services will be held at the
Court house every evening this week, at
8 o'clock, by Elder J. T. Eshelman.
Other speakers, including Elder Jen
kins, will be present. All are cordially
invited. ' ' . : .
We are informed that Dr. Aug. -C.
Kinney is having more surveys made at
the cascade rapids to get all the informa
tion necessary to a thorough understand
ing of the problem, there. .The doctor
proposes that the tops of a few rocks
there shall be removed, and asserts that
with that done boats will be able to
navigate those rapids during ordinary
high water say three months of the
year. ....
In San . Francisco, yesterday,' wheat
was selling at $1 47 1 60 per cental
for good to choice shipping 'grades;
milling wheat, $1 52)(31 55 per cental.
The Astoria Celebration, as a Leain
: Idea a Snccess. : '
-peakers Relate Their Varied Exper
. iences Before and After Jay Gould.
X. Mathieu of French Prairie the
Oldest one Amonrrt the Pioneers.
Other News. '-
Astokia, May 11. The opening day
of the Columbia river centennial cele
bration, on the whole passed off very
pleasantly, and it is the general opinion
that it was a success. The accommoda
tions are entirely inadequate for the
number , of visitors and much dissatis
faction was expressed by those who were
not fortunate enough, to secure a place
to stay. To add to their discomfort,
many arrived in a cold, drizzling rain,
and had to wander up and down the
city in search of lodgings. The mem
bers of the Pioneer Association suffered
the most, as they are old men and
women, who are unable to put np with
the hardships and inconveniences which
younger people would not mind. . Most
of them Bpent the first night sitting on
the chairs and camp stools of the
steamer. :To occupy their time and to
make the best of their miserable sitaa
tion ana experience,, a meeting was
called at 1 , which lasted - two hours.
The meeting was presided over by John
W. Cochran, and some excellent ad
dresses were made by the pioneers from
different parts of the state. The speak'
ew related their varied experiences and
eulogized the memory of those who are
no longer among the living. The pro
gramme arranged .for the first day
was not fully carried out on account of
the confusion and disorganized state of
affairs. What was done during the day
has already been' stated. . -In the even
ing a grand musicale was given at Ross'
opera house under the direction of J. B
wyatt. ine entertainment was given
by the local talent of Astoria, assisted by
the Marine band of Portland. The fine
banquet and the enjoyments of the day
put every one in good humor, and the
troubles of the first night were speedily
forgotten. - A number of prominent citi
zens of The ' Dalles and other cities are
present, and doing their share toward
making the celebration a complete sue
cess. F. X. Mathieu.'of French Prairie,
who came here in 1842, is said to be the
oldest pioneer in attendance. The gov
ernment cruisers Baltimore and Charles
ton continue to be the chief features of
interest, and all are anxious to see the
warships which have attracted so. much
attention. .. Capt. Whitehead, of the
Baltimore; when asked in reference to
his ship visiting Portland, could not
give any decided answer. But later
advices state that official orders have
been given to have the vessels make the
trip. -;-
Not an Off Hand Affair.
Boston, May 12. It is well to bear in
mind, in making any forecast of the
nomination at Chicago next June that
the choice is not likely to be made by an
off-hand count of noses. - There will be
many a confidential conference among
the sagacious leaders from the different
states before the balloting begins. Del
egates will be weighed as well as counted,
and .the counsels of those 'who come
from democratic states and from states
that can be made democratic will weigh
much more than the counsels of those
who hail from states that are hopelessly
republican.' Preferences and prejudices
will all have to yield at last to the super
ior consideration of success. The-question
is not, Whom can we nominate,
but, whom can we elect. '
General Grosser Worse.
St. Petebsbubg, May 11. The illness
of General Greaser, prefect of police,
who is' suffering from blood poisoning
arising from the nse of an unclean
syringe in administering an injection, is
increasing. .Mortification in the legs is
spreading, and he is delirious.- There
are crowds of anxious Inquirers sur
rounding his home. . Seven doctors . are
attending the patient.
Portland Live Stock Market.
Portlako, May 12. The following
prices of live stock in this market are
furnished by -A. Fargher & Co. : Cal.
steers, average 1,150 to 1,250 lbs., 14.00
$4.15 ; Grass fed steers, ayerage 1,000
to 1,200 lbs., $3.75 $4.00; Grass fed
cows, average 900 to 1,100 lbs., $3.00
$3.80 ; Hogs, block, average 125 to 200 lbs.
$6.00(36.25; Stock, average 80 to 125 lbs.,
$5.75 6.00 ; Grass fed sheep, average
80 to 95 lbs., $4.75 4.90 ; ditto average
100 to 110 lbs. $5.00 $5.10; Grass fed
sheep, Eastern Oregon, average 95 to 110
lbs., $5.00 $5.10. The market is strong,
or good stock. . - .
First-class job work can be had at the
Cheomclb job office on short notice and
at reasonable prices.
This MJfhty Highway 'of
" Pictured
It is very opportune that the final ac
tion of con ureas upon the matter of
opening the Columbia, so far at least as
the cascades is concerned, comes at a
time when the attention of all the world
is turned to this mighty artery of com
merce in the imposing ceremony of cele
brating the one-bundreth anniversary
of the discovery of the Columbia river by
Uaptain Gray, May 11, 1792. While there
are assembled in Astoria today . thous
ands of people to celebrate the event, in
cluding hundreds of pioneers, some of
whom have anxiously awaited the time
for thirty years or more, when congress
would do so much - as was done last
Tuesday through the final efforts
of Hon. Bikoeb Hermann, the
people of The Dalles, and this vast
Inland Empire, send greetings. From,
far up toward the sources of the Colum
bia, illustrations will be exhibited by
transparencies at Astoria tonight, selec
tions from one hundred and forty photo
graphs, giving visitors a good idea
of the grand and picturesque scenery' at
little dalles, Kettle falls. Priest rapids.
Rock island, and other points on the
upper Columbia from the boundary line
of British Columbia. The whole collec
tion will be sent to Chicago for similar
exhibitions at the Columbua fair. The
stretch of this grand river, 'along which
these views have been taken, is yet al
most an unbroken wilderness, as primi-
uvc as c eueB Huuut .siunn a Hund
red years ago,' yet there are fearless
pioneers occasionally to be found far in
land, whose pluck and enterprise in at
tempts to develop the bountiful resource
to be found there, commends itself to
the public. One of these is the Ellens-
a. ..... i i. a -i . - i
bnrg and Okanogan Transportation com
pany, whose card we have through favor
of Mr. Linus Hubbard, and from which.
we glean the information that by; this
river route : .
A savins of 350 miles is affected to the.
Okanogan mines.
One hundred and fifty miles of dustv
staging is saved.
The most magnificent scenery in the
Nearest and most direct route to the
great Lake Chelan summer resorts. -
The finest hunting and flahincr in tha
world, etc. . -
Writing to Mr. Hubbard, thanking
him for his thoughtful remembrance of
the E. and O. T. Co., in sending them
one of his whaleback souvenirs, the
manager says:
Ellknsbdrg, May 9. In reply will
say that we are doing all we can to aid
2 i.LS . x r ...
iu getuug appropriations lor me upper
iuiumuia. x saw a letter irom senator
Allen recently savin? that he wna mtnv
1 . 7 . T 1 I . P i .
to introduce a bill and ask for an appro
priation of $10,000 for a new survey of
the upper Columbia river. I have ex
amined the bad places on the river,' and
I am satisfied that if the money that is.
way it would not take a very large
amount above Priest rapids to make the
river navigable to the mouth of the Oak-
anogan river, a distance of about 150
miles above Priest rapids. I hope to See
this work let by contract, as it is by far
the cheapest and quickest way . to have
it done. Our boat is making regular
trips and doing a good business. In.
fact more than we anticipated at first.
It is pitiful, in this city full, to see the
people who love Saddle Rock oysters
from experience in eating them, as thev
come around to The Chronicle show-
window and weep over the shells here
to be seen. As one said last evening:
I love The Dalles, but I'd rather stay
where I can get Saddle Rocks every
day." The sight of those shells carry
the mind of the writer back to Havelys,
and weir, rather makes the mouth
water for . more than a sight such as
this. "Shades of Schafer, Fulton mar
ket, New York, the oyster room never
to be forgotten," says another. v
fn the San Francisco wool markets
business has been good for the past
week, and reoresentative dealers havr
had a liberal share of trade. At tht
moment, there, is no supply of reallj
good free stock, as both shippers and
scourers take such wool as fast as offered.
The bulk of the bright foothill and good
San Joaquin arrivals have been sold and
there is a continued demand at ruling
prices. . The only styles of wools that
have not moved freely are defective and
poor descriptions, both short staple and
year's fleece. All other wools go off
quickly. Report sales foot up nearly
400,000 pounds at from 10 to 16 cents
pet pound.
There will be another brisk shower of -
old chestnuts fired at Hermann during
the coming campaign. . very old swamp
land swiper, every onion-eyed, red-noeed
and howling old political sorehead -in
his congressional district will tell again
and again what Hermann didn't do, and
promised to do, and might, could, would
or should have done. And yet Hermann,
the people's champion, will be re-elected '
Dy a overwhelming matortty. - lie will
also sit above them like Democritus,
turning harmless jokes on the follies and
Borrows, the feeble struggles and the
.evanescent chestnuts of the simple old .
soreheads. . Such is political life ! Now.
we represent the esthetic and more beau
tiful spirit of politics and talk decently
about decent folks, and again, we stand
not with the angels, but with the apple
woman, and fire unclean missiles through.
the ambient sir, .