The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, May 13, 1892, Image 6

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1 ' -
; Be Weekly Ghroniele.
Entered at the Poetoffice at The Dalles, Oregon,
aa second-class mailer.
i Weekly.lyear 1 50
" 6 months. .' - 0 75
' i - 8 " ...... 0 50
Sally, 1 year. 6 00
" 6 months. - 8 00
oer " 0 50
' Address all communication to " THE CHBON
ICLE," The Dalles, Oregon. -
Last week The Chronicle called at
' tention to certaia charges that reflected
seriously on the integrity of Hon. F. A.
Moore, republican candidate for Supreme
Judge, which, if true, render him un
' worthy of the support of the electors of
this state. The charges are made on no
less authority than the record of the
. court, and the sworn testimony of Mr.
Moore himself. A will was drawn up by
Mr. Moore, s a lawyer, the woman mak
ing it being at the time unconscious, and
at the moment of signing it in the very
article of death. The will was drawn at
the dictation of the woman's husband,
and for the purpose of disinheriting
three daughters out of a valuable piece
of property in East Portland. After
wards Moore took a fee of $1,000 from
the daughters for breaking the will.
Moore has remained silent under the
charges, but yesterday a firm of Portland
lawyers, who were attorneys in the case,
came out in the Oregonian and gave it as
their opinion that "there is nothing in
the whole transaction which reflects on
the integrity of Judge Moore, either as
man or an attorney.'" Now this is en
tirely a matter of opinion. Messrs. Kil
le'n, StarrA Thomas are entitled to think
as they please, but unless there is one
code of morals for a lawyer, and another
for the common herd, they will never
convince a man who possesses a scintilla
of sound moral sense that it is right for a
: lawyer to take a fee ior, practically forg
ing a will, and then, knowing that the
will was of noaccount, accepting a thou
sand dollar fee from another to break it.
To a person who k not a lawyer the ac
tion of Jndge Moore looks like a damna
bly low piece of business, and something
is needed to .justify it, other than the
mere perfunctory opinion of a law firm
that judge Moore is all right.
It is time -some steps were being taken
to prepare for a Fourth of July celebra
tion at The Dalles; that is, if the citi-
- sens should -conclude to bold one. The
celebration a year ago was a great sue
cess, at least in point of number of per
sons who took part in it and we know of
no reason why the coming Fourth might
not be equally successful. Some of the
funds collected for last year's celebra
tion were not -used and would be availa
ble, and besides $40 or so of money there
are some 8,600 blank cartridges, worth
it is -said, $30 a thousand. If these could
be sold, and we suppose they can, we
would bare a nucleus fund of $280 to
start with. The Chronicle moves that
we have a celebration. Are you readv
for the question?
. The Washington special correspondent
- of the Oregonian says: 'It is a mistake
to think that work cannot be carried on,
-or tnat congress would refuse to appro
priate' after the contracts are authorized
and made by the war department. Any
contractor can go ahead and complete
his work and obtain judgment against
the government for the balance. The
saving to the government on this sys
tem, Representative Hermann said,
comes from the fact that the contractor
can buy all the materials and machinery
. for completing the projection. The
present river and harbor bill insures the
completion of the Cascade Locks, also
the completion af the work at the mouth
of the Columbia.
We have received the first number of
Justice, a five column quarto monthly,
bearing the imprint of Grass Valley,
Sherman county, F. M. Marquis, editor,
and I. H. Marquis, publisher. It is de
voted to the advocacy of the single tax
theory and free trade, a la Henry George,
on the side. We cannot wish it success ;
to be honest, we hope it may die young,
and before it has time to sow the seeds
of land confiscation under the name of
single tax. We have had enough of this
transcendental lunacy. "Take it away!
: ineumcago tlerald. says: "It is as
wicked and as barbarous for the govern
; xnent to interpose its clumsy presence
- for the purpose of defeating man's natural
right to do business where, when, and
- with whom, he pleases as it was for the
government to regulate " his speech, his
worship and the cut of his clothing.'?
-' Not a bit of it. It is no more wrong to
. protect our home products from ruinous
- competition than it is to take np arms
. against an invading foe. The principle
ci seii protection, tne nret law of nature,
rules in both cases. ' . .
The Klamath FalU Express, a clean
and handsome weekly of the democratic
persuasion, published at Klamath Falls,
has arrived at this office. We- welcome
it to the field of journalism.
i Uttle is heard of Gen. Alger nowa
days that some folks dimly surmise that
' he has crawled-into his barrel and pulled
: the bunghole' in after bini.
:- by contract. v
Late dispatches set all anxiety at rest
concerning the river and harbor bill,
On its final passage only 65 members of
the house had the hardihood to oppose
it. It went through easily and went
through in the best of shape. Blanch-
ard's amendment which would, have left
it entirely discretionary with the war
department whether, the work should be
let by contract or not, and is believed to
have been inspired by Major Handbury
and Union Pacific influence, was rejected
on reconsideration. The gallant Major
has always insisted that the work at the
locks should be. continued under the
direction of the war department. Then
with himself at the head of it the work
could drag along as long as it was pleas-,
ing to the railroad, or if at any time it
became alarmingly near completion,
the Major had only to recommend a
change of plans and make a new esti
mate of the additional cost. Herman,
we are told, was just as insistent that
the work should be finished by contract
and the right, for once at least, tri
umphed. But Holman, the miserable,
hypocritical pseudo-reformer that he is,
voted with the minority and wanted the
contract provision stricken out.
The Inland Empire owes a deep debt
of gratitude to Mr. Herman ior his
gallant fight to have the works at the
cascades finished by contract and when
the enemies of an open river . tried to
nullify the contract clause by supporting
the Blanchard resolution which would
have left the work practically where it
is now, in the hands of Major Handbury,
Herman gallantly came to the rescue
and never let up till the Blanchard
amendment was rejected. Long life to
Binger Herman ! Eastern Oregon only
regrets that she cannot show her grati
tude by helping to elect him to a place
he has so long and worthily filled. May
the day be long deferred when Oregon
shall elect his substitute. The Chron
icle nominates Binger Herman for our
next senator.
At a recent convention in Chateau
county, Montana, the following resolu
tions were submitted : "Whereas, The
leaders and organs of a great . political
party persistently affirm' that ;. the re
moval of protective tariff will make the
price of that article higher than it is at
present in Montana, and at the same
time will make it lower in-Masachosetts ;
"Whereas, It is evident to many peo
ple that either the parties who affirm
that this peculiar condition could exist,
or the parties who would believe it, are
fools, and in need of a little educa
tion in the first principles of common
sense ; tberefore be it
"Resolved, That we hereby respect
fully recommend to the present house of
representatives at the national capital
assembled that they appoint a special
committee of their most learned mem
bers in logic and mathematics to give an
opinion as to who' are occupying an
idiotic position the aforesaid leaders
and organs, or the wool-growers of Mon
tana, the manufacturers of Massachusetts
and the general public who would enter
tain their views."
The Pnneville News says one of its
typographical force understands stereo
typing, and talks some of branching out
into that industry, The state of the
printing trade will hardly justify it, but
he says, if the National Farmers Alliance
will give him the contract of stereotyp
ing the toiling masses, evils of oppres
sion, etc., for its campaign literature, he
will mortgage the marble at the grave
of his dead and buried hopes to procure
a hot-room attachment. . "
Representative Hermann is - again
pressing the committee on public lands
to call up his bill extending the time to
settlers to purchase lands within for
feited railroad land grants, and the
committee has voted to report the bill
back with a favorable recommendation.
Mr. Hermann aided his cause by pre
senting to the committee various resolu
tions from grange assemblies' and from
party conventions in Eastern Oregon, all
urging legislation extending the time of
purchase. ' ' " .
The Salem Journal, warns its reads to
look out for Pennoyer. It predicts that
"he is too active a man and has too large
a following to lie still and and allow the
chariot of destruction to be drawn over
his mangled political remains." The
Journal pretends to believe that the
governor will yet come out -openly in
championship of the people's party, and
bid the democracy defiance. .
Commenting upon ... the dispute of
Astorians that the war ship cannot safe
ly come np to Portland, the Oregonian
refers to the arrival of a deep ship, 21
feet, and then says: "WeTcertainly
have deep water from Portland to the
sea, and all the Astoria tales can not
make the .world believe otherwise."
Then why in -thunder does Portland
want to spend half a million to deepen
the channel? :
It takes a whole page of the Boston
dailies to report the baseball games, and
only three sticks to cover a lecture upon
the Literary ' Influence of Browning.
There Js" noynse talking culture will
tell. - ". . . - . - '.- -. . -
The Union Pacific, Southern .Pacific,
and other subsidized roads, were virtually
built by the government, and the enor
mous land grants given as a bonus be
sides. The roads were to . repay the
money lent by the indorsement of theJ
bonds and in other ways ; but the govern
ment; that is, the people; were left
the cold, and such immense fortunes as
that of Stanford, Huntington, Hopkins,
Gould and Vanderbilt and many others
became possible. - Every now and then
congrees flutters severely to make these
roads pay.. It is only a fizzle. The
Thurman act required them to lay aside
fifty per cent of their net earnings for
sinking fund to -pay the debt. They
went to the Supreme . court with
That court said that this law only apr
plied to the main line. - The branch,
operated lines, were, bonded, and the
stock : held by ; third 'parties, and the
earnings were not affected . by the
national mortgage. ' But the Supreme
court did not exactly go that far, for it
intimated clearly that there was a very
large discretion in congress to -protect
the rights of the people : and that the
purchased roads were liable, or could be
made so. Here is the idea, and it is
regular skin game: Uncle Sam built
the roads for us, under certain promises
We pocketed all we could raise or make,
and with the legitimate earnings we
bought thousands of miles of other roads
or built them. . But we - bonded them
and pocketed that money too. Not hav
ing paid a nickle we owe the dear people
more than the road is worth, and when
Uncle Sam wants to take the other
roads, mora valuable .than the original
line, we say that it don't belong to us
but to foreign stockholders. Was there
ever such a swindle since the Lord made
Moses 2
The sympathies of all who were ever
acquainted with Mr. A. Knapp, of
Knappa, Clatsop county, will go out from
the heart to his bereaved wife and
daughter, now mourning his death
from heart failure, after retiring for the
night on the 8tb. Mr. Knapp received
the republican nomination for county
clerk and was making preparations to
make a canvass of the county. He was
very popular and was confident of his
election. His death leaves a vacancy on
the republican ticket which will have to
be filled as provided in sections 42 and
43, of the Astrallan ballot law. '
The bead lines given to a brief dis
patch - yesterday, announcing . that
"The president, an hour after its receipt
from the senate this afternoon, signed
(he bill to encourage American ship
building by granting -American registry
to the steamships City of New York and
City of Paris," spoke louder than words.
telling that the act is not approved by
the people. - One of these bead lines
was: "Signed in haste." Another
"Questionable as to Encouragement.'
Another: "Hey there; Benjamin."
Eastern Oregon" by every right-is enr
titled to representation on the supreme
bench says the Baker City Democrat,
and the people irrespective of politics
should assert their rights by casting
their ballots for A. S. Bennett, of Wasco
county. . In doing so the assurance . is
given that in case of Mr. .Bennett's
election a man of ability will grace the
judiciary and the many questions in
which Eastern Oregon is particularly in
terested will be properly looked after.
Gov. Pennoyer has come out straight
for the People's party. In Alblna Tues
day evening he made a speech which
filled three solid columns in the Ore
gonian. He repudiates the state plat
form. After his speech the glee club
rendered a song, entitled, "Good-by,
Old Parties, Good-by," amidst a storm
of cheers.
The Inland Empire will this year ship
35,000,000 bushels of wheat. When it is
discovered that this i. e. is .a country:
this area, drained by the wonderful Col
umbia, upon whose bosom this product
should go the sea, will become as popular
as the phrases about Aristotle poken of
by Sydney Smith. "
If the truth was known, or the fact
could be fixed, it would be. safe to say
that a sum more than equal to the ap
propriation for the improvement of the
Columbia river has been expended this
congress to purchase corporate influence
to defeat the public. -
General Weaver predicts that M. V,
Rock, the peoples' partys' candidate for
congress for the first district, will get as
many votes as Veatch. General Weav
er's bump, of nope . is abnormally
developed. - . ; .
It is a significant fact says the East
Oregonian, that no pa per' in, the state of
any political party haseaid a word
against the election of Judge A." S. Ben
nett to the supreme bench..
There seems to be grounds for the .be
lief that 'southern Oregon . is afflicted
with the presence of train wreckers, for
whom hanging would . be too good, if
caught. -
The Pacific Empire is the name given
to an illustrated monthly journal... Mrs.
A. S. Dnniway, editor, to be published
after July 1st in Portland. j- -
The Colombia River Fruit Company.
Whatever opinion others may enter
tain, the writer has unlimited faith -in
the future " of the section of Wasco
county bordering on the Columbia river,
as a fruit country. We have long passed
tbe experimental stage and are able to
present scores of instances where even
the most .'unpromising locations have
yielded rich returns for intelligent labor.
The tons and .tons of dried and green
fruit consumed at home or shipped out
of the county . annually, abundantly
prove that we can raise fruit and plenty
of it, and fruit too, some classes of which
have no superior any where - on the
American continent. We predict that
before many years have passed the hills
and valleys for miles back of The Dalles
and back of the Columbia river will be
one continuous orchard and vineyard.
That such is not the case at present is
fully accounted for by the fact that it
takes time and capital to raise fruit on
an extensive scale, under the most fav
orable circumstances. In this direction
the Columbia River Fruit company has
been doing a work on the old Lair Hill
ranch and on the adjoining farm which
the company purchased last year from
Rev. W. H. Wilson, which was a sur-'
prise to the writer as be . walked and
drove over it a tew day's ago. The lands
covered by these two farms comprise
1,460 acres, in addition to about 1,200
acres on the other side of the river. . A
force of between twenty and thirty men,
under a competent - overseer, have been
at work .since last fall clearing the land,
plowing and planting fruit trees and
grape vines. About 430 acres are now
in bearing, or will bear fruit this coming
season. Seventy-five acres have been
planted during the fall and spring, and
about 100 acres more are ready for plant
ing. The company expects to keep a force
of from thirty to fifty men at work al'
summer and to have 1500 acres, all told,
planted on both sides of the river before
winter. The amount of work already
accomplished, which can be 'seen by
anyone who takes the trouble of a short
ride up Mill creek, is an earnest of what
may be expected. The company, we
are assured, has no lack of capital and it
has disposed of nearly -all of its 2500
shares of stock, at least all that it cares
to dispose of at present. The president
of the. company is O. D. Taylor of this
city, the vice-president, C. C. Foster of
Saginaw, Mich., the treasurer, G. R.
Burnside, of Buffalo, the general man
ager, JS. A. Dunnam of Cleveland ana
the superintendent, A. T. Higby of New
York. Shares of stock are sold at $400
each, payable one-fourth yearly.' When
a share of stock: is fully paid for the
holder is entitled to one acre of four year
old bearing fruit trees, or he may con
tinue his connection with the company
at his own option. The progress of the
company will be watched with much in
terest. Its success, and we know of no
reason why it should not succeed, is of
immense import to this city, and to the
holder of every acre of fruit land in the
neighborhood. Only by such methods
can orchards be planted on an extensive
scale, as the man of ordinary means can
not afford to wait till his orchard begins
to bear. The success' of the Columbia
River Fruit Co. will make fruit growing
the most important industry in this im
mediate neighborhood..
Booming; Slater.
Eugene State Journal.
The Portland Dispatch,Tony Noltner's
paper, has been enlarged to make room
for campaign literature, and it is now
filled with three and four columns at a
time, telling what a great man Slater is
and what gigantic things he has done
for Oregon. According to Tony, Slater
opened the Umatilla Indian reservation
originated the ' Chinese exclusion law
and has made the Pacific coast ' a great
country. When Slater got through
there was not much left for any other
statesman to'do. .
He made the Pacific coast in six days
And went to sleep on the seventh.
And on June Sixth, when wakes up our Slater,
Ellis will Jump out of the bunch grass
And knock him down with a tater.
Tony is a queer bird," like the do-do,
now almost extinct.. -He ana Slater
would make a well-matched team but
for the fact that each is near sighted, on
account of the coarse, imported Austra
lian wool of Democracy having grown
down over his eyes, and can work only
on the off side of all public interests.
, - From the Klamath Star.
The Albany Democrat says the demo
cratic convention "sat upon Gov. Pen
noyer," leaving its readers to guess what
the convention intended to batch.
Hon. R. M. Veatch, who. hopes the
democrats will lift him up to congress for
this district, will peaks in Ashland to
morrow' even in g. - The -subject - is, substantially:-"!
am the best man yon
ever saw for congress. I am a whizzer
from WiUsletoa!"
There is a new political animal in Ore
gon. It Is a lively pup out of the Tam
many tiger, and the party is beginning
to hear things drop. At the democratic
state convention down came Pennoyer
with his free-silver, notions, and oyer
there in. Lane, county, ex-Governor
Whitaker, feho wanted the insignificant
office of county judge, got a stroke of the
pup's paw in the county convention and
his bead was Knocked clear out of his j
hat. .. ' :- , v' - ' -
; Cpunty Court Proceeding.
- In the matter of proposed county road
No.' 211, report of surveyor and viewers
read first time," and remonstrance filed.
Road disallowed after report read second
The petition of Joseph Frazier and
others for a county road, commencing at
a point 80 rods west and 120 rods south
of the northeast corner of the northeast
sec 4, tp 2 n, r 10 e, read,-and Geo.
Herbert, C. R. Bone and E. L. Smith
appointed viewers and E. F. Sharp, sur
veyor, to meet on May 13th at com
mencement of said road.
Ordered that notice be published as
required by law to all holderaof warrants
issued prior to July 1, 1885, and to all
persons entitled to warrants uncalled for
in the hands of the county clerk issued
prior to said date, to present the same
for payment within 60 days from the
first of July, 1862, or the same will be
cancelled and refused payment.
Work On the approach to Hood River
bridge accepted, and warrant for $415 or
dered drawn on the treasurer in favor of
J. W. Harper, the contractor.
Warrant drawn in favor of A. D. Tur
ner, road supervisor, for $8, expenses
incurred in said matter.
: Warrant ordered drawn in favor of S.
W. Mason for $6.50.
. The petition of Chas. Ehrck and others
for county road continued. ;
. Report of county surveyor read re
garding survey of court house grounds
and ordered filed.
Ordered that a warrant be drawn for
$172 for supervisor of road district No. 20.
A warrant ordered drawn for $144.70
in favor of supervisor district Noi 21.
: Also for $46 for supervisor No. 21.
The tax of Wasco county fair associa
tion remitted.
Delinquent tax roll for 1891 placed in
the hands of the sheriff for collection.
Liquor license granted to John Sulli
van of Cascade Locks : also to Edinond
Bergeron, of same place.
Liquor licenses granted to Dial & Lane
and N. A. Anderton, of Antelope. ;
Dufur Dinpatch,
Publishing Financial State
ment $2000
Timet-Mountaineer, do. ........ . 20 00
Hood River Glacier, do.. ....... 20 00
The Dalles Chronicle, do 20 00
Wasco County Sun, do. 20 00
: " - " " miscellaneous
per bill............ 24 65
Glacier, notice to contractors .... 4 00
Chronicle Publishing Company,
advertising for the treasurer
do. for official report
do. for notice to taxpayers . . .
do. for supplies . ...
do. for sen '1 supt notice
Glass & Prudhomme,
election booths . .... ... . . . .-" 199
do. blanks... 18 00
do. school supplies 6 95
M T Nolan, supplies ........ 4 15
IC Nickelsen, ' , 2 70
Maier & Benton, ballot boxes, etc 100 25
1 V! a t f
J H Cradlebaugh, expenses in
sane person
Geo D Barnard & Co. election sup
do. " supplies for sheriff
do. " . " clerk
L Rorden, supplies
P Limmeroth, trimming trees in
court house yard.
J P Mclnerny, supplies for
M M Gushing,- keeping non-res
paupers, except care of horse
for Huvison
Snipes & Kinersly, medicines for
non-res pauper
Young & Knee, shoeing horse for
5 70
92 00
3 20
8 50
1 40
5 00
9 25
40 28
4 00
pauper........ 2 50
Leslie iiutier, relief charged to
G AR.....
12 55
10 00
Dalles Water Works, relief fund
March and April. . .:
E F Sharp, surveying court house
grounds 8 00
Wm Uantreii, supervisor road
district No 17 24 00
E L Boy n ton, error in payment
as roaa supervisor (supervisor)
entitled to 27 days, and if no
allowance has been made
should be paid for that time) 27 00
Wm Butler & Co. lumber road
district No 25 2 35
Wm Butler & Co lumber road
district No 12..' . : 273 90
J M Filloon & Co, supplies road
district jno 10 , 32 00
Bridal Veil Lumbering Co, sup
plies road district No 1 . 1014
Harbison Bros, lumber diet N 4 3 GO
do. " " 5 18 54
Mavs & Crowe sup road dist No 25 75
. ao " ' 10 l ou
do " " 12 41 99
do " 14 5 00
do - " " 9
supervisor to pay from warrant
drawn March term 23 00
Mays & Crowe, repairs to jail. . . - 50
E F Sharp, surveyor, road 21. . 8 00
P Huncks, viewer. .... ... 2 00
W J Baker, " 2 00
JHOdell, : 2 00
J H Ferguson, chairman 2 00
OKStranahan, " ......... 2 00
Bone & Danger, team naming
stone 2 00
E F Sharp, surveyor, re-estab-
nsning section 10, corner. . . . . z w
E Remington, GAR relief .
fund 15 00
F L Johns, viewer road 194. . . . . 2 00
C N Thorn bury, cash paid pauper . 2 50
Troy Shelley, stamps 5 00
L Davenport, J P. drawing jury 3 00
J J Lewis, assistant, . . . ........ 2 00
O. Mosier . - Z 00
Wolf Schreeder, witness -grand
jury - 2 20
. do. witness circuit court. .... -2 20
A Keaton, J P, State vs FKelsay 6 75
N W Wallace, constable " 4 65
Chas Hixson, witness " - .180
ThosDorson, " " .. 160
BenGleason, " r - " , . 1 70
E Kirkhausen, " " 160
E Schutz, J P. State vs Kennedy ;
et al....,..,....!..,... 11 05
RVGibons, constable.........' - 4 25
J Doherty, ' State vs Kerr & 8 10
Vernon Roberts, witness. ..... 7 50
Harvey Smith, - 8 90
EG Moore. '" " 8 50
George Moody, " ' 7 50
J Doherty. J P. fitt r TMma '"C "-
l:i:r:.s.; - . 4 m
3 20
2 45
2 45
4 95
7 00
5 00
7 20
"Avery's Ox," as Bush used to call
Slater, actually thinks he is running for
congress in this' district." What a
The story that there will be a war '
dance at Minneapolis next month is
probably based on the fact that a de
scendant of Tecnmseh, whom the presi
dents grandfather whipped at Tippe
canoe, is a member of the. Colorado del
egation to the republican national con
vention. . He has an old score to settle
and will join the free silverites of the
delegation in vigorous quest for Har
rison's scalp. - The chances are, says the
Oregonian,' that, the descendant of Te
cum seh and his allies will not be more
successful in their campaign against the
president than the old Indian hero and,
his allies were in their attempt to carry
away the scalplock of his grandsire.
What bravery could not do on the former
occasion, bluster is not likely to accom
plish in the coming contest.
Bowie's Original Kntfaw
Ten days ago Colonel John R. Davis, '
of Mississippi, who had been a resident
of the Old Men's home since a year ago
last April, received a stroke of paralysis.
This was followed in a few days by an
other, and then a third, which proved
The deceased was a cousin of Jefferson
Davis, and during the war was the col
onel of a Mississippi regiment known as
the Tigers.. Colonel Davis had in his
possession the original knife constructed
for Colonel Jim Bowie, who, though a
native Kentuckian, moved to Texas and
married the daughter of ex-Governor
VeramendL The knife was said to have
been invented while Colonel Bowie was
confined to his bed in Natchez, suffering .
from the effects of a wound he had re
ceived in a border fray. - He was a man
of great mechanical ingenuity, and
whittled it out of white pine as a model
for a hunting knife, which he sent to
two brothers named Blackman, in the
city of Natchez, and told them to spare
no expense in making it It was made .
from a large sawmill file and afterward
perfected by an Arkansas blacksmith.
Davis, who was a young man at the
time, was present ' the first time the
knife, as perfected, was used in a duel,
and, as he described the scene, the par
ties cut the underbrush down and fought
to the death. The peculiar part of the
knife was that the end was poisoned, an.
operation that cost Colonel Bowie ten -dollars.
Cincinnati Enquirer.
A Trea Climbing; Pic.
. A curiosity has lately been shot by Mr.
Le Mortemore, who has a selection on
Tinana creek, Queensland. He says it
is a sort of tree climbing pig. For a
number of years the wild pigs have been
numerous in this locality, and his theory
is that the original or common pig must
have amalgamated to a certain extent
with some aboriginal animal, or that th
necessities of climate, etc., have caused
the variety. The captured animal weighs
about 100 pounds, and is pretty fat, with
bristly brown fur, small black spots,
snout and ears like a pig, but the jaw is
furnished with front teeth like a rodent;
it has large canines and powerful back
The fore feet are furnished with, nook-
like claws; the hind ones have two hook .
claws on each hoof. The tail is thick,
about a foot long, and highly prehensile,
and in a state of rest is usually carried
in what is known as a Flemish coiL The -
animal is also furnished with a pooch,
which it only appears to use for carrying
a supply of food in while it is traveling
to fresh pastures. The skin is saved and
will be sent to the Maryborough exhi
bition. Mr. Le Mortemore says the flesh
is excellent, and that it tastes just like
veal and ham pie. He is sure there are
plenty more about by the marks on the
trees. In drought the animal climbs
trees and hangs by its tail while it gath- -era
its food by the hook claws. He in
tends capturing some live specimens and
breeding from them. Pall Mall Budget.
Radical English Fashions Uoa't O.
The recent refusal to sanction with .
the customary prompt enthusiasm sev
eral of thei most radical changes in the
regime that have been made of late years
by London swells has had a decidedly
discomfiting effect upon our English
cousins. Their confidence of leadership
has received naturally a severe shock in
consequence. From . au accounts . tne
London swell mob is passing through a .
period of experimentalism. AsaresulW
men's fashions abroad have-not been so
unsettled in fifty years.
The heavy swells continue groping
aimlessly after the elusive innovation.
For their independence, at this time,
therefore, Americans have cause for self
congratulation the more- particularly
so on account of the very divergent '
character of some of the foreign ultra
speculations. Advanced copies of the
recent London fads in coats and tap
coats, had they been tried suddenly on
the New York public, would have exeat- ,
ed almost a riot in the streets. The Eng
lish swell, be it known, can dress him
self up as his fancy dictates and tne .
yeomanry makes no outcry- -. '
Now that we have thrown off the
shackles of slavish emulation and blithe- - -ly
accept or reject what we want, or
what does not appeal to the sense of the -fitness
of things, the English fashion
framer will come down from his oracu
lar eminence and in the future pose with '
ameliorated despotism In the light of.
guide, philosopher 'and friend. Iam
aware that tne sentiments aoove set
forth would have been regarded a few
years ago as rank heresy, but they veri
fy the aphorism of ' Brer Rabbit that
"the worll mT --C.otuier nnd
Furuisiir. '
' do. Ira Stubblefield... ......
do. George E Google.
do. FMcGill
do. J McDonald
Times-Jtfountaineer supplies
Wm Shackelford, examining in
sane patient. .
M Black, freight on lumber dis
trict No 1. . . . ...