THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE, FRIDAY, MAY '13, 1892. The Weekly Ghronlele. TBI DALIES, -'-... - - OBltOOK 1 - ..... . FRIDAY - - MAY 13, 1892 ' V ' ' . v4 ; LOCAL AND PERSONAL. in 'the ; From the Daily Chronicle, Friday. J. VV. Ashby, of Antelopej is ' city. Wool is beginning to arrive quite free ly, and business in the East End is look - ing up in consequence. J. S. Cooper of Independence, brother '; of D. S. Cooper of this city, is registered at the Umatilla house. P. P. Underwood of Boyd, has been placed on the democratic ticket for sur veyor : vice. F. S. Gordon of Tygh re signed. Mavs & Crowe received yesterday, a car load of refrigerators for family use, They are opening them today and they are beauties. George S. Chandler of Bake Oven, re ... turned last night from an extended visit to Eneland. Mr. Chandler has come back with , the intention of remaining here. . . It is to the credit of the Dalles', press that only one paper manifests any de sire to introduce mud-slinging into the presentcampalgn. - The gentleman from Vireinia, sah, is aching sah, to turn his sheet into a mud sewer, sah. John Leaby, traveling freight agent ol the Northern Pacific, and well known in this city, has resigned and has accepted the Dosition of manager of the Briola hotel at Pnrdv. Warm Springs, in eastern Oregon. Dr. Logan received a call last evening at 7:10 to come by the first train to Grafts to attend a Mr. Morey, a very sick man. He expected to go by the 12 o'clock train, but at 8 ;50 received an- other dispatch, from N. W. Thompson, saying that Mr. Morey was dead Jay Gould's mother-in-law is said to be living in a poverty-stricken district of Portland, Or. Her house is a humble rented tenament one, occupied by two families. She is poor in all that the word implies, but is too proud to ask aid from her son-in-law. She came from Missouri with the early immigration to Oregon and has ever since resided here. Governor Pennoyer says he does not see how he can go out and make speeches this vear for the democrats without either stultifying himself or attacking ' the platform. He says he would like to . see Veatch elected to congress but does not see how, as a free silver man, he can consistently remain a candidate. The governor thinks he will have to sit still. Fifteen Turn Water Indians were pas sengers on the Regulator this morning for Vancouver. . They go- down to lodge a complaint with the. "Tyee man" at that place about their fishing rights on the Washington side of the river. One of" them had amply fortified himself with a hide full of the white man's fire sfty, have returned to this city from Bal timore. ' ;'. -. Hon. J." T. Eshelman, of Iforth Yakima, and his mother, arrived in the city today and are the guests of Dr, Eshelman. . " Mrs. Dr. Simons, a former resident of this city, now of Vancouver, came up on the Regulator last night and is visiting Mrs. Donnell. " . A mass 'meeting was held in Hood River this afternoon for the purpose of making arrangements for a Fourth of July celebration. ' - The state board of railroad commis sioners were in the city today, on their annnal inspection of the Union Pacific, It is understood that one bridge between Portland and. The Dalles is to be con demned. . Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Brooks, Mrs. E. Wingate, Miss Katie Craig and Miss Ida Brooks, are off by the Regulator Monday for a weeks' vacation. They go to Asto ria, and will participate in the Columbia centennial celebration. Dr. Siddall is going to Astoria to take in the centennial. He expects to be ab sent for abont a week: It is 31 years since the Dr. crossed the Columbia river bar, and he is naturally anxious to what it looks like now. . Arrangements are being . made for organizing an agricultural society at Hood River and providing grounds for an exhibit. It is proposed to lay off a half mile track for speeding purposes The scheme will be engineered bv a joint stock company. , Mrs. W. S. Myers favored the Chron icle office today with a singular freak of nature in the form of an apple blossom as large as a good sized rose. - It was plucked this morning from a tree of the Gravenstein species from which all the blossoms had fallen some time ago. It is perfectly white and came alone. It is easily four or five times larger than an ordinary blossom.. Of the improvements made to the east approached to the Hood River bridge, under contract let : to J. L. Harper of this city, the Glacier says : "Two turn outs have been made, the grade widened, and a substantial railing placed the en tire length of the grade. It is a good piece of work, and Mr. Harper is enti tied to every cent the contract called for, because he earned it." ' The citizens of Wasco precinct in Sher man county have determined to build a court house for the county at their own expense and give it to the county free of charge. They will file a $6,000 bond as a guarantee that the work will be carried out according to contract.. The money for completing the work has already been subscribed. So says the Wasco Newt. C. N. THORNBURY, - T. A. HUDSON, . Xate Rec. U. 8. Land Office. . Notary Public liPlT&jlSOr Over Sixteen Years Experience picnic grounds at Mosies have , been nicely fixed up for- the occasion and they are said to be a veritable bed of flowers. The Germans are famous, the world over, for being able to enjoy themselves in a auiet. orderly manner and those who will take the trouble to steal awav from the dust and smoke of the city to spend a day in the fields, and woods with these children ot tne "Vaterland" will be amply repaid for their pains. ' ' . . A cloudburst in Kansas vesterday cre- ataJ 1 !M 1 nmvm-A T"T-r. atAn. . uuw m .uu ..uuuu .u1h ""f niW i ITU rmmrmnir- nr.. ., ping railway traffic and doing other dam- n a I K K K KA . KS A K acroa . -. ..".u Saved from Death by Onions. There has no doubt been more lives of children saver from death in croup or whooping cough by the use of onions than any other known remedy, our mothers used to make poultices of them. or a syrup, which was always effectual in breaking up a couzh or cold. Dr. Gunn's Onion Syrup is madeby combin- DRUGS Snipes StvKiNERSLYf -THE LEADING- BUY AND SELL- 600,000 ACRES OF- UnifflproTea FABH Property -FOX. SALE. Send for Pamphlet describing this land. WE ARE AGENTS FOR mi a ing a few simple remedies with it which. "llfliriTISnTl 5 A llflltinTI tfl Who Hal DP mike it more effective as a medicineand uumlluulB iuuuu W UU UUUUO. mm and Retail Droit destroys the taste and odor of the onion. 5Uc. bold' by Blakeley & Houghton. Judges Bradshaw and Watkins and W. H. Wilson returned yesterday tven- ing irom attending court at iTinevine. The best spring medicine is a dose or two of St. Patrick's Pills. . They not only physic but cleanse the whole svs- tem and purify the blood. For sale by Blakeley & Houghton, druggists, d&w Economist Holman has got so used to i kicking against appropriations except) wnen maae ior ms own -state ot Indiana. that he is even now kicking at those recommended by democratic committees. . j : Handled by Three Registered Druggists. . . ALSO ALL THE LEADING - . Patent ffledicines and Druggists Sundries, HOUSE PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS. Thopnbapy fit Hudson, Agents for Murphy's Fine Varnishes and the only agents in the dalles . orfoo- - Mw v"j 1UA xiic uiiciwiu, nuittui vo. s rainis. 1 UlH addition iff Inlrl nff-fntn rmAutra Into an is destined to be the principal residence partol the city. Onlv twentv -minntiiM viiir fmm tho uuurt House. - SS afraid to consult or write us, we jrfv but advice or information In all branches oi our mess iree oi cnarge. e us- FRED. FISHER, Dealer in "... Staple and Fancy -WE ARE- John Meddler and Wasco, are in town. Frank Pike of water, in other words he was drunk as a lord. Mr. A. Howes and party, tourists from Rockland, Me"., came up by the Regula tor yesterday, returning homeward after a tour of California, the Sound, etc. . They say the best railway attentions they have received on the trip was by the S. P. R. R. Co., and the greatest of all was the trip to The Dalles by the D, P. and A. Nav. Co., which could not be beat in any respect. Hon. J. T. Crook, of Goldendale, form erly of Miller's station, Linn county passed through town this morning on a .' visit to his old home. Mr. Crooks is the father of B. W. Crooks and grandfather of Mrs. John Filloon of this city. Mr, Crooks was a member of the Oregon constitutional convention and several '. times represented Linn county in the Oregon legislature. . A warrant has been sworn out by Joseph Folco for the arrest of Jack Law ' ler, both of this city. Lawler is charged . with the double crime of assault and larceny.. The alleged crimes were com mitted yesterday at Folco 's cigar and candy store in the east end. Folco says he suspected Lawler of stealing tobacco and determined to watch' him. Yester day the -opportunity came and while Folco was busy ia another part of the . store, he says Lawler went behind the counter and stole a plug of tobacco and a cocoa nut. When detected, Lawler re turned the property but took out his re venge by stricking Folco a violent blow on tne nose, which broke that member . and involved a doctor's bill of $20 for repairs. Lawler is reported to have left . town and has not yet been arrested. - From the Daily Chronicle, Saturday. C4 F. Bayard is in the city. .' . F-H. Kemp, of Hood River, is in the city." .. ; ' ;. , . ' .' ' - C. W. Magill, of Wapinitia, is at the Umatilla house. G. W. Smith, of Rockland, returned this morning from a business trip to Chicago. . . , L;y ' Hon. A. L. Lytle of Crook county is in the city on his return from a "trip to the Willamette valley. - ' A' moonlight excursion, by steamer Regulator, May 13th, is to be the attrac tion next week. All good people. will want to go. Mrs. E. M. Wilson, and her son Fred, who has been attending Hopkins TJniver- Billy Marder and Nick Cornish of the Umatilla house went on a fishing trip to the J) loyd place, yesterday. .Mick suc ceeded in capturing a salmon trout that must have weighed close tn four pounds. It was a beauty, and Nick vows he caught it himself with his Itttle fish pole. Both were so . well pleased with their catch that they had their pictures taken when they came back, bv Photo grapher Hunt. Harry Maheur of Eight-mile, informs us that no fruits have been injured on Eight-mile by the late frosts. The trees peach trees and all are loaded down with young fruit. On Five-mile and Fifteen-mile, however, peaches suffered quite severely. Mr. ' Maheur reports having a pear tree - in his orchard that was set out this spring, a two year old from the bud, that has 23 pears on it. What country on earth can beat this? The prospect for a tne grain crop still continues exceedingly bright. Abundance of rain has fallen at oppor tune intervals and another fine shower fell last night, while today, we had fre quent light showers and at this writing the clouds threaten another down-pour. A. W. Branner of Nansene, today in formed a Chronicle represntative that fall grain, in his neighborhood, is now taller than it was at haying time last yejV - f . ' ' WUtt Party. ' A traveling man who chanced to be i in the store of E. V. Wood, at McKees Rocks, Pa., says while he was waiting toseemr. wood, a mile girl came in with an empty bottle labeled Chamber lain's Pain Balm and said : "Mamma wants another bottle of that medicine : she says it is the best medicine for rhenmatism she ever used." 50 cent bottles for sale bv Blakelev & Houghton. druggists. a&w Mr. and Mrs. Klindt, and Judge Liebe, loin the Astoria excursionists todav. aving left on the Regulator this morn ing. Mr. J. P. Blaize. an extensive real estate dealer in Des Moines, Iowa, nar rowly escaped one of the severest at tacks of pneumonia while in the north ern part of that state during a recent blizzard, says the Saturday Review. Mr. Blaize had occasion to drive several miles during the stormand was so thor oughly chilled that he was unable to et warm, and inside of an hour after is return he was threatened with a severe case of pneumonia or lung fever. Mr. Blaize sent to the nearest drug store and got a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, of which he had. often heard, and took a number of large doses. He says the effect was wonderful and that in a short time he was breathing auite easily. He kept on taking the medicine and tne next dav was able to come to Des Moines. Mr. Blaize regards his cure as simply . wonderful. 50 cent bottles for sale by Blakeley & Houghton, druggists. d&w Don't forget the moonlight excursion "Owing to peculiar circumstances over which he has no control'' John P. Wager of the Portland Telegram, cannot locate in Condon, to practice his profession of law, as he had intended to do. rnnoriooP I U U If I I U U Q 129 Second Street, And PROVISIONS. Special Prices to Cash Buyers. - Highest Prices paid for Produce. Opposite Skibbe's Hotel. . S-18wtf FARM FOR SALE. oner ior saie an or a part of mv farm of 480 acres in Sec. 24, Tp. 1 south, range 14 east, 15 miles southeast of The Dalles : good improvements, good vonnir five-acre orchard now bearing, plenty of good water for house use and stock ; 175 acres in cultivation, good outlet north, easc,soutn .or west via county roads. I also offer for sale 160 acres in section 26, township 1 south, range 14. east: also five head horse, one double set of harness and a few farm implements, etc. Prices reasonable, terms easy and title good. For particular? come and see me at xne JJaiies or J. a. Trout at the farm, jan29-tf .. E. W. Trout. THOBOUGHBEED - The Largest Dealers in Wall Paper. : Finest Line of Imported Kev West and' Domestir; f!iars . Agent for Tansill's Punch. - The Dalles, Oregon Hew boot ad ' shoe stoe ! STONEMAN & FIEGE, . 114 SECOND STREET. We have just received a large assortment of C, D and E widths of Ladies fine shoes and a full stock of lawn tennis shoes with perforeald inner soles. ' Leather and findings for sale. Repairing Neatly and . Expeditiously Done. lifactiers Harnesses! I(E1!ITUGI(Y Kt THOROUGHBRED KENTT7f:KY JAf.Tr. will stand for tbe season of 1892 at m v ranch on Juniper Flat. He is loU bands hich. and xxuu weighs 1 1 60 pounds. T 33 : nisi Fifteen Dollars for the seflsnn. nsmihlf. Bftor harv est, with the privilege of breeding back next season, u a more aoea not prove in toai. Pasture at reasonable rates. JAMES BROWN. 3-11 w8t - Tveh Vallev. (Successors to L. D. Frank, deceased.) - A General Line of " Horse Furnishing Goods. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Harness, Briclles, WMps, Horse BlanietSj Etc. . Full Assortment of Mexican Saalcry Plain or Stamped. SECOND STREET, - . - - THE DALLES, OR. CHRISMAN & CORSON, DEALERS IX i . A Great Liver Medicine. Dr. Gunn's Improved Liver Pills are a sure cure for sick headache, bilious com plaints; dvspepsia," indigestion, costive ness, torpid liver, etc. These pills in sure perfect digestion, correct the liver ana stomach, reeulate the bowels, punfv and enrich the blood and make the skin clear. Thejr also produce a good appe tite and invigorate and strengthen the enure pyaieiu uv uicir ionic action. They only require" one pill for a dose and never gripe or sicken. Sold at 25 cents a dox by Blakeley & Houghton. An enormous wildcat was killed with in TacomaB city limits the other dav. Many bear have in the past been slain i on Tacoma's streets, but this is the first wildcat which has ventured to walk her thoroughfares. A Sdre Care for Files. Itchintr Piles are known bv moisture line perspiration, causing intense itch ing when warm. This form as well as Blind, Bleeding or Protruding, yield at once to Dr. Bosanko's ale Remedy, which acts directly on . parts affected. aosorDs tumors, allays ltcinng ana ef fects a permanent cure. 50 cents. Drue- gists or mail. Circulars free. Dr. Bo- sanko, 329 Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa. Sold by Blakeley & Houghton. TlieGBlDiWaPacHiigCoJG ROC E R I H S; Flour, Grain, Fruit and Mill Feed. PACKERS OF Popk and Beef. HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID FOR PRODUCE. COR. WASHIN6T0N AND SECOND ST. THE DALLES, OREGON MANUFACTURERS OF Fine Lard and Sausages. Curers of BRAND A fu Uomp Qiifl Dnnnn ... UQlllfl QMUfllilJll, & Houghton, DRUGGISTS, 175 Second Street, - The Dalles. Oreeron 11 line of all the Standard Patent Medicines, Drugs, Chemicals, Etc. . - '.--ARTISTS MATERIALS.-.'. V Country and Mail Orders will receive prompt attention. A whist party was . held last night at the residence of F. J. Clark. There were present Mr. and Mrs. Kinersly, Mrand Mrs. S. L.; Young, Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Stephens, Mrs. Barrett, Misses Clara B. Story, Grace Marden, Aubory' Story, Etta Story, Messrs. ' Max Vogt, jr., M. Donnell, Chas." Clark," Fred. W. Clark and Victor Marden, Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Clark. Mr. Max Vogt was awarded the gentlemans first ' prize.- - Mrs. C, F. Stephens the ladies first prize. .Mr. M. Donnell received the gentleman's booby prize and Miss Clara Story the ladies booby prize,.. , ' - - - Teutonic Cnteness. - Anion? tne many unverified rumors from Venezuela, is one that Dr. Casanas, Palacio's ehief, has been killed in his camp at Calaboz.. Dried Beef, Etc D I DT YOU KNOW IT Masonic Building. The Dalles. Or. WE ARE AGENTS FOR THE A man who'' thinks a Teuton is not as cute as anybody else is away off. - Today John Schenck in company with Capt. Lewis while in . front of Snipes & Kin ersly 's drug store, saluted Andrew Kel ler on the opposite side of the' street with the remark, ''It's going to be a fine day tomorrow." . Theodore Prinz overheard the salutation and quick as a flash shouted, across, "Don't you, want tickets for the picnic?" It is needless to add that two tickets were sold in less time than you could wink From en quiries at headquarters it is learned that the picnic will come off tomorrow, unless it actually rains dogs and cats. v The MllEt RESTORATIVE fjilr VKERVI8L -- Splnl': STARTLING FACTS! no of nerrona v f ollowtnff (uKgesta asmpfllnc. ol Butler. n Amartean paopto ar rsptdly beoominy i wrecKs, ana toe roi ri AlphoDflOHempl iremn that wnen nts Aon was I St. Vitus Dance. Dr. Mllsa' Great Reatoral Nervln.curedblin. lira. J. R. Miller. ol Vainer- auo,ina., J. u. -lay lor, or ixxiansport, ina., eaco (mined 20 pounds from taking It. airs. H. A. GaroV the best retnedTt Alnhonao I tnat wnen nis son was spsecniess irom TIVSJ hw,m mini ami., wm cum M w w w wuiur tons a day, and much headaohe. diaslneaa, back acne, and nervous prostration, by one bottle. Daniel Mrers, Brooklyn. Mlctu, ears bis daughter was cured of insanity of ten years' standing. Trial bottles and fine book of marvelous eures, FRB8 at druggists This remedy eontslns no opiates. . Dr.M lies' Medical 6onEkhart.lnd. TBIALi BOTTLE FBEE. ' OLD BT BLAKELET HOCGHTON. mmmm Argand Stoves arid Ranges, Garland Stoves and Act ea anew principle O Ranges, Jemell's Stoves and flanges, Universal Stoves and Ranges. . We are also ageljts fop the Celebrated Boyoton parnaee. - - flmmaniHon and Loaded Shells, Etc. sanitary piiumeific a speciality. ; MAIER & BENTON reeniate toe liver, stomacn and bowele through tAt turret. Du. Mn-ss PnxM $ptedil curt biliousness, torpid lirer and congtips. tion. Smallest, mildest enrentt fJOdoaoa.afJ" '. nples tree at druggist? lies ImL o . EUUrt 'at Sold by BLAKELEY A HOUGHTON. Sam Br. DIAMOND - ROLLER : MILL SKIBBE f HOTEL-. A. H. CURTIS," Prop. Flour of the Best Qual- 3 ity Always on Hand. THE DALLES. OBEGON. ' 1 3- ' 1-, . - H . -a . -; S" 'W". Xj. SKXBBB, Fropr. o' T . 1 " S'i ' - -4t i ' 1 ,.'5!8!- g a ft Hi -fg-l K s, ; . iP"iHri&..i