'.'TV C3) THE DAIiLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE, FRIDAY, MAY 13, 1892. The Weekly Ghroniele. TBI DAI.I.K3, . OREGON FRIDAY - MAY 13, 1892 LOCAL AND PERSONAL. .'. v, ; -" From the Dally Chronicle, Monday. : T. R. Coon of Hood River, republican -candidate ior joint representative for Wasco and Sherman counties, was in town today. . i5lies Anna Peters & Co., 112 Second v street, invites the ladies .to call and in spect the latest and most complete stock - of millinery goods in the city. Rev. Le Grande Holyrteof Dufur, was in town today on his way to the United Brother conference to be held in El berton, Wash., on the 11th and 22d inst, J. B. Crossen.Tom Ward, and G. C, Blakelv. democratic candidates for clerk, sheriff, and county judge started out on a trip to the country this morn ' ing in company with Sheriff D. L. Cates. - It wont hnrt anything if country people . keep a close watch on their chicken - roosts during the next three weeks. A guest of the Umatilla house sat down to dinner last Saturday and the waiter, as usual, came forward and an- - nounced the menu, beginning with "split pea soup," but mumbled so that the guest thought it was speckled trout, "yes," eaid the guest, "How are they cooked; I like mine fried." "Sir," said the waiter, "we don't fry the soup." . "Oh! pardon me," answered the guest, J,I thought you eaid speckled trout." .' There is another case of diphtheria in this city. This time it is the seven-year-old eon of Louis Blank. The boy was at the picnic yesterday and was taken so ill on the way home that he had to be carried from the boat up to the house. He has been, attending the public school and Director S. B. Adams assures the Chronicle that the school building will be fumigated and every precaution taken to stop the spread of the ' disease. If it becomes necessary to close the schools, this will be done. James B. Teller; a Crook county stock man, committed suicide in a Kansas hotel on the 24th of last month. Teller had gone there with a band of horses. Shortly after his arrival he fell in love with a widow, named Mrs. Jennie Box well, and got married to her. Four 'days after the wedding Teller was a corpse. During the temporary absence of his bride Teller had gambled away ' $250 of her money and not daring to face : her again he took his life. He left a letter addressed to his wife explaining why he did the deed and asking her for- giveness. He aleo requested that she , , should write to bis sister, Mrs. Belle Read of Moro, Sherman county, but not - .: to his friends living at Mitchell, Crook county. - It is no reflection on the hospitality of the Gesang Verein, picnic to say that some of the nearly 400 excursionists got very hungry before lunch time. The air of the Mosier country is liable to make a man feel that way anyhow. This was particularly the case with Julius Fisher and Shorty Henderson, and their teeth fairly watered at the sight of a lunch basket, which they had not the courage to steal. Meeting Judd Fish they pointed out the basket and asked him to help them out. Judd, nothing loth, ' . picked it up, while Shorty, leading the way into the bush, said "Come on." Scarcely had they gone twenty yards ' when the owner of the basket met them and said "If you please, I'll take that basket. This is the second time today, it has been stolen." The feeling of the trio can be better imagined than de scribed. . The editorial fraternity, and delegates . ' to the Washington democratic state con- ventiori at Vancouver, from Eastern :.- Washington, have been tendered the '1:- Courtesy of passes by The Dalles, Port- ' , .fend and Astoria Navigation company, . in order that they may have an .oppor - v, tunity for gaining such -information as ' may be desirable to enable them to form an-intelligent idea, by personal observa , " tion, as to what the state of Oregon haB done .-and The Dalles, . Portland and ' AytAstoiia Navigation company is doing, . ior an open river from the Inland Em- - .Spire to the open sea. This arrangement was brought about by Mr. Linus Hub bard, through the request of a Pomeroy .... gentleman who had received one of the whaleback souvenirs.- , The second Eastern Oregon District Fair Association "will hold their annual fair this year, commencing on Tuesday the 11th of October and ending on Sat urday the 15th. This will be about a -tnonth later than the date on which the fair has been held for the past two years and it is, beyond question, a change that -ought to make the coming fair the most successful of any yet . held. The great trouble with the last two fairs was that they occurred at a time when the farmers were busy threshing, or if through with this . work, were . engaged in hauling grain, ordinarily, "the throng of this work will be over by the time fixed for the present year. . Another change has been decided on that ought also to con tribute to the fair's success. No race horses will be allowed to compete for premiums, that do not belong to Eastern -Oregon or to Klickitat county, Wash. -These changes have been made entirely in the interest of the fanners and stock raisers of this district ai d we hope they will be fully appreciated. . , From the Dally Chronicle, Tuesday. : - Walter H. : Mooro, of Moro.Js in the city. . " : - Polk Butler, of Sansene, and Tom Glavey and Tom O'Neil of Dufur were in town last night. ; When the hair has fallen out, leaving the head bald, if the scalp is not shiny, there in ft r-hance of regaining the hair by using Hall's Hair Reneer.. Another splendid rainfall, that seems to have been quite general, commenced here at an early hour this morning and Rontinned till nearly noon. If we don't have good crops this year it will not be for lack of rain. - Dr. G. C. Eshelman leceived a tele gram this forenoon from Frank McFar- land of Heppner, asking him to come up immediately as his baby was sick. The doctor left on the one o?clock passenger. Mr; F. M. Salyer, C. E., of this city, was today made the recipient of a very handsome testimonial, certifying to hie efficiency and expertness in his chosen field. It comes from his late employers and associates in Durango, Colorado. Ayer's Hair Vigor restores natural col or to the hair, by stimulating a healthy action of the scalp. This preparation aleo produces a vigorous growth of the hair, and gives it a beautiful luster and youthful appearance. Recommended by physicians, clergymen, and scientists. The Warm Springs reservation was recently visited with an epidemic of measles and at least as many as 150 cases were reported. Five or six deaths oc curred at camps at a distance from the agency but all the patients under the care of the agency physician recovered. Insomnia is fearfully on the increase. The rush and excitement of modern life so tax the nervous system that multi tudes of people are deprived of good and sufficient sleep, with ruinous - conse. quences to tne nerves, itememoer, Ayer's Sareaparilla makes the weak strong. Dr. Hugh Logan will leave on the midnight passenger tonight to attend a meeting of the National association of railway surgeons to be held at Old Point Comfort, Virginia, on May 25th inst. On his way the doctor will attend a meeting of .the Missouri state medical association. He intends to visit Chicago, New York and Washington- and will be gone about a month. A brass band kas been organized in the city, and one of the oldest and most accomplished musicians in the state of Oregon, who is also a member of it, has christened it the "Regulator Brass Band" and the name is going to stick. The new band has ten members, all ac complished musicians, and before many days pass it is expected they will let themselves be heard on the public streets. .Success to the Regulator Band ! It is very evident the good people on the north side of the liver are not par ticularly stuck on Oregon sheep. John O'Leary of Rutledge, whose experience we related in the Chroxiclk a couple of weeks ago, tried to cross his band of sheep, a short time ago, over what is known as Outlet Bridge, on a branch of the Klickitat river. As the sheep ap proached the bridge the herder was met by four masked men who began shoot ing promiscuously all around them. The only thing injured, however, was the shepherd's dogs, a fine animal which had one of bis legs broken by a pistol ball. Notices have been stuck up at several places warning the sheep men that no sheep will be allowed to pass and signed "Committee." It is alto gether likely that Oregon sheepmen who intend to summer their flocks in Wash ington are going to get into trouble, and the above related that they may know what to expect. From the Daily Chronicle, Wednesdaj-. Attention. Salute: Chief Jud.' S. Fish. Mr. A. J. Brigham, of Dufur, was in the city today on business. Old papers, nice and clean, for sale at this office. They are useful for many things. Editor Gourlay of Tax Chkosicle is off to the country for four days' recrea tion. . - Miss Peter has a nice lot of new mil linery notions today. See advertise ment." - ' The rush to Astoria has evidently caused much dissatisfaction, owing to lack of accommodations for the crowd. - Steward Cooper and night clerk Cor nish, of the Umatilla house, returned on the noon passenger from a flying trip to the metropolis. ; - - Our reporter didn't catch on to the hat display in Nielsen's window, Mon day, but the public will today. The styles have changed. - . . t ' Mr. P. T. Sharp, of this county, who has been on a visit to California, is again at home, and was in the city today. He left his daughter with relatives in Calif ornia. :'.'... - You" will always find something on the 4th page of Thb Chbokiclb to inter est you, but today there is something of particular "interest to the friends of an open river. : ' - J ; -; . On Senator Mitchell's recommendation the postoffice department has issued an order authorizing a contract with E. Wigle to carry the mails from Prineville, by Desert and .-Hay Stack, toVWarm Springs, and back, twice a week," from Jul 1st. . ;"-"...- '.-r;'-' At a meeting of the board of 'delegates of The Dalles fire department last even ing, Chief Geo. Hunger sent in his res ignation, and Jud. S. Fish was elected to fill the place. ..- The Dalles citizens' - braes . band serenaded Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Cram at the Umatilla house last evening. "" The newlv married couple having returned from their bridal trip to California. Mr. Chas. Butler hai just returned to Port Townsend with another flock of fine mutton sheep for the Victoria market. Wasco and Klickitat are favorable points in which to secure the famous English mutton. - , . There is an alleged illustrated journal published in . Astoria that has twice printed an alleged cut of the Baltimore that looked like a fried egg endeavoring to make a landing on a stern and rock bound coast. r Machinery for a sawmill has arrived at the Warm Springs revervation. Its location is about twenty miles from the agency, where operations preliminary to the erection of Presbyterian mission buildings Vill soon be commenced. In consequence of the coolness of the weather and the presence of diphtheria in The Dalles, the ladies of the Good Intent have decided to postpone their excursion one month. Tickets already sold will be good for the excursion next month. This announcement is made bv order of the committee.-' No case of diphtheria, save one, the son of Louis Blank ; has been heard of in the city np to the present, and every precaution is being taken to keep the disease from spreading. The Blank boy is undoubtedly very sick, and no' one can tell the result. We can only hope for the best. T - . The Fire Department of The Dalles is now so well equipped with conveniences that it is proposed to have a hose tour nament here on the 4th of July. Astoria, Portland, yancouver Oregon City, Salem, and other departments will be invited to participate, provided, the sug gestion fully matures. It would be a grand idea, as The Dalles is well sup plied with water and hydrants for an elegant tournament. ' Miss Hamill, assisted ' by her two classes in elocution, will give an enter tainment in the basement of the M. E. Church this evening. The pupils have been preparing for this entertain ment for some time, but on account of the Court house being engaged for that evening expected to be compelled to give it up. Now that the M. E. Church has been kindly offered, all will have the opportunity of hearing the rendering of a first class programme. Markets have opened actively this week, all along the line. The . produce trade looks well for the coming week, and the merchandise markets are as sured of good business. The improve ment for the past two weeks has been steady, and there is no apparent reason why it should not continue. - California green vegetables are out of the market. Now potatoes are in" good supply and prices are firm, under a . good demand. Oregon radishes, lettuce, rhubarb and green onions are becoming plentiful. Old potatoes are again scarce, the farm ers holding back, evidently . for seeding. In the fruit line, the same activity is noted. - Capt. John W. Lewis received today from Col. W. E. McArthur of Washing tion City, a pair of oyster shells that measure full seven' inches in length. This is no fish story. The shells can be seen in the Chboniclk show window. In a note accompanying; the shells Col. McArthur say s : "The scripture saith: Moses was an Austere man' ; but there was a merry twinkle in the eyes of black Moses, who presides at Harvey's raw oyster counter, when -. I selected that superb specimen for his Sexton's mani pulation. But I - believe I long since wrote you the story and now I repeat as aforesaid, when I swallowed that treas ure of an oyster. 'Good bi-valve.' " . The Willowa Chieftain, referring to the nomination of Mr. Polk Mays for representative on the republican ticket, says : "It was given to Mr. Mays with out any effort on bis part, and the con vention could not have - made a better selection for that important position. Mr. Mays is thoroughly identified with our county interests, is one of our heav iest tax-payers, "is 'conservative in his views, and correct in bis conclusions. If he is elected, his vote on all proposed legislation will be guided by that regard for right and justice which has ' always characterized his actions in private life. The vote for Mr. Mays in the - localities where he is best known will be alike complimentary to his worth as a man, and to the confidence in which his abil ity is held by the people." ' ' , From the Daily Chronicle, Thursday. Mr. John Larsen has some fine horses in training at the fair grounds. No less than 10,000 people - witnessed the street parade in Astoria yesterday. ' - The spirit of free coinage is now like a frightened burglar, afraid to make the first break. ... 'J '- "'' . - Republican paragranhers are lashing the democracy now with rods, pulled from Rod Island. - . - - If Blaine's liver had Alger's gall, Harrison, as a candidate for renomina tion, would be a short-liver. -. The Grand Dalles, way up on the Col umbia, has a representative in the city today, in the person of Mr. Wm. Brunn. There was a large "number of school teachers . in the city yesterday.. They came to prepare for the annual exami nation. - Dufur was well represented on the register at the Umatilla house yesterday, Mrs. F. C. Sexton, Aaron Frazer, Miss Nellie Hedley, Ester Menefee and others, were here. ;. Mr. James Kelly, of Kingsley,- was in the city today with bis two daughters, and made a very pleasant visit to Tbk Cheoniclk, enrolling his name amongst those of his staunch supporters. Mr. W. Pierce of Goldendale, has been in the city for a couple of days ' ar ranging to supply Dalles builders with sash, doors and blinds. He is as able and well qualified to fill all such orders, as larger men in larger communities. Messrs. V. Z. and M. J. Clifford, of California, are here looking for a field in which to invest. . Otherwise, they are on a voyage of discovery ; and if they find Wasco county as we see it they will become permanently identified with our interests. ' " - - - As evidence corroborating the state ment of Thb Chronicle yesterday, that the Columbia river had not been dis covered, np to last night, I. N. Camp bell states to a representative of this wide awake journal today, that the Col umbia river is not located on his map. A Kindergarten school would be a fine thing for The Dalles. All cities have them ; and now," if some lady, who is fond of children, and wants to make a few dollars, will start a school of this kind, she will confer a lasting benefit upon posterity. J - --. When the railway business in the west reaches a point at which a distrib J utor receives locomotives by the train, as was done recently in Buffalo, N. Y., and illustrated by the Exprest; then there will not be ' river front ' at The Dalles sufficient to accommodate the water craft. . , Why? Because the rail way influences will have purchased it and laid it away for keeps. ' The Buffalo Expres is the Eastern paper which reaches our table and our estimation at the same -time, and is most worthy of admiration. The com pliment may be construed as you please when we say, upon opening the wrapper "brought to perfection." The Chroni cle is no snide. . Please H. The pleasant weather for the past few days has given the Astoria railroad con tractors an opportunity to get everything in good working order and active work has commenced. . There are six camps besides the tunnel outfit, comprising 2,000 men at work on the road and the clearing gang has nearly ten miles ready for the graders. - The Herald says : "R. N. Wright, a mugwump politician who changes his politics oftener than he does his shirt, is heard from through an article in - yester day's Attorian, written by himself, and signed Boys of the High School in which he tries to vindicate himself from the charge that he is a political scalawag, unfit to hold his . present - position and should be removed." ' Six million dollars will be the sum paid this year, to transpert the grain of the Inland Empire to a point' where it can be shipped to the markets of the world. One year. Wheat alone. Just think of it; then ask yourself .'Vhat were such men as Rep. Holman of Indi ana, born for, if it was not to bleed us and such as us, that half this sum might ... a . M ... go into tne cotters ot corporations ana eventually be divided amongst men Of his kind?" This is the stubborn fact. Mr. Wm. Locke, of Washington city, a gentleman who is here looking after Uncle Samuel's , real estate interests, left the railroad and took the Regulator for Portland this morning. He says that Blaine has, positively, a better chance for nomination at Minneapolis, than any other man in the nation ; that there is a sentiment among the people which is irresistible for Blaine for president, and if he is nominated the nation will be astounded with the result. There are millions who want to vote for Blaine electors, one of whom wo are "which." There is a level headed man at the helm in the Pomeroy Independent office. He says: "With a portage at The Dalles this rate would be reduced about one-half and thereby leave $3,000,000 in the pockets of the people, that now go into the coffers of the corporations to aid them in buying our congressmen off from urging appropriations to open the river by constructing a portage railway, as the state of Oregon has done at the Cascades of the Columbia, and thereby saved tens of thousands of dollars to the people on the lower river, whose pro ducts are not a tithe compared to the products of the upper Columbia .and Snake river basins." The Columbia is swarming with blue back salmon. They are the finest of this species ever, seen here, many of them weighing from eight to ten pounds. Orders have been received within the past week for several tons of seines for catching these flshT TKB"wneel8 at-Tha Dalles are catching about ten ton per day, and large quantities are . being re ceived here from the Cascades and from down the liver. This is very early .for the run of blnebacks, about six weeks earlier than they come last year. They are excellent fish and considered about as good for canning as the Chinook. , I, W. Flanders, traveler for the well known proprietory medicine firm of J. C. Ayer & Co., of Lowell, Mass., was in the city for the past two days and left last night for points east. . Mr. Flanders is a very pleasant gentleman and an ex cellent conversationalist. He has been in the employ of the firm for over ten years, on the wing all the time. His territory covers the whole northwest and comprises twelve states and terri ritorie8. Speaking of the immense busi ness done by his firm . he informed a Chronicle representative that a million a year is spent in advertising their busi ness. They; will publish "this year 20,000,000 copies of Ayer's almanacs in no less than thirty different languages. The press on which the almanacs are printed turnes out 10,000 copies an hour, or 80,000 copies in a working day of eight hours. The printing of the almanacs for 1893 commenced two months ago, and even at this enormous rate of speed will occupy nearly the en tire remainder" of the year. The firm sold last year about seventeen tons of pills, or enough, as Mr. Flanders said, ''to physic the whole nation." They do business with upward of 40,000 merch ants located in every nook and corner of the American ' continent. Their , mail receipts at headquarters, ' average from 400 to 800 letters a day. It is hardly necessary to say there's millions in the business. DEPIOCQQTIC District and County TICKET. For Supreme Judge. Alfred S. Bennett. - For Attorney General, George E. Chamberlain. . " For Member of Congress, 2d District, James H. Slater. For Circuit Judge, 7th District, W. L. Bradsha-w. For Prosecuting Attornev, 7th District, " ; J. P. Moore. For Member State Board Equalization, . - 7th District, William Hughes. For Joint Senator, 17th District, man and Wasco counties, . Sher- J. A. Smith, of -Sherman. For Joint Senator, 18th District, Gilliam, Sherman and Wasco counties, Gr. W. Rinehart, of Gilliam. For Joint Representatives, 18th Repre ..' sen tative District, Sherman and -: , ;: - Wasco counties, H. E. Moore, S. F.Blythe. For County Judge, GEORGE C. BLAKELEY. For Countv Clerk, . ... , JAMFJS B. CROSSEN. For Countv Sheriff, THOMAS A. WARD. , For County Treasurer, WILLIAM K. CORSON. For County Assessor, GEORGE T. PRATHER. For County Surveyor, F.S.GORDON. " For School Superintendent, F. P; FITZGERALD. For Countv Commissioner," ' JAMES DARNIELLE. For County Coroner. JOHN W. MOORE. 4-21U1 M I3S ANNA PETER S CO, Fine Mil line ry ! 112 Second street, JOBBERS AND Hardware, Tinware, Etc., Etc. CORNER SECOND AND FEDERAL STREETS. CELEBRATED - ' . 1 " Aeoirn and Chat tei Oak STOVES AJBTD BANKS. ' ' Guns, Ammunition and Sporting .Goods. IRON, COAL, ; . BLACKSMITH SUPPLIES, WAGON MAKERS' MATERIAL, SEWER PIPE, PUMPS AND PIPE, - ''. . - PLUMBING SUPPLIES. INVALIDS - Cain rapidly in health and strength by the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. This medicine substitutes rich and pine blood, for the impoverished fluid left in the veins alter fevers and other wasting sickness. It im proves Ihc appetite and tones tip the system, " so that convalescents soon Become Strong active, and vigorous. To relieve Unit tired . feeling, depression of spirits, and nervous . debility, no other medicine produces the speedy and permanent effect of Ayer's Sar saparllla. 1". O. Lorini;, Brockton, Mass., writes: " I am confident that anyone suffer ing from the effects of scrof ula, general de bility, want of appetite, depression of spirits, . and lassitude will be cured By Using Ayer's Sarsaparilla ; for 1 have taken it, and speak from experience." . " In the summer ot 1888, I was cured of nervous debility by the use of Ayer's Sarsa parilla." Mrs. II. Itenolt, Middle st, Paw tucket, It. I. "Several years ago I was lu a debilitated . condition. Other remedies having failed, I began to take Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and was greatly benefited. As a Spring medicine, I consider It invaluable." Mrs. L. S. Win chester, Holden, Jle. .- Ayer's Sarsaparilla Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer k Co., Lowell, llw, Bold by all Druggists. Price 1 ; six bottles, S. Curesothers.will cure you KEPOBLICDH State, District and County TICKET. For Supremo Judge, .." F. "A. Moore. For Attorney General, Lionel R. Webster. . For Member of Congress, 2d District, W. R. Ellis. - For Circuit Judge, 7th District, . George Watkins. For Prosecuting Attorney, - 7th District, W. H. Wilson. For Member State Board Equalization ' 7th District, John L. Luckey- For Joint Senator, 17th District, consist ing of Sherman and Wasco Counties, H. S. McDaniels. For Joint Senator, 18th District, consist - ing of Gilliam, Sherman and w - Wasco Counties, W. W. Steiwer. For Joint Representatives, 18th Repre sentative District, consisting of . - Sherman and Wasco - - Counties, E. N Chandler, -. T. R. Coon. . For County Judge, v C. N. THORNBURY. J For Countv Clerk, J. M. HUNTINGTON. ' For County Sheriff, CP. BALCH. For County Commissioner, . H. A. LEAVENS. Fr County Treasurer, WM. MICH ELL. ' For County Assessor, JOEL W. KOOXTZ. For Countv School Superintendent TROY SHELLEY. . . For Countv Surveyor, E. F. SHARP. For County Coroner, N. M. EASTWOOD. 4-lGtf THE DALLES, OR. RETAILERS OP STUDEBAKER Wagons and Carriages. Reapers and Mowers. AGENTS FOR Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Co.'s Agricultural Implements and Machinery "WX1U3.