The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, May 13, 1892, Image 1

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    VOL. II.
Immense Petitions aic .. -.
" peals to Congress. .
One Cent Sure to Be the Rate, Bnt Not
Just at Present
The Demand for a Reduction of One
Half the Letter Rates Would
Coat 20,000,000.
Washington, - May 6. Not a little
' good paper is being wasted in petitions
to congress for an immediate reduction
of letter nostaee to 1 cent. It is one of
the moral certainties of the future that
1-cent postage will be supplied. . But we
have already, weight and distances con
sidered, the cheapest postage in the There is no hardship to any part
of the public in keeping the letter rate
at 2 cents until the postoffice revenues
warrant a sweeping reduction. The
present appeals for 1-cent postage comes
' almost entirely from, the big cities, and
especially from buRiuess firms which
mail large quantities of letters daily. It
is evident that there is no appreciable
burden upon the masses of the people in
maintaining the 2-cent rate for the pres
ent. A reduction to 1 cent would pri-
marily benefit the very class that is best
able to pay its postage bills. The farm
ers and other dwellers in the country are
much more interested in securing free
postaUelivery than in a reduction of
postage. When the letter rate was reduced
from 3 cents to 2 cents a deficit in the
annual postoffice revenues was created.
That deficit has never been overcome,
although at the present rate of increase
a few years more will bring the post
office revenues to a self sustaining basis.
But, while the last reduction was only
one-third of the whole, the present
proposition is to reduce the revenues
from lettes postage by one-half. The
annual deficit, it is estimated, would be
increased at a single stroke something
like $20,000,000. The treasury could not
stand it just now, even if the demand
for 1-cent postage were more urgent
than it is.
Wolves From Minnesota.
Concord, la., May 6. Starving and
ferocious wolves from upper Minnesota
"are destroying livestock in this county,
and across in Illinois, at an expensive
rate, and in some places human life is
not sate because at their ferocious na
ture. They have been driven out of their
seclusion in the Minnesota forests, by
fires of the early fall and winter left the
wild beasts without any kind of food,
and they came down the ice on the Mis
sissippi river and sought food and shel
ter among the farmers in . Hancock
county, and in other localities.' From
many sources come reports of losses of
domestic animals, and a general on
slought on wolves will be begun. . The
farmers, however, are at a Toss as to a
successful method of warfare against the
nndesired immigrants. The wolves, by
tbeir hunger, are bolder than the dogs,
and the latter are unwilling to attack
them. "'..
Gen. Miles Will Investigate.
Chicago, May 5. Gen. Miles today
received dispatch from Bal Wade, in
the Indian territory, saying that many
Cheyenne and Arapahoe Indians called
on him and protested against paying ex
orbitant fees to attorneys whom they
had never employed to secure their en
try papers. These lawyers intruded
themselves on the ..Indians and filed
claims for attorneys' fees in the land
office, which were allowod. The Indians
claim they are defrauded and urge Wade
to layhe grievance before Gen. Miles,
in whom the Indians have Confidence,
but who is powerless in the matter. .
A Light 8entece,
- Santa Barbara, Cafcj- May!'4i-Th
term of eighteen months-' imposed pori
the bigamist DV W.1 ' il8Wtitim'46ea
not please Lis two wives herewho' were
very anxious to have the betrayer of
their ' confidence severely ' punished.
Mc Walters is well connected in this
state and Is evidently well off. It is
said that still another of his mnny wives
was heard-from and that her intended
visit here to prosecute him caused the
sudden change in his assertions of in
nocence. ".'."'.-: '"'-.-. . - '.'."-,,'
A Weak Grand Btand. , -
Austin, Texas, May 6. At a political
meeting held in . Cleburn yesterday t
errand stand, loaded with people, col
lapsed, and several were more or less in
jured, but fortunately no lives were lost
Professors of Arson In Frisco. -
San Francisco, May 5. The trial of
Martin Handley and his wife for arson
has ended in a disagreement. The ac
cased were charged with firing their
house, which contained less than $ 100
worth of furniture, to obtain an insur
ance of $1,500. '
American Money In Samoa.
Sydney, it. S. W., May 5. A steamer
has just arrived from Apia, Samoa, and
brings information that everything is
quiet in the islands. The merchants
have abandoned the use of Chilian
money, and have adopted English, Ger
man and American gold and English
and American silver.
Chinese Restricted.
Washington, May 6. President Har
rison approved the Chinese bill ' yester
day. The bill was sent to the president
at noon. It is contended by some the
existing Chinese restrictions expire to
day, and that Chinese could freely enter
the United States unless the president
signed the bill at once but they were
restricted. '
A Few Crossed Orer.
Detroit, May 5. At midnight four
Chinamen took advantage of the expira
tion of the Chinese exclusion act and
crossed to this side, landing near the
Wabash depot. ' After an exciting chase,
in which an officer fired two shots, the
fugitives were captured and taken to the
police station. It is supposed other
Mongolians crossed Sunday night; .
The Baltimore at Astoria.
Astoria, May 6. The hills were
ered with people to. see the war
Baltimore pass Fort Canby coming in
It was supposed that a regular engage
ment would be indulged in as the mam
moth - men-of-war passed under the
heavy guns of that tort from the salute
tendered to her.' But no powder was
wasted. The salutes will be fined on
the day we celebrate. The cruiser an
chored off Smiths point where she was
visited by a committee of the centennial
celebration. . ';"...
Telegraphic Flashes.
A London syndicate has contracted to
raise a Portuguese loan of $20,000,000.
Gov. Flower's name will certainly be
presented at Chicago, as a presidential
candidate favored by Senator Hill.
Austria will prosecute the Neue Frele
Presse for publishing Wilbrandt's novel,
which approves of the conduct of the
thief in railing at the Saviour on the
cross. - . . . -
me weauing ot Uount Bismarck it is
reported will take place shortly with
Margarety Hoy as. The countess is
grand-daughter of Robert Whitehead,
inventor of the Whitehead torpedo, and
is said to be wealthy.
. Telegram. Maj. Hand bury says there
are now 40 men at work on the cascade
locks, which is about as large a force as
the money on hand will warrant ; but
should another appropriation be made
the force will be greatly increased. ;
. ine lame, tne halt and the blind are
again coming into Pittsburg, Pa., in
large numbers to see Father . Mollinger,
the faith-cure prieet, and to the shrine
of St. Anthony in the chapel -on Troy
hill. Most of the newcomers are from
the south, and some of them are so weak
they cannot walk, and have to be hauled
aoout in cnairs. . .
'" Most all of the nominations on the
republican state ticket in Illinois were
made on the first ballot. Gov. Fifer was
renominated. The last : clause of the
platform demands further legislation to
effectually exclude paupers, criminals,
and contract' laborers, and favors the re
peal of the present compulsory school
law, and an enactment which will allow
parents to send children to parochial
schools. : . . .-.
Louis Webber, the manager of the
millinery' department ' of Donaldson's
glass block store, Minneapolis, has had
his wife run away from him, byJFred
Underwood, general manager of the Soo
railroad,' and Louis Watson, a well
known operator on the chamber of com
merce, who is engaged to marry an esti
mable and highly-connected young lady
of Minneapolis. She was traced to. the
Colonnade hotel in St. Paul, where she
was registered under the name of Mrs.
Peters. Webber, it appears, had tried
in vain to see his wife, but was always
refused admittance. ' He claims that the
two men are working together, and that
they are keeping his wife under ,the in
fluence of liquor, so that she cannot ' re
turn to him. He threatens to bring suit
for heavy damages against the two men
for their actions. ' . - .
Tne Tendency Growin Toiether in
: Both old Parties. "
The Close States Decided by the Float
ing Votes Passing Away.
Independence at the Polls Will be
aluable aid to Purification of
Politics Minor Mention. ' .
Uhicago, May b. rue situation in
this campaign year, as regards the inde
pendent vote, is different from that of
any former presidential campaign. This
opinion is based On a comparison of
election returns in recent years in the
central western states with those east of
the Alleghanies. It is claimed that for
ten years past the republican and dem
ocratic strength in the western states
has been steadily growing together, as
far as stalwart votes go, until there is
now hardly any appreciable difference
between them. But in the west the
greatest development of the independent
vote is also shown. This is placed as
high as ten per cent, of the whole, suffi
cient to turn the tide of a national elec
tion on national issues. There is some
force in the argument that the ordinary
close states; New York. Indiana and
Connecticut; are generally decided by
tne floating vote, and not by genuine
independence among the intelligent
electors. But these conditions are pass
ing away. The doubtful states of the
future will probably be in the Miss
issippi valley. Their uncertainty will
not be due to a meager floating vote,
but to freedom from party dictation
when important national issues are at
stake. When this fact becomes 'appar
ent, political managers will pay no more
attention to issues than to' campaign
funds. Independence at the ' polls .will
not dispense with the work of the great
parties. But it will be a valuable aid to
the purification of politics. " When two
closely matched parties are confronted
with an independent vote sufficient ' to
turn the scale either' way, the men and
measures they put forward for approval
will be the best.
.. - ; Down To Death.
St. Louis, May 6. Four coaches of
the Chicago limited, from San Francisco,
went through a bridge on the Atchison,
Topeka and Santa Fe, near Medill, Mo.,
yesterday morning. The disaster was
caused by . a water .spout, the falling
rains carrying . away the bridge. The
train plunged directly into the water
from the broken rails. 'The - cars must
have been piled on top of one another.
The wrecked cars are the engine, tender,
baggage car, a coach, chair-car, tourist
sleeper and one Pullman. ' The dead
and injured were taken to Fort Madison.
The killed were mostly from points in
Missouri, and of the injured fifteen are
resident of Chicago. At the scene of the
accident a fifty-foot arch spans what is
usually a dry ravine. It is supposed the
heavy rains weakened and Anally dis
placed it. . This train is . usually well
filled with the best class of passengers,
a score of whom are believed to be
drowned. Among the killed are the
engineer and fireman. '
The Epwortli League.
Omaha, May 6. One of the most ' im
portant works of the Methodist general
conference, now in session here will be
its legislation for the Epworth league,
the young peoples'. society ofthechurch.
This organization, which has grown up
entirely within the quadrennium, has
developed in a remarkable manner. Its
third anniversary , will be celebrated
May 15th, when great meetings of young
people will be held in many churches.
On the 22d ins& the . Epworth .league
will have full swing at Omaha, and vast
preparations are being made for the oc
casion by the committees at the" seat of
the conference. -'This society has nearly
8,000 chapters and an . estimated , mem
bership of about 500,000. ft has also
been adopted as 'the young people's so
ciety of the Methodist Episcopal church
south and the Methodist church of Can-
ada.J&The first international convention
will be held in Cleveland, July, 1893.
The general ; conference .will 'probably
elect a general secretary for the society,
and make provision for its work as a
part of the church machinery. , ,
. DTolman Shown Up. .
Washington, May 7. If Rep. Holman
has made anything, either for himself,
the state which he is presumed to rep
resent or saved a dollar", justly to the
government by his senseless obstruction,
there is hot a man living who knows it.
His hypocrisy was shown up in its true
colors, yesterday on a motion of Reed
to strike out a useless item in the
appropriation bill, relating to the
Miama, in Holman'is district. It was
done as a pretext upon which to base
one of the severest lampoonings Holman
has ever received in his career. The
best part of it all was that nearly: every
person on the floor of the bouse, demo
crats as well as republicans, enjoyed the
severe remarks of the ex-speaker to the
fullest extent. It was shown beyond all
question that Holman was only a re
former and in favor of retrenchment
when it did not affect the state of Indi
ana, or his own congressional district,
Speaker Eeed charged him with never
opposing any appropriation for his own
state, and Holman denied- this by say
ing that he- voted against the swamp
land proposition, which would have
been of great benefit to his state. Mc
Rae, of Arkansas, was promptly on hia
feet, and denied Holman's statements
in the most-emphatic manner.. - The
fact is Holman is a humbug of the worst
kind, and was only placed at' the. head
of the appropriation committee as a part
of the bargain by : which Crisp was
elected speaker, and to carry ' out the
record of false economy upon which the
democrats propose to predicate their
present campaign. . The exposure of his
humbuggery and hypocrisy was one of
the enjoyable occasions of the week.
Bunted the Combination.
Alleghany, Pa., May 7. Frank E
Moran, treasurer of the Duncan B. Har
rison and John L. Sullivan combination,
was arrested yesterday on a charge of
embezzling. .The information was made
by Duncan B. Harrison, Moran has
been with Sullivan for many years, and
accompanied him to Australia. He is
to have a hearing in Pittsburg' today.
The Intelligence of the Columbia Ri
"J, er Salmon.
t - -
The reporter was in front of the
Umatilla house "waiting for" the arrival of
the one o'clock passenger. Tom O'Con
ner, of the Cosmopolitan, was there on
the same business and stood a few feet
to the east. A little beyond was Colonel
Sinnott and a tenderfoot from St. Louis.
The Colonel was pouring a lingual tor
rent of information, about the habits of
the Columbia river salmon, into the ear
of the tenderfoot, who stood with mouth
agape drinking it all in like a sucker.
Tom O'conner beckoned with bis off eye
to the ' reporter . who approached
within hearing distance. "Intelligent?
said the Colonel. "Why my dear sir a
salmon is the most intelligent thing yon
ever saw Up the river a few . miles
there is a fall of sixty feet. How do you
suppose the salmon all get over that
fall?" "I d don't know," said the
Saint Louis man, meekly. "Well I'll
tell you. They fix a day the salmon,
mean, for jumping over the falls.
When the time comes they put all the
little weak salmon under the falls .and
the big ones make one tremennous dash
and shoot the little ones np over the
falls by sheer force." "But how do the
big ones get over?" was the next ques
tion. "How do they get over? Why,
sir, it's a fact ; they just gather them
selves np like a hoop.' Each salmon
puts its tail in its mouth and then
makes a flip . like that" suiting the
flipping of - his fore finger from his
thumb to the word "and over they
are. Why sir, I saw . -. a salmon
one day take a little one by the fin, and
jump over the falls with the little one in
its mouth... May be you don't believe it,
bnt it 's a fact nevertheless., . Why, sir;
forty years ago"' . . ; - -..
But just then the Colonel observed the
reproachful glance of the reporter, whose
look was as much as to say ; " You're at
your old tricks." The Colonel smiled a
little innocent smile, and stopped as if to
catch his breath, when the tenderfoot ex
claimed r''Geewhitaker! Is there any
more liars like you in this country any
where?"' " .
In the Street Car Easiness. . f
Evansville, Ind., May 8. Russell B.
Harrison, J. R. Delamer, of Boise City,
Idaho, and associates," are here for the
purpose of concluding a deal for buying
up the controlling interest in the local
street car lines. Harrison represents an
eastern broker's house, Delamer is a
millionaire.; They will also bond the
road, besides holding the 'majority of the
stock. While here Harrison put in some
good licks for his father..; He denies in
toto the charges printed in a Chicago
paper in relation to his connection with
Secretary Noble and Yellowstone park.
Baltimore : Meeting For CleTelanfl,
Tariff and
A Protest in Advance, Against all At
tempts at a Compromise.
Will Not Stand for Sllrer Kings, Mine
Owners, and Others Hostile to
the People. '
. Baltimore, May 6. The young dem
ocracy of Maryland had a large meeting
last night under the auspices ". of the
Cleveland tariff reform club. Resolutions
were adopted demanding that no dele
gate be chosen to the national conven
tion who shall not have given an indu
bi table pledge that he favors tariff r.e
form . and the nomination of Graver
Cleveland. As regards the tariff and
silver, the resolutions say : "We pro
test in advance against all attempts at a
compromise, equivocations or straddles
in regard to these great, issues, as cow
ardly and dishonoring to the democratic
party, as it is to the"interest of tariff op
pressors: silver kings and mine-owners
and hostile to the true interests of the
people, and, whether intended or not,
calculated to place the democratic party
in a false position, and bring about its
defeat for the benefit -of those two
classes." .- v "
Old Dangers in China Renewed.
Omaha, May 7. In the M. E. general
conference yesterday the committee on
Chinese exclusion made no report, as it
had learned that the bill had been signed
by the president, therefore it was too late
to take action until the exact wording
and condition of the bill was ascertained;
Dr. Swindell offered a motion to have
the question referred to the committee
on the state of the' church. He feared
the passage of the bill would jeopardize
the lives and property of missionaries in
China, and wanted the matter considered
and disposed of so the conference might
be thoroughly informed as to the actual
state of affairs. The matter was finally
referred to another special committee
of five ministers and four laymen.
Grare Danger to Chicago.
Chicago, May 6. 4s a result' of the
tremendous rains this week there is
grave danger that the immense amount
of sewage now being discharged into the
lake will reach the crib and pollute the
city's water supply. . The officials hope
the flood may subside in - time to enable
them to commence pumping back into
the Illinois and Michigan canal. Rivers
all over the country . are out of their
banks. .
. Very . tight Sentenee. "
. London,' May 6. Charles"Mowbray
publisher, and David J. Nichol, editor
of the anarchist paper Common Weal,
were tried today for counseling the mur
der of the authorities who caused the
conviction of the Walsall anarchists.
Nichol was . sentenced , to eighteen
months at hard labor, and . Mowbray
was acquitted on the ground that he was
not connected with the paper at the
time the article was published..
Jay Gould's Illness. a
Santa Fr, May .7. About . ten days
ago Jay Gould was so much worse - that
relatives and a minister went sent for,
and came here from the east. - He is yet
quite ill and confined to his bed in his
private car at Albuquerqe.
- " The Japs Mast Go, Tod.
San Francisco, May 6. Sixteen Japs
arrived from ' Nanaiino on the steamer
Grandholm today. ". Controller PheJps re
fused to ; land them ; as they were
an undesirable-looking lot of emigrants,
and will send them back to Nanaimo.':
- - Impeached Him. '
Ottawa, May 7. After two weeks the
impeachment of Sir ' Adolphe . Caron,
postmaster-general .. of Canada,' " for
malfeasance in office, was accomplished
yesterday. Bribery was of the specifica
tion, and the amount involves nearly
$1,000,000.. . : , - -
- May JExport Corn.' j
St. Petersburg, May 6. The govern
ment grain commission has recom
mended the exportation of tuaUe from
he southern ports of Russia.
' Nebraska Snowed Under.
Rushviile, May 8. Snow has fallen
here during the past thirty-eight hours
to a depth of 16 inches. It will be severe
on the cattle in the sandhills and will
retard farm work.
- - Illinois High Water.
Peoria, May 8. The river is still a
raging torrent, and has rieen seven in
ches in twenty-four hours tip to this
morning. Since then the water has
been' so rough no measurements could
be made. It is believed it will not rise
much more.
Fast Train for Fruit.
Chicago, May 9. Arrangements have
been completed for carrying fruit from
California to the east, via Chicago at a
fast rate. The total time for the journey
will be "108 hours to Chicago and 156
hours to New York. ' This reduces the
time of delivery by almost one-half.
Irish Home Role.
New Yoek, May 8. It is not too much
to say that with Lord Salisbury's speech.
yesterday the question of home rule foiv
Ireland has entered upon n new phase.
If the protest from Ulster may have had
no effect upon Gladstone, they have
made a deep impression on Salisbury. .
The Russian Famine. '
London, May 8.-News from the fam
ine districts of Russia id very gloomy.
Scurvy has followed the epidemics of the
typhus and smallpox, which have swept
over the afflicted provinces. The peo
ple of Snratoff are the greatest sufferers.
The emaciated condition of the peasants
leaves them an easy prey to the disease.
Thousands of the sick go without food or
nursing until death enda their "misery.
Eighteen Car-loads of Horses.
Umatilla, Or., May 8. John Switzlor,
the veteran horse raiser, today made the
largesi saie oi wna norses mat nas Deen
made in the famous horse heaven coun
try for several years. An Iowa drover
named Jackson bought eighteen carloads.
The horses are all in' fine condition and
will be shipped to Iowa in a few days.
He paid an average price of $20 per head.
Cardinal Manning's Successor.
London, May 8. The introduction of
Dr. V aughn as archbishop oi Westmin
ster, to succeed the late Cardinal Man
ning,' took, place in the pro-cathedral,
this morning. All the canons of the
diocese ami manv bishops assisted in
the ceremonies, and a great crowd was
present. The newly-created archbishop -
delivered an address full of feeling and
eloquence. - '-'
The Proposed Uulrerslty. v
Omaha, Neb., May 8. Some 25,000
people were present at a mass meeting
in imposition hall this afternoon, at
which the American University and
Christian Education were the prevail
ing themes. All the addresses' were
with reference to' the proposed great-
university at Washington for college
graduates only, and which will not be
opened till an endowment' fund of $5,
000,000 is secured. A resolution was.
adopted asking the bishops to designate
October 16 as Columbia Day, when sub
scriptions will be asked for the univer
sity. ,. . . - . -
- Hideous Cruelty.
San Francisco, - May 8. Shanghai
newspapers which - arrived from the
Orient yesterday contain full accounts of
the atrocious torture of Chinese sus
pected of being accomplices of Mason in
his foolish scheme of rebellion against
the government. The poor wretches
who were accused declared they were
simply hired by Mason and knew noth
ing of his plot. An English reporter got -into
the prison and saw one of the tort
ured men. His legs were paralvzed -
from torture and the legs of another
bad just been removed from the torture
chamber, could not be seen. The for
eign consuls at Shanghai have appealed
to the government to suppress this
u;j r u
. The Appropriation BUI. .
Washington May 9 It was quite cer
tain the appropriation bill would, pass
the house today. The democrats, of
course, have ' failed in their idea . of
economy, because it is found that this
government, in order to be carried on
must. have the necessary money for that
purpose, btrange.aa it may appear, no
person in the house of representatives
raised his voice against any of the items ;
in this hill which Rep. Hermann, of
. 1 1 . . .1 Tl
vrreguu, uas iiau jwrortvu.' i. ith ex
pected some of the economists would
make a fight against the cascade locks, '
especially as it authorized the contract '
for the completion of the work, but
Rep. Hermann had so thoroughly can
vassed the house, and shown how neces
sary were all the. improvements which
Oregon bad in the bill, that no objection
was offered. No attempt was made to
amend either the Washington or Oregon
improvements. , -