The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, May 06, 1892, Image 5

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The Weekly Ghroniele.
FRIDAY - - - - - MAY 6, 1892
From the Dally Chronicle, Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Fraser, f Monk-
land, are in the city.
E. H. Clarno, S. Malone and Miss S
Malone of Antelope are at the Umatilla
O. B. Hartley, Vof Hood River, drove
t through the city today thirty-sir head
of beef cattle which he purchased
in Sherman county. ,
Fat Fegan, the popular tailor, intends
to make a trip to Cherry Creek, Crook
county, leaving by the Prineville stage
Sunday morning. He expects to be
gone till Thursday or Friday.
All reports that reach this office are to
the effect that fall and spring grain
never looked better at this time of year
if it ever looked as well. So far we have
not learned that any serious injury has
- been done to fruit by the late frosts.
A. G. Johnson has become thrice a
grandfather by the birth of a daughter
to the wife of his son Hollis. The child
was born in this city today, at the resi
dence of Mrs. Johnson's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. J. B. Dow. Mother and child
are doing well.
Dr. U. U. and Mrs. Jtlolnster will go
down to Portland on the evening pas
senger to hear the Bostonions in the
opera of Robin Hood. As the doctor in
tends to return by -Sunday noon hia
patients ought to hustle and get well be
fore he gets back.
Mrs. Farrelly, an 'old and much es
teemed resident of this city, and her
three daughters left this morning on the
Regulator for Portland where they in
tend to make their future home. Mr.
Farrelly is already there in the employ
of the D. P. and A. N. Co., and Mrs.
Farelly goes to rejoin her husband and
take charge of the Revere house.
Miss Alice Hamill, of Chicago, who
gave an entertainment Here last ween
Under the uspices of the Good Intent
Bociety returned to the city last evening
and is stopping at the European House.
Miss Hamill has been engaged to teach
a class in elocution and the Delsarte
system of physical culture at the public
school every afternoon at 4 o'clock.
The town got quietly rid of seven
hobos last night. Marshal Gibons and
Con Howe visited the East End a little
before midnight and gathered up the
seven and placed them on the midnight
passenger. An eighth one was discov
ered lying in a shed near the ice house
after the train had gone, and him they
gathered into the city calaboose.
A generous sample present from the
Dalles Mercantile Co., enables the
Chronicle to bear practical testimony to
the excellent quality of their fine teas.
This enterprisiag firm makes a specialty
of this class of merchandise and no
.house in this city or elsewhere keeps a
better variety or sells at more reasonable
prices. The firm handles the well
known tea inlports of the well known
firm of McCondray & Co., whose M. M.
teas are known far and wide and for ex
cellence, aroma and superior quality
cannot be excelled anywhere. The
Dalles Mercantile Co., handles these
teas in all grades, put up in neat,
stylish packages. Any one who tries i
a sample package will be made a
customer of the Dalles Merchantile Co.,
for life. Put this statement to the proof
by investing in one package.
Father Remmington, of this city, met
with an accident a little after 6 o clock
this morning, that might have proved
quite serious. His grandson, a boy of
seventeen years, had been trying to
ahoot a squirrel that bad been bothering
the chickens, when the pistol prema
turely exploded and the ball passing
through the wall of the house, entered
the old gentleman's thigh about an inch
to the lelt of the medium line, passing
ut about the same point opposite. The
ball did not strike the bone nor any of
the large blood vessels and Dr. Eshel
man who dressed the wound, anticipates
no serious results unless blood poisoning
ahoultf set in.. At last report the patient
was few ting as well as could be expected.
The home of Mrs. George P. Morgan
was, on Wednesday last, the scene of one
"of the most enjoyable events in the an
nals of the Ladies' Aid society of the
Congregational church. The occasion of
the event being the near departure of
one of their loved members, Mrs. Drew.
It was planned as a complete surprise to
her, and after spending an hour or so in
the agreeable way which the ladies of
Aid Society know so well, Mrs. Drew
was invited by Mrs. Curtis to visit the
breaking of the ties which severed one
loved member from the rest. With a re
gretful good bye to each other, and to
their perfect hostess, the ladies departed,
the following being present: Mrs. Isa
bella Grav. Mrs. S. K. Brooks, Mrs. C.
Donnell, Mrs. W.S. Myers, Mrs. Drew,
Mrs. Stewart, Mrs. Beers, Mrs. Marden,
Mrs. A. R. Thompson, Mrs. Geo. Blake-
ley, Mrs. Condon, Mrs. Cushing, Mrs.
Pease. Sr.. Mrs. Pease, ir., Mrs B. S.
Huntington, Mrs. A. A. Brown, Mrs. J.
M. Patterson, Mrs.. R. F. Gibons, Mrs.
Ralph Gibons. Mrs. Curtis, Mrs. C. C.
Cooper, Mrs. Fred Bayley, Mrs. W. E.
Rinehart, Mrs. Morgan, Mrs. E. P.
Roberts and Miss Roberts.
dining room, where, before-trer astonish
ed eyes, appeared two long tables, very
artistically arranged by Mrs. R. F. Gib-
ons, extending the whole length of the
large dining room. Before each guest
was a lovely .button-hole bouquet, sup
plied by Mrs. Harden. Just before the
quests were seated one of the members
stepped forward and- presented Mrs.
Drew with a beautiful decorated souve
nir album, on the pages of which were
-written words, of . love and -remembrance
by the members, and if any one
had peered in the window at that time,
he would have seen more than one pafr
of eyes moistened by the thought of the
From the Daily Chronicle, Saturday.
T. H. Johnston of Dufur, is in the
Robert Kelly of Kingsley, came into
town last night.
Elder P. P. Underwood of Bovd gave
the Chronicle a pleasant call today.
Hon. W. R. Ellis, passed through the
city today on the noon passenger.
' O. L. Stranahan and L. E. Morse of
Hood River, came up today on the noon
passenger. '
Penumbra Kelly, the present sheriff
of Multnomah county has concluded to
run for the same office on an independent
The contract for the lumber, to be used
in the Prinz and Nitschke building now
in course of erection, was awarded today
to William Butler & Co.
Night Watchman G. C. Bills pulled a
couple of citizen yesterday whom he
found fighting on the public ' streets.
They had their trial before the recorder
this afternoon.
The agency in The Dalles for the cele
brated Albany woohn mills, has been
placed with Mr." C. F. Stephens, and he
has now on hand a full line of the goods.
Call and inspect before purchasing. .
Mr. Kelley, of Oakland, California,
who lately drove in a band of prime
beef cattle from the South, sold them to
the Seattle market. The stock was
weighed and delivered here, in The
Dalles, and all parties concerned were
well satisfied.
The large vocalion organ bought by E
Jacobsen & Co., for the M. E. Church of
this city, arrived from the factory this
morning, and hands were busy all day
placing it in position. ' Its first use, we
understand, will be at a concert given in
the near future for the benefit of the or
gan fundi
Supt. Troy Shelly, of this county, has
prepared the annual apportionment of
public funds to be disbursed to the var
ions school districts.. There are fifty'
four districts in the county, and 2,870
pupils enrolled. ' The funds to the dis
tricts aggregates $2,625 ; to the pupils,
$6,457.50 ; total $9,083.50.
A new postoffice has been established
on Eight-Mile, to be called Endersby,
after Captain Endersby. The post-
office will be at the residence of George
W. Fligg who has been appointed post
master. Mr., iligg s place is about a
quarter of a mile south of the Endersby
crossing, lne service nas not yet been
established but is expected to be in a
short time. .
George Burlingame, of this city, has
just got an increase of pension from six
to ten dollars a month. Mr. Burlin
game enlisted in 1861 in the sixth Rhode
Island light artillery, and served sixteen
months, when he was taken prisonsr at
the battle of Malvern bill. He was con
fined for nine weeks in Libby prison
entering that murderous den weighing
150 pounds and coming out weiging
ninety pounds.
A party of ladies and gentlemen from
this city went down yesterday- to Hood
River on the evening train, and "sur
prised" Mr. and Mrs. George Herbert,
the genial host and hostess of the
Mount Hood hotel. The visitants
were Judge Blakely and wife, 'Judge
Bradshaw and wife, Editor Geo. P. Mor
gan ancl wife, J. M. Crossen and wife,
D. L. Cates and wife, W. H. Wilson and
wife, and Dr. Hugh Logan, thirteen in
all. The party report that their visit
was indeed a complete surprise to Mr.
and Mrs. Herbert and that a delightfully
pleasant time was spent till the arrival
of the train that brought them back to
this city at midnight.
. Last evening Judge Q. N. Denny was
presented with ajgroupof Chinese pheas
ants by Willamette rod and gun club,
Judge Whalley making the present, at a
banquet of the club, in a few very neat
ly expressed words. - The group of birds
was prepared by Capt. S. 8-Douglass,
at the suggestion of the writer of this
paragraph, and is One of the most hand-'
some things of the kind ever seen in Or
egon. Xne birds are life size, naturally
grouped, consisting of the male, the fe
male and little chicks, in an elaborate
concave frame, with landscape back
ground covered with a large convex glass.
It was intended to convey to Judge Den
ny some idea of appreciation of his ef
forts to add to the attractiveness of Or
egon by introducing-here the beautiful
and useful Mongolian pheasant.
- Learn from the burglar,
bother him who may get
his work? -
. The best be
Does it ever
the credit for
iDrine medicine is a dose or
two of St. Patrick's Pills. They not
onlv Dhvsic but cleanse the whole sys
tem and purify the blood. For sale by
Blakelev & Houghton, druggists, d&w
Two arrests were made last hieht for
fighting on the public streets and thtee
for vagrancy.
A traveling man who chanced to be
in the store of E. V. Wood, at McKees
Rocks, Pa., says while he was waiting
to see Mr. Wood, a little girl came in
with an emntv bottle labeled Chamber
lain's Pain Balm and said: "Mamma
wants another bottle of that medicine ;
she says it is the best medicine for
rheumatism she ever used." 50 cent
bottles for sale bv Blakeley & Houghton,
druggists. . d&w
What with the rustlers, the hustlers,
and the bustlers, this is getting to be a
great country.
Mr. J. P. Blaize, an extensive real
estate dealer in Des Moines, Iowa, nar
rowly escaped one of the severest at
tacks of pneumonia while in the north
ern part of that state during a recent
blizzard, says the Saturday Review. Mr.
Blaize had occasion to drive several
miles during the storm and was so thor
oughly chilled that be was unable to
get warm, and inside ot an nour atter
his return he was threatened with a
severe case of pneumonia or lung fever.
Mr. iilaize sent to the nearest drug store
and got a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough
Kerned y, of wnicn he had often neard,
and took a number of large doses. He
says the effect was wonderful and that
in a short time he was breathing quite
easily. He kept on taking the medicine
and the next day was able to come to
Des Moines. Mr. Blaize regards his
cure as simply wonderful. 50 cent
bottles for sale by Blakeley & Houghton
druggists. . j ' d&w
Sailboats are sometimes upset by
squall, and the same catastrophe occa
sionally visits young paterfamilies.
Saved from Death by Onions.
There has no doubt been more lives of
children saver from death in croup or
whooping cough by the Use of onions
than any other known remedy, our
mothers used to make poultices of them
or a syrup, which was always effectual
in breaking up a cough or cold. Dr,
Gunn's Onion Syrup is made by combin
ing a few simple remedies with it which
make it more effective as a medicine and
destroys the taste and odor of the onion.
50c. Sold by Blakeley & Houghton.
It may sound strange, but the night
mare that sits heaviest on presidential
candidates is the dark horse.
Dealer in
Staple and Fancy
I ro eerie
Snipes &Kinersly,
jff Special Prices to Cash Buyers.
Highest Prices paid for Produce,
Opposite Sklbbe'a Hotel. 3-18wtf
I offer for sale all "or a tart of mv
farm of 480 acres in Sec. 24, Xp. 1 south,
range east, lo miles southeast of The
Dalles ; good improvements, good young
five-acre orchard now bearing. tlentv ol
good water for house use and stock : 175
acres in cultivation, good outlet north,
east.south or west via county roads.
I also offer for sale 160 acres in section
26, township 1 south, range 14 east;
also, five head horse, one double set of
harness and a few farm implements, etc.
Prices reasonable, terms easv and title
good. For particulars come and see me
at The Dalles or J. H. Trout at the farm.
jan29-tf E. W. Tbout.
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.
When Baby was oleic, we gave her Castoria.
When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria,
When she became Hiss, she clung to Castoria,
When she had Children, she gare them Castoria
inis is tne season when, the young
squirrel perches upon a high limb and
watches the good little bov blowing
into a gun.
A Great Liver Medicine.
Dr. Gunn's Improved Liver Pills are a
sure cure for sick headache, bilious com
plaints, dyspepsia,- indigestion, costive
ness, torpid liver, etc. These pills in
sure perfect digestion, correct the liver
and stomach, regulate the bowels, nurifv
and enrich the blood and make the skin
clear. They also produce a good appe
tite and invigorate and strengthen the
entire system bv their tonic action.
They only require one pill for a dose and
never gripe or sicken, sold at 2d cents
a box by Blakeley & Houghton.
Mosier landing is the place where the
Gesang Verein Harmonie is to hold its
picnic on the 8th.
For the best wagon on earth tret the
Mitchell. For sale by J. M. Filloon & Co.
A Sure Cor for Files.
Itching Piles are known by moisture
like perspiration, causing intense itch
ing when warm. This form as well as
Blind, Bleeding or Protruding, yield at
once to Dr. Bosanko's Pile Remedy,
which acts directly on parts affected.
absorbs tumors, allays itching and ef
fects a permanent cure. 50 cents. Drue-
gists or mail. Circulars free. Dr. Bo
sanko, 329 Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa.
Sold by-Blakeley & Houghton. -
License to wed was issued last Satur
day to George C. Robertson and Bertha
Sperry. ' - - '
The erection of an additional story to
the Prinz & Nitschke building for a pub
lic hall, has not been favorably con
sidered. ,
IEiJTudnt jaGR;.
Will Stand for thespjisnn f 1H9 nt. mr rnnfli
on Juniper Flat. He in 1514 hands hitrh. and
weighs 1100 pounds.
Fifteen Dollars for the season, payable after
harvest, with the privllcRe of breeding back next
season, if a mare does not prove in foal.
Pasture at reasonable rates. .
3-11 w8t Tygh Valley.
Ittiii Mi lists.
Handled by Three Registered Druggists.
Patent medicines and Druggists Sundries,
Agents for Murphy's Fine Varnishes and the only agents in
the City for The Sherwin, Williams Co.'s Paints.
The Largest Dealers in Wall Paper.
Finest Line of Imported Key West and Domestic Cigars.
Agent for Tansill's Punch.
129 Second Street,
The Dalles, Oregon
TneCoiumDia Packing Co..
Pork and Beef.
We have just received a large assortment of C, D and E
widths of Ladies' fine shoes and a full stock of lawn
tennis shoes with perforeald inner soles.
Leather and findings for sale.
Repairing Neatly and Expeditiously ' Done.
Fine Lard.1 and Sausages
Curers of BRAND
Dried Beef, Etc.
Masonic Bnilding,
The Dallea. Or,
x Uu7SSLI7Z?,riLl3
Act ca new principle-.
tegalate the liver, etomsch
and bowels through the
nerve. Dr. Milks' Pills
ipeedily cure biliousness,
torpid liver and conAtipa
Hon. Smallest, mildest,
sored tl SOdoses,2St .
oampies iree a arugguir
fir. Iilet ltd. U, Elk tut
Looses ilirJr
Late Eec. C. S. Land Office.
Notary Fnbli
U.S. Land OfiBce Attorneys
Booms 7 and 8, 17. 8. Land
Office Building,
Rev.. Isaiah Burlingame has lost a cow
and a mare, fram his ranch on Fifteen
mile creek, four miles beyond Dufur.
The cow is a blue color, horns sawed off,
and a circle with a dot in it on one hip.
The mare is white, two brands on her,
one in the shape of an S.- Any informa
tion will be suitably rewarded. 4-29-Im.
: Pnre Yellow -Dent Seed Corn, extra
early, for sale at Joles -Bros. 4-20dwlOt
la all fbrmi, Patlpltatism,
Pain la Side. Moulder ud
fcher Breath. OmrtHlon, Aathm.
Swollen AmUes. Weak, aad Smothering
aUs, Droper. Wild la Btomrh, etc., re
A nsw discovery by the eminent Indiana Special
ist. A. h Davit, Silver Creek, Neb., after taking
four bottles of HEAHT 4? THE felt better
tban be bad for rjrelve years. "For tblrty yean
troubled with Heart Disease; two bottles of
DR. MILES' HEART CURE eored me.-Lerl
Logsn, Buchanan. Mich." K. B. Stutson, Ways
Station, Ja. bas taken DR. MILES' HEART
CURE for Heart trouble with great results. Mrs.
La Bar, Pltchbnrg, Hich., was til for 16 yeara with
Heart Disease, had to hire bouse help, lived on
liquid food; used Dr. Miles' Heart Cure and
all pains left her; constant use cured her. Fine
Illustrated book TBJEB at druggists, or address
Dr.Mlles' Mvdieal Co.,lkhart,lnd.
Filings, Contests,
Aad Bosaess of all Kinds Before the Local
- and General Laa OSei
Promptly Attended to.
Over Sixteen Years Experience.
- .:.( . WB ALSO DO A-
General Real Esiate Snslness.
All Correspondence Promptly Answered.
A. H. CURTIS, Prop.
Flour of the Best Qual
, ity Always on Hand.
(Successors to L. D. Frank, deceased.)
A General Line of
Horse Furnishing Goods.
WbolesalB anfl Retail Dealers in Harness, Bridles, Whips, Horse Blankets, Etc. :.
. . Full Assertment of Mexican SaflOlery Plain or Stamped. ; y .
' Flour, Grain, Fruit and Mill Feed.
& Houghton,
175 Second Street, - Thie Dalles, Oregon
A full line of all-the Standard Patent Medicines,
' ' Drugs, Chemicals, Etc.
Country and Mail Orders will receive prompt attention.
Argand Stoves and Ranges, Garland Stoves and
flanges, Jemell's Stoves and flanges, Universal Stoves and flanges.
We ape also agents for the Celebrated Boynton Farnaee.
, - ; Ammunition and Loaded Shells, Ete.
Xj. skxbbzi.
. ff H". il I'll iff- l