The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, May 06, 1892, Image 1

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Jactson Part Visited liy a . Terrifflc
Wind Storm.
The Thirty-Acre Building of the Liberal
Arts Laid Waste.
A Tremble, Rocking, a Deafening
Roar, a Forward Flung, a Crumb
ling Waste and Wreck.
. Chicago, April 28. During a gale
that swept through Jackson Park yes
terday afternoon, sections of the south
and west walls of the manufacturers'
and liberal arts building of the world's
fair were wrecked. This is the biggest
building on the grounds. One tornado
followed another. About 1:30 p. m.,
the first one bit the big building at the
southeast corner, and tore out 100
feet of the latticed woodwork that served
as awall. Three men were injured in
the wreck. Half an hour later another
tornado tore through the park, and in
" its path;; left the wreck of the west wall,
100 feet long and sixty-six feet high.
Nobody was injured in the fall. When
the first section tumbled' down all the
employes climbed down from the build
ing. Nearly all of them were crowded
about the wrecked section when the
second tornado did the greatest damage.
Scores of workmen would have been
carried down with the falling timbers
had the west section given way first.
Warned of their peril by the collapse of
the south wall, they hurried down before
the second section fell. The wind blew
great guns all day, but the laborers kept
at their work. After the first crash
Frank Agnew, contractor for the carpen
ter work on the building, ordered his
men to make ready for another shock by
bracing the weaker sections of the build-
ing. He was confident that the west
wall would stand against any storm, but
had less confidence in the strength of
the east wall, which stretches 1,718 feet
-wr along the lake shore and is fully exposed
to the winds. Before his orders could be
carried out the second gale swept through
the park. It also came from the south?
" west and rushed through the building
with frightful velocity. The tornado
seemed to describe a circle across the
30-acre floor and strike the extreme
northwest corner of the building. The
first damage was done at the southeast
corner The massive timbers trembled
and shook for an instant before the
blast. The whole section rocked, and a
deafening roar sounded through - the
building. One of the heavy wall-piers
at the very corner of the building snap
ped and plunged forward with the cen
ter of the wall, and as it fell it carried
down the next pier south of it. The
jirhole wall crumbled, falling down by
piers and trusses, like so many blocks in
. a row. In an instant the entire section,
700 feet long and sixty-six feet high, was
piled on the floor. The few workmen
who remained at their posts went down
with the wreck, but escaped injury.
.Three of them jumped to save their lives.
This building is the largest fair building
in the world. It is 1,700 feet long by
t 150 feet wide, and will cost $1 ,500,000.
Alaska Explorers Misting.
Victoria, B. C, April 28. Grave
fears are entertained as to the safety of
John Ingersoll and Steve Vaughn, who
- left last November on a prospecting and
... trapping expedition around Cape Cau
- ;; tion. They were last seen in the middle
of December, by Frank Rothwell, who
. was also on a similar trip to that region.
, When they left Alert bay they only took
provisions.. to last until March 1, the
, time they expected to return. . Inquiries
f . have been made of all the steamers and
. canoes coming down the coast, but no
. one appears to have seen or heard any
thing of them. It is feared they . have
met with some accident, as Cape : Can-'
tion and the adjacent waters are not
very safe for boats. Vaughn has a wife
and family in Seattle. .
;' A.Denver Conspiracy.
" , . Denver, April 28. A. sensational ex
; posure was made daring the hearing of
. the attachment suit against the defunct
liquor firm of Boehman A Co. by the
first national bank. . The firm failed for
250,000. A member of the Hound city
distilling company stated daring the trial
: that Boehman A Co. and Nagle' &
Becker, liquor brokers of Chicago, had
entered into a conspiracy, whereby the
former was to purchase through them
goods amounting to $4,000,000 and then
fail, the Chicago firm to share the
nrofits. In this way over $50,000 worth
was disposed t)f in Chicago, Denver and
the east. An attachment of the bans
cm declared void on the ground the
discounted paper was not given for a
National Bank Failure.
. Washington, April 28. In the house
the committee on banking and currency
yesterday began, the investigation
ordered by the Mutchler resolution into
the failures of the Keystone and Spring
Garden National banks of Philadelphia
Andrew J. Sarden, assistant book-keeper
and collector of the Keystone National
bank, swore that he knew where the
books of the bank were in which, false
entries had been made. The witness
said Lawrence, one of the employes,
kept the books in part of which he made
the forced balances. The amounts were
doctored by rubbing them off. the book
and making false charges. - Sarden said
he saw Lawrence make an entry for
John Bardsley for $40,000 or $50,000.
He said they put .him out of the bank
one night while they doctored the books
and that imitations of his handwriting
had been on the books, which, upon see
ing them at first he thought actually
Tennessee Regulators.
Knoxville, Tenn., April 28. Twenty
men last night surrounded the house of
Eufus Jenkins, a deposed minister, near
Dandridge, and ordered him to surrender.
He answered their summons by firing
into the crowd with a shot gun. The
bouse was set on fire and Jenkins sur
rendered. His face was filled with
small shot and his' body mutilated by
the gang. The woman with whom
Jenkins is charged with living has disap
peared. This morning W. A. Givens,
a merchant and influential citizen living
at Dandridge, found posted on his door
a document notifying him to remain in
doors after dark or 'he would be foully
dealt with. The whitecaps are a por
tion .of the Anti-Lust and Laziness Or
ganization, formed in Jeffepson county
sixty days ago. They are believed to
be composed of farmers who have be
come tired of the way in which some
residents conduct themselves.
What Stanford Says.
Pittsburg, April 28. Senator Leland
Stanford passed through here this a. m.,
and during the 20 minutes waiting at the
depot for a change of locomotives, was
engaged in a conversation upon political
events. Among other things he said:
"The peoples' or independent party, will
certainly have a candidate in the field
next fall. With a national debt of $2,
000,000,000; an enormous railway in
debtedness ; half the land mortgaged and
the load growing heavier ; it is time that
measures of relief be taken. In the west
particularly, people feel the need of freer
money. The peoples ' party hope to get
it. I do not know who their candidate
is to be. I presume Mr. Harrison and
Mr. Cleveland will be the respective can
didates of their parties. This is the gen
eral impression in the west." Eegard
ing the university at Palo Alto, the sen
ator said he was making accommodation
for 500 more pupils.
Oat With. Hint.
Melbourne, April 29. The judge re
fused to grant a further postponement
of the Deeming trial yesterday. The
Standard announces without reserve
that Deeming confessed to the -lawyers
and doctors who examined him that he
committed the majority of the "Jack the
Ripper" crimes in Whitechapel. The
article created a sensation. When ar
raigned, for trial today he showed much
depression. After the selection of the
jury, the demon listened closely to the
prosecutor's . speech portraying bis
crimes. '
i Don't Need Any Mongoose.
Sacramento, April 28. At a meeting
of the executive committee of the state
board of agriculture today the following
resolution was' adopted: ."Resolved,
That the reported action of the National
Fruitgrowing Company of San Francisco
in arranging for the introduction of
mongoose into California, is by the state
board of agriculture deprecated, and
that the said company be petitioned to
refrain from importing said animal into
this state, as we believe it more danger
ous than ground squirrels or gophers." . '
' Shot Himself. - - '
New York, April 28. News has been
received here of a fatal accident which
happened last night to Thomas Olwell
Speir, an architect at South Orange, N.
J. He was. examining a revolver, when
the weapon was accidentally discharged.
He fell to the floor and died soon after.
A Tleatre in PMaiMDMa' Consnmed
With Fatal Effect.
The Fire Had a Stubborn Hold on the
. Building Before Aid Came.
One Crazed Indlridaal Actually CarTed
His Way Through the Mass
With n Knife.
Philadelphia, April 28. A very dis
astrous fire occurred here last night des
troying nearly $1,000,000 worth of prop
erty, killing several people and injuring
half a hundred others. It broke out on
the stage of the Grand Central theatre
shortly before the time set for the opin
ing of the play and spread with such
rapidity that it had a stubborn hold
upon the building before the firemen
arrived. The theatre and the Times
building adjoining were totallyjdestroyed,
and several smaller buildings in the vi
cinity "wrecked by falling walls. In the
excitement to get out of the theatre,
many were trampled and received injur
ies from which they will likely die. One
individual, -maddened and brutalized,
drew a large knife and cut his way
through the mass of people. - Fifty-two
persons were cared for at the hospitals
in, the vicinity- Several are reported
missing. ' The destruction of the theater
proves far more, terrible in its results
than was anticipated. Six members of
the "Devil's Auction Company" lie dead
beneath the fallen walls. Nearly three
score people are in the hospital suffering
from burns. ' Of the men and boys in
hospital, seven are in such a serious con
dition that their recovery is doubtful.
All were members of the audience. Be
sides those seriously enough hurt to re
main in the hospitals, fully fifty others
were -treated for minor injuries: The
members of the company who lost their
lives are : : Thomas Lorella, grotesque,
and wife Flora, ballet dancer; Viacen-
tina Chitten, premier danseuse, one of
the Chitten sisters ; Fancheon Coniters,
juvenile; Sarah Golden, ballet dancer;
William L. Brooks, leading man. The
injured who are likely to die are : Harry
McCloskey, James Pigeon, AmosHinch
cliffe, Rand Patterson, Albert Cleum
backer, Thomas Atchison and Ralph
Fraser. - -
Cattle King's Telegram. '
Cheyenne, Wyo., April 28. The stock
men imprisoned in Fort Russell are
moving heaven and earth to defeat the
attempt to return . them to Johnson
county, wnere tne ngnt witn the rustieraj
in the state are. working like Trojans on
the case. What steps they are taking to.
checkmate their enemies they will not
say. They only assert the case shall not
be tried by public opinion. Too much
excitement they think has been occa
sioned already. It ia now thought that
it was a mistake to remove the prisoners
from Fort McKinley, where, under mili
tary protection, they were safe, and
where, had they remained, the dangers
of the return to Buffalo, should it be
come necessary, could have . been
avoided. -
Accident or BuicldeT
Corvallis, April 28.--A1. Modi, living
near this city on a farm, shot himself
yesterday .afternoon. He was in town
in the morning, and drew $900 out of the
bank. When he reached home he gave
the money to his sister, and took a rifle
out, presumably to kill a pheasant near
the house. He had gone but a short dis
tance when the gun was discharged and
the top of his head was blown off. It is
not known whether it was an accident or
a suicide.
, RaTlshers Lynched.
.Nashville, April 28. Four negroes
were lynched, and two others shot at, in
Goodletsville, last night, because of
brutal outrage upon two respectable
white girls, aged 14 and 18 years. The
negroes entered the house and forced the
girls to submit to their - desires with
drawn revolvers. - Greatexcitement pre
vails, and it is thought the 'mob is not
through with their work. The names of
the girls are Mollie and Sadie Brace. , :
Clarke WU1 Take Charge.
. ' Boston,' April 28. A Union Pacific
official says Clarke wiU soon resign as
manager of the Missouri Pacific, with a
view, of giving his whole time to the
Union Pacific.
Hill or Cleveland. ...
New York, May 2. There are many
New Yorkers who think that when Col.
Henry" Watterson has killed off Cleve
land as a possibility he will spring Car
lisle upon the country as its only sure
salvation. The exact date when all this
will happen is not known, but maybe
posterity will find it out. So much has
been said recently about "going west"
for a democratic candidate for president
that there may have been a tendency to
overlook the latent strength which
Cleveland possesses among the people of
his party in .the west. Is it a small
matter for instance, that nine-tenths of
the delegates to the Minnesota state
democratic convention were given iron
clad instructions to vote for Cleveland as
the choice of the state? Or is there any
significance in the fact that the leading
Gray organ of Indiana announced that
henceforth Gov. Gray's supporters will
support Cleveland as their first choice?
It would be idle to deny that Mr. Cleve
land's strength before the people is be
coming more manifeet as the convention
approaches. - Conversely, the weakness
of Gov. Hill as a popular man is growing
more evident daily. The politicians Fn
a national campaign cannot get very far
away from, the people. In the west
especially there are few political ma
chines that are stronger than the pop
ular will. Hence, when the politicians
begin to put state delegations on record
as favoring Cleveland for president, it is
merely popular sentiment speaking
through the politicians. - .
. The Pretentions Millbank.
. New York, May 2. Based upon a
windy cablegram from London, the sen
sational press of this city, was again
filled yesterday with forage for scandal
hunters, in the shape of explanations
concerning Milibanks' last duel "with a
Frenchman." The only truths gleaned
from the stuff show that it was not,
positively, the Due de Morny,..' with
whom the alleged fight occurred; nor
had the meeting any ' connection with
the Drayton-Borrowe scandal.. That a
duel took place at all, as described, is
very much doubted. The identity of
"the Frenchman" has not been fixed.
, World's Fair Scandal.
'Chicago, JMay 2. Diogenes and his
lantern would have a tough time of it on
the .Chicago board of the World's
fair commissioners, if the statement of
the managers of the Central . railway
company could be depended upon but
thev cannot. The Illinois railway com
pany simply will not control the traffic,
and there is the end of it. . '"
Telegraphic - Flashes.
The .notorious FerdiSAd Ward, of
Grant1 Ward notonetjrr'was released
from, prison Saturday, having served out
his sentence. -
San Francisco was again' shaken up :
with an earthquake yesterday a. m., at
4:30. No damages followed. Severa
points interior felt the shock. .
! - The national executive committee of
the prohibition party have made final
arrangements for a national convention
at Cincinnati, June 29th.
VThe great safe manufacturing houses,
Herring, Hall and Marvin, have com
bined. They will begin business June
1st, with a capital of $3,300,000. ,
A petard loaded with dynamite, ex
ploded at the Massimo palace in Rome,
Saturday. A similar explosion occurred
in the cafe Rossini at Forli. Arrests of
the anarchists - continue throughout
Italy. . ;.
The Duke of Westminister has offered
a reward of 5,000 for - information that
will lead to the arrest of the parties who
poisoned his horse, Orme, booked for the
2,000 guineas Derby. The horse is re
covering, but will probably not enter in
tne race.
Two of the "only man" variety of
politicians have been developed the last
few days.- Perry Belmont is the only
man left to assert that Hill would be
nominated for president at the national
democratic convention, because he was
the only man who- could carry New
A mob of 200 citizens made an ineffect
ual attempt Friday night, to lynch the
remaining criminal for assault on the
Brace girls, negro Grizzard, at Goodlets
ville, Tenn. - They" were driven off by
police guard. ' One man was killed. The
next day the mob reassembled, took the
culprit out, and hanged him to a bridge
across the Cumberland in' the heart of
the city. They then riddled the body'
with ballets..; .,-?'.' e-'-' I T -
An attempt to mix Russell Harrison's
name up in the Yellowstone park 'lease
has failed. : Harrison knew nothing about
the deal to give him $5,000 in the stock
of the company. When told of it Harri
son appeared very much embarrassed,
and said he would not have had the
matter done for anvlhinr. He save his
aid and surety for the public gooa, bq
did not r how the stock: was set asiae ior
him until last spring.
Deliberate Ropery 'Snipei to' Haye
' " Beentlie Otpt .
Fortunate However From the Fact That
No One Was Killed. .
Locomotive Upside Down Luckily the
Bight Side Mall Car Telescoped.
Tire Broke Oat.
Pobtland, April 30. Passenger, ex
press, mail and baggage from the north
bound S. P. R. train which was wrecked
north of Myrtle creek station yesterday
morning, reached here this a. m. Pas
sengers gratefully expressing themselves
that they were fortunately saved from
death. The wreck was a deliberately
planned one. Two heavy ties had been
placed crosswise of the rails,, and stuck
under the ties in- the main track so as to
clear the pilot. It must have been done
by some- one who understood how to
place the ties so as to prevent the cow'
catcher from throwing them off. The
engine was turned bottom side up, and
Engineer Morris, who jumped, was badly
cut about the head and face. Fireman
Galling had a leg broken and was con
siderably bruised otherwise. . The mail
car was telescoped, but the clerk escaped
any injurv: Fire broke out in the mail-
car at once, but the agent, with the as
sistance of the passengers, succeeded in
extinguishing it before much damage
was done. All the letters were saved,
but the paper mail was nearly all des
troyed. None of the passengers were
injured. The locomotive was thrown to
the right of the track, which was most
fortunate, as on the opposite side there
is a steep bank eloping to the river, and
if the train had gone over the bank, the
loss of life would have been fearful.
The track was torn up badly for 200
feet. .There is no clue to the perpetra
tors. Robbery is supposed to have been
the object, but it was given up, perhaps
because the train did not leave the track
r8 the murderous wreckers bad designed.
The, postal, clerk escaped unhurt by a
miracle. He was in the back end of the
car.tieing up the Roseburg mail. Ex
preasMessenger Applegate1 who was
standing before the desk when the crash
Came, seized, the rods overhead and
rfminjrhimself off the floor. -The freight
fc:l thrown into the front of. the car.
Uhi. ; senger would have been killed
Bure'TB had stayed on the floor.'
.-v ."- ' ' '
Blood Curdling Reports Expected.
Pabis, April 30. In spite of the asser
tions of Paul Lefargue, the workingmen's
deputy, that if the socialists do not carry
the day at the municipal elections they
will at least cut a prominent figure ; that
it is not the intention of the socialists to
resort to violence to attain their .ends ;
that they will remain within ..Ih.e? law,
and whatever manifestatjg ; tuat they
may make will be of a- -pwvely peaceful
character; there is a dread apprehension
that within the next three?;' days from
this there will be some blood-wordling
reports from . this city. Socialists are
certain of majorities in several-places;
and Culine, who is now undergoing a
long term of imprisonment for unlawful
acts at Fourmies, will be selected mayor
of that town.. Jules Gnesde, chief of the
Guesdist division of the aocialiet part',
in reply to questions as to what was
proposed to be done ia Paris, said : "I
do not know what , the future has in
store for as. The party may have to re
sort to force if it does not obtain what it
consideres its rights by peaceful proceed
ings, and there will be nothing in that.
Every form of government in France' for
the last century found its birth in .vio
lence, and a disregard for the established
law.!' Though the authorities have re
peatedly said no trouble was anticipated
in this city, they nevertheless are taking
the most extensive precautions ' to re
press disorders on May day The manag
ers of the large .English and. American
shops near the Grand opera have re
ceived threatening letters declaring that
every house house, not. French will be
blown np. : .. .." : - ' . ,'
" Beeeptlon Postponed.
'. Pabis, April 29. Owing to the fear
caused by the recent explosions, the
nolice have dissuaded Monroe, the
. . . . . . OTBtodvthe
- - . . ' -
Irish funds are placed, from giving a le-
ception at his residence on the Champs
d' Elysees on the ground that a magis
trate resided in the same house, and the
anarchists might seize the opportunity
to wreck the building with dynamite,
and cause a terrible loss of life. At a
meeting of the cabinet today, President
Cainot said he approved the plan of
making the most stringent measures to '
preserve order on May day.
A Burning Mountain. .
Vextcba, Cal., April 30. A high
mountain, overlooking Las Posas, is
evidently undergoing the preliminary
internal work of a volcano. A peculiar
odor, as of burning sulphur mixed with
asphaltum, pervades the atmosphere
and gives a faint idea of Dante's Inferno.
The ground is hot, .and. resembles the
covering of a smoldering fire. An at
tempt has been made to dig down into
this covering, but the workers went no
farther than a foot or two, as the heat
became too intense. There does not ap
pear to be any fissures for the fumes to
come out of, and from its appearance it
would uot require much excavation to
strike the source of the phenomenon.
A Mnrder Confessed.
WlLKESBABBE, Pa., April 29. A B6U-
sdtion was caused here yesterday by the
confession of 'Samuel Shiner, of Sugar
Loaf, near Hazel ton, of complicity in
the murder of the two Kester brothers
for $2000, at Seybertsville, Pa., in 1886.
The murder was a most mysterious one,
and it was not until last October that a
clew was found. This led to the arreu't
of Henry Higgins, Joseph Evaland and
Joseph Gallagher. A few days ago
Shiner was taken very sick, and believ
ing that he was dying he confessed that
he was one of the Kester murderers.
"I went to the house with Joe Evaland,"
be said, "and also two men named
Eunkle and Christensen. 1 stood out
side while they went in. Evaland shot
William Kester and the others clubbed
John Kester to death. v Then we divided
the spoils." He does . not implicate
Gallagher and Higgins, who are now in
prison. Shiner will be arrested as soon
as he recovers, for the physicians say he '
will be all right again in a few days.
Vanderbllt'a Palace.
Newport, R. I.', April 30; W. K.
Vanderbilt's marble palace at this place, .
Marble House, is constructed entirely of
marble, and will surpass anything of the
kind in the- country, and will not be ex- -celled
by any of the famous old bronzes
of Europe. The design is French, of the
period of Louis the XIV, and is ex
tremely chaste and beautiful. : The ex
terior work is solid bronze, and the
interior is a duplicate of the exterior in
wrought iron. ' The doors, or grilles as
they are technically termed, will cost
more than $50,000. They are twenty
five feet in width by sixteen feet in:
height, weigh nearly twenty tons, and.
fifty men have been at work on them for
a year. The portico is supported by
enormous marble columne, and is ap
proached by a gracefully winding drive
way rising from the street at a consider
able grade.
, A Grimm Old Mlaer.
Pakkebtow.v, N. J., April 30. The -
old miser, Christian Grimm, whose
death in rags occurred here yesterday, .
leaves property valued at $00,000. But
few people had any idea that the old?
man was worth any such amount, as he-
appeared on the streets in poor, and
generally soiled i clothes. Several years
ago Grimm . sent to Germany for his
sister to come over and keep bouse for
him, bringing with her a daughter about
sixteen years of age. Grimm treated
them shamefully from the start. Before
long the girl was taken sick and died.
She was shortly followed to her grave by
ber mother. Both deaths, it is believed,
were hastened by Grimm's refusal, to
buy proper, food for the sick ones.
Grimm left no will, and according to the
New Jersey laws, if no heir is found, the
property will be divided between the
stale and Middleton township.
' Belief of the Distressed.
Corpus Chbisti, Tex.', April 29. The
distribution of food sent from this sec
tion to 'famine, suffeiers on the Rio
Grande city section began Yesterday,
when rations were issued to 500 people,
some of whom were actually, starving.
Unless further, assistance is soon bad,
many sufferers will die. . , The greatest
distress, is reported from the country
back from the Rio Grande, where there
are many people who had hundreds of
cattle before the drouth, but are now
destitute, their stock having died.
Telegraphic Flashes.
Five indictments were returned the
other day in Chicago against the 1 'Un'on v,:.
Pacific officials for rata manipalationv y
A bill recently signed by the president
opens np 1,056,000 acres of land in- 'tb; ,
Klamath reservation to actual settle V
ment. : " ' v"'