CHI .The Weekly Ghroniele. OFFICIAL PAPER OF WASCO COtTXTY. Entered at the Postoffice at The Dalles, Oregon, as secona-cmss maner. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. BY If All. (POSTAGE PREPAID) IN ADVANCE. Weekly, 1 year 1 50 " 6 months 0 75 3 " 0 50 Dally, 1 year. . . . : 6 00 " 6 months 3 00 per " , 0 50 Address all communication to " THE CHRON ICLE," The Dalles, Oregon. The Times-Mountatneer eays: "'The faction which has domineered over the politics of this connty has met defeat at the primaries, the county convention and in the state convention. Ithas'met a most disastrous Waterloo, and it must learn by experience that the people rule in The Dalles and Wasco county. For the past twenty years this selfish . clique has impeded enterprise and progress in this city until The Dalles today is a synonym all over the northwest for "mossbackism," and car ried its spleen against those who op posed it in political, business and social relations. We hope this utter rout of its forces, '"horse, foot and dragoons," will teach it a practical lesson in good behavior and respect for the rights of others. i The situation is this:. There are two factions in the .Republican party of Wasco county." One is known as the Moody faction ; the other as the Mays or if you will the Farley faction. The Moody faction is the friend and tool of the railroad, always was and always will be, . till God converts it and that will never be. The Moody faction is the enemy of the people. It's head and boss and chief sachem is the pliant and open tool of the railroad, made all he owns and all that all belonging to him own through the railroad. He is an open enemy of an open river and an open and avowed friend of the railroad, and the Times-Mountaineer is his prophet. The head of the other faction is Robert Mays. . He is the president of the new line of boats and one of its largest stock' holders. The "faction" to whjh he be longs is th friend of an open river. It is composed largely of the men who built the boats and thereby put thous ands of dollars in the people's pockets. Every interest of this "faction," from its head down is identified with and bound up in the interests common to nil. The Times-Mountaineer claims the Moody . faction is on top or it means nothing. If the Times-Mountaineer claim is true then, the worst enemy of the people of Wasco county is on top; then the rail road is on top ; then the enemy of an open river is on top. Where is the vic tory of Moody in the county and state nominations? What Moody men are on the ticket? Let the Mountaineer name them, dare to name and the voters of Wasco county, republicans, democrats, alliance men, prohibitionists, everybody, will as one man unite to bury them as sure as' there is a God in Israel. The Chronicle is not fighting the ticket, does not intend to fight the ticket but it will fight the enemies of the people as long as the present writer has control of it. NOT ALONE THE DALLES. ' Our worthy contemporary of Walla Walla, the Statesman, acknowledging the receipt of one of Uncle Linus Hub bard's Whaleback-locks pictures says: "It is intended to be prophetic of what will certainly occur at The Dalles, when the cascade locks are finished." Not alone The Dalles, Bro. Parker. These modern light draft steamers are so con structed that they may ascend any or dinary creek, and with the means pro vided at the dalles of the Columbia, simultaneously with the completion of the locks at the cascades, might reach Walla Walla if the authorities will re mow the Bage ' brush along the route from Wallula, and sprinkle the streets well. ' All jokes aside, there are many more benefits to accrue to points beyond The Dalles, than to The Dalles proper, by this long deferred improvement, and right minded journalists should see that it is for the benefit of the whole interior that we of The Dalles are. so persistently working for an open river. Tacoma exchanges speak of a new rail road company having been organized in that city on the 4th inst., caHed the Tacoma, Lake Tark and Columbia river railway company, with a capital stock of 13,000,000. The Tacoma and Lake Park railroad, 12 miles in length, has been transferred to the new company and it is said that the work of extending that road to the Tilton river, 50 miles distant from Tacoma, will .. commence next month. The plan is -to finish the road to The Dalles this summer and here connect with the Union Pacific system. The line, it is said, will be about 150 miles in length. It will trav erse Pierce, Lewis, Skamania and Klick itat counties and cross the mountains by Cowlitz pass. Just how the proposed road will traverse Skamania county and go through the Cowlitz pass we are not told. If it traverses the one it surely cannot go through the other, as any one may see by consulting a map of Wash ington, We shall be glad of anything that will open up the country and reduce the cost of transportation but we greatly fear that it will be a long time before a road is built over the above described route.". ' voters of Kingsley, if not of the whole county. I noticed a letter in the Mountaineer of April 2d, from Elingsley, signed "Liberty," which is so devoid of truth that it is ' remarkable that any man should write it or have it printed. The only men who tried to dictate to the Kingsley people whom they should send to the county convention were a few Dufur politicians who had an ax to grind and by means of a keg of bad 'beer land a demijohn of worse whiskey and big amount of wire pulling and standing in with The Dalles boss whose collar they wear they got their ax ground. ' It will be well for them if the first week in June does not knock the edge off it. 'Independent Voter Vote of Thanks. The Oregonian says. The Wasco Sun sets up the most absurd complaint that the division of Oregon into congressional 'districts is a gerrymander. Eastern Or egon, it is complained, is attached to a portion of Western Oregon. The expla nation is simple. Eastern Oregon had only one-half the population necessary for one member of congress, and West- ern Oregon had more than enough for one. This was adjusted in the appor tionment as fairly and conveniently as it could be done. The counties of West ern Oregon that are most easy of access to Eastern Oregon and most united in interest were joined to the eastern counties. Representatives in congress are based on population, not on ter ritory. The Multnomah delegation acted handsomely toward Eastern Oregon, at the state convention in the matter of nominating the congressional candidate for the second district. Multnomah's 43 ballots were cast blank till the fourth ballot when they went over almost sol idly for Ellis who was then and from the first far in the lead. It is refreshing . to find an example of good faith, once in a while among politicians. Senator Hilton came near being - nom inated for congressman. He got three votes ! He was understood to be Simon's candidate, as he was unquestionably Moody's, who failing to get anything for himself wanted the next best thing a man he could use. It would be inter esting to know just who cast the three ballots for Hilton. The Wasco county delegation, was instructed to support Ellis. Did any of them go back on their instructions?' The Times-Mountainev of last evening said. "Our special dispatches in an other column were the only ones'' re ceived in ' the city. The Times-Mountaineer, always leads, never follpws." It is very evident that the "most accom plished disciple of Annanias in Eastern Oregon" is still in business, at the old stand. The Springer free wool bill passed the house yesterday by a vote of 194 to 90. It is well the democrats had th encourage of their convictions, .The producer of raw material will now know of a surety what to expect from a democratic congress.. Some time ago Frank Frazier of Uma tilla county bought a number of mort gages at a sheriff's tax sale. Frazier paid his money for the mortgages and the sheriff gave him a receipt that certi fied to the facts of the sale and payment of the money. In other words the sheriff sold bim certain mortgages but instead of delivering the goods on pay ment of the money the sheriff simply gave him a receipt. Now Frazier sues the mortgagees. He wants the mortgages foreclosed and the defendants bebarred from all interest in them eave the right of redemption. The case will most likely go to the supreme court for final decis ion and then it will be known if the taxes can be collected on an Oregon mortgage. We believe Frazier's only remedy lies in suing the sheriff for the recovery of the money he paid him for a thing the sheriff sold and got paid for but never delivered. Ox Bobd Stb. Regulator, ) Aprils, 1892 j Editor Chronicle: . - In a duly organized assembly of dele gates to the Republican State convention from'Wasco and Crook counties, the fol lowing resolution was unanimously adopted : Resolved, That we tender our thanks to the captains and employes of The Dalles, Portland and Astoria Navigation companys boats, for the gentlemanly and courteous treatment received on our trip to and from the Republican State con vent ion, and we assure the traveling pub lic that this company, and its employes leave nothing undone to add to the com fort of their patrons, and we earnestly bespeak for the company the patronage of every man who favors an open river to the sea. , - Signed, W. M. McCorkle, Chairman M. P. Isenbebg, Secretary. Democrats Solid for an Open River. Bovd, Or., April 10th, Editor Chronicle: At the democratic primary, held on the 9th, in Dechutes precinct, W. L, Ward, Joe Kelley and J. B. Havely were elected delegates to the county con vent ion. Joe Kelly was nominated for constable, and J. B. Havely for justice of the peace. Mr. Havely responded in a nice little speech, in which he advo cated an open river, and agreed, if elected, to do all in his power to secure an early completion ot the locks. 15Y-STAXDER. NOTICE. Parties holding claims against W. S, Cram are notified topresent them to him at once, at the Columbia Candy Factory, and all those indebted are requested to settle at the same place, as I have sold out my business and want to close up mv accounts. Kespectluliy, 4-6dw4w W. S. Cram. ''Competition is the Life of Trade. William Butler & Co., who are sole agents for Oregon Pottery's Co.'s sewer and chimney pipe, have just received a car load and are prepared to fill all or ders at reasonable prices. 4-9d2twlt FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TRANSACT A GENERALBANKING BU8INESS The people's party of Multnomah county held a convention in Portland on the 9th inst., at which a full county ticket was nominated. The people's party is remarkably like the older par ties it seeks to reform. It never forgets to make a stiff grab after the lucrative offices. This taken by itself is all right, but it throws a question of doubt on the sincerity of the reformers when what they call great and important principles of reform are promulgated with a zeal propoitionate to the amount' of wages attached to the office sought after. The popular heart cannot be fired on the mere issue of helping a man into a fat office. A calamity howler is a contempt ible creature under any circumstances but doubly so when his aim is to howl himself into office. Great principles, of political or moral reform lose their force and converting power in the lips of mercenary place-hunting advocates. Kingsley Correspondence. Kingsley, Or., April, 7, 1892. Editor Chronicle : ' Not -seeing any Items from Kingsley in the columns of your paper I thought I would send a few items that might in terest s6me of your readers. The farmers are nearly done, seeding. There is a larger acreage put in this year than ever and with a good crop, and a fair price for grain this fall, the farmers of Tygh Ridge would be as independent aa any class of farmers in Oregon. The politi cal pot has been boiling very hard since we held our primary, The republicans of Kingsely, and I may say of Wasco county, are disgusted with both factions of the party in The Dalles. The sooner the leaders of both factions emigrate to Jerusalem or some other holy place, the better for the republican party of Wasco county. If they would view' the. situation as the writer does, they would on next June . take the democratic 'ticket and vote it from top to bottom. I know it would be a hard dose to swallow, but I believe after two or three attempts they could down the thing, while at the same time, I believe the ticket nominated by the bosses would choke any candid re publican so dead, that he could not catch his breath till the morning of the' resu-' rection. In expressing my views thus, I think I express the sentiments of the Letters of Credit issued available in the Eastern States. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers sold'on New York, Chicago, St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Oregon, Seattle Wash., and various points in Or egon and Washington. Collections made at all points on fav orable terms. . PROFESSIONAL CARDS. XTTM. J. ROBERTS crm. Engineer Gen T T era! engineering practice. Surrey! ng and mapping; wumiws ana plans lor Irrigation, sewerage, water-works, railroads, bridges, etc. Auuraui: jr. u. jbua jui, xne juaues, ur. TTTM. SAUNDERS ARCHITECT. TV specifications furnished for Plans and dwpllinffn- caurcnes, ousiuess diocks, scnoois ana xactories, Charges moderate, sanaf notion guaranteed. Of ace over rencn s bans:, a he Dalles, Oregon. rE. J. SUTHERLAND Fellow o Twnitt L-f Medical college, and member of the Col lege of Physicians and SureeonB. Ontario. Phv jic-ian and Surgeon. Office; rooms 8 and 4 Chap- mnn oiock. nesiaence; juage xnornDury s sec nu eirevu iraice nours; lu lo L a. m., to na 10 s p. m. rv K. O. D. DOANE PHYSICIAN AND 8UB- U oion. Office; rooms 6 and 6 Chapman Sioc. Residence No. 23, Fonrth street, one Hock, south of Conrt House. Office hours 9 to 12 A. M., 2 to 5 and 7 to S P. M. DSIDDALL Dentist. Gas given for the painless extraction of teeth. Also teeth t on Mowed aluminum plate. Rooms: Sign lie Golden Tooth, Second Street, FARMERS' BOARDING BOUS AND iE3STTJA.lSrT. MRS. A. J. OBARR. . ... Proprietor Meals 25 cents. Lodeinar 25 cents. Table well supplied with everthing in market. comiorcaDie oeas as any in we city. Second St., near Madison. Dalles City TO -THE -PUBLIC. I have opened in the-East End, next door west of the Diamond Flouring Mill, a lull line of Orocenes, f revisions Canned Goods .and General Family supplies. A nice assortment of Glass and Crockery Ware, and a special feature Five and Ten Cent Bargain Counters at which are sold numerous - family requis ites that cannot be bought for double the price elsewhere. Uair treatment ana bedrock prices guaranteed. J. A. ORCHARD FOR SALE X T 3TL Ai ID 33 On REASONABLE TERMS. Two Hambletonian - Stallions. and one English Coach. Horses can be seen at the C. L. Rich mond Stables For further particulars address : A. U. McUAlJN , 3-4w4t The Dalles, Or, toe to Jale. A BOUT-THIRTY-FIVE HEAD OF A High Grade Short-horn Cattle, from yearling up. An Extra Good Lot of Cattle! KEELEY DuBOIS, THE DALLES, OR. Ranche in Drr Hollow, ten miles south of The u X o "3 2 j jo S o T3 "2 c B "S's-s w g . Byrne FIOU0 & CO Successors to C. E. Dunham. Druggists and Chemists, Pure Drugs an! ffietoes. Dispensing Physicians' Prescriptions a Specialty. Night Druggists always in Attendance. Cor. Second and Union THE DALLES, OREGON. Sts., STAGY SHOOlfl, He vtWatofyiA (With Byrne, Floyd & Co.) -DBALKB IS- Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Etc. All kinds of repairing a specialty, and all work guaranteed and promptly attended to. Call and see his stock of clocks before you leave an oraer eisewnere. Yocmcj & luss, General Blacksmithing and Work done promptly, and - all work Guaranteed. Horse Shoeeimf a Spciality. TM Street, opposite ttie old Lielie Stand. UCH&1M8flrGPlS 2ARs$TRicny fiRST wLUI Tb tamest. Fastest a4 Finest la the World. rew.yorkTIonoonoerrv AND GLASGOW. BTerr Saturday, NEW YORK, OIBRALTER and NAPLES, . flireunwr intervals. SALOON, SEC0N0-CLAS8 AND 8TEERABE r&te8 On in irftflt tPrmi tn smrtil frnm tVia nrinninlai BOOTGE, IHGUSH, QIBB ALL C0OTET1OTAL POUTS. Axoursion ticaets available to return by either the rlo turenque Clyde A North of Inland or Naples ft Olbraltax DrtfU ut Konty Ordwi for Act Amotnt at LorMt'BstM. awij w any or oar local Agents or to HENDERSON BROTHERS, Chicago, 111. T. A. HUDSON, Agent. The Dalles, Or. .. FARM FOR SALE, 1 otter for sale all or a part of my farm of 480 acres in sec. 24, Tp. 1 soutn, range 14 east, 15 miles southeast of The Dalles ; good improvements, good young five -acre orchard now bearing, plenty ol good water for house use and stock ; 175 acres in cultivation, ' good outlet north, east,80uth or west via county roads. I also offer for sale 160 acres in section '? A fAnrnahin 1 annlk rantra 1 A also nve head horse, one double set of harness and a few farm implements, etc. Prices reasonable, terms easy and title good. For particular? come and see me at The Dalles or J. H. Trout at the farm. jan29-tf - - E. W. Tropt. A4 f Agency for . i l l A CAVEATS, TRADE MARKS, 4 RESIGN PATENTS 'tlTT COPYRIGHTS, etc For information and free Handbook write to MTJNN ft CO, sta Broadway, New York. Oldest bureau for securing patents in America. Every patent taken out by us Is brow nt before the publlo by a notioe given free of charge In the Lanrest circulation of any scientific paper in the world. Splendidly illustrated. No IntelliBent man should be without It. Weekly, S3.00 a year; $U50 six months. Address MDNN ft OO, Pubushjebs, 3a Broadway. Mew York. The E. 0. Co-operative Store . " " CARRIES - A" FULL LINE OF Groceries,-Family Supplies, Boots and Shoes, -ALSO A FULL LINE OF- Waps, Carts, Reapers and Mowers, and all Ms of kMM ' - ' Implements. Corner Federal and Third Streets, THE DALLES, - OREGON. Grandall & Budget, - - a - - 1 MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN FURNITURE S CARPETS Undertakers and Embalmers. NO. 166 SECOND STREET. New Umatilla- House, THE DALLFS, OREGON. SINNOTT& FISH, PROP'S. LARGEST r AND : FINEST : HOTEL : IN : OREGON. Ticket and Baggage Office of the U. P. R. R. Company, and office of the Western Union Telegraph Office are in the Hotel. Fire-Proof Safe for the Safety of all Valuables. BEIABLISHKD 18S. LBSLIB BUTLER, -DEALER IN- Groeeries and Groekery. A full line of Lamps, Glassware and Dishes of all kinds. Silver plated Knives, Forks and Spoons. When you are selecting your Christmas presents look through my stock and you will get something useful ' as well aa ornamental. 113 OtflSfllliGTOIi STREET, THE DALLES, OREGOtf SEWIJ1B "5IJI6EI" JIPPIJIES. ST IT. Ladies' and Childrens' French Felt Hats, Trimmed Hats, 25c. 50c. AND UPWARDS. Ladies and Childrens Furnishing Goods, "WAY DOWN." Mrs. Phillips, - 81 Third Street. THE DALLES LUMBERING CO., INCORPORATED 1888. No. 67 Washington Street. . . . The Dalles. Wholesale and Retail Dealers and Manufacturers of Building Material and Dimension Timber, Doors, Windows, Holdings, House Furnishings, Etc Special Attention given to the Manufacture of Fruit and Fish . Boxes and Packing Cases. Factory and. Inun'ber TsT,rci at Old 2tt. Dalle. DRY Pine, Fir, Oak and Slab WOOD Delivered to : any part of the city, Wasco waiepse Co., Receives Goods on Stor age, and Forwards same to heir destination. Receives Consignments For Sale on Commission. tates treasonable. -MARK GOODS W. "W- Oo. THE DALLES. OREGON. ATTENTION FARMERS The Imported Belgian ' Stallion - Will stand for the Season of 1892, At Richmond's Stables In The Dalles on Fridays and Saturdays. At Harry Gllplns, mile east of Fairfield School house, Mondays, at R. Snod grass' )4 mile west of Boyd P. O., Tuesdays and Wednesdays, mnf Was imported In 1888 by D. P. Btubbs & wUVU Sons, of Fairfield, Iowa. He is a Dark Bay, with Black Points, and la reentered at Brus sels as No. 590, and in America as No. 199. COCO is one of the Finest Bred Draft Horses in America, is coming 7 yrs old, and weighs 1X00 Its TERMS 120 for the season, or t25to insure a foaL By the Season, payable Oct. 1st. To insure, due and payable as soon as the mare is known to be in loaf. Mares not brought regularly will be charged for by the season. Bf . W. W. !,. FBKEMAS, Owners. BOYD, WASCO Co., OREGON. LAND FOR RENT. From five to ten acres of Creek Bottom land on Mill creek, adapted to gardening or any similar purpose. Inquire of 3-3w4t Theo. Mesplik The Dalles.