THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE, FRIDAY, : APRIL 8,1892. C47 The Weekly Gbroniele. OFFICIAL PAPER OF WASCO COUNTY. Entered at the Postofflce at The Dalles, Oregon, as secona-ciasa maner. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. BY MAIL (POSTAGE PBIPA.ID) IX ADVANCE. Weekly, 1 year 1 50 " 6 months .... 0 75 8 ' , 0 50 Dally, 1 year....... 6 00 " 6 months '. 8 00 " per " 0 50 Address all communication to " THE CHRON ICLE, The Dalles, Oregon. - The Chbonicle is not a party paper . and ia therefore not necessarily called upon to defend the character of the rep ublican county ticket, but when men whose Bense of decency ought to teach them better, sneeringl y refer to it as "temperance ticket" it ia right and ironer to enter an earnest protest. ' Has . it come to this that a man is to be polit ically ostracised because be cannot or will not drink liquor, not to say make sot of himself? Is temperance a dis qualification for office in Wasco county? It has been a subject of common remark that few men who have held the lucra tive offices of this county for the past score of years have left them better off, financially, than when then entered upon their duties. Were the men in question any more respected on this ac count? We cannot think so. The sneer. about a "temperauce ticket" is in bad taste. The people certainly don't want an intemperance ticket and the name intended as opprobrious is the very highest compliment that could be paid it. The prophecies of protectionists that if proper encouragement were extended to the tin industry, the United States could, in a reasonable time, produce its own tin, have commenced to be realized and the first consignment of 22,000 pounds of American tin arrived in New York a couple of days ago from the Ta mescal mines in California. The tin is said to be of the best quality, equal to the foreign Straits and is only the ad vance guard of what is to follow. There can scarcely be a reasonable doubt that if the protection thrown around this in fant industry by the McKinley law is allowed to work its way, in a compara tively short time the United States will produce her own tin, of as good quality as there is in the world, and at a lower price than we have ever paid for the imported article. The Union county republicans held their county convention last Wednesday and among others adopted the following reaolutions : - ." - Resolved, Thatwe as republicans be lieve that the history of the republican nartv in the past has shown it to be a friend to all needed reform, therefore, we as members of this grand old party, do agree to discourage the use of mtoxi eating liquors in the coming' campaign Whereas, The large fees and compen sation allowed by the special law giving sheriffs and clerks one-third additional compensation over and above the regu lar" fees of other officers is unfair and imposes burdens upon the taxpayers of Union countv. Therefore, Resolved, That our candidates for the legislature are hereby pledged to use their utmost endeavors to secure the re peal of said laws at the next session of the legislature, and that our candidates for the offices of sheriff and clerk are pledged not to work or use their influ ence against the repeal of the same. Resolved, That it is the sense of this convention that a law should be enacted providing that all official? fees shall be paid into the county treasury and offi cials paid reasonable salaries. The first of these resolutions has a particularly right ring about it. The Chbonicle ij in no sense a prohibition organ but it heartily says "God speed the day when' character, efficiency and honesty will have more potency in a political campaign than a beer keg or a whiskey demijohn. While Oregon is doing practically siothing to reap anv reward from a proper exhibit of her resources at the "world's fair, California is looking into a future beyond the fair, in which the fair exhibit will be made a permanent con tribution to the state's prosperty. A meeting will be held, in San Francisco on the 4th inst., at which it is proposed, to get a united effort of the local world's fair committee, board of supervisors Mechanics' Institute, board of trade and real estate exchange, to join in endeavor after the world's fair to have the Cali fornia building and entire - exhibit brought to San Francisco and place'd permanently in Golden Gate Park. ne ueppner Uazetle says it is gener ally understood that W. R. Ellis has the entire delegation from the seventh judic ial district on his side for nomination for congress from this . district. The friends of Mr. Ellis also claim that he has practically the whole of the sixth judicial district and that he will be the second choice of the majority of i!ele' gates from other sections. This should secure his nomination if the valley counties carry out their pretentions of concerting the nomination to an Eastern Oregon man. . . One of the boldest political schemes of a national character ever planned in Colorado has just came to light. The King Solomon mining company, of Creede, has sent agents to eastern cities to create a free silver sentiment, before the conventions meet at Minneapolis UnA rhinonrt TllOT, nrtll .... I "'"fc, aubj nui pub u- ( i ix - inense sums of money to carry out the 4ian. It now appears that the prohibition party of Multnomah county will have to do the business of nominating a county ticket all over again. Section 31 of the Australian ballot law provides that can didates must be nominated in one of three ways. One is by a convention of delegates representing a political party which at the election next preceeding polled at least 3 per cent, of the entire vole cast in the state, precinct, or other electoral district for which the nomina tions were made. As the prohibition party had no ticket in the field in 1890, the convention which met in Portland last-Wednesday had no power to make nominations under this provision .Neither had it power under the provis ion that allows an organized body of electors, numbering not less than 1C0,-to make nominations, as there were only 52 electors in the county assembly. It appears that the convention in question acted illigally in delegating, the work of nominating a county ticket to a com mittee which had not completed the work when the convention adjourned. As leading men of the party in Multno mah county have announced their de termination to place a full county ticket in the field it is quite likely that another assembly of county electors will be called together to do the work. Grant county made the mistake of ac cepting the. findings of the Btate board of equalization, which increased the values on certain clases of 'property in that county and now the Blade advisea the taxpayers not to pay the advance to the sheriff1, on the ground that should the supreme court decide adversely to the state board the tax-payers would have difficulty in getting their money back "Keep your money until you have to pay it" savs the Blade: ' then, and not till then will be time enough to pay, Thanks to the wisdom of the county court of Wasco county we are spared such confusion here. - The republicans of Umatilla county have also put themselves on record as favoring a law that shall provide for reasonable, just and equitable system of salaries for county officers. Tiie Chron icle, if we mistake not, was the first newspaper in Oregon to advocate this reform and now one or other of the two great political parties in some half dozen counties in Eastern Oregon have taken the matter up in - their county conventions. There is a refreshing frankness in the following from the Athena Press: We advise the leading lights of the different political parties to see this shop at once, on a matter of business that would not do for our readers to know or in other words, somebody has ot to "whack np" shortly. e want a brick building and a power press out of this campaign. And now the ingenious heathen Chinee is evading the restriction act by coming to British Columbia, being naturalized as a subject of Great Britain and moving intp the United JStates as a British sub ject". " Special Agent Seavery, according to instructions from the commissioner of the general land office, has investigated the matter of setting apart a suitable number of sections of land around the the base of Mount Hood for a public park and is prepared to make a favorable report, and "an tnat is now needed says the Oregonian "is A recommendation from some respectable body of citizens to back up that of Mr. Seavery." As Mr, Seavery goes to Washington in a few days, where he would give the matter personal attention, it would surely not be out of place if the republican- state convention, that meets in Portland on the Cth would pass a resolution making the recommendation required. The republican convention of Jackson county refused to instruct its delegates to the state convention but it is under- stoood that a majority is in favor of Hermann for congress with Miller as second choice. ' FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TRANSACT A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS Letters of Credit issued available in the Eastern States. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic rransterssoiaon JNew York, unicago, St, Louis, San Francisco. Portland Orecon, Seattle Wash., and various points in Or egon ana wasmngton. Collections made at all points on fav orable terms. FRED. FISHER, Dealer in Staple and Fancy roceries And PROVISIONS. Special Prices to Cash Buyers. Highest Prices paid for Produce. Opposite Bklbbe's Hotel. FOR SALE O X T XL .A. I 33 On REASONABLE TERMS. Two Hambletonian - Stallions, and one English Coach. Horses can be seen at the C. L. Rich mond Stables For further particulars address : A. O. McUAlJS , 3-4w4t ' The Dalles. Or. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. TITM. J. ROBERTS Civil Ekginker Gen T eral engineering practice. Surveyi ng and mapping; estimates ana plans lor irrigation, sewerage, water-worcs, railroads, D ridges, etc. Address: P. O. Box 107, The. Dalles, Or. THOROUGHBRED WU. 8AUNDERS Architect. Plans and specifications furnished for dwellings, ennrcnes, Dusiness diocks, scnoois ana lactones. Charges moderate, satisfaction guaranteed. Of fice over French's bank. The Dalles, Oregon. riR. J. SUTHERLAND FKLLOW- OF TRINITY U Medical College, and member of the Col lege of Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario, Phy sician ana burgeon, uince; rooms ana 4 unap man block. Residence; Judge Thornbury's Sec ond street. Office hours; 10 to 12 a. m.f 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 p. m. PV R. O. D. DOANE PHYSICIAN AND 8TJR- IJ oxon. Office; rooms 6 and 6 Chapman Block. Residence No. 23, Fourth street, one block south of Conrt House. Office hours 9 to 12 A. M., 2 to 5 and 7 to S r. M. DSIDDALL Dentist. Gas given for the painless extraction of teeth. Also teeth tet on flowed aluminum plate. Rooms: Sign of ne troiacn loom, cecona street. The day the cascade locks are opened win bcd properiy in mis city advanced from its present rates more than double, much of it a good deal more than double, TTT . . , . .. n a are assured tnat tne eyes of more than one Portland capitalist are turned towards The Dalles as a place where in vestments in real estate can be safely made on the strength of the city being mjb ucxu ui navigation. The Goldendale Snttnel says i If The Dalles Chronicle wishes to publish Klickitat news we would like to know why it don't copy from some more reliable source than the Leader. The Chronicle has no proof that there is any more reliable source than the Leader, A Portland paper says that Hermann will be nominated by acclamation at the republican convention for the first con gressional district. His competitors Tongue, Geer and Miller are not cntting any great figure in their opposition. The East Oregonian has discovered that "the greatest men of the ages have worn the cheapest clothes." Then brother Jackson, to prove the truth of his-own aphorism, ought to dress in rags. Keterring to a remark concerning our fellow townsman Hugh Glenn, that lately appeared in the Oregonian, the 1 tmes-Muhneer says : "Dunne our resi' oence in tms city ot over a quarter of century we never knew before that Mr, Glenn was a "democratic war-horse," or really exercised any influence in politics, He has never been elected to any office by the suffrages of his fellow citizens. and tne position ne - now occupies as member of the water commission was an appointive one by the mayor. As one of ose named in the bill he is in the office by virtue of the adoption of the amended charter, and not by the votes of the elec tors of tne municipality of Dalies (Jity inereiore nis opinions on political mat' ters carries little or no weight." Let us apply this charming spec iraen ot backwoods logic to the Mutineer man himself. He has never been elected to any office by the suffrages . of his - fellow citizens, ine ran tor water commissioner one time and got eleven votes!) He is editor of an alleged newspaper by virtue of the mysterious act of an inscrutable Providence, as Horace Greely would have said Thereore his opinions on any matter, political or otherwise, carries lit' tie or no weight. The following unanswerable argument is advanced by the Pasco Headlight as a reason for opening the Columbia and Snake rivers: "If God Almighty had not intended these rivers for some good purpose He never would have formed them. He could as easily have made them into sage brush or jack rabbits, but He didn't do it, and hence we must con clude they were made for steamboats, crocodiles and whales.". Goldendale continues to be troubled with a ghost that nightly plays its mys terious pranks upon the citizens. It has been cornered closely several times but always managed to escape. ' Quite a number of persons have been badly frightened and the Courier, believing it to be some crank who is simply bent on mischief, solemnly advises it to go to bed and avoid having a - hole blown through it. . . Bull HOP CO Successors to C. E. Dunham. Druggists andChemists. Fire Dris aii Medicines. Dispensing Physicians' Prescriptions a Specialty. Night Druggists always in Attendance. Cor. Second and Union Sts., THE DALLES, OBEGON. STAGY SflOfflfl, Ttie WaicfimaKOf. THOROUGHBRED KENTUCKY JACK will stand for the season of 1892 at m v ranch on Juniper Flat. He is 15 hands high, and weigim uw puuiiua. Fifteen Dollars for the season, payable after Harvest, wim we privilege oi Dreeaing oacK next season, u a mare aoes not prove in foal. ttf Pasture at reasonable rates. JAMES BROWN, 3-llw8t Tygh Valley, TO THE PUBLIC. I have opened in the East End, next door west of the Diamond Flouring jyiiii, a run line oi trroceries, Provisions, Canned Goods and- General Family Supplies. A nice assortment of Glass and Crockery Ware, and a special feature Five and Ten Cent Bargain Counters at which are sold numerous family requis ites that cannot be bought for double the price elsewhere. Fair treatment and bedrock prices guaranteed. . J. A. Orchard. Cattle fop $uIe. ABOUT THIRTY"-FIVE HEAD OF High Grade Short-horfl Cattle, from yearling up. - An Extra Good Lot of Cattle ! KEELEY DuBOIS, THE DALLES, OB. Ranche In Dry Hollow, ten miles south of The Dalles. 2-19wtf u z o f. '5 O b o li .3 3 h! a a! 'S-g o H a o m -a .2 - a ? oxi u "3 5 a 1 n e L 3 OJ m 9 (With Byrne, Floyd & Co.) btAtS& IN Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Etc. pairing a specialty, ai promptly attended to. his stock: of clocks 1 s o So. ; The E. 0. Co-Operative Store : CARRIES A FULL LINE OF " Groceries, Family Supplies, Boots and Shoes, -ALSO A FULL LINE OF- laps,- Carts, Reapers an! Mowers, ani all Ms of Airlcultiral ; Implements. Corner Federal and Third Streets, S THE DALLES, OREGON. Crandall & Barget, MANUFACTURERS AND.DEALERS IN FURNITURE CARPETS Undertakers and Embalmers. NO. 166 SECOND STREET. New. - Umatilla- House, THE DALLFS, OREGON. HAND LEY & SINNOTT, PROP'S. LARGEST : AND : FINEST : HOTEL : IN : OREGON. Ticket and Baggage Office of the O. R. & N. Company, and office of the Weater Union Telegraph Office are in the Hotel. Fire-Proof Safe for the Safety of all Valuables. SKTABLI9HED 1883. LBSLIK BUTLER, DEALER IN- Groceries and Crockery. A full line of Lauip Glassware and Dishes of all kinds. Silver plated Knives,' Forks and Spoons. When you are selecting your Christmas presents look through my stock and you will get something useful " as well as ornamental. 13 mflSpIJlGTOH STREET,, THE DALLES, OtJEGOjf SEWII1G Ladies' and Childrens' French Felt Hats, Trimmed Hats, AND UPWARDS. 25c. 50c. Ladies and Childrens Furnishing Goods, "WAY DOWN." Mrs. Phillips, - 81 Third Street. All kinds of repairing a s guaranteed ana Call and see leave an order elsewhere. laity, and all work before yon HI General Blacksmithing and Work done promptly, and all work Guaranteed. Horse Shoeeing a Spciality. Third Street, opposite the old Licte Stand. dtw FARMERS' BOARDING HOUSE MRS. A. J. OBARR. . Proprietor Meals 25 cents. Ixlrinz 25 cents. Table well supplied with everthing in market Comfortable beds as any in the city. Second st, near Madison. rewyomTI ARiiTRicny Parte nd Flu err ro the Warld. uwiuwuuiuai unexcelled. ONDOHDERRY AM0 GLASGOW, NEW YOBK, GIBRALTAR' and NAPLES, ""ON, 8E00MD-CLA88 AND STEERAGE rates OD InwAnt tprmi fcrt anrl Mm ih MOTCa UTOUSB, QISB AU COHTOTXOTAL JUSTS excursion ticket, available to mtnrn H j ,. ... i. Drtfto u4 Knuy (Mm tot Any Amont at Levtrt SitM. "j wi unr local Afencs or to HENDERSON BROTKER&Cbleuo. 111. T. A. HUDSON, Asrent, The Dalles, Or. FARM FOR eSALE. I offer for sale all or a part of mv farm of 480 acres in Sec. 24, Tp. 1 south, range 14 east, 15 miles southeast of The Dalles ; good improvements, good young five-acre orchard now bearing, plentv of good water for house use and stock ; 175 acres in cultivation; good outlet north, east, south or west via county roads. I also offer for sale 160 acres in section 26, township 1 south, range 14 east; also five head- horse, one double set of harness and a few farm implements, etc. Prices reasonable, terms easy and title good. For particulars come and see me at The Dalles or J. H. Trout at the farm. Dalles City. I . jan29-tf E. W. Tbout. THE DALLES LUMBERING CO., INCORPORATED 1883. No. 67 Washington Stree. . The 1)aLles. . Wholesale and Retail Dealers and Manufacturers of Building Material and Dimension Timber, Doors, Windows, Moldings, House Furnishings, Etc Special Attention given to the Manufacture of Fruit and Fish Boxes and Packing Cases. . Factory and Znuxxtoer TTAsrci At Old Ft. Xalloa. DRY Pine, Fir, Oak and Slab WOOD Delivered to any part of the city, Wasco Wareaouse Co., Receives Goods on Stor age, and Forwards same to their destination. Receives Consignments For Sale on Commission. ATTENTION FARMERS The Imported Belgian Stallion ondavs. At R. Snod- H OTflKii' XL mllA VMt nf Rnvri P. (V.TiiMuliviand neani nrrr Was Imported in 11 uw Bona, of Fairfield, Iowa. He la a Dark tates treasonable. MARK GOODS W . "W . Co. THE DALLES, OBEGON. Will stand for the Season of 1893, At Richmond's Stables In The Dalles on Fridays and Saturdays. At Harry Gilnins, mile east ui rairneiu ovuuui nouse, mo west oi t Wednesdays. 1888 by D. P. Btubbs Bav. with Black Points, and ia reeinteredat Brus sels as No. 590, and in America as No. 199. COCO is one of the Finest Bred Draft Horses in America, is coming 7 yrs old, and weighs 1800 lbs TERMS 120 for the season, or 2Stn insure foal. Br the Season. Davable Oct 1st To insure, due and payable as soon as the mare ia known to be In foal. Mares not brought regularly will be charged for by the season. - M. W. & W. t. FREEMAN, Owners. . BOYD, WASCO CO., OREGON. LAND FOR BENT. From five to ten acres of Creek Bottom land on Mill creek, adapted to gardening or any similar purpose. Inquire of 3-3w4t Tueo. Mesplik The Dalles.