THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1892.. The THE DALLtS, - - - OREGON FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 1?, 1892. LOCAL AND FEKSONAL - . The tax.levy of Crook county is 21, milts. . ' .Prineville butchers still get prime beef off the range. ine entire population oi nuui j bor has got the grippe. Circuit court convened Monday morn - tng at ten o'clock with.Judge Bradshaw presiding. ; ' ' The coinuion council of Prineville has first day of the week. - Two big freight teams, the first of the season, were loaded Tuesday at the Wasco Warehouse for Prineville. - J. C. Baldwin has moved his stock of . -gents' furnishing goods to his own buildings west of the Umatilla house. Mr. S. R. Husbands of Mosier, having concluded to give up farming is going to have a sale of his surplus live stock on the 25th instant. "" From the Moro Obsenor we learn that C A Heath is epoKen oi as a possioie . candidate for joint representative on the republican ticket. .- Mr. Jerry Simpson's bill to prohibit usury reminds us that some such law . exists in Oregon. But did you ever hear I the usurer suffering ? " . E. Thompson a successful farmer from : Sherman county, was in town Thrsuday. Mb Thompson has 580 acres of fall grain which is looking well and gives promise ol a -good crop. Chairman M. T. Nolan has issued a - call for a meeting of the republican ' county central committee-to-be held at 10 oclock a. in. next Saturday", the 13th inst., in the countv court room. Thecrindiury was discharged Wednes- day forenoon after being in session three ' days, probably the ehortest session ever held in this county. Only one true bill - was found, that o,f the state vs. W. G. l a t r i .ueepiie. Plowing has commem-ed in the neigh- borhoods of Wapinitia, ' Wamic,.Kings- Jev and the countrv nearer The Dalles, commenced, that is, if it can be truth-: fully said it ever stopped in Home of these , - places for any period during the winter. George" Filloon came down from Pen-J dletmi lat evening and Bfrnr.l nror tillS Thuasday, when he left for Heppner. .During a three weeks' trip to Idaho, "Eastern Oregon and Washington,' Mr. " Filloon sold no less than seventeen car j "-4oads of headers. "The cultivation pf sweet potatoes will be tried quite extensively in the Yakima j valley this summer. Experiments have already demonstrated that this crop can j be successfully grown there, and this is quite likely to become one of the imper- tant crops of that fertile region. ' W. M. Stewart of the late firm of,'" Abrahms & Stewart, paid the city a fly ing visit Thursday. He is now traveling talesman for the Washburn & Moen luanufacturin? comiianv. of San Fran- Cisco, having a territorv co-extensive 1 with the states of Oroor.n. AVashrnctnn ! Idaho, California, Xevada and Utah territory. Capt. Alex. McDougall said in New ' Year the other day that the demand lor -whalebacbs was greater than he could all. He" is building at his Superior; vard seven steamers and two barcrps. in- i eluding the 500 foot World's Fair boat, i which is to cost not far from 75U,000. i tl tool ,.t oi-in .:u i. i..:.i , - w t-. v s iiuuu lion b will lVJ Sci iu I in June at the new yard in Everett, on ! Puget Sound.- The Pacific announces among other gifls the -donation of $400 to Grace ; Theological Seminary by Rev. William! Carnes, of Seattle, and in "ppeaking of j ' his generous act refers to him as "one ! of Spurgeon's students, who is no doubt ! greatly influenced by the example lof-fif jeaciipr. iur, varnes is not unknown . JV11 the D,,fur and I Kingsley: neighborhoods. , , -D. V . Aldndge editor of the Prineville j Aeview was arrested a lew days ago for i an alleged attempt to blow up the house of L.'C. Perry of that citv on the 24th of - January. The evidence against him is all circumstantial but was sufficient to induce the recorder to. bind him to ap- r pear before the grand jury in the sum of $1000. Ie was subsequently discharged on a writ of habeas corpus on the grounds of a technicalty in the commitment. Salem is in much the same fix that The Dalles is in, with reference to an appropriation for a public building, only a little more se. If Holman's three per tent, rule slipuld be carried out we might with, very good management .-build a sod dug out, but Salem could not do even that. A Salem paper says their . share would 'amount to exactly thirty three dollars and thirty-three and a third cents. - Congressional economy is t a great thing. Polk Butler paid us a pleasant visit Tuesday. Heisquiteenthusiasticoverthe fact that they have got a new " precinct all to themselves out at his place- It . is called Xansene, a pretty and appropriate Indian name, and to make everything in harmony all' political . parties have united on A.' M.. Branner for its first justice of the precinct and Joe Robinson for constable. The Chboniclk seconds the motion." ' . '' ' The civil marriage of Miss Mattie Mitchell daughter of Senator Mitchell took place at Paris Wednesday at day at 3 p.m. The religions ceremony come off tomorrow. German Lutheran service will be held next Sunday at 10:30 a. m." in the Chapel on Ninth Street. . Sunday school at 2 :30 p. m. All are cordially invited by A. Horn, pastor. .-'-' The bill for the boat railway at The Dalles and Celilo Falls arid Ten Mile rapids was reported in- the senate on Monday and placed on the calendar. The sum appropriated is $2,860,356. , . Attention is called to the new time table of the D. P. & A. N. Co. The Reg ulator will be brought down from "Hun gry Harbor" on Saturday and will re new her trip to the Cascades on Monday. Charles L. Schmidt advertises the sale of select seed wheat of the Chili and Little Club and Vernon varieties, " also several varieties of seed oats and barley. He has also for sale feed oats and rolled barley. All will be sold at reasonable pnees Mr.. Schmidt can be seen at the Wasco warehouse. Jacob Craft has returned to The Dalles from a week's trip to the Nansene country. He reports the farmers as all feeling in the best of spirits and all pre paring to put in a large crop. Winter wheat is not seriously damaged, plowing has begun in earnest in sjime places, stock is in fine condition and .there is plenty of feed left. . Building is still going on above the bluff as well as below it. A residence is being built for Julius Wiley, near the corner of Eleventh and Liberty. Right on the corner J. T.- Peters is going to erect a dwelling. I." J. Norman further west in the same block has moved his house nearer the street and built on a handsome L fourteen by twenty feet. H. Laflin is building a residence near Stirling's place. Bert Thurston has omit a neat cottage on Aintn street ana i ... . . r j intends to build another. These are only some of the improvements. The Diamond Fouring Mills after a I rest of about a month started up again . . . Tuesday morning. This mill turns out j an average of 55 barrels of flour per day. It has sufficient wheat to keep it running i for about three months and before that time expires Mr. Curtiss expects to be able, without difficulty, to get enough to keep the mill busy till next harvest's troP is . ready for market. The mill turns out a fine quality of flour and it has been of great benefit to the wheat raisers of this county. It is due to its proprietor to say that he has never eu to pay the very highest market price for the quality of wheat he desires A private letter to David Graham of tnia citv bom a friend in Prineville has tne following to say about the placer mines of Harney county : "Information received from reliable persons who have bcea at the mines assure me that there .-A-' V A A. 1 1 1 1 auoul lwo ,unes ,ouS H,,u thirty feet wide that is very rich. A man can make $8 to flO a day with a ' ' i-s-u V Ai a-tn rVof a3 ii n n-niAW a tinmi scarce for anything but a rocker and a few 'en own it all. : It is all scale gold and one can t?et a coof anywhere on the fermen own it all. : It is all scale gold I surround i'g hills. As to quartz a good j iting brethren are solicited to attend. many who are prospecting in different : There will be preaching at the school places say they have fine prospects." The; i mines are eighteen miles from Burns." I ; Arrangemen ts are being made to hold a i I band lev's benefit concert Thursdav ! ! nifflit iiiisIavf tliA anOniotit! rf Taw 1 amia who has perliaps-no. superior, in the world as a bani P,a-ver- Jude Brad" shaw has promised the circuit court I room, ii u is possioie ior nun to -surren- der it, and if not then the concert will lm ;n,f f;i &,,.,., .,:v, Profcg8or j. Alexander whoaccompaniw I Mr. Lewis is said' to be an expert in j . j prestidigitation or legerdemain., and the ; occult science of so called spiritualism, exposing the often perpetrated i ' nn.U ii.nmin,,. Tk.u ntu.. or. ! here on regular paving-tour but ! r , . , u. " . : tchancinz - to droii oft on their wav to Portland they were soKcited bv ' the j banJ boy(j. tQ thft entertain-ment Messrs Lewis and Alexander will be ! BH;atpri in Hhps an, mrtt.'V',v . bersof the band. It will really be a ! minstrel show and all the band bovs will I be dressed in character and dulv be- daubed with burnt cork. From private 1 conversation with members of the band who have been, attending rehersals, we are assured that the entertainment be a treat. Schanno Captures the Bakery. Will "Charles White, Grangeville. Idaho" ie the simple and (to a stranger) com monplace entry on the register of the Umatilla house at the date of this -writing and the Chronicle. repiesentative transferred the name -to his note, book while Colonel Sinnot and Emil Schanno watched the proceeding. Then the Col onel knowing the innocent and confiding character of the reporter told the follow ing story: "You see that name, Charles White. Well, in the early days you know, Montana ' and Wyoming"" and Idaho belong to Wasco county. Charles White was theft sheriff and a man was once killed so far away, from the county seat that when "White ar rested him in Montana he had to take the prisoner . back to Omaha to' strike j the Oregon trail and when the both ar- rived in The Dalles the circuit court had adjourned three months before. "You forget Colonel" said Mr. Schanno.- "The fact is after White had arrested his man he found that the snow was so heavy in the Rocky Mjuntains that he .could not' return by the Oregon trail so lie took his prisoner around by the Horn and it was a year' and a half before he got him here." Then the Colonel took off. his hat, made a low bow to Mr. Schanno as much as to say . "Take the bakery Schanno" and stepped out of the room. Notice. - The steamers ""Dalles City" and "Regulator" will make the round trip with through connection.: on Monday, February xoth. B. F. Laughlis,. 2-10-d2t-wlt Gen'l Manager. Mosier Correspondence. . Mosieb, OK, Feb. 10, 1891. Editor Chronicle : Through your columns I would like to ask the tax payers of Wasco county how thev like the new method of assessment viz. 75 per cent, of the actual value of all property, real and personal. I find that owners of property are taxed 25 to 30 per cent, more than thev were on the same fatrloullt 0f property-last year. What has happened to Wasco county that its value should be so much enhanced in one short year. "Will some farmer as dissatisfied as myself use your papers and ask for an explanation. 1 Yours Truly.' Caxxotseeit. . . " Mosier, Or. Feb. 11, 1892. Editor Chronicle : I have been watching and waiting for "M. G.," to pen the news items of the community but I guess he has gone to sleep and has not awakened to the fact that there is anything going-on. , Winter seems to have passed and gone and some of these weather prophets that prophesied a hard winter, and lots of snow-find that their almanac won't do to go by in Oregon. The health of the community is splen did, grippe attacked some few in a mild form. Mrs. W. T. McClure ha9 been suffering with inflamatory rheumatism this win- i ter, but ve are glad to note she is able to get about in the house again. A party of our young Grangers spent a pleasant time on the Washington side of the river last Saturday, at the public installation of officers of the Grange. The Mosier young people are getting up an entertainment of a literary char acter to be held at the new school house on the 22nd of February, Washington's birthday. The proceeds go to pay for the new organ. ..Admission 25 cents in cluding supper, all are cordially invited to attend. " " -: Nobody KIngsley Items. Kisgslkv, Or.", Feb. 7, 1892. Editor of the Chronicle: The weather is fine. . The snow is about all gone. The farmers are talking of plowing but there is a little too much frost yet, for all except Mr. McKinsey. The farmers' alliance of Kingsley held their first regular meeting last Saturday with a- good r.ttendance, and initiated five new members making a total of thirty-three members. ' Regular meet ings will be held on the first Saturdays jin each month at 10 a. m. aud will con- tinue all dav. J. D. Whitten is presi- i dent and J! A. Vaughn, secretary. Vis- house Sunday, February 14th at 11" a. m. by Rev. Holgate. . . Ed. Rondeau is back on the Ridge oa more and everybody seems well pleased to see him back. Ed. says there is no place 'like Tygh Ridge and Uncle-John's, that he ha-" found. Mesdames M. K. and A. McLeod are ' . . , i j i 1 . "'v " buff- i Roth, sr., is confined to his bed and has .been for two or threw weeks. The trouble is rheumatism and hV grippe. He 5s souie better though at this time. Charles Fraley is, the best pleased man Kingsley and is strutting around about the held just like a little boy with his first Dftiits. You ask him what is matter and he says: '"We've (f ;,.i at ,,r i,nno Tha got a Olg gill at our House. in "other and child are doing well and they have named it-Malisie Marier. . The Kingsley Literary Society is pro- cressing finely with I. J. Butler as pres ldent ana J- uarU as secretary Everybody is cordially invited to attend Mr. Wood, of Nebraska, was one of 1 spectators at the literary last featur- day evening. . Frank Leiblin was in town last week James Knight has returned from Hood River, and expects to stay with us until about the 1st of March. . - i Toby, Jr, From the Agricultural College. . ' Cobvallis, Or." Feb. 2, 1892. Editor Chronicle: For the last few weeks the weather has been fine, but on account of freezing at night the roads improve quite slowly. - Many farmers have been falowing the plow as closely as circumstances would permit and are. now preparing to sow. An Evangelical " car has-been here, a few days and the evangelist In charge, has a packed audience every night. - The eleventh anniversary of the Chris tian Endeavor movement, was celebrated by the Corvallis societies, in a union meeting last Sunday afternoon. ' : There is 'sharp competition between thephofographers. - Cabinet photos have suddenly dropped from" $4.00 to $2.00 per dozen. ' . The Undertaker is doing big business of late. The janitor of the college-is lying very low with pneumonia and. may follow Prof. Arnold any day. . Prof. J. D. Letcher is temporary presi dent of the Agricultural College. . An oyster supper in honor of Josiah Burlingame and wife, will be given at the residence of Jerome Everett, Friday night.' . Mrs. Burlingame has improved so much in health that she expects to return with her husband to Dufur in a few daj's. Parties living near the river claim to have distincly felt the earthquake that visited Portland a few days ago. The Willamette is now nearly as low as it was in the fall. . ' The town is very quiefT The skating rink has played out or moved away. Grangers expect to hold a farmers' In stitute at the Benton Co. Court house on the. 18th and 19th of this month. . Bdxchgrass. Keport of the Grand Jury. In the circuit court of the state of Or- egon for Wasco County. In the matter oi the final report of the grand jury for the February term',- 1892. We the grand jury respectfully report to the court that we have now been in ses sion three days, and have found and re ported one indictment, and have also in quired into the condition and manage ment of all offices pertaining ' to the court's of justice in the county, and also into the condition and management of all jails and prisons, within the county, and the county hospital. We find that the office books and accounts of the county .clerk are in excellent condition, and are neatly and -skillfully kept and managed. . - '. The same may be said of the sheriff's office, and the county jail is in better condition and cleaner than it has been heretofore and the county hospital is in good condition, is clean and well kept, and the three. inmates thereof are all cared for, and are well pleased and speak highly of their treatment. The county treasurers , books are well kept and his accounts are correct and accurate. t . - Having finished our labor we respect fully ask to be discharged. -Dalles City, Or., Feb. 10th, 1892." M. V. Harbison. Foreman, i Correspondence: . The Dalles, Or., Feb. 6, 1892. Editor Chronicle: ' " Just a word about the opinions of the Columbia at the Dalles : ' We have been suspected with schemes, and hobbies of 2,000,000 portages, boat railway' and what not that congress and others were going to do and "Tony" is here now for some one to scratch his back and he will see that congress gives us the portage to Celilo well they are all "talking through their hat" and we are dividing our energies. There is one way, and only one, for the present gen eration to derive benefits from all this,, and that is settle down to the idea of the state bnilding the portage and if his honor, the governor, will not convene the legislature, and give us a little re lief, rather than so much gush and wind about hi 8 efforts with Crisp and con gress; then make up our minds that we will not send any man to the legislature who will not be safe to work for the "Dalles portage" and that, on the Ore gon side. We have had about enough "special delegate'.' "wind" and governor "cheap advertisement" so let's tie our kite to results and run no more after false Gods. Akti Date. . The protection accorded to tin-plate makers is producing home competition. There are now five tin-plate ' works, which produce in all over 4000 boxes of tin plate weekly. These works will soon be outdone in extent by' the plant at" Elwood, Ind., which has cost about $1,- 000,000. The buildings cover several acres. Part of the capital has come here from Wales. The Welsh manager says that the works will -turn 2500 boxes of American tin plate daily by 'the first of May. Thus does protection induce for eign skill and capital to engage in build ing up our home industries. - The Whaleback steamer Wet more has successfully carried out another exploit. A report from Port -Townsend, Wash., stately that she lately steamed up the Gnohomish River, where only a stern wneei steamer naa ever- sateiy gone before. She handled like a yawl-boat on the trip. ' Notice is hereby given 'that the firm doing a general merchandise business. at Wamic and Tygh Valley, countv of Wasco, state of Oregon, under the firm name of Gordon & Stogsdill, has been dissolved by mutual consent. All bills owing by the above firm will be pre sented to F. S. Gordon at his office, who will make settlement of same. f5-6t Cigarette. Victim. The statement comes from London that many eminent physicians are of the opinion that the death of the Duke of Clarence was caused by excessive cig arette smoking. The Prince of Wales and Prince George are both badly - ad dicted to the habit. STRAYED. Came to my place on Ten Mile, two months ago, a pale red cow branded E R on right hip.. Upper bit and half crop on each ear. About five years ago. Owner can have her by paying- costs of feed and advertising. : -. Joseph Southwell. PERSONAL. ' M. V. Rand of Hood River came up on a visit Friday. Perry Dean of Wapinitia was in the city Wednesday. George Herbert, of Hood River, was a city visitor Tuesday. .. " . ' Mr. H. Haward of Wamic came into town Wedutsday evening. .- Asa Stogsdale ex-storekeeper at Wamic visited the city Wednesday: . . Ex-Governor Moody registered at the Umatilla house Saturday. Rev. Le Grand. Holgate of Dufur paid us a pleasant visit Wednesday. S. J. LaFrance of Hood River came up on the noon passenger Thursday. C. P. Balch the popular druggist of Dufur was in town Wednesday. Hons. W. Lair and F. P. Mays canie up on the noon passenger Tuesday. Hon. M. P. Isenberg aud J. A. Wilson of Hood River, were in the city Friday. Dr. Hugh Logan left for Portland Fri day -evening on a short visit to his son. Frank Gabel, the well known sheep man, of Wapinitia, spent Friday in the citv. - . . ' Harvey Smith, of Sherar's Bridge, was registered at the Umatilla house Tues day. ' Mr. L. J. Davis of the Eastern Oregon Republican, made a visit to our city Sunday. - ' Mr. Billen of Hood River and M. Rand jr. of Hood River were in town Saturday. . . J. M. Cuuimings, of the Waeco Xew, paid tfie Chronicle office a pleasant visit Friday. , . - Mrs. John Cates returned Saturday from a . visi t to Mr. George Herbert at Hood-River. . " - Hon. G. W. Johnston of Dufur and E. O. McCoy of Grant were seen on the streets Thursday. Brakeman W. H. Crosbv, - while coupling cars Friday at Troutdale, lost one of his fingers. W. L. Ward, of Boyd, and J. H Ic- Hajey of Eight Mile paid the Chronicle a pleasant visit Tuesday. A. W. Bramer the propneter of The Dalles and Prineville stage line registered at the Umatilla House Saturday. Willard Taylor of Dufur left a sub stantial token of his regard for the Chronicle at this office'Saturday A. Noltner of Portland, editor of the Dispatch was in the city Saturday in the interest of the dalles portage railroad. K. F. McLean of Hood Riyer and .bmmett Ulus ot urass Valley were registered at the ; Umatilla House Wednesday. - J. II. Mosier and Louis Davenpoitof Mosier and Hon. M. P. Isenberg of Hood River came up on the noon passenger Wednesday. ' - Mr. and Mrs. Buckley of Graa Valley were in .the city Friday on their return from an extended trip to their former home in New York state. A. W. Harris of Xansene came up Fri day evening from the Willamette valley, where he has been visiting his children for the past three months. Major J.- W. Ingalls came up from Portland Tuesday on the noon passenger. The major is still confident that a liberal subscription for the world's fair will be raised. ' FARM FOR SALE. I offer for sale all or a part of my farm of 4S0 acres in Sec. 24, Tp. 1 south, range 14 east, 15 miles southeast of The Dalles ; good improvements, good young five-acre orchard now bearing, plenty of good water for house use and stock ; 175 acres in cu!tivatin, good outlet north, east, south or west via county roads. I also offer for sale 1(0 acres in section 26, township 1 south, range 14 east; also five head horse, one double set of harness and a few farm implements, etc. Prices reasonable, terms easy and title good. - For particulars come and see me at The Dalles or J. H. Trout at the farm. jan29-tf E. W. Trout. FOR SALE.. We offer for sale either of- our full blood imported stallions "Pure Crystal" or British Wonder, - now at the ranch of J. H. McLean, near Monkland. "Pure Crystal" is a Clydesdale im ported from Scotland, color, bay; star in forehead, seven yearsWd, being 15V bands high aud weighs 1700 pounds; stood here three seasons. "British Wonder," English Shire imported from England, color, bay or brown ; stripes in face. Is ten years old, 16)4 hands high and weighs 1890 pounds. Stood here two seasons. Each of these horses are of excellent form and good action. The reason we wish to sell - one of these horses is on account of the failing health of one of the firm. Terms -to suit purchasers. 1-22 McDonald & McLean, Address Ira McDonald, Monkland, Sherman Co., Or. ADMINISTRATORS SALE. In the matter of the Estate of James Force, Deceased. - Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of an order of the Honor, the county court of Wasco County, Oregon, duly made, rendered and entered on the 4th day of January, I8V2, in the matter of the above estate, I will on Saturday, the 20th day of February, 1892, at the hour of 2 o'clock, p. m., of said day at the Court House door in Dalles City, Wasco County, Oregon, sell to the highest and best bidder for cssh in hand all of the following described real property belonging to said estate to-wit : All of l ot Three in Block Ten in Laughlin's Addition to Dalles City, according to the recorder maps of said City 'and Addition thereto, in said County and State. Dated January 8tb, 1892. - ' . 'D.W.EDWARDS, Administrator of the Estate of James Force, Dufur, Watkins & Menefee, 1-15 2-li Attorneys for Administrator. SHERIFF'S SALE. in the CirtHit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of HVmco: D. M. French and J. W. Kreaeh, (partners, doing business as French & Co.,) Plaintiffs, yt. D. I. Oxi per and Arvazena Cooper, Defendants. BY VIRTUE OF AN EXECUTION ISSUED out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Wasco county on the 14th day of De cember, 1S91, upon a Judgment and an order of sale rendered in said court on the loth day of December, 1K91, in favor of the above-named plaintiff!! and against the above-named defend ants for the sums hereinafter mentioned, which decree among other things, ordered the sale of the lands hereinafter described, to satisfy said sum, I did levy upon and I will sell on Saturday, the 30th day of January, 1892 at the Court House door in Dalles Ciiy, Wasco county, Oregon, at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m. of said day at public auction to the highest bidder for cash in hand subject to redemption, all the following described mortgaged lands to-wit: Lot one (1), in block seven of Neyce and Gib son s addition to Dalles citv. and lota onefl). two three (3), J iv 13 i.iii . aiiu jif imc I and (4), of block 41, and the fractional lots lyine ne immediately adjoining on ud lot one 11. all in Bigelow's the west Bide of said Bluff additions to Dalles City, and the tract or parcel of land bounded bv the following de scribed Jines, commencing at the southwest corner of said Neyce and uibson's addlUons to Dalles City and running thence northerly along the west line thereof 1X3 feet to the south aide of Benton street in said city, thence north 66 degrees west to the east boundary line of what was formerly known as The Dalles Military reservation, but now known as the Uatea' addi tion to Dalles City, thence southerly along the line last mentioned to the point where the same intersects the north boundary line of Bigelow's bluff addition to Dalles City, thence to the place of beginning. Except all that portion of said particularly described lands which is included in the follow ing described lines, to-wit: Commencing at the northwest corner of lot three in block seven of Neyce 4t Gibson's addition to Dalles city, thence westerly, but not due west, along the south line of Benton street, sixty-seven feet; t hence south erly but not due south, on the street line parallel with the west line of said lot three, lAa feet; thence easterly, but not due east, aixty-Beven feet, to the west line of said lot three; thence northerly, but not due north, along the west line of said lot three, 13 feet, to the place of beginning, and also except all of hit four in block four of Bigelow's bluff addition to Dalles City, Or. Being and situated in Dalles City, Wasco county. Oregon, to satisfy the sums of ."91S.47, with interest thereon at the rate of tell per cent per annum since December 10th, WO, and the further sura of costs of suit, and accruing costs herein., . deci'S D. L. CATES, Sheriff of Wasco County, Oregon. Dated, this lfcth day of December. 161)1. SHERIFF'S SALE. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the 1kx of. It'asro. E. B. McFarland and Smith French, partners as French oi McFarland.) plaintiffs, vs. J. JL Johnson and E. 8. Johnson, IefendHiits. BY V1KTI E OF AN EXECUTION AND order f hale issued out of the Circuit court of the State of Oregon, for Wasco countv, on the Mh day of November, 1X91, upon a judgment and an order f sale, rendered in said court on the Ath dAy of December, 1SU1, in favor of the above named plaintiffs aud against the above named defendants for the Mlin hereinafter men. ! tioned, which decree among other things ordered the sale of the lands hereinafter descriiied. to I satisfy said sums I did levy uiton and will sell.. I .nKW mH.rn.Hmi ... j rt . j .1 . lOA 3 AT1 nn r oniuruuj,i,uB ioia uaj oi x eoruary, loaz at the Court house door in Dalles City at the hour of 2 o'clock . m. of Mid day at public auction to the highest bidder for cash In hand all the follouing described mortgaged lands,, to-wit : The cart southwest 'i of Sec. l, Tp. 1 north, of range -15 east, aim east of the NK ' . sec. 4, tp. I 8. range 15 , W illamette Mer.. being and situated in Wasco county, Oregon, to satisfy the sum of .iu-x.h; with interest thereon from said Ath dav oi December. at the rate of ten percent, per annum and 1U0 attorney s lees, ami me lunner sums oi aib.ttf, togetner with accruing cost herein. decJj D. U CATKB, fcberilf oi Wasco Countv, Oregon. Dated, the 18th day of December, 1891. ADMINISTRATORS SALE. - In the matter of the Estate of John Mason. Deceased. Notice Is herebv given that in nursuance of an order of the Honor, the County Court of Wasco County, Oregon, duly made, rendered and entered on Hie Mh day of January, 1H92, In th matter of the above estate. I will on Saturday the iitth day of February. 18il. at the hour of one o clock, p. m., of said day at the Court House dir in Dalles City, Wasco Comity, Oregon, sell as a whole to the highest and best bidder for cash in band all of the following described reaj property belonging to said estate to-wit: The Northwest one-fourth of Section Twelve, Township One, North of Range Fourteen, East W.-M. in said Coun y and State. uaiea January tui, littu. S. V. MASON, Administrator of the Estate of John Mason, Dufur, Watkins S Mcnefee, - i-i.' '-' i j. Attorneys tor Administrator. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. U. S. I.axd Offic-, The Dalles, Or., Jan. 1", WW Notice is hereby given that the followiiig nnined settler hits filed notice of his intcnUon to make llual proof in support of his. claim, and that said proof will be made before the register, aud receiver of the IT. 8. Iand office at The Dalles, Or., on March 4, Imi-2, viz: Valentine Koos, D. (. Xo. 7, for the 8E U See. 17, Ti IS, RW E W. M. He names the following witnesses toprove his continuous residence uioii and cultivation of said laud, viz: Mike Rpcichinger, Kohert Mays, Henry feiicichingcr and Joseph Kuebil, all of The Dalles, or. l-m-2-lti JOHX W. LEWIS, Register. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. -VTOTICE IS HKIiKBY GIVEN THAT THE 1.1 undersigned, as the administrator of tbe partnership estate ot tilenn & Handler, has died his final account in the otlice of the County Clerk. of Wasco county, Oregon and that the County Judge of said county has duly madean -order thereon, directing notice thereof to be f iveu by publication for four successive weeks n Tub Dai lbs Weekly Chboniclb and fixing Tuesday, March 8, 1W2, at the hour of 1 o'clock p. in., (that being the seaoud day of the nexfdL term of the County Court for said county) aa the . time, and the county court room of the county cou s house of said county, in Dall"s City, Ore---gon, as the place, foi the hearing of any objec tions there may be, to such linal account and its ' settlement. F. V. MAYS, Administrator of the estate of Glenn Handlev. 2-:m - . ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVES THAT ON THE 23d day of December, 191, L. Wilson, executed and delivered to the undersigned hia deed of assignment, conveying to me all of tbe property belonging to blm, both real and per-", aonal, for the benefit of all his creditors in pro portion to the amount of their respective claims. All persons having claims against said assignor are notified to present their claims with the . roper vouchers therefor to me at the otlice of ays, Huntington dt Wilson, The Dalles, Ore gon, within three moots from tbe date ot this notice. dec2o-feb& Dated, The Dalles, December 24, 1891. B. 8. HUNTINGTON, Assignee. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE undersigned has been duly appointed ex ecutor with the will annexed of the last will and testament of David Scttlemier, deceased, by the County Court of the State of Oregon for Wasco county. All persons having claims against the estate of said deceased are hereby nntllied to pre sent the same to-me-with the proper vouchers therefore,-at the office of Mays, Huntington & Wilson, The Dalles, Oregon, within six months from the date hereof. ... January 25th, 1892. B. 8. HUNTINGTON, 1-29-2-26 . Executor.