THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE, FRIDAY, JANUARY. 15,-1892. The Weekly Ghroniek bosses is a mistake. The best element ' society affords is hone too good for a primary. If the people want good gov- ; crnment and clean candidates they i Entered nt the Postofflce at Tho Dalles Oregon, uf ,,0.j tu ; an second-cinss matter. '. must guard the primaries above every- A SCVCBSSFIH. TIKfl. ' SUBSCRIPTION' RATES. .- BY XAIL (POSTAGE PUETAID IK ADVANCE Weekly, 1 vcur S 1 50 A ltrief Account of a Dalle Business . . lloime Its Growth. Few persons unacquainted with this city have any idea of the amount of j stock carried and business transacted by 11 mouths " 8 " Oiillv, 1 veur "" C mouths X'er Address all ea:nmuiiiciition to 1 ICI.E," The Dulles, Oregon. 0 75 0 50- 0 00 3 00 0 50 THE CHROX- Yesten'ny Oreguitian furnishes a list of bills introduced by Mr. Herman on the 5th instant. Among these wo notice one calling for an appropriation of $1,500,000 for 'the work at the Cascade Locks. This work Mr. Herman hopes to have placed in the system now applied to Galveston, Baltimore, Philadelphia, Hay Lake channel and SooSaiiK Marie, canal, which provides authority to the Members of The Dalles board of trade i me ot our larger business houses. Few have gathered statistics from thorourhlv wuld ,malne that 'e have houses 5,1 " - .u. j.. i i ci.Li. reliable sources upon which thev base I K-lLi " I'""""" thev declared, the estimate that the people of Wasco, l'"uc uluvr Sherman and Klickitat counties have, ! ?ouse8 extending upwards of 200 miles since the opening of the Cascade port- ! lnto the interior. YcJ such, is the fact) nSe, on the wheat crops of last season j "B .the business transactions of the firm of j alone, received the sum of 100,000 for" 'nlPes & nersly will testify. This j mm uuujuicuceu uubintro? on me join oi their. crops over and above what they wotild have received had the Cascade portage not been in existenee. Senator Chandler, of New Hampshire, has introduced a proposition to amend the constitution of the United States by adding to it the following: "So person of foreign birth, not a citi zen of the United States, shall be allowed to vote for any officers, State or National. Tiie proposition is in the interest of good government but politicians 'of the ! January 1S79, nearly thirteen years ago. The firm is composed of Ben E. Snipes, the cattle king and banker of Ellensburg, Wash., and O. Kinersly. bought out the business of H. J. Wal dron who started in business, in this city in the year 1S64 and whom they succeeded in the old "Waldron I A Preacher Mistaken for a Detective. ! Bibmingham, Ala., Jan, 8. The Rev. ! G. R. Hicke, of Barbourville, Ky., is j visiting friends near Fort Payne. While j i taking a walk last night he was attacked i jby four men, who began beating him. j j When he protested they told him that j j lie was Tom Hewlett, a detectivcof this ! city. He had molested friends of Mir-irs ! and "they were gpiug to j even up accounts. The Rev. Hicks un dertook to open his satchel and identify himself with his bible, but his assailant's thought it was a ruse .to get .hold of his pistol and they knocked him senseless. After beating him unmercifully with clubs and sticks they left him'in the road, where friends found him. He is u mvuiiwiv mjurea, ouc will De 6oie Thei- firr i an4 lame for mary da-vs- T1e preacher j ,r-(.. . . , , . I nej nrst ; had Beyer bt.rore hear(1 of Tom new,eU . fijGet our Prices beone Purchasing. Minnesota Thresher Mfg. Go., Manufacturers and Healers" in Minnesota Chief Separators, : Giant & Stillwater Plain and Traction Engines, ' CHIEF': Farm Wagons! Stationary Engines and Boilers of all sizes. Saw Mills and Fixtures, Wood-Working Machinery, Wood Split Pulleys, Oils, Lace Belts and Belting." Minnesota Thresher NSfg. Co. houses of this city were rapidly moving war department to contract for the en tire work. Eastern Orceon and Wash ington will owe Mr. Herman a deep debt I Tammany stripe to whom anything j way from Main streetand following the of gratitude if he succeed in carrying . that can handle a prepared ballott is a j procession Snipes & Kinersly moved this measure through. A still more voter, will never permit to a pass. illto their present quarters in the spring of 1880. At that time the upper floor of but thinks seriously of altering his per- I Cnnal A nnn .. .... it I 1 1', .1 ( jjuaitiuuc ii iiu iooks iiKe me I detective Jt is thought the four men j belong to a gang of moonshiners who! successful I v rpt.nlanH Mm ,-.n:,. e ! stone building at tlie fuot of Washington I their fortified stilt oji Sand mountain' street. Thirteen rear ago the business i last week, but who afterward sun-en- i 267 Front Street, PORTLAND, OREGON. important measure, if - possible, Mr. Herman proposes to submit to the house next week. He will introduce a bill, on such a plan as lie thinks inost likely to pass his committee for overcoming the dered their stronghold and fled. ISepnrt That a. Body of EurIIhH Marines ! Lauded at Tangier?. i London-, Jan. 7. The stock exchange ! today is in a state of wild excitement, ! owing to a very warlike rumor. This' An exchange of very pronounced dera- ' tue building was used as an opera house, ocranc proclivities, wnicli strongly de- ui ie demands oi a rapidly increasing ; report as spread is to the effect that a ! noutices David 13. Hill, says the partv I trade ordained that pleasure should British war vessel at Tangier" has landed i ii mtu ui uii.i, imucr iresent coiuli- vjiu iu uuuiy ana uie opera House De-; a lorce of blue jackets and marines at Crandal 1 & Budget, MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN FURNITURE CARPETS obstructions of the Columbia at the ! uun' uecauae ox ins superior shrewdness , eaine iransiormeu into part ot one great ; that place. It is added that the French dalles and it will probably be the pro ject finally reported by him at the list" session for temporary relief in a porta e j railroad pending an appropriation for a : canal or a ship railway. We shall watch the success of this latter measure j with intense interest. . and ability to cope with the "other warehouse occupying three floors, each ! admiral there has given the British ad-' rascais mi me opposition partv. t'oli- ; tics have come to a pcettv pass w hen a "rascal" becomes indespeiisible to any party. thirty feet wide by one hundred feet in length, or an area of 27,000 square feet. From the very first the firm of Snipes & I i Kinersly took its position as the leading ' j drug stcre in the city. It started with ; reported to have ! and still maintains every important : miral notice that France gives England twenty-four hours in which to re-embark j her landing party, and that if this is i not done at the expiration' of that time, the French fleet will attack" the British ' warships. It is supposed that this i The Union Pacific is discharged one half of the breakmen be-! element that "oes to build 1111.11 KlliTTlCCI- ; startlinsr Tenort is simnl The Salem board or trade has taken ''tween Pendleton and Hunt:ngton and it ; ful enterprise, such as intense devotion' 'ted b.v bourse speculators); but the ex-j up the matter of providing better roads ; crews between Per.dieto.1 and ; to business and accomodating and oblig- SnMhe ffitfon if Mor-co'is' believed ' loruanu wm a!so l.'t- reduced. The j mg manners on the part of the manus- i to be. Inouiries made nt tho nrlmiraltv i lnnual winter killinji started the other dav ; lirmtotake advantage of the markets j topic of London. The report, though j for Ma ron county. Petitions are being signed in all parts of the county urging the court to levy a 2-mill . tax to build good gravel roads under contract. Pity some similar steps have not been taken here. There is a stretch of alleged road between tl is city and Long Ward's that preparing ior me ; mg partner which leave their impress ' "uu "l l"v toreign omce ian to obtain r so ausnicionslv! on every ennilovc of the firm nd an ! ?ntirmatioii or denial of the news re-I near La Grande. ' Unlimited canital which el.W fh J ",7? J??ort 'V18 Prd i . -- itn mm icrjua rapiuiiv, tinti is now tlie i The Union Pacific company has failed !-nd to purchase from first hands in : descredited on all sides, is causing a has been calling to heaven for the last I ot railroad commissioners as required by- twenty years that something might be ; hiw and the board has notified the gov done dilierent from summer following it crnor accordingly. We hope the gover every spring. It is a road the improve- nor !ua' show the company that there ment of which is of immense interest to I 's a bigger man in Oregon than .Jay this city and county. Two or three ' Gould. mills added to the tax levy, and judic-' iously expended on this and other roads Senator PerTer has introduced a -bill that demand attention would scarcely ""tlrorizing the secretary of the treasury be felt and would benefit the people ini- I to is8UC treasury notes to the amount of to file its annual report with the board ! large quantities and on the best terms. "angerous JeeJing on the stock ; bAKlTr;&I ninrirnr l The Eight-Day Order Uevoked. Tombstone, A. T., Jan. 7. A private I Ticket and Baggage Office of the O. K. & N. Company and office of the Wester Union Telegraph Office are in the Hotel. Fire-Proof Safe for the Safety of 'all Valuables! mensely. Such work has got to be done sometime and the sooner the better. There is no greater tax on the farmers than bad roads. If the county court, when making the tax levy for the current year would add a little on behalf of our county roads we believe the tax payers ought not to complain about it. $100,000,000, the notes to be loaned to people of Indiana on mortgages upon 1 their lands. There is not the least likli liood that such a bill will ever become a law. It is not surprising, therefore, that three ' registered pharmacists and other minor assistants should find their time so fullv occupied that in answer to a question telegram received here from New York put by the writer as to how business was i ilnnounees that the Mexican government progressing, one of them should say,' ' haB revoked the order allowing Aineri-j "We have always so much to do that we ! can freight teams only eight days to pass ,' nsver catch up," or that another ques-' n Mexico.. The eight-day rule went i tion as to their prescription business ! int0 effect few weeks ago, causing con- brought out the answer, "We have on j Vernation "among American" mining sktablished 18. our files upwards of 53,000 prescrip-' C01uPanea the interior of v$onora. 1 " tions." ' .. ' 'Many closed down, being unable to se- j T TT j y -rrv As one enters 'this immense drug store ' cl,re suPIHi'- A' strong appeal was. V -LvXi JL J. Ill Jie finds on the right what is iustlv said ! maQ, at the City of Mexico, with the ! to be the finest cigar "show case in Or- ,?Af A ' team can now ; - i . v tiivii un ii Undertakers and Embalmers. NO, 160 SECOND STREET. New - Umatilla- House, THE DALLFS, OREGON. HAIMDLEY & SINNOTT, PROP'S FINEST HOTEL : IN : OREGON. AND BUTLER,. i ork has been voted $1,978,5-10 by the city council for cleaning the streets dur- , , , ""' ; , ; mg the current year. This isan increase Archdeacon larrar or London says ; 0f f400,000 over last year. Tammany that he will give $o00 for proof of a single; has some nice, fat picking at its d!s-- , w nere POsa Street Cominissioiier Breman 0f Xew ; es"'" a caso of hoav" P,ille gla6S. ever S3 many leet in length and height, filled with every quality and grade of cigars, trom case, in the church or out of a person has been cured of intemper- ance without practicing total abstinence. This means says the Denver Sun that the Archdeacon's observation teaches j lnm that the person who has fallen Morrow county has only $11,425 in real estate mortgages on its assessment roll. That's a mizhtv irood shmrinor fnr or r. ... " ' " kiic uiuit ui ur in King to ' i iw demoralizing, disgraceful or dangerous 1 nokthwest news excess can never tone himself over into a quiet, moderate, decorous drinker ,,,.,, again. He must continue in his ex- , , "urcu OI rortiana cesses or not drink at all. He mnt cive ' IT, the half block 0,1 south side of up the pleasures of the wine fbie tnd i fel'iSSjggSfc."1 Fffth' the social party as the price of safety. ' There are doubtless others whose obse'r- ' ecr oi Union county says he vations -will corroborate the Arch- ! ra5se1 800 gallons Longorth;a Prolific deacon's conclusions, some mav even ! strawberries to the aero and he says the confirm it by experience. j JcMle 1000 gallons peracre The alliance ''movement" in this The fact that Governor Pennoyer has i countr" s a "thorn in the flesh" to the signed the Dalles board of trade circular 1 Partisaii politician. Partisan politics urging our congressmen to work for a SS'trend88" Politics is on portage railroad at the dalles has en- ecuraged the friends of the measure to: -AH the high points in. Crock county send blank circulars to the governor of i are. deeP'" covered with snow, and, Washington and Idaho for their signa- ' wnilu feud is plentiful, stockmen are tures also. Tlie Chronicle suggests ! ?ot wel1 cnough prepared to rejoice over that a circular be sent to Senator Allen T 'Utm'e Probabl( Prospects. to see wear ne wouirt do with it. t The " a said tliat the whaleback C. W. people of Oregon have observed with re- j Wetmore was unable to land at the gret that while the Senator has always a j wharf in Everett, Wash The vessel good word to sav for anv purely inter-! -uulu B3' ln at nign tide, but would be nal or sea coast 'nroWt j' i,;,h w..k. I stuck in the mi,dat low water. ington in interested, if he has ever said . a word in favor of an open river it has never Ijeen loud enough to reach Oregon. Russell Sage ha9 resumed business at the old stand but now he has to have a body guard at a probable expense of ten dollars a week. - Russell is reported to have had a suit of clothes destroyed by the bomb explosion that cost him fifteen dollars, cash, two years ago. The ex pense of a body guard and a new suit of clothes will break him all up. Ex-Governor Hill of New York has leased one of the best houses' in Albany, notwithstanding the fact that his posi tion as senator is supposed to keep him in Washington for the, next six Vears. This action of Mr. Hill is taken tolndi cate that he inteuds to be governor of New York as well as United States senator. Tho verdict ot the coroner's jury em paneled to investigate the cause which led up to the recent disaster on the Union Pacific railroad near La Grande, yas practically to the effect that 'the company was responsible for the wreck, because of the .imperfect ballasting of the road bed, and the poor judgment shown in running such a heavy engine at the hieli rate of sneed reonired. Tt in said that. the- families of the deceased engineer and fireman intend to enter suit against the Union Pacific com nan v : to recover damages, and that this ver : diet will be of great advantage to them I in its prosecution. The grange is making an effort for free mail deli very. :n the country. Do you favftr the idea? If so, sign a peti tion and ask your neighbor to do the same. Forward it to John WanamakRr. postmaster general, Washington, D. C. Do you know that one man. will deliver the letters to a large neighborhood ? He need not make a daily trip except in thickly settled section--. - Better pay oiie man lo collect and distribute the mail The biennial crop of candidatce for state and county offices is beginning to bud and in some instances put forth I than to have 20 or 30 farmers quit their leaves. As an exchange says we cannot i 50 lo lne Psto"ee. Then it is all agree as to which partv we can act! . lmPc malttT ?f iustice- The ... , . , " 1 - we can act country people now help pay for free with but we do all agive as to the neces-! delivery thiin tn i5m Aaii n. the best products of our home factories to the finest imported Havan- nahs. Back of this come Ions tiers of! shelves filled with patent medicines of which the firm keeps in stock, every leading kind and buys them direct from the manufacturers. Then comes an other range of shelves and show cases filled in every corner with every variety of druggists sundries. Still further on I another tier repleted with retail samples ot their immense stock of paints, oils, varnishes, window glass and kindred materials. An hundred feet of shelving and show cases on the left are occupied with drugs and chemicals while the mid dle of the floor is occupied with a be wildering variety of artists materials, studies, panels, porcelain plaques, Jap anese goods, patent medicines, toilet requisites and apparently everything else to be found within the precincts of a modern drug store." It the extreme northern and of the main floor stands an immense rack reaching from floor to ceiling filled and overflowing with every variety of wall paper from the cheapest in the market up to a quality fit to dec orate a palace. The upper floor and basement are chiefly used as storage rooms. A walk through them finds them laterally packed with goods. Here are rows of boxes and barrels filled with empty bottles, yonder stacks of cases of patent medicines. Further on heaps of tubs and bottles and cans redo lent of the flavor of white lead and tur pentine. Still further rows of venerable barrels bearing the familiar legend "Old Kentucky Burbon" or "California Port" of the still and vintage of 1800 and ever so many years back. In this corner is a packing room, in yonder an apartment filled from floor to ceiling with the firms own proprietory medicines and flavor ing extracts, and thulone may travel on for long enough only to find boxes and cans, bottles and cases, barrels and dem ijohns and then more boxes and cans and bottles and cases and barrels and demijohns on floor and shelf and closet and counter and table and gallery till one turns away with the one' lingering uipression inai gave preiace to this article namely that one who has never visited -tho store of Snipes & Kinersly could imagine that outside the me tropolis of Oregon there could not be found any one firm carrying so large a stock of the goods usually found in a drug etore. tunc 10 come .-inn an HI I. , . . . : iuucii uiacumery and mining supplies : consigned from eastern cities will go for- j ward at once from this vicinity, where it has been held. DEALER IN- -After the Mexican Connplratorfl. Uavtb...... If; T - r j i'ica, uau. t. vxipies oi a circular alleged to have been issued by the clerical party in supportof the Garza uprising are in the hands of the Federal government, and steps will at once be taken to ferret out the leaders in this conspiracy. The authorship of this cir cular is generally attributed to Arch bishop d'Oea, of this d'ocese. Sax Antonio, Tex., Jan. 7. A train of pack mules and scouts for service against Garza have arrived here from Fort Russel, Wyo. They will leave on ' a special tram this morning for Fort Mcintosh. Groeeries and -.Groekery 11,11 e ot juainp?, Glassware and Dishes of all kinds. Silver plated Knives, Forks and Spoons. When you are selecting your Christmas presents look through my stock and you will get something useful as well as ornamental. 113 tHASHlNGTON STREET, THE DALLES, OREGON Quarrel Ketn-een Opium fiends. Sacramento, Jan. 7. Near midnight last night Frank Conniff shot his part ner Edward Bailey. They are proprie tors ot a notorious resort for opium fiends. For several days they had been quarreling, and last night both started to draw their pistols, but Conniff got his weapon out first, and shot Bailr through-the-right groin. The second! snot missed him. He then took away Bailey's pistol, and walked out of the saloon with both weapons in his hand. He is still at large: Bailey's wound is not necessarily fatal. SEWING ii SI1G W BTZt wen Ladies' and Childrens' French Felt Hats, Trimmed Hats, 23 3D T AND UPWARDS. 25c. 50c. Ladies and Childrens Furnishing Goods, -."WAY DOWN" ' Mrs. Phillips, - 81 Third Street. , Charged With Murder. San Francisco Jan. 7. On the night of December 28, G. Francisco, a Mexi can sailor, and companion entered the saloon of John Giese. They were in toxicated and were ordered out of the place. Giese and his barkeeper, Joseph Cordea, ejected them upon their refusing to go, and Francisco stabbed Giese . in the abdomen and Cordes in the arm with a large dirk knife. Giese died this morning and Francisco was arrested and cnarged with murder. The city of Seattle is flooded with counterfeit nickles, dimes, dollars and half dollars and lately $10 and (5 coun terfeit notes were also found to be in circulation. The f 10 is a splendid coun terfeit and no one but an expert could detect its spurious nature. THE DALLES LUMBERING CO.. INCORPORATED 188S. No. 67 Washington Street. . . , The Dalles. - Wholesale and Retail Dealers and Manufacturers of . Ming Material and Dimension Timber, Doors, Window, MeMings, House Foraishings, Etc Special Attention given to the -Manufacture of Fruit and Fish Boxes and Packing Cases. Factory and Iiumbor Tard At Old Ft. Dalles, You can tell more about a man's character by trading liorses with him once than by hearing him talk in prayer meeting a lifetime. This, howeyer does not deterorate the value of prayer meet ing. Gazelle. Explosion of Boiler. Birmingham, Ala., Jau. 7. At Rol ling, Ala., this morning the boiler of the saw mill of tho Miller, ' Cad well & Flower Lumber company exploded, kill ing Engineer Cooper and three others and wounding four more. The mill is a total wreck. Loss, $25,000. DRY Pine, Fir, Oak and Slab WOOD Delivered to any p&rt of the city, . airy of good government. Good govern ment begins ?t the bottom.'. To ie.ive the primaries to a few Km-:.! workers who generally take their cue largo cities pay lor cou muster General nit-re win i e n- Why not let the cities help ntry delivery? But Pcst- w ansmakcr extra expense ;ie from, tho party j government. Pacific Rural Pre? think to the Being rallied about his bid for the support of the Jo Simon Democracy Governor Pennoyer slyly remarked to j his mterlocntor that there were a good j many of them. Salem Journal. Arrested for Murdering His Wife. Ottawa, Out., Jan, 7. Leon C. La belle, a son- of the late Captain Labelle, ex-member of parliament, of Montreal, has been arrested on a charee of murder ing his wife. Killed By an Explosion. Berlin, Jan. 7. Three persons were killed and six severely injured by an ex plosion in the Monopol pits in Munster today. . Wasco Warehouse Co., Receives Goods on Stor age, and Forwards same to their destination. Receives Consignments For Sale on Commission. f?ates Reasonable. MARK GOODS - W. Oo- TIIE DALLES, ORKGOH. Chrisman Bros., (Successors to T. Taylor.) ' : PROPRIETORS OF THB ! GITY P5PT UNION STREET. HAMS, BAGON and SUSAGE ALWAYS ON HANI).