The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, January 01, 1892, Image 7

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7 3
An Oregon Howe. , and the sooner it occurs the better,
A recent issue of the Scientific Arntri- The emancipation of . the grotesque do-
can contains a picture and description of ; minion and its absorption in theLnited
the Oregon horse Wonder which it says, ; states wouia De a oeneni to
has recently attracted much attention i and also to Great Brttain.
tthovtrnrrlinnm1TOlorimentof the course would relieve Great
hair of his mane, forelock and tail, lhe
animal ia verv handsome. It is a Stal
lion of French or Percberon, Printer
and Clydesdale blood. He is 1(5 hands
high, weighs 1435 pounds, and isofches
nut color, the mane and tail are of the
MSame hue. He is now eight year3 old
r and was foaled in Marion county, Ore
gon. The mane is' fourteen feet, the
foretop nine feet, and the tail twelve
feet long. When spread and drawn out
,to their full extent, the display of the
beautiful locks of bright hair is quite im
pressive. The greatest care is taken of
the hair. It is washed out with cold
water, no tonics being applied to it.
Before the horse is placed in his stall
the hair is drawn out and divided into
several thick strands. From his mane
four such strands are made. Each
strand is then tied around once every
six inches about to the nd. It is then
rolled up and put into a bag. For his
mane and foretop alone five bags are re
quired. He is exercised in the same
guise, a blanket or sheet, if necessary,
being thrown over him to conceal the
pendant bags. The greatest care is
taken of his health."
Britain of
iu transat
she has no
It would, moreover, give the
energy and enterprise which
Southern Oregon Mines.
tiraat'8 Pass Courier.
Sherer, Simmons and Williams are
sluicing out $100 a day with four men at
their mine, just below the mouth of
Galico creek.
A party is opening the Lewis MeCal
lister .mine on Kogue river below
Dutcher creek, and expect to have the
diggings in order next week.
William Rubie was down from the
Rubie placer mine near Wolf creek. He
is running two giants with eight men.
He expects to put iu another giant next
week, and to put on three or fonr more
A promising strike hss recently bwin
made in quartz on Coyote creek, hereto
fore known as the little Anaconda. A I
tunnel has been run with a view of
cross-cutting- the ledge; 130 feet' has
been run and the ledge continues on. It j
is net) in gold, ana assays an tne way
from $fi to $2o0 to the ton. Capital
assured for its development.
the necesaitv of engaging
lantlc squabbles in which
no mere colonists can possess. The
onlv sufferers would be the Indians who
would be transferred to the tender mer
cies of what is Drobablv the most cor
runt and rascally institution on earth
. - .. . " -r i - l rru.
tne wasnmgton inaiao uureau. xue
paper further says that Canada once
frw. Australia would soon follow. The
talk of Australian lovalty to the British
crown, Truth says, is all buncombe.
High-Toned Chilian Refugees.
Washington. Dec. 30. A dispatch
states that the fact was developed at
vesterdav's cabinet meeting that the
refugees at the American legation in
Santiaeo are proving a great source of
embarrassment to the administration.
In the event of hostilities between the
United States and Chili it would be im
possible for this government to afford
them any further protection. In the
event of "war Egan would be given his
passports and permitted to leave the
country in safety, but not so the refu
gees. "It seems, too, the refugees are
proving themselves a white elephant on
Egan's hands. They insist upon being
entertained in the most hospitable
fashion, and thev seem to feel their
I right to the best which the legation af-
fords is unquestioned.
The Missouri Train Kobbers.
San Francisco, Dec. 30. A woman
giving the name of Florence Waterman
has been arrested by detectives here.and
it is claimed she has not only acknowl
edged being the wife of Marion Hedpeth
who is suspected of being one of the
gang of train robbers which held up the
train at Glendale. Mo November 30,
but has given information which may
lead to the arrest of other members of
the band in addition to Albert Sly who
was arrested last week in Los Angeles
by Detectives Pinkertoii and Whitaker,
and who was taken east on Sunday with
out the formality of extradition papers.
Plot to Assassinate the Czar.
St. Peteksbvkg, Dec. 28. Ten police
A Touching Instance.
is j made a large number of arrests in Rus
' sian Poland, as the result of a discovery
! of a secret league, the object of which
was to assassinate the czar. It is thought
was related to us this week bv one or our . , , , , , t , ,
, , . , ; spiracy have taken fright at the knowl-
Dest mends. j eue o1- their plans bv the police, and
"I found a cockroach struggling in a, will seek safety by" fleeing from the
bowl of water I took half a peanut shell j country. The authorities have ordered
T ,t him infn it r,A m ironuer cioseiy waicnea, ana u is
believed further arrests
will shortlv be
him two wooden toothpicks for ores and
left him. The next moraine I visited
him, and he had a piece of white cotton ' Two K,lled ,,y BIast'-
thread on one of the toothpicks, and set ! Milwaukee, Wis., Dec. 30. At 7 :30
the toothpick on end as a signal of;"-113-' four boxes of dynamite bombs,
distress. He had a hair on the other j Heed for Wasting at Schoonmaker's stone
toothpick, and there that cockroach sat ' quarry at Wanwatossa, a village five
a fishing. The cockroach exhausted, j miles west of this city, exploded, blow
had fallen asleep The sight melted me, j ng Albert Butlits and willam Walker
to tears. I had never to chew leather to ' e . , , , .
get a soul; I was borr. with one. I took :- to atoms. John Ralalsky was fatally
that wiriviw-tw.tit , Mm a tiinnnini ! injured. The two men killed were in
r.f rri,Bi .,! lpft Thp n7iimnf nrr I the act of loading a blasting pump when mv fcin,inPRs nnri now mv lins ' the expiosion occurred. The concession
is chock "full of cockroaches.' i'r. ; demolished hundreds of windows in
- . t anwatossa and a number in this city.
The leadly Cigarette.
Mukville&tiir: A Train "Wreck In Russia.
The death record of the cigarette is : Paris, Dec. .30. Le Clair publishes a
still drawing tears from the recording ; dispatch from St. Petersburg, giving de
angel. The 14-year-old son of one of ! tails of a terrible railway accident in
Pomona's prominent citizens went un- j Russia at Rosova station on the railway
der last week in delirium tremens and j between Minsk and Smolinsk, the latter
horrible convulsions from overmuch ! cit-v 250 m"es southwest of Mos
cow. An express tram vesterdav ran
and over
Mine Hoisting Works Burned.
Tombstone, Ariz., Dec. 28. The Con
tention mine, hoist and works were
burned yesterday. The loss is $300,000,
The amount of insurance is not known,
but it is believed to be ,150.000. The
fire caught in the roof of the blacksmith
shop, where a watchman had a stove to
keep himself warm. The residence of
the superintendent was also destroyed.
The loss includes the pumping plant.
The 600-foot shaft is still burning. No
work has been done on the mine for
several years, owing to a misunderstand
ing with other companies on pumping
the water out. ne mine is owned prin
cipally in San Francisco.
A Change In Minister.
Berlin, Dee. 29. The North German
Gazette says it learns from reliable
sources tnat Dr. von HouenDum, at
present German' minister to Japan, will
be transferred to Washington, where he
will represent Germany in place of
Count Arcovalley, who died some time
ago. Baron von Gutsclimid, wno is
now German minister to Chili, will be
transferred toTokio, to take the place
made vacant by thevtransfer of Dr. Von
Holienbum. Dr. Von Winckler, now
holding the position of secretary of the
German legation at Constantinople, will
be abpointed minister to Mexico.
Deshabille Did Not Bother Him.
Geneva, O., Dec. 28. An exciting
chase took place here yesterday. The
vestibuled sleeper No, 12, east-bound,
was sidetracked, awaiting the clearing of
a freight wreck at Kingsville. A pas
senger awoke and saw a thief running
from the car with his trousers, which
contained $250 in cash. He pursued the
thief to Main's storeroom, where the
culprit dropped the garments, which
were regained without loss. The gen
tleman coolly wrapped his coat about
him and marched back to the car, while
the crowd applauded heaitily. .
The Colonial Parliament Closed.
Melbourne. , Dec. 29. The governor
of Victoria prorogued the colonial par
liament today. His excellency, in clos
ing the session, said he regretted diffi
culties had arisen in dealing with the
commonwealth bill, but he believed the
federation of the Australian colonies was
onlv delayed, not defeated. He added
that the financial prospects of the col
ony were promising and good reports
were received concerning the harvest.
Shot Without Any Cause.
Reno, Nev. Dec. 28. A man named
Ben Pierce shot Patsy Hamilton, an em
ploye of the Nevada & California rail
road, in the Russ house last night. The
wound is said to be of a very dangerous
character, it being about an inch below
the heart. The shooting is said to have
been without provocation. Pierce is in
" Tte Siege of Yemen.
Vienna, Dec. SO. A letter is pub
lished here describing the ten week's
siege of Yemen by the Arabs. The
town was under bombardment daily,
while a terrible famine prevaded there.
When the Turks relieved the city, a
general butchery of prisoners occurred
on both sides. :
A Kl Karate Man Missing.
Kansas City, Dec. 30. W. T. Hall, a
veteran real estate man, has been miss
ing since December 18, and his friends
entertain fears as to bis safety. It is as
serted the lirui has been financially em
barrassed of late.
Dalles, Portland & Astoria
Special Sale ! Novel Attractions !
RvePEiQe DaV
nicgunt Steamer
Will leave the foot of Court Street
every morning at 7 A. M.
Portland and Way Points
Connections Will be Made with the
Fast Steamer
At the Foot oi the.Cascade Locks.
For Passenger or Freight Rates, Apply
to Agent, or Purser on Board.
Office northeast wrwr of Court and Maiu street
liWariai l Fnrf.
use of the little paper smoke-wad.
know of a lew l.inkvule vkins
going the same wav. ihe time is
AVe '
who are , ,.,..
'381 ' : i. : i
coming, young lads, when you will wish "v '"J"-
to heaven it was the measles that caught
you. When a boy gets fairly into cigar
ette smoking, he can't break out.
In Kittitas County.
I Cle-i.i'm, Wash., Dec. 2!t The
prospects are that this section will ex
perience the greatest depth of snow in
; several years. At Fish lake, twenty
: miles above here, the snow is eleven
feet deep on a level. At. Lake Cle-Elum
it is eight feet, at Easton seven feet and
By the Mcrphine Itotite.
Los, Dec. 29. Leah Benja
min McGregor who, with her husband,
took morphine at the Hotel Raniona
Sunday morning with suicidal intent,
died at C o'clock this evening. It is now
believed that McGregor first took poison
and then forced his wife to take a deadly
dose. An inquest will be held on both
bodies tomorrow.
A Desperate Old Man.
P.vitis, Dec. 28. An old man living in
the eastern department killed his son in
a quarrel over a legacy. When the gen
darmes arrived to arrest him, he barri
caded himself in the house. He fired at
the gendarmes, whereupon a second
gendarmes leveled his pistol at the mur
derer and killed him.
Undertikiug Establishment 1
Furniture and Carpets.
We lwvi udtled to our business a
complete Undertaking Establishment,
and as we are in no way connected with
the Undertakers' Trust our prices will
be low accordingly.
Remember our "place on Second street,
next to Moody's bank.
nt lllic rtnint ohrtiit tnrrh nnri o hnlf foatt
. . .V . II U Mt.V. L. 111.11 m,,
t Snnw 14 fitill fnllino. nnri cliohtK Irifttno.
e ....p,.. 0
HI I-Ittle .Joke.
National Ijiljor Tribune.
A clergyman who was a widower, had
three grown-up daughters. Having oc
casion to go awav from home for a few
weeks he wrote home from time
time. In one of his letters he informed
them that he had "married a strapping i Collided with a Switch Engine. r
widdow with six children.'- ' Beatrice, Neb., Dec. 29. A passenger
You may imagine what a stir this I train on the Union Pacific collided with
created in the household. When the j a switch engine in the vards this after-
her eves red with weeninc tpnrs oaid
.....r. . . . . - : ij m: .v. n j ,
"wnere s tne widow vou married. "e,J""'B lue lua" oaggage cars,
Arrested for Murder.
Jacksonville, Fla., Dec. 30. A dis
patch from a detective at work on the
New Symrna murder case states that he
has arrested Irving Jenkins for the mur
der of a family in the Packwood house,
and had him committed to jail at
A. A. Brown,
K . ? full assortment of
Staple and Fancy Groceries,
ana Provisions.
v.'li1ch tic offers at Low Figure..
to Cash. Buyers.
Our entire stock of M:s' Cassimere Suits. $13.00
These comprise our suits that formerly sold for $H, fl6, lis and $20
Our entire stock of Mens' Fine Worsted Suits in boxes. $16.00
These suit sold for lst. J0, 22 and f jr.
Our entire stock of Youths' Suits, long pants $ 7.00
Our entire stock of Boy's Suits, knee pants $ 3.85
A line of Boy's Suits, knee pants, for every day wear $ 1.50
All our Mens' Black Frock Coats $ 5.00
A lot of Boy's Coats. . . $ 1,50
A lot of Boy's Vests $ .05
Oar entire line of Boy's Cassimere knee pants f 1.10
Our entire line of Boy's Cotton knee pants $ .75
All our Mens' fine white and colored laundried shirts $ .95
All our Mens' Shoes on first couuter. $ 1.20
All our Mens' Boots on second counter $ 3.00
All our Mens' Hats in Window. . $1.50
All our Mens' Caps in Window .75. .
Our entire stock of Ladies' French Kid Shoes $ 3.85
Our entire stock of Ladies' Lace Calf Shoes $ 1.40
All our Ladies' Fine Shoes on first counter. $ 1.90
All our Ladies' Fine Shoes on second $ 2.50
Onr entire stock of Cowles Bros'. Fine Kid and Goat Spring Heel
Shoes : ' -
s ' $ 1.10
Sizes 8 to 10' i , 1,40
Sizes 11 to 2 .' $ i,80
Gilt Edge Shoe Dressing $ .20
Our entire stock of Corsets '. $ 1.00
All our stock of Fine Yams $ .12!
This comprises Shetland Wool, Saxony, Coral Yarn, Fairy
Floss, Spanish Wool. ,
All our stock of Bath Towels .... $ .15
Our entire stoek of Ladies' Gosaemere : .
Circulars .75
Raglans 1.50
Newmarkets ....$2.50
Our entire stock of Umbrellas $ 1.25
. You all understand that in this Average Salo
the first comers can secure the better bargains, o
come early, get them, and avoid the rush.
un, 1 marrieu ner to another man.
Picturesque Reformer.
Butte .Miner:
"How to kill the lottery" is discussed
learnedly and exhaustively in the New
York Presx, but that bright journal
shoots wide of the mark. The way to
kill lotteries is to stop buying tickets.
Editors who write labored editorials on
how to kill the lottery, while at the same
time they have a ticket for the drawing
in one pocket, the left hind foot of a
rabbit in another and a rusty horseshoe
; over the door, are brilliant "and pictur
esque reformers.
noon, badly wrecking both engines
the mail and
.tib o aiiu nicujcu Jk UVbll -ii-
1 gines were slightly hurt and the tiassen-
gers given a lively shaking up, but none
Ouiavantiue Against Massachusetts'
Banuoi:, Me., Dec. 29. The Maine
cattle commissioners have posteda quar
antine against Massachusetts cattle be
cause of tuberculosis, but the regulations
6hall not apply to Western cattle com
ing through Massachusetts into Maine
for the purpose of slaughter.
Refused to Pardon Him.
Washington-, Dec. 28. The president
today denied the application for pardon
in the case of Harper, convicted on a
charge of embezzlement of funds of the
Fidelity Savings bank of Cincinnati, and
sentenced in 1887 to ten years imprison
The New Spanish Tariff.
Madrid, Dec. 30. The new tariff
adopted by the cabinet, and which is to
be published January 1, imposes pro
hibitive duties on alcohol and sugar.
It relieves the present burdens on rails
and railway material generally.
French Prisoners at Libert.
Paris, Dec. 30. Five men serving
terms of imprisonment in Montpellier
have made their escape. The warden
of the prison and one prisoner, who is
! supposed to have refused to join the
j others, were found strangled.
Hiahet Cash Prices for Etc ail
leged violation of orders.
One Consolation.
If it should prove true, as announce:!
by Dr. Hamilton, the well-known Phil
' , adelphia physician, that the grippe wil
Drevail in this ennntrv this trintpr in n !
, , - .... ! Will Confer Today.
serious and perhaps an epidemic form
there is some consolation in the fact that i Sax 1 n;'CISC0. 20.-The railway j
Xnother well-known phvsician, a ,esi-1 eiBIlo-ve8 committee here to . assist the I
. -i (.... ' . : . .. 1 t - .-. 1 . .. T 7 ...... 1 ..I
announces that the i ler"i"ltrra " "uii"i""g seiucuieut
"Want an Indian Legislature.
Bombay, Dec. 30. The Indian national
The Texas Kail-way Strike.
Sax Axtosio, Tex., Dec. 29. The en
tire system of the San Antonio & Arkan
sas Pass railway was tied up today by
.i. . . ... i-. i i . i
i nSK. 'ThVtubi; waV'cVused bv I .. in at K-Wr,
tne uiscnurge oi a conductor lor an &i-
Brai Out liflt Aain in Business !
Wm. miGflEIilij
And Embai'ir. tut" attain stnrtpd with a new j
and complete Httck of everything needed In i
the undcrikiTtfr business. Particular
attention to emoxinunj? and
taking ran of the dead. Orders
proii!tlv attended to, day or
Prices as Low as the Lowest
Fluce of business, diagonally across from
Opera Block. m the- corner of Third and Wash
ington Street, fli 1'alles. Oregon
Argand Stoves and Ranges, Garland Stoves and
flanges, Jeoieil's Stoves and flanges, Universal Stoves and flanges.
We ape also agents for the Celebrated Boynton Parnaee.
Ammunition and 'Loaded Shells, Ete.
-j. E. CROWE .
the es-!
tablishinnnt of a legislature in India to I
I which Indian people shall elect repre- i
sentatives. . I
President. Viee-Hreiiiilont. Cahii-r j
First Hatiorial Bank.
Shipwrecked Sailors on a Uuck.
dent of this citv,
best remedy for the disease is a warni
bed and a hot toddy. Louisville Times.
Hut a Matter of Time.
'London, Dec. 30. Truth, Labou
chere's paper, publishes an article on
Canada'? future, drawn out by the
troubles in the province of Quebec.
Truth says it is the manifest destiny of
the Dominion to become anew United
States, or to become, attached to the
great republic. The change is inevitable,
inent has been notified that there
Quebec, Dec. 23. The marine depart- A General Banking Business transact!
1 i ti ..... . .. - i i : .. . . ... c:u.
oi tneir oimcmtv 'viin tne eoutnern i : i j . - t- j
Paciliccontpanv has appointed tom F?.""8
row afternoon as the time to conier with I h J"1' th' 5?S lt, 1 !ong
General Manager Towce. 1 wFhJ"gger which leU St Plene
f Tt is TPlirirtArl nn tnwl nnthnriti' ,it
r " . - .
ltI Sims' ISrother Hanged.
Hi-nrTHA, Miss., Dec. 30. About
o'clock .Sunday morning John Sims,
Bob's brother, was taken from jail at
Butler, Ala., and hanged by a dozen J
men. Siuis protested his innocence, and
said he had done nothine; to deserve such
a fate. .
Rome that diplomatic relations will
soon be resumed with the United States.
That's so Italy has been sulking for
several months ; but as the people of the
United States had about forgotten the
diplomatic rupture, the eame of freeze-
I out has evidently been a failure.
Deposits, "received, subject to Sight
Uratt or Uheck. j
Collections nide and proceeds promptlv I
remitted on day of collection.
Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold oi; 1
New York. Sun Francisco and Port- !
Jeiett's Steel Haw ad Richarison's anl Bojitoa's Famaces.
We also keep a large and complete stoek of
Hardware, Tinware, Granite, Kluevvare, Silverware, l.'udery,
Barbed Wire. Blacksmiths' Coal, Pumps, Pip.v
Packing. Plumber? Supplies, Guns,
Ammunition and Sporting Goods.
D. P. Tziomvson. Jxo. S. Schkhck.
T. W. 8p.tKs. Gko. A. Lieisk.
H. M. Esuu. .
Tinning, Gtin Repairing and Light
Machine Work a Specialty. -